How to glue photo wallpaper with white edges. How to glue photo wallpaper on a wall with your own hands

The question of how to properly glue photo wallpaper becomes relevant when the decision is made to refresh, stylize, and decorate a particular room in the house. Photo wallpaper is bright accent in any interior, capable of creating a general mood in the kitchen, living room, children's room or even in the bathroom.

General information about photo wallpapers

Wallpaper can be found in almost every home and office. Their popularity is ensured by their versatility, accessibility and ease of use. High-quality wallpaper, hung conscientiously, lasts for many years, which is very convenient and economical. And all these years they have been performing the function of decorating and protecting walls from environmental influences. Today there are several types of wallpaper:

  • paper;
  • vinyl;
  • non-woven;
  • velor;
  • liquid wallpaper;
  • textile;
  • for painting;
  • glass wallpaper;
  • 3D wallpaper;
  • photo wallpaper.

Photo wallpaper is wallpaper with an image: a photograph or a drawing. With the help of these images, you can not only place accents in the design, but also visually expand/narrow the space in the room, add coziness and hide the imperfections of the wall. As a rule, they are placed on only one wall in the room. You can also cover the ceiling, floor, doors with photo wallpaper, the main thing is not to make a mistake in choosing required type photo wallpaper.

The site’s masters have prepared a special master class on the topic for you. Step-by-step instruction with exclusive photos and video materials.

The performance characteristics of photo wallpapers depend on the basis on which they are made (paper, non-woven, fabric) and what surface they have. The paper base is less durable compared to non-woven material, but also less expensive. Fabric wallpaper is seamless, they are attached as a single piece, tucked into a baguette. The laminated coating of the photo canvas allows them to be washed, which makes it possible to stick them in the kitchen, bathroom and even in the children's room. Photo wallpapers are also distinguished by texture:

  • Fine sand texture. These are practical, stylish, durable wallpaper, allowing you to transfer almost any design onto them.
  • Coarse sand is the coarsest texture of all, allowing for deep and dense colors to be conveyed. This texture gives a matte finish to the image.
  • The “canvas” texture looks great with bright and saturated colors, so it is appropriate to place an image of a landscape or still life on it.
  • Oil painting is a texture that looks chic. High-quality printing allows you to give a brush effect, as if the wall was painted by hand by an artist.
  • The “plaster” texture allows you to add gloss to the image and a look that imitates a fresco. These are durable and easy-to-use photo wallpapers.

Basics of choosing the right photo wallpaper

Photo wallpaper is a bright “spot” on the wall, so that this spot becomes stylish element general interior, you need to responsibly approach the issue of choosing wallpaper. It is important to take into account several points here: the purpose and size of the room in which the photographic canvas is selected, the color of the furniture and the general prevailing shades in the interior. If this is wallpaper for a children's room, then it will differ from photo wallpaper for the kitchen in subject matter, color, and color saturation. Photo wallpapers should not focus all the attention on themselves, but they should not fade against the background of the overall interior. It is important that they are harmoniously combined with general style and have become an integral design element.

When choosing photo wallpaper you need to consider:

  1. Subject of the image. It is better to think through the topic in advance and coordinate it with the family. Today on the market there is big choice photo wallpapers on a variety of topics: from reproductions of paintings famous artists to stills from movies. You can order your own story from studios that print photo wallpapers. At the same time, we should not forget that the plots should not contradict the purpose of a particular room. Therefore, it is better to choose wallpaper with images of cartoon characters or fairy tales for the children's room, and it is better to leave sea scenes for the bathroom.
  2. Wallpaper color. Color plays a very important role. Thanks to the right selection color range, you can visually expand or narrow the space.
  • For a hallway or corridor, it is better to choose light and cool colors (blue, turquoise, light blue). This is usually small rooms there are no windows, so it is important not to “crowd” the space with dark and deep colors.
  • Light or contrasting photo wallpapers are good for the kitchen. The color of the wallpaper in the kitchen should also not be too dark. The color of the image should not particularly distract from the overall atmosphere of the kitchen, nor should it be annoying. The kitchen is a home, so it should be cozy.
  • In the bathroom you can experiment with colors and shades. Bright and rich colors will be appropriate here if they are in harmony with the overall interior.
  • For your bedroom, it is better to purchase photo wallpaper in soothing, warm and deep tones, so that too bright elements do not interfere with your relaxation.
  • For a children's room, the color of the image should be warm, sunny, bright (but not acidic). All shades should harmonize well.

Some colors create a closer effect (white, orange, pink, red), others create a distant effect (gray, black, blue, purple). Green color is neutral.

  1. Pasting photo wallpapers. When choosing and purchasing, you need to learn all the features of how to properly glue photo wallpaper and select the necessary glue. Sometimes glue is sold complete with wallpaper. You can also purchase self-adhesive wallpaper.

How to properly glue photo wallpaper: important points

After the photo wallpaper has been selected and purchased, it's time to hang it. This is the most critical stage. In principle, if there are ideas about how to glue regular wallpaper correctly, then the task becomes simpler. It will be necessary to take into account some features of the texture of the photo wallpaper, glue and the fact that the overall picture of the photo canvas is made up of several pieces. The entire gluing process can be divided into several stages: preparing the surface, assembling the pattern and marking, working with glue, gluing the canvas.

How to properly glue photo wallpaper - step-by-step diagram

Step 1: Surface Preparation

The surface, as a rule, is a wall, which must be thoroughly cleaned of old wallpaper and plaster. Then prime and apply a new layer of plaster. The goal of this stage is to obtain a flat and smooth wall. At this stage, you should also take care of the room temperature; it should be within +5–20 C, and sources of drafts should be eliminated.

You cannot leave photo wallpaper soaked in glue for a long time, otherwise the canvas will get wet, deform and lose strength.

Step 4: Pasting photo wallpaper

The order of gluing the fragments depends on the form in which the photo wallpaper is presented. If these are rolls, then they are glued from left to right in stripes. If this is a set of squares, then starting from the bottom from the left corner to the right, and the second row in reverse side. Using a rubber roller, the canvas is smoothed and air bubbles are also removed. It is necessary to strictly follow the markings to avoid overlapping joints and distortion of the design. Excess composition around the edges can be easily removed with a stationery knife, and drops of glue on the front side can be removed with a sponge.

In the wide variety of wallpapers and special wall decor, photo wallpapers have always been in a slightly privileged position. They were used for special purposes. This was a way to stick decor and create a whole story or picture on one of the walls, radically changing the perception of the interior of the room. Thanks to the unprecedented flowering of photo-printing equipment, photo wallpapers have acquired photographic quality, in some cases even with a three-dimensional effect.

What are photo wallpapers and how to hang them

At its core, photo wallpaper is a huge photo, printed on separate sheets, which, to be “assembled,” must be glued to the wall, like a puzzle. The specifics of gluing such a set differ from regular wallpaper a number of specific requirements:

  • Almost always, thin paper is used in photo wallpapers, which is why outside all the imperfections of the surface appear in full view;
  • Each fragment of the image needs to be joined as accurately as possible with the edges of neighboring sheets; it depends on how developed your eye and joining skills are, whether you can glue the whole picture without losing proportions, tilts or the appearance of a grid of light joints;
  • It is very difficult to peel off, correct the position and re-glue individual fragments on the wall due to the fact that photo wallpaper paper very quickly absorbs the glue and loses its strength.

Comment! There are photo wallpapers made on a non-woven base. For such photo wallpapers, it is not a problem to paste each of the fragments several times.

In addition, there are so-called designer photo wallpapers. Most often, the image on such wallpaper is made to order, printed on special equipment, which allows you to reduce the number of fragments and adjust the overall size of the picture strictly to the size of your wall on which the masterpiece will be glued. They cost an order of magnitude more ordinary materials, it’s easier to glue them.

How to properly glue photo wallpaper to a wall with wallpaper

Pasting photo wallpaper on walls that already have wallpaper decor is no more difficult than on regular surface. But provided that it is carried out proper preparation and processing of wallpaper on which it is planned to apply a new layer of wallpaper with a photograph.

Preparing the wall before gluing photo wallpaper

To properly hang photo wallpaper, you need to perform a number of preliminary procedures:

  1. There is no point in gluing photo wallpaper to a wall with wallpaper that has poor adhesion to the main wall, so you should first eliminate problems with the strength and quality of the base. Often, vinyl, non-woven or non-woven plaster may have problems with adhesion strength to plaster. Any wallpaper used as a primer should first be carefully glued in places where there is lag, especially joints, and bubbles and “humps” should be removed;
  2. At the next stage, you should evaluate how much the wallpaper relief can appear on the surface of the photo wallpaper. For photo wallpaper on a non-woven basis, this point is less critical, but in any case, you can glue a test piece from the photo wallpaper onto the wallpaper base and check the result;
  3. No less important is color scheme wallpaper on which you plan to glue photo wallpaper. The small thickness of the paper base of a new picture can lead to the development of the base, especially if the photo wallpaper is made light colors, and the base of the wallpaper has a dark contrasting pattern. For control, you can use the same method as in the previous paragraph.

Advice! Perhaps the list of problems with preparing the wall before gluing photo wallpaper seems too much for you, in this case you can go the other way and paste the picture on the plaster before starting work with the main wallpaper.

If the pattern and relief of the main wallpaper appears through the thin base of the picture, it will be possible to prepare the surface using several additional treatments. First, within the area marked under the picture, we remove all rough relief using a vibrating sanding machine, trying not to tear the panel itself or leave marks. Next, old wallpaper can be tinted in several layers with white paint or a primer of wallpaper glue and dry white.

How to mark on a wall

Before you begin the preparatory work, you should make the correct markings, according to which you can accurately and accurately glue each fragment of the picture. Almost always it is indicated on the packaging with photo wallpapers actual size images, width and height in millimeters. To do this, using a tape measure and a plumb line, we determine the left and right borders, the top and bottom of the future photograph. It would be correct if, before gluing the photo, you remove the plinths from the future gluing site.

Using a carpenter's square with long legs, it is necessary to check the mutual perpendicularity of the sides on the completed marking of the outline of the picture. Inside the contour along the perimeter we will draw a second border, with the dimensions of the sides reduced by 5 mm. In this area it will be necessary to carry out everything preparatory procedures, described above.

Upon completion of the preparation, using a square, a plumb line and a tape measure, we will mark out a large outline into cells, into each of which we will then paste our own fragment of the drawing. To eliminate possible distortions, check the vertical lines at the building level.

Putting up photo wallpaper is easy, but labor-intensive

The procedure is not particularly difficult. First, the wallpaper with the picture can be laid out on a clean surface in the order of the sticker. In the accompanying instructions, the manufacturer describes the order in which it is best to glue the fragments. This will prevent wallpaper glue from getting on the surface of the picture and speed up the process.

The procedure itself is not much different from working with ordinary wallpaper. The reverse side and the section of the wall receive their portion of glue, and after the recommended time you can glue each one into its own sector. After aligning the borders, excess glue is carefully removed with a clean cloth.

Important! Photo wallpaper, like no other decor, is extremely sensitive to the quality of preparation of the adhesive mass; before gluing the sheets, it is necessary to carefully beat and mix the glue several times to eliminate lumps.

Often, individual sectors of the picture come with a white screen - a border framing the image on the fragment. Moreover, the image may be duplicated in neighboring areas. In this case, the easiest way is to measure the distance from the border of the image on one sheet and the distance from the edge to a similar image on the second. Before gluing the second sheet, its position is shifted by the amount of the measured displacement. Next, just use a ruler and a stationery knife to carefully cut and align the joint between the sheets.

If we do everything correctly, our picture will protrude beyond the prepared surface onto the wallpaper by about 5 mm. We use the resulting option to form an even and high-quality joint between the main wallpaper and the picture.

If you have non-woven wallpaper as your main wallpaper, you can use the old repair recipe. In this case, at the stage of marking the contour of the future picture, the area prepared for preliminary procedures is cut with a sharp knife along internal line perimeter. Next, the surface of the wallpaper is intensively wetted several times until the paper layer swells. Through short period time, carefully separate the outer layer of wallpaper from the main layer that remains glued to the wall.

The cut piece without wallpaper needs to be thoroughly dried and primed with glue, and you can paste the picture. Next, we proceed in the order described at the beginning of the paragraph.

There is another type of photo wallpaper, made on a reinforced base with polymer fibers. A special feature of such wallpaper is the presence of an adhesive layer pre-applied to the back of the picture. This allows you to stick them on the wall in any conditions. If ordinary wallpaper decor requires warmth and the absence of drafts, then the improved version can be glued even to dust-free concrete, without any preparation.


Photo wallpaper is difficult to glue if the selected location or wall has problems with geometry, most often these are corner or ceiling sections of the wall. But this does not stop enthusiasts of 3D images on the walls. The picture is especially effective if you paste it on two adjacent walls.

Every person may have a moment when he suddenly realizes that he is tired of what he sees around him every day. But this understanding does not always entail a readiness to radically change the interior and completely remodel the apartment. Then luck comes to the rescue design solution– replacing the usual wallpaper with photo wallpaper. And if during the first finishing of a new building apartment there is no doubt about the need for rough preparation of the walls, then during subsequent cosmetic repairs The volume, cost and dustiness of the work cause justifiable panic. There may also be a need to cover not the entire wall with photo wallpaper, but only a section of it (as an option - a photo panel). In these cases there is logical question: Is it possible to glue photo wallpaper onto old wallpaper? The answer to this can only be positive if strict conditions are met.

Important! Despite the fact that the new canvases are planned to be glued to the old ones, the wall will still have to be prepared, and the preliminary work will depend on the materials of both coatings.

Conditions for gluing the second layer of wallpaper

If you plan not to remove the old one from the wall finishing material, and update it by gluing photo wallpaper, then first you need to make sure that following conditions, mandatory for this type of repair work:

  1. During the previous gluing, the surface was prepared, that is, leveled using plaster and putty.
  2. The first layer adheres firmly to the wall (especially at the joints), there are no defects or tears.
  3. Old wallpaper must be moisture resistant, that is, when applying glue to it, the paint layer should not dissolve and leave marks.
  4. If the existing coating is textured, then the depth of the relief should not exceed 0.2–0.3 mm. Even subtle differences in height can distort the picture, especially when it comes to fashionable 3D photo wallpapers.

If the wall covering meets all the conditions, you can proceed. Well, what if old material does not suit at least one of the points - alas, this idea will have to be abandoned.

Selecting photo wallpaper

When choosing photo wallpaper for gluing on a wall with wallpaper, you should focus on the material of the existing coating.

  • If on the surface there are light paper sheets glued with high quality, this is perfect option, the photo wallpaper material can be anything. In this case, the glue applied in several stages will saturate both the old material and the wall underneath it, which means that the glued layer of photo wallpaper of any density and texture will adhere well to such a surface. You can use either non-woven fabric, paper, textile, non-woven fabric.
  • In the case where the opposite situation exists, and the new canvas is supposed to be glued to vinyl wallpaper, as well as dense and heavy non-woven wallpaper, for the second layer it is better to choose a high-density paper-based coating.

Advice! When choosing photo wallpaper, it is worth considering that too soft pastel shades of paper material may not be able to hide the previous finish, so it is better to use brighter and more contrasting images.

How to hang photo wallpaper

The only difference between working with photo wallpapers and gluing ordinary canvases is preparatory stage. In addition to perfecting the working surface of the wall, it includes its precise marking to eliminate errors when joining the pattern.

Preparatory work

To prepare the wall, you must complete the following steps:

  1. Carefully glue (even reliable at first glance) joints of old wallpaper.
  2. Putty over defects (most often a finishing mixture is sufficient).
  3. Degrease “suspicious” stains.
  4. Prime the wall.
  5. After 24 hours, you can begin marking and gluing new finishing material.

Surface marking

Each kit, as a rule, contains a description and a list of sizes of canvases with drawings, as well as recommendations regarding the gluing process.

  1. Using a tape measure, the required height of the entire picture is measured and marked on the wall in the place where it is planned to locate the center of the picture.
  2. Then measurements are taken along the width of the canvas, and using a level they are marked clear boundaries each part of the drawing.

Choosing glue for photo wallpaper

The choice of wallpaper glue directly depends on the density of the coating materials. If the first layer is paper, then it is enough to follow the manufacturer’s recommendations indicated on the packaging. Typically these are the following types of glue:

  • Composition for light wallpaper, used for paper sheets.
  • Adhesive for heavy wallpaper material, suitable for coverings made of textiles, vinyl, non-woven fabric.

If there is a base layer of increased density (even if the material to be glued is on a paper backing), it is recommended to choose “heavy” types of glue. When a special composition is used for photo wallpaper, it is usually included in the proposed kit.

Advice! In order to simplify gluing and make the adhesion of new wallpaper to old more reliable, it is recommended to add PVA glue to the prepared solution, approximately 10–15% of the total amount.

Gluing process

  • After drying, a special finishing coating can be applied to the surface to protect the image from fading.

In the room where you plan to apply photo wallpaper, there should not be the slightest air movement for at least a day, and the temperature should be maintained in the range of 15–20 degrees.

The desire to decorate their home is common to the vast majority of people. There are many options for realizing this desire, from time-consuming and expensive to quick and relatively cheap options. One of the most common and effective ways to decorate an interior is photo wallpaper, which creates an area in the room that visually enlarges the room, attracts the eye and makes the interior more elegant. To obtain the optimal result, you need to know how to glue photo wallpaper and be able to choose the right materials and tools.

Types of photo wallpaper

Those existing today are very diverse in their quality and material. They have different properties and require different attitude, gluing technologies.

Choice of base material

When choosing a material, you need to take into account all the parameters and properties so as not to make annoying mistakes.

Properly selected photo wallpapers can add uniqueness to the interior

Vinyl based

The material is resistant to moisture and easily tolerates ultraviolet irradiation. Such qualities make the material durable. Care vinyl photo wallpaper is simple and does not require large expenses. The material is dense and can hide some imperfections on the wall surface.

Photo wallpaper on vinyl based resistant to impact sun rays

Paper based

Inexpensive option for photo wallpaper. The paper does not tolerate moisture; when exposed to direct sunlight, the design often fades, and some color shades disappear. Glue paper photo wallpaper more common, but extreme caution should be exercised.

When gluing paper photo wallpaper you will need skill and accuracy.

Non-woven base

The most preferred option. Non-woven photo wallpapers are breathable and resistant to moisture. Exposure to the sun's rays does not pose a serious danger to them. For residential premises, photo wallpaper on non-woven fabric is considered the optimal solution.

Non-woven photo wallpaper is one of the highest quality


This type of material has a realistic effect of covering a wall with fabric. The technology for producing such wallpaper is quite complex, so they are highly valued. The material consists of an outer decorative layer made of various types woven or nonwoven fabric, and a base intended for applying glue. Upper layer has all the disadvantages of fabric - it fades in the sun, is not resistant to moisture. The use of such wallpaper is recommended for rooms where there is no direct sunlight and exposure to vapor is excluded. Care textile wallpaper requires specialized, delicate.

Textile wallpapers are very expensive

Variety of textures

There are several criteria for dividing wallpaper according to the texture of the top layer.

The textures of photo wallpapers produce different visual effects


The surface of the material is embossed, repeating the texture of the canvas. Small irregularities make the wallpaper matte, which allows you to hide the unevenness of the walls and masks flaws. But the material should not be used to correct imperfections in the wall surface. Folds, bubbles and other irregularities will appear on the canvas pasted onto an uneven wall. Wallpaper creates a feeling of softness, warmth, and is well suited for rooms of any type and purpose.

Such photo wallpapers have embossing and roughness


An imitation of a live drawing made with a palette knife or painted with a brush is used. The surface may have the effect of oil painting, formed by special embossing, or have a smoother texture (depending on the material).

This technique for making photo wallpaper uses an imitation of a living drawing.

Sand texture

A convex pattern is created on the surface, imitating the relief of a sandy coating. Repeating different texture fractions is used. This allows you to diversify the surface and create many options for filling the canvas area. Photo wallpapers simulating a sandy surface are the most common.

Photo wallpaper with a sandy texture creates a relief effect


Relief surface that allows you to create interesting options wall decoration. For example, they turn out well various ways imitations of frescoes, the texture of the relief covering of the walls is successfully repeated. The overall effect of such photo wallpapers is distinguished by solidity, respectability, and allows you to create a certain emphasis on certain areas of the walls.

Plaster allows you to create unusual paintings on the walls

With 3D effect

Photo wallpapers with a 3D effect are the most in an effective way decorate the room. They have a highly expressive three-dimensional rendering of the design. Such material can visually expand a room, create the effect of the presence of flowers, areas of nature, various phenomena or city streets. There are several types of 3D photo wallpaper:

  • Standard. Simple drawing with geometric shapes(usually) not requiring adjustment of sheets.
  • Singles. Consist of one piece, no adjustment required.
  • Panoramic. Consist of many fragments, may have big size and cover 2 or 3 walls, creating the effect of being inside a panorama.

3D effect creates a realistic drawing

There are fluorescent options that can produce a soft, discreet light in the dark, creating a mysterious effect. The most expensive are LED photo wallpapers, which consist of millions of small LEDs controlled from a remote control. It becomes possible to change the image at will. Such a spectacular, expensive design is not exactly wallpaper.

How to properly glue photo wallpaper on a wall with your own hands

The technique of gluing photo wallpaper differs little from the generally accepted method of gluing ordinary wallpaper. The difference lies in determining the location and following specific rules. It is necessary to use the appropriate types of glue, take into account the characteristics of the material, and properly prepare the surface of the walls.

The right choice of materials and tools is the key to successful wallpapering

Required tools and materials

To hang wallpaper, you can get by with a minimal set of tools:

  • stationery knife;
  • ruler (preferably metal, 1 m long);
  • plumb line, building level;
  • brushes for applying glue;
  • clean rags;
  • a stepladder or other plane for easy gluing of the top sheets;
  • rubber roller for rolling sheets. For paper photo wallpapers, you can use foam rubber.

Attention! Sometimes inexperienced craftsmen try to make do with a clothes brush instead of a roller. It is not recommended to use it, as there is a danger of damage to the front surface. In addition, the brush is not able to ensure high-quality removal of air bubbles from under the adhesive fabric.

You also need to prepare the following materials:

  • special primer for better adhesion of wallpaper glue. The use is optional, but some surfaces do not allow wallpaper to be properly glued due to the nature of the coating.
  • wallpaper glue. It is strongly recommended to purchase only specialized formulations intended for specific type wallpaper Modern materials have quite high quality, allowing you to firmly and without flaws glue canvases to walls. For heavy vinyl or non-woven wallpaper, it is necessary to use thicker adhesive solutions to prevent the canvas from slipping or coming off during rolling. The amount of glue should ensure sufficient application on both the wallpaper sheets and the wall surface.

Surface preparation

The process of preparing a wall largely depends on its initial condition. Depending on this, it may be necessary to completely plaster the surface along the beacons or eliminate minor defects using putty. The plastering technology consists of two stages:

  1. Installation of beacons. These are metal strips attached to the wall on posts made of plaster or mortar, which will be used as guides when laying out the plane.
  2. Applying plaster. Between the beacons a layer of mortar is applied slightly thicker than the distance from the wall to the beacons. This layer is then aligned using a rule. After setting, the beacons can be pulled out of the wall and the resulting grooves can be filled with mortar. Sometimes beacons are left in the wall.

Plastering the surface along beacons may be necessary for large defects on the wall

The putty is applied with a spatula. Used when there are small irregularities, potholes or other small flaws. The thickness of the putty layer should be small; it is recommended to make 1–2 mm of the starting composition and 1–0.5 mm of the finishing composition.

Minor wall irregularities can be corrected by applying an even layer of putty.

After leveling, you should mark the wall to determine the optimal position of the photo wallpaper.

A good place for the drawing is pre-selected taking into account the presence of furniture, which may obscure some of the details of the image. For marking, use a simple pencil of medium hardness. It is not recommended to use felt-tip pens or markers; their ink can penetrate even thick materials.

Often, photo wallpaper is pasted on top of the main layer of wallpaper. The possibility of implementing this option depends on the quality of the wallpaper, its condition and material. The coating must adhere firmly to the wall, without loose or torn areas. It is not recommended to use material with high relief embossing as a substrate; bright or fading materials are not suitable for paper photo wallpaper.

It is necessary to choose a brighter and catchier pattern than the old wallpaper. In some cases, the issue can be solved using photo wallpaper with a self-adhesive layer that does not contain moisture and does not have a negative effect on the substrate. At the same time, the technology for gluing such canvases requires caution and accuracy; one person cannot cope with this.

Features of gluing seamless photo wallpaper

This category usually includes fabric seamless photo wallpaper. They are designed for decorating large surfaces and have large area and installed in one piece, without joints. The peculiarity of installation is that there is no traditional gluing; installation is carried out like a tapestry - in a baguette frame. The principle is close to the installation of fabric suspended ceilings, adjusted for vertical plane. This option is convenient for walls with certain defects, since the stretched canvas well masks potholes and dents in the surface, allowing you not to repair them.

The method of gluing seamless wallpaper is close to installing suspended ceilings

There is another way of gluing seamless photo wallpaper, which is close to the traditional one.

The canvas is glued to the wall, coated with adhesive and left for about 15–20 minutes so that the glue thickens a little. This will prevent the composition from seeping through the fabric.

The canvas is installed with a vertical or horizontal allowance of 5–10 cm for subsequent precise cutting to size. In order not to skew the design, vertical lines are first applied to the wall every 1–1.5 m, along which the position of the canvas and the design is controlled. This helps eliminate distortions that occur when certain areas of the fabric are over-stretched.

Features of gluing photo wallpapers from 4, 8, 12 parts

Photo wallpapers, consisting of several parts, are pasted one by one. You must first sort out the individual fragments and number them to avoid confusion during gluing.

Find out in the instructions how to glue the fragments - end-to-end or overlapping.

If end-to-end installation is provided, then usually there are no white edges. For overlapping installation, there is often a narrow white strip along the edges of the parts. It should be carefully cut off, and when gluing the fragment, the overlap should be no more than 4–5 mm.

Constantly monitor the work using lines or a level drawn on the wall in advance.

When gluing photo wallpapers made up of parts, you must adhere to the order according to the numbering

Individual fragments coated with glue are installed on the surface as evenly as possible, trying not to warp or move the parts.

Important! You cannot fold parts of photo wallpaper in half; this will leave a noticeable strip that is difficult to remove.

Step-by-step work for different types of photo wallpaper

The technology is generally identical for all types of material, but there is a need to comply with some requirements. They are related to the characteristics of the material, its structure, number of layers, weight and other qualities of photo wallpaper. Besides, important has the original condition of the walls, the presence of old (or pre-pasted) wallpaper, and other factors that must be taken into account to obtain the highest quality result.

The main difference is the material of the photo wallpaper; it is this that dictates its requirements for gluing technology.

To apply photo wallpaper correctly, you need to take into account the recommendations for the selected type

Paper based

Paper photo wallpapers are demanding on the quality of the wall. This especially applies to thin glossy canvases; their surface glares at the slightest irregularities and creates the impression of sloppy, low-quality work. Thicker embossed photo wallpapers are less demanding on the condition of the substrate, but the wall must be prepared in any case.

  1. On the prepared surface flat wall markings are applied. Experts recommend doing it from the middle, since the walls are often uneven and asymmetrical. Vertical and horizontal are applied center lines, if necessary, additional marks can be applied. This may be necessary when large quantities fragments.
  2. It is recommended to apply glue both to the wall and to sheets of wallpaper. The layer must be kept for 3 minutes or a little more for uniform absorption and some expansion of the paper from exposure to moisture. If this point is not taken into account, the canvases will begin to expand on the wall, causing folds or bubbles to appear.
  3. Gluing begins with the middle sheets. They must be numbered first to avoid confusion when applying glue. You should constantly check the position of the fragments relative to the control lines and immediately align the parts without waiting for the glue to set.
  4. Paper wallpaper should be dried at closed windows and doors. Be sure to eliminate all drafts; the room temperature should be about 18–20°C.
  5. After drying, carefully trim the edges using a ruler (if necessary).


Vinyl wallpaper is quite heavy and demanding on the quality of the glue. The current compositions are quite suitable for most types of material, but it is still necessary to study the instructions. Some types require the use of specific adhesive compositions; this point should be clarified first.

  1. The wall is prepared as usual. The old wallpaper is removed, the surface is leveled (putty or solid plaster).
  2. A layer of primer is applied to a flat surface to ensure optimal adhesion of the glue and wallpaper, eliminating absorption adhesive composition into the wall.
  3. The wall plane is marked along the axes of the intended location of the photo wallpaper. First, you should carefully consider the height and position of the drawing relative to the vertical center line of the wall. This point is especially important for small canvases that do not cover the entire wall. It is necessary to take into account the location of furniture, lighting, viewing angle and other factors that can change the impression of photo wallpaper.
  4. The adhesive composition is diluted according to the instructions. It should be such that it does not soak into the wall, holds the canvas and allows even application without lumps or unevenness. Apply to the wall and wallpaper, do not fold the sheets.
  5. The fragments are glued end to end. Vinyl wallpapers often have a large thickness and voluminous embossing, which eliminates the possibility of overlapping gluing. Joint lines should be given special attention. There should be no cracks or gaps. In some cases, you have to make a small overlap, and after the glue has dried, cut the fragments twice (cut both sheets using a ruler at the same time, resulting in a perfect joint).
  6. After the canvas has dried, trimming along the contour, trimming the edges, and adjusting the photo wallpaper to ceiling plinth or other wall decoration elements.

The joints of photo wallpaper fragments must be carefully adjusted

Important! Do not cover immediately adhesive layer the entire surface of the wall, or an area that is too large. Once the glue has set, it loses its ability, so you need to cover an area of ​​the appropriate size.


The technology for gluing non-woven wallpaper differs little from the technique for installing vinyl sheets.

  1. First, the wall is thoroughly prepared, surface imperfections are eliminated, potholes, cracks or other problem areas are repaired. All attached items should be dismantled and any protruding nails, screws, brackets or mounting panels should be removed.
  2. The prepared wall should be carefully primed. If the wall material is loose and strongly absorbs moisture, you must first apply a layer of primer (primer). deep penetration), then coat with a primer to enhance the adhesion of wallpaper glue and fabric.
  3. After the primer has dried, the wall is marked. The location of the photo wallpaper is determined and the vertical and horizontal center lines are drawn.
  4. The adhesive composition must be prepared in accordance with the instructions. Most often, it takes some time to obtain the finished glue, so you can dilute it in advance, using the holding time to perform other work (marking, sorting fragments, etc.).
  5. Glue is applied only to the wall. It is recommended to cover an area approximately equal in size to a sheet of wallpaper. One of the central fragments is applied first, then all neighboring ones - and so on until complete installation canvases.
  6. If the photo wallpaper consists of one part, gluing is done from one edge, carefully straightening the canvas and constantly monitoring the position of the sheet, compliance with the axis of the marking and the pattern. It takes two people to work; large canvases cannot be installed alone.
  7. Drying the glue requires constant room temperature within 18–20°C, complete absence of drafts or air currents.
  8. After the glue has dried, the edges are finally trimmed and adjusted to the decorative elements.

Pasting 3D photo wallpaper

Volumetric photo wallpaper requires high-quality wall preparation. It is necessary to eliminate all flaws; even small potholes can spoil the effect of the canvas.

Preparations should be made several days before wallpapering.

  1. Apply a layer of antifungal primer (if the instructions require it - double layer). This is a required item because volumetric photo wallpaper do not allow air to pass through. A damp spot may form on the wall underneath and mold or mildew may develop.
  2. After the putty and primer layers have dried, the surface is marked for more accurate installation of the sheet.
  3. For volumetric wallpaper glue is used that can hold heavy types of fabrics. It hardens quite quickly and holds the material firmly, so you need to be prepared for quick and non-stop installation: sort the fragments (if any), prepare the tools, organize the presence of two or three assistants.
  4. The glue is applied only to the wall. The canvas is carefully applied to its surface and spread over the entire plane. Use a rubber or foam roller to remove wrinkles and air bubbles.
  5. If the 3D wallpaper was made to order, then trimming the canvas will not be required. The main condition is the correct choice of location, ensuring the most favorable viewing angle, and the absence of pieces of furniture obscuring the photo wallpaper.

Video on the topic

Features of care

Photo wallpapers do not require any special care. If the canvas is located in the living room or bedroom, then periodically carefully brush off the dust using a vacuum cleaner or dry cloth.

Photo wallpapers need regular care, just like other walls in the room.

Photo wallpaper in the kitchen often requires more radical measures.

Most types of photo wallpaper allow wet cleaning surfaces. The rag must be damp and not saturate the material. Usage detergents is specifically stated in the user manual, different types allow the use of appropriate chemicals. The use of active chemicals (solvents, gasoline, etc.) is strictly prohibited.

Photo wallpapers can significantly change the appearance of a room. They create a powerful information area that attracts attention, dominates the room and distracts from the rest of the interior. This feature must be taken into account when choosing a pattern and installation location of the canvas in order to get the maximum decorative effect and organize a harmonious filling of the room.

Becoming again topical issue how to glue photo wallpaper. Wall covering comes back into fashion with a wide range of designs. However, the technology of gluing walls with this material has its own peculiarities.

What tools are needed to hang photo wallpaper?

Before you start gluing photo wallpaper, in addition to the canvas, you need to prepare equipment.

For achievement best result you will need the following:

  • A stepladder or a stable stool (if your hand can reach it).
  • A clean rag or rubber roller to smooth the fabric.
  • Glue and container for diluting it.
  • Roller or large brushes for lubricating the canvas. You will need a small brush to brush up the loose joints.
  • Ruler, pencil, building level or plumb line, tape measure for marking walls.
  • Stationery knife or scissors.

What glue should I use to glue photo wallpaper?

A universal adhesive is not suitable for covering walls with photo wallpaper. They can only be glued with special glue, otherwise the work done will not bring results. It is not necessary to chase foreign manufacturers. With the right approach to selection, you can purchase a high-quality and reliable composition of a domestic brand.

Basic selection rules

  • Firstly, the glue should not have a strong, repulsive odor.
  • Secondly, it is recommended to give preference to a moisture-resistant composition - this will protect against the appearance of fungus and dampness under battles.
  • You need to pay attention to the drying time.
  • High-quality and reliable glue dries quickly.

There are several types of photo wallpaper. It is recommended to glue each of them with a composition intended for a specific material.

  • Paper web It can be glued with universal or paper glue without any problems.
  • And for frescoes and laminated photo wallpapers You will need a special composition for heavy vinyl wallpaper.

Those who are going to hang photo wallpaper for the first time are advised to remember the unspoken rule: the denser the material, the thicker the adhesive needs to be diluted. It’s ideal when it’s the same brand as the photo wallpaper.

Surface preparation

Before pasting it is necessary to carefully prepare the walls. The degree of preparatory work depends on the initial state of the surface.

  • If the wall is smooth, without visible defects, you can immediately glue the canvas. For obvious unevenness and cracks, you will have to plaster the wall, otherwise all the flaws will appear through the photo wallpaper. After plastering, walk finishing putty and cover the walls with a primer in neutral tones.
  • Before you start gluing, It is better to remove dirt, dust, cobwebs. Ideally, use a vacuum cleaner. This will ensure a tight fit and adhesion of the canvas to the wall.
  • It is not recommended to glue photo wallpaper onto old flooring.. It’s better not to be lazy and peel off the wallpaper - it won’t bleed through, and it’s unknown how two different materials will behave in the future.
  • A painted wall as a whole is not an obstacle to pasting, provided that the paint is light and adheres perfectly. And peeling paint must be completely removed.
  • When choosing light coating It is worth pre-painting the wall with a white acrylic primer.
  • Wallpapering is allowed after the paint has completely dried.

Video instructions for preparing walls

Step-by-step DIY gluing instructions

There should be no draft in the room during and after work. You cannot glue photo wallpapers while the air conditioner or fan is running. Optimal temperature air in the room is within 22-25 degrees. The actual pasting process depends on the type of photo wallpaper.

One canvas

When choosing seamless photo wallpaper, it is good when the dimensions of the canvas fit within the area of ​​the wall to the nearest centimeter. If the picture less area walls, you need to place it in the center so that there is an equal distance from the edges to the floor, ceiling and corners.

Gluing solid photo wallpapers on your own is difficult; you will need at least one person to help hold and smooth the canvas.

Pasting process

  1. Remove sockets, switches and other protruding elements.
  2. Apply adhesive to the wall 2-2.5 meters forward.
  3. Apply the wallpaper tightly, gradually smoothing it out.
  4. Secure the canvas from below and above with special slats - this will prevent deformation of the picture.
  5. Apply glue to the second section of the wall.
  6. When applying the canvas, control the position of the pattern to avoid skewing.
  7. Continue gluing the canvas using a similar pattern. When covering the entire room with one sheet, carefully make the joint.
  8. Cut off the remaining wallpaper with a utility knife.
  9. Cut holes for sockets and switches, doorways and window openings.
  10. After 24 hours, remove the fixing strips.

Video instructions

Cut wallpaper

This type of photo wallpaper is available in several versions. The drawing can consist of 4, 6, 8, 9, 12 and 16 parts. The more fragments, the more difficult it is to glue the canvas, because there must be a perfect joining of the parts of the picture.

How to glue cut photo wallpaper?

Video instructions

Self-adhesive photo wallpaper

Despite the name, the technique of gluing such wallpaper is distinguished by the complexity of the process. It is better to glue together, otherwise there is a big risk of ruining the canvas. The canvas itself consists of a sheet with a backing attached to the bottom. It protects the adhesive side from drying out.

Step-by-step instruction

Features of ceiling pasting

Before work, you need to prepare the ceiling. If it is uneven, you will need pre-finishing(plastering). Ceiling photo wallpapers consist mainly of squares and are glued like a puzzle.

Algorithm for pasting the ceiling

  1. Lay the sheets out on the floor and number them to avoid confusion.
  2. Trim the white margins around the edges.
  3. Mark the ceiling - each marked square must match the size of a sheet of wallpaper.
  4. Spread the ceiling and glue the squares, observing the order.

The nuances of pasting a door

Before pasting it is necessary to prepare the working surface. The door must be degreased, cleaned, handles and other protruding elements (if any) removed.

Nuances of door pasting:

  • If you use cut wallpaper, you can get by with one sheet.
  • Solid photo wallpaper must be cut to the size of the door, taking into account the bend.
  • It happens that a composition consists of several sheets. Here you first need to try on the pieces, mark the door and start gluing.
  • Self-adhesive photo wallpapers should be glued from the top.
  • When gluing regular sheets, apply glue to the door, press the wallpaper tightly, and smooth it out.
  • Cut off the excess with a utility knife.
  • Return upon completion of work door fittings in place.

Pasting photo wallpaper on the door (video)

In the absence of experience, there may be a fear of ruining the material and doing empty work. There are several recommendations for beginners that will help avoid standard mistakes:

  • People who do not have experience in covering walls should not opt ​​for self-adhesive photo wallpaper.
  • While working, your hands must be clean - any contamination is very noticeable and difficult to remove.
  • The guarantee of successful pasting is glue. Ideally, you need to choose wallpaper and adhesive from the same manufacturer.
  • Preliminary finishing of the walls is required (removal of old coating, plaster, putty).
  • Particular attention should be paid to corners.
  • After lubrication, the sheets should be glued immediately, and not held.
  • The overlap on the wallpaper should not exceed 2 mm.
  • It is necessary to smooth the canvas from the center to the edges.
  • Photo wallpaper takes a long time to dry - it is not recommended to open windows indoors for 2-3 days after pasting is completed.
  • And most importantly, the design of the canvas should fit harmoniously into the interior of the room.

Covering walls with photo wallpaper seems complicated at first glance. But if you approach the process with maximum responsibility, prepare equipment and materials, a positive result is guaranteed. There are also quite a few videos on the Internet that describe step-by-step the technique of gluing photo wallpaper.