Sticking carrot seeds on toilet paper. How to stick carrot seeds on paper tape

​Related Articles​​I sow almost all plants with small seeds this way. Dill, parsley, even made marigolds, then just lay in a circle around the tree. It is very convenient to stick a little on cold winter evenings and put it in a box. I "played" in the 90s. Germination is never 100%.​ I take thick toilet paper, cut off pieces 1 m long, draw them along the ruler into 4 lines. Starch paste and with a distance.

Correct sowing of carrots on the tape and planting on toilet paper | Country Design- fresh ideas from all over the world

Thanks Marina for interesting way! And me easier in winter stick on a little, and in the spring there is a lot of trouble with other crops, strawberries take up almost all the time, and the small one is spinning in the garden, and I also need to take a walk with him, he will probably be an agronomist with me, he already knows all the names, all the preparations , which I use in my work, today I helped straighten the droppers, I collected the leaves in a bucket))). The garden, of course, is good, but I also want to bring it to the sea and take a walk with the children, so I save time and effort with sowing and thinning.


Spring ... We all know this hot season for summer residents well. You need to put your garden in order, sow seeds, plant seedlings, potatoes, and carry out preventive procedures. In general, there is enough work.

When it dries, I roll up the paper and leave it until spring.

Why this torment, the seeds can peel off, everything will be in vain.

Preliminary soil preparation

Already in the garden, I make grooves, water them with water, if the ground is dry, put the prepared ribbons with seeds, sprinkle with earth. And that's it. I'm waiting for the harvest.

How to stick carrot seeds to paper tape?

Laying tape with seeds

Found another one interesting option planting carrots - on napkins. The principle is similar to tapes, with the only difference being that you immediately form a bed by gluing the seeds in the way your root crops will grow.

​Very importance for the germination of carrots has properly prepared soil. And we will have to prepare our beds two weeks before planting, and not according to the principle - I arrived at the dacha, dug up, loosened, planted, and all this in two days off. Also keep in mind that such a distance can only be done for full-weight, high-quality seeds. If you doubt their fullness, then the distance between

We glue the seeds on paper ourselves

Mi should be culture dependent.


Oksana, it's so great when children get used to gardening from an early age - and most importantly, when they like it! Although Alyonka is familiar with many village works (from sowing and weeding to harvesting firewood), she does everything only as long as she is interested (and this is very short :)))) Here, taking me for a walk around the neighborhood is yes , it’s always welcome :) And for some reason I don’t have enough time in winter exactly the same as in summer :) I’m still waiting for when this will change - but not in this life, probably))

​In my opinion, the most difficult and energy-intensive process is the process of sowing, then thinning out crops with small seeds like carrots. There is an option to mix the seeds of carrots and radishes with sand and sow them in this way, the radishes will ripen, will be removed from the garden, the carrots will be thinned out, but still not enough. Often it turns out thick in places, and empty in places. An excellent solution to this problem is sowing seeds on paper with a string of paste. I do it in winter and early spring period, but now it's not too late to involve the family in the preparation of such landing belts.

Before planting, I cut meter tapes into 4 strips, put everything in a bowl and put it in well-spilled grooves in the garden.

Weld Paste - This is Flour + Water Boiling Water + 5 Minutes On Fire + Mix Well So That There Are No Lumps.

In order to stick carrot seeds on paper, you need to take a roll of toilet paper, it is perfect for these purposes, as it will dissolve in the ground over time, due to which the earth will improve its composition. cut the paper into strips and stick carrot seeds on them using an ordinary paste, boiled from flour and water. You can immediately glue the seeds to the required distance in order to avoid weeding later.​

Planting carrots on napkins

How to store seed tapes so that the seeds do not crumble?

Prepare napkins at home by sticking carrot seeds in 5 cm increments in a row and between rows.

A week before planting, and preferably two, it is necessary to loosen the soil to a depth of 10 cm, after that we must immediately take a rake and level the bed. Of course, this refers to the land dug up in the fall on a shovel bayonet.

What seeds to take

For pre-planting gluing, cook a thick paste of wheat flour or starch, cool it. If you do not want to cook a paste, then stick


. This will allow more rational use of precious time in the spring, when every minute counts and it is necessary to have time to plant all the crops in a timely manner. When using tape sticking, seeding takes minutes, leaving time for more important things.​

Oh Marina, how right you are! Children will never let us get bored, neither in winter nor in summer! But how much joy they bring us, that we completely forget about fatigue! Health to all your family! And your Alenka is just a miracle!!!

To do this, we need ordinary toilet paper, scissors, seeds, a brush, a paste, which we prepare as follows: stir 1 tablespoon without a slide of flour in 1 glass cold water until the lumps are completely dissolved, then put on fire and bring to a boil with constant stirring. Remove from heat and cool, stirring occasionally so that a crust does not form.

Everything is done very quickly when there is free time. Seeds do not fall off, 100% germination, no need to thin out.​

Leave the paste to cool. Take Toilet Paper and Drip the Paste Drop by Drop at Intervals Put the Paste and Immediately Put the Seeds on the Drops of the Paste. Let dry and roll into a roll gently. In the spring, Roll out the Roll and Bury it in the Garden + Water it Abundantly = In time they will hatch ... .​

Sticking carrot seeds on paper is a very tedious and lengthy job. Not everyone is up for this. This work should be done in the winter, when there is more free time. We usually took either toilet paper or newsprint. Such paper soaks faster in the soil. Seeds were glued at a distance of 3-5 centimeters with a paste of flour or starch. But that was before. Now we use carrot seeds in granules.

How to stick carrot seeds on paper?

Put vertically in a corner, as before the sheaves were placed. And stick with flour diluted in water. Just keep away from mice.

Well, already lay out your napkins on the garden bed and sprinkle with a layer of soil. It turns out an immediately formed bed that does not need to be thinned out.

Immediately before sowing, we again loosen the bed, make shallow grooves - two centimeters, and put the seed tape in the furrow. Then carefully pour a small amount of water and cover with earth. We very easily level the ground and water it again - carefully so as not to wash the soil off the tape.


Cut all cultures by two or three times. After planting and germination, simply thin out the plants.​


- paste or stationery glue;

Thanks, Oksana! :)​

Tear off or cut the paper to a length convenient for work. I take about 2-3 meters. We cut it lengthwise into 3 strips, in the middle of the strip we grease a line with a length of about 20 cm with a brush (if the paste has time to dry more and the seeds do not stick well) and spread the seeds on it at a distance. ​


on glue

​The Method Is Good And Ecological.... Paper, Paste Decompose In The Earth And No Chemistry....​

I stuck it on toilet paper. I dripped droplets of paste and stuck a seed. Then all this was left to dry and then twisted into a roll. I want to note that the case is very troublesome and not particularly necessary. I felt like this for about two years and again began to plant in the old grandfather way.

It is recommended to stick carrot seeds on paper like this. Toilet paper is taken as the basis, since it decomposes well and quickly in the ground when wet and does not prevent seeds from germinating. The roll is cut in width into two or three parts.​


For gluing, it is better to take high-quality, varietal seeds, they will have better germination, and the result will please you in the fall. And this method of gluing seeds on paper will save them from disappearing, so to speak, in vain

Gardener's Secret:


All tapes with pasted


You can use stationery glue.

Tata all red

- toilet paper or paper towels;​


In general, you can buy this ready-made. Here on the right are carrot seeds on a tape

Stepan BV

Then we dry the ribbons with seeds and roll them into a loose roll.


and buy ready-made tapes? it's on sale..


toilet paper in the ground (when not wet enough) dries up and the roots cannot break through it, so it's easier to stand over the bed longer than to glue on the paper, spending more time and the result is worse!


My grandparents stuck carrot seeds on paper all their lives in the following way: they took toilet paper, untwisted the roll, took glue, and glued each seed to paper, then left it to dry on paper, then took it to the dacha and buried it there.

How to stick seeds on toilet paper to plant?


As a glue, a paste is boiled or jam is taken. Adhesive droplets drip onto the paper at a certain interval (several centimeters). To apply droplets, it is convenient to use a very thick needle (drip on the side where the eye is), a stick. Or you can take a bottle of stationery glue and pour glue in there.


Coated carrot seeds are also on sale, they are easier to stick on, but they require more watering at first, since the seed is, as it were, inside a pea of ​​fertilizers and filler. They need some time to swell and give moisture to the seed inside. But on the other hand, the plus is that the sprout will immediately have nutrition and the growth of the seedling will be optimal.


With the help of ripe compost laid in a layer of half a centimeter, germination can be significantly increased!


Queen Rose.

Cut the toilet
- scissors;

Up close it looks like this

elena ivanova

Now it remains for us to put straightened ribbons into the prepared grooves, sprinkle them with earth and, if necessary, cover with a film to preserve moisture.

Elena Rzhemovskaya

A paste, but I do not advise doing this. because the seeds do not have 100% germination. Once they stuck carrot seeds like this, as a result they got a "bald" garden bed, very few came up.
In my opinion, this will take more time than if you then thin out the seedlings.
Hello, for this you need to use the paper that is the thinnest, you need to glue the most good way immediately glued, also instead of glue, you can use starch with water, or you can buy paper immediately with glued seeds!

Anna Malchikova

After the droplets of glue are applied, the tapes are sprinkled with carrot seeds and gently brushed off. Achenes remain only where the glue is.
In the same way, you can make a seed tape with seeds of other vegetable crops and greens with small seeds, such as lettuce, dill, celery. Than doing thinning in a kneeling position in the summer, it’s better to make a paper tape with seeds in advance and not know grief. The winter is long, what else to do, if not preparing for the sowing season.
Another recipe-find is that you can make a seed tape with carrot seeds with your own hands! To do this, we take paper with a loose texture (toilet or newsprint works well), cut it lengthwise into strips 2 cm wide.
Dry thoroughly, twist, tie with an elastic band, sign, put in a canvas bag and store in a dry, dark, cool place until sowing. In the spring, you will make beds, grooves and simply spread the ribbons with
- brushes for applying the adhesive base;
Something upon closer examination, I did not understand what kind of culture the manufacturer of this product had in mind)) The distance between the seeds suggests giant root crops; and given that even conditioned carrot seeds have a relatively low germination rate, I would be careful not to use such a tape - you can stay without a crop. So my opinion: ready-made is good, but your own is more reliable :)​

Dasha Leonova

Thanks to this method, time and effort are significantly saved, because easier at home in the warmth, sitting in an armchair, slowly sowing seeds, than in the garden, standing on all fours. ​


It’s easier to plant in small piles of several seeds every 3-4 cm, and then thin out.


Or is it for the purpose of saving?
take newspapers as paper. The toilet is not suitable, very thin.​

Marina Karaseva

To be honest, it's a tedious job. Fortunately, now ready-made "carrot ribbons" can be bought in stores. Well, or still, maybe it’s easier to sow carrots in the usual way, and then thin out.

Luda Vysotskaya

These are the tricks I learned about planting carrots on paper. As you can see, there are options that are both more expensive - and more economical, with more labor costs (which, of course, will pay off later) and with less! We approach the garden creatively, comrades! We enjoy, so to speak, the process!

From each half we make a seed tape like this: we brew a paste from starch or flour, drip onto paper and put carrot seeds in 2.5 cm increments.


or paper towels into strips 2.5-3 centimeters wide. Mark with a pencil or marker at the seed sticking distance. Apply a thick layer of paste or stationery glue to the resulting tape and proceed to sticking the seeds. To do this, pour

Save energy in the garden: do-it-yourself tape with seeds

- toothpick or tweezers.

100% agree with Marina!

Whatever method of sowing seeds we would not choose, the main thing is to do everything with pleasure and love, then Mother Earth will generously reward us with an excellent harvest!

I do this with radishes and carrots. I cook klester better than flour. I drip drops with a syringe at the right distance. Radishes 4 by 6. Carrots two rows per roll along the edges. when I plant, so that the bed does not dry out, I spill it three times with an interval of 10 minutes. and cover old film for two days.​

It is enough just to wet small seeds. They will just dry to the paper.

I glued the seeds on a starch paste. I cooked it myself so that the consistency was thick enough, thicker than jelly. When gluing, it is not necessary to feel sorry for the paste, but it is necessary to dry for a long time. I glued it on toilet paper, but it’s better to take coarser, thicker paper.

Sowing carrot seeds open ground traditional way in recent times loses its relevance. More and more like experienced summer residents, and beginners prefer the method in which the planting carrots on paper and only after that it is placed in the prepared furrows.

Thus, you can significantly facilitate your work by making the planting of carrots fast enough and, at the same time, greatly increasing the chances of good seed germination.

Benefits of sowing seeds on paper

Today, such unconventional way planting carrots like sowing seeds on toilet paper. Some owners personal plots still prefer to plant this crop in a more familiar way by simply placing the nucleoli in the ground, but still the summer residents like the new unconventional method more.

Its popularity lies in a number of advantages, among which the following conveniences of the method can be distinguished:

  • preservation optimal humidity for a long time;
  • significant space savings for sowing;
  • excellent visibility of quality seeds and defective material;
  • ease of care for the seeds in the first weeks after being placed on paper.

Also, even if immediately after planting the carrots in the open ground, there will be a lingering rain or a heavy downpour, he will not be able to wash off the seedlings that were placed in the ground on paper. Thus, this is .

Seed germination technology

Can be purchased in a specialized store ready-made paper tapes with seeds, but it will be much cheaper for the summer resident to place the carrot kernels on paper on his own. It is very easy to do this if you strictly adhere to a certain technology and take into account all the subtleties of the implementation of this responsible process.

Should be taken enough dense polyethylene and cut several strips of it about 8 cm wide. Their length must be varied based on the number seed and the size of the area where the paper strips will be placed. In the event that several varieties of carrots are supposed to be placed, the name of each of them should be signed on polyethylene.

On top of the film, it is necessary to carefully lay out a three-layer toilet paper, which is recommended to be additionally moistened with a sprayer. Only after that it is allowed to spread the carrot seeds on the prepared paper tape, departing 1 cm from the lower and upper edges.

You also need to remember that the nucleoli should be laid out at a certain distance from each other so that in the future they do not get confused with each other.

After carrying out such simple manipulations, the paper should be carefully rolled up into a roll, which should be placed in a deep container so that the lower edge of the paper tape must be at the bottom. Pour a sufficient amount of water into the container and cover it with a film. Such a container with paper tape should be placed in a warm place for 4 to 7 days.

After some time, the seedlings need to be checked, and if more than half of them have sprouted, they can be considered ready for transfer to open ground. If a small number of seeds hatch after a week, then the procedure should be repeated.

Sowing carrots in open ground

When carrot seeds sprout, this will indicate that they are ready to be moved to open ground for personal plot. It is advisable to choose such a place for planting this crop on the site where cabbage, peas or beans grew last year. After them, the soil is the least depleted, respectively, the carrot kernels will get more nutrients.

The soil should be prepared in advance in such a way that the nucleoli sprout very amicably. It is recommended to dig up the land on the site in the fall so that it can rest. And in the spring, a few weeks before the expected date of planting carrots, you should walk well with a rake on the dug up soil.

The day before, it is necessary to take up the rake again, carefully fluffing the ground. After that, you need to make deep furrows, reaching about 4 cm in width, which must be filled warm water. In this case, the distance between each row should be at least 10 cm.

Next, you should carefully lay out the unfolded paper strips at the same depth along each furrow. It is very important that the carrot seeds face the soil. These simple steps in many ways contribute to the friendly seedlings of seeds in the future.

Then the seedlings need to be sprinkled with the remaining earth, be sure to cover them with black polyethylene, which has an excellent ability to retain heat. This material is recommended to be pressed tightly to the ground with stones or other heavy objects along the edges so that it is not blown away by strong gusts of wind. Such simple manipulation create the most optimal temperature regime for quick germination of carrots.

Well, have you sat up without work, my dear gardeners? Today we will look at another way to prepare seeds for sowing, which will just help pass the evening, and not just one. Let's say right away: the lesson is quite monotonous, but useful.

So, let's get down to business. The essence of the work is gluing seeds on paper strips. We take old newspapers or a roll of toilet paper and mark a grid on them with square cells of a certain size, for example, 5 × 5 cm. At the intersection of the lines, we will stick the seeds. Of course, regular glue PVA or silicate is not suitable for this purpose. It is best to take a paste made from flour. For convenience, you can draw glue into a syringe without a needle, or use a match. A drop of glue, one seed on top - and you're done! It remains to dry the paper sheets and carefully roll them into a roll. Do not worry about safety - the seeds will hold firmly in their designated place until a certain hour.

Seeding on paper. What is it for?

Of course, to facilitate the work of the vegetable grower. For example, this method helps me a lot during the sowing of greenhouses. I only glue the seeds on narrow paper tapes. It is very inconvenient to bend down into the greenhouse and lay out the seeds one by one. And here - she made grooves, laid out the finished ribbons, sprinkled earth on top and that's it!

And this method is also good for super-early landings. While the rest of the gardeners are waiting for the ground to dry out, we can get ahead of them and sow lettuce or radish in the most early dates. We lay out sheets of paper with glued seeds on the bed prepared in the fall and sprinkle them a little with sand. When the seeds germinate, they can easily break through the thin paper. Only if the seeds are glued to a newspaper, then the bed should be slightly leveled and compacted with boards or shields before sowing.

One more thing advantage of sowing seeds on paper- seed savings. Seeds sprout together, and no additional thinning of seedlings is required. And thin paper over the course of one summer season rots in the ground, turning into humus.

You can stick next to the seeds of different vegetable crops, such as radishes and carrots. We will choose radishes earlier, and carrots will grow until autumn. Such preparation of seeds for sowing, of course, is not applicable for large plots. But be sure to take note of this method. Would it come in handy?

Distance between seeds:

carrots, radishes - 5 cm

summer radish - 6 cm

winter radish - 13 cm

table beet - 8-10 cm

spinach - 3 cm

green onions - 3 cm

turnip onion - 5-8 cm

dill, parsley - 1 cm

How to cook paste

1 tablespoon of flour or potato starch should be stirred in a glass warm water and bring to a boil. You don't need to cook for a long time, but only so that the liquid thickens a little.

Yes, this lady loves precision in everything. They made a careless landing, a little messed up with the deadlines, a little rushed to clean up - and hello to your parents, in the sense - share a carrot, otherwise you don’t have yours. My husband and I bought a plot in 1991 and immediately took up gardening, although there was no experience at all. They also started growing carrots. I sowed it at first simple method- a pinch into the holes. Then she began to mix the seeds with river sand, then with jelly, but the results were the same: I had to thin out twice, which was very tiring, and the yields were average.

My husband helped with advice (unfortunately, he passed away a year and a half ago), who then worked as a mechanic gas equipment for boiler rooms.

So, in these boiler houses, the operators were mostly women, and since they had free time during the shift, before the dacha season they devoted it to sticking carrot seeds on paper tapes.

My husband adopted this method from them. Now I do it myself, especially since I also have enough leisure in the off-season. In general, I cut strips of toilet paper, the length of which depends on the width of the beds.

I make glue from starch.

I lay out the ribbons on the table, apply glue on them with a toothpick or the tip of a small brush and lay out the seeds every 3-4 cm. Then I hang the strips for drying on an ironing board and roll them up in rolls, each variety separately. And the carrot is waiting in the wings.

And before planting, I make grooves on the beds, water them with water, sprinkle with ash, put these strips in them with the seeds down, fall asleep with humus, water again and cover the beds nonwoven fabric before germination (I do subsequent periodic watering right on top of it).

And carrots grow very large. In the autumn I dig it up, cut off the tails and tops, wash it, dry it and put it in sugar bags that I keep in the cellar. Carrots lie as if just dug up until spring (pictured).

And I also plant onions around the perimeter of the beds with carrots. It grows very large, and it scares away the carrot fly. After harvesting vegetables, I immediately sow white mustard, so my land is very soft, there are no weeds at all. I sow carrots in the garden where onions grew, and onions - after it.

Carrot seeds on a tape - professional reviews

Sowing and caring for carrots is not an easy task for gardeners. But some tricks will make it easier to grow carrots. In particular, the method of sowing seeds on a belt can be used. This significantly reduces labor costs and increases productivity.

Why are the seeds on the tape so good?

They are fully prepared for sowing. Seeds are located at a distance of 3-3.5 cm from each other. They do not need to be thinned out, so the roots of neighboring plants are not injured and the root crops grow beautiful and even. It will be convenient for young shoots to develop. They will not win back their space to live under the sun.

Crops are sparse, well ventilated. And the carrot fly doesn't like it. She will not be attracted to the smell of tops, which is strongly manifested at the time of thinning.

Easy to use. Grooves are made in the ground, watered abundantly, a tape with seeds is laid and covered. It is only necessary to regularly moisten the crops, preventing the seeds from drying out in the tape before germination.

The seeds are evenly buried in the ground, they are not washed out even during heavy rains, which means they germinate at the same time. The optimal embedment depth is from 1.5 to 2 cm. Further care crops consists in careful weeding, timely watering and shallow loosening of the soil.

Currently on the market are seeds on tapes produced according to different technologies. Tapes are made mainly from toilet paper with the use of adhesives or starch and have a huge minus. This material- a nutrient medium for pathogenic microorganisms that cause the death of crops.

Most progressive technology is a 100% cellulose tape. Seeds are placed between two layers of material connected mechanically without the use of glue. The tape is non-toxic, decomposes well in a humid environment.

Damage for environment excluded.

The use of seeds on a tape makes growing carrots a convenient and easy task.

Obviously, seeds on a tape are the smartest solution!

Carrot with ballpoint pen

After all, I have a small gardening experience and experience, so it’s not always clear to me that for the experienced - “seeds”. This is where it all comes down to experience.

For example, how did I plant carrots, parsnips and dill before? I will mark rows in the garden and sow the seeds thicker - what if the germination is bad? And then I’ll tear out the excess (although it was a pity for these rastyushki to tears). And the harvest was still miserable.

Then I read that you need to glue the seeds on toilet paper. I got patience, the winter evenings are long, I did everything as it was written. Well, I think now everything will grow by itself. It's time to plant. I began to bury these ribbons in the ground - it was not there! They got mixed up in the wind, rinsed, torn, one could not cope in any way.

Somehow I buried them, I suffered. But even more torment was to look at the sprout carrots: the rows are crooked, the seedlings are rare. Well, what I wanted, I got it, carrots have nothing to do with it. She took care of her, as usual - weeding, loosening, watering. But when in the summer the grandchildren began to pull it from the garden, there was no end to my surprise: the roots are even, long and thick. I've never had one like this! “Yes, I think, it’s still a good way, you just need to think a little about how to deal with tapes.”

Now I do this. I make a flour paste, cut the paper into ribbons, lay it out on the table. I have an oilcloth on a checkered table and it serves as a stencil for me. I take a toothpick, dip it in a paste, pick up a seed with it and plant it on a tape. I fill them, wait for them to dry, and wind them into rolls.

But not just like that, but on plastic tubes 3 cm long, which I saw in advance from the bodies of ballpoint pens.

So I store them until planting. And when I plant, I drop the end of the tape at the beginning of the row, put a match into the tube, clamp it with a large and index fingers right hand and then I simply unwind this “reel”, at the same time sprinkling paper with seeds with my left hand. Here, no wind is terrible, and the seeds fall evenly.

Now I have beautiful large and even carrots, and parsnips are enough for all my neighbors.

He is also large and even, not ashamed to offer. The trouble with thinning seedlings is also a thing of the past. And every time I dig up root crops, I say thank you to Dacha.

But dill taught me to sow a neighbor in the country. He didn’t succeed at all with me, he grew frail. What was the matter? It turns out that in the fall you just need to scatter the seeds around the garden, and pull out the extra in the spring. I tried it and now it's the only way I sow it.

Enough for food from the very early spring, and for canned food, and for freezing. That's for sure, live a century - learn a century! And I also want to say: hard work in the garden will definitely give quality.

Each gardener on his site necessarily grows such a tasty and healthy root crop as carrots. However, not everyone sprouts well or even does not sprout at all, despite good care and timely disembarkation. It is no secret that how you prepare for, you will get such a harvest. carrot seeds on toilet paper- this is new way planting root crops. And it is used today not only for carrots.
"Country hobbies"

carrot seeds on toilet paper

Technology of sowing carrots

Often, gardeners and gardeners are offended by a poor harvest or low-quality carrots - ugly roots, cracks, and it is not stored for long. By the way, it is useful to read about this:.

To get a good harvest, you just need to follow simple agrotechnical rules, combined with new methods of planting root crops:

  • check seed germination;
  • prepare seeds for planting;
  • prepare beds for sowing;
  • sowing seeds of carrots;
  • care of seedlings and adult plants.

The yield of carrots, like any root crop, is laid down at the stage of preparing seeds for sowing. First of all, you need to check the germination of seeds, no matter if they are purchased in a store or obtained from your site. At 60 - 70% germination, this variety can be planted. For best results and reduced planting time next season, it is best to try to prepare the seeds in advance.

In one container you need to pour the seeds of the selected variety of carrots, in another - pour warm, room temperature, water. You will also need a starch paste, quite liquid, toilet paper cut into ribbons, a newspaper, a match. Ribbons are best cut along the length of the newspaper, making a width of about 2 - 2.5 cm.

Carrots on paper - an interesting way to plant

Strips of toilet paper should be smeared with paste using a not very wide brush. Then, with a wet match head, transfer the seed from the container to a strip of paper, and all the others also move. The distance between the seeds should be made equal to 2 - 3 cm. After transferring the seeds to these ribbons, you need to leave them for a while to dry.

Dried strips with carrot seeds glued to them should be placed across the newspaper. After all paper tapes with seeds are laid on a newspaper sheet, it should be rolled up, write the name of the variety, tie it with ribbon and put it in a dry place. In this form, the seeds will be perfectly preserved until the onset of the summer season.

With the establishment of positive temperatures and the readiness of the soil for agricultural work, you can begin to put in order the beds prepared in the fall for sowing carrot seeds. Carrots can be planted in the place where cabbage and legumes grew last season. On the prepared bed, cleaned and loosened, grooves are made 2–3 cm wide. The distance between the grooves is approximately 8–10 cm, and their depth is 1.5–2 cm.

Sowing prepared seeds

Ready grooves should be poured with warm water and the paper tape prepared last year with seeds should be laid in them so that the seeds are located down. Then these tapes should be poured with the same warm water until the paper is completely wet. Now the grooves should be covered with earth and slightly compacted.

The sown beds can be covered with thin black polyethylene, pressing it along the edges of the ridge with stones or heavy objects to prevent the material from being blown off by the wind. Here you need to be careful: about 15 - 17 days after sowing seeds of carrots, polyethylene must be removed from the ridges. If the site is located on the south side, then the polyethylene is removed earlier, by about 10-12 days. It is best to clean it up sunny weather, in the morning - so weak weeds themselves will burn under the sun.

Advantages of the "paper" method of sowing carrots

This method of planting root crops, in this case, carrots, has its advantages:

  • seed preparation is carried out in a room where everything necessary for work is conveniently located, in contrast to suburban area when work is carried out in the field;
  • the seeds are located in the soil at the same distance from each other, since they are evenly applied to the paper strips;
  • all seeds lie at the same depth, as they are applied to one tape, which is evenly laid into the soil along the entire length;
  • seed consumption is about 20-30 times less than with the usual way sowing, and the yield is several times higher.
  • for some time it is not necessary to weed and water the seedlings - after spontaneous burning out of weeds, carrot sprouts will not compete with weeds for some time;
  • carrot fly - one of the main pests of sprouts, feeding on their root crops - will not be able to lay eggs in the garden, as it will be covered with covering material.

Plants should be fed mineral fertilizers- phosphorus, potash if the soil is acidic, lime can be added at the rate of 300 g per 1 m 2. When planting carrot seeds in the traditional way, it will be necessary to thin out the seedlings twice. Using this method of sowing carrots, you can special efforts with proper care to get good harvest delicious root vegetables.
(by card, from a cell phone, Yandex money - select the one you need)

Thank you!

I invite you to the group on for summer residents, gardeners: "Country hobbies" Everything about country life: cottage, garden, vegetable garden, flowers, recreation, fishing, hunting, tourism, nature