Mandarin leaves curl and dry out. Indoor tangerine - leaves falling

Mandarin leaves turn yellow and fall off for several reasons. This is the result Not proper care, the plant may go into retirement or be affected by disease. For effective elimination problems require correct diagnosis, which can only be carried out experienced flower growers. So, why do tangerine leaves turn yellow and fall off? Treatment from specialists detailed photo. Optimal conditions growing a plant.

Why do tangerine leaves fall off? Treatment of the disease

Tangerine leaves often fall off in late autumn. Why? In the period from the end of October to the beginning of February, in indoor conditions, the plant begins a dormant period. This is caused by shortening daylight hours.

Although citrus fruits do not naturally defoliate during the winter, when home growing a period of rest is simply necessary. Without winter rest it may die mature plant, whose age exceeds 3-4 years. What to do? If the tangerine leaves fall in the fall, it is transferred to a cool room where the air temperature does not exceed +18 degrees. Here they organize additional lighting with help fluorescent lamp at 20-40 watts, it will provide 12 hours of daylight. Watering is reduced, since a plant without leaves consumes little moisture. Fertilizers are not applied to the soil until the period of intensive growth begins (late February - early March).

If it's summer outside, then why do the tangerine leaves fall? Leaf fall is often a reaction to unfavorable growing conditions. Often this is the result of waterlogging or dryness of the soil, perhaps these two factors alternate. For tangerine, regular watering with uniform moistening of the earthen clod is important. In summer, it is watered 2 times a week after the top layer of soil has dried. In winter, watering is reduced significantly, as citrus fruits go into retirement. When over-watered and over-dried, the root system suffers. That is why in both cases it is necessary to place the tangerine in a greenhouse. This is a plastic bag that does not touch the leaves of the flower. Watering under the greenhouse is reduced and sprayed more. Epine is added to the water for spraying, and for watering - root once a week. There should be under the greenhouse wet air. It is ventilated every day for 15 minutes. The greenhouse can be cleaned longer time, thus accustoming the flower to indoor conditions, if the leaves no longer fall off and new ones appear.

Leaves fall when indoor tangerine was transplanted incorrectly. In this case, we are talking about violating the integrity of the earthen coma around the roots. It is correct if the tangerine is transferred into a pot, the diameter of which is 1-2 cm larger than the previous one, without violating the integrity of the earthen lump. If, nevertheless, a home tangerine has been transplanted and its leaves fall off 1-2 weeks after transplantation, it is necessary to place the flower under a greenhouse (how to do it is described in the previous paragraph), reduce watering (in order to reduce the load on root system), more attention give to spraying.

The tangerine sheds its leaves if the size of the pot has been greatly increased as a result of replanting.. Here we are talking about waterlogging the susstratum in the pot. The root system of the plant has not yet occupied the entire volume of soil provided to it. An excess of moisture will accumulate here, which leads to rotting of the roots. In this case, watering should be reduced, wait until the soil dries, and then water moderately; you need to add root to the water once a week. Regular spraying with epin will not hurt, do not fertilize, provide the flower with proper lighting, in winter it should be illuminated with a fluorescent lamp.

If a tangerine has lost all its leaves, can it be saved? In this case, you need to find out whether its root system has rotted or dried out. To do this, the plant is carefully removed from the pot, without disturbing the integrity of the earthen ball, and the roots are examined. They should be elastic and have a light cut. Otherwise, the flower cannot be helped. Next, the plant is returned to the pot and placed under a greenhouse. You cannot water it without leaves. The soil can be kept slightly moist, but it should be dry on top. Next, the plant is placed under a greenhouse and sprayed, be sure to use Epin.

Why do tangerine leaves turn yellow? How to treat the disease?

Mandarin leaves turn yellow if it stands under straight lines. sun rays without shading. In this case, not only the crown of the flower suffers, but also its root system.

Leaves get burned in direct sunlight. In this case, the tangerine leaves become stained, turn yellow and fall off. The root system overheats under the sun and therefore does not absorb moisture well. This affects the crown. It turns yellow again and falls off. You should also not spray the flower in hot weather. It is better to do this either in the morning or late in the evening. If the room where the tangerine grows is very hot in the summer, then organize good air ventilation in the room and be sure to shade the flower. In winter, tangerines cannot be grown at high temperatures. This depletes the plant and it needs a period of rest. So, if a flower turns yellow, then it must be shaded, the earthen coma is not allowed to overheat, and it is watered so that the top layer of soil has time to dry out. Here you can use root. Spraying is required, epin is added here.

The leaves of indoor mandarin turn yellow if it lacks microelements. In this case we are talking about chlorosis. Lemon leaves turn yellow, but the veins on them remain green. The flower can be cured by regular feeding, which contains microelements such as iron, zinc, sulfur, manganese and magnesium.

If there is a lack of phosphorus in the soil, young leaves of tangerines may turn yellow. They lose their gloss and develop narrow and long. In such conditions, tangerine does not bloom. What to do? It is necessary to regularly feed the plant with complex fertilizers. Important!!! Mandarins can only be watered with boiled, settled water. Otherwise, calcium accumulates in the soil (looks like white plaque on top layer soil). It prevents the roots from absorbing nutrients.

There are many resources on the Internet dedicated to citrus fruits. Studying the most popular of them, I constantly come across newbies who are trying to find the answer to the same question: " Why are my lemon leaves turning yellow and falling off?". To each such question, I answer that most of the problems of citrus fruits are associated with the root system. If the loss of foliage becomes widespread, it is necessary to check the root system. I have already described all this in the topic "", but today I want to touch on this topic again and describe everything in more detail, especially since we had to save a seemingly healthy plant again.

Background of leaf fall

A few months ago I was happy with the acquisition of an adult and very beautiful citrus -. It came with ripe fruit, which I picked for tasting. At that moment I was very alarmed by the wet “heavy” soil, which seemed to have been taken right next to the store. However, after several days of acclimatization, he not only did not show any discomfort, but also gave a good increase in . The flowers successfully set fruit and the plant as a whole made me very happy.

The only sad thing was that along with the plant in this store I also acquired a formidable pest -. After discovery, the tree was immediately moved to a new location so as not to endanger the entire collection. And then the problems began: 1-2 leaves flew off per day, which looked healthy, and only upon careful examination was a slightly yellowed vein visible. There was no massive leaf fall, but the leaves gradually fell over the course of several weeks. I associated all this with a change in living conditions and a pest. But when I stopped noticing the scale insect for a long time and acclimatization was about to be completed, I began to worry, but could not guess what was the reason for the falling leaves on the citrus tree.

Detecting the Problem

At the store, Chinotto was put in an ugly black bucket. Today I decided to buy a normal one white pot and reload, replacing part of the soil if necessary and at the same time inspecting the roots. What could be assumed by looking at the plant that has produced young shoots and set fruit:

But, having taken the tree out of the pot, I began to be horrified: the earthen ball was not braided, and the roots that were adjacent to the walls were rotten:

Taken measures

I realized that the matter would definitely not end with a simple transshipment. I had to free the roots from bad soil, but in the center there was an incomprehensible mixture, similar to fossilized clay with sand, which could not be gotten rid of so easily:

The picture is scary, isn't it? I still don’t understand how, with such a state of the root system, the tree not only did not die, but also tried to produce growth and bear fruit.

To remove the fossilized clay, I had to soak the roots in water for half an hour, adding four caps of the Rooter preparation (manufactured by Gileya). I don’t have anything else, but at least it didn’t interfere with such a kumquat resuscitation.

While the soil was soaking, I prepared a light soil mixture consisting of leaf humus and chernozem in a ratio of approximately 4:1:

• Mistakes when growing and breeding citrus plants (lemon, tangerine), proper care

Mistakes when growing and breeding citrus plants (lemon, tangerine), proper care

Many people grow citrus plants in their rooms, but rarely do anyone get the chance to try their fruits. Therefore, today we will talk about what mistakes gardeners usually make and how to avoid them.

What citrus plants are afraid of, mistakes in care, biological characteristics of citrus plants

First of all, we must take into account biological features citrus plants. In winter they need relative rest. From October to February, the room temperature should be no more than 12°C. However, this time coincides with the heating season, and high temperatures lead to untimely growth and depletion of plants, which will subsequently affect fruiting.

The critical period is early spring , when warm days suddenly give way to a sharp cold snap. At the same time, the growth that has begun slows down sharply, the leaves become deformed, and the buds and ovaries fall off. To avoid this, it is recommended to maintain the room temperature at 14-16°C.

Sometimes in the summer, gardeners take plants out onto the balcony or even transport them to the dacha, but it is better not to do this, since citrus fruits react painfully to any changes and adapt very slowly to new conditions. Overdrying and excessive moisture of the earthen coma- also a very common mistake. In the first case, active roots die, leaves curl and fall off along with flowers and fruits. With excessive watering, the roots rot and the leaves turn yellow.

It is best to pour water into the pan - then the substrate is evenly saturated with moisture and nutrients are not washed out. The most moisture-loving citrus fruit is lemon, the most drought-resistant is orange. Plants are often watered warm water(40°C), which causes the roots to die. You can't go to extremes. When watering cold water The roots dry out and the plants also die. The water temperature should be 2-3°C, and during fruiting 5-10°C above room temperature.

Remember that citrus roots are located in the top layer of soil, so you have to loosen it carefully, and water frequently, but in small doses.

For successful cultivation Light mode is also very important. Heavy shading leads to the formation of large, dark green leaves and depleted plants. Straight sunlight causes pale coloring of leaves, burns of fruits and ovaries and their abscission. Lemon is the most shade-tolerant, orange is light-loving and heat-resistant.

They love citrus fruits diffused sunlight, it is best to place them on a window facing the southeast or southwest. And remember: the higher the temperature in the room, the more intense the lighting should be. Dry citrus trees cause great suffering. room air- the tips of the leaves dry out, the buds, ovaries and fruits fall off. To avoid this, wash and spray your plants regularly. If the pot is located near the battery, then place a container of water on it, which will saturate the air with moisture as it evaporates.

Household citrus plants, soil composition, nutrition, feeding, fertilizers

Very Citrus fruits, especially lemons, are demanding in terms of nutrition. It is no coincidence that in the plant kingdom they are called gluttons. Feed the plants all year round, excluding the period from October to February, when they are given only a weak solution of potassium permanganate to disinfect the soil. The rest of the time fertilizing is carried out alternating organic fertilizers with mineral fertilizers, once every 7-10 days. This increases the sugar content of the fruit and reduces its bitterness. Recommended fertilizer mixtures: foscamide, Darina, ideal, agrovit-cor.

Citrus fruits are highly adaptable to soil conditions. They just cannot tolerate very acidic soils and the presence of peat. Usually they make up a mixture of turf and leaf soil, humus, sand (2:1:1:1). Citrus fruits should not be placed in the same room with strong-smelling plants, as they do not like other people's odors. They don't like smokers either.: They may even shed their leaves in protest.

Transplantation is also a crucial point. The most common mistakes: replanting plants with flowers and fruits, which causes them to fall off, as well as destruction of the earthen clod, severe pruning of roots. Both deep and shallow planting can cause a lack of fruit. The root collar should be slightly above soil level.

Household citrus plants, winter diseases, how to form a crown

Citrus fruits cause the most problems for their owners in winter, when they shed their leaves. There can be many reasons for this phenomenon: light starvation, a combination of insufficient illumination with high temperature and low air humidity; the difference in the temperature of the above-ground part and the root system of the plant, when the pot is blown with cold air from the window, and the crown is in favorable conditions room conditions; lack or excess of nutrition. And other problems

Some novice citrus growers have no idea about the correct crown formation. And this is the main reason for the lack of fruiting and loss of decorativeness.

Without human intervention, the plant will not be able to short term form a crown. Thanks to pruning, shoots of the 4th and 5th orders of branching, on which fruits are formed, develop faster.

At the tangerine The crown tends to thicken, so frequent thinning is necessary. orange tree rapidly stretches upward, therefore, it is necessary to limit its growth. Lemon has very little branching, so the plant undergoes heavy pruning to force it to bloom and bear fruit.

One adult plant in our apartment can produce up to 30 fruits annually.

Domestic citrus plants, artificial flower pollination, fruiting, rejuvenation

Artificial pollination of flowers. When pollinating flowers, pollen is applied with a soft brush, increasing fruit set.

In the rooms you observe a large shedding of ovaries. To avoid this, during fruit formation more often water the plants and spray them warm water. Don't forget about fruit rationing. The first flowers on young plants must be removed. Only 2-3 fruits are left on a three-year-old plant. In by next years They proceed from the following ratio: one fruit should be fed from 10-15 leaves, and, of course, they take into account the well-being of the plant itself so that the first harvest does not turn out to be its last.

If a young and healthy tree has weak fruiting, then it can be strengthened. For example, pull the main branches with a tourniquet (this technique will cause the accumulation of plastic substances and the formation of flower buds); Regularly feed the plant with superphosphate. You can grow a seedling and graft it into the crown of a fruit-bearing tree, or graft an eye from the upper part of the plant into its lower part.

If citrus lives with you for a very long time and bears little fruit, it can be rejuvenated. To do this, all large branches are cut into 3-4 eyes, and their branches are cut into a ring. The rejuvenated plant is transplanted into nutritious soil, shortening the roots by one third.

That, perhaps, is all the wisdom of caring for citrus fruits.

T. Zavyalova, candidate of agricultural sciences sciences

Many gardeners dream of having an indoor tangerine with fragrant flowers And delicious fruits. But for fear of not being able to cope with caring for the plant, they do not dare to take this step.

However, you can grow successfully fruit tree at home and reap a good harvest. You just need to strictly follow the rules for maintaining the plant.

What do we know about the famous mandarin

Mandarin or Latin for Citrus reticulate is a representative of the genus of citrus fruits from the rutaceae family.

Homeland evergreen fruit tree is northern India, where mandarin is like cultivated plant began to be grown many centuries BC.

Later it began to be cultivated in China and Japan, and at the beginning of the 19th century was introduced to Spain, Italy, Algeria and other countries of the southern and western Mediterranean.

IN ancient China only rich officials could afford this fruit tree, which is why they began to be called "tangerines".

IN natural conditions The fruit tree grows up to 4 meters in height. Its elliptical leathery leaves small size painted dark green.

Matte white mandarin flowers exude pleasant aroma And capable of self-pollinating. After dropping the petals, ovaries appear on the tree - future fruits, which after six months turn into everyone’s favorite tangerines, reaching up to 60 mm in diameter.

Mandarin successfully grown even in room conditions. It is valued by flower growers not only for useful fruits, but also as an ornamental plant.

Some types of trees can bloom all year round. Particularly impressive it looks great during the fruiting period, when its crown is strewn with bright orange fruits.

Through the efforts of breeders, many dwarf varieties tangerine for growing at home. Here are just a few of them:

  • Winshiu (Citrus unshiu)- the most famous seedless species, growing up to 1.5 meters in height. Begins to bear fruit after 3 or 4 years.
  • KovanoVasya(Citrus Unschiu Marc. cv.Kowano-Vase)- early ripening dwarf tangerine up to 80 cm in height. Flowering continues all year round. It begins to bear fruit after two years. The fruits can stay on the bush for up to several months.
  • Honey (Murcott)- a rare variety in the form of a compact bush with very sweet fruits.
  • Shiva-mikan (Citrus leiocarpa Hort var. Shiva-mikan Tanaca)- a dwarf tree with juicy fruits weighing up to 30 g. It grows quickly, blooms profusely and bears fruit well.
  • Clementine (Citrus clementina)- an early ripening hybrid of mandarin and orange. It bears fruit in the second year. One tree can produce up to 50 orange, flattened fruits per year.

Features of caring for indoor tangerine

An important point in the content of tangerine in room conditions - this is compliance with temperature and light conditions.

Also should know that a tangerine grown from a seed bears inedible fruits called “game” or doesn't bear fruit at all.

To get a tree with delicious tangerines from such a plant, you need graft a seedling, grown from a seed, on the cuttings of a fruit-bearing tree.

Mandarin, unlike other citrus fruits, unable to propagate by cuttings. However, flower shops, as a rule, sell already grafted fruit-bearing trees.

In the formation of the crown of dwarf tangerines dont need. You just need to remove dried or very elongated branches in a timely manner.

Lighting and temperature conditions

Mandarin loves warmth and light. Place the plant the best thing on the south, west or east window, but with shading from midday sun. In winter, the tree will need additional lighting.

In summer, it is advisable to place the plant on a balcony or veranda in places protected from the wind. TO fresh air indoor tangerine needs to be taught gradually.

Optimal temperature for a plant in summer - about 25 °C, but not higher. It is better not to allow the tree to overheat, otherwise its flowers may wither and fall off.

in spring during the appearance of buds Recommended temperature is 16 to 18 °C. For abundant fruiting, tangerines need a cold winter. For the winter, you need to place it in a bright, cool room with a temperature of 10 to 12 °C.

Watering and air humidity

From spring to autumn, you need to water the tangerine generously once a day with warm, settled water. It is important to prevent both drought and waterlogging of the soil.

Excess moisture can cause plant roots to rot, and too little moisture can cause leaves to fall off. During wintering, the plant should be watered waiting for it to dry top layer of earth.

Mandarin required high humidity. Regular spraying is very important for the plant.

In this case, you need to make sure that water does not get on the flowers. It is useful to place the container with the tree on a tray with damp moss, pebbles or expanded clay.

Soil composition and replanting

Prefers a tree slightly acidic soil. Ready-made soil for citrus fruits or a self-prepared mixture of the following components is suitable:

  • 1 part humus;
  • 1 part leaf soil;
  • 3 parts of turf land;
  • 1 part coarse sand;
  • some clay.

Young tangerines are replanted annually in early spring before active growth begins. Bottom of the pot definitely necessary provide a layer of drainage 3-4 cm thick in the form broken bricks or expanded clay. It is recommended to replant fruit-bearing tangerines every 2 or 3 years.

The transplant should be done transshipment method so as not to damage the roots of the plant. In this case, you need to ensure that the root collar of the tree is at the same level as in the previous container.

Top dressing

At the beginning of June during a period of rapid growth You can start fertilizing the tangerine twice a month. This should be done after watering so as not to burn the roots.

It is preferable to feed the fruiting tree with infusion cow dung in a ratio of 1:10 or with a special fertilizer for citrus fruits. In winter, the plant does not require fertilizing.

Flowering and fruiting

During the year the plant goes through two phases active growth. The tree enters the first phase in March or April, and the second phase in August or September. To give young plant thoroughly strengthen, it is advisable to remove flowers and ovaries for the first three years.

In the fourth year the tree can be allowed bear fruit, but no more than 6 tangerines at a time, partially removing the ovaries, since the branches of the plant at this age are still thin and weak.

Regulate fruiting tangerine can be done with a simple calculation- There should be 1 fruit per 15 leaves of the tree.

As it matures, the tangerine will be able to bear more and more fragrant fruits. During fruiting, branches with ripening tangerines it is advisable to tie it up so that they do not break off due to the weight of the fruit.

With proper care throughout the year, you can harvest from one mature tree up to 60 fruits.

Mandarin propagation

Indoor tangerines can be propagated at home in two ways: by seeds and by grafting.

Propagation by seeds

Tangerine seeds soak for several days in a damp cloth or hydrogel. Next, the swollen seeds are planted in soil consisting of the components listed above, or in ready mixture for roses

It is important that the soil for tangerine seedlings there was no peat, which dries very quickly and often turns sour.

Three weeks after sowing the seeds, you can expect the first shoots. However, young tangerines grown from seeds in room conditions develop only as ornamental culture. To grow a full-fledged tangerine with real tasty fruits from such a tree, need to vaccinate him.

Reproduction by grafting

Vaccination is carried out during the period of active sap flow - in April or early May, but also in August. You need to take care of the rootstock and scion in advance.

Rootstock- This is a young tangerine grown from a seed with a trunk thickness equal to the diameter of a pencil - this is about 6 mm. Scion- a bud (eye) together with a leaf petiole, taken from a fresh cutting of a fruiting tangerine.

At a height of about 7 cm from the ground, an incision is made carefully on the bark of the rootstock trunk so as not to touch the wood. "T" shaped. The size of the incision along the upper horizontal line is 1 cm, and in height - 2.5 cm.

The tip of a knife bark bends back carefully to the sides, and the bud, held by the petiole, is inserted into the resulting opening. The inserted “eye” is pressed tightly with the corners of the bark.

grafted plant placed in a “greenhouse” in the form of a large plastic bag. The transplanted kidney usually survives within 3 weeks.

The success of the grafting is indicated by an easily detachable yellowed leaf petiole. If the petiole turns black and withers, it means “peephole” didn’t take root.

The sprouted bud begins accustom to air, gradually increasing the ventilation time of the “greenhouse”. A month after the shoot sprouts from the bud, the trunk of the rootstock is cut obliquely above the shoot at a height of 5 mm.

The cut is treated with garden varnish, and the bandage is removed. A stick is installed in the pot, to which a young shoot is tied for vertical growth and proper formation of the crown.


Dangerous pests of tangerine are spider mites and scale insects.

For pest prevention You should wash your tangerine with soap and water once a month. To do this, you need to cover the soil in the pot with a film, wrap the trunk with a cloth and treat the tangerine crown with cotton wool moistened with strong soap suds.

In the case of spider mites, a solution of tobacco powder and laundry soap. To make it, you need to pour 1 tablespoon of tobacco dust with a glass of boiling water and leave for 6 days, and then add 10 g of soap to the solution.

Also has proven itself to be excellent garlic infusion - a crushed head of garlic is poured into a glass of boiling water and infused for 2 days. Each solution is filtered and used for spraying three times with an interval of 6 days.

When dealing with scale insects, it is necessary to resort to water-oil emulsions. Very important During treatment, cover the ground with film, and wrap the plant trunk with gauze, folding it in several layers.

Common problems

Very often, when growing tangerines at home, gardeners face a number of problems: yellowing, curling and falling leaves, complete loss of foliage and falling flowers.

Why do the leaves of indoor tangerines turn yellow?

More often the leaves of the tree turn yellow from a lack of nitrogen and iron. To replenish the amount of nitrogen in the soil, it is recommended to feed the tangerine with organic fertilizers.

With iron deficiency, the plant develops chlorosis, causing its leaves to turn light yellow. To prevent chlorosis Once a month the tree is treated with iron chelate.

Sometimes the leaves turn yellow in case of insufficient lighting or due to the volume of the pot being too small. The problem can be solved by transplanting the tangerine into a new, larger pot or adjusting the light regime.

Another reason for yellowing leaves May be attack spider mite. The method of pest control is described above.

Indoor tangerine - leaves falling

The tree may leaves fall due to too dry air. This can happen in winter heating season, and in hot summers. It is necessary to spray the plant more often.

Another reason for leaf fall May be the fact that the root neck of the tree is too deep into the ground or the tangerine is growing in a very large pot. It is necessary to replant the plant according to all the rules.

Sometimes leaves fall due to lack of potassium in the soil. In this case, you should feed the plant with potassium nitrate. Also, leaf fall can begin with excessive watering, poor lighting and drafts.

Anyway the problem is solved through proper care.

The indoor tangerine has lost all its foliage - what to do?

Mandarin can drop all the leaves, if you are exhausted and desperately need a period of rest. The tree needs a well-deserved rest from mid-autumn to the end of February.

At this time, the tangerine must be moved to a cool place with a temperature of up to 12 ° C, reduce watering, avoiding drought in the soil, and stop fertilizing. With the beginning of spring the tree will come to life. Other reasons for heavy leaf fall are described above.

Other Possible Problems

Other problems are possible if the tangerine is not properly cared for:

  • Castings dry out and crumble- drought or waterlogging of the soil.
  • Flowers are falling- air is too dry.
  • The leaves are curling- insufficient watering.

Needless to say, caring for an indoor tangerine has its own difficulties and features. However, the joy of harvesting fruit and the opportunity to admire the beauty of an exotic tree at home worth all the effort.

When growing tangerines, various problems may arise, for example, drying, curling, yellowing and falling of leaves, shedding of ovaries, shrinking and deterioration taste qualities fruits Many diseases arise due to a lack of microelements in the soil, with a lack of light and moisture. That is why you should choose the right location for the citrus tree, provide additional lighting if necessary, thus increasing daylight hours, water it in a timely manner, apply fertilizer, and take the tree out into the fresh air in warm weather.

Mandarin leaves are falling

Quite often you can observe that tangerine leaves fall off, but this phenomenon does not always indicate a plant disease. The tree can shed its leaves during the dormant period, which usually lasts from late October to mid-February. In this case, you need to place the tree in a cool room with a temperature of 14-17 ° C and reduce the number of waterings.

Leaves may also fall if the air is too dry. This can be observed in summer period and during the heating season. In this case, you should spray the crown daily, and place a container of water near the pot, this will help humidify the air near the tree.

The cause of leaf falling can also be improper replanting, when the root collar is buried in the soil, or the citrus is planted in a pot that is too large. It is necessary to eliminate these shortcomings and observe the plant. If the leaf fall has not stopped, you should look for another reason.

Quite often, the fall of tangerine leaves causes a lack of potassium in the soil. To replenish it, potassium nitrate is used as a fertilizer.

In addition, the leaves turn yellow and fall off when there are drafts in the room, excessive soil moisture, or lack of light.

Mandarin leaves are turning yellow

Many gardeners are faced with the fact that tangerine leaves turn yellow. Most often the reason lies in the lack minerals. So, with nitrogen deficiency, they first turn yellow lower leaves citrus and gradually all the rest. To replenish nitrogen in the soil, for example, either ammonium sulfate or. With a lack of iron, the leaf blade becomes light yellow in color, and the disease chlorosis develops. Chlorosis first affects young leaves, then spreads to old ones. To prevent this disease, the plant is treated with iron chelate once a month.

Yellowing of the plate can be caused by insufficient lighting or a too cramped pot. The problem can be solved by transferring the plant to a larger pot with fresh, nutritious soil.

Why does a tangerine turn yellow?

Another reason why a tangerine turns yellow may be an invasion of spider mites. The pest attacks the leaf blade and sucks the juices from the plant, which leads to yellowing and falling of the leaves. To see spider mites, you should use a magnifying glass. If this pest is present, you need to wipe the plant soap solution.

To prepare it in warm water add a small amount of laundry soap, make a thick foam, then use a cloth or cotton swab to wipe the leaves and stems of the citrus with the foam. This removes the tick and its oviposition.

Before processing, it is recommended to rinse the wood in the shower. After this procedure it will be washed off most of insect. The next day after soap treatment, the remaining soap is washed off in the shower. After 2-3 days, re-treatment is carried out. To completely destroy spider mites, it is necessary to carry out 3 treatments of the tree with a soap solution. The place where the affected tangerine stood is thoroughly washed.

Mandarin leaves are drying up

Sometimes it happens that tangerine leaves dry out and then fall off. If a dry brown crust has formed on the edges sheet plate, the reason is excess moisture in the soil. In this case, the tree should be replanted in fresh, breathable soil with a predominance of leafy soil and good drainage. If rotten roots are found during transplantation, they must be removed.

Often citrus leaves dry out due to lack of moisture. You can revive a sick plant as follows. Place the pot in a bowl of water room temperature so that the water is flush with the edge of the pot. After this, you need to start watering the soil from above. When the soil is completely wet and stops bubbling, drain off the excess water. Then spray the tree with Epin at the rate of 1 ml per 2 liters of water. Spraying is carried out 2 times a week. This method will allow you to revive even a very dried out plant.

Many tangerine diseases develop due to improper care and lack of microelements in the soil. To grow a healthy fruit-bearing tree, it is important to maintain this tropical crop in its usual conditions, monitor the slightest external changes and take timely measures to eliminate diseases.