Why does anthurium not bloom, how to make a flower bloom. Why anthurium does not bloom and what to do about it

This inflorescence spadix equipped with more or less wide sheet-bedspread a wide variety of colors and shades - red, white, green, orange, purple.

Smells, exuded by flowering anthuriums, are no less changeable: from barely perceptible to very strong, from fragrant to fetid - it all depends on which pollinating insects are more often found where it grows specific type anthurium.

In the greenhouse and indoor culture most often grown beautifully blooming in white-pink-red colors Anthurium Andre And Anthurium Scherzer(including their numerous hybrid forms), as well as decorative foliage crystal anthurium with discreet flowers that have a delicate pleasant aroma.

Anthurium juice is poisonous and care should be taken when working with them.

How to make Anthurium bloom?

Potentially indoor anthuriums capable of blooming from February to November, that is, practically all year round, pausing only during the coldest and darkest winter months; in addition, their flowers are unusually durable when cut and remain unchanged for up to four weeks.

For such fabulous flowering, these plants need appropriate conditions, the observance of which requires considerable experience and knowledge.

The main problem is to find such balance of light, temperature, soil and humidity, which will remind anthuriums of their native high-mountain tropical forests and they, perhaps, will agree to live in your apartment.

Creating an appropriate microclimate includes security illumination - bright, but diffused; quite long throughout the year.


Summer the temperature must be maintained at 20-25 degrees, winter– in the interval 16-18 degrees.

The soil temperature should not be lower than the air temperature, which is why anthuriums are planted V plastic containers . These containers should not be deep - but not too wide, otherwise they will grow roots and children, not flowers.

Air and soil

Air saturated with water vapor, should be fresh - but without drafts.

The soil is damp– but not wet.

Top dressing necessary - but fertilizer solutions should not be too concentrated.

Compliance with all these “ifs” and “buts” is the main condition for constantly blooming “male happiness.”

And now, finally, your anthurium has blossomed - but it’s too early to calm down. After some time, the bright red blankets turn green, or the rich pink variety turns white, losing its color. This is a normal phenomenon, this is how these plants bloom - and outdated flowers need to be removed.

It also happens that you purchased luxury grade with numerous large flowers - but at home it somehow thinned out, crushed and reluctantly forms new inflorescences.

This situation may arise due to the fact that when commercially growing anthuriums in greenhouses, gibberellins, phytohormones that accelerate the growth and overall development of all parts of the plant, are used to improve their presentation.

How to care for the flower of Male Happiness to bloom?

Deprived of constant stimulation, the specimen gradually returns to its natural state and, if provided with the proper care, will bloom again - albeit not so brightly and abundantly.
Is it possible to replant Anthurium during flowering?

During flowering, replanting anthuriums is excluded

During this period you need feed the plants: once every two weeks, complex mineral fertilizer. You can alternate organic and mineral supplements, but in any case, the concentration of the solutions should be weaker than the standard one.

Anthuriums belong to the species, quite difficult in indoor culture. Sometimes this plant is given a separate “apartment” - a terrarium, in which, behind glass, they create a real tropical atmosphere for it, providing additional lighting, regulating the temperature, and saturating the air with water vapor. Anthuriums are also grown hydroponically.

However, these “tropicans” can easily grow without any special shelters or tricks.

True, there are interruptions in flowering: the red covers have turned green, you have removed the faded flowers - but new flowers are not formed, although winter is still far away in other respects, judging by appearance, the plant feels good.

Sometimes a young specimen does not bloom or a transplanted anthurium grows but does not bloom.

All these problems have their own causes that can be eliminated.

If you wait and do not wait for the flowering of a specimen grown from seeds, remember:

Anthurium blooms no earlier than it is one year and ten months old, sometimes two years old.

If, as expected, in the interval between flowering, and not during it, you transplanted the anthurium into a new, expanded container - it may turn out to be too wide and flowering will not begin until the container is filled with roots and children. Needs a small pot for flowering. You will find more information about planting and replanting anthurium.

Why doesn't Anthurium bloom at home?
Check if everything is conditions for proper care are observed:

  • The soil- must be suitable for epiphytes - plants with aerial roots: loose, fibrous, moisture and breathable, well drained, ideally - special soil for orchids.
  • Watering– ensures a constantly moist, but not stagnantly damp condition of the soil. The water is soft, its excess is immediately drained from the pan.
  • Air humidity– significantly increased: you can add wet sphagnum on a tray to frequent spraying. Aerial roots are also covered with this moss.
  • Top dressing– twice a month, with a diluted solution of complex fertilizers.
  • Temperature– during the flowering season, not lower than 22 degrees (stimulates the development of buds), in winter – from 16 to 18 degrees (stimulates the formation of buds).
  • Lighting– bright and at the same time diffused: western or eastern window, additional illumination during short daylight hours.

If all these conditions are present, the anthurium is not too young, is not busy growing roots and forming children - and still does not bloom, you can try it further stimulate.

To do this, in the spring, water the plant with soft water at a temperature of 40-50 degrees.

Some people pour water heated to 60 degrees into a pan once a week and leave it there until it cools, then drain it. The atmosphere of a warm steam room helps the anthurium to finally awaken to a full-blooded life.

Abundant, regular, exotic flowering of anthurium can be considered a successfully passed exam for the title of a diligent and skillful gardener, and the happiness that should cover all household men, apparently, defies description.


Next you will see a photo of Anthurium blooming:

The name "anthurium" translates as "flower tail". This name was given because of the original structure of the flower, which consists of a flower spadix and a bract. It looks very beautiful, stylish, unusual, but with flowers when planting at home it’s chic tropical plant rarely pleases amateur florists. But why doesn't anthurium bloom? How can you change the situation?

There could be many reasons for this. This child of the tropics is distinguished by his fastidiousness and capricious disposition; he does not always like the conditions of the apartment; he may not like the water for irrigation or the soil. Even the size of the pot is important.

Soil selection

You cannot plant the plant in ordinary soil; the plant will not be able to get used to it, even if you provide care and regularly feed it. Perhaps the leaves will not turn yellow, they will grow and develop normally, but they will refuse to bloom. Most optimal solution will be purchasing a soil mixture for orchids, which consists of:

  • tree bark;
  • coal;
  • peat;
  • sphagnum

To this land you also need to add:

  • leaf humus;
  • perlite;
  • a little high-moor peat (if the peat is low-lying, then you can’t count on flowering).

Such a mixture will be “tasty” for a tropical exotic because in nature it grows on a mixture of the remains of rotted wood and leaves. Weak roots Always receive good ventilation and stay in humid conditions.

Flower pot size

The reason for failure to bloom may be the wrong size of the flowerpot. In its natural habitat it grows as a saprophyte, often representing a liana, and has a poorly developed root system, therefore, when growing at home, you need to take into account: the smaller the planting container, the greater the likelihood of flowering. The best chance is after transplanting into a low, wide container on a tray with wet expanded clay or gravel.

You should change your “place of residence” every 3-4 years. This fidget, unlike most of his brothers, loves transplants.

Proper watering

At home, anthurium is very picky about watering conditions; the soil must always be moist, but not soggy, otherwise the delicate roots may rot. Only soft water is suitable, and it must be settled and boiled before use.

Water, being careful not to get it on the leaves, otherwise they will darken and the plant will look untidy. It is better to moisten the leaves with a spray bottle. You can cover the flower with any moss, water it, providing the necessary soil moisture, that’s just aerial roots It is better to leave it in the air and spray it regularly along with the leaves. In spring, it is advisable to water it once with soft boiled water at a temperature of 40-50°C. This can serve as an additional impetus for planting inflorescences.

Warmth and light

Also, the reason for the reluctance of anthurium to bloom may be improper lighting, non-compliance temperature regime.

This gentle creature of the humid tropics requires a lot of bright light, but does not tolerate direct light. sun rays, burns may appear on its delicate leaves and they turn yellow. Requires diffused sunlight or artificial lighting. At home, north-western and eastern windows are ideal for it.

No drafts - this can kill anthurium!

Anthurium is also picky about air temperature, in winter about +16°C, in summer up to + 28°C. Go to winter mode necessary from September, gradually lowering the temperature. With the right regime, around the second half of February it will begin to form buds, after which constant care of the plant will become necessary. At the first signs of flowering, artificial lighting should be increased.

Top dressing

Anthurium when growing at home needs additional nutrition. It can be fed:

  • By applying diluted fertilizers to the soil. Do this once every two weeks, starting in mid-winter. After flowering begins, the amount of fertilizer should be reduced by half.
  • Spray the leaves daily with a special foliar fertilizer.

Care during flowering

All care recommendations are followed, the first buds appear on the plant, making the florist’s heart beat joyfully in anticipation of the white, pink or red flowers finally blooming. They immediately guess about the duration of the flowering period. At proper care Anthurium can bloom all year round, only the flowers will be somewhat smaller than those that were at the time of purchase. The secret is simple: breeders achieve large flowers by using a growth stimulant, for example, gibberellic acid.

The houseplant anthurium is attractive for its spectacular and original flowering. Against the background of large bracts, scarlet, soft pink, purple or white yellow flower spikes rise up, and the rich green of the foliage contrasts their brightness. The shape of the inflorescences gave the anthurium its second, popular name - “ male happiness».

To admire the flowers, you need to carefully follow the rules for growing this capricious native of the South American continent. Knowing the reasons why sometimes anthurium does not bloom will help correct the situation, and amazingly attractive plants will decorate any room.

Possible reasons for the lack of buds

The main reasons for the “reluctance” of anthurium to bloom are: improper care behind him. The flower needs careful adherence to temperature, lighting and humidity conditions, proper watering. Eat special requirements to the quality of the soil substrate and transplantation technology.

When growing a “male happiness” flower from a seed, the first flower stalks can be expected to appear in at least 22 months. If inflorescences have not formed by this time, and only green leaves grow, you should analyze possible reasons delays:

  • lack of illumination or exposure of the anthurium to direct rays of the sun (fraught with sunburn);
  • incorrectly selected pot size;
  • insufficient air humidity;
  • non-compliance with the temperature regime during the growing season and during the dormant period;
  • the soil is too dense, unbalanced in nutrient content or does not allow air to pass through;
  • untimely removal of faded and faded buds;
  • incorrectly chosen location - nearby heating devices or in a draft.

There are many reasons for the long absence of buds on anthurium, but they are all fixable. IN comfortable conditions the plant can bloom for a long time - starting from February and ending in October-November. When cut, its flowers are surprisingly long-lasting and remain fresh for up to a month.

Unfavorable conditions of detention

At home, in the tropical zone South America, anthurium has a “reputation” of a plant that forms buds easily and quickly and blooms for a long time. At home, to do this, you should recreate the specific microclimate necessary for an exotic beauty:

  • Lighting- bright, but diffuse throughout the year. Under natural conditions, bright sun rays are scattered as they pass through the foliage of trees. The required daylight hours are 12–14 hours. Best place for a flower pot - not far from the windows on the western or eastern sides of the house. Lack of light or too much light will prevent the anthurium from blooming.
  • Temperature regime. During the active growing season, the plant needs warmth, and a small temperature range is comfortable for it - from 21 to 27 °C. From the third ten days of November to February, during the dormant period of the flower, you need to maintain the temperature in the room with it at 15–17 °C. In February it is raised to 20 °C so that buds begin to form. Failure to comply with these conditions does not interfere with the growth of greenery, but prevents the anthurium from blooming.
  • Humidity. The flower needs air saturated with moisture (70–80%), but without drafts. This is an epiphytic plant that receives liquid mainly through its leaves. You need a humidifier next to the potty. As a last resort, a container with liquid or double spraying will do. warm water during the day. Wipe the leaves weekly with a damp sponge.

It is important to remove flower stalks from faded buds. The process of seed formation in them weakens the plant, and it does not have the strength to form new flowers.

Errors in watering and fertilizing

Constant waterlogging of the soil or lack of watering - common reason why the anthurium stopped blooming. It will not be possible to wait until the buds form if the soil in the pot is constantly waterlogged. Irregular watering, when the soil and root ball have time to dry completely, will prevent flowering.

It is necessary to moisten the soil when the top layer dries:

  • in spring and summer - once every 3–4 days;
  • in winter - once a week.

Water for irrigation is left to settle for several days; it is even better to use filtered water without calcium salts. Its temperature should be a couple of degrees above room temperature.

Stimulates flowering by adding 2-3 drops lemon juice per liter of liquid. During the growing season this is done every week, winter time rest - no more than once every 2–3 weeks.

In addition, anthurium needs constant supplements mineral fertilizers with a high phosphorus content for flowering indoor plants. They should not contain calcium, and the amount of nitrogen in them should be limited so as not to provoke the growth of green mass. You cannot use products for decorative foliage crops, since this only leads to the active formation of new leaves.

Use liquid nutrient mixtures, adding them to water for irrigation in the dosage specified in the instructions for the drug. An excess or severe lack of fertilizer substances is fraught not only with a lack of flowering, but also with a painful state of anthurium.

Fertilizing is applied only during the growing season. When the plant “rests” in winter, it is not disturbed with additional nutrition.

However, even correctly selected fertilizers will not help to bloom if the soil is selected incorrectly. It is advisable to purchase a special soil composition for anthurium or substrate for orchids. As a last resort, a self-prepared mixture will do, including:

  • sand - 1 part;
  • peat and leaf soil- 2 parts each;
  • humus - 4 parts.

Since anthurium prefers acidic, breathable soil, experienced gardeners add pine needles to the soil. It is necessary to use drainage - expanded clay, broken bricks or pebbles.

Inappropriate potty

Often, anthurium is prevented from blooming by the incorrectly selected shape and size of the container for it. The flower doesn't need it too much tall pot so as not to disturb the foliage. A wide container is also not suitable, because until the root system has mastered the entire space, the plant will not be able to form buds, spending energy only on the “production” of greenery.

The material of the container is not important, the only important thing is the presence of drainage holes to drain excess water.

A sign that the anthurium needs to be transplanted into a larger pot - beginning to sprout in drainage holes roots. It is enough that the new container for the flower is a couple of centimeters larger than the previous one.

Stress after transplant

Young anthurium plants (up to 5 years of age) need annual spring replanting. It is enough to move adult specimens to a new pot every 2–3 years. During the procedure, the roots are inspected, removing rotten or damaged ones. It is recommended to carry out pruning with rubber gloves, since the poisonous sap of the plant causes allergic itching or dermatitis if it comes into contact with the skin.

Despite the fact that regular replanting is mandatory for anthurium, it perceives it as stress and reacts painfully. You can help the flower at this time by adding liquid preparations Kornevin or Zircon to the soil. After transplantation, the plant does not bloom for several months, but then, if other care requirements are met, it produces buds again.

Additional “soft” moisture after replanting stimulates flowering - wrapping the stems with damp moss at the level of their exit from the soil.

What to do if anthurium does not bloom

If all of the above errors in flower care are corrected, but the formation of buds does not begin, you can stimulate this process “ warm bath" Once every 10 days, hot (about 60 °C) water is poured into the pan. Its evaporation creates comfortable warm humidity.

Store-bought anthurium usually already has one or two inflorescences. A flowering plant is more attractive for sale, so in greenhouses, during forcing, phytohormones and chemicals are added to the soil to stimulate growth and flowering. Their potential is enough for a couple of months to ensure marketability. After withering, such a plant does not have the strength to bloom further. It needs not only pruning of faded inflorescences, but also a complete replacement of the soil and, as a rule, the pot. If all other conditions are met, it usually takes anthurium several months to adapt to the new environment and bloom again after transplantation.

As you can see, anthurium is quite “capricious” regarding the conditions of its maintenance, but you can make it bloom with effort and attention. The reward for the gardener’s efforts will be the amazingly beautiful flowering of an exotic beauty.

Anthurium received its name for the original structure of the flower spadix and around the flower spathe, “a flower with a tail,” as it is sometimes called. When purchasing this flower, everyone dreams of the endless flowering of this beauty. This dream can become a reality only thanks to your patience, acquired knowledge and constant compassionate care behind the plant. But, you need to try hard and know what to do if the anthurium does not bloom.

Why does anthurium not bloom?

We remind you that anthurium grown from seed begins to flower no earlier than after 22 months. Indoor anthuriums are potentially ready for continuous flowering from February to November. Moreover, their flowers are unusually durable - they can last for a month without fading. Only in the darkest winter months does the anthurium pause its development, resting and preparing for the next season. If even after 2 years the anthurium does not want to bloom, you need to analyze all aspects of its development and try to correct the mistakes associated with caring for the anthurium at home. Below are some of them.

  1. Low ambient temperature during the growing season of the plant.

Anthurium is very heat-loving plant. The room where it grows must be well and evenly heated. It is especially important to maintain the temperature within 22 - 25 degrees. Celsius during bud development and flowering. When the temperature drops below 20 degrees. the ability to flower is sharply reduced. Anthurium does not like sudden temperature fluctuations and drafts. If the pot is placed on a window with cold air blowing from the cracks in the frame, the plant will not bloom.

  1. High temperature in the room with the flower in winter.

During the winter dormancy period (December - February), the temperature in the room with the flower should not be higher than 15-18 degrees. This temperature is closest to natural conditions its residence and is necessary to prepare the plant for a new cycle of its development: the laying of buds and the further development of cobs-inflorescences.

  1. Incorrect lighting mode.

Usually, in wildlife, anthurium grows in the shade of tropical thickets. At home, it is advisable to provide him with a similar level of lighting. Place your anthuriums on south-eastern windows and they will bask in the gentle rays of the sun in the morning. During the day they will also have enough sunlight. On southern windows, in direct sunlight, the plant can get leaf burns and even die. Be sure to protect the location of the flower with blinds or curtains. You can move the shelf with anthurium slightly deeper into the room and remove it from direct sunlight.

At the same time, lack of lighting is even worse! Without sufficient lighting, anthurium will never bloom. At the end of February - beginning of March, during the period of activation life processes in anthurium, i.e. at the first signs of impending flowering, it is very important to provide the plant with a long daylight hours, up to 12–14 hours. Buy fluorescent lamps or phyto lamps and use them.

  1. Very dry indoors.

Anthurium does not tolerate too dry indoor air. He likes high humidity environment, from 70 to 90%, as in a tropical forest. That's why it doesn't produce buds. Spray the room and anthurium leaves with settled water room temperature. Place the pot in a tray with damp expanded clay or wet pebbles. Do it often wet cleaning in room. Place wide containers of water next to the plant to evaporate it. You can put wet sphagnum moss on pallets. Cover the aerial roots of the plant with the same moss. Not immediately, but soon the anthurium will return to normal and bloom.

  1. Incorrect watering.

Both prolonged waterlogging of the soil and excessive drying out can lead to a lack of flowering. Anthurium needs infrequent but abundant watering. It is desirable that the entire root system be saturated with moisture. After some time, excess water from the pan must be drained. It is important to water blooming anthurium normally. Give more water than usual and the flowering will stop! The next watering should be done no earlier than the upper part of the plant’s earthen clod has dried thoroughly. In summer, it is usually watered every 3 to 4 days. A severely dried anthurium flower will never bloom. In winter, it is enough to water no more than every 7 days. During this time, a third of the substrate should dry.

  1. Wrong pot size.

The pot for anthurium should not be deep, but wide enough, slightly wider than the root system of the plant. Until the root system of the anthurium has mastered all the soil space in your pot, it will not prepare for flowering. In a pot that is too deep and wide, excess roots and children will grow, and the green mass of the plant will also grow rapidly to the detriment of flowering. In addition, too much excess soil can cause it to sour.

Drainage in the form of a layer of expanded clay or large pebbles of 3 - 4 cm should ensure the drainage of excess water. This is the key to a healthy plant and its annual flowering.

  1. Plant transplantation done at the wrong time.

Young anthuriums (up to 4 - 5 years old) need an annual spring transplant into a new pot, a little bigger size than before, with new nutritional soil mixture. Anthuriums aged five or more years are transplanted less frequently - after 2 - 3 years.

  1. Very dense soil.

Houseplants often suffer from overly dense soil, which does not allow moisture and air to penetrate evenly to the roots of the plant. Likewise, anthurium loves loose, light, slightly acidified soil with a full range of microelements, except calcium. Use ready-made soil for flowering plants, for example, for orchids.

  1. Lack of nutrients in the soil.

Feed the anthurium during the growing season a couple of times a month with minerals and organic fertilizers. You can use liquid fertilizer for orchids or other beautifully flowering plants until September. In the winter months, it is enough to feed the anthurium a couple of times, and in doses half as much as prescribed according to the instructions. If you overfeed an anthurium with fertilizers, especially nitrogen ones, it will also stop blooming.

  1. The presence of faded flower stalks on the bush.

Such fading inflorescences—cobs—rob the flowering plant of the strength it so needs to open and grow new buds and flowers. In a timely manner, use sharp, clean scissors to remove outdated flowers along with their peduncles!

During flowering or in the immediate vicinity of this fact, replanting anthurium is excluded - the plant will shed all its flower stalks.

If you think that you have fulfilled all the conditions for your pet to flower, but it still does not produce buds, you can try to further stimulate its flowering as follows: in early spring water the soil under the anthurium with soft warm water 50 g, not higher. After another week, pour into the pot tray hot water, 60 degrees, and leave to cool in it. (Provided there is a high layer of drainage in the pot, so as not to burn the roots). After a week, repeat. Such a steam room will allow the anthurium to quickly awaken to active life and finally begin to collect the long-awaited buds.

Why did the purchased anthurium stop blooming?

You bought a luxurious anthurium with many large flowers, for example, red. We arranged his life and did everything the necessary conditions for his growth and long flowering. But after some time it somehow wilted, thinned out, shredded and stopped blooming. Why?

It is possible that when anthurium was grown commercially in a greenhouse, phytohormones were used to accelerate growth and general development and plant maturation. In the purchased soil, most likely, the supply of nutrients was designed for no more than a couple of months, just enough time to sell the flower and make it bloom on a new owner. Your anthurium has run out of energy, the plant is exhausted and may die. He needs urgent help!

First of all, transplant the anthurium into a new, suitable pot with a moist nutrient mixture for beautiful flowering plants. Give him time to gain strength and get used to his new home conditions. Take care of him like you would a sissy and capricious one. Deprived of constant stimulation, a flower will not quickly return to its natural state. It may take several months for the anthurium to gain strength, grow and strengthen its root system. Only then will new long-awaited flower stalks appear on your long-suffering flower. Most likely it will be next spring.

Anthurium – ornamental plant originally from America. It is one of the most beautiful representatives of tropical flora. Its flowering is different bright inflorescences exotic shape.

Many amateur flower growers complain that, despite its inclinations, anthurium rarely pleases with the riot of colors of its inflorescences. Window sills highland tropical forests cannot replace it. However, using a few tricks when cultivating anthurium at home, you can achieve its fantastic flowering throughout the year.

Mistakes gardeners make when growing anthurium

Before looking for an answer to the question of how to force indoor anthurium bloom more often when grown at home, you should objectively evaluate the conditions that were created for its growth.

Anthurium will not bloom if:

  • the scorching rays of the sun fall on its stems;
  • moderation of watering is not observed - the plant either suffers from excess moisture or does not receive enough of it;
  • For planting the plant, waterproof soil is taken - dense;
  • The plant is not replanted or fertilized nutrients;
  • in the room where the houseplant grows, dry air;
  • the flower is planted in a large pot (deep and wide in diameter);
  • dried inflorescences are not removed in a timely manner;
  • the plant is infected with pests.

Any home flower requires attention; the seemingly unpretentious anthurium is no exception. If mistakes are made in caring for it, then you should not expect the plant to show impressive lush growth and release of inflorescences.

Basic requirements for anthurium flowering

Anthurium blooms differently depending on the variety. For some, the beginning of summer is acceptable, for others, flowering occurs in autumn, even varieties cultivated today blooming in winter. Many flower growers also note species of Anthurium that bloom all year round. Therefore, it is never too late to start stimulating the plant to produce inflorescences.

Despite the condition of the anthurium and its age, work begins with correcting the mistakes made, which implies compliance with the basic requirements of the plant.


An excellent place for anthurium to grow is partial shade. Pots with this flower should be placed on eastern or western windowsills, which allows the plant to have long daylight hours and diffuse sunlight. In such conditions, anthurium does not waste energy restoring burnt stems and foliage. If we are talking about winter period cultivation, then to ensure long daylight hours it is necessary to use fluorescent lamps.


Cold and heat are unacceptable for anthurium. The favorable temperature for its cultivation and flowering is considered to be +18..+22°C. This condition must be met both in the cold and warm months of the year.

To reduce the indoor air temperature, air conditioners are used in summer, and heating system temperature regulators are used in winter.

Organization of watering:

  • Anthurium responds with abundant flowering when watered with settled water at room temperature without chlorine impurities.
  • The breaks between watering should not exceed four days in the warm season and seven days in autumn and winter.
  • Need for watering indoor flower is determined by the degree of dryness of the top layer of planting soil - it should not stick to the hand and should not form cracks.
  • To ensure a sufficient level of humidity in the warm season, anthurium foliage should additionally be sprayed with a spray bottle. When performing this procedure, you must ensure that water does not fall on the blossoming inflorescences.


Anthurium is fastidious in feeding with nutrients, due to which the inflorescences are either absent or weak and few in number. The plant does not tolerate both their deficiency and their excess.

Therefore, you should always be guided by the following scheme:

  • Only rooted samples without signs of pest damage need to be fertilized;
  • for fertilizing, you should use a complex liquid fertilizer for flowering indoor plants, for example, “Agricola”, “Fertika-Lux”, “Ideal”;
  • fertilizers should be applied to the soil no more than once a week during the active growth phase (you need to start at the beginning of March and end at the end of August);
  • the recommended one-time dosage of fertilizers should be divided into two or three times;
  • Before applying fertilizer, the flower is watered abundantly to prevent burns to the root system.

Proper planting and replanting

Often, growing anthurium at home begins with purchasing a plant at a flower shop. Therefore, after it has finished flowering, it needs to be replanted.

This is done for the purposes of:

  • soil renewal;
  • providing the root system optimal conditions for full development;
  • achieving more abundant, long-lasting flowering.

In order for the anthurium to quickly grow, it is replanted using the transshipment method, without injuring the root system. The plant is transferred to a more spacious shallow pot with an updated slightly acidic substrate consisting of peat, bark coniferous trees, charcoal, sand, expanded clay chips in the proportion 1/0.5/0.5/1/0.5.

Anthurium also accepts loose forest soils and turf. The lower the density of the soil, the more oxygen enters the roots of the plant, which ensures its vigorous growth and the formation of new inflorescences.

After replacing the purchased flower container, the anthurium is replanted once a year for five years. Subsequently, the number of transplants is reduced to once every three years. A favorable time for transplanting a plant that has been cultivated for several years is the active growth phase from March to September inclusive.

Artificial stimulation of anthurium to flower

If during cultivation indoor plant no mistakes were made in care, but it still does not bloom, you should try artificial stimulation of the flower. One of experienced flower growers made a remark that anthurium responds well to watering with moderately hot water.

The method of watering the roots with settled water (+40..+50°C) before the start of the active growth phase (at the end of February) promotes the so-called “shake-up”, which subsequently has a positive effect on the formation of inflorescences.

Also effective method Stimulation of flowering is the treatment of anthurium roots during transplantation with special herbal stimulants.

By providing the anthurium with proper care and competent support, you can expect one hundred percent return from it in the form of exquisite budding.