Money tree talisman in Feng Shui. Interesting facts about the "money tree"

Habitual indoor plant and the pride of “Fenshuists” can be of considerable benefit in improving health. The medicinal properties of the money tree, although not valued by official medicine, have been tested by many years of experience in folk treatment.


The money tree is called Crassula or Crassula, from the name of the family, which unites about 300 species. IN folk medicine The species used is the one that is most actively grown indoors – oval or ovoid Crassula. Basic morphological feature The plants have thick green leaves that look like coins of varying sizes.

Botanical characteristics

The Crassulaceae family is characterized by a variety of species. The height of money trees varies from several centimeters. IN natural conditions the plant can reach 4 m in height. A common feature is the perennial growth of plants. By appearance the plant can be characterized as follows.

  • Roots. Rod root system The money tree is distinguished by its superficial position. The bulk of the lateral roots are concentrated just below the soil surface. These roots can occupy an impressive area. The main one is short, the thickness decreases sharply towards the bottom.
  • Stems. An erect monocarp shoot that branches over time and forms a tree-like crown. The main part of the stem becomes woody and is massive compared to the branches. The color of the trunk is brownish-brown, while the branches remain green and may have purple spots.
  • Leaves. The attachment of simple leaf plates is sessile. The surface is smooth, has noticeable pores characteristic of succulents, and is dark green. back side sheet plate has a light green color. The edge is solid. Shape – back ovoid, round or oval. The density of the leaf covering of a branch depends on external conditions. The better they are, the thicker and brighter the foliage.
  • Flowers. The racemose or paniculate inflorescence consists of many umbrellas. They contain small white flowers. The inflorescence is formed at the end of the shoot, or emerges from the axil of the leaf.
  • Fetus. Leaflet with leathery surface. Often their appearance indicates the imminent death of the shoots, since they stop vegetating after the fruits ripen.

Under natural growing conditions Money Tree accumulates a huge amount of moisture. However, it is not transmitted to seeds, which rarely germinate. The main method of propagation of the fat plant is vegetative. Adventitious roots can form on leaves and branches, making individual parts suitable for planting and independent growth. The appearance of leaf rosettes directly on the branches is also noted - these are the “babies” of the money tree, which are also capable of forming an independent plant.

Distribution and growing conditions

The money tree, which has its roots in South Africa, was brought to the European continent in 1687. This is a record holder for the speed of spread - after 45 years, Crassula was known in all countries, its ability to adapt to indoor cultivation and to form beautiful dense crowns was appreciated.

The arid conditions of Mexico, Madagascar, and Africa have adapted the plant to storage huge amount moisture, and infertile sandy soils have modified the root system.

The plant grows well at temperatures above 23 °C and tolerates short-term cold weather. Naturally, due to the large amount of water in the leaves, Crassula will not tolerate frost. Wide pots are suitable for indoor cultivation, which need to be replaced promptly as the plant grows. It is enough to water the money tree once every two weeks. There is no need to flood Crassula - just ensure moderate soil moisture and good drainage.

Composition of raw materials

Specific scientific research relatively chemical composition no money tree was carried out. Botanists have found that the leaves contain a large number of arsenic compounds, therefore banned indoor application plants and left Crassula as ornamental plant. Focusing on the methods of using arsenic among the people, healers immediately identified possible areas of application of the money tree:

  • for the treatment of epileptic seizures;
  • for the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • in the complex treatment of intermittent fever;
  • for skin diseases that require external use of the plant.

Focusing on the properties of money tree leaves, we can determine that their main components are water and fiber. The mucous contents of the leaves indicate the content of mucopolysaccharides - substances that form mucus. They have the following effects on the skin:

  • enveloping;
  • emollient;
  • protective;
  • regenerating;
  • astringent.

The green color of the leaves indicates the photosynthesis occurring in the plant and the chlorophyll content. Where there is this substance, which is strictly characteristic of plants, there are always flavonoids, which:

  • have bacteriostatic properties;
  • stimulate local immunity;
  • eliminate bleeding;
  • improve scarring;
  • improve tissue trophism.

The ability of the money tree to purify indoor air indicates the content of phytoncides. Their beneficial properties for human body consist in antimicrobial action, which includes:

  • bactericidal effect;
  • antiprotozoal;
  • antiviral activity;
  • anti-inflammatory effect;
  • antifungal properties.

An approximate assessment of the chemical composition cannot be called a reason for using money tree to strengthen the body, since there are great doubts regarding the vitamins and minerals in the composition of the plant. However, the health benefits of Crassula, established experimentally in folk medicine, precisely confirm the presence of the above components in the fleshy leaves.

All useful components that a money tree may contain are concentrated in the pulp of the leaves. Their desiccation leads to a complete loss of beneficial effects on the body. The destruction of nutrients is indicated by a change in the color of the leaves. For this reason, harvesting and processing of leaves is not carried out, using only fresh whole parts of the bright green plant.

Healing properties of money tree

Reason for testing healing properties The money tree has become unpretentious and long-lived. At one time, the medicinal properties of aloe and Kalanchoe were discovered.
In folk medicine, the most widespread is the external use of money tree leaves, as well as the juice extracted from them.

For skin

With the help of fatty skin lesions are treated:

  • wounds;
  • scratches;
  • abrasions;
  • bruises;
  • burns;
  • frostbite.

Active antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties can eliminate an existing infectious factor, as well as prevent its addition. Money tree is used to treat:

  • complex festering wounds;
  • boils;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • boils;
  • pustular rashes.

The plant’s ability to relieve an allergic reaction and regulate the functioning of local immunity allows the use of money tree as part of complex therapy for eczema and psoriasis. It is also appropriate to use the plant to treat insect bites of wasps, bees, and mosquitoes.

Crassula can also be used in cosmetology - for rinsing hair and washing the face. Elimination of dandruff, itching, seborrhea is noted after using the plant. It also transforms the skin - the complexion becomes fresher, acne and pimples are eliminated.

For blood vessels and joints

Crassula normalizes the condition of blood vessels at the site of damage, eliminates swelling and inflammation. The plant is used to treat varicose veins, as well as acute hemorrhoids.

In folk medicine, money tree is used against diseases that provoke dystrophic changes in the joints, as well as against illnesses of an infectious nature. Indications for use: arthrosis, osteochondrosis, rheumatism.

For mucous membranes

Crassula can be used to treat diseases of the mucous membranes, because along with the antibacterial effect, the plant has powerful antiviral properties. Indications for use may be:

  • angina;
  • stomatitis;
  • gingivitis;
  • periodontal disease;
  • herpes;
  • fungal infections of the mucous membrane.

Money tree copes well with the initial symptoms of colds and flu - runny nose and cough. The most effective use of the plant is in the first days of symptoms. The plant is also used for the treatment of sinusitis.

The healing properties of money tree can also appear when used internally. The leaves are used internally for ulcers and gastritis, as well as for colitis of various origins.


Main raw materials used for manufacturing medicines, – fresh leaves of the money tree. Extracts are made from them, the juice is squeezed out, and a tincture is prepared.


Peculiarities . Money tree sap is used to lubricate herpetic rashes, wounds, burns, and painful joints. It is diluted to obtain healing solutions for mucous membranes and mixed with an ointment base.

Preparation and use

  1. Choose green leaves of the money tree; it is advisable to pick medium-sized ones, with a bright green color, not the oldest, but not the youngest either.
  2. The leaves are crushed into a pulp using a knife or blender, the mixture is placed in gauze, folded several times, and the juice is carefully squeezed out.
  3. For fresh use or preparation of preparations, always use freshly squeezed juice.
  4. Apply externally to injuries and painful areas up to six times a day. Five drops are dripped into the nose, three times a day. Pure juice is used to lubricate the gums for toothache.

Fresh leaves

Peculiarities . Medicinal properties Crassula leaves are equivalent to the juice extracted from them. The leaves can be used as an emergency healing agent, as well as to soften calluses and corns. The leaves are used internally to treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. To use leaves, you should choose those that are the largest.

Preparation and use

  1. Wash the leaves with cool water and remove the skin on one side.
  2. The juicy pulp of the leaf is used to wipe bruises, abrasions, bruises, scratches up to six times a day.
  3. To soften calluses, a cut leaf is wrapped around the corns overnight.
  4. To treat ulcers and gastritis, it is recommended to eat two leaves a day on an empty stomach. For heartburn, the leaves can be eaten after breakfast.
  5. For the treatment of periodontal disease and stomatitis, it is recommended to chew the leaves and then spit them out.


Peculiarities. The base for the solution is money tree sap. Used for rinsing the mouth for diseases of the oral mucosa, as well as for washing the mucous membrane in gynecology, for example, with fungal infections.

Preparation and use

  1. Ten medium-sized leaves of the money tree are crushed and the juice is squeezed out of them.
  2. The resulting substance is diluted boiled water room temperature(one glass).
  3. Gargle or gargle three times a day, for several days in a row.


Peculiarities. It has anti-inflammatory, diuretic, antimicrobial properties. Recommended for use for any diseases of the genitourinary system.

Preparation and use

  1. Money tree leaves are crushed into pieces.
  2. A teaspoon of the substance is poured into a glass of boiling water, heated in a water bath for 15 minutes, and left for one hour.
  3. After filtering, the resulting decoction is taken orally, one tablespoon at a time. Three times a day. It is advisable to take the medicine 15 minutes before the planned meal.


Peculiarities. Can be applied externally using a piece of cotton wool. It is advisable to leave the tampon soaked in the product on for several hours.

Preparation and use

  1. Select four large leaves of the money tree and squeeze the juice out of them.
  2. Mix the juice with petroleum jelly or petroleum jelly in a 1:1 ratio.
  3. The resulting product is applied to cotton wool, applied to hemorrhoids, or simply lubricated hemorrhoids.


Peculiarities. It is used for compresses for varicose veins and arthritis, as well as for bruises and bruises. A tincture of money tree leaves can be rubbed for myalgia and neuralgia.

Preparation and use

  1. A half-liter glass jar is filled by a third with crushed Crassula leaves.
  2. Fill the jar to the top with pure vodka or diluted alcohol.
  3. After a month of infusion, the product can be used externally.

Hair rinse

Peculiarities. The beneficial properties of money tree for hair include strengthening the hair follicle, improving the condition of the scalp, and accelerating hair growth.

Preparation and use

  1. 200 g of raw materials are poured with a liter of boiling water.
  2. After infusing for an hour, rinse your hair with the product after shampooing.
  3. Repeat the procedure several times a week for a month.

Traditional healers advise before using the money tree for a runny nose to carry out its biogenic stimulation: the branches from the leaves of which you plan to extract juice are carefully cut off and placed in the refrigerator or a dark, cool place for a week. After this procedure, the amount of useful substances in the leaves increases, fermentation of the raw material occurs, which increases its biological activity.

Safety regulations

Money tree contraindications – individual sensitivity to the plant. In this case, even external use of the plant or its juice is prohibited, including preparations that involve diluting the juice with water. Compresses and rubbing are contraindicated for children under 12 years of age. They should not be used during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

Internal use of Crassula is fraught with arsenic poisoning. Signs of overdose can include nausea, vomiting, dizziness, and disturbances of consciousness. To reduce the health harm of the money tree, it is recommended to combine the internal consumption of leaves with drinking milk. You should also strictly adhere to the dosage. Completely protect yourself from possible harm possible by avoiding applying the juice to the mucous membranes and ingesting the leaves.

Correct and appropriate use of the money tree will help get rid of many unpleasant ailments. Such a houseplant will be an excellent helper in Everyday life- protector from viral diseases and infectious skin lesions. If you have chronic diseases, any method of using money tree must be agreed upon with your doctor.

Houseplants can give a residential look to any room; they make the room cozy and comfortable. Plants from the Crassulaceae family are especially popular. How to care for a money tree - this is what is interesting to those who decide to have this species at home. Crassula is a type of succulent, which means it has extra tissue to store water. This mechanism can be explained simply: the homeland of the Crassula is South and Tropical Africa, areas with arid climates. To survive in conditions of lack of moisture, you have to accumulate it yourself.

Interesting! The Japanese consider Crassula a mandatory wedding gift as a symbol of happiness and longevity. The tree of happiness, life, friendship, good luck - common names for the fat plant.

The Crassulaceae family includes more than 300 species, but not all are popular outside Africa.

The popular name is based on the fact that the dense, round, coin-shaped leaves resemble money. The money tree is a shrubby type, which means it has several stems that replace each other. Reaches a height of 1.8 m. Its shrubby relatives from Africa can reach 3 m, but at home growing There are no such tall Crassulas. Characteristics:

  1. The main stem has a noticeable lower thickening, turning into an impressively sized root, the remaining roots are located close to the soil surface, the type of root system of the Crassula is taproot.
  2. The leaves are wedge-shaped, densely spaced, the surface is shiny, like all succulents, the top is a rich green color, the bottom can take on a different shade, it depends on the type of succulent.
  3. The flowers are small, inflorescences of racemes or panicles, white or whitish in color, the inflorescence appears at the end of the shoot.
  4. The stems resemble tree bark, but their apparent strength is deceiving; they can easily break.

If you once see a photograph of a Crassula, then later it is impossible not to recognize it. Stems that resemble a trunk, as well as leaves that look like coins, are found only in her.

Information! The scientific name of the Crassula is Crassula.

Popular types

Family is rich various types. Those that have taken root in other countries have become favorites of flower gardeners. All of them are unpretentious, they can do without water enough for a long time, and with proper care, they will delight the owners with flowers. In addition to this they have medicinal properties, which are widely used in traditional medicine.

Crassula species Differences in leaf color and shape
Tree-like dark green with a reddish border;
Silver green with a silvery tint;
Oval strictly oval green with reddish spots with inside;
Fragilis spherical, pressed to the stem, the smallest of all types;
Buddha Temple dark green, curved upward;
Pyramidalis green, thin, triangular;
Crescent gray-green, semi-oval;
Perforated paired, fused into a rhombus;
Pellucida bluish round;
Marginalis yellowish with red edging;
Spot green with red dots on top, purple below, collected in a loose rosette;

Information! The pulp from the leaves has bactericidal properties.

How to care at home

Crassula is mentioned among the best indoor plants by experienced amateur gardeners. Sometimes it is given as a gift for birthdays or housewarmings, implying its fame as a plant that brings money, good luck to the owner and harmony to all family members. Such a gift will be a universal gift with meaning, given that care will not require much time or money.

Location, lighting, air humidity

Correct location is the first step after purchase. Good lighting Crassula needs. She loves light, shadow is destructive for her. Experts recommend windows facing south or east. Sometimes the pot needs to be turned over so that the light is distributed evenly.

In the warm season, it can be on a balcony or loggia, but direct exposure should be limited. sun rays. The scorching sun can burn, especially young specimens. It can often be very hot on balconies in summer; it should be borne in mind that after +34° C the fat plant stops growing.

Information! An important condition You can call it air circulation; the fat woman loves ventilated rooms. Open air is beneficial for her in the summer, but experts advise avoiding drafts.


Suitable for summer temperature regime from +20 to +25°C, in winter Crassula rests, gains strength for future growth and flowering, the temperature can be lowered to +10,+12°C, but too low temperatures are dangerous for the plant. Below +5°C it may die. In winter, the fat woman will feel comfortable on the floor balcony door, away from heating radiators.

Top dressing

A prerequisite for maintenance is feeding with useful substances. Succulents are fed according to the following scheme:

  • April-September – monthly feeding;
  • September - April - 1 time for the entire period.

Fertilizers have a reduced nitrogen content, this is important, since oversaturation with nitrogen often leads to rotting of the root system. The growth period is supported with nitrogen-containing fertilizers to regulate the water balance. Fertilizing is carried out at the roots; spraying is not suitable for succulents. Fertilizers may contain essential elements to adjust the growth of a particular succulent.

Potassium. Necessary as a source of nutrition, promotes thickening of shoots. If there is an excess of potassium, the fat plants stop growing and the root system begins to rot.

Calcium. Promotes growth and development; with a lack of calcium, the indoor flower becomes fragile, the branches begin to break from any minor influences.

Phosphorus. The main load is to promote growth and development of the root system. With a systematic lack of phosphorus, Crassula, which rarely blooms, may never bloom.

Nitrogen. Without it, normal development is impossible, but excess nitrogen can contribute to the appearance of looseness, provoke rapid growth, and then sharp wilting.

Organic fertilizers. Solid organic fertilizers excluded, organic matter reaches succulents only liquid method. Organic fertilizers help protect against insect pests.

Important! Only healthy plants are fertilized so that they can absorb the fertilizer.

Watering a pot

Watering for Crassula is an important component of care; the peculiarity is that Crassula does not like excess water. In spring, 1 watering per week is enough for it, in summer - 2 weeks, and in winter and autumn, the access to water is completely limited. The condition of the soil is taken into account; it is contraindicated to leave water on the pot stand; care must be taken to ensure that it does not stagnate.

Increased soil moisture leads to rotting. On hot summer days, the procedure is carried out early in the morning or late in the evening. Water is collected in advance for settling.

Important! Crassula is watered with water at room temperature.

The soil

Despite the fact that the fat plant is completely unpretentious, flower growers have developed a formula for an earthen substrate that is ideal for all succulent species:

  • 1 portion of sod;
  • 3 servings of leafy soil;
  • 1 portion of sand.

High-quality, pre-selected drainage is placed at the bottom of the pot, and humus is also added to the substrate.


Crassula reproduces by vegetative and seed methods. The vegetative method is more common, which means that regeneration occurs on high level. Vegetative propagation Produced in the spring by cutting off shoots. This is done with a sharp knife, then the cut area is treated with activated carbon and left to dry.

The broken cuttings are placed in a glass with an activated carbon solution and wait for rooting to occur. Cuttings are grown up to 5-10 cm, and roots up to 2-3 cm, after which they are planted. For this purpose, small-sized containers are selected.

Information! Activated carbon prevents putrefactive processes; it is used to disinfect sections.

Seed propagation means sowing seeds in containers with an earthen substrate, covering the top with glass, spraying once during the day, and after 2 weeks the seeds germinate. After this, you need to place the container with the seedlings where they will be provided with non-aggressive light and warmth. As soon as they get stronger, they can be planted. This path is quite long, since strengthening the seedlings takes a long period - up to 3 months.


Replanting begins as needed, that is, when the capacity becomes small for the overgrown root system. This is noticeable at first glance, the tree is not deep in the ground, all the roots are located under the first layer of soil, so it noticeably bends or bends. Pots for transplantation are selected from heavy material, since the lungs can turn over under the weight of the flower.

For transplantation, choose the time when daylight hours become long, that is, after two spring months.
The soil mixture must be fertilized with one of the following components:

  • clay;
  • ash;
  • humus;
  • brick chips;
  • activated carbon.

The transplant is carried out in the following order:

  1. Take the tree out of the pot, shake it off the ground, and inspect the roots.
  2. Leave on outdoors for 24 hours so that the root system dries and recovers.
  3. In the presence of problem areas, the roots are treated with a manganese solution.
  4. The container for planting is filled with drainage, thin layer soil, place the fatty grass, add soil prepared in advance.
  5. It is recommended to water the transplant carefully after 24 hours to prevent rotting.

Transplantation is carried out annually for young fat girls, less often for adults. It is necessary to transplant as quickly as possible home flower, if the shape of the pot interferes with development.

Information! The peculiarity of succulents is the lack of abundant watering.


A prerequisite for maintenance is pruning. Crassula is also popular because it can be given any shape. If you do not trim it, it will grow so large that it will be difficult to control the situation.

Information! Pruning begins as early as possible.

There are several main reasons for pruning:

  • crown formation;
  • giving stability (an overgrown tree can fall on its side);
  • enlargement and centralization of the main stem;
  • improving the quality of care (branches make access difficult).

The main stage occurs at the beginning of the spring months, but before the active growth phase begins. In the summer, adjustments are made.

Crown formation is achieved in two ways:

  • by pinching, it ensures the appearance of the ovary in the place that needs to be developed;
  • pruning, it is carried out on branches with 7-8 pairs, the place is treated with activated carbon.

For formation it is necessary to carry out pruning regularly. Crown formation options:

  1. With one trunk (after 4 pairs of leaves, a bud is pinched off, fallen leaves that can sprout are removed).
  2. In bonsai style (the lower branches are left, and as they grow, they are regularly pruned, thus enlarging the trunk and giving it the shape of a tree).
  3. As a shrub (this method provides for the free growth of shoots, but it is necessary to monitor the size and control the number of shoots).

Trimming is necessary as a tool to create a shape for any interior.

How to plant a money tree to make money

The plant is loved by many because of the fame it has gained through the philosophy of Feng Shui. These are philosophical practices for the development of space. Fulfillment of certain conditions for the distribution of space in the apartment and the arrangement of things should bring harmony, comfort, and coziness. To attract money, Crassula is planted:

  • during the waxing moon phase;
  • The best day of the week for planting is Wednesday;
  • several coins are placed on the drainage;
  • Choose decorative elements for the form in green, red or gold colors.

The shoot must be purchased from those people whose incomes are high. If possible, you should pinch off the shoot yourself so that it is not touched by strangers. If this is not possible, then the shoot can be purchased at the store. To attract money, only the shoot is useful, and not an independent adult crop. The shoot should rise according to income. Banknotes are often placed under the bottom, thereby attracting their doubling. Figures of a toad or a dragon are placed next to the flower, which, according to Eastern signs, indicate wealth.

Information! Chinese coins, symbols of happiness in the form of knots, stones and bracelets are hung on branches to attract positive energy.

According to the rules, it is necessary to take into account combinations of indoor plants and prioritize them. Crassula is not recommended to be placed next to cacti or climbing flowers; it is believed that they drown out the energy of the flower and take it for themselves. There are special spells that are pronounced during planting and watering.

How to care for a money tree so that it blooms?

This type rarely blooms at home. Many people have seen a money tree, know what it looks like, but are surprised if they find out that it has the ability to bloom. There are several rules for living conditions that are ideal for the fat woman. If you follow them, flowering can be achieved from a mature species. But it will take about 10-12 years to achieve this.

  • year-round optimal lighting;
  • long wintering in conditions from 7 to 12 C;
  • systematic transplantation into new soil taking into account all the characteristics of the soil and watering.

Flowering occurs in spring, this period lasts up to 3 months, the flowers are small, white, collected in inflorescences. But some individual species they can be red or pink.

Why do the leaves fall

Nature intended that the natural shedding of leaves should occur once every 2 years, but if they fall more often, then the problem is hidden elsewhere. To understand the reason why leaves fall, you should analyze whether watering is done correctly and whether pruning is being done.

They can fall off due to excess moisture in winter, before which they shrink and become soft. In spring and summer periods discharge can occur due to lack of moisture, as well as due to watering with cold water.

Common growing problems

During growth, problems may arise due to the wrong approach to maintenance, but the good thing about the money tree is that it will immediately make it clear what is wrong:

  1. The appearance of black spots is evidence sunburn, you need to take care of changing the location, rearranging it so that it is not exposed to direct sunlight.
  2. Drying, lethargy, dense leaves become soft - this is a sign of increased air temperature; it is necessary to ensure the supply of fresh air.
  3. Lack of growth may mean that the capacity has become too small for the root system and a replanting is needed.
  4. The trunk darkens due to excess moisture.
  5. Soft, limp leaves indicate a deficiency nutrients in the soil, the crop should be fed with fertilizers containing phosphorus and potassium.
  6. The leaves turn yellow, while the soil remains moist - a direct indication of rotting of the roots; it is necessary to pull out and dry the roots;
  7. When the Crassula stretches out, grows in one direction, takes on curved, ugly shapes, this indicates a lack of sanctification, the location should be changed.
  8. Brown spots indicate the appearance of small pests; measures must be taken to combat them.
  9. Thinning of the main stem and lengthening of the leaves is a signal of a lack of light.
  10. The appearance of cobwebs is a signal of mite pests.
  11. Brittleness and loss of branches is a lack of calcium; additional feeding is required.
  12. Wilting, yellowing, withering, lethargy - perhaps the shoots interfere with each other, there are too many of them, a transplant is necessary.

Interesting! In the Czech Republic, Crassula is called a "family tree" due to its similarity to the generally accepted idea of ​​a family tree.

Diseases and pests

Crassula diseases are usually directly related to the appearance of pests. Most favorable period when the insects appear, it's over heating season in apartments or warming outside. The composition of the air changes significantly, which leads to consequences.

The appearance of yellowish spots and web elements indicates that there is a spider mite infestation. Small reddish insects are dangerous because they lay offspring and use plant cells for nutrition. All elements are processed soap solution, spray with special preparations, and expose the home flower to the open air.

Whitish growths where the leaves are attached to the main stem indicate the presence of mealyworms. The affected areas are treated with a brush, soap solution and special preparations, inspected and sprayed daily.


Crassula does not require excessive attention, like some other plants; the principles of its maintenance can be briefly formulated:

  • rare watering;
  • bright room;
  • mandatory pruning.

Crassula is suitable for homes and offices; many believe in its ability to attract money and good luck, but besides this, it looks good in any interior. The money tree will delight its owners for a long time with its appearance if you figure out how to properly care for it. Look detailed video about caring for the money tree.

How to plant a money tree according to Feng Shui? Have you heard that one small indoor plant can bring material well-being to your home and attract cash flow? We will tell you how to do this in this article.

Living money talisman

After this, you can plant the plant and sprinkle it with soil. Ready-made soil for cacti and succulents is well suited for Crassula. You can also prepare the soil mixture yourself by mixing coarse sand, peat, turf and leaf soil.

Secrets of growing a money tree according to Feng Shui

To grow a real money tree according to Feng Shui, pay attention to the following subtleties:

  • The flowerpot for planting should be green, red or gold, as these are the colors associated with wealth according to Feng Shui. You can also tie a ribbon of this shade to a mature and strengthened tree.
  • Place the flowerpot on a red tablecloth, under which place a coin.
  • Hang coins and Feng Shui figures, knots or any other money symbols on an adult tree.
  • Near the pot with the plant you can place a dragon figurine, figurines, candles or lamps.
  • Money carries the energy of fire, which is not combined with the energy of water, so the money tree must be placed at a distance from sources of water or its images. Otherwise, water can “extinguish” the flow of monetary energy.
  • Avoid the proximity of the money tree to cacti and climbing plants. They are used to protecting the house from outside energy, so they can also hinder the cash flow.
  • According to the teachings of Feng Shui, the southeast side of the house is responsible for financial well-being. Therefore, all magical objects aimed at attracting money should be located in the southeastern part of the home. In addition, such windows will be well illuminated by the sun.
  • Very important! The magic of the money tree can manifest itself in a warm and loving environment. The plant should feel your love, take care of it with pleasure, do not spare your time and attention for it. If you do not love indoor flowers, you should resort to other magical ways to attract wealth.
  • Only its owner can care for the money tree. It turns out that this plant has a very good memory, so it senses the energy of its owner well. If you need to leave, there is no need to worry about this, because the fat plant can not be watered for a couple of weeks.
  • Do not forget to wipe the leaves of the tree, because a layer of dust prevents the free flow of monetary energy.

In our climate, the money tree blooms very rarely. However, if this happens, know that big profits await you soon. And, on the contrary, if the plant suddenly begins to wither, financial losses are possible.

Do not forget that the money tree is extremely sensitive to the energy of the owner. It senses all its negative thoughts and emotions, so never care for the plant in bad mood. Fill your magical pet with love, tenderness and kindness, communicate with him, ask him for advice. In this case, you can be sure that the money tree will fully thank you with the fruits of wealth, prosperity and success.

To conclude the topic, watch this interesting video:

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:

“Money is a very important thing. Especially when they are not there..."
Erich Remarque

Let's forget the word "no". The most important thing in attracting finance is the mood, the desire to see them and love them. Are you ready to become a wealthy person? So, it’s time to meet the money tree according to Feng Shui.

The archaic Chinese teaching will share with you a piece of its thousand-year experience in mobilizing wealth, tell you secrets about how to plant correctly and where it is better to place a tree to attract material well-being.

Popular superstitions claim that Crassula is called the money tree because of its coin-shaped leaves. In fact, the secret lies in their unique energy. They instantly absorb all the most useful material, scrupulously preserving them in the leaves. They pass on the gift of accumulating everything valuable to their owner (if he sincerely cares about his pet).

All about the living money talisman

In all its diversity flora There is one small tree that has an impact on cash flow. This is what can change your life financially. Meet the Tree Crassula, also known as Cotyledon, Bear's Ear, Crassula or Money Tree.

Crassula. Unpretentious plant, with an easy-going character, easy care. Small size, with original leaves, small, fleshy, shaped like coins.
But simply placing a purchased plant on a window is not suitable. In order for the luck of the money tree to be revealed to the owner, it is necessary to learn more about Crassula.

How to plant a money tree according to Feng Shui so that it attracts wealth:

How to plant a living talisman

Feng Shui recommends not buying a ready-made plant (it cannot be bought for money at all). It is necessary for the money tree to absorb your energy so that it feels the sincere care of the owner. According to the rules of Feng Shui, you need to plant the Crassula yourself!
Before planting, you need to talk to the tree and ask for protection and welfare, and also promise that you will always take care of it, and in the future you should always talk to the tree.

  • Break off a leaf or stalk from an adult tree (it would be ideal if you do this secretly, without asking permission).
  • It is believed that a gifted money tree will not bring good luck to either its new owner or the donor.
  • Before planting the cuttings of a money talisman in the ground, keep the cutting in a glass of water for several days (so that it takes root).
  • Have a pot ready in advance. It should be wide and shallow. According to Feng Shui rules, the color of money is the suit of metal and earth. The whole range of brown and black. Red or burgundy. Silver or gold.
  • It must be planted (like all plants) on the waxing moon. Transplant day is Wednesday.

    Important tip:
    Before planting, activate the pot. At the bottom of the flowerpot, place several coins of the same denomination with the coat of arms facing up. It is best to use money from the country in which you live. It is advisable to have six or eight of them (to awaken the magic of numbers).

    When stacking coins it is useful to say: “Coin to coin, sheet to sheet” and then read on them money conspiracy: “You grow, and I bloom in wealth. This is my will. Let it be so!"

  • To plant a plant, buy soil in advance (regular soil for cacti). But it’s better to do it yourself (mix coarse sand, peat, turf, leaf soil in the proportion 1x0.5x1x1).
  • Transplant into a larger pot if necessary. Not worth it small plant When it has just taken root, plant it in a large pot, let it grow in a small one, then transplant it into a larger pot, so the money tree grows for several years.

I cast a spell on the Money Tree:

Where to put a tree according to Feng Shui rules

The effectiveness of the Feng Shui money tree largely depends on its correct location in the apartment.
The southeastern side of the apartment is responsible for the growth of financial well-being - the wealth sector according to Feng Shui - this is where your money tree should be placed. You can determine it using a regular compass. The starting point can be taken front door, or you can use the traditional compass determination of the cardinal directions. Use the method that is more pleasant and convenient for you. Also, do not forget that when defining zones in an apartment or plot, you should stick to one method you choose.

Chinese teaching allows you to divide into sectors not only the entire house as a whole, but also separate rooms. You can designate an area of ​​financial wellness in any suitable room.

South-eastern area of ​​the apartment or central room - perfect place for the habitat of the money tree.

We create a wealth sector

First of all, free this area from unnecessary things - the energy of finance needs to circulate freely, without obstacles.

Decorate the place where the Crassula will stand in green, purple or blue-blue tones.

  • Tree. We need a tree in this sector. You can place wooden furniture, a stand or a table on which the talisman will be located.
  • Water. According to Feng Shui, water (or its images) contributes well to the revitalization of the financial zone. You can put a small one there home fountain(water flow will help increase financial flow) or an aquarium with cute goldfish. Have you decided to limit yourself to paintings with water? Know that water images should not be aggressive (typhoons, floods, powerful waterfalls will simply “wash away” future money).
  • Wind. It is necessary for the tree of wealth to feel the movement of air and strengthen its own flows. It is best to hang a “wind chime” in that area. Please note that there should not be any metal objects there (in the design of the musical-air talisman either).

It would be ideal to place the pot on a red napkin with a Feng Shui hieroglyph of wealth.
To turn your Crassula into a real symbol of good luck and prosperity, decorate its branches with red ribbons and coins, and then it will become a real money talisman your family.
The fat plant does not tolerate dust - wipe its leaves and the entire money sector more often.

Crassula (popular name “money tree”) is a genus of African succulent plants (accumulating water in leaves and stems) from the family of the same name. She has a different homeland - in addition to African countries, these plants are found in Saudi Arabia, Yemen and some other tropical and subtropical countries. Crassulas are interesting for botanists because they have a special metabolism. The scientific name of the Crassula is Crassula.

Crassula Ovata

Where does the money tree come from? Its evolution took place in the hot climate of the Southern Hemisphere, which gradually became drier and more continental. From there, plants from this genus spread to the tropical zones of Asia and North America. The story of its origin is inaccurate.

A person became acquainted with this plant in South Africa or on the territory of modern Yemen, and then in the southern part of North America (Mexico, Nicaragua, etc.).

Crassula received its more common name (money tree) thanks to resemblance of leaves to coins. This happened in the Middle East because that's where round moments were invented, and that's also where several species of Crassulaceae grow. In addition, legends in which the symbol of the Tree appears are common among the Semitic peoples and their neighbors.

Crassula leaves large

At the same time, there is also a version that attributes the identification of the fat woman with money and wealth to the Chinese of the Han Dynasty. However, the Chinese most likely simply borrowed this image from their Western neighbors, since both the Crassula and round form coins does not come from their country.

In Russian it can be called “tolsyanka” due to the fact that its leaves and stems are thick and fleshy(after all, they accumulate moisture). The name has extended to the entire Tolstyankov family, which also includes sedum, Kalanchoe and other plants.

The Latin name crassula is also associated with the thickness of the stems and leaves, because crassus means “thick” in Latin.

How to identify Crassula by appearance - flower description

Crassula can be easily recognized without resorting to any identifiers or reference books. To do this, it is enough to know her characteristic features and their correct description:

Height The height of the Crassula bush is quite large for indoor flowerseveral decimeters. In rare cases (usually when grown in a greenhouse) it reaches a whole meter.
Leaves The leaves are dark green, waxy, round or elongated. The underside of the leaf may be reddish or purple in color.
Flowers The flowers are small, usually whitish and inconspicuous. There are varieties with bright colors, for example, Crassula Falcata with large bright red inflorescences.
Stem The stems are very thick and contain a large amount of water inside, like an aloe leaf. The surface is vaguely similar to the bark of a tree, and the shape of the shoot is tree-like, but The branches break very easily.

Large domesticated Crassula

There are varieties with unusual shape or the color of the leaves. The arrangement of leaves is opposite, in some species - basal rosette.

The measles system is shallow, weak, and there are no additional (aerial, etc.) roots.

What is the non-scientific name for this houseplant?

Crassula has several names:

  • Crassula
  • Crassula
  • Money Tree
  • Tree of Happiness
  • tree of luck
  • Coin tree
  • Zhiryanka

In fact, these are the same plant, Crassula. Just Crassula and Zhiryanka - translations of the Latin name into Russian, and the remaining options are folk names that arose in ancient times due to the coin-shaped shape of the leaves.

How not to get confused by the names and correctly identify the Crassula

In order not to get confused in the varieties of plants, in botany it is customary to give specific epithets, for example, Crassula oval (also ovoid). Crassula oval, Zhiryanka oval and Crassula oval (Crassula ovata), thus, different names the same plant. But Crassula arborescens is another plant, related to the oval Crassula.

Inside each type of Crassula there may be subspecies and varieties. They usually have beautiful, commercially friendly names, for example, sunset.

Thus, Crassula - desert plants, found mainly in Africa, less often in America and Asia. They accumulate a large amount of water in the stems and leaves, which is then used sparingly during the dry season. They are characterized by a peculiar, usually tree-like shape, waxy leaves, and rarely bloom.

Some Crassula trees have small round leaves, which is why they were called “money trees” back in ancient times.