Fertilizers for seedlings. Types, features and dosages of fertilizers

If there are chickens on the farm, then you should not get rid of the droppings of these birds, as this is an excellent fertilizer option for the garden and dacha. Despite the fact that today chemical production functions remarkably well, producing easy-to-use fertilizers, many summer residents and gardeners prefer natural organic fertilizers. Chicken droppings are good for this.

Chicken manure for the garden

Chicken manure is a multifunctional and valuable fertilizer for many types of garden crops. It can be used in both dry and liquid form. It has the same effect on yield as mineral fertilizers. And if you prepare it correctly, then it contains several times more nitrogen.

Chicken manure is very laden with chemicals. It is based on trace elements, such as zinc, potassium, cobalt, magnesium and sulfur. In addition, it contains sulfides, phenol, a complex of vitamins and various acids. But it acquired its value as a fertilizer due to organic compound phosphorus. The droppings are perfectly absorbed by plants.

Main properties of litter

  • Pure manure does not smell, since there is no ammonia in its structure;
  • After a one-time application of this fertilizer, the soil retains its nutritional value for three years;
  • Improves soil quality, suitable for any soil;
  • Regenerates soil microflora, fights weeds, normalizes acidity;
  • It does not burn plant roots, it is simply used in the form of compost and water tincture.

How to dilute chicken manure for feeding

Liquid organic fertilizer is applied to the ground in the spring, just before planting plants and seeds. It helps the formation of a good root system and increases yield. You cannot water the beds with liquid manure when the fruits are ripening, so as not to become infected with intestinal infections and helminths.

You will need a barrel for cooking. made of plastic or iron. You need to mix in it:

  • Chicken manure;
  • Water that has stood for several days.

Components must be taken from equal parts. You need to do the work wearing gloves and a gauze bandage to protect yourself from the foul aroma. You need to mix the composition with a wooden stick, stir until a homogeneous composition is obtained, and then close the barrel with a lid or ordinary boards.

The barrel should be in a dark place, since Sun rays accelerate fermentation, and the solution turns out to be very concentrated and rich. It is stored for 2 months.

After ten days, the fertilizer will be ready. Before applying it to the soil, it must be diluted in the proportion of a liter of fertilizer per 10 liters or 50 liters of water. Fertilizer of higher concentration is suitable for trees and bushes, and vegetables are watered with a weak composition.

Water the roots with fertilizer plants or beds at a distance of 5-10 centimeters from the ground. If the solution gets on the leaves or stems of crops, it can burn them, and then the plant will wither. A large tree is watered with 10 liters of the composition, and for young plants and shrubs three or five liters will be enough.

It is best to apply fertilizer after rain or normal watering, since damp soil absorbs well and protects roots from burns.

If the composition is concentrated, then it does not deteriorate from the heat, but it is better that it is located where the sun does not reach.

The very first feeding is carried out during the flowering period of seedlings, in late spring and early summer. Fertilizer is then applied during fruit set. Subsequent fertilizing is carried out as necessary during fruit ripening in order to preserve the harvest.

It must be applied into moist soil through a watering can. It is better to water right under the roots, avoid getting it on the plant. The beds are watered evenly; if there is sediment left in the container, it is better to pour it under a tree or shrub.

Apply to trees and bushes in their natural form, the composition is in the ratio of one to fifteen. It is recommended to apply it at a distance from the planting to the circumference of the trunk, so that the manure does not fall on root system. On mature plant In one season, a bucket of manure is added to the soil; for young seedlings, the amount is reduced by three times.

Fertilizer in the form of granules should be added during planting and plant growth, covering it a little with soil. The main thing is to prevent the granules from coming into contact with the roots.

Chicken fertilizer - this is a very effective and fast-acting remedy. Using it in liquid form, in the form of compost or dry one to three times per season will provide a significant impetus to the dynamic growth, flowering, and ripening of plant fruits. After watering the seedlings with fertilizer, the result will be noticeable within a few days. Vegetables, flowers, berries and trees will be strong, strong, beautiful and healthy. The harvest will be abundant, natural and with excellent taste.

Chicken manure is a real boon for organic lovers. The main thing is to correctly calculate the proportions so as not to burn the plants; it is better to underfeed than to overfeed.

Fertilizer in the form of compost

Manure from chicken excrement, which has rotted at the same time as straw or sawdust, can be used to fertilize the soil before plowing. Professional gardeners use compost in autumn period so that it is absorbed into the soil before the onset of the season. It is also sprinkled on the soil in early spring, before planting seedlings. Compost is applied evenly to the ground and then dug up.

To prepare valuable fertilizer, it is necessary to pour into a specially prepared hole:

  • Bird droppings 20−25 centimeters high;
  • Straw and sawdust 5-10 cm thick;
  • Cover the top with a 10-20 cm layer of peat.

Cover the pit with polyethylene for fast maturing and warning of unpleasant odor. When the heap is more than a meter high, the temperature in the lower layers reaches 65°C-70°C, while the ingredients do not smolder in the pit, but burn.

The fertilizer matures within two months. In addition to the components listed above, can be added to the pit:

  • Grass;
  • Tree bark and branches;
  • Food waste, but not chemicals and bags;
  • Tree leaves;
  • Shavings.

In order to obtain thick fertilizer, compost pit you need to add a layer of earth or clay.

After placing all the components in the pit, you need to wait two weeks and mix the composition with a shovel. Then the fertilizer ripens evenly, and the compost will be dry and crumbly.

Fast way

Chicken manure does not need to sit for 2 weeks to obtain the necessary fertilizer. You can cook it from a bucket clean water and a small amount of dry chicken manure. To water the seedlings, one large spoon of weak fertilizer under the bush will be enough.

The composition is stirred in the liquid until completely dissolved, left warm for forty minutes, and then watered over the vegetables from a watering can or jar. It is better, after applying the solution, to water the plants with plenty of water without any additives.

Special fertilizer

Not every plant likes manure fertilizer. There are crops that absorb fertilizers less well and as a result they weaken and die. For seedlings that need slightly acidic and neutral soil, it is recommended to prepare a composition from poultry droppings in the following way:

  1. Pour in 0.5 buckets of chicken manure.
  2. Fill the remaining space in the bucket with water.
  3. Mix thoroughly and let it brew for three days.
  4. Drain the resulting solution and pour it over the plants, and dilute the sediment again with water.

These steps can be repeated 3-4 times. The solution can be used to water plants during flowering and fruit ripening.

To provide plants with nutrients in the required quantities, different methods are used:

1. alternating plants in the garden bed to maintain soil fertility;

2. applying basic fertilizer in the fall;

3. treatment of seeds with microfertilizers;

4. fertilizer soil mixture in pots and seedling boxes;

5. application of starter fertilizer before sowing or planting;

6. planned fertilizing during the growing season, including the seedling period;

7. corrective fertilizing when signs of plant deficiency in nutrients occur.

8. regular feeding during the growing season through a fertigation system.

This article provides a description of planned and corrective fertilizing during the growing season.

Planned fertilizing is carried out - against the background of the main fertilizer applied in the fall during digging, and pre-sowing application of fertilizers into the soil for seedlings and into the beds - for greater efficiency of the applied fertilizers.

Mineral or natural organic fertilizers?

To obtain an environmentally friendly harvest, it is not recommended to use mineral fertilizers that worsen the ecology of plants and soil. But to increase the yield, it is still necessary to fertilize, especially when the plants are stunted in growth or the leaves become pale or unnaturally dark green, or the internodes are elongated.

In the same time optimally selected ratio of macro- and microelements in mineral fertilizers can completely replace the nutrients of manure, which contains them in optimal ratio. And dead plant roots, which always remain in the soil, create an accumulation of humus with an increase in beneficial microflora.

Nitrogen is an element of growth; in pursuit of the harvest, fields are sprinkled with saltpeter, based on the fact that the more of it, the better. Hence nitrate problem, as well as more dangerous nitrites in human plant foods. By the way, when entering fresh manure containing a relatively high amount of nitrogen, in the second half of summer, there will be no less nitrates in vegetables than from saltpeter. Semi-rotted manure, left for six months - a year - ideal fertilizer at spring planting. Manure that has lain for 2-3 years or more is already rotted manure. It is low in nitrogen, and nitrogen fertilizers must be added when applying in the spring.

Can fertilizing replace basic fertilizer?

No, they can't. Only a combination of fertilizing with basic fertilizer can give the best result. At the same time, if large doses of fertilizing are given, the doses of the main fertilizer should be reduced and, conversely, if the basic fertilizer is good, the doses in the fertilizing should be reduced.

Which fertilizers are more effective - liquid or dry?

Liquid fertilizers are more effective. That is, when fertilizers are dissolved in water, they act faster. Dry fertilizers can only be used during heavy rainfall.

Liquid organic fertilizers- quickly digestible environmentally friendly fertilizer. It significantly increases the yield and improves the soil structure.

Feeding best done herbal infusion which is one of the best natural fertilizers After all, the most valuable manure is also obtained from grass, after it is digested in the stomachs of cows. At the same time, the infusion from grass is more valuable than manure, since the cows keep a considerable part of the beneficial substances of the grass entering the manure for themselves. In addition, when mowing, more herbs get into the green mass, including all the weeds that contain various microelements.

Preparation of liquid organic fertilizers

Read how to properly prepare and apply liquid organic fertilizers.

The use of liquid mineral fertilizers

As was said, if possible, it is better to carry out not mineral, but liquid organic fertilizers. However, to add magnesium and microelements to the soil without mineral fertilizing not enough.

What mineral fertilizers are suitable for liquid fertilizing?

All mineral fertilizers that are easily soluble in water are suitable.

Nitrogen fertilizers all dissolve easily in water, but if possible it is better to use saltpeter, since nitrogen is in them in the form of nitrates.

Potash fertilizers They also dissolve well in water, but faster in hot water. It is better to use potassium sulfate rather than chloride.

Of the phosphorus fertilizers, superphosphates are soluble in water. Soluble fertilizers also include ammophos, fruit and berry and other ready-made mixtures.

Of course, all commercially available liquid fertilizers are well suited for liquid fertilizing.

The table below gives an example of the solubility of some fertilizers at different temperatures water, in g/liter. For example, according to the table, the solubility of potassium sulfate at a temperature of 20°C is 80 g/l. If you try to dissolve 100 g in 1 liter, 20 g will settle.

Fertilizer / Water temperature, °C 5°С 10° 20° 25° 30° 40°
Ammonium nitrate 1183 g 1510 g 1920
Ammonium sulfate 710 730 750
Urea 780 850 1060 1200
Potassium nitrate 133 170 209 316 370 458
Calcium nitrate 1020 1130 1290
Magnesium nitrate 680 690 710 720
MAP (Mono ammonium phosphate) 250 295 374 410 464 567
MKP (Mono potassium phosphate) 110 180 230 250 300 340
Potassium sulfate 80 90 111 120
Potassium chloride 229 238 255 264 275

How to prepare liquid fertilizers from mineral fertilizers?

Fertilizers are first dissolved in a small amount of water, then the required amount of water is added to this solution.

Superphosphate is more difficult to dissolve. Usually it is prepared at 3-5%. To do this, pour half a bucket of water, add 300-500 g of superphosphate (powder or granules) and mix well. When the solution has settled, it is drained from the sediment. Then another quarter of a bucket of water is poured into the sediment, mixed thoroughly and drained from the sediment. The last operation is repeated again. After this, almost all of the superphosphate will go into solution, but a precipitate will still remain. But this is already gypsum, which is an admixture of superphosphate. However, double superphosphate is better suited for liquid fertilizers; it does not contain gypsum, so it dissolves almost completely in water.

This sediment contains what plants need sulfur and gypsum (lime fertilizer), so it must be used.

When fruit, berry and vegetable mixtures are dissolved, a residue usually remains, since the mixtures contain superphosphate.

Water-soluble magnesium fertilizers: epsomite (magnesium sulfate), kieserite, kainite, carnallite, calimagnesia.

How to apply dry mineral fertilizers?

It is better to apply fertilizer along the perimeter of the tree or bush near the trunk, since that is where the suction roots are located. Closer to the center of the circle there are predominantly conductive roots that do not accept feeding. Dry nitrogen fertilizers can be spread on the soil surface. They easily penetrate to the roots. The rest of the fertilizers, containing phosphorus, potassium and other substances, must be embedded in the soil to a depth of 5 to 20 cm - depending on the depth of the roots and the age of the plant.

Is it possible to mix mineral fertilizers?

Yes, to reduce labor costs, fertilizers can be mixed before applying fertilizers to the soil. But at the same time it is necessary to follow the rules given.

How much fertilizing should be applied per season?

This depends on a number of reasons. If the basic fertilizer is good, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers are often not applied in fertilizing. Nitrogen fertilizers, being more soluble, are washed out of the soil faster, especially with heavy rains or watering. Therefore, nitrogen fertilizing is applied more often, taking into account the color of the leaves and the vigor of growth. When the leaves are not green enough or dark green, apply nitrogen fertilizers - one or two. However, if there is no rain in the summer and the garden is not watered, then the plants grow poorly, since they suffer from a lack of water, and not from a lack of nitrogen. This means that you need to water regularly and then you can do without extra nitrogen fertilizing.

On the other hand, you cannot overfeed plants with nitrogen, especially in the second half of summer, as this can lead to a deterioration in the quality of fruits, their keeping quality, and also to a decrease in the resistance of plants to unfavorable conditions.

On sandy and peat soils Plants need fertilizing with both nitrogen and potassium. In the fall, after harvesting, fruit and berry crops need potassium and phosphorus fertilizers. Nitrogen fertilizing is not done at this time, since nitrogen causes rapid growth of green mass, which is why plants tolerate overwintering worse.

What is fertigation?

This is a method of fertilization where fertilizer is supplied along with irrigation water. The fertilizer solution is prepared in containers and then dosed introduced into irrigation water. Fertigation has a number of advantages:

Fertilizer application is more precise and uniform.

Nutrients are easily available to plants.

Costs for fertilizers are reduced.

Labor saving.

There are quantitative and proportional methods of fertigation. The quantitative method is used in open ground. Required amount fertilizers must be applied to the field (for example kg/ha), then this amount of fertilizer is supplied with irrigation water.

The proportional method is the most effective; it is used mainly on the lungs. sandy soils and in greenhouses. In this case, a certain dose of fertilizer is introduced into every unit of volume of water flowing during irrigation.

To set up a fertigation system you need specialized knowledge and equipment.

Do plants need foliar feeding?

At foliar feeding Plants absorb nutrients using the above-ground parts - leaves, stems.

Foliar feeding of plants is carried out using the method of fine spraying - spraying. The fertilizer is diluted in water and the plant is sprayed with this solution. This method is effective when you need to quickly feed a sick or weakened plant. The advantage of foliar feeding is the speed of absorption by plants.

Foliar feeding is usually carried out twice. The first time is when leaves are forming. The second time is during flowering and fruit formation.

Foliar corrective feeding is usually carried out if there are signs of nutrient deficiency in the plant for quick fix this deficit. It is also used to support the plant during drought or cold weather.

Foliar feeding is carried out in small doses in the evening or in cloudy weather. It is important to spray the solution in small drops and evenly.

According to research, the removal of nutrients, for example phosphorus, from the corn harvest is 80 kg/ha, the maximum permissible concentration for 1 foliar feeding is 4 kg/ha. Hence, the required amount of foliar feeding will be 59 times! That is, it is simply impractical to carry them out instead of root ones.

It is also important to remember that exceeding the permissible solution concentration when foliar feeding can lead to leaf burns and yield losses.

Picture 1. – Plant food/Feeding
Experienced gardeners know how important fertilizer is for plants. Some species do not bloom and even die without systematic feeding. However, problems may arise with the preparation of the fertilizer itself. For it to be effective, you need to use sufficient quantity, but in order not to burn the roots and harm the plant, you should not overdo it. When using concentrated formulations, weighing the ingredients should be done as carefully as possible. How to properly dilute the fertilizer, and how to correctly measure the volumes of the components.

The role of fertilizing in plant life

Most often, potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen are used as fertilizing. Also, for full development, the plant requires iron, calcium, copper, cobalt, manganese, boron and zinc. Each microelement has its own unique functions, and their deficiency in the soil leads to disease or death of the plant. Below are the main elements, the deficiency of which is compensated for by fertilizer.

Potassium. An essential microelement that helps leaves retain moisture and develop underground organs. With its deficiency, burns appear on the leaves of the plant, and the edges sheet plate dry out and become distorted. Potassium salt and potassium chloride are used as fertilizers. Mixtures containing potassium are used in autumn or spring. In summer, adding them to the soil is highly not recommended.

Phosphorus. Just like potassium improves root growth, which makes the plant more resilient. Without this element, the plant begins to have problems with respiration and photosynthesis, and it also stops blooming or does not bloom as profusely. Phosphorus also stimulates protective functions plants, and its resistance to various diseases increases. Double superphosphate and potassium phosphate are used as fertilizing. Phosphorus supplements do not need to be mixed with water. They are simply applied to the soil. 200 grams per 1 square meter is enough. m.

Nitrogen. Nitrogen appears in the soil after the decomposition of organic matter. Plants consume it only in the form of nitrate. If used correctly, crop yields increase significantly. With its deficiency, the leaves become deformed and change color, and growth slows down significantly, because without nitrogen, harmonious growth does not occur. To compensate for its deficiency, calcium, ammonium and potassium nitrate and urea are used. Nitrogen fertilizers must be used strictly in accordance with the instructions, because they can easily burn the plant.

How to improve productivity?

We are constantly receiving letters in which amateur gardeners are worried that due to the cold summer this year there will be a poor harvest of potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, and other vegetables. Last year we published TIPS on this matter. But unfortunately, many did not listen, but some still applied. Here is a report from our reader, we would like to recommend plant growth biostimulants that will help increase the yield by up to 50-70%.


Iron. This microelement is necessary for the growth and expansion of the root system. It is also involved in the breathing process. Without it, the leaves turn very yellow. It is found in sulfates.
Picture 3. – Boric acid/plant food

Bor. It is useful for roots, because it helps provide them with oxygen. If its quantity is insufficient, there is no flowering and roots stop developing. Boric acid is used for fertilizing.

Copper. Improves the protective functions of the plant, making it less susceptible to fungal diseases. You should be very careful with this useful microelement, because both its deficiency and excess can destroy the plant. If there is a deficiency, growth stops, the leaves become dull and covered with white spots. If measures are not taken in time, the plant may die completely. Copper is contained in copper sulfate solution.

That's not all useful material. There are many more microelements, without which the plant dies.

Types of fertilizers

Modern stores offer a wide selection of mixtures, different types, consistency and purpose.

Standard. The main advantage of this type of fertilizer is that it provides universal nutrition. There are two types of them: for flowering and non-flowering plants. The first group stimulates the flowering process, and the second ensures healthy growth of the stem and leaves.

Preparation natural fertilizers for plants

Organic. Very gentle, but effective means. These are the remains of the vital activity of plants or animals. Many organic fertilizers do not burn the roots and are gentle, but before using them you should familiarize yourself with when they are acceptable. However, they often have a foul odor and leave stains on surfaces if you fertilize the plant in your home.

You cannot use some organic fertilizers, for example, fresh mullein or peat before planting. The decomposition temperature is too high and can burn the roots of the plant. A diluted solution of organic matter can be fed to plants during flowering or fruiting.

Mineral. They are made artificially and require careful and careful handling. An overdose can destroy the plant. In the same time mineral mixtures are quickly absorbed by the plant, and the effect of their use appears after a short period of time.

Bacterial. They contain biostimulants containing live cultures of microorganisms. It is necessary for processing seed material before planting to improve yield. It is believed that adding bacterial fertilizers to the soil in the spring is also very effective.

Liquid. These are solutions presented in liquid form. Most often, their consistency is so high that consumption in its pure form can kill the plant. They must be diluted with water.

Soluble. Their purpose is similar to liquid ones, but when buying them, the gardener does not overpay for water. To ensure correct dosages, you must follow the instructions included with them. Most often, soluble ones are sold in bags for 1 liter of water.

Deciduous. They can be either liquid or soluble. They are sprayed onto the leaves using a spray bottle. The underside of the leaves should be carefully processed. Some plants thus better absorb all the microelements they need.

Universal. They contain all useful substances and microelements in equal proportions. They can completely meet all the needs of the plant, as they contain maximum amount microelements.

Special. The set of useful microelements in this plant is focused on a specific type of plant. This helps eliminate the need to mix the ingredients yourself.

Measurement using improvised means

Usually, the instructions for a product purchased in a store indicate the required proportions. In the absence of scales, determine required quantity gram can be problematic. Simply using the means at hand, you can mix the ingredients correctly.

  • 10 liter bucket. It holds 5 kilograms of dry peat, wood ash or bird droppings and 8 kilograms of humus or fresh mullein.
  • Matchbox. This option is suitable for diluting mineral concentrates. It holds 15 grams. urea and ammonium nitrate, 20 gr. – superphosphate in granules, 25 g. – potassium nitrate and 10 g. – wood ash. You also need to remember that the standard Matchbox this is 20 ml.
  • Spoons. Habitual kitchenware Great for measuring quantities without scales. A teaspoon is 5 ml, and 4 grams fits in it. urea, potassium chloride or ammonium sulfate, 5 g. superphosphate and 6 g. potassium sulfate. A tablespoon with a volume of 15 ml holds 10 grams. urea, 12 – ammonium sulfate, 17 – superphosphate, 18 potassium chloride and 20 potassium sulfate.
  • Glasses. An ordinary Soviet faceted glass contains 200 ml. They can measure 130 g. urea, 160 – ammonium sulfate, 220 – superphosphate and 260 – potassium sulfate.

Thus, you can easily do without scales and dilute the solution in the required proportions.

Preparation of organic infusion

And a little about the author’s secrets

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Nitrogen is one of the essential elements for plants, especially at the beginning of development. It can be obtained from various sources, but the most accessible is green organic matter. Feeding plants with herb infusion is a budget-friendly and economical opportunity to improve the quality of the soil. garden plot. There are several ways to make fertilizer from grass. Each of them is aimed at the maximum possible processing of green organic matter and extracting useful substances from it.


Plant composts differ from all others in that they have a short processing time. The green mass rots and loses harmful ammonia faster than animal organics and. Average, vegetable compost matures in 2-3 months, depending on what components are included in it. Based on this fertilizer, infusions are made from the grass, which are used for feeding different cultures. Biocompost is also used in its natural form, to be added to the soil, and to create “warm” beds for cucumbers.

One of best crops Lupine is used for this type of processing. This green fertilizer “pulls” out all the nitrogen from the soil that its raking roots can reach. Moreover, over the summer, a huge bush grows from one seed, with thick fleshy stems, which will provide a large volume of compost. Lupine is useful and beautiful. Before it reaches economic suitability, it will have time to please gardeners abundant flowering. Seeds should not be allowed to appear and ripen - they can retain their germination even at the extreme temperatures that plants produce during rotting. If the deadlines are missed, then before preparing the fermented herb it is necessary to neutralize the seeds. For this The bushes are pre-soaked in water for 1-2 weeks, and only after that they are placed in compost.

Video: Composting Grass

Nettle infusion

This green fertilizer is used for all types cultivated plants. It, like all biological fertilizers, is rich in nitrogen and some other useful elements. The herb should be infused as follows:

A plastic barrel is filled 2/3 with grass and filled with water. The solution is left to ferment for 1-2 weeks, after which it is used for root and foliar application. When watering, the working solution is diluted 10 times, when spraying on a leaf - 20 times.

If you ferment nettles, then to increase the effectiveness of the solution, you can add and. Sometimes this liquid fertilizer is flavored with mineral agrochemicals containing substances that are missing in the resulting mixture. Most often these are fatty acids, as well as sulfur (for better absorption of nitrogen), phosphorus (preliminarily transferred to a state of suspension using a hot method) additives. Microelements are also added - boron, magnesium, molybdenum and others.

You can use it alone or add other herbs to the infusion, such as comfrey, tansy, horsetail, and wormwood.

Cold-soaked nettle grass is used for spraying currants, and other crops affected by aphids. There is still enough toxic substance in a fresh extract that burns insects, and they do not like its smell.

Fermented herb with water can be used for,. Store for no more than two weeks; after the expiration of the shelf life, prepare a new decoction.

Weed infusion

Lesser-known weeds can also be used to feed plants with herbal infusion. Comfrey, wild mustard, wormwood, chamomile, clover - all this is perfect for processing. You can also add a little lawn grass, if it remains after the haircut.

The plants must be coarsely chopped and filled with water, which should cover the entire green mass. Add to the resulting liquid dolomite flour, at the rate of 1.5 kg per 100 l. To fermented grass didn't publish unpleasant odor, you can add microbiological preparations to it, which are sold in finished form in gardening stores.

To make grass fertilizer, you can use hay or straw, as well as bedding material from poultry houses and barnyards. By placing a barrel in a greenhouse, you can save constant temperature solution.

An infusion of weeds is not only a nutritional supplement for fertilizing the soil. Some of these natural antagonists can be used to benefit gardeners and garden crops. For example, a decoction of thistle will save plantings from powdery mildew.

Video: the simplest weed fertilizer

Combined infusion of weeds and pond plants

If close to summer cottage If there is a reservoir located there, you can also find raw materials for preparing green fertilizers there. The recipe is quite labor-intensive, but very effective:

  • Water – 50 l;
  • Chopped pond plants (sedge, reeds), as well as weeds (fireweed, nettle) - 50 l;
  • Wood ash – 1 bucket;
  • – 500 g, or manure – 4-5 kg;
  • EM – fertilizers – 1l.

Grass fertilizer with yeast

Despite all their advantages - low cost, ease of manufacture, widespread availability - grass fertilizers also have disadvantages. It is impossible to say exactly what useful microelements are contained in their composition, and how many of them, much depends on the type and saturation of the soil on which the weeds grew.

Therefore, using soaked grass, it is necessary to enrich it additional fertilizing, which contain all the missing substances. It can be humates or yeast. Why not, because this familiar substance contains a whole treasure nutrients, which any plant will be happy with.

Useful microelements included in the composition of yeast GOST 171-81:

  1. Ammonium sulfate;
  2. Diammonium phosphate;
  3. Potassium (various types);
  4. Magnesium;
  5. Sulfur;
  6. Soda;
  7. Calcium.

Another advantage of this fertilizer is its ease of preparation:

Yeast is simply dissolved in water, based on the proportion of 1 kg per 10 liters. Then the resulting working solution is diluted again, in a proportion of 1 liter per 20 liters of water. This fertilizer is mixed with diluted herbal fertilizer, and a universal fertilizer, rich in all necessary substances, is ready.

Green manure

white mustard

In principle, any annual plants With short term growing season can be used to restore the soil. Most popular in middle lane steel phacelia, vetch, sweet clover, buttercup, lupine, wheat, sainfoin, clover, alfalfa. They are used with equal success as predecessors of any cultivated plants, and can bring double benefits. Here you can recall the fairy tale about the tops and roots, since both of these parts of the plant will be given due attention.

When cultivating the soil, the headless roots remain in it, since green manure usually does not produce root shoots, a plant cut down at the root cannot be revived, and its underground part quietly rots, enriching the soil with nitrogen. The aboveground plant, which forms a large volume of green mass, can be used to prepare grass fertilizer.

By using plants to nourish the soil, we repeat natural processes. Many gardeners neglect the benefits of green fertilizers made from plant residues. But in vain. They throw away cut grass, tops, and fallen leaves. This should not be done - after all, useful substances leave the area along with the biomass. In addition, if weeds are simply thrown over the fence, they will come back, because their seeds are very tenacious.

Video: infusing herbs in a barrel

Good day everyone!

Today, on the topic of gardening, we’ll talk about such a difficult topic as feeding plants. Every gardener or even indoor gardener knows that grown plants need not only watering, but also fertilizers. You can, of course, do without them completely. The plants will not wither from this, but they may get sick or stop growing and bearing fruit.

All applied fertilizers can be divided into mineral and organic. In addition to them, the so-called folk remedies, which have proven themselves well.

Among mineral fertilizers, which are used to feed plants, are distinguished as single-component fertilizers. They contain only one of the components important for the plant: nitrogen, phosphorus or potassium. Hence the name fertilizers. If the fertilizer contains all these elements and, in addition to them, various biostimulants, macro- and microelements, etc., then these are already complex fertilizers.

Each of these fertilizers is applied not only at a certain time, but also under certain conditions. Not only must they not be introduced, but, what is especially important, they must not be introduced more than required. All these types of fertilizers are sold in garden stores and the doses and methods of application are prescribed on the packaging. So there shouldn't be any problems with this.

But, be that as it may, below we will look at methods of applying mineral and organic fertilizers.

Fertilizing plants with mineral fertilizers

Mineral fertilizers play important role in plant nutrition. Nitrogen, for example, is necessary for the development of the above-ground parts of plants. If this element is missing, then the foliage withers and the plants dry out.

Phosphorus is necessary for the root system. A lack or excess of this element leads to disturbances in the nutrition and respiration of plants.

As for potassium, it affects the development of buds, flowers, as well as the root system of the plant. Due to the lack of this element, foliage may fall. In addition, the plant becomes less resistant to fungal diseases.

The rules for applying fertilizers are written on the packaging.

Therefore, before applying, you must carefully read the instructions and strictly follow the description. Then the plant will receive the necessary norm fertilizers

These fertilizers are available in both dry and liquid form. In addition, granules are often diluted with water before application, and only after that the plants are sprayed with the resulting liquid.

The main thing is to ensure that there is no excess fertilizer. As they say experienced gardeners, it’s better to slightly underreport than to shift. A dose slightly higher than normal is good only on sandy soils. If your soil is clay, then you need to apply slightly less than the dose indicated on the package. Usually the volume is indicated per 1 sq.m. After applying fertilizers, the soil must be well watered.

Fertilizer application is carried out practically all year round– which is typical for greenhouses. For plants open ground everything starts in spring.

During this period, it is better to use bulk fertilizers. In summer, liquid fertilizers are mainly used and should be applied no later than mid-July.

The autumn fertilization period plays a special place in plant nutrition.

Feeding plants with mineral fertilizers in the fall in dry or liquid form

Autumn feeding is mainly typical for trees and shrubs. They will have to survive the winter, and therefore the soil must be ready for spring, when the plants simply need nutrients.

In addition, liming is also carried out at this time. This procedure consists of spreading fertilizer evenly throughout the garden, after which the soil is dug up. Two weeks after liming, it will be good if you add some organic fertilizers, for example, manure or compost.

In autumn it is better to apply fertilizers in dry form. They are more suitable for open ground. Liquid fertilizers are most suitable for indoor plants.

In addition, in the fall only potassium, phosphorus and fertilizers containing magnesium are applied.

The most common fertilizer containing phosphorus is superphosphate. Concentrated substances are most often used. This fertilizer is used as in granular form, and in powder form.

A hole is made around the tree into which fertilizer is poured. After this, the holes are filled. Most the best option– use of complex fertilizers. They contain everything at once necessary for the plant elements.

Inorganic fertilizers are, of course, good, but not a single plant can do without organic matter.

The most common fertilizer, which in any case is present in the arsenal of every gardener, is manure.

Fertilizing plants with organic fertilizers

Manure is a good thing, but its application requires certain conditions. It is not recommended to apply manure directly to trees, as it burns the roots. It is best to use rotted manure. You can also mix manure with ash. In this embodiment, it is also used for spring planting of potatoes. After the manure and ash are spread over the area, the earth is dug up.

Manure comes from different animals. Moreover, each animal produces manure with different properties. In addition, manure can be either fresh or rotted, or humus.

The table below shows chemical composition fresh manure based on straw or peat.

Compost is very popular. It has to do with what to cook compost heap It’s quite simple and can be used throughout the season.

Compost is a special nutrient mixture that is formed as a result of decomposition organic matter, which are affected by heat and moisture.

Making compost is very easy; everyone has plenty of food and other scraps that are ideal for this purpose. These include vegetable peelings and eggshell, mown grass, branches, leaves, tea leaves and even paper.

Making a place for compost is also not difficult. In the most common version, it is a pit. You can also put together your own box or buy a ready-made special box in the store.

The application of manure depends on its “origin”. For example, in beds with light soil, cow manure is used. If the soils are heavy, then would be better suited manure from sheep, goats and horses. In the fall, rotted manure is usually added to the soil, and humus is added to the soil in the spring. If you use manure when planting trees, it is recommended to place about 10 kg of humus under each tree

If manure is the waste of a horned animal and not cattle, that is, there is also such fertilizer as bird droppings. Mostly chicken is popular.

Chicken manure is used to feed not only domestic plants, but also vegetables, trees, and ornamental shrubs and flowers. Bird droppings are prepared before application by filling them with water at the rate of one part of droppings per bucket of water. Then the liquid is infused for about three days, after which the infusion is again diluted in a ratio of 1 to 10 (1 part infusion and 10 parts water).

Table for feeding plants with organic fertilizers

To more clearly imagine the possibility of using certain fertilizers in plant nutrition, fertilizer tables are given below. But first, I would like to pay attention to miscibility various types fertilizers The table below shows which fertilizers can be mixed with each other and which cannot be mixed.

The following table shows the most common among gardeners vegetable crops and the order of their feeding depending on the stage of plant development.

Well, another table that shows the use of mineral fertilizers.

Fertilizing plants with folk and improvised means

It turns out that you can feed plants not only with well-known mineral and organic fertilizers. For this purpose, you can use some unusual drugs, which many did not even suspect.

Feeding plants with aspirin

It turns out that aspirin can not only treat yourself, but also feed plants.

The use of these tablets improves plant immunity and increases their resistance to various fungal diseases. Sick and weak plants are restored.

To use aspirin as a fertilizer, you need to prepare a solution for irrigation from it at the rate of a quarter of a tablet per 2 liters of water.

Fertilizing plants with ammonia

Another medicine that brings a person to his senses. But, as it turns out, not only humans. Because the ammonia- This is ammonia, it helps plants absorb nitrogen. Use ammonia when the plant begins to wilt.

Of course, they do not water it with alcohol itself, but make a solution at the rate of 1 teaspoon per liter of water. To avoid an excess of nitrogen, it is recommended to water twice a month - no more.

Feeding plants with yeast

Yeast has long and rightfully gained popularity not only as a means for baking, but also as a fertilizer.

Yeast contains nitrogen, which is why it promotes root formation and plant growth. Both dry and live yeast are used. To prepare yeast infusion, you can use the following recipe.

Take a three-liter jar and pour it into warm water. 100 grams of yeast are diluted in a separate glass and poured into a jar.

After this, five tablespoons of sugar are added to the jar and mixed. Now put the jar in a warm place. Soon the fermentation process begins. When it runs out, dilute the resulting infusion further. A glass of this infusion is added to a bucket of water. For each plant, it is enough to add one liter of this fertilizer.

Fertilizing plants with hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is very beneficial for plants. With its help, harmful bacteria are eliminated that interfere with the development and flowering of plants, helps speed up flowering and protect roots from rotting.

To water with hydrogen peroxide, you must first dilute 2 tablespoons of peroxide per liter of water. Plants are watered with this mixture once every five days.

Fertilizing plants with boric acid

Boric acid protects plants from various pathogenic bacteria. In addition, with its help you can slightly increase the yield. And if you treat the seeds with it, you can increase their germination. During processing boric acid seedlings, its rooting improves.

To treat seeds, they are wrapped in gauze and soaked in a solution of boric acid (0.2 g per 1 liter hot water) within two days. In addition, you can prepare a special solution consisting of 5 g baking soda, 1 g of potassium permanganate, 0.2 g of boric acid. All this is diluted in 1 liter of warm water.

It is very good to spray strawberries with a boric acid solution to get sweet berries. Strawberries are usually sprayed before the buds open and during the fruiting period.

Fertilizing plants with succinic acid

Succinic acid is a good growth stimulator. It also increases plant resistance to drought.

Plants are both sprayed and watered with succinic acid. The packages tell you how to use this substance. But it is very difficult to overfeed a plant with it, since it will absorb only what it needs.

To prepare a solution for feeding, take 2 g of acid and dilute it in 1.5-2 liters of water.

First of all, the leaves, stems and roots of the plant are sprayed with the prepared solution. If the plant is sick, then such treatment helps it recover faster.

A solution helps a lot to stimulate root development in cuttings. To do this, they are immersed in an acid solution for a couple of hours.

Just like boric acid, succinic acid is also used to treat seeds before sowing.

Feeding plants with banana peels

Strange as it may sound, plants love bananas. Using banana peels helps replenish plants' deficiencies in magnesium, potassium, sodium and phosphorus.

There are many ways to use banana peels. The simplest of them is to bury the peel in the ground.

In the next version banana peel needs to be roasted in the oven. After the peel is fried and darkened, take it out, cool and chop. Place in a jar or bag and use as needed.

You can also steep the peel in water. We put several banana peels in a jar, fill it with water and let it sit for two days. After which the infusion is drained and diluted warm water in a 1:1 ratio. The watering solution is ready.

To see how to prepare banana fertilizer, watch the video below.