What insulation is best to use for a frame house. Insulating a frame house: where to start and what material to choose? What insulation is better for a frame house?

Owners of suburban areas, when choosing materials for country houses, begin the analysis of available alternatives with timber, brick or log cabins, undeservedly ignoring frame technology. But the construction of a frame house with proper insulation is good decision to get quick results on a limited budget.

In this article I will talk about which insulation materials are best used for frame houses and which parts of it need to be protected from the penetration of cold air.

What needs to be insulated in a frame house

When constructing frame houses, customers sometimes agree to insulate only the walls, which leads to some cost savings at the construction stage, but greatly affects the level of comfort and the cost of heating in the future.

For optimal heat and sound insulation (provided that the house will be lived in at least occasionally during the cold season), it is necessary to insulate all places from which air from the street can enter the premises, i.e. In addition to the walls, there is also a floor and under-roof space.

Only by observing the specified standards can the correct heat-saving effect be achieved.

Types of insulation for frame houses

In the most general case, insulation materials can be divided into two large classes: natural and synthetic. Natural (or organic) materials mainly include natural substances such as peat, clay or. Currently, they are rarely used due to their low energy saving and moisture resistance characteristics.

They were replaced synthetic materials, having a much higher thermal insulation ability. Among them, the following are most often used for insulating frame houses:

  • Styrofoam;
  • mineral wool;
  • polyurethane foam;
  • ecowool;
  • expanded clay

Each of these materials has its own advantages and disadvantages, which we will discuss below.


In the last century it was best insulation for a frame house - quite cheap, easy to cut and lay, has a small specific gravity and does not absorb moisture.

The main advantage of polystyrene foam is that it does not require additional protection in the form of moisture-absorbing films, so the cost of installation is very attractive in comparison with other means of insulation.

However, polystyrene foam also has serious disadvantages:

  • flammability - upon contact with fire, very caustic and toxic substances are released;
  • low noise insulation - there are insulation materials that simultaneously protect the building from extraneous noise, which cannot be said about polystyrene foam;
  • Rodents love it, building their nests in it;
  • fragility - the material does not tolerate physical impact, so you need to work with it very carefully.

In general, polystyrene foam is quite popular among developers (due primarily to its low price).

Mineral wool

High-quality insulation, which is gradually coming to first place in popularity. Mats are used to lay inside the walls of a frame house rectangular shape, which can be easily cut with a knife.

Other advantages of mineral wool include:

  • Light weight;
  • Good heat and sound insulation;
  • Fire resistance;
  • Durability.

The main disadvantage is the presence of small particles that can penetrate into the body and cause serious illness. Therefore, when installing mineral wool, the walls of a frame house are covered from the inside with special vapor barrier films - not so much for their intended purpose, but in order to avoid the penetration of mineral wool particles into the room.

Another disadvantage of this insulation is its susceptibility to the destructive effects of moisture - if even a few percent of its volume gets wet, mineral wool can lose up to half of its heat-insulating properties. Therefore, when insulating walls and roofs, openings frame block must be protected from the outside with waterproofing materials.

Polyurethane foam

One of the most modern materials, which is characterized by high thermal insulation properties, resistance to water and fire, as well as a high speed of application to the surface.

This insulation belongs to the class of sprayed substances. It is obtained by mixing two components, which are delivered to the site separately, under the influence of air.

During its spraying process, toxic substances are released, so work with this material is carried out in protective clothing.

The main disadvantage of polyurethane foam is its high price - if the work on insulation with polystyrene foam or mineral wool You can do it yourself, but polyurethane foam requires the use of special equipment, so insulating something with it will cost several times more. And since the choice in favor of a frame house is often dictated precisely by economic considerations, polyurethane foam is still used quite rarely as insulation here.


Ecowool is completely natural insulation, consisting of 95% cellulose (shredded paper, most often newsprint) and special fillers that make it non-flammable. It does not require the use of any protective films, so the entire structure of the house will be protected exclusively environmentally clean materials. This material has other advantages that make it increasingly widespread:

  • very high rates of heat and sound insulation;
  • resistance to rotting and fire;
  • no shrinkage and moisture resistance;
  • absence of seams and cold bridges.

The disadvantage of ecowool is the same as that of polyurethane foam: its application requires special equipment and qualified performers, which seriously increases the cost of the work.

Exists different ways application of ecowool, but the most productive of them is “wet”, after which the material must dry for several days.

Laying this insulation into walls can also be done using the “dry” method; with some skill, you can do it yourself.

Expanded clay and other bulk materials

Application loose insulation materials for a frame house it is possible, but has some limitations. The main problem when working with expanded clay, slag and other similar materials is that over time they can cake and settle, leaving part of the previously insulated surface unprotected. This greatly reduces the quality of the entire thermal insulation, so when filling in such insulation materials, they must be compacted very carefully.

Bulk materials are mainly used for... They can also be used for heat treatment of walls, but only in areas where the average daily temperature does not fall below -20 °C.

Before backfilling, you need to do waterproofing to prevent the insulation from getting wet from the outside. In this case, the use of any membrane films is undesirable; glassine is best suited for these purposes. In general, working with bulk insulation is quite complex and labor-intensive, in this they are much inferior to the same mineral wool.

Summarizing all of the above, two conclusions can be drawn:

  1. that in most cases, when the main goal is to build a reliable and high-quality house for little money, you should choose mineral wool or polystyrene foam;
  2. If the environmental component is more important to you, your choice is ecowool (or mineral wool, subject to installation technology).

I’ll wrap this up and look forward to your questions and opinions in the comments.

One of the most wonderful options for own housing is a frame house. It's great and comfortable home and also quite economical to construct. However, the matter is not limited to construction. It is necessary to finish the house thoroughly and insulate it, because comfort will depend on this. Among the main features of a frame house is that the insulation of the walls occurs directly during construction - this is caused, first of all, by its design.

How to insulate a frame house: choice of materials

Initially, you should decide what material needs to be used as insulation in the wall pie. There are a wide variety of materials for this. The best ones for this activity are:

You can do the insulation of a frame house yourself

Basic requirements for insulation for the walls of a frame house

  1. It is best to choose insulation from environmentally friendly material so that it does not harm human health.
  2. It must be resistant to moisture accumulation, as well as fire.
  3. Ease of installation of insulation on the building frame.
  4. The ratio of quality and price insulation.
  5. Fire safety.
  6. Low thermal conductivity.
  7. Strength and resistance to mechanical damage.

Wall insulation technologies

They may be different, but among them the main technologies can be distinguished:

  1. Thermal insulation using slab materials (foam, mineral wool, etc.).
  2. Sprayed thermal insulation. This type insulation is still quite rarely used due to its novelty. However, it is quite effective. In this case, polyurethane foam is used as insulation. The application process is similar to working with polyurethane foam.
  3. Backfill technology. In this case, insulation is carried out using cellulose fiber, as well as other backfill materials.
  4. Can also be used combined options. The following scheme can often be used: mineral wool is laid inside, polystyrene foam is placed on the outside, and then plaster.

The procedure for external insulation work

When carrying out work, precise insulation technology plays a primary role. Any factors that can provide a positive final result of insulation should be taken into account, including reasons that can lead to a negative result.

  1. Hanging method of insulation. In this case, the frame is attached to the wall, and waterproofing is attached directly to the surface. It can be pasted and painted. When painting waterproofing, the walls are coated with bitumen after priming. For the pasting option, using bitumen mastic, waterproofing is attached roll material, insulation, waterproofing, glass felt. Then tapes or slabs of roll insulation are attached to the cells of the frame using special glue or mounting dowels.

    At the end of the work outside the frame is finished using decorative slabs or panels. As a result, it can be made of fiber cement, composite, plastic, metal, porcelain stoneware and so on.

    Foam plastic is the cheapest insulation for walls

    The main advantage of suspended insulation is the ventilation system, which eliminates the appearance and accumulation of condensation in the insulating layer.

  2. Wet method insulation. This method refers to cheap, but at the same time quite labor-intensive methods. Using polymer glue, insulation boards are attached to the wall, after which the reinforcing mesh is fastened with dowels, and then laid on it. decorative plaster. This coating is also called “light” plaster.
  3. There is also “heavy” plaster. It will be more complex, but in its reliability and durability it will surpass the “light” one. It is done like this: insulation boards are attached to the wall using dowels, after which the reinforcing mesh is fixed using blocking plates.

    Insulating a house with fiberboard slabs

    Then comes the first layer of plaster. It dries within 24 hours and they are done. expansion joints. Next comes the second, as well as a leveling layer, in which temperature-shrinkage seams should be present. The last decorative one, where dyes are added, is applied after five days.

  4. Spraying liquid insulation. This method is the most progressive and modern. Spraying of polyurethane foam is carried out using a special installation. The peculiarity is that the performance qualities of such insulation are an order of magnitude higher, and the cost is equal to average insulation. After polyurethane foam, almost any coating can be used as decoration, including hanging panels.
  5. The insulation is applied by spraying

  6. Cladding method . This option It is one of the most expensive, but also the most decorative. Cladding with materials can be done on the wall of the building, as well as on top of the insulation. With the second method, the quality of insulation will be much better, but it is necessary to provide high-quality ventilation.
  • When performing work, it is important to strictly follow the insulation scheme.
  • in multi-layer systems, you need to make sure that there is sufficient ventilation so that the internal insulating layer does not become damp and therefore does not collapse.

Internal insulation of frame house walls

Sometimes situations arise where it is unacceptable. In this case it is necessary to use internal thermal insulation. For this work, the same materials can be used as outside, however, mineral wool and glass wool are rarely used due to the complexity of installation. In most cases, extruded polystyrene foam is used, as well as sprayed materials: ecowool, polyurethane, penoizol.

Installation of a vapor barrier layer

The cladding of the inner surface of the walls is carried out different ways. Insulation can be done using reinforced plaster, then putty and finally wallpapering or painting.

Insulation of a frame house from the inside

Can also be used finishing panels made of lining, MDF and plastic. The most common option is upholstery with sheets of plasterboard, after which a decorative coating is applied.

Materials such as penoizol and polyurethane foam are also used. Penoizol can be applied to surfaces of various configurations; it is able to fill all irregularities and defects. It is environmentally friendly and resistant to fire, but the main difficulty in its application is that a special foam filling machine is required.

Read about the features in the next article.

Frame houses are an excellent option for quick and inexpensive individual construction. However, despite these advantages, they have one significant drawback: taking into account climatic features in most parts of the country they require specific “rework” in the form of large-scale insulation work. How and with what help can this task be accomplished? There may be several options. It makes sense to dwell on the most popular methods of insulating a frame house.

Options for insulating a frame house

Insulation of a frame house with mineral wool

Mineral (stone) wool as thermal insulation material are chosen quite often.

  • This is explained by its excellent sound absorption and heat retention properties. It is environmentally friendly and non-flammable material, and its five-centimeter layer can easily replace brickwork almost 60 cm wide (if we compare them in terms of thermal insulation characteristics).
  • The main task during installation basalt wool- is competent and reliable protection rockwool from moisture.
  • The formation of condensation on the material will negate all its wonderful characteristics.

Therefore, if such an expensive material as mineral wool was purchased for insulation, then saving on special membranes and vapor barrier films does not make sense.

Insulation of a frame house photo

Sequence of work during installation stone wool

  • Basalt wool slabs are placed in cells formed by the frame. It is assembled in such a way that its vertical guides have a pitch of strictly 60 cm. This is the width of the material produced in a roll. The cut slab should fit between the posts with a little force and hold tightly, without sagging. As for the thickness of the insulation of a frame house, it varies depending on the region of the country. In areas with a milder climate, a layer of 10 cm is allowed. Where winters are severe, a layer of 15-20 cm will be required.
  • To prevent the formation of “cold bridges” in the latter option, it is recommended to perform installation as follows. The first two layers of mineral wool (each 5 cm thick) are laid in the cells of the lathing. And the final one is done in such a way as to overlap the frame guides from above.
  • Frame houses with outside have a mandatory vapor barrier layer, so before laying stone wool, you don’t have to duplicate it. But after all the layers of insulation have taken their places, you need to create protective layer from moisture and condensation. You won't be able to get by with just one piece of material. Therefore, the joints of the vapor barrier film are carefully and carefully taped with construction tape.
  • For floor insulation frame house Mineral wool is also used. But its layer must be at least 20 cm. The work is carried out in the same way as with thermal insulation of walls.

Insulation scheme for a frame house

Insulation of a frame house video

Ecowool - an alternative way to insulate a frame house

This material belongs to the category of affordable insulation.

  • This is possible due to the fact that it is produced from two main inexpensive components: waste from the production of cardboard, paper and waste paper.
  • Both components form 80% of the total material, a little more than 10% is an antiseptic to prevent the development of microorganisms.
  • The remainder of this percentage is the additive, the purpose of which is to minimize the flammability of the insulation.

Disadvantages of the material

  • Areas of application for ecowool include small-scale construction, but owners of private houses do not always choose it. This is explained by a number of features of the material, which for some craftsmen are significant disadvantages.
  • Good thermal insulation performance, which is attributed to ecowool, decreases over time due to the fact that, under the influence of natural processes, the insulation is compressed and its volume decreases. Losses can reach up to 1/5 of the total mass. To avoid such troubles, the material is laid with a similar reserve. An excess of 25% will guarantee that the thermal conductivity of the material will remain at the same level for the entire period of operation.
  • Like anything that has a paper base, ecowool can absorb a significant amount of liquid. The indicator for this parameter ranges from 9 to 15%. And with each of them, the properties of the material to retain heat are lost. Therefore, it is extremely important to organize the insulated space in such a way that it is ventilated and there is a possibility of moisture removal.
  • Only special equipment can provide a uniform volume of insulation injection. It is believed that professional equipment makes it possible to control the density of the “stuffing” to minimize shrinkage. Consequently, you will have to either hire professionals or gain experience yourself, risking getting a level of thermal insulation of lower quality than expected.

  • You can use the “dry” method of filling voids. Its negative point is the formation of fine dust, the contact of which on the mucous membranes and respiratory organs is best avoided. The “wet” method of application requires drying the insulation layer for two to three days. Depending on the weather, the waiting time may increase. Given the limited time to build a house, this is considered a big disadvantage. Although, of the two methods, it is the wet application method that allows you to achieve the best results.
  • The rigidity of ecowool does not allow it to be used without constructing a frame when it comes to insulating horizontal surfaces.
  • Despite additives that make the material less flammable, complete fire protection cannot be achieved. Therefore, the use of ecowool is not recommended near fireplace pipes, chimneys, and especially near sources open flame. To eliminate the possibility of smoldering of the insulation, a protective barrier is constructed between it and the heat source. It is used as stone wool with foil coating or asbestos cement slabs.
  • Particular attention to compliance with the standards for filling with ecowool is required when insulating walls or inclined structures. Ignoring the recommendation for material consumption at the rate of 65 kg per 1 m² will lead to rapid shrinkage and the formation of areas left without insulation.

Advantages of ecowool as a heat-saving material

It may seem that with such an extensive list of shortcomings, the use of ecowool is inappropriate. This is wrong. If the technology is followed, the advantages of the material become even more obvious.

  • You need to start with the fact that not so much material is required. The above norm of 65 kg per m² is not always required, and the minimum consumption of ecowool is 28 kg per m³.
  • The insulation provides a decent level of sound insulation. A layer of one and a half centimeters does not transmit sound up to 9 dB volume.
  • Environmental friendliness of this material does not need confirmation if we remember what is its basis. Actually, this is what the name says. Due to the “fault” of ecowool, allergies do not arise in the residents of the house during operation.

  • The only thing you should pay attention to when studying the composition indicated by the manufacturer is what substance was used as an anti-flammable additive. Fire retardant best quality considered to be borax (sometimes called borax). Ammonium sulfates and boric acid may be the culprits of unpleasant persistent odor, and they do not provide long-term protection from fire.
  • Thanks to seamless installation the material fills the space without leaving voids, therefore, there are no unprotected areas left.

Technology of insulating a frame house with ecowool

As mentioned, there are two main ways for insulation with this material: “dry” and “wet”. The second option can be performed on water based or using adhesive composition. But no matter how excellent the result it gives, the simplest and most popular method is considered to be the method of backfilling with dry insulation. So, to do the work manually, you will need to perform the following manipulations.

  • It is a little easier to insulate floors. The purchased material must be loosened with a special apparatus, after which the pressed briquette, weighing 15 kg, will increase three times in volume.

  • Ecowool prepared in this way is poured between the joists. This must be done gradually, leveling the layers. At the end the material should form a small mound. Why this surplus is needed has already been mentioned. It will compact under the weight of the boards.
  • To carry out work on the walls, a layer is attached to the guide posts vapor barrier material or immediately sheathing is done with sheets of plasterboard or OSB. This is not done completely, but a gap is left through which the ecowool is poured. It will gradually fill the space, compacting under its own weight. But at the final stage it will have to be compacted.
  • All actions are performed using protective equipment(glasses and filter mask), and the filling process can be optimized by using an installation that blows out the material while simultaneously loosening it. Some construction companies provide the opportunity to rent such equipment.

Polystyrene foam and expanded polystyrene for insulating the walls of a frame house. What to choose

Both of these materials are used in frame houses. They insulate facades from the outside and inside building. Despite some similarities, polystyrene foam loses to its opponent in most respects, but due to its good thermal insulation characteristics and cheapness, it is in demand. Among the obvious disadvantages are:

  • not very good sound insulation,
  • allocation harmful substances when burning
  • and obvious interest in it from rodents.

Insulation of a frame house with foam plastic from the outside

  • The surface will have to be prepared along with all supporting structures. To do this, nails and remnants of other materials must be removed, and cracks must be sealed. A smooth surface will eliminate air gaps between the wall and the foam. After leveling the surface, it is treated with a primer intended for exterior work. The composition consumption starts from 150 ml per m².

  • After the primer has dried, a system of vertical suspensions is constructed in increments of 60 (70) cm. Thanks to this, it will be possible to prevent distortions when attaching the slabs of material. The polystyrene foam is placed on glue, which is applied at five points in the form of small piles, and an adhesive strip is completely drawn along the perimeter of the slab. The canvas with glue is pressed tightly and forcefully to the base. Subsequent rows are laid in the manner brickwork, that is, at a run. A portion of the diluted composition must be consumed within an hour.
  • If, as a result of laying, inconsistencies are formed between the sheets of material or unevenness is obtained, then all such defects are eliminated using a sharp and heated knife. The resulting gaps can be sealed:
    1. a mixture of crushed foam and glue,
    2. penoizol (liquid analogue of the material),
    3. polyurethane foam.
  • Plastic dowels create additional fastening for the insulation. They will be required in quantities of at least five pieces per plate. Next comes the entire structure being reinforced with fiberglass for extra strength, and special profiles for the corners will create reliable stiffeners. It is better to apply putty in two layers, and the final finish can be, for example, facade paint.

Insulating a frame house with foam plastic from the inside

The technology for performing indoor work is similar. The surface preparation stage differs only in the use of primers for interior work.

  • As an adhesive composition, you can use the usual tile adhesive for ceramic tiles. The use of dowels is also desirable.
  • As for the cell sizes on the reinforcing mesh, they can be from 3 to 6 mm. It must be fastened by forming an overlap and pressing tightly against the foam.
  • Drywall is often used as the final layer. We must not forget about the mandatory sealing of seams.

Insulation of a frame house with penoplex

  • Expanded polystyrene in installation differs from foam plastic in increased requirements for creating protection from moisture and sunlight. Wall mounting technology fundamental differences does not have.
  • What exactly to prefer, you will have to decide for yourself. Both materials really differ, including in price. The latter costs more, but it is more durable and dense.

Do-it-yourself insulation of a frame house with glass wool

Some do not take glass wool into account, considering it a material of the last generation, but in vain.

  • Modern representatives of insulation in this category differ from their predecessors in improved characteristics. In addition, it costs less than its “brothers”, and is able to retain heat quite well.
  • The principle of its installation is the same as that of stone wool. That is, in order to insulate, for example, floors, the material is cut from a roll so that it is a couple of centimeters wider than the distance between the joists.

  • Before installation, a waterproofing layer is created. It can be either roofing felt or polyethylene.

How the frame house will be insulated in the end is not so important, the main thing is to proceed from own strength and opportunities and comply with technology in everything.

Frame houses are especially popular today: they are easy and quick to assemble, do not require a reinforced and expensive foundation, are inexpensive, and therefore accessible to all segments of the population.

Nevertheless, many do not dare to build houses according to frame technology, since they are considered not warm enough, intended exclusively for summer living. However, this opinion is wrong, because if you approach the insulation of a panel house wisely, you can feel comfortable in it at any time of the year. "But how to insulate a frame house for winter accommodation"- you ask. The answer to all questions related to the process of insulating such buildings will be our article today.

Insulation options

First of all, you need to decide where you will install thermal insulation - outside the building or inside. To accept correct solution, you should consider the features of each insulation method.

The following facts speak in favor of the external location of thermal insulation:

In the process, the interior of the house does not suffer at all.

Wooden walls accumulate heat in the room, and when the temperature drops, they release it back into the room, allowing you to save on heating costs.

It should also be noted that insulation material installed outside the house, in addition to its main function, reliably protects the facade from the harmful effects of moisture, ultraviolet radiation and temperature fluctuations. As a result, the service life of the building increases significantly.

If you are wondering how to insulate the walls of a frame house from the inside, pay attention to several disadvantages of this method:

For the internal one, you will need to dismantle the entire decorative finishing premises, which will have to be restored again after installation of thermal insulation. This leads to an increase in work completion time and additional costs.

At internal insulation flows of warm and cold air meet inside the wall, which leads to the accumulation of moisture in the room, and as a result, the service life of wooden partitions is significantly reduced.

The insulating layer located inside the building does not protect the façade from exposure external factors. The wall goes through many freeze and thaw cycles, causing its structure to deteriorate.

Selection of insulation material

When wondering how to insulate a frame house for winter living, you should understand that when it comes to walls made of wood-based materials, the insulation must have the following qualities:

1. Environmental friendliness. The heat insulator should not release substances hazardous to humans into the air (even when heated).

2. Fire safety. You should choose materials that prevent fire from spreading along the walls of the building and do not emit a lot of smoke in the event of a fire.

3. Low thermal conductivity.

4. Durability. must fit tightly between the walls and retain its original shape over time.

5. Low cost. The price of insulation should not exceed the cost of the building itself.

Expanded polystyrene and mineral wool are considered to be closest to the above requirements.

Expanded polystyrene

The main advantages of polystyrene foam include its low weight, which is very important when it comes to frame structures. The material withstands sudden changes in temperature, is not afraid of moisture and does not freeze.

The durability and low cost of polystyrene foam attract many homeowners, but along with positive qualities This insulation also has disadvantages.

These include:

Rapid flammability;

Susceptibility to mechanical and chemical damage;

Poor air permeability (which creates a thermos effect in the house).

As an alternative, many use an improved type of foam - penoplex, which is resistant to various kinds damage, but has a higher price tag.

Most often, this insulation is installed on the outside of the house.

Mineral wool

The most popular material used as thermal insulation in frame houses is considered to be Isover mineral wool (insulation, the price of which, compared to similar materials, is quite low). On sale it is found in the form of rolls, mats and durable slabs.

It is characterized by environmental friendliness, light weight, excellent heat and sound insulation properties, the ability to bend around any irregularities, as well as long service life.

The fire safety of a material depends entirely on its density. Products in the form of slabs do not burn at all.

When choosing this insulation for frame walls, it should be taken into account that after some time the wool can cake and sag, which leads to a violation of the integrity of the heat-insulating layer. It is also necessary to pay due attention to waterproofing, since, when wet, glass wool loses its original properties and becomes a favorable environment for the formation of mold.

Facade insulation

Let's take a closer look at how to insulate a frame house for winter living from the outside.

For these purposes, you can use technology. It involves installing insulation between outer wall And decorative cladding. In this case, the thickness of the thermal insulation layer directly depends on the climatic conditions in the region of residence (20 cm or more).

This method can also be used for internal wall insulation, and lining or plasterboard can be used as finishing.

Technology of insulating external walls with foam plastic

1. The wall is cleaned of dirt and dust, all protrusions are smoothed out. The base is completely treated with a primer, and if cracks are found, they are covered with special adhesives.

2. Next install vertical hangers. Nylon strings with weights are placed at a distance of 0.5 m from each other in order to identify and eliminate all irregularities (if the walls of the panel house are as smooth as possible, this step can be skipped).

3. Using special glue, the foam boards are fixed to the walls. It is very important that the material fits as tightly as possible to the base.

4. Finishing material is installed on top of the heat-insulating layer.

Insulation of internal walls

Now let’s figure out how to insulate a frame house with mineral wool.

Laying insulation should be started only after the wall has been treated with antiseptic compounds.

Installation of thermal insulation includes the following work:

1. Place a vapor-permeable one on the walls so that its smooth side “looks” into the room.

2. Guide rails made of wood or metal are installed on top of the membrane using self-tapping screws. The distance between the slats must correspond to the width of the insulation material.

3. Installation of mineral wool can begin either from the top or from the bottom of the wall. If you use rolled “Isover” (insulation, the price of which varies between 1500-2000 rubles per package), installation should begin from the ceiling. Mineral wool in mats is installed starting from the floor. Fastening is carried out using dowels with a wide head.

4. It is located on top of the insulation. For these purposes, you should choose vapor-permeable products that will contribute to natural ventilation premises. The film is fixed using wooden slats so that it is not too tight and does not sag. Next, the cladding is installed.


Now you know how to insulate a frame house for winter living. To conclude the topic, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that thermal insulation will not make the building suitable for living in the cold season - it is designed to keep warm air indoors. Therefore, if you want your home to be warm and comfortable even in severe frosts, take care of its heating.

Frame houses are distinguished not only by practicality, but also by attractive external characteristics. This perfect option for those who want to acquire inexpensive but comfortable housing. Today we will talk about insulating a frame house.

Do-it-yourself insulation of a frame house

Design Features

There are two main methods of constructing frame buildings:

  1. frame-panel (buildings are assembled directly at the factory with ready-made elements);
  2. frame-frame (all elements are prepared and assembled at the construction site).

In cross-section, the wall of a frame house looks like a multi-layer cake (this can be seen in the image above). It is also worth noting that the frames themselves can be of two types:

  1. wooden;
  2. metal.

For a long time wood was the main building material, and no wonder - it is cheap, durable, lightweight, easy to process and has excellent thermal conductivity. Metal structures are erected from perforated steel profiles, mostly galvanized (this extends the service life to one hundred years).

Now - directly to the process of insulating a frame house!

Stage one. Choosing a material for insulating a frame house

After it's ready Basic structure, you need to start thermal insulation, and here, of course, there are a lot of questions. And the main one is the choice of suitable material. There are quite a lot of them, but the most popular are polystyrene foam, basalt, eco- and glass wool, extruded polystyrene foam, materials that are sprayed or filled. It would seem that the choice is quite wide, but not all of the described insulation materials are suitable for a frame building.

For example, expanded polystyrene and polystyrene foam are not suitable because if they are tightly placed in the inter-frame voids, the structure itself will increase in volume in the future or shrink due to the natural properties of wood, which causes cracks to form between the thermal insulator and the frame. It is quite obvious that through these cracks the thermal energy, and the insulating material itself will no longer be effective. Therefore, a thermal insulator suitable for us must be elastic: even if the shape of the frame changes, there will still be no gaps, since the freed-up space will be filled with this material.

Now let's move on to specifics. Let's look at all the remaining materials, and you can decide for yourself which one is more suitable (in terms of price, quality, etc.).

Option #1. Basalt wool for insulating a frame house

Perhaps one of the most popular insulating materials. It has excellent noise and thermal insulation properties and is produced by melting rock basalt. For this reason, the material is sometimes called stone wool.

Note! The temperature it can withstand is +1000 C, so it is a real fireproof insulation.

The disadvantage of the material is that it absorbs moisture, which is why its main properties deteriorate over time. Therefore, when insulating a frame house, you should protect the basalt wool using vapor and waterproofing materials. We also note that for thermal insulation of walls it is necessary to use the material that is produced in slabs. It is advisable that there is a special marking on it indicating that it is for walls, otherwise after a couple of years the wool will shrink and cracks will form in the wall (namely in its upper part), through which cold air will penetrate.

Option #2. Ecowool

Modern material made from cellulose. It differs from the previous version not only in appearance, but also in installation technology. To insulate ecowool, you need a special machine to mix the material with water droplets; then this entire mixture is driven into the interframe space.

Droplets of water are here for a reason - they glue pieces of ecowool together, forming a monolithic thermal insulator along the entire perimeter of the building. Consequently, there cannot be any cold bridges in such walls. Although it is possible to install ecowool without using special equipment, that is, dry. In this case, it is simply poured between the layers of walls and carefully compacted.

Ecowool is impervious to high humidity coming from the room, so no vapor barrier is needed in this case. The only drawback of the material is the high cost (not only of it, but also of installation work).

Option #3. Glass wool

Another very popular material that can be used in a frame house. It differs from basalt wool in that it is made from molten glass. It is characterized by excellent thermal insulation properties, fire safety and the fact that no toxic substances are released when exposed to fire.

Note! Glass wool is often produced in rolls. You should pay attention to the fact that it must have markings for the walls (this is necessary for a frame-type house).

Option number 4. Bulk insulation materials

These include sawdust, expanded clay, slag and the like. At one time, this technology was a great success, since it was quite difficult to get good insulating material. But today bulk materials are practically not used. Everything is explained quite simply: their common drawback is that over time they shrink, and thermal insulation properties very doubtful.

Option #5. Glassine

Glassine is thick paper treated with bitumen. The material is often used in construction to protect against wind and moisture, although in reality this is not necessary - the material does not allow moisture to pass through, which comes from the room, and it accumulates in the frame itself.

Note! We do not consider spraying polyurethane foam, although it is very effective and can be applied to almost any surface. Firstly, he is afraid of a direct hit sunlight, which reduces its service life by half. Secondly, its application requires special equipment, and this is not a cheap pleasure. We are talking about insulating a frame house, which in itself implies minimizing costs.

Video - How to insulate a house

Stage two. Preparatory activities

First we need to understand a number of important points, without which the thermal insulation of a frame building can easily turn into a waste of money. First, we note that you need to think not only about the walls, since both the ceiling and the floor can also let in cold air! In addition, the insulating material should be properly protected from moisture using internal/external waterproofing. Finally, when performing installation work, you need to leave small ventilation gaps between the walls and the insulation itself.

Before you start installation work, thoroughly clean all working surfaces from dirt and dust. If protruding screws or nails are found, remove them. And if between frame elements There are any gaps left in the building, then fill them with foam. Dry all damp areas (if any) using a hair dryer.

Note! If previously the outer surface of the walls was thermally insulated using waterproofing material, then its re-installation inside the building is no longer required, otherwise an excess amount of moisture will accumulate in the structure and, as a result, it will quickly collapse. Below are instructions for internal insulation only.

Stage three. Waterproofing layer

Let’s immediately make a reservation that the installation technology for all materials is approximately the same. First, measure all the walls of the frame, then, in accordance with the calculations, cut strips of the material that was chosen for waterproofing. Attach the material to the posts using a stapler so that the frame is completely covered.

Stage four. Installation of a vapor barrier layer

Even if moisture-resistant materials are used for insulation, vapor barrier must still be performed. At first glance, these are unnecessary expenses that can be completely avoided. But the fact is that inside the frame there will be not only insulation, but also other elements (for example, wood), which still need protection from steam penetrating into the walls from the room.

Scheme for laying a vapor barrier layer when insulating a frame house

Both a special film and foamed polyethylene can be used as a vapor barrier. Attach the selected material to the frame racks close to the thermal insulator using a mounting stapler. Sometimes insulation blocks are simply wrapped in this material, but in reality this is not necessary - as we just noted, protection must be provided for all frame elements without exception.

The material is laid with an overlap of at least 10 centimeters, and all joints are carefully sealed with high-quality double-sided tape. Also, do not forget the fact that the thickness of the vapor barrier material in no way affects the similar indicator of the insulating material.

Stage five. Installation of insulation

If mineral wool is used for thermal insulation, be sure to put on the protective equipment before starting work. personal protection– respirator, gloves, safety glasses, special clothing. If you use polystyrene foam (and this material, as we said, is not very suitable), then such safety measures are not needed. When insulating a frame house, lay the material evenly between the frame posts, not forgetting the ventilation gaps required between the thermal insulator and the sheathing. To cut mineral wool you can use scissors or an ordinary knife, but for polystyrene foam you will need electric jigsaw or a hacksaw with small teeth.

Note! Experts say that it is more effective to lay insulation in two layers. So, first there should be a first layer 10 centimeters thick, then a wooden sheathing is laid in a horizontal position, on top of which the second layer is laid (its thickness should already be 5 centimeters). This little “trick” will help avoid the formation of cold bridges.

Place on top of the insulation protective film(if it is necessary, that is, if the outside of the house was not properly insulated). This will ensure that the material will always be in a dry state, and moisture will not get in from the outside.

Note! For the ventilation gap, which has been mentioned more than once, fill wooden sheathing 3 centimeters thick.

After this, you can begin installing OSB boards and decorative trim.

Stage six. We sew up the walls in a frame house

The procedure for insulating a frame house is almost complete; all that remains is to sew up all the walls from the inside. OSB boards are often used for this, although you can also use sheets of plasterboard. Although we note that drywall is advisable only if there is sufficient smooth frame, otherwise it will take all forms of irregularities. On the contrary, OSB is much tougher, so it can be used to eliminate minor flaws. Start finishing on top of one of them.

Fastening OSB boards to the harness if there is a second floor

Two options for joining plates

About additional insulation

If what is described above is not enough, then you can additionally take care of external insulation (if, of course, it is not already present). If mineral wool was used inside, then lay a vapor barrier on the outside, which will protect the material from condensed moisture. By the way, this can be not only film, but also aluminium foil, although, to be honest, this material is not the best.

You can use the same OSB or plywood as wind protection. The finishing coating can be eurolining, siding or other suitable materials. That's all, good luck with your work and have a warm winter!

Video - Do-it-yourself insulation of a frame house