Rosemary is a Mediterranean guest in our home. Tips for growing rosemary in an apartment

Rosemary is known to many housewives, but not everyone has tried to use it in cooking. And this is a big omission. The name of this spicy herb is translated from Latin as “sea freshness”. It gives freshness and special aroma to dishes. You don’t have to spend a lot of money to buy rosemary, because it can be grown at home. If you learn correct landing in a pot and caring for the plant, then at home on the windowsill there will be not only a useful seasoning, but also a beautiful ornamental plant.

Rules for planting rosemary

Rosemary can be easily propagated in two ways: seeds and cuttings. Seeds traditionally more the hard way. This is also due to the fact that rosemary seeds germinate very poorly. But this is nevertheless possible if you strictly follow the instructions.

  • Take a piece of gauze and moisten it generously. Place rosemary seeds on damp gauze and leave for 2 days.
  • After this, the seeds are laid out on moist soil, the container with it is covered with cling film to retain heat and moisture. In order for oxygen to flow inside, you need to make several small punctures in the film using a toothpick.
  • As soon as the shoots begin to appear, they should be periodically sprayed with water from a spray bottle.
  • In 2-4 weeks, the seedlings should reach 7-9 cm in height and at least 3 leaves should form on it. Then the seedlings can be transplanted into permanent soil. It is very important not to damage the rosemary sprouts.

Attention! It is recommended to germinate the seeds of this crop in early spring or autumn.

The second method of propagating rosemary is using cuttings from an adult plant. To do this, you need to cut off the woody shoot from the top of the bush. The lower leaves of the cutting are removed, and the cutting itself is placed in a moistened mixture of peat and sand (1:1). If it is difficult to obtain such a mixture, you can replace it with a vessel of water. As soon as the cuttings produce a root, they are transplanted into permanent soil.

Aromatic seasoning can be grown on the windowsill

Care and cultivation in a pot on the windowsill

The main thing in growing rosemary, like any other plant, is the soil. In this case, you will need the maximum fertile soil, rich in humus. Experienced flower growers The following mixture is recommended: leaf soil, turf land, humus, peat, sand (2:2:1:1:1).

Attention! Acidic soils are a killer for rosemary.

But not only the soil is important, but also other aspects of plant care:

Advice. In order to fully saturate rosemary with the sun, in the summer pots with it can be taken to the dacha. During the day, this plant is exposed to the open sun, and hidden in the house at night.

Pest Control

Rosemary is quite resistant to diseases and pests. However, troubles can also happen to him. Such as spider mites. Main sign its presence is an almost imperceptible thin web on the leaves and stem of the plant. If the mite has just appeared, you can deal with it with soapy water and thoroughly wash the rosemary leaves. If the infection is advanced, insecticides cannot be avoided.

If the watering regime is violated, rosemary may turn yellow. lower leaves. This is a signal that the plant lacks moisture. If rosemary sheds its leaves, this indicates excessive watering. If small rust spots appear on the leaves of the plant, spraying preparations with copper will help eliminate them.

Application and benefits

Rosemary is grown not only for beauty. It is used in cooking and folk medicine.

  • Medicine. The leaves of this plant contain essential oils, resins and camphor. Therefore, rosemary is used to relieve spastic pain, as well as to eliminate inflammation. It is also used as an expectorant and diuretic. Rosemary helps with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and gall bladder, diabetes mellitus, neurasthenia, insomnia.

Rosemary is used in both medicine and cooking

  • Cooking. This spice has a specific pine smell with sweet notes and a spicy-pungent taste. It is used to season vegetable dishes of eggplant, cabbage, mushrooms and beans. This spice gives a refined taste to soups, meat and even fruits. And drinks with it give a person vigor. Rosemary is added to desserts, syrups and liqueurs for a specific fresh aroma.

Rosemary decorates the home, purifies the air due to its phytocidal properties and provides a seasoning for the kitchen. Therefore, such a plant should be on the windows of every home.

Planting rosemary: video

How to care for rosemary: photo

Traditionally, there are not many spices in our kitchen. These are usually parsley, dill, coriander and pepper. Basil is occasionally found. But rosemary is undeservedly considered exotic. Meanwhile, this is not only an exquisite spice, but also a wonderful decorative fragrant plant that can decorate your apartment in an original way.

Rosemary translated from Latin language stands for sea ​​dew or freshness of the sea. For the ancient Greeks, it was a talisman that brought happiness, preserved youth, warded off evil spirits. In the 19th century in Europe, this plant was used as snuff for a runny nose.

Uses of rosemary

In cooking. Rosemary has a coniferous-camphor-sweet smell, its taste is sharp-spicy, slightly bitter. Therefore, this spice will perfectly complement dishes made from vegetables such as eggplant, mushrooms, beans, and cabbage.

Rosemary will also add a refined aroma to soups, sauces, and fruit salads. And if you add a little rosemary to tea, the drink will acquire a unique aroma. Rosemary essential oils are often used in baking and alcoholic beverages.

In medicine. Rosemary is not only an excellent spice, it is also medicinal product. Its leaves contain an extremely valuable oil, which includes resins, essential oils and, most importantly, camphor. Due to this, rosemary is used to relieve various types of spasms and inflammatory reactions.

This is an excellent diuretic and expectorant. Rosemary is used for cardiovascular diseases, liver diseases, gastrointestinal tract, gall bladder diabetes, VSD, neurasthenia, insomnia and many others.

Growing rosemary in an apartment and care

Rosemary is quite difficult to grow on a windowsill, but you already know that this wonderful spice is worth it. Besides, our modern housewives can do anything, and grow this fragrant perennial evergreen shrub, armed with our knowledge, it won’t be difficult.

In nature there are quite a few a large number of varieties of rosemary, but only one of them is suitable for growing at home - fragrant rosemary.

Pot and soil requirements

For this plant you need to purchase a spacious terracotta or clay pot. Rosemary has a branched root system, requiring a lot of space to grow. It is imperative to provide good drainage using small pebbles or expanded clay.

Neutral or slightly alkaline substrates, which can be purchased in a supermarket or specialty store, are suitable as an earthen mixture. It is also necessary to regularly fertilize the soil once every two weeks, winter period- once a month. But not more often.

Lighting requirements

It is better to place a pot with this spicy bush on a well-lit southern or eastern windowsill. In order for a plant to produce strong and succulent leaves, it needs to be provided with a large amount of light and air. Therefore, it is worth regularly ventilating the room in the winter, and in the summer you can either bury the perennial on summer cottage. Just keep in mind: rosemary does not like sudden temperature changes.

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Growing rosemary from seeds

As noted earlier, it is quite difficult to grow this plant from seeds - its seeds do not have good germination. But it is still possible.

So, Seeds should be planted either in early spring or autumn. Rosemary seeds need to be soaked in damp gauze for a couple of days. Afterwards, scatter the seeds on moist soil, without digging them in, cover plastic film, which needs to be pierced in several places. This will provide fresh air to your seeds. Expect shoots in a couple of weeks to a month. All this time, you need to moisten the soil with seedlings daily with water from a spray bottle. If the seedlings still do not appear, you will have to sow the seeds again.

When the seeds germinate and reach 7-9 cm in length, and the sprouts have at least 3 leaves, thin out the sprouts if necessary, or transplant the excess ones into other containers for permanent maintenance. When diving, try not to damage the young rosemary.

As it grows, and rosemary grows quickly, replant it in larger pots so that the roots of the plant have room to grow and the bush does not lose its decorative properties.

Growing rosemary from cuttings

Cuttings can be obtained by cutting off a shoot of mature rosemary. The shoot should already be woody and from the top of the plant. Remove the lower leaves from the cutting and place it in a mixture of wet sand and peat. If you don't have this mixture, a glass of water will do. When roots appear on the sprout, it can be transplanted into a permanent flowerpot.

Watering requirements

Rosemary will prefer drought rather than waterlogged soil. Therefore, it should be watered, although regularly, but without zeal. If rosemary will not receive sufficient quantity moisture, it will turn yellow, but if there is too much moisture, the root system of the plant will rot and it will die.

How to get rosemary flowers

To do this, it is necessary to provide the plant with a cold period. If the temperature on your loggia does not drop below +10-+15 degrees, then you can temporarily move a pot of rosemary there. At the same time, you should not water it abundantly and tear off the leaves from it.

It is important to know

Rosemary bush lends itself well to shaping. To do this, you need to trim the woody shoots from time to time.

Fresh tops of annual shoots and rosemary flowers are used for food.

If rosemary grows in your room, it will thank you for your care by regularly purifying the air thanks to its phytoncidal properties.

The juicy, refreshing, fragrant spice rosemary is becoming an increasingly frequent “guest” of our dishes, and gardeners began to grow it on their plots with interest.

This plant is capricious and heat-loving; it does not always take root and not everywhere; the best way to grow rosemary is propagation by cuttings (twigs). Moreover, you can grow shrubs not only in open ground, but also at home, in ordinary flower pots, read the article on how to do such planting.

When to plant rosemary

In a very warm region, bush branches can be propagated at any time except the winter months. But in temperate climate, it is best to take shoots for seedlings in the spring, before the grass blooms - at the end of March, beginning of April, and plant them in the ground in May-June.

The autumn shrub can be used to grow rosemary at home, on the windowsill.

Where to get cuttings

The cuttings for propagation will be the upper parts of the shoots of the bush. Rosemary has become increasingly common as a ornamental plant in park areas of cities.

Twigs can be cut from any mature bush, purchased at a gardening store, or simply buy a bunch of greenery at the market. The main thing is that these are the tops of the stems.

What to do with fresh cuttings

Once the rosemary seedlings are in your hands, you need them to take root. Some plant cuttings directly into the ground on outdoors, but if the climate is unstable, they may not take root and die. Therefore, it is still better to wait for root formation at home, and then transfer the seedlings to the beds.

Prepare the usual flower pots and a neutral, loose substrate (you can buy ready-made soil in the store).

For self-study soil you will need a mixture:

  • black soil,
  • peat,
  • sand,
  • humus.

Pour the substrate into the pots, placing small pebbles on the bottom of the containers in advance, and moisten the soil well.

Make small depressions in the soil and bury the cuttings in them to a depth of 3-4 cm, tearing off the lower leaves from the branches. Water the soil a little again.

Place the pots with the cuttings in a warm, sunny place for a month or a month and a half. Water rosemary 4-5 times a week, but do not allow the pots to stagnate. If water collects in saucers, be sure to drain it. After this period, the seedlings should take root; they can be removed from the pots and transferred to open ground.

Another option for waiting for the shoots to form roots is to put the branches in water. In this case, the fluid needs to be changed every 3-4 days. Plants should receive plenty of light and be kept warm.

Soil preparation

The rosemary plant, the cultivation of which is a process, although simple, is always risky, and is very sensitive to the soil. The shrub does not like alkaline, clay and heavy soils; the soil should be loose and not retain water. The grass does not tolerate drought, but its roots can begin to rot if overwatered.

For seedlings, you should prepare beds from a mixture of high-quality soil, coarse sand, and peat, digging them thoroughly. The place for planting rosemary should be sunny, ventilated, but not in a strong draft. The herb goes well with other garden herbs and vegetables.

A few days before planting, it is advisable to fertilize the soil with a nutrient mixture. The soil moisture should be moderate.

Planting rosemary in open ground

When the cuttings have taken root in the substrate or water, they can be transferred to an open environment. Holes are dug in the beds to the depth of the roots and plants are planted. Immediately after this, the soil needs to be watered a little.

At first, the bushes may look lethargic and drooping, but after 2-3 weeks, they should perk up and begin to grow.

During this time, the beds are watered on average every other day. It is recommended to loosen once a month upper layer soil and feed the bushes with fertilizer.

Rosemary can also be propagated by seeds, but growing from cuttings is the most convenient, fastest and effective method, in which the percentage of plant death is much lower.

To make the bush more lush, the upper stems are cut from time to time. When the bush has grown and many young shoots have formed below, you can dig up the root and separate the seedlings from it. In the case when young shoots are taken already with roots, they are immediately transplanted into the ground.

Rosemary on the windowsill

The plant will feel great not only in the garden beds. Many people grow it on apartment windowsills.

Care at home is no different from the rules for caring for a plant in its natural environment. The soil taken is absolutely the same: loose, neutral. Pots must have a hole in the bottom for drainage.

The cuttings can be immediately planted in pots, or wait for root formation by placing the branches in water for 3-4 weeks. The plant should be kept on a sunny windowsill, the required temperature in the room is +10-18ºС. Do not allow strong stuffiness in the room and high humidity– Rosemary doesn’t like it.

If you intend to keep greens on the veranda in the summer, then in the winter be sure to bring the pots into warm rooms.

The southern plant, which is not so difficult to care for, does not tolerate frost. If you live in a cold region and planted rosemary in the garden beds in the summer, you will have to create a greenhouse for it for the winter.

Some people don’t like or don’t have the opportunity to make greenhouses for spices and grow rosemary as an annual, which is also not a bad option. In this case, you can remove all the greens in the fall, dry them and use them as a seasoning in the winter, and plant new bushes in the spring.

Don't be afraid to experiment and grow rosemary - propagation from cuttings is great for beginners. Greens will serve you not only as a fragrant seasoning for your dishes, but also as a healing and effective cosmetic product. The plant has a lot useful properties, the effects of which you can see for yourself by adding this extraordinary spice to your diet.

Rosemary lovers often complain that in mid-latitudes this spice does not survive winter. What to do? Plant in a pot and on the windowsill!

How to grow rosemary at home? From seeds or cuttings. Each method has its own difficulties, but they are completely surmountable.

Growing rosemary from seeds

Seeds are easy to find. They are sold in almost every specialty store. The only problem is that they germinate very poorly. Sometimes you have to wait for sprouts for a month, or even more. The secret to 100% germination lies in the planting method. Most people who want to have rosemary on the windowsill do the standard thing. They plant it in the ground, cover it with a thick film, then wait a very long time for the shoots to emerge. It’s a sad picture, considering that this way you have to replant the rosemary several times.

We reveal the secret - you need to germinate the seeds in a “snail”. This is a loosely rolled roll of thick film, kitchen oilcloth or laminate backing. How to sow seeds in a “snail”? On a flat surface, roll out a strip of material 10-12 cm wide. The length can be any, depending on the number of seeds.

Place three strips of loose paper on top and gently spray with a spray bottle clean water. Then the seeds are laid out at a distance of 0.8-1.2 cm from the top edge. Then carefully roll the resulting structure into a roll. Not tight so that the seeds can breathe, but not too loose so that the “snail” holds its shape. Now you need to put all this interesting thing in a glass, pour about 1.5 cm of water to the bottom. Cover the top with a transparent bag to create a mini-greenhouse and place it in a dark, warm place for germination.

Shoots appear in 10-14 days. Immediately after this, the shelter is removed, and the “snail” itself, along with the glass, is transferred to a well-lit place. As soon as the first real leaf appears, you need to unroll the roll. Carefully pour fertile soil mixed with half and half sand directly onto the roots. The layer should be no more than 0.5 cm. Now you need to carefully roll up the entire structure again. Don’t forget to monitor the liquid level in the glass and add water if necessary.

After the appearance of the third true leaf, you can pick the rosemary. Better yet, plant it right away permanent place. In this case, wet paper is very easily torn or cut with scissors along with the soil. It is replanted in the same way, along with soil and paper, so as not to damage the roots.

Finding a rosemary cutting will not be difficult for those who live near a large chain supermarket. You can always find a few fresh sprigs on the shelves with herbs. They are great for planting. If there is no such store nearby, you will have to get the cuttings in other ways: beg as a gift, buy from friends, or eventually steal. By the way, they say that stolen shoots grow best.

So, you are the happy owner of a twig. We cut off about 6-7 cm of the stem length from the bottom. These leaves can be safely thrown into tea or other dishes. Carefully scratch the stem itself to a depth of no more than 1 mm. This can be done with the tip of a needle, pin or sharp blade. Now you need to quickly dip the cuts into any root formation stimulator and you can plant the cuttings in the ground.

For the first week you need to set up a greenhouse over it, then you can remove it. As soon as you notice that the cutting has taken root and is growing, immediately pinch the crown of the central stem. This will cause the plant to throw out side shoots, which also need to be pinched. Thanks to this molding, you will get a lush bush, and not a long single stem.

Some people claim to have rooted rosemary cuttings in a glass of water and it worked out great. Well, the method has its place. Try it in water if you don't want to bother with the cuts and all that. The twig forms roots and can be planted in a permanent place.

Planting rosemary correctly

Mature rosemary has a very powerful, wide root system. Therefore, the appropriate size of the pot is required. No more than 15 cm in depth, but at least 20 cm in diameter. That is, low and wide. The composition of the soil for the plant is the most common: fertile soil, clean sand and peat. The proportions are 2 to 1 to 1. Drainage must be poured into the bottom of the container, because the roots do not like stagnant liquid.

Rosemary does not have to be replanted every year. It will be enough to replace the top 3 cm of soil with new soil in the spring. This technology is suitable if a clay or ceramic pot was chosen. When choosing plastic container You will have to replant rosemary every year. By the way, the plant does not like this process, so it is better to plant it directly in ceramics.

This spice does not require any special treatment, but it cannot do without care at all. Water rosemary room temperature. It is advisable not to allow the earthen ball to dry out completely. This is fraught with death. However, stagnation of liquid can cause the leaves to drop. Therefore, they carefully ensure that no water remains in the pan after watering. If the liquid is not completely absorbed within 15 minutes, it must be drained.

Rosemary loves light. At the same time, he is absolutely not afraid of direct hits. sun rays. The daylight hours for him should be at least 7 hours. Therefore, on northern windows or in winter time Additional lighting will be needed.

The temperature should be slightly cool. The most optimal temperature from 14 to 18°C. If it is higher, place a container with clean water next to the bush to maintain the level of air humidity. Or you can spray it with a spray bottle more often; rosemary tolerates such a light shower very well. If you want rosemary to bloom, then in winter it is kept at a temperature no higher than 12°C. Then, by spring, buds will appear on it, and a little later, bluish flowers. Just lower the temperature gradually, otherwise all the leaves will be dropped.

Feeding. Absolutely any mineral fertilizer rosemary tastes great. Will not refuse some amount of organic matter. Only without fanaticism, overfeeding threatens the death of the plant. From February to November, fertilizers are added strictly to wet soil once a month. During December and January, rosemary should be on a starvation diet. Don't worry, nothing will happen to him. Two months without fertilizers spicy herb will survive just fine.

Ventilation. Rosemary likes it Fresh air, but not a draft. Ventilate the plant more often, it will more than thank you for it. Better yet, after the threat of return frosts has disappeared, take the pot out to the balcony or garden. There it will grow beautifully all season.

Just be sure to bring the pot into the house long before autumn cold. At +5°C, shoot growth stops; at 0°C, rosemary dies.

Pests and diseases

Before returning the pot to the windowsill, carefully check the rosemary for pests. In the climate of the middle zone there are practically no rosemary lovers, but here are the ubiquitous aphids! No matter what she eats, she will eat any plant, even the most unusual one. Therefore, cover the soil in the pot with cling film, and the bush itself is thoroughly washed under running water. Then they are quarantined. And only then are they returned to their native place by the window.

Try to avoid insecticides and get rid of aphids manually. Because after using the poison, you can forget about the culinary purpose of rosemary. However, this does not detract from its decorative value and ability to disinfect the air in the room.

Of all the diseases, rosemary is threatened by only one - powdery mildew. And even then, it occurs only with a sharp change in temperature. How to deal with it? To begin with, provide the plant constant temperature without sudden changes. And you will have to remove all damaged shoots. Spraying with fungicides will not help much because the rosemary leaves are too dense. They are covered with strong scales that simply do not allow the drug to pass into the leaf.

If you missed it, most of plants are affected, it makes sense to cut off the remaining healthy shoots and root them. The remaining diseased bush will have to be thrown away. By the way, the soil underneath it is also good for nothing. It is already contaminated with pathogenic bacteria and should also be thrown away.

  1. To ensure uniform growth of shoots, you should turn the pot of rosemary 40-45° every week. After all, each side of the plant should receive its full portion of sunlight.
  2. Before planting, be sure to disinfect the soil, even if it was purchased at a specialized store. The required volume of soil is poured into a tight bag, then placed in the freezer for 3 days. Then take it out and let it thaw completely. Next, pour it thoroughly strong solution potassium permanganate, and after 12 hours they are calcined in the oven at a temperature of 105-110°C. After complete cooling, the soil is ready for planting. It no longer contains larvae of pests and pathogens.
  3. Before sowing seeds into the “snail” they are not soaked! The liquid that is in the soaked paper and at the bottom of the cup will be enough. For additional warmth, you can place the container with the roll on a foam plate or woolen cloth. A wooden or cork stand for hot dishes is also quite suitable.
  4. Try to avoid picking plants. Rosemary tolerates planting much easier than transplanting into another soil. It is better to immediately plant it in a permanent place so as not to disturb the root system anymore.
  5. If the tips of the rosemary leaves begin to turn yellow, it means it is asking for a drink. Do not forget that the earthen ball should not dry out completely.
  6. Pinching shoots can be done from spring to autumn. In winter, it is better not to touch the plant. Even if rosemary has begun to grow tall due to lack of light, it is advisable to use it in winter. additional lighting. Leave pinching until a more appropriate moment.
  7. Rosemary is very responsive to regular loosening of the soil. Its roots love to breathe. Just carry out this procedure very carefully so as not to damage them. You can use a short tine fork wooden stick. If there is no possibility or desire to constantly loosen the soil in the pot, then add fine gravel to it when planting. broken brick or pieces of limestone. This will increase the breathability of the soil.

How to grow rosemary at home? Not that difficult. With the most standard agricultural technology, it is quite possible to get a fragrant bush up to 60 cm high on the windowsill. It can grow up to one and a half meters, but do you really need it? Form rosemary correctly and you can constantly enjoy the aromatic seasoning own production. Or use it for cosmetic purposes.

Video: how to plant rosemary from seeds


You will learn the secrets of growing rosemary in a pot and proper care for him at home. This is wonderful and delicious spice, pungent and distinctive, with a sweet, resinous taste. There's no reason why you can't enjoy the wonderful aroma of rosemary during the winter months and all year round. Just follow these tips and see that growing this plant on your windowsill is not that difficult.

How to grow rosemary at home

There are two ways to quickly grow this spice:

  1. If you have rosemary in your garden, dig it up before the first frost and bring it indoors.
  2. You need to take rosemary sprigs about 7 cm long and grow roots by placing them in a jar of water.

If with the first method everything is simple, then the second has its own nuances.

Growing rosemary from cuttings (twigs)

  1. Carefully tear off the lower leaves, leaving them only at the top (2-3 cm from the top). This will allow the plant to focus on nutrition and growing roots rather than greens.
  2. Immerse the sprigs in a small glass of water and place on the windowsill.
  3. Change the water every few days and rinse the stems at the same time. Rosemary grows new roots slowly, a process that takes 3-4 weeks or more.
  4. After the roots appear, keep the rosemary in water for another 6-7 days so that the roots grown in this way become stronger.
  5. Now the plant can be transplanted into a container with soil.

Rosemary from sprigs bought in a supermarket - video

Pot and soil

At home, rosemary is best grown in a spacious pot with drainage hole and a pallet. Use well drained soil mixture for planting, for example, soil for cacti. Or mix 2 parts all-purpose soil with 1 part sand.

At the bottom of the pot, a drainage layer of expanded clay 5-7 cm thick is required.

How to grow rosemary from seeds

Since rosemary seeds take a long time to germinate and seedlings develop slowly, growing this spice from seeds is a labor-intensive process. It will take several months to obtain edible leaves.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Take a shallow container and wash thoroughly with soap and water. warm water and let air dry.
  2. Fill it up to 2 cm from the top with moist soil.
  3. Plant rosemary seeds at a distance of 3-4 cm from each other and lightly compact them with your hand, but do not cover them with soil.
  4. Cover the container with clear plastic wrap, leaving an opening at one end to allow air circulation.
  5. Place it in a dark place with a temperature of 22-28 C, as rosemary seeds need a lot of heat to germinate.
  6. Regularly moisten the soil with a fine spray.
  7. As soon as the shoots appear, move the containers to a sunny place and remove the film.
  8. Transplant the seedlings into individual pots when they are about 5cm tall and have at least three true leaves.

Rosemary seeds do not germinate well, and the more you sow, the greater the chance of getting several. good plants. Best time for planting - early autumn or spring.

When grown from seeds, you will receive your first rosemary harvest approximately 70-90 days after germination.


Different varieties of rosemary differ little in taste. Numerous varieties are commonly bred for increased hardiness and the ability to withstand extreme weather conditions.


Knowing the origin of rosemary will help you figure out how to properly care for it at home. This plant comes from the hot and sunny Mediterranean, where it is accustomed to receiving water not from the soil, but from moist air.

For successful cultivation Rosemary in a pot on a windowsill requires a combination of warmth, light, moisture and the right type of planting medium.


At least 6 hours sunlight per day will help rosemary to fully grow and develop. IN middle lane and more northern regions Russia cannot do without additional lighting in the cold season.

If you don't have enough sun on your window, you can use fluorescent lamps. They need to be placed above the plants (within 40-45 cm) and illuminated for about 10 hours a day to compensate for the lack of lighting.


Optimal temperature regime for rosemary:

  • spring and summer 18-27 C;
  • in autumn and winter 17-21 C.


Water rosemary only when the soil is dry. This is approximately once every two weeks. First, stick your finger a centimeter into the pot of soil. If it's dry, water the rosemary well, pouring enough water to drain into the tray.

Do not over-moisten the soil - for this spice, drought is preferable to abundant moisture.

In winter, spray the foliage with water from time to time and turn on the humidifier.


Rosemary in pots usually does not require fertilizer, but if the plant looks pale green or growth is slowing, feed it once a month with a balanced liquid fertilizer(universal), diluted by half with water.

Diseases and pests

Rosemary is susceptible to powdery mildew. She looks like White powder on the leaves. Most apartments do not have good air circulation, which significantly increases the risk of plant disease. The best way get rid of powdery mildew on rosemary – remove diseased branches and increase air flow around it:

  • Ventilate the room often.
  • Run a fan near your plants for several hours a day.
  • In summer, place the pot on the balcony or loggia.

The better the conditions for rosemary, the less likely it is that it will develop any pests or diseases. Regularly check that it is properly watered and is receiving enough light and nutrition.

If your rosemary becomes infested with pests, look for products that are harmless to people and pets, as this herb grown for food consumption. For example, one of organic products fight is neem oil. You can also use a soda solution.


During the period of active growth, the tops of the shoots are pinched several times. Trim rosemary branches regularly to prevent it from growing too much. This spice can grow up to 120 cm both in height and width.


The size of the pot should be approximately equal to height the plant that sits in it. Once the above-ground part of the rosemary has outgrown, you need to either move the bush to a larger pot or cut off some of the roots.

If this is not done, over time the foliage will fade and the plant will die because it will not receive required quantity nutrients and water.


Cut fresh twigs for cooking as needed. Use a sharp knife for this. Prune rosemary to a neat appearance and never remove more than one-third of the plant.

Growing rosemary in a pot on your windowsill - great way enjoy the aromatic spice all year round. If you don't already have this plant, be sure to plant it.