How to cook millet porridge in water? Delicious millet porridge on water. Cooking millet porridge in water

Many of us know that porridge is the “second bread”, because it is prepared from grains and cereals and has been an integral part of the people’s diet since ancient times. It seems to be a simple, uncomplicated dish, but even the most ordinary millet porridge on water contains great amount fiber, which stimulates work digestive system, vitamins and minerals. By the way, millet is superior to cereals such as barley and rice in terms of protein. In addition, porridge, as a dietary product, can and even should be fed to children, teaching them to this dish from a very early age.

You can serve millet porridge as a side dish for lunch or dinner, or for dessert or breakfast if you add dried fruits, nuts, sugar or honey.

How to cook millet in water?

Before asking the question “how to cook millet,” it would be good to rinse the grain first. And you should wash it thoroughly, because millet can be very dirty. It should be filled cold water until the water becomes clear, then you can steam it with boiling water. If you do not steam the cereal, then crumbly millet porridge in water may not work, because the grain must be swollen. Plus, it is better to cook millet in a container with a thick bottom, to avoid burning, and with a small amount of water, only then the porridge will turn out crumbly.

Millet porridge with water - recipe

Each cereal has its own proportions so that the porridge is a success. Millet is cooked in water at a ratio of 1:2, i.e. For one part of millet you need to take two parts of water. But, you can use more water if you like thinner millet porridge; in this case, determine the proportions “by eye”, depending on the consistency you need.

  • millet cereal – 1 cup;
  • water – 2 glasses;
  • butter - to taste;
  • salt - to taste.

Fill the millet with water and cook over low heat. When the water boils, add salt, cover with a lid and cook until the water has completely evaporated. If the water evaporates quickly during the cooking process and the porridge is not ready yet, then add boiling water. Add a piece of butter to the prepared millet porridge in water, stir and serve. Yes, and don’t skimp on the butter, because it’s not without reason that they say “you can’t spoil porridge with butter”!

As you can see, the basic recipe for delicious millet porridge is quite easy; then you can add your own “zest” by imagining and experimenting with various additives.

Millet porridge with raisins

There is nothing for children for breakfast healthier than porridge. But how to accustom them to this healthy dish, which is not loved by all children? Add sweet additives - raisins, dried apricots, nuts, honey, apple, pumpkin. In addition to the fact that all fruit ingredients are delicious, they are also healthy for children, and adults will not refuse such an amazing dish as millet porridge in water with raisins or dried apricots.

  • millet cereal – 1 cup;
  • water – 2 glasses;
  • raisins – 100 g;
  • salt - to taste;
  • sugar – 3 teaspoons;
  • cinnamon - to taste.

We wash the millet well, add water, when the water boils, add salt and cook until almost done. Soak the raisins in water or cold tea, dry them, add to the cooked porridge along with sugar and cinnamon and put in the oven for about 15 minutes. Done – a delicious breakfast is on your table!

You can prepare millet porridge with dried apricots. Dried apricots also need to be soaked for 15-20 minutes in water to swell, and then cut into small pieces. By the way, instead of sugar, honey is perfect, especially since for diabetics it is simply a salvation, not to mention its beneficial properties for all other gourmets. Millet porridge with honey is an excellent breakfast that will charge you with vivacity and energy for the whole day.

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Corn porridge is full useful substances which are so necessary for every person. That is why it is recommended to cook it for breakfast - because then the body receives a charge of vivacity and energy and is ready for a whole day of work. Let's talk about how to make corn porridge with milk.

Corn porridge is prepared not only with milk, but also with water. Yes, yes, you heard right. Moreover, when prepared in this way, it turns out very tender, soft, crumbly and melts in your mouth. We will present the recipes for this dish in this article.

Porridge is a source of many beneficial substances that our body needs. For this reason, you should not cross them out of your diet. Make it a rule to cook porridge at least a couple of times a week. Which one should you cook? Yes, any! For example, barley.

Barley porridge with milk is very easy to prepare, and therefore it is often made for breakfast. And she is also very useful. So if you decide to watch your diet, we advise you to pay attention to this article, in which we will talk about milk barley porridge.

Millet does not grow as an independent crop. It is a secondary product after purification of millet, which our distant ancestors ate with great eagerness, because they clearly understood the value of this product.

Today millet is one of the cheapest cereals, but this does not diminish its advantages.

Millet is another grain that has undeservedly been forced out of the “bins” of modern housewives by other products. Perhaps due to the fact that it gives an irritating bitterness, overcooks or, on the contrary, becomes unpleasantly hard...

But all these are just the consequences of improper handling of cereals. After all, if you know a good step by step recipe How to properly cook millet porridge with milk, you can get an excellent dish.

Millet porridge is not inferior to others in terms of its enormous content of microelements and vitamins. In cereals you can find vitamin B2, which promotes hair growth, strong nails and improved skin condition.

You can also note the presence of iron and calcium, which are responsible for good condition skeletal system.

In addition, millet porridge is not an allergenic product, and therefore it can be safely included in the diet of people suffering from food allergies or diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and it is also ideal for small children.

But for those who are overweight, there is only one drawback to this porridge - it is very high in calories. Therefore, you should not abuse it, but only occasionally indulge yourself with a variety of flavors, provided that you know how to cook millet porridge with milk.

Subtleties in cooking

In order for millet porridge for breakfast to charge you with energy, give you strength, and most importantly give you pleasure, you must follow a few generally accepted rules:

  • Millet should be washed “in seven waters”, and the penultimate one should be hot, and before cooking, the cereal should be doused with boiling water, this will help get rid of the bitterness that is present in the grains. It is better to do this through a fine sieve, then the water will drain completely and not a single grain will be lost.
  • Proportions must be observed. Initially, you need to pour a lot of water into the cereal, but after the cereal has boiled until half cooked in a few minutes, this water will have to be drained. This is another way to remove bitterness from cereals.
  • The milk must be added hot so that the cereal, while languishing in it, opens up and becomes softer.
  • To appreciate all the benefits of millet, it should be prepared using different recipes, ingredients and cooking methods.

Millet should not be stored in the sun, otherwise it will lose all its taste qualities, becoming sour. Before purchasing, be sure to check the expiration date; expired grains will certainly add additional bitterness to the grain.

One of the most common and most used is classic recipe preparing milk porridge. To do this you will need:

  • one glass of millet;
  • 30 gr. butter;
  • two glasses of milk;
  • two tablespoons of sugar;
  • two glasses of water;
  • a pinch of salt.

First you need to prepare the cereal. Rinse it in several waters until the liquid becomes clear. Then pour boiling water over the millet. After this, pour it with plenty of water and put it on the fire, which after boiling, reduce it.

How long does it take to cook porridge in water? The answer is simple - until half cooked, it all depends on the intensity of the fire and the quality of the cereal.

After this, the liquid is drained, and the cereal is poured with hot milk, butter and sugar are added. Next, the porridge is cooked until completely cooked, approximately 20 minutes.

The ideal option would be to then place the container with the finished porridge in a preheated oven for a few minutes so that it completely steams and the grains open.

If necessary to cook thin porridge for a child, then you should choose yellow grain, and if the child wants crumbly millet, then it is more advisable to choose grain of a dark shade and, of course, control the amount of water and milk.

Millet from a slow cooker

Cooking in a slow cooker helps not only to save cooking time, but also to relieve the housewife from constantly monitoring to ensure that the porridge does not burn. If you choose the most suitable recipe, then in a slow cooker you can quickly, easily, and most importantly deliciously cook not only millet, but also rice porridge. If you have previously cooked only on the stove, you will be able to appreciate the cooking process in a slow cooker.

Ingredients you will need: one glass of cereal, twice as much water, about 30 grams of butter, salt, sugar as desired.

Initially, the cereal must be sorted and washed thoroughly. Place the prepared millet in a bowl, add water, add salt and sugar, and close the lid. How long does it take to cook millet porridge in a slow cooker?

It all depends on the model of the equipment, but generally in the “Porridge” mode it will take about 20 minutes. After cooking the porridge, you should open the lid, mix everything thoroughly, you can add a little more oil, close it again and let it sit for a few more minutes.

With pumpkin

You can diversify the classic recipe using pumpkin by adding it to the porridge during cooking. Pumpkin goes well with millet, giving it a soft, sweet taste. For this you will need: half a kilo of pumpkin, one glass of cereal, three glasses of water, 30-50 grams. butter and, of course, salt and sugar.

Properly cooked millet porridge is tasty, nutritious, and most importantly - healthy dish. This porridge is “accommodating” (sounds great in tandem with any tasty additive) and is versatile (suitable for preparing main, sweet dishes and side dishes). So how to cook millet correctly so that this cereal becomes one of your favorites in your home diet?

How to cook millet - learning to choose the right grain

Millet dishes will turn out to have the correct consistency and good taste if you follow these rules:

  • Choose grains according to the future dish, that is, if you plan to cook delicious porridge- choose bright yellow millet; if you make a casserole, choose pale millet.
  • Pay attention to the packaging times for cereals. Millet is a product that quickly loses its taste due to its high fat content. If the millet is old or the storage conditions were not followed correctly, the cereal becomes rancid (this can be easily eliminated if you pour boiling water over the millet, or dry-fry it in a frying pan) and bad smell.

How to cook millet - cooking tricks

There are some tricks, knowing which you will prepare universal porridge. It can subsequently be supplemented with any ingredient (cottage cheese, honey, meat, dried fruits, pumpkin, fruits, fried lard, onions, etc.):

  • Before cooking, millet must be sorted, cleaned of all kinds of foreign inclusions, and carefully several times until clean water, Rinse.
  • You need to cook the cereal in a fairly deep container (during cooking, the volume of millet increases 3-5 times), over low heat.
  • For cooking crumbly porridge, keep the proportions of millet to water 1:2, for viscous - 1:4.
  • Millet porridge will be ready in about 30 - 40 minutes, after the water boils.

How to cook millet - traditional cooking method

Cooked millet porridge traditional way you can eat it as an independent dish, or use it as the main ingredient for, for example, milk porridge. In order to cook millet porridge, prepare the cereal, place it in a saucepan and add water in the standard ratio (1:4). Cook over medium heat, covered, until tender, 20-30 minutes. After that, add salt, add oil and keep on the stove for another 10 minutes. If necessary, add water during cooking.

How to cook millet - cook in pots

Wheat porridge cooked in pots has an unsurpassed delicate taste and aroma. To cook cereals, use deep pots (note that millet increases 5 times during cooking). Place required quantity millet into a pot, immediately add salt and oil. Fill with water according to the already known proportion (1:4) and leave to simmer in the oven for 30-40 minutes at 180 degrees.

How to cook millet - cook in the microwave

  • prepare the cereal;
  • place it in a sufficiently deep container;
  • pour millet with water in a ratio of 1:4;
  • turn on the microwave oven at maximum power;
  • Boil the cereal for 5 minutes. After stopping the process, add salt to the porridge, stir it with a fork (loosening it) and boil for another 3-5 minutes;
  • Season the dish with oil, stir it again and leave to steep under the lid for 5-8 minutes.

How to cook millet - milk porridge

Millet porridge cooked with milk is a worthy competitor to milk porridges cooked with other cereals.

To get delicious milk millet porridge, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 1 glass of millet, sorted and thoroughly washed to clean water;
  • 2 glasses of milk and water;
  • butter (1-2 tbsp.);
  • salt, sugar to taste.

This dish is very easy to prepare. To do this, you will need to drain the water from the millet cereal that has already been boiled in water, add the remaining ingredients and the required amount of milk. Place the container with porridge in a preheated oven for 40 minutes.

Despite all the usefulness of millet, do not forget that it has its contraindications. Do not get carried away with eating millet dishes if you suffer from increased acidity stomach or a tendency to constipation. Enjoy “sunny” porridge regularly and in moderation, then this product will bring maximum benefits to your body.

Fill the kettle with water and leave it to warm up, and in the meantime, rinse the millet 3 to 5 times. Pour boiling water from a kettle over the cereal, observing the proportion: for 1 glass of millet you need to take 4 glasses of water. Add a little salt, cover the pan with a lid and place on low heat. Cook the millet for 25-30 minutes after boiling, then it will turn out crumbly. If you cook porridge, then after 20 minutes add milk to it and cook for another 10 minutes.

How to cook millet

  • Clean the millet from debris and dark grains.
  • Wash the peeled millet in boiled water warm water- change the water several times so that it ultimately remains clear after washing the cereal.
  • Pour water into a pan without an enamel coating, based on the ratio that one glass of cereal requires 4 glasses of liquid.
  • Place a saucepan of water over medium heat and let it boil.
  • Change the heat to low, add millet, cover with a lid.
  • Cook for 20 minutes.
  • Open the lid, salt the millet with half a teaspoon of salt, add water if necessary, and keep on the stove for another 10 minutes.
How to cook millet in the microwave
1. Place the washed millet in a microwave-safe bowl.
2. Pour half the prepared water over the millet, based on the ratio that for one glass of cereal a total of 4 glasses of liquid are needed.
3. Place the bowl with the cereal in the microwave and cover the bowl.
4. Turn on the microwave for 5 minutes.
5. Stir the millet, add the remaining water, add half a teaspoon of salt, and cook for another 2 minutes.
6. Stir the cereal again and cook in the oven for another 2 minutes.
7. Leave the millet to brew under the lid for 5 minutes.

How to cook millet in a double boiler and slow cooker
1. Place the washed millet in a multicooker bowl or steamer bowl.
2. Pour water over the cereal, based on the calculation - for one glass of cereal, a total of 4 glasses of liquid are needed.
3. Salt the millet with half a teaspoon of salt and add a square of butter.
4. Turn on the steamer or multicooker for 40 minutes, cook without stirring.

When cooking millet in a slow cooker, it is recommended to place a steam pan on top.

How to cook millet in pots
1. Place the washed millet in ceramic pots, taking into account that the volume of millet during the cooking process increases 5-6 times.
2. Fill the millet in the pots with water, based on the calculation - for one glass of cereal you need a total of 4 glasses of liquid.
3. Salt the millet with half a teaspoon of salt and add butter.
4. Close the pots, place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees, cook for 25-30 minutes.


- When cooking millet increases 5-6 times by volume.

Millet is boiled on low heat so that it does not burn on the pan.

Best used for cooking washed millet in warm water, and after cooking it is better to rinse the millet with hot water boiled water.

If you are cooking millet porridge, first pour the millet into boiling water, and only then, when the millet becomes semi-cooked (after 15 minutes), pour milk into the saucepan and cook in milk until tender (another 10-15 minutes).

- Price millet - from 35 rub. (average for Moscow as of June 2017).

- Calorie content millet - 342 kcal/100 grams.

Millet is very healthy for health - eating millet protects the body from diseases circulatory system and liver. Millet contains a large number of vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), and the content of this vitamin in millet is twice as high as in buckwheat and oatmeal. Vitamin B6 helps to better absorb unsaturated vitamins in the body fatty acids, normalizes the metabolism of fats and proteins. Along with calcium, pyridoxine normalizes the functioning of all muscles, primarily the heart, and promotes their effective relaxation. It has been scientifically proven that a lack of vitamin B6 can cause inflammation of the middle ear. Millet does not contain gluten, so dishes made from it can be consumed by people who are allergic to this protein.

Boiled millet children can be given from one year of age.

Don't be confused millet with wheat. Millet is processed millet.

- How to choose: give preference to cereals that have yellow and does not contain foreign particles (garbage). It is better to choose cereals packaged in original packaging, this will help avoid purchasing a low-quality product.

- How to store: It is necessary to pour the millet into a tightly closed container made of ceramics or glass and put it in a dark place. Millet should not be stored for a long time, since it contains a high fat content, which, oxidizing during long-term storage, gives millet a bitter taste and unpleasant odor.

To make millet dishes weren't bitter, it is recommended to rinse it in warm water because cold water the fat won't wash away. In this case, you need to rub the millet well between your hands, mechanically removing fat from its surface. The cereal should be washed several times until the drained water is completely transparent. Another way to get rid of bitterness is to pour water over the millet, let it boil and then drain the water with the dissolved oxidized fat.

Millet as a side dish for meat, fish, poultry or a vegetable base not only provides variety for the table and diet, but also considerable benefits for the health of household members. Knowing how to properly cook crumbly millet, you can use this cereal not only in morning porridge, but also for festive table in baked or fried foods.

From this article you will learn:

Millet as a side dish: how to cook it at home

The processing procedure for a side dish is, in general, similar to porridge. The main thing is to make a crumbly, rather than sticky, dense mass. To achieve this, it is enough to properly organize the processing process. Or - select the desired cooking settings if the cereal is made in a slow cooker.

When boiling classically on the stove, you need to take water and millet in a ratio of 2:1. Moreover, you should not fill in all the liquid at once, because there is always the possibility of introducing a deficiency. For those who have gained sufficient experience in cooking millet, these ingredients will be more than enough. But for beginners, before cooking millet for a side dish, they should improve the water with a small amount of butter. It will melt and form an oily film around the grains, which will prevent them from sticking together. It has also been noticed that the darker the color of the cereal, the easier it is to cook crumbly millet from it.

Before immersing millet in a pan, it is recommended to prepare it in order to get rid of bitterness. In some cases, this may not be enough, and you will have to soak it in water for 5-7 hours. But repeated rinsing in cool water may be sufficient until the liquid stops becoming cloudy.

After preparation, the grains are poured into a cooking vessel, filled with water in a ratio of 2 to 1, and placed on the burner. By the time the liquid boils, you need to turn the cooking over to a low flame, remembering to work with a spoon to avoid burning. When the moisture boils away, you need to taste the grains and add water if they are still hard. When the product is ready, which usually occurs after 20 minutes, remove the dish from the stove and keep it covered for another quarter of an hour.

How to properly cook millet for a side dish in a slow cooker

Less troublesome, but more time-consuming, millet as a side dish is made using a slow cooker. The ingredients needed for a pure side dish are the same: 1 measure of millet, 2 measures of water.

Pre-processing of millet can be carried out as described in the recipe above, or you can use the express method. First, it must be washed under cool water until it stops becoming cloudy, and then doused with boiling water. Next, the grains are sent to a sieve and rinsed directly in it with water from a cold tap.

Then the millet is transferred to the bowl of the culinary device and filled with the appropriate amount of water. Oil and, if desired, salt are also added. For correct processing You should select the “Pilaf” or “Porridge” mode in the settings with a time setting of 55-60 minutes.

After the sound signal about the end of cooking, you should switch the device to the heating mode and keep it on it for another third of an hour.

How to deliciously cook millet as a side dish in a double boiler

To make crumbly millet in a double boiler, you need the same products. The algorithm is similar:

  1. Wash the cereal, carry out procedures to remove the bitter taste, and rinse again.
  2. Place in a steamer container. Fill it with water so that the liquid slightly covers the grains. If you pour more, the millet will boil too much.
  3. Add butter, salt, granulated sugar.
  4. Lock and start processing for 40-50 minutes.

Simmer the side dish made using this method Extra time optional - it is already ready for instant serving or serving.

Delicious side dish of millet cereals and vegetables

This recipe allows you to make a universal side dish from millet that perfectly complements fish and meat bases. And when consumed separately, this dish is perfect for a diet, as it has a calorie content of only 27 kcal per 100 grams.

What products do you need:

  • 200 g millet;
  • 240 g carrots;
  • 290 g onions;
  • 1.5 teaspoons dried garlic;
  • 2 glasses of water;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil;
  • ground black pepper;
  • ½ teaspoon turmeric.

You will also need a large frying pan, chosen taking into account the fact that the cereal will increase in volume several times. It’s good if it also has a double or triple bottom, as this will allow the product to steam more gently and retain all its taste. Old cast iron frying pans are good for this.

Preparation procedure:

  1. Rinse the grains repeatedly to remove rancidity. You can resort to scalding, as indicated in the above recipes.
  2. Peel the onion and chop into small cubes.
  3. Peel the carrots and chop them either into strips or into cubes with edges up to 5 mm.
  4. Prepare a frying pan and sauté the onion in it for a couple of minutes. vegetable oil(small addition of water is allowed).
  5. Add carrots, turmeric, garlic (dried) and pepper to the onion, stir everything thoroughly. Leave to simmer for another 5-7 minutes.
  6. Pour washed millet into the vegetable mixture and mix with other ingredients of the dish.
  7. Pour 400 milliliters of water into the pan and stir so that it can soak everything.
  8. Cover the frying pan with a lid, turn the flame to the smallest level and cook, turning the dish regularly, until cooked.

Video: how to cook millet as a side dish with vegetables