How to grow aster in peat tablets. Growing petunia in peat tablets

Peat tablets have long been no longer a novelty among gardeners. Many people are familiar with this device; some summer residents have even tried it out several times. And yet, even with a large number detailed information, few people still know how to use peat tablets for seedlings correctly. That's what we'll talk about today.

Which peat tablets to choose

The first thing a gardener has to deal with is purchasing the tablets themselves. You don’t have to read the ingredients, because all manufacturers have practically the same ingredients and rarely differ. These are peat, fungicides and fertilizers.

It is important for you to choose the correct tablet diameter. They range from 2 to 7 cm in size. And the main thing here is not to make a mistake. It all depends on what exactly is intended to be grown. For example, a seven is too big for a petunia, but a two will be too small for a tomato.

Some summer residents, looking at the tablets, think: “Bah, they’re moldy!” This is mistake. A whitish coating on the outside, similar to a mycelium or cobweb, is nothing more than a forming mesh. Without it, the tablet will simply fall apart when wet. By the way, some manufacturers are guilty of not having such a mesh. In principle, its presence is not at all necessary if you have a container exactly the size of an individual tablet. The peat isn't going anywhere. But then, when transplanting, in any case you will have to disturb the root system of the seedlings. It is logical to assume that why spend money on buying a tablet if you can simply pour peat into a container and plant the seeds.

Therefore, in the store, be sure to choose those manufacturers who do not skimp on the forming mesh. By the way, it does not decompose in the ground. But at the same time, it does not harm or interfere with the roots. Therefore, before transplantation, the mesh can not be removed from the tablet, but only cut on one side. In the fall, when harvesting plant debris, pull the stem out of the soil and throw it away along with the net. It's simple.

What else do you need to buy?

Manufacturers offer special cassettes for peat tablets. No doubt, they are very comfortable, ideal in diameter and height. But they take up plenty of space. By the way, when placed in a cake lid, the tablets take much less area, than would be in cassettes. But the thickness of your wallet plays a major role here. It is she who decides whether you need such an additional device, or whether you have other containers in stock.

Therefore, you will have to buy seeds and a spray bottle. It is the most convenient for watering. The fact is that one of the disadvantages of peat tablets is that the top part dries out too quickly. At the same time, the lower part is still wet. Therefore, watering into a pan will only aggravate the problem, but will not solve it. A spray bottle will allow you to moisten the peat tablets from above, without fear of knocking down young seedlings with a strong stream of water.

Perhaps that's all you need to buy. Some sources also recommend purchasing a propagator. This is such an abstruse container with a lid and heating to create a certain microclimate. We consider this purchase an unnecessary luxury and not an essential necessity. The propagator can be perfectly replaced with a foam pad under the container and cling film or glass on top of the container.

How to prepare tablets for planting

You will need:

  • clean warm water
  • tablespoon
  • container
  • peat tablets
  • 30 minutes of free time
  • enthusiasm

Place the peat tablets in the container so that they do not touch the walls very tightly. No need to squeeze them in. Let them insert freely. Now take clean warm water and pour 2 tbsp into each tablet. l.

By the way, do not confuse the top and bottom of the tablet! The recess for the seeds is located on top and is always clearly visible. After watering, wait 15 minutes. Do not be alarmed that the “test subjects” will begin to grow sharply in height, while hardly increasing in diameter. That's how it should be.

Then add another 1 tbsp. l. and wait another 12-15 minutes. Now drain excess liquid, which appeared at the bottom of the container. That's it, the tablets are ready for planting.

How to plant seeds correctly

Remember: 1 peat tablet - 1 seed. You should not try to cram 2, 3 or more in order to save expensive material. Yes, yes, peat tablets are not cheap. The sprouts simply do not have enough space and nutrition for normal development. And then you come across reviews like this: “I tried these pills of yours, it’s complete nonsense. And I only planted 3 peppers in each. The plants were weak, sick and did not take root well.” We don't need such savings.

Now, as for the seeds. Sowing in tablets is not much different from sowing in the ground:

  1. Large ones - by hand. We deepen it by 1-1.2 cm.
  2. Small ones - with a match or toothpick. We pick it up with a wet tip and lay it on the surface.

After planting manipulations, cover the container with tablets with glass or cling film. Then we put it in a warm, dark place until the first shoots appear.

How to care for seedlings in peat tablets

Yes, exactly the same as for a regular one. If you see that the sprouts are starting to hatch, then immediately move the container to a bright place. Otherwise they will begin to stretch out. Ventilate the container periodically to prevent condensation from creating excessive humidity. As soon as the plant gets stronger, it will be possible to remove the cover completely.

The most convenient way to water peat tablets is from a spray bottle. This will allow you to dose water without fear of flooding the sprouts.

And further. Don't forget to put insulation under the container. For this you can use:

  • foam plate
  • thin board
  • piece of cork sheet
  • underlay for laminate
  • thick woolen fabric
  • several layers of newspaper

Why are such tricks needed? The fact is that root system sprouts are still too weak. It gets supercooled very quickly, and then a black leg cannot be avoided. A additional insulation below will allow you to forget about this problem.

How to properly plant seedlings with tablets

Well, the long days of waiting are over. The sprouts rose and became stronger. It's time to plant them in a greenhouse or open ground. How to determine this moment? Very easy. Lift one of the peat tablets. Do the roots break through the mesh, but the sprout itself has 3-4 true leaves? Means, next stage has arrived.

You will need:

  • seedling
  • spatula
  • utility knife (optional)
  • 2 hands
Procedure. Use a spatula to dig a hole large enough to freely install the peat tablet. Pour a little water. Then take the seedlings in one hand and with the other stationery knife carefully cut the mesh. Be careful not to spill the tablet. Next, place all this stuff in the hole and cover it with soil. Try not to bury plants other than tomatoes. They can be planted under the very cotyledon leaves.

Now you need to slightly press the soil around. All that remains is to lightly water the new home and mulch the ground with humus or whatever you are used to. As you can see, everything is doable even for a beginner in farming.

By the way, about cutting the mesh. This is not at all necessary, because it does not interfere with the growth of the root system at all. Moisture and fertilizers also flow to the plant completely unhindered. But some summer residents strongly recommend tearing the mesh. It is not clear what they are guided by. Therefore, the choice is yours.


  • less dirt
  • more convenient to transport
  • no need to fertilize
  • take up little space
  • treated for diseases
  • easy to transplant seedlings
  • can be used for rooting leaves and cuttings
  • the root system is not damaged
  • take up little space when stored


  • are expensive
  • dry out quickly
  • occupy a large area in cassettes
  • not sold everywhere
  • may become covered with moss
  • unjustified expenses for large quantity seedlings

Here are the main things you need to know when you buy peat tablets for seedlings rather than ready-made soil. Which also needs to be additionally treated against larvae. harmful insects and pathogenic bacteria. Otherwise, you will need to water it with regular water, spread out the seeds and wait. A little care and healthy strong seedlings you have in stock. Use it and enjoy the ease of care.

Now you know how to use peat tablets for seedlings. All that's left is to buy them required quantity and follow our recommendations. We assure you that a rich harvest is guaranteed!

Video: growing seedlings in peat tablets

Exists great amount species and varieties of asters that attract gardeners with their variety of shapes and special splendor, incredible beauty and pickiness in handling. It’s not for nothing that annual and perennial specimens are rightfully considered one of the most popular flowers in summer cottages.

Growing aster in seedlings through seeds at home is painstaking work and a future generous reward that will certainly follow if you do everything correctly and responsibly, so first you should familiarize yourself with the basic nuances of planting and caring for asters.

How to choose or independently prepare aster seeds for planting as seedlings

Today on Internet sites and large ones, in a sense garden stores, such as Auchan Garden, Leroy Merlin or OBI, aster seeds are represented by a huge variety of varieties and species, but you can also always collect them from your neighbors in the country or in flower beds in the city in the fall. The main advantage of self-collection planting material is its unconditional freshness and understandable quality.

Note! Aster seeds retain the ability to germinate for only 2 years.

How and when to collect aster seeds with your own hands?

The timing of collecting aster seeds depends on its varietal and species and usually falls somewhere on the 45-65th day after the start of active flowering. Due to the fact that in late-flowering varieties their flowering may be delayed until the first frost, it will be much easier to obtain seed material from the buds of early asters, in which little children have had time to form and mature well much earlier.

Therefore, in early varieties, dry baskets of formed inflorescences are used for seeds, collected only in sunny weather. You simply won't find them in the rain. The heads of late asters must be cut off in advance before the onset of the first ones. subzero temperatures and store at home until the buds wither. In the best way will be transplanting one of the bushes into a suitable container and bringing the flower to maturity in room conditions. Collected seeds wrap in newspaper and store in a dry and warm room.

Choosing a variety for planting

Asters are both perennial and annual.

Perennial asters come in three broad varieties: spring (early), summer (mid) and autumn (late).

The only aster is an early flowering species (blooms in May-June):

Medium flowering (bloom in July-August) are:

Late flowering (flowering occurs in September-November) are presented below:

Annuals can be classified into low-growing (up to 25 cm in height), medium- and tall-growing varieties (up to 80 cm).

So, low-growing ones are ideal for beautifying paths in country garden, flower gardens, also flower beds. Among them are: the royal dwarf aster, which belongs to the imbricated type. The needle type includes the following varieties: Malyshka border, Leto, Vologda lace, Autumn Olympics and many others.

Tall ones are usually planted for their sake further cutting (for example, for sale), so they are planted in groups in separate specially organized flower beds.

Medium- and tall-growing varieties include peony-shaped asters: White and Blue Tower, Apollonia heavenly, Rosanna, Gala, Violet turm. Of the needle-shaped ones, it is worth special mentioning: Naina, Assol, Carmona, Night Star, White Nika, Timiryazevka, Yubileinyaya White, Blue-Eyed, Blue Frost, Isadora. Pompons are represented by the following varieties: Beatrice yellow, Hai-no-Maru, Winter cherry, Harlequin, Foyertot.

How to sow asters for seedlings with seeds

By the way! There is no difference in growing and sowing seedlings of annual and perennial aster.

When to plant seedlings: timing and time

Growing aster through seedlings is explained by its long growing season. So, early varieties begin to bloom only 90 days after planting, A late can only begin the flowering process 120 days after sowing. Therefore, it is advisable to sow asters for seedlings starting in March, so that they will delight you with their flowering in June-July.

By the way! Annual asters start blossom approximately 3-4 months after planting, while perennial covered with colorful buds only for next season.

According to the lunar calendar

This can help you choose the optimal date for sowing aster seeds. Moon calendar.

So favorable days for sowing annual aster in 2019 according to the Lunar calendar are:

  • in January - 17-19, 23-27;
  • in February – 6-8, 11-17, 21-25;
  • in March – 12-17, 19-20;
  • in April – 6-8, 11-13, 15-17; 29-30;
  • in May - 8-17, 21-23, 26-28;
  • in June - 1, 2, 5, 6, 9-13, 16-20;
  • in July - 8-10;
  • in November - 6-8, 13-18, 24-25.

Favorable days for sowing perennial aster in 2019 according to the Lunar calendar are:

  • in January - 14-19, 23-27;
  • in February - 11-13, 20-25;
  • in March - 12-17, 19, 20, 27-30;
  • in April - 6-8, 11-13, 15-17, 24-26, 29, 30;
  • in May - 6-8, 10-17, 21-23, 26-28, 31;
  • in June - 1, 2, 5, 6, 9-13, 16-20, 27-30;
  • in July - 8-12, 25-31;
  • in August - 2-6, 17, 18, 21-23, 26-28;
  • in September - 1-5, 7-10, 17-24;
  • in October - 4-7, 9-12, 19-21, 23-25, 27;
  • in November - 13-18.

Unfavorable days lunar calendar for 2019 for sowing annual and perennial asters are the following dates:

  • in January - 5, 6, 21;
  • in February - 4, 5, 19;
  • in March - 6, 7, 21;
  • in April - 5, 19;
  • in May - 5, 19;
  • in June - 3, 4, 17;
  • in July - 2, 3, 17.
  • in August - 15, 16, 30, 31;
  • in September - 14, 15, 28, 29;
  • in October - 14, 28;
  • in November - 12, 13, 26, 27.

According to the lunar calendar from the magazine “1000 tips for a summer resident.”

Preparing aster seeds for planting: processing

In appearance, the seeds of perennial, as well as annual aster, look quite massive, so you should not have any problems with sowing them.

However, before planting, aster seeds must be properly prepared and processed. You can, in particular, soak for a couple of hours in a weak solution potassium permanganate and then dry.

But more effective means To protect future aster seedlings from diseases, they will be treated in a special fungicide, for example, you can use things like , Fitolavin, Baktofit, Maxim or Klad.

By the way! Store-bought seeds, which are sold in the form of pills or capsules (they are also called pilled), do not need to be processed; the manufacturer has already done this for you.

Preparing the container and soil

Containers for planting and growing seedlings can be any pots, plastic or wooden boxes, plastic cups, homemade cut-out containers from milk cartons. The main thing is that their depth reaches 7-11 cm.

Advice! Before planting, disinfect the planting containers with one of the antiseptics, such as Biotex or Ecobio, then dry.

An airy and fertile substrate that easily allows both air and water to pass through is ideal for aster. You can prepare it yourself or buy it ready-made in the store.

Recipe for preparing a soil mixture for sowing aster seeds at home:

  • 1 part of land from the garden;
  • 1 part humus;
  • 1 part sand.

It will be very good if you steam them or heat them in the oven, and then add a little perlite and wood ash to the resulting mixture at the rate of 1 cup per 1 bucket of substrate. And immediately before sowing, generously saturate the soil with a solution of 1% potassium permanganate, or even better.

Direct planting of seeds

After the aster seeds have been treated before sowing, you can begin to plant them as seedlings. in the following way:

Video: sowing aster seeds for seedlings

By the way! Another way to plant our beauty as seedlings is to sow seeds in snail.

How to care for asters after planting seeds

Shoots will appear in about a week or even earlier on the 5th day (less often later - on the 10th day). Now it’s time to remove the shelter and move the container with young seedlings to a cooler place where the temperature does not rise above 14-16 degrees.

Watering and fertilizing

It is necessary to moisten the soil regularly, as it dries, it is best to use a spray bottle.

Important!If you don’t want the aster seedlings to be picked up black leg, and she is very susceptible to this fatal disease, do not under any circumstances over-moisten the soil, take breaks and let it dry.

Young flower sprouts need to be watered carefully - they should not be washed away during watering.

Due to the fact that the aster seeds have already been planted in nutritious soil, fertilizing the young seedlings is not at all necessary. Perhaps 2 weeks after replanting (picking), you can lightly water it with an infusion of wood ash or a solution of ammonium nitrate at the rate of 2 g of fertilizer per 2 liters of water. Be careful with nitrogen fertilizers that stimulate the growth of green mass, otherwise the aster will not bloom profusely and not soon.


The time to pick aster seedlings comes when 3-4 true leaves appear. The seedlings must not be allowed to grow too long.

The picking containers are filled with the same substrate as before. A small depression is made in the center for seedlings.

Young seedlings need to be transplanted one flower into each container. In this case, the distance between the ground and lower leaves should be approximately 8-12 mm.

Video: how to dive asters(please note that the author made a serious mistake by planting 2 seedlings at once in one small container, so in the second video he had to re-pick)

After replanting, it is necessary to carefully (without touching the leaves) water with warm room water. Then place the pots in a well-lit room with an air temperature of +19-21 degrees. It is important that the picked seedlings are not exposed to direct sunlight for some time.

That's all the care for aster seedlings before transplanting into open ground!

When and how to plant aster seedlings in open ground

The appearance of new true leaves on an aster is a clear signal that the plant needs to start hardening off. This can be done in 2 ways: take it outside or simply open the window and let it in. Fresh air into the room. Naturally, this needs to be done gradually, and not all at once.

Aster seedlings are planted in open ground when the plants reach 6-8 centimeters in height and have 5-7 vigorous leaves.

It's time to prepare the bed for planting. Asters grow well in non-acidic and light soils, the place should be well lit, the plant loves sunlight.

Advice! It is important to loosen the soil well in the area - this will greatly facilitate planting and improve their survival in a new place.

Best time and the weather for landing is a cloudy morning or evening when the sun has set.

Planting seedlings of young asters is carried out as follows: plants with lumps of earth are placed in pre-prepared holes, and the distance between plantings should be selected depending on the type and expected size of the future flower, that is, it can vary from 20 cm to half a meter. To better retain moisture, mulch the ground around the seedlings. Both sawdust and peat will do.

Video: planting aster seedlings in open ground

After 1-2 weeks, you should fertilize the newly planted aster seedlings. As a rule, complex mineral fertilizers that do not contain nitrogen are used for this. Nitrogen fertilizers should be used only in the bud formation phase.

Important! No way it is forbidden use asters as fertilizer fresh manure- this is a direct path to the fact that the plant will become ill with fusarium and die.

All further care of the aster, as well as the essence of its cultivation in open ground, comes down to regular watering and loosening the soil around the plants. But care, namely watering, needs to be done correctly - water should not get on the leaves of the flowers.

If your region has snowless winters, be sure to cover the asters in the fall with spruce branches or some other covering material so that they do not freeze during the winter.

Video: asters - planting and care in open ground

Planting aster seeds in the ground in autumn (seedless method)

Some gardeners prefer sowing aster seeds directly into the ground in the fall due to the fact that the plants grow stronger, get sick less and begin to delight with their flowers earlier than when growing aster through seedlings.

Asters should be planted in autumn in slightly frozen soil. Thus, optimal timing Planting before winter will be in October - the first half of November.

What needs to be done before autumn sowing asters:

  1. Dig up the soil in the garden bed, adding about 2-3 kilograms of peat (or humus), and also adding 1 tablespoon of superphosphate. Here the bed is formed!
  2. Now you need to make 2 cm grooves at a distance of 15 cm from each other (parallel).
  3. Then place the seeds one at a time every 2 centimeters, and sprinkle with soil on top.
  4. Cover plastic film and forget until spring.

When the return frosts recede (in different regions this occurs at different times, but usually occurs in the second half of April - early May), and the first shoots of asters will appear, the film will need to be removed and further care will be carried out in the open ground.

Video: how to sow asters in the fall before winter

To grow an aster from seeds at home for seedlings, and then to care for flowers in the open ground, no extra effort or special training is required; it is enough for a novice gardener to familiarize himself with the recommendations and requirements for proper cultivation flower and actually get down to business. After all, a beautiful and blooming garden plot cannot but please the eye.

In contact with

Planting asters with seeds is a simple matter. If you don’t like unnecessary worries, then simply sow them on the plot in open ground; you can sow flowers even in winter. After the seedlings have sprouted, they are planted in the right places. But there is one thing! The fact is that sowing in open ground significantly delays flowering, and the sprouts can also be damaged by unfavorable weather conditions. After all, seeds can begin to germinate quite early in April-May, and at this time frosts and other weather disturbances are still possible. It is also not recommended to plant asters before winter, because they can freeze. It is better to use seedlings.

Preparatory work before sowing aster

Before you start planting, it is worth noting the fact that aster sprouts best from young seeds. Germination rate is worse in two-year-olds and so on. Therefore, please pay attention to the date at the time of purchase.

Also, for beginners in this business, it is important to find out not only the answer to the question of how aster is grown from seeds, but also when to plant flowers. Sowing, as a rule, is carried out from the second ten days of March to the second ten days of April. But this is already the deadline. Sowing dates are best determined by the lunar calendar. Never plant any plants during a full moon.

Seeds can be sown in a common container, but now many have begun to practice sowing in peat tablets, which contain the most optimal nutrient soil.

The advantages of this method are:

  • ease of landing, as everything preparatory work before sowing, this means filling the tablets with water;
  • With this method of planting, you don’t have to get your hands very dirty, collect spilled soil, or worry about the optimal balance of nutrients during its preparation;
  • The biggest advantage of peat tablets is that there is no need for picking.

Planting aster seeds for seedlings in a common container is also relevant. Therefore, what to choose is up to you. We will describe the technologies below.

Sowing aster for seedlings in a common container

If you are planting flowers in a common container, then simply pour soil into the container. Lightly tamp it down and moisten it with a spray bottle. You can buy soil at a gardening store. Suitable for universal flowers.

For information!

Asters are absolutely unpretentious to soils. They grow on all kinds. Perhaps the flowering is a little better and the green mass is thicker on light and neutral soils. Therefore, you can use garden soil for planting, adding a little peat, sand or humus, if available.

After the soil is filled and moistened, aster seeds are scattered over its surface. Next, press them down lightly with your palm, but do not cover them with soil on top. For germination seed material Need open light. The containers are covered with cling film, a transparent plastic bag or glass and placed on the windowsill.

Aster grows very quickly. In less than a week, around day 5-6, your seedlings will be born. Further, they will grow very quickly. When the sprouts appear, the film is removed. If you planted in ordinary land, and not in a special soil, then when the seedlings get stronger, they can be shed mineral fertilizers. And the concept will become stronger - this means the moment when small sprouts produce real leaves, otherwise fertilizers can burn them or wash them away.

Important point!

Since asters are “fast” flowers, the seedlings begin to grow abundantly. But if at this moment the weather is not favorable with sunny days, then you definitely need to install lamps for additional illumination. Don't neglect this. Otherwise, the seedlings, in search of additional light, will stretch out very much and begin to collapse and break at the base.

After the aster seedlings have grown and have real leaves, the seedlings are planted in separate containers. Here you can use plastic cups, improvised means such as dairy packages cut in half. But we advise you not to take those containers whose walls do not bend well, since it will be difficult for you to do this during transplantation outside, and it is easy to damage the delicate plants at this point.


It is best to plant seedlings in peat pots. They are very cheap, have compact sizes, and most importantly, when transferred to open ground, the pot can be planted directly into the ground without removing the seedling.

Sowing aster in peat tablets

If you first asked yourself the question of how to grow aster seedlings from seeds at home, then planting in peat tablets will be the best thing for you. the best option. We have already mentioned the advantages above.

So, you decide to try the popular planting method, then all you need to do is fill them with water for a while. It is better to take settled or filtered water. Place the tablets in it with the indentation facing up. When they swell and increase several times in size, you can begin planting.

You can sow one seed in each tablet. But you can put 2-4 seeds inside. This will increase the likelihood of receiving more seedlings, and if you don’t pick two seedlings from one tablet, then there won’t be a big problem.

After all the seeds are placed in their places, the tablets are placed in one tray, covered with film and transferred to the windowsill. Shoots appear quickly. You have very few worries with this method. You just have to make sure to keep the tablets moist at all times. And this is very easy to do, since you simply pour water into the tray and the peat absorbs as much as it needs.

When the seedlings have grown, the tablets are planted immediately in peat pot, filling the voids with nutritious soil. This is necessary to ensure that tall seedlings do not fall or break.

Asters grow quickly and can be planted already in early to mid-May. If you grow in tablets, then seedlings do not need fertilizing before transferring them to open ground. They will have enough nutritional content. It is also worth noting that seedlings are transferred when they have reached a height of about 7 cm; they are not afraid of light frosts in May. It is better to choose a sunny place on the site, but light shade is not dangerous for the aster.

Growing flowers from seeds at home is a fascinating process that does not require much effort from you, but requires care. Plants feel great when they are well cared for and produce good seedlings and harvests.

I'm a beginner gardener. To grow seedlings, I was advised to buy peat tablets in the store. But nothing worked out for me with them. In each tablet I sowed one terry petunia seed in granules. Some of the seeds did not germinate at all. Some sprouted, but then the seedlings quickly died, reaching only 1-1.5 cm. At the same time, I managed to grow aster seedlings in a plastic container. I still have peat tablets. Please explain how to properly grow seedlings in them. What's my mistake?

N. Dunaeva, St. Petersburg

Petunia - pretty capricious plant. It is not always possible for a beginner to grow it from seeds, especially terry hybrids. Asters are more unpretentious.

But it's not only that. When sowing in peat tablets, you need to follow some rules.

Before sowing, the tablets must be thoroughly saturated with water. To do this, they are placed in plastic container. Water is added until it stops being absorbed (photo 1). It is better if the water is warm.

The tablet increases in volume several times while maintaining its diameter. Place the seeds one at a time into the swollen tablets (photo 4) and cover the container with a transparent lid or film.

After this, you need to make sure that the tablets do not dry out, otherwise the sprouted seeds may die before they even have time to appear on the surface. Overdrying the tablets is the most common mistake made by novice gardeners. In this case, the seedlings die in just a few hours.

When growing in tablets, it is very important to monitor the humidity, since they are made of peat, which dries quickly in the air. Before the seeds germinate, there should always be some water left at the bottom of the container.

When the seeds hatch, you need to continue to moisten the tablets by adding water to the pan, but now drain the excess water so that the roots of the seedlings do not rot.

It is believed that in peat tablets Fungal infections are less likely to develop than in regular soil, so the tablets are usually not etched. However, under unfavorable conditions (for example, hypothermia), seedlings may get sick.

You should know that the tablets supercool much faster than the soil in the general container. This happens because the tablets come into contact with air on all sides and evaporate moisture. Therefore, it is necessary to prevent drafts, and during ventilation, remove crops from the window.

When moistening the tablets, it is useful to add a fungicide (Fitosporin, Alirin, Glyokladin) to the water. This will be a good prevention against fungal diseases, especially for petunias, which often die from blackleg.

Peat tablets are convenient because the seedlings in them do not require picking and the roots are not damaged. However, when the seedlings have several true leaves, the volume of the tablet becomes small for further plant development. It is advisable to transplant them into a larger container.

Aster is an autumn beauty that captivates everyone. It is not surprising that with the arrival of spring, many gardeners are wondering how to properly sow aster seeds for seedlings, when to plant them and at what time to replant them in the ground.

Scientifically a plant that grows on everyone personal plots and in gardens, called calistemma. According to legend, at the beginning of the 16th century, a French monk brought the seeds of this plant to Europe. beautiful plant from China. There are many varieties of asters, both annual and most which can be grown in different climatic zones.

How to choose the right seeds for seedlings

Due to the fact that there are a great many varieties of asters, before you start growing aster seedlings, you should select seeds.

This takes into account such parameters as appearance and the height of the bush, the structure and shape of the inflorescences (regular or double), what type of branching the plant has, color, shape of the petals (needle-shaped or regular), and so on. As a rule, manufacturers indicate all characteristics on the packaging.

In addition, you should pay attention to the date of seed collection. The longer the period, the worse the germination. So it is preferable to buy last year’s “harvest”.

Sowing seeds

Most often, asters are planted as seedlings in boxes, but you can directly plant them in the soil.

Sowing in open ground

Planting is carried out as soon as the soil warms up (usually the beginning of May) to a depth of 0.5-0.8 cm, having previously prepared the seeds (they need to be soaked in a germination accelerator). After 2 weeks, shoots appear.

When 2-3 leaves are formed on the stem, thin out the seedlings, keeping a distance of 10-15 cm between plants. Seeds can also be planted in late autumn in frozen ground (it is pre-prepared), then sprinkled with dry soil. You can also plant seeds in December-January, placing them in the grooves and sprinkling them with a mixture of dry soil and snow on top. Of course, they do this provided there are no severe frosts.

As they grow, young animals should be cared for by:

  1. Loosening the soil to a depth of 4-6 cm after rain or watering.
  2. Hilling 5-7 cm above the ground until branching begins.
  3. Moderate watering (in hot weather it should be plentiful, about 3 buckets per 1 m2).
  4. Control of water stagnation.
  5. Feeding, as a rule, three times: 10-15 days after thinning, the appearance of buds and at the beginning of flowering.

Sowing for seedlings

The instructions always indicate the time for planting seeds in the ground. But gardeners do not recommend resorting to this method due to the onset of late flowering and advise sowing aster for seedlings (usually March-April), and later planting the young plants in the ground.

Just as in the case of planting in open ground, the seeds should be soaked in an accelerator. Asters are sown for seedlings in containers with a substrate when the end of March - beginning of April arrives to a depth of 0.5-0.8 cm, covered with soil and then covered with film.

You can use a purchased substrate or make it yourself by mixing humus, garden soil and sand. Do not forget to disinfect with phytosporin or potassium permanganate. You can bring acidity to a normal value using ash. The ideal temperature for germination is 18-25°C. Shoots appear in a week, and after another 10 days leaves form. During this period, asters are picked into separate cups.

At the time of growth, seedlings should be provided good lighting(preferably south and south-west windows), regular watering (in the morning) and a temperature of 16-25°C during the day and 12-15°C at night.

1-2 weeks after diving, you can fertilize with special fertilizers for seedlings. You can use the mixture and saltpeter in a ratio of 15:20 g for every 10 liters of water. By the time of planting, 2-3 fertilizing should be carried out, alternating spraying with fertilizers and root watering.

When 4-5 leaves appear, the seedlings periodically begin to be taken out glass balcony so that it hardens, and then into fresh air and sun, starting from 15 minutes with a gradual increase in time.

Planting seedlings in the ground

Previously sown asters are planted into the ground for seedlings after 50 days have passed. In this case, the height of the young growth should be 6 cm and there should be at least 5 leaves on each stem. Landing is carried out depending on the weather. As a rule, gardeners focus on folk sign, according to which the end of bird cherry flowering indicates the absence of frosts in the future.

Selecting a location

You should decide on the location of the flowerbed in the fall. For long flowering it is best to place it on sunny side. If suitable place no, you can plant a flower garden in partial shade.

Aster has no special requirements for soil, except that it must have a normal pH, be light and have good air permeability.

The only requirement is not to plant home-grown aster seedlings, as well as seeds, in the ground where gillyflowers, tomatoes, gladioli, carnations, and potatoes previously grew.

In the fall, 2 kg of sand and ½ bucket of humus per 1 m2 are first added to the soil and dug up. In the spring, scatter ammonium sulfate, superphosphate, and potassium salt, 1 tbsp each. l. each per 1 m2.

How to plant seedlings correctly

First of all, water the plants well and leave them for 30 minutes so that they can be easily removed from the cups. Transplantation is done with the “native” lump of earth into previously prepared soil or dug holes (not forgetting to water well) to a depth of no more than 20 cm, since the root system of asters is located close to the surface of the earth.

When planting, the distance between plants should be maintained. It must be at least 20 cm. This ensures good development astr.

It is best to plant grown aster seedlings in the ground when the weather is cloudy outside. This way the plants will recover faster. At clear weather The procedure should be carried out in the evening. After planting, water the plants well, being careful not to get it on the foliage. Further care carried out similarly to the method of planting seeds in open ground.

Video about planting aster seedlings