Treatment for spider mites. Spider mites on indoor plants: how to fight at home? Types of mites on houseplants

The color of a spider mite can be different: red, orange, yellow, but it cannot be confused with anyone else. The small round body is covered with frequent bristles that serve additional protection. The tick reproduces rapidly. If the weather is favorable and the temperature is +30 degrees, then the larva grows into an adult in 2-3 days. And if the temperature is +15 degrees, then in 2 weeks. That is, if you do not treat the plant and do not fight the pest, you can get its entire population in as soon as possible. In autumn, activity decreases and the tick goes into hibernation.

There are many types of spider mites, but the most common are the following:

  • Red common spider mite;
  • Red-legged spider mite;
  • Spider mite Savzdarga;
  • Atlantic spider mite.

Signs of a spider mite

This bug can only be noticed upon careful inspection of the plants or at an advanced stage, when cobwebs cover most sprout and visible to the naked eye. White spots on the leaves can be confused with any disease that is characterized by this symptom, for example, lack of nutrients in the ground.

Where do spider mites come from?

Preventive measures

To prevent the occurrence of spider mites on house plants, it is necessary to carry out special measures. For his active development and reproduction requires dry air and hot weather, so if you mist your plants regularly, you will create an unsuitable environment for it. But here lies the danger of flooding the plant and causing many other problems.

Ways to combat spider mites

If your home plants are attacked by spider mites, then there are many ways to eliminate them. Now known chemical methods treatments, biological, mechanical and control using folk methods.

Folk remedies and the use of mechanical means are acceptable in apartment conditions. Chemical solutions are poisonous and unsafe, so they must be used in a ventilated area and with extreme caution. Although their advantage is the speed of impact. Under by mechanical means mean washing the leaves of a plant with a soap-based solution or simply under running water. It is best to wash ficus, lemons and other plants with dense, wide leaves.


Most effective methods Treatments are modern chemicals designed to combat spider mites. It is advisable to choose special means, because insecticides designed against insects will not work. Acaricides and insectoacaricides help destroy ticks. You can get rid of it completely if you use the drugs several times over a certain period of time. This scheme will allow you to destroy adults and larvae that emerged from eggs after a while. Biological products are better for use because they are less toxic.

The most popular drugs are:

  1. Neoron. Unique drug, which destroys adults and eggs. Two treatments are enough. Dilute the contents of the 12.5 ml ampoule in 10 liters of water, mix thoroughly and spray.
  2. Fitoverm. Biological preparation with a low degree of toxicity. Spraying with Fitoverm should be carried out on outdoors or in a well-ventilated area.
  3. Aktofit. The drug is used in a proportion of 4 ml per 1 liter of water. For spraying, it is better to choose 2 days without precipitation, so that the rain does not wash the solution off the leaves.
  4. Aktara. Used for most pests, but not for mites. Aktara is diluted at the rate of 8 g per 10 liters of water. Spraying should be repeated after 10-15 days.
  5. Alatar. The biological product Alatar is diluted at the rate of 5 ml per 10 liters of water. The instructions recommend spraying 1 or 2 times to increase the effect.
  6. Actellik. Actellik is a toxic insecticide with a pungent odor, so it should not be used indoors. Dilute 1 ml per 1 liter of water. It is more suitable for indoor plants, since the garden requires a large amount of it.
  7. Anti-mite. An effective remedy against ticks. Anti-mite is diluted at the rate of 1 ml per 1 liter of water. The protection is valid for 25 days. Because of these proportions, it is advantageous to use it not in the garden, but for a small number of plants in a greenhouse or conservatory.
  8. Karbofos. This is a broad-spectrum drug. Processing is carried out in dry, windless weather. The solution is prepared 75 g per 10 liters of water. Suitable for use in the garden, since 2 liters of solution are required to process 10 bushes. For details on using Karbofos, see the instructions.

Folk remedies

There are a lot of traditional ways to combat ticks. Below are the most effective and easy to prepare.

  1. A decoction of black henbane. Take 1 kg of dried and chopped henbane leaves and pour 10 liters of boiling water. Let it sit for 12 hours, strain and add 40 g of liquid laundry soap. Soap is added so that the solution lingers on the leaves and does not roll off immediately.
  2. Decoction of medicinal dandelion. For 10 l hot water Take 500 g of fresh leaves or 300 g of dry roots. The broth should stand for a day, after which it must be strained and you can water the plants.
  3. Decoction of field chamomile. Take 1 kg of dry chamomile per 10 liters of hot water. Let it brew for 12 hours. After this, strain, dilute with water, add 40 g of soap and you can begin processing.
  4. Garlic solution. Take 30 g of garlic per bucket of water. The solution is infused for about a day in a dark place. You can add laundry soap.
  5. Onion infusion is also effective in the fight against ticks. Take 200 g of fresh husk and pour warm water. The decoction is left for 12 hours, then filtered and applied as directed on the affected plants.
  6. Hot peppers. Take 50 g of red hot pepper per 500 ml of water. Spray the leaves.
  7. Hydrogen peroxide 3% is used in a proportion of 20 ml per 1 liter of settled water. Hydrogen peroxide works best against mites. Safe for humans, there is no odor and the effect appears immediately.
  8. You can use a vinegar-based solution. Vinegar is harmful to ticks.

Video reviews

Below are video reviews that demonstrate how to get rid of spider mites on indoor plants

Video review on the fight against spider mites on orchids

The spider web pest looks like a small aphid no larger than 0.5 mm in size with an elongated body and short legs (see photo). The color may be green in summer period and red - in winter. The arachnid is tenacious and prolific, reproduces quickly, and in unfavorable weather does not die, but hibernates.

Types of ticks:

  • ordinary– affects all plants, but is more often found on dracaena, balsam, ficus, apple and rose;
  • red spider mite- loves high humidity and reproduces on the leaves of orchids, roses and lemons;
  • Atlantic– dangerous for exotic plants and citrus crops;
  • false ticks– they do not weave sticky webs and are invisible to humans, but plants affected by them quickly die;
  • flat tick– poses a danger to all plants, but is more often found on Saintpaulia, chlorophytum and cactus;
  • cyclamen– prefers to nest on tubers of pelargonium, cyclamen, chrysanthemum and violet;
  • apple (Schlechtendahl) settles only on fruit trees, and is not harmful to indoor plants;
  • clover – affects bulbous crops, orchids and ficus;
  • wide tick– found on citrus fruits, cacti and ficus, leaving a red cobweb on the leaves.

House plants attack different types mites, and you can get rid of them with multiple treatments. It is not easy to completely destroy a pest colony, because it can only be detected when the foliage is covered with brown spots and cobwebs.

The pest feeds on plant sap, spoils the composition of the soil, and interferes with normal photosynthesis. Egg clutches are stored for a long time in the cracks of the window sill, flowerpots and flowerpots.

Lifestyle, reproduction, natural enemies, harm to humans

Street and domestic ticks reproduce very quickly: one female is capable of laying 250–300 eggs. The lifespan of the pest is only 3 weeks, but during this time the population increases hundreds of times. For most types of ticks optimal conditions low humidity and low humidity are considered for reproduction heat. In 20 days, the tick goes through 5 stages of development - from egg to adult. Insects do not pose a danger to people or pets.

Mites on houseplants

The natural enemy of ticks are phytoseiids - predatory arthropods. They are bred artificially and released into greenhouses on plants affected by pests. Phytoseiids are very sensitive to acaricides; they can be used to combat spider mites only a few weeks after spraying the plants with chemicals.

Where do insects come from on flowers, berries, fruit trees and shrubs?

Spider mites appear on apple, plum, pear, sweet and cherry trees, but are more often found in the garden: on cucumbers, tomatoes, and eggplants. Likes to live on weeds, such as nettles and quinoa. The mite can be observed on ivy, croton, peppers, onions, strawberries and blueberries, figs, and mountain ash, but in greenhouses the conditions for it are more comfortable.

Crops suffering from mites:

  • beet;
  • all berry bushes;
  • fruit trees;
  • flowers;
  • ornamental plants;
  • melons;
  • grape;
  • beans;
  • mulberry.

The spread of the pest is facilitated by dry summers, greenhouse conditions, rare watering and weeding. Ticks move on their own very slowly; their spread is helped by the wind, which carries the webs over considerable distances.

How to deal with pests on indoor plants at home?

A small number of pests can be removed using infusions of garlic or onions, or decoctions of some medicinal herbs. Several cotton swabs are moistened in the prepared liquids and placed in a pot on top of the soil. It is better to cover the container with the plant with a transparent bag for 3-4 days so that the concentrated fumes will quickly destroy the insects.

The best ready-made insecticides and acaricides

Conventional insecticides against ticks are ineffective, because they are not an insect, but an arachnid arthropod. You can rid a plant of pests if you repeatedly spray it with a chemical poison, but this is not possible for indoor crops. the best option. For spider mites, you can try treatment with contact acaricides, strictly observing safety precautions. They begin to treat the plant as early as possible, alternating between different drugs so as not to cause addiction to the pests. The fight against spider mites lasts more than one month; they can destroy all the plants in the house.


  • Aktellik;
  • Karbofos;
  • Fufanon;
  • Aktara;
  • Alatar.

For indoor flowers, choose low-toxic drugs of hazard class 4 (Aktara, Fitoverm). The treatment is carried out in a well-ventilated area wearing protective clothing and a respirator. The soil in the pot is covered with film so as not to destroy it. root system plants. In case of severe damage, several treatments will be required at intervals of 1–2 weeks.

Folk remedies

Ticks, which most often infect houseplants, are afraid of simple folk remedies like tar soap or ammonia. The most effective medicine from pests – laundry soap. It is enough to foam it and, with a soft sponge, carefully apply the foam to all the leaves and stems and leave for a couple of hours, after which rinse off the remaining soap with warm water. Before the procedure, you must thoroughly wipe the window sills, wash the curtains and tulle, and wash the pots with soapy water. The fight against spider mites must be comprehensive.

No less interesting way control - treatment with tobacco, from which a rich infusion is prepared and the plant is treated. The product is strong bad smell, so this method is more suitable for the garden. Another healing infusion is prepared from 150 g of garlic and a liter of water. Finely chop the garlic, add water and leave for several hours. The finished infusion is diluted in water at the rate of 5 ml per liter and the affected plant is treated. Onion spray is prepared using the same principle, but there is no need to dilute it with water.

Ornamental crops with hard leaves can be wiped with ammonia or regular alcohol. Iodine, hydrogen peroxide or boric acid, but this must be done very quickly so as not to burn the leaves. It is recommended to place a container with turpentine near the infected flower and cover everything with film for 2-4 hours. It is worth making a medicinal infusion of dandelion roots in a proportion of 20 g per 1 liter of water and use it every few hours. Treatment of plants against insects is carried out regularly until it completely disappears.

How to get rid of harmful insects on garden plants and in the vegetable garden?

On summer cottage You can fight mites using chemicals (Aktara, Fitoverm, which also help against aphids) and folk remedies. A systemic preparation that forms an indelible coating on the surface of the leaves will help remove cobwebs. protective film, for example "Apollo" or "Neoron". Acaricides are more effective, but they must be used carefully, following the recommended dosage.

What effective preparations can be used to spray plantings?

Good feedback gardeners deserve biological products against ticks: “Fitoverm”, “Vertimek”, “Akarin”, “Oberon”, “Kleschevit”. They are safe and easy to use, do not poison crops and have low toxicity to humans. They are diluted with water according to the instructions and the plant is treated up to 5 times at intervals of a week. Young cherry seedlings can be cured using traditional methods, but adult plants will require acaricides.

Processing fruit trees(apple trees, pears, plums) are carried out before flowering; chemicals cannot be used to treat fruit-bearing vegetable crops. It is better to sprinkle cabbage, cucumbers and tomatoes herbal infusions. Phosphorus-based preparations are not used in greenhouses and greenhouses.

Traditional methods of getting rid of ticks

If you do not want to poison vegetables and fruits with chemicals, it is better to use safe but effective folk remedies. Yarrow infusion works well against pests. You will need 1 kg of dry raw materials and a bucket of hot water. The mixture is infused for about 5 days, after which 2–4 tbsp is added. l. grated soap and spray the leaves of the plant.

If the leaves dry out, experienced gardeners It is recommended to use a decoction of cyclamen tubers, which are boiled for about an hour and filtered. Choose the best remedy against harmful spider mites you can do it yourself, by trial and error. It is important to constantly re-treat every 1-2 weeks, changing the product.

What is the difference between a false spider mite and a real one and how to destroy it?

False spider mite

It is important to remember that the false tick, unlike the regular tick, prefers cold and dampness. It multiplies quickly and destroys great amount plants. You will have to fight it with the help of chemistry, traditional methods and biological products are ineffective against it. Experts advise using "Karbofos" or Bordeaux mixture according to instructions. It is impossible to choose the best remedy for spider mites - the pest sooner or later adapts to almost any of them.

How to treat plants cleared of pests?

A sick, severely damaged plant cannot be saved, because the pests have exhausted it, and it will not be easy for the flower to recover from the disease. In this case, there is only one way out - burn it.

Further care consists of regular moisturizing air, removing yellowed and dry leaves. It is important to constantly inspect the plant, paying attention inside leaves, wipe off dust and wipe them. You cannot use a soap solution for prevention, because it does not allow the plant to breathe. Purchased plants are placed separately from the rest and kept for several weeks to ensure that there are no pests.

Every year, many plants die from spider mite infestations and cause serious losses to crop producers and flower growers. To date, over 1,300 have been described various types spider mites, more than 100 of them live in middle lane, these are exactly what our compatriots have to face. The insect is different small in size(0.2 - 1 millimeter in length), while the female is significantly larger than the tick. Adult pests are pale or greenish-yellow with dark spots. However, there are also ticks with a bright scarlet color. (Photo)

The insect is equipped with spider-like legs with a claw device, with which it is attached to the plant. The mouth is adapted for piercing leaves and sucking juices from them. In its development, the spider mite goes through five stages: egg, hemispherical larva, protonymph, deuteronymph (this stage is typical only for females), and adult. The lifespan of males is relatively short: from three to four weeks, but the female in diapause remains viable for several months.

Symptoms of plant damage

Preventive measures in the fight against spider mites

If you follow certain preventive measures, you can significantly reduce the spider mite population in your garden, or even prevent its appearance altogether.

  • When purchasing seedlings, carefully inspect the plants, or even better, keep them separately for some time (in quarantine) and observe their condition;
  • It is better to completely disinfect the soil for indoor plants; it is best to pour boiling water on it;
  • After harvesting, it is necessary to remove the garden from dry leaves, stems, and weeds; the same procedure must be carried out in the greenhouse. After this, you should dig up the soil and disinfect it using folk remedies or agrochemicals (they will be discussed later);
  • Wipe the tubs, window sills, window frames in the room with a disinfectant solution, possibly alcohol or infusion of red hot pepper;
  • In early spring, disinfect the greenhouse using smoke bombs: tobacco or sulfur;
  • Set in the greenhouse such climatic conditions under which spider mites do not live: air humidity above 85%, temperature up to 25 0 C;
  • Regularly remove fallen leaves and weeds and preventive treatment traditional methods or using agrochemicals.

Folk methods of struggle

Over the past few decades, gardeners and gardeners have developed many recipes for effective remedies that help prevent the appearance of spider mites or destroy them. We will get acquainted with some popular methods of combating this pest in our review.

Hydrogen peroxide. Many gardeners use hydrogen peroxide solution to fertilize green spaces. At the same time, this product helps get rid of a wide range of pests. For cooking effective solution you need to mix 2 tablespoons of 3% peroxide with 1 liter of water (use these proportions when preparing large volumes of the drug). After this, add 20-25 drops of iodine and spray the plants. This remedy can be used to prevent the appearance of spider mites, and in the case of spruce, your garden is affected by a small amount of this pest.

Infusion of red hot pepper. To prepare this remedy you will not need a lot of time and effort. Buy 100 grams of pod and chop them finely, then pour one liter of hot water, boil for one hour and close the jar tightly. Now we should let our broth cool and infuse for 24-36 hours. After this, strain the infusion and dilute in a ratio of 80 grams of decoction per liter. The product is suitable for spraying plants affected by spider mites. For better adhesion, add 5-10 grams of laundry soap.

Red hot pepper infusion

Tobacco decoction. To prepare this product, pour 200 grams of tobacco or regular shag clean water and insist for 24-36 hours. After this, boil the mixture for 2 hours, dilute in a ratio of 1/1 with clean water and add 50 grams liquid soap. Tobacco decoction can be sprayed and washed on plants, as well as watered the soil where female mites may live.

Garlic infusion. Another effective remedy, with which you can quickly get rid of spider mites. Peel a few cloves of garlic (4-5) and chop them using a grater or under a press. Then the garlic mass should be poured with warm water, tightly closed and left for at least seven days. After this period, strain the infusion and add 10-15 grams of liquid soap. The resulting product can be used to wipe and wash plants.

Apple vinegar. Enough popular remedy, used in the fight against spider mites. Take 30 grams apple cider vinegar and dilute in 10 liters clean water. The resulting mixture can be sprayed on plants and wiped leaves. To achieve a positive result, multiple treatments are required at intervals of 3 to 5 days.

Apple vinegar

Chemicals in the fight against spider mites

If preventive measures and the use of folk remedies did not bring the desired result, it is necessary to take advantage of the developments of chemist scientists. Today, a sufficient number of agrochemicals are available on the market that effectively control a wide range of pests, including spider mites.

Karbofos. The insecticide is designed to combat spider mites, aphids, weevils and other pests. Karbofos is a contact action drug. It affects insects upon direct contact with them. The popularity of the drug is due to its wide spectrum of action and high efficiency. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that the product has an effect only upon direct contact; hidden insects survive and are able to reproduce.


Fufanon. This insecticide is considered one of the most effective means that can be used in the fight against spider mites. If the instructions for use are followed, the chemical does not pose a threat to people and warm-blooded animals, it is not phytotoxic. After using Fufanon, pests die within 24 hours. In greenhouses, no more than one spraying per season is allowed, per open ground Tomatoes are processed up to three times, other crops are processed no more than twice.

Anti-mite. A fairly popular biological product against spider mites and some other pests. After spraying, ticks immediately stop feeding and die within 3 to 5 days. When using an insecticide, it is necessary to carefully spray all leaves; during the flowering period of plants, treatment with Anti-Mite is prohibited. The period of protective action of the chemical can reach 25 days (depending on the weather); the solution must be used on the day of its preparation, otherwise it will lose its effectiveness. It should be taken into account that Anti-Mite cannot be used more than once a season; in addition, use the chemical with caution near beehives and bodies of water - it is toxic to bees and fish.

Fitoverm Fitosporin-M Alatar

Aktelliky. Another popular and quite effective insectoacaricide used against a wide range of pests, including spider mites. The effectiveness of the drug is directly related to its high toxicity (class 2 according to the WHO classification); if the chemical enters the body of bees, it leads to their immediate death. Due to its high toxicity and unpleasant odor, Actellikium is not recommended for use in residential areas. When using the chemical, you should strictly follow the user instructions; the interval between treatments should be at least 21 days. Spraying plants is best done in the evening; it should be borne in mind that rainfall less than 24 hours after treatment will completely cancel the effect of this chemical.

Fitosporin. The biological product effectively protects plants from a wide range of pests, including spider mites. The main advantages of Fitosporin are its high efficiency and low toxicity. The chemical can be used at any stage of plant growth without causing any harm to them. In their reviews, many gardeners talk about the high effectiveness of Fitosporin at the stage of processing seeds and tubers.

Advantages and disadvantages of using traditional methods


  • Folk remedies do not pollute environment, they are harmless to humans, animals and beneficial insects;
  • They have a low cost or are free;
  • Can be used both for spraying and watering plants;
  • Some remedies have not only healing, but also stimulating properties.


  • Ineffective in killing insect eggs;
  • Some medications can take a long time to prepare.

Resistant varieties of eggplants and cucumbers

Today, breeders from all over the world are working to create new varieties of vegetables, including pest-resistant ones.

Most eggplant varieties and hybrids are not resistant to spider mites.

Samurai Sword

But there are several resistant species: these are the eggplant varieties “Samurai Sword” and “Caliph”.

When growing cucumbers, you also need to choose strong, resistant varieties.

Hybrid “Rodnichok” The popular hybrid “Rodnichok” is getting better every year, it can compete with European varieties. Fruits need sufficient quantity moisture, however, this plant has good immunity against diseases and pests.

Variety “Murashka F1” The early ripening variety “Murashka F1” has also earned good reviews; it not only gives wonderful harvest in greenhouses and open ground, but is also less often affected by spider mites. The fruits have an improved taste and are suitable for pickling and fresh consumption.

Variety "Murashka F1"

Hybrid "Benefit F1" Among the early ripening varieties, it is also recommended to choose the hybrid "Benefit F1", subject to careful care and watering, it avoids damage by spider mites.

Spider mites and the fight against them: video review

How to detect and how to deal with spider mites:

Important rules in the fight against spider mites:

Spider mites on plants and ways to combat them:

Fighting spider mites: reviews from gardeners and flower growers

Svetlana Kaplakova, 51 years old, Sverdlovsk region:

Zinaida Frolova, 54 years old, Tambov region:

Advantages of Fitoverm: destroys insects at all stages of development, low price, does not accumulate in the soil and fruits, harmless to humans.

Disadvantages: none found.

It is quite difficult to remove spider mites. After all, it is not always possible to notice a small, 0.2 to 1 mm, brown or greenish-gray insect with the naked eye, not to mention its eggs. But the extent of the damage caused by the pest is quite impressive, since the spider mite feeds on plant cell sap. An enzyme secreted from the salivary gland destroys the chloroplasts of plant cells. This is why the leaves begin to turn yellow, dry out and fall off over time. As a result, plants are stunted and sometimes even die.

On a note!

During its short life, and the red spider mite lives about 45 days, the female lays more than one hundred eggs. From which, after a maximum of 5 days, young individuals are born. This fact should be taken into account, timing it to coincide with the period of pest persecution.

How to get rid of poutine mite

The fight against spider mites involves the use of chemicals and folk remedies. However, before using them, it is necessary to carry out preparatory measures.

Such control measures should be carried out in relation to all plants in the house and even those on which no symptoms of infection are detected. After all, partial destruction of pests will not give full results.

Overwintering spider mites are eliminated by fumigation. metal constructions burned with a blowtorch.

Chemicals for spider mites


How to use:

  1. To prepare the working solution, you need to mix the contents of the ampoule (2 ml) with water (1 l).
  2. The resulting composition is used for spraying plants indoors and outdoors.

The death of spider mites occurs within 6-8 hours from the moment of treatment. The residual effect of the product lasts up to 3 weeks.


The disadvantages of the product include the development of acquired group resistance to the composition, which is developed through systematic use. The working solution is prepared at the rate of 2 ml of poison per 2 liters of water, which is enough to treat an area of ​​10 square meters. m. The protective effect of the composition lasts up to 12 days from the date of treatment. A 2 ml ampoule costs about 35 rubles.


Another insectoacaricidal agent designed to combat spider mites, codling moths, on garden and berry plants. vegetable crops. The active component is malathion, the amount of which is 50% of the total volume. Due to the high concentration of the toxin, the chemical has a quick effect on garden pests.

On a note!

Spraying with Karbofos in the garden is carried out in sunny, windless weather and preferably in the morning or evening hours. The dosage is determined using the instructions, taking into account the area of ​​​​treatment, the type of plant and the degree of its damage:

  • For berry bushes the solution is prepared at the rate of 75 g of poison per bucket of water;
  • for floral and ornamental shrubs 60 g of product per 8 liters of water, the same proportions are used to combat spider mites on trees (cherries, cherries, plums);
  • for processing peaches, apricots and nectarines, 10 liters of solution are needed;
  • Citrus is treated at the rate of 5 liters per tree, and the last treatment should be carried out no later than 50 days before harvest.

The period of protective action of Karbofos is 10-15 days, the speed of action of the drug is 3-4 hours. The price of a 30 g bottle is around 30-40 rubles.

I prefer old time-tested drugs, so I have been using them for more than one season. I recommend.

Nikita, Kislovodsk

When spraying with insectoacaricidal solutions, it is necessary to use personal protective equipment and observe basic safety measures.

The following brands of drugs also have a good effect in the fight against spider mites: Apollo, Karate, Neoron, Sunmite, Fufanon, Talstar and others.

Recipes from the people

Despite the effectiveness of chemicals, many gardeners and summer residents prefer to use folk remedies for spider mites, the main advantages of which are safety and accessibility.

Decoctions and infusions

Herbal decoctions and infusions are widely used in pest control.

A soap solution (20 g of soap per 1 liter of water) gives an effective effect in the fight against spider mites. It is better to use regular laundry or green soap to prepare the solution. It is necessary to wash the leaves on both sides with a cloth soaked in soapy water, avoiding contact of the composition with the roots of the plant.

For spraying flowers and garden plants You can also use sulfur-tar soap (100 g of soap per 10 liters of water). The procedure is carried out 2-3 times a week.

I think it's poison for processing garden crops– not the best option. I periodically use soap and garlic solution. On early stages infection of plants, nothing better is needed.

Vladislav, St. Petersburg

Hydrogen peroxide and potassium permanganate

To combat spider mites at home, use a solution of hydrogen peroxide, which is prepared at the rate of 2 tbsp. l. (3%) product per 1 liter of water. Spraying is carried out once a week for a month, which allows you to destroy the entire harmful family over time. To treat the soil, use a weak solution of potassium permanganate.


Ammonia has similar properties. The solution is prepared in a ratio of 1 tbsp. l. for 10 liters of water. The resulting composition is used to treat the leaves on both sides, which will not only remove mites, but also saturate the plant with nitrogen.

Alina, Smolensk

Regular inspection of them and adherence to the rules of caring for them will help prevent the spread of pests on indoor flowers or seedlings: regular watering, timely weeding and fertilizing of plants, as well as the use of folk remedies for preventive purposes.

Typically, a tick can be found:

  • On the underside of the leaves.
  • Between lumps of soil.
  • Under dry fallen leaves.

As a rule, the main reason for the appearance of spider mites on indoor plants is the purchase of another flower at a flower shop. Larvae or even adults remain on the plants as a result of proper care for plants.

That's why! Every time you buy new flower, you should carefully examine each leaf of the plant, as well as the soil for the presence harmful insects. To be on the safe side, it is better to place purchased flowers in a separate place, for quarantine. After 2 weeks, if no signs of pest activity appear, the flowers can be placed in their permanent place.

The first signs of mite infestation of plants:

  • The leaves begin to turn yellow from the bottom. Affected areas lose chlorophyll, become discolored and dry out.
  • Because the leaves don't get required quantity nutrients, they curl and fall off.
  • The places where the spider mite colony has settled are covered with a thin web.
  • If you do not start fighting these pests, the plant gradually weakens and may die.

The infected plant is immediately removed from its place and quarantined.

Help against spider mites:

  • Vermitek.
  • Fitoverm.
  • Aktofit.
  • Akarin.
  • Mites.
  • Agravertine.

Interesting! After treatment, it may take from 3 to 7 days before the pests die. These compounds are less toxic, and they act differently. Therefore, you should not expect instant destruction of pests or doubt the effectiveness of the drugs.

If mites multiply very quickly and biological products, and even more so traditional methods, do not cope with their task, then it is better to resort to the use of chemicals, so-called acaricides. Some types of mites have already managed to adapt to the action of chemicals, so you have to use 2 or even 3 different drugs. In any case, an effective remedy can always be found.

The use of chemicals involves the use individual funds protection, along with some rules. For example:

  • Wear long sleeves, a hat and gloves.
  • To treat indoor plants, it is permissible to use drugs of toxicity class 3-4. More toxic products are intended for outdoor use.
  • Before spraying, the root zone is closed so that chemical composition didn't hit the roots. Alternatively, you can use a plastic bag.
  • Processing of the plant is carried out strictly according to the instructions. If the flower is seriously affected, then more than one such treatment will be required, but possibly all four, to ensure that the pest is destroyed.

The following drugs have this effect:

  • Sunmite.
  • Floromite.
  • Flumite.
  • Apollo.
  • Oberon.

You can prepare the following compositions:

  • Onion infusion. To do this you need to take an onion average size and cut it into strips or cubes, then pour boiling water over them. After 4 hours, the infusion is filtered, poured into a spray bottle, and then the leaves are sprayed with this solution.
  • Potato tops infusion. Green raw materials are crushed and poured with 1 liter of boiling water. After 4 hours the solution is ready for use.
  • The use of celandine. To prepare the infusion, take 1 liter of boiling water and pour 2 tablespoons of green or dried leaves celandine. After 4 hours the solution is ready for use.
  • Yarrow decoction. You need to take 1 liter of boiling water and 100 grams of yarrow. Boil the solution for 3 minutes, let it sit for 4 hours and it can be used, but before that it should be filtered.
  • Dandelion infusion. You need to take the leaves and roots of the plant, chop them and take 3 tablespoons, after which the raw material is poured with boiling water. After 4 hours, the solution is filtered and used for its intended purpose.

Instructive! Soapy solution It is allowed to process only the upper surface of the leaves. The respiratory pores are located at the bottom of the leaf. If these pores become closed with soap suds and then dry out, gas exchange may be disrupted and the leaves will wither.