Maiden grapes - planting and caring for an unpretentious vine! Decorative grapes.

If you want your Vacation home looked original, for example, like a fairy-tale castle, and the backyard area resembled a magical garden, then you should pay attention to a plant such as maiden grapes.

As it develops, it grows tight vines that create a dense carpet on a wall, gazebo, or fence, which allows any objects to look as if they belong to the Middle Ages.

Photos of this plant can be found on the Internet, however, not everyone knows that it is known under another name - virgin ivy . This can be explained by the fact that it can form fruits without pollination.

The flowers of the plant do not look attractive and the fruits are also not edible. However, for many summer residents, maiden grapes are interesting because they can be very successfully use in landscape design, the main thing that attracts owners of suburban areas is its decorative foliage.

The leaves are palmate in shape and have a bright green color. The first frost causes the foliage to change from its original color to a more purple color. However, until winter comes, the suburban area will not lose its main decoration, formed by the leaves of red and purple flowers.

The owner will have to periodically prune the grapes, because if this perennial crop is not controlled, it will fill all the available space.

Because of this property, virgin grapes have become widespread in landscape design, because with its help you can easily hide unattractive outbuildings, as well as hide untreated walls of houses.

Among other benefits of plants, it is worth highlighting that it contributes to a healthier microclimate, so it can suppress certain types of pathogens.

Varieties of wild ornamental grapes

The main thing that attracts summer residents to this plant is that virgin grapes do not require special care. Therefore, you only need to choose a place for planting, after which it will develop independently.

Advantages such as unpretentiousness and pronounced decorative properties have become one of the main reasons why this perennial can often be found in many gardens.

When getting acquainted with girlish grapes, it must be said that he is a representative of the Vinogradov family. It includes 12 species, many of them are found in Asian countries, North America.

Despite their some differences, they all received wide use as a decoration in landscape design.

Kinds girl's grapes and landscape design

Five-leaf maiden grape. This variety is often called Virginia grapes. In one year, its vines can reach a height of approximately 2.5 m. This is enough to cover a building 15 m high with thickets.

The leaves have a complex palmate shape, can reach 10 cm in length, and have a pointed tip at the end. This grape variety acquires its most pronounced decorative properties in the fall, when its foliage turns red.

It began to be grown as a cultivated plant back in 1622. Therefore, you should not be surprised that photographs of this variety can be present both in modern magazines and in paintings dating back to the Renaissance and Enlightenment.

Tripointed maiden grapes. This variety is often called ivy grape. This can be explained by the fact that its foliage strongly resembles this plant. The leaves of this grape variety are distinguished by their three-lobed shape.

Shoots can grow up to 15–20 m in length. This grape variety tolerates negative temperatures well. Already during the first frosts, noticeable changes occur in the appearance of this variety: instead of the usual color, the leaves acquire red-purple and orange shades.

It is customary to distinguish separate varieties of this plant that have distinct characteristics. Golden look has leaves decorated yellow spots. The purple variety has dark burgundy foliage.

The Vicha grape also has pronounced decorative properties - its small leaves have a shiny surface, and at the time of the first frost they change their usual color to orange.

Preparing for landing

Maiden grapes feel good not only in sunny places, but also in the shade. But at the same time, you need to keep in mind that in the fall, when the first frosts occur, the girl’s grapes acquire a color characteristic of this period of the year.

However, many experts agree that the most suitable for growing this plant is sunny plot.

You can grow wild grapes near a fence or other support on the north side, however, in this case they will not change their Green colour until the leaves begin to fall off due to the first cold weather.

Growing on the southern and eastern sides of the site is advantageous because in these places propagation takes less time and the leaves grow larger.

You can sow seeds in the fall. As for transplanting seedlings, it is recommended to plan this work for the spring. Maiden grapes are not very picky about soil quality.

However, this plant still feels better if it grows on a special prepared soil mixtures. To prepare it you will need the following components:

  • 2 parts of garden land.
  • 2 parts compost.
  • 1 part sand.

After thoroughly mixing all the ingredients, fill the holes prepared for planting cuttings with this composition.

Propagation by seeds

As a rule, cultivation of wild grapes from seeds is carried out only experienced summer residents. It is not recommended for beginners to use this method of reproduction, not only because this process requires a lot of time and effort.

Often it is not possible to achieve the desired result because not all of the seeds used may germinate. However, in a situation where the gardener does not have planting material for propagation, he has no other alternatives.

A mandatory operation that seeds must undergo before planting is stratification. It can be carried out in natural conditions: for this, the seeds are sown in the fall in the ground, where they must be hardened during three months.

This can also be done in the spring, however, in this case, the time for sowing is chosen 6–7 weeks earlier than the usual sowing time at home:

  1. Take a small container and fill it with clean sand.
  2. The sand needs to be spilled well, and then the existing seeds should be sown in it.
  3. Then the container must be covered with film.
  4. Next, the container must be placed in a cold place, for example, in the refrigerator. To properly carry out this procedure, it is necessary to ensure a temperature within + 5 degrees Celsius.
  5. During certification, it is necessary to ensure that the sand is constantly wet. They do this until they begin to sprout from the seeds.

If the seeds undergo such preparatory treatment in open ground, then within a month from the moment of sowing, you can expect the first shoots to appear.

Planting cuttings

Many gardeners choose the method of propagation by cuttings because of the lower labor intensity and the time it takes to obtain planting material. After cutting the vines placed in open ground, where they take root quite quickly.

To obtain high-quality planting material, this work is carried out in the following order:

  • For propagation, cuttings with at least four buds are required;
  • the cutting must be placed in the prepared hole in such a way that two buds are located above the ground;
  • planting must be completed with watering;
  • To avoid burns, it is recommended to protect the bed from direct sunlight;
  • You can get good seedlings if the soil is constantly moist.

Reproduction by layering

This method of obtaining wild grape seedlings may be of interest to those who already have mature bushes on their site. In this case, planting and caring for young plants can be carried out immediately after choosing a place for a new bush.

The reproduction process itself in this way is carried out in the following order:

  • In early spring, you need to mark the vines at the age of two to three years.
  • Next, they are bent to the ground and secured in this position.
  • The bending area must be filled fertile soil.
  • While waiting for the cuttings to take root, it is necessary to water regularly.
  • After a year, the cuttings will have formed a full-fledged root system, after which they can be transplanted to permanent place.

Further care

After receiving the planting material and replanting it, the main care measures will be reduced to removing excess shoots and installing special supports for the growth of vines.

Although branches can often climb the walls of a building on their own, many gardeners come to their aid, specially installing fencing, for example, chain-link.

Young bushes of virgin grapes experience the need for moisture only at a young age. Adult bushes have enough moisture, which comes with precipitation and from internal reserves.

Caring for perennials is also simplified because the owner does not have to take measures to cover them for the winter. However, for young plantings this event is mandatory.

Fertilizer application

For better absorption of fertilizers, it is recommended to fertilize while watering the grapes. For this you can use nitroammophoska. In order to stimulate the growth of grapes, it is useful to add complex fertilizers to the soil.

Maiden grapes respond well with active growth if measures are taken to improve the quality of the soil. Therefore, in addition to loosening, it is also recommended before planting add peat to the soil and humus.

You can increase fertility by fertilizing the soil with two-year-old compost. Mulching is a fairly effective operation, during which sawdust or rotted leaves can be used.

Any suburban area, as well as the house located on it, can look unusual if you use an original approach to its design. One such idea would be to use virgin grapes.

This ornamental plant is capable of forming long shoots that can hide any tall buildings, creating medieval effect.

Naturally, growing this plant has its own characteristics. Particular attention should be paid to young seedlings, since they not only require regular watering, but also protection from frost.

However, adult plants are unpretentious, so the owner will only need carrying out pruning, if he wants to limit the further spread of grapes.

How to plant virgin grapes: planting and caring for wild grapes in the country. Maiden grapes are an excellent find for summer residents who want to see a green fence instead of a fence, and instead of ugly walls of old buildings, shoots crawling along them…

climbing plant with beautiful carved leaves, which does not require complex care and is capable of covering a significant surface in a relatively short time - the dream of many gardeners. And exactly such a plant is wild or virgin grapes, planting and caring for which is not particularly difficult.

What are girlish grapes?

This plant belongs to the genus Parthenocissus, and most species are native to East Asia and North America. Three types are traditionally grown as ornamental plants: tripointed or ivy grapes, attached grapes, and five-leafed or Virginia grapes, which are best adapted to grow in our climate.

The wild grape itself is a root-climbing vine. The plant tolerates shade and sub-zero temperatures well. Not demanding on soil and easy to care for. It grows quickly and can grow up to 2-3 m in a year. Throughout the entire life cycle, individual lashes reach about 20 m in length.

Of particular decorative value are the large carved ornamental leaves, which in the fall acquire a dark crimson color. The plant blooms rather modestly, but the flowers radiate pleasant aroma, attracting bees. The fruits of ornamental grapes are inedible. They ripen in September, acquiring a dark blue hue with a smoky waxy coating.

The plant will be a real boon for those who need to quickly decorate a fence or ugly walls of outbuildings. But how to plant wild grapes in the country or personal plot?

How to plant wild grapes

To plant girlish grapes correctly, you do not need to have any special skills. It is enough to follow a few simple rules.

1. When to plant wild grapes?

The timing of planting wild grapes is often determined by the weather and climatic conditions of the region and the chosen method of propagation. According to experts, seedlings of decorative grapes take root well both in spring planting in April and May, and when planting in the ground in the fall in September - early October. True, if you plant girlish grapes in the fall, the young plants will need shelter for the winter.

You can also grow parthenocissus from seeds, but in this case they are sown in pots in January-February. But it is better to plant cuttings of wild grapes in the soil in May-June. Regardless of whether virgin grapes are planted in spring, summer or autumn, experienced gardeners advise carrying out such manipulations before 11 a.m. in the morning or after 6 p.m., which will help protect the plants from burning out.

2. Choosing a landing site.

Before planting girlish grapes, you need to choose the right place where the plant will be as comfortable as possible. Parthenocissus is not particularly picky about soil composition, and is capable of developing quite normally in both well-lit and shaded areas of the garden. At the same time, wild grapes grow best in fertile, moisture-permeable soils and well-lit areas. The only thing you should remember when planting is that the plants require reliable support, for which a simple stretched wire will not work. In addition, virgin grapes planted on the north side may have more small leaves, and in autumn the foliage on plants with this arrangement remains dark green, while specimens growing on the south side gradually turn purplish-red.

3. Site preparation.

About a week before planting girlish grapes, you need to dig up the area and prepare the soil. For seedlings, dig holes measuring about 50x50x50 cm (depending on the root system, the size may vary). A 20-centimeter layer of drainage is placed at the bottom of the hole, for which a mixture of small pebbles and sand is suitable, broken brick or crushed stone. The remaining volume of the hole is filled with a soil mixture consisting of peat compost, leaf soil and sand in a ratio of 2:2:1; you can also add wood ash (about 1 liter of a jar). If the soil is properly amended before planting, the plants will have enough fertilizer for the next 3-4 years.

4. Technology of planting girlish grapes.

When the holes with drainage and soil mixture are ready, you can proceed directly to planting. So, let's figure out step by step how to plant girlish grapes.

The hole with drainage is half filled with soil mixture. Place the seedling in the hole at a slight slope and cover it with the remaining soil so that the root collar does not rise above the soil surface. A watering hole is formed near the seedling. For the first watering, plants use at least 1 bucket of water.

When talking about how to plant wild grapes, it is necessary to clarify at what distance the cuttings should be planted from each other. It is often recommended to leave gaps of at least 50 cm between individual plants. Although, taking into account the fact that ornamental grapes grow at a high speed, optimal distance reaches about 1 m.

5. Primary care of wild grape seedlings.

It is worth noting that ornamental grapes are an unpretentious plant. For its normal growth, it is enough to loosen the soil from time to time and remove weeds. Frequent watering the plant does not require it. It is enough to water it 3-4 times per season at the rate of 8-10 liters of water per plant. In hot weather, the watering rate can increase to 20 liters. To prevent the soil from drying out and weeds from growing, the soil around the shoots is covered with a 6-centimeter layer of mulch (straw, sawdust, peat).

In the early stages of the growth of virgin grapes, special attention must be paid to the formation of shoots. Since the plant is climbing, it requires stable support. Of course, if you plant wild grapes along a fence or near the walls of a building, then you won’t have to work especially hard to build a support - the tenacious tendrils of the vine will easily grab onto even the slightest roughness. Support may be required if at first the plants have nothing to grab onto. In addition, so that fast-growing shoots do not create problems, they must be guided as they grow, fixing the stems on a support. Excess unruly lashes and wilted leaves must be removed in time. It is also important to ensure that the vines do not spread along the surface of the ground, since they quickly take root and send out new shoots, which can quickly turn the entire area into an impenetrable thicket, and it is quite difficult to get rid of wild grapes creeping along the ground.

Transplanting girlish grapes

Sometimes it becomes necessary to transplant wild grapes to another place or replant the plant. It is worth noting that it is advisable to do this in early spring or in autumn, when the active growth of plant shoots is stopped. Replanting virgin grapes in the summer will be somewhat more difficult, but small size Bush such manipulation is possible.

The preparation and technology for transplanting ornamental grapes is almost the same as for planting a plant. The main thing is to prepare the soil for planting in time. The depth of the hole is determined by the size of the seedling's root system. When replanting, the roots can be shortened somewhat, especially for damaged roots. The soil is filled with peat compost, wood ash or mineral fertilizers. In summer, transplanted plants require more frequent watering until they are completely rooted.

Advantages and disadvantages of wild grapes

Maiden grapes, which do not require planting and care special effort, is a plant that some gardeners consider an excellent option for quickly greening up an area, while others are wary of its ability to cling to almost any surface and its rapid growth, since if neglected, this can have negative consequences.

Pros of virgin grapes:

The shoots develop quickly, fill the entire support, forming a dense curtain;


Undemanding to soil and lighting;

Resistant to pests and diseases;

Does not require frequent fertilization;

Easy to propagate;

Dense foliage protects the walls and foundation of the building covered with wild grapes from overheating, rain, wind and dust, as well as excessive dampness;

It has an attractive appearance from early summer to mid-autumn.

Disadvantages of virgin grapes:

Uncontrollably growing strong shoots that fall under slate or tiles can destroy them;

Shoots growing near drains can get inside the tubes and clog them;

Hanging over the windows, the vines form a real curtain, preventing light from entering the room;

Planted near plastered walls, wild grapes can cause damage to the plaster over time: the vine gradually grows into the surface and under its weight the finish can simply fall off;

A strong root system, extending several meters underground, can harm plants planted in the neighborhood;

In spring, wild grapes develop later than others garden plants, presenting an unsightly picture of tangled bare stems.

When talking about planting wild grapes in a specific area, it is important to consider its positive and negative aspects. But with its ease of planting and growing, as well as the high decorativeness characteristic of this plant, with little care it can become a real decoration of your site. published

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Without demonstrating special scholarship, it is worth noting that grapes are, undoubtedly, a very valuable cultivated plant, which, if skillfully planted in the fall and further competently cultivated, can produce the first harvest in 3 years. It is noteworthy that from an adult, strong and healthy bush you can definitely get more than 8 kilograms of appetizing and aromatic berries. In addition, we should not forget that grapes are simply excellent in quality. decorative composition for decorating and shading a cozy gazebo. In short, if you have a desire to plant this perennial vine-like plant in your garden plot in the fall, familiarize yourself with the important points and nuances of planting grapes in autumn period.

When is it better to plant grapes - in spring or autumn?

You can plant grape seedlings in open ground during the entire warm period, starting from early spring. It is generally believed that the best time to root is in the spring. This is due to the presence of a long period to properly prepare the plant for the winter cold.

By the way! About spring planting of grapes you can read Here.

Unlike spring planting procedures, in the fall you need to plant grape seedlings that already have a developed root system (in other words, cuttings are not suitable for planting). Only such seedlings will have time to take root well in the fall and go into the winter, taking root in a new place.

Video: when is it better to plant grapes - in spring or autumn

When to plant grapes in the fall: timing - in what month

As for the approximate timing of planting grapes in the fall, then carry out the procedure, for example, in middle lane(Moscow region) recommended with the first days of October and until frost.

It is also very important not to delay planting grapes and get to work already during the period of active cooling, when it comes to the first frost. The plant must have time to fully take root so that there is no threat of freezing of the root system and death of the entire bush.

Thus, the best time for planting grapes in the fall is September-October, when the air temperature stays in the range of +5.. +15, but not lower than +5...0 degrees.

Advantages and disadvantages of planting in autumn

If you plant grapes correctly in the autumn, they will be able to produce their first harvest within 3 years. This is why it is believed that autumn is the most good time for such events.

The following are the advantages of planting grapes in the fall:

  1. IN autumn time seedlings are specially prepared for sale. The market is replete with a huge selection of high-quality and healthy cuttings. In the spring, those seedlings that were not sold in the fall may also be sold, so the risk of purchasing low-quality planting material increases.
  2. In autumn, the soil is best prepared for planting. It contains nutrients accumulated over the summer and necessary for successful wintering. In addition, the soil is significantly moistened and does not require additional irrigation.
  3. In the autumn months, planted seedlings have time to take root and adapt to new living conditions. This allows the plant to immediately begin to grow during the first sunny days of spring, bypassing the adaptation period.

In addition to the advantages of planting grapes in the fall, it should be noted significant shortcomings following procedure:

  • The most dangerous thing in autumn worksudden arrival of the first frost. Such a drop in temperature negatively affects young plantings, which negates all efforts.
  • Not all seedlings that have migrated to a permanent place of residence survive by spring. Especially cold winters contribute to the freezing of young roots and their above-ground growth buds.

How to plant grapes in the fall: features and step-by-step instructions

Selection and preparation of seedlings

Before you begin planting work, you need to carefully select a high-quality specimen. A seedling should be taken one year old with a well-developed root system - from 3 to 5-6 young roots. Green shoots should be placed on the trunk, stretching 15-20 cm.

Worth knowing! The ideal length for planting is considered to be a seedling length of 40-55 cm, the thickness of the planting material is at least 8-10 mm. The seedling must have healthy growth buds, a trunk and heel roots. The latter must be at least 15 cm in length.

Of course, when purchasing, you should carefully inspect the seedling for mechanical damage, growths or mold.

Before planting a grape seedling in open ground, it is advisable to soak it and process it two days before planting, or rather, carry out a number of the following activities:

  • To begin with, it is recommended to cut off the top(top). In the cut area, the seedling should be light green, this will indicate the healthy condition of the seedling (it can be planted).
  • Lower main roots (heel) slightly pruned- about 2 cm. Although there is another rather drastic method, when the roots are taken into a fist and everything that remains below is removed. As a result, the length of the roots should be at least 15 centimeters. If you leave roots that are too long, then when planting you will definitely bend them upward and the seedling will not take root.
  • Important! Even if one-year-old seedlings are planted the next day after being removed from the school (grown from cuttings), it is still recommended to soak them and dip them in mash.

  • Seedling placed in water at room temperature for soaking for 12-24 hours (for example, overnight).
  • Some summer residents additionally soaked in water with the addition of root growth stimulants for another 12-24 hours (for example, in “Kornevin” or “Gumat”).

Advice! Before planting, the roots of the seedling are preferably get wet in mud made from clay, humus and water.

Video: how to prepare a grape seedling for planting

How to choose a landing site

Before you start planting grapes, you should decide on the optimal location. It is best to choose a well-lit area, since successful cultivation grapevine requires plenty of sunlight. In addition, the seedling should not be placed on the north side; the plant does not like strong winds and piercing drafts. Also, lowlands or lowlands are not recommended for planting. marshy soil. In short, best option for grapes - the south side, enclosed by a wall, house, barn or garage. In this case, you need to retreat 0.5 meters from the building.

Important! Groundwater should not be closer than 1.5-2 meters to the root system of the bush.

Important!The soil needed for grapes fertile, loose so that it allows moisture and oxygen to pass through well, in other words, it must moisture- and breathable.

If your soil is not entirely suitable, then in this case it is necessary to prepare the planting hole as thoroughly as possible.

Preparing a hole for planting and fertile soil

Important! Prepare the planting hole should be 1-1.5 months before the scheduled planting date(that is, in August-September). This is required so that the entire fertile mixture settles, and the fertilizers saturate the soil and do not subsequently burn the young roots of the seedling.

The planting hole for planting a grape seedling is dug to a depth of 60-80 cm and the same width (that is, for example, 60x60x60), or according to the pattern shown in the picture below.

Advice! However, if you have sand, then you need to plant deeper. If black soil is finer. If you have heavy clay, then the depth of the hole should be 10-15 cm below the clay level.

Scheme of planting a grape seedling in a planting hole If there are problems with moisture (or groundwater flowing too high), it is recommended to do additionally drainage layer (spread a layer of crushed stone or expanded clay) and plant a grape seedling according to the following scheme:

Advice! When digging a hole leave the top fertile layer of soil aside (nearby), you will still need it, but the bottom one is no longer needed.

By the way! Some winegrowers additionally insert a tube into the planting hole so that nutritious moisture immediately reaches the roots, but this method of planting in Lately practiced less and less.

Why is such a big hole needed?

To successfully grow grapes, you must create a kind of storehouse for fertilizers (fertile soil) of the bush, which will last for 2-3 years without adding additional fertilizing.

Advice! You can find out how to feed adult grapes in the spring from this article.

After you have dug the planting hole, it should be filled with fertile soil, which can be laid out in layers:

  • 1 layer (20-30 cm) – a thoroughly mixed batch of humus or compost (2-3 buckets), superphosphate (250-300 grams), potassium sulfate (250-300 grams) or wood ash (1-1.5 kg) and top fertile soil (chernozem) or leaf soil (3-4 buckets).
  • 2nd layer (10 cm) – a layer of fresh garden fertile soil (chernozem). If you plant right away, then this layer is simply necessary, otherwise the root system may get severely burned.
  • Compact the soil well to speed up shrinkage, and then fill the hole with water (3-5 buckets).
  • When the water is absorbed, you can plant the seedling, although, in general, it is much better to do this after 1-1.5 months.

Note! You cannot plant two seedlings at once in one hole, since they will oppress each other and you will not get a double increase in the harvest, quite the contrary.

By the way! Distance between seedlings the grapes should be about 2.5-3 m, and between the rows - the same 2.5 m, or even better 3-3.5 m.

Direct planting of seedlings in the ground

Planting grapes in autumn in open ground is carried out according to the following step-by-step instructions:

  1. A small mound (tubercle) of fertile garden soil is poured onto the bottom of a pre-prepared and filled planting hole.
  2. A pre-prepared seedling (soaked and with roots cut) is placed on it, while all the roots are carefully straightened so that they do not look up. That is, the heel should be located at a depth (from the soil surface) of about 35-45 cm.
  3. Top fertile soil (10-20 cm) is poured on top of the roots, without any fertilizers. In this case, you should still have a fairly deep hole (20-30 cm to the surface of the earth).
  4. The hole is filled with 2-3 buckets of water.
  5. That's it, the seedling is planted.

Important! If you plant grafted seedling, Under no circumstances should the site where it was inoculated be buried. Otherwise, the roots of the scion will appear and it will move onto them.

Thus, landing is not required great effort, the main thing is to know all the nuances of choosing a quality seedling, prepare it correctly for planting, and also dig and fill the planting hole.

Video: autumn planting of grape seedlings

Caring for grapes after autumn planting

If you have correctly observed the timing of the autumn planting of grapes, and you will still have warm weather for some time before frost (especially if there has been no rain for 1-2 months), then you should take an extremely important step in caring for the seedling during this period , namely, water it several times, pouring out 1-2 buckets. If the weather is damp, there is no need to moisturize additionally.

Just before the start of cold weather (although they usually cover it after the first frost), in order to save the seedling from freezing, it must be properly prepared for winter:

Important! Covering is only necessary when low temperatures so that your eyes don't go out.

  1. Trim the seedling, leaving 4-5 buds.
  2. Place a cut plastic bottle on top. This is done to ensure that the seedling does not come into contact with the soil and does not contract any fungal disease.3. Fill the top with soil along with the bottle so that there is up to 5 cm of soil above it.

Note! The most important component in caring for grapes after planting in the fall is their proper shelter for the winter.

You can read more about how to do this expediently and thoughtfully in this general material about the autumn preparation of grapes for winter.

In early spring, when the snow melts, you will need to remove the cover (bottle) from the grapes and dig it out, again making a hole.

Important! In the future, to obtain rich harvests you will need properly care for grapes (especially in spring), namely feed, trim, tie up, treat against diseases and pests, fight powdery mildew - oidium And mildew. Also you might want it instill.

Features of planting grapes in different regions of Russia

Grapes are a fairly common crop. If it is planted correctly and carefully wrapped before frost, it can be grown in virtually any climate zone. The main rule for choosing grapes for a region is a suitable zoned variety for full ripening.

In the middle zone (Moscow region)

IN central region The planting of grapes is widespread. For successful ripening of juicy and aromatic berries, early ripening ones are chosen for this region. frost-resistant varieties. The most popular varieties for the Moscow region are Aleshenkin, Dolgozhdannye, Zhemchug Saba, Zilga, Sukribe, Valiant.

Planting in the fall in this region is generally carried out according to the above rules and recommendations.

In the Volga region

The Volga region is a zone of risky agriculture. But even in such a zone, grapes are actively grown in large quantities and an extensive list of different types.

Important! The main danger of growing grapes in the Volga region is severe frosts. If the vine does not have time to ripen, it most often freezes. Therefore, experienced gardeners carefully cover all their plantings, while capturing the tree trunk circle where the root system is located.

Video: correct landing grape seedlings in autumn in the Volga region (Volgograd)

In Siberia and the Urals

For a long time, gardeners in Siberia and the Urals could not achieve not only a harvest, but also simply enough for the plant to overwinter. The reason was the use of agricultural technology from the southern regions. When the farmers realized their mistake, things got better.

Now, in severe frost, they carefully cover the vine. In addition, vaccinations are given for frost resistance. During the last spring frosts, they continue to insulate the dug up plant with rags or burlap.

By the way! For growing grapes in Siberia and the Urals, only extra early varieties ripening - Thumbelina, Riddle, Pinocchio, Siberian Cheryomushka, Savraska White, Seedling Sharova.

Video: how to plant grapes in the Urals

Spring planting is carried out in conditions when the earth warms up to +10-15 C. This period begins in the second half of May. In autumn it is better not to plant in Siberia and the Urals grape seedlings. If you had to carry out the procedure, it is recommended to insulate the seedling as best as possible.

Important! In Siberia and the Urals, it is advised to make the planting depth shallower in order to better warm up the root system, although some winegrowers, on the contrary, advise planting deeper in boxes (trenches).

Video: how to properly plant grapes in Siberia

Thus, different regions require specific grape varieties and some separate planting requirements. Covering methods also differ.

Possible mistakes when planting grapes in the fall

Experienced gardeners, when planting young grape seedlings in the fall, try not to make mistakes. If you plant according to all the rules, the plant will develop quickly and will be able to please you with its first harvest in the next 3 years.

But not all summer residents have a wealth of experience, so a number of mistakes are made from time to time:

  1. Buy a sick, weak or seedling with a poorly developed root system– the plant will be sick for a long period and most often does not survive.
  2. Unspecified variety, which is not suitable for the climatic conditions of the region - even if such seedlings survive, they cannot fully produce a harvest. It either does not have time to ripen or deteriorates due to weather conditions.
  3. Planting seedlings on the north side– the plant does not like strong winds and drafts. Also, during the wind, a young vine can break, which threatens infection or pests.
  4. Planting in a shaded area– grapes vitally need sun, otherwise they will develop poorly and will not produce the planned abundant harvest.
  5. Neglecting the preparation (soaking and pruning of roots) of the seedling itself.
  6. Improperly prepared planting hole.

Thus, you need to plant grapes in the fall correctly, guided by basic tips and recommendations for selecting and preparing the seedling itself, as well as determining optimal location on the site and digging the necessary planting hole.

Video: detailed step-by-step landing grapes in autumn in 2 parts

Growing grapes for novice gardeners sometimes seems like a difficult task. This perennial vine loves when it receives maximum attention. Follow our tips to make sure you do everything right.

Grape bushes are often found in summer cottages, and all because growing a plant in the middle zone is not so difficult. Despite its whimsical nature, summer residents successfully plant bushes of various varieties and get good harvests. If you decide to create a vineyard, late spring - early summer is the time to purchase seedlings and start planting.

Proper planting of grapes begins with choosing a location. The vine needs a lot of light and warmth, so choose an area protected from the wind, for example, near the south wall of a house or barn.

Water from the roof should not flow onto the grapes, otherwise they will die.

The soil is required to be as nutritious and loose as possible. Give preference to black soils with a high humus content. Also, grapes will successfully take root on rocky or sandy soil if you first add humus to the hole. The plant will like clay and peat soils less, so it is worth putting expanded clay, broken bricks, crushed stone or other drainage at the bottom of the hole.

On the lungs sandy soils Grape berries ripen 1-2 weeks earlier than on heavy clay soils.

Planting grape seedlings for beginners - preparation for the procedure

We have already talked about how to buy good grape seedlings. Therefore, we will take a closer look at what to do with plants after purchase. First of all, the young vine needs to be hardened off. Even if the seller convinced you that he carried out all the procedures himself, it is better to be safe. After all, seedlings that have not undergone hardening take root worse and get sick more. You can wait longer for the harvest from them, or they will die completely without even growing.

The procedure is carried out as follows: keep the seedlings in the fresh air every day for about 2 weeks. Start with a quarter of an hour on the first day, and then increase the time by 30 minutes every day. During the first week, protect the vine from the sun. For the last 3-4 days, the grapes should be constantly in the fresh air. Exception: predicted frosts, which can destroy seedlings.

It is worth planting grapes only after the end of return frosts. The most favorable time: May - early June, when the soil has already warmed up well. Perfect time for planting - morning or evening. It is better to choose a cloudy day so that the plant takes root faster.

Grapes - planting and care in open ground

While the seedlings are hardening off, dig good quality planting holes. The width, length and depth are on average 80 cm, but you can adjust the parameters according to the size of the site and the composition of the soil.

If the site has light fertile soil, planting holes for grapes can be dug very small, but if it is heavy clay soil, their size should be as large as possible.

Divide the earth dug out of the hole into three parts. The most fertile soil from the top layer, which is approximately 20-30 cm, will be placed a little later at the bottom of the hole, closer to the roots. Then the middle part of the soil will be used. And on top is the least nutritious soil from the lower layer, which after a while will again become fertile after exposure to soil bacteria.

When digging a hole, carefully inspect the clods, remove pest larvae and plant roots that may interfere with the development of the vine. Then pour into the hole:

  • 2 buckets of rotted organic matter: manure, compost;
  • 1.5 kg of wood ash;
  • 300 g of complex fertilizer, for example, nitroammofoska.

Mix everything thoroughly with a long stick, after pouring upper layer fertile soil and water with 2 buckets of water. When the moisture is absorbed, pour soil from the middle layer of the hole.

It is better not to use nitrogen fertilizing in its pure form, otherwise the vine will begin to fatten and its ripening and resistance to frost will decrease.

    Planting grapes in spring - instructions for a beginner

    In this article you will find comprehensive answers to the question: how to plant grapes in the spring?

If the weather was unfavorable or you did not have time to prepare the holes, grape seedlings can be saved for autumn planting. Just transplant them into containers with drainage holes and dig into the ground to the middle, water regularly. This will give you more time to prepare for fall planting.

    Planting grapes in autumn: when and how to do it?

    Detailed instructions on how to properly plant grapes in the fall so that the plant produces a good harvest of juicy berries.

How to plant grapes correctly

When the hole is ready and the plant is hardened, start planting. Remove the grapes from the package along with the earthen lump. Place the seedling in the hole so that the zone of root formation (the heel of the cutting) is located 35-40 cm below ground level. Conventionally, this place can be taken as the center of the container where the seedling was located. Also make sure that the “eye” from which the lowest green shoot develops is located 10 cm below ground level - this will make it easier to form a bush and cover the shoots for the winter.

If the seedling is too long and cannot be planted vertically at the correct depth, place it at an angle, first pouring soil on one side of the hole.

At the end of planting, fill the plant with soil 5 cm below the “eye”, compact it thoroughly with your hands so that there are no voids. Water the seedling with 1-2 buckets warm water. Wait until it is absorbed and completely fill the hole with soil, but do not compact it. The soil must remain loose so that there is good air exchange, so there is no need to trample it. But mulching is worth doing, because... it will prevent the formation of an earthen crust and reduce the evaporation of moisture.

Many gardeners wonder at what distance to plant grapes in a row. We answer: it is best to maintain a distance of 1-1.5 m between plants. If there are a lot of seedlings, you can dig not holes, but a trench 40-80 cm deep. Support for the grapes is also necessary so that the vine develops correctly. Use pegs, pipes, etc. as a temporary solution. In the future, it is worth installing a trellis, which will allow the bush to form perfectly and make it easier to care for.

Caring for first-year grapes in spring, summer and autumn

    Caring for grapes from spring to autumn - useful tips for beginners

    How to care for grapes and reap a decent harvest, despite the capricious climate, imperfect soil and aggressive diseases?

Spring grape care consists of fighting diseases, pests and unfavorable external factors. For protection, spray the plant with 1% Bordeaux mixture, which will prevent the development of fungal diseases. From grape moths, flea beetles and spider mite the usual will help laundry soap(1 piece per 10 liters of water). In addition, immediately after planting, young plants need to be shaded from direct lines for a couple of weeks. sun rays, for example, using spunbond, plywood, shading mesh or other available materials.

Caring for grapes in summer consists of regular watering and fertilizing, loosening the soil and weeding.

Watering and fertilizing grapes

After planting, the vine needs regular and abundant watering. Of course, how often to water the grapes depends primarily on the weather. But usually the plant is watered 10-15 days after planting and the procedure is repeated every 2 weeks. If it is hot and the soil dries out quickly, watering should be increased more often.

To water the grapes, use warm, settled water in a volume of 5-10 liters per bush.

The fertilizers that were applied during planting will provide the vine with nutrients, therefore there is an urgent need for additional feeding No. If desired, at the end of summer you can strengthen the plant with the following mixture: 10 g of potassium sulfate and 20 g of superphosphate per 1 sq.m. Then the grapes will be better prepared for winter.

    How and when to feed grapes to reap a good harvest

    Grapes are a demanding crop, without timely fertilizing will not bear fruit. But what and in what quantity does he need?

Grape pruning

The main goal of pruning in the first year after planting is to give the bush the correct “direction” of growth so that it has two new strong escape. To do this, immediately after planting, cut it to 2 eyes, removing everything else.

In the future, pruning of grapes will be carried out annually. Otherwise, thickened plantings will become a source of diseases and pests, and the yield will sharply decrease.

You can also carry out cathartic– removal of the surface roots of the plant. This will allow the other roots to go deeper into the ground and successfully overwinter. Draw a hole up to 25 cm deep and carefully trim off the top roots and excess shoots. Then fill the hole with soil.

    Pruning grapes in spring - step-by-step instruction with video for beginners

    Simple and visual instructions for spring pruning of grapes.

Young bushes must be covered for the winter, regardless of whether your variety is winter-hardy or not. The procedure is carried out when all the leaves have fallen, after the first slight frost. For shelter, you can use straw, spruce branches, spunbond and even slate.

    How to cover grapes for the winter - the pros and cons of all covering methods

    Have slight but stable frosts set in and snow has fallen? It's time to cover the grapes for the winter.

If you follow proper watering of the grapes, regularly feed the vine and protect it from pests, the young plant will develop as successfully as the seedlings planted in the fall of last year.

Do you want to grow grapes? Care for beginners, collected in this article, will help you create a luxurious vineyard that will bear fruit with juicy berries every year.

Try planting a grapevine, perhaps you will become so interested in this activity that you will become a real expert. And if you already grow grapes, share your secrets of a rich harvest in the comments.

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We will tell you everything about grapes

VarietiesTypes and varieties of grapes

Planting grape seedlings in the fall has many advantages. There is no need to store bulky branches all winter. Until spring, the root system of the vine develops well and the survival rate is higher. True, in cold regions there is a risk of freezing. To do this, seedlings need to be well covered. This article describes all the methods and nuances of planting, as well as sheltering young cuttings for the winter.

Planting grape seedlings in autumn

How to choose the right place for planting

What is the best place to plant grapes? This is a very important question, since the safety and productivity of future bushes largely depends on the planting location. So you need to be very careful when choosing a place. Here are some useful tips:

  • The soil under the grapes should not be too alkaline or acidic. Sandy, rocky and even saline soil is best suited.
  • Groundwater should not reach higher than a meter to the ground surface. Otherwise, it is necessary to lay drainage at the bottom of the planting holes.
  • The place must be protected from the wind. It is best to plant grapes against the wall of a building, a high solid fence or on a hillside.
  • In order for the vine to receive enough sun, it must grow on the south or southwest side.
  • Rows of grapes, if many seedlings are planted, are arranged from north to south.
  • The distance between rows is 2.5-3 meters, and between individual bushes - 2-3 meters. In this case, the roots will have room to grow, and the grapes will begin to develop well.

The correct choice of place when planting grapes in the fall, as well as in the spring, helps ensure better survival of the bushes. In the future, such a vineyard will consistently produce good yields if it is provided with proper care.

When to plant grapes in the ground

When is the best time to plant grapes, in what month? The timing largely depends on the region. In cold areas, for example, in Siberia and the Urals, it is recommended to plant vines in the spring. When planting in the fall, there is a greater chance that it will freeze. But in the Moscow region, Belarus, autumn planting is absolutely acceptable. Here are its main advantages:

  • Planting material does not need to be stored
  • The roots of seedlings develop better in winter, which speeds up the establishment and even fruiting of grapes.
  • In spring, the vine awakens faster, which allows it to more effectively fight pests and various diseases.
  • There is no need for special care for seedlings after winter, which saves a lot of time. After all, spring is a hot period in agriculture, there's enough to do.

Planting grape seedlings in the fall should be done two weeks before the expected onset of frost. This will protect the branches and roots in time. After 14 days, they will have time to take root in the soil, and the frost will not be so scary for them. IN temperate zone This is best done in the first ten days of October. Late planting can be carried out in the second decade if the autumn is warm. In northern latitudes, autumn planting begins as early as September. In the south, seedlings are often transferred to the ground at the end of October or beginning of November.

Preparing a pit for seedlings

The pit for grape seedlings must be prepared in advance. Most winegrowers advise doing this 2 weeks before planting. Some say that pit preparation should begin at the end of August. Grape roots develop best in the top fertile layer of soil. Therefore, they cannot be deepened more than half a meter. The pit is made as follows:

  • The diameter should be 80x80 cm or meter by meter.
  • A layer of drainage is poured onto the bottom - crushed stone, pebbles, crushed brick or expanded clay. The layer thickness should be 5-7 cm. If groundwater stand high, drainage can be made up to 10 cm thick.
  • A mixture of manure, humus and fertile soil is poured on top. The thickness of this layer is 10-15 cm.
  • Grapes need mineral fertilizers; it is best to use wood ash (1 liter per pit) and phosphorus complex fertilizer (100-200 g per pit).
  • 20-25 cm of fertile soil is poured on top, which will become a kind of buffer between the root system and fertilizers.

The finished pit with all the fertilizers must stand for some time so that the earth settles. Only after this do we plant a grape seedling there in the fall. It is important to select the right material. The thickness of the vine should not exceed 8-9 mm, at most a centimeter, length - 60-70 cm. Too thick or long stems take root and develop worse. Short and very thin ones are less likely to survive the winter.

Planting process

How to plant grapes in autumn? It is important to take into account the depth of the seedling’s immersion in the soil and the location of its eyes. The planting depth should not exceed 50 cm. The upper eyes should face south. Before planting, you need to treat the roots of the seedlings with growth stimulants. Kornevin or heteroauxin are best suited for this. Immediately before planting, the roots are trimmed by 2-3 millimeters.

The planting scheme is quite simple. Carefully lower the seedling into the hole, to a depth of about half a meter, and straighten its roots. To do this, the vine must first be lowered to the very bottom of the hole, and then raised a little. The heel of the handle should face south. It is best to plant a young cutting at an angle of 45 degrees. This allows the root system to develop better and faster.

Then pour a layer of fertile soil on top and compact it. Pour 20-30 liters of water under the seedling. Watering should not be ignored even during wet weather. It is this that allows you to get rid of the air cushion that forms during planting and prevents the root system from developing normally.

After watering, fill the hole so that the ground level remains the same. A small mound is formed near the trunk. It is advisable to leave 2-5 eyes above the surface. The top one must face south. Finally, the ground is mulched with peat, fallen leaves or straw. In spring, the mulch will partially rot, which will provide additional nutrition for the plant.

Sheltering seedlings

After planting grapes in the fall, the young bush must be covered. Even in the south this is required, since the young plant is especially sensitive to frost, its buds and roots die even with minor sub-zero temperatures before reaching spring, they dry out in the cold winter wind. It is important to plant seedlings in due time, two weeks before frost, so that they have time to take root. Best time in the middle zone - the first and second ten days of October.

There are different ways to cover seedlings for the winter, here are the main methods:

  • Plastic bottles. You just need to cut off the neck and dig the bottle a little over the seedling. You can make several holes in it so that the vine can breathe.
  • Fallen leaves, straw, reeds and spruce branches. These materials are free, they retain heat well, and in the spring they turn into fertilizer.
  • Tarpaulin, roofing felt, geotextile or film. A more reliable, but also more expensive method than the previous two. It is convenient to use this method if mass planting of grape seedlings was carried out in the fall.
  • Earth. The seedling is simply dug in; the soil should be taken from the trench between the rows or from a neighboring area. The disadvantage of this method is frequent bud rot and infection with fungal diseases.

Can be combined different methods shelters. For example, cover the seedling with a bottle and sprinkle straw on top. Before covering with soil, cover the young grapes with reeds or spruce branches. To prevent the branches from drying out, you can wax their upper part for the winter. Properly covered grapes in the spring will begin to quickly develop and sprout, all the buds will remain alive. If frost is far away, the grapes are left open for several days to harden. When late planting was done, the vine was covered early.

Grape Autumn planting grapes

Planting grape seedlings in autumn.

Autumn planting of grape seedlings

How to properly plant a grape seedling in the fall, at what depth, how to cover it, you can see in the video or photo. This process is not difficult if you have at least the slightest experience. If you carefully study and follow the planting rules, planting bushes will be easy even for beginners. As a last resort, a beginner can always ask an experienced winegrower to show him how to plant chibuki. When spring comes, the vine will not need special additional care, it will begin to develop on its own. This is a huge advantage of autumn planting.

Maiden grapes are a climbing plant that adorns many parks and summer cottages. It is planted to decorate fences, open verandas and walls. Maiden grapes are not difficult to grow; gardeners propagate them by cuttings, layering, pieces of root (root suckers) and seeds.

In nature, there are 10 wild species of this plant, but in gardens and vegetable gardens you can find three varieties:

  • attached;
  • five-leaved (virginian);
  • ivy-shaped trifoliate (triacute).

Breeders have developed dozens of cultivated varieties of this plant; seeds can be purchased in gardening departments and online stores. Nowadays, virgin grapes are grown in many regions of Russia and the CIS countries.

On a note! Pruning does not harm the plant; in abandoned gardens its vines grow up to 30 m or more in length. Maiden grapes have the unique ability to climb vertical walls with the help of tendrils, the tips of which have sticky round pads.

Selected varieties of virgin grapes are very decorative. The leaves of the vine are large, their edges are jagged. In summer the foliage is bright green, in autumn the leaves of plants planted on sunny side, blush. If the grapes do not have enough sunlight, the leaves simply darken or remain green. In autumn, the foliage of some varieties turns not only purple, but also yellow. The length of the leaves reaches 10 cm.

Maiden grapes have a powerful root system that grows strongly to the sides and in depth. Large leaves and powerful long stems need water and the roots, like pumps, “pump out” it from the soil. This vine, being planted near the walls, will take away excess moisture from under the house and foundation, there will be no mold on the walls of the building, and the air humidity inside will decrease. Can the maiden grapes creeping up the walls destroy them? There is no such data, but the active use of this plant for decorating old buildings in France, Germany and Spain allows us to assert that virgin grapes do not penetrate inside stone walls and cannot destroy the stone foundation.

The plant tolerates pruning and shaping perfectly, which allows you to realize the most original ideas landscape designers and owners of garden plots. Shaping, pruning and tying are done throughout the summer season.

Table. Popular varieties of virgin grapes.

Variety nameLeaf color in autumnLeaf color in summerLiana lengthHow many years does a liana live?Characteristics of the variety
Orange-red, red, crimsonGreenUp to 15 m16-18 years oldTripointed (ivy-shaped)
YellowGreen10-15 m20 yearsFive-leafed
Crimson, purpleGreen15-20 m18-20 years oldFive-leafed
PurpleGreenup to 20 m15-20 yearsFive-leafed
Bronze redLight green, green8-12 m12-16 years oldTripointed (ivy-shaped)

All varieties described in the table can be planted with seeds.

The fruits of the plant are berries with seeds. The berries have a spherical or ellipsoidal shape, the diameter of the grapes is 5-8 mm. The peel of the fruit is dense and elastic. It can be dark red, blue, burgundy or purple. As the grapes ripen, they become almost black in color. There is a bluish or gray coating on the surface of the berries.

The grapes taste sour or sour-bitter, they contain a lot of oxalic acid and are inedible, although they are used in folk medicine. Poisoning can be caused by eating large quantities of berries. The pulp of grapes has a strong astringent effect. In winter, the fruits of the grapes are eaten by birds.

The berries of the virgin grapes ripen on branched clusters; dozens of fruits grow on one sour plant. Each fruit contains 3-4 seeds, which can be used to plant girlish grapes with seeds.

Collecting virgin grape seeds

The fruits ripen in early autumn or late August. It depends on the plant variety and the weather conditions of the region. If in the south of Russia and in the CIS countries grapes can be harvested already in mid-August, then in the middle zone the fruits in the grapes will not ripen until mid-September. If you cut grape clusters with unripe berries, the seeds will be unsuitable for planting.

To obtain seeds, ripe berries need to be kept at home for 2-3 weeks, after which the skin of the berry is cut and the seeds are removed. The bones need to be washed and dried. After this, the seed material is placed in paper bags and placed in dry room with moderate temperature and average humidity. Under such conditions, the seeds remain viable until spring.

Preparing seeds for spring planting

The seeds of many cultivated plants need storage conditions close to natural, otherwise they germinate poorly and grow slowly. The seed preparation process takes different time for different grape varieties. The instructions for planting material usually contain information about how long the process of preparing for planting takes. Stratification (cooling of wet grape seeds) begins in a month or two (depending on the plant variety). In a city apartment and rural house, seed stratification is carried out in the refrigerator, since it maintains constant temperature. To work, you need plastic bags with a sealed clasp or containers. We'll talk about this in more detail a little later.

On a note! Instead of cotton pads and napkins, you can use wet sand or sphagnum moss, but the seeds may get “lost” in dark material and will not be easy to find. Vermiculite or perlite is also used for stratification.

If you plan to plant virgin grape seeds in the fall, then no special preparation is needed. They are planted directly into the ground in mid-October or in the last ten days of the month. The weather should not be warm, otherwise the seeds will sprout and die from the cold.

Choosing a landing site

On the bags in which the seeds are sold, manufacturers indicate where it is best to plant a particular variety of vines. Some varieties of maiden grapes like sunny areas, others prefer shade or partial shade.

Breeders and gardeners know that if the foliage of virgin grapes is poorly illuminated by the sun (vines grow on the north side of the house, veranda), then in the fall it does not change color and remains green. If the plant most day is under the rays of the sun, then in September its leaves will turn red or purple.

Important! When choosing places to plant seeds and cuttings, you need to take into account that this creeping plant can climb not only walls - it climbs the trunks and branches of trees. Grapes can completely cover fruit tree and even break it. Therefore, in the garden, girlish grapes require constant attention and pruning.

This crop tolerates winter well, the roots sprout, and virgin grapes can turn into a weed, which will take a lot of time to combat. Therefore, when planting grapes with seeds, you need to immediately plan how they will grow and form.

Preparing the soil for virgin grapes

This plant is unpretentious to the composition of the soil, but the seeds should be planted in well-dug and fertilized soil. Young sprouts are weak and do not do well with a lack of nutrients.

The beds for planting girlish grapes consist of two layers. The bottom layer is drainage. It may be granular or clastic natural material or rock that filter water well (sand, pebbles, crushed stone), or artificial materials with a non-aggressive composition (brick). The top (soil) layer should contain a moderate amount of nutrient organic matter and coarse sand. Drainage is necessary for good filtration of moisture and air flow to the roots of the plant. If the water stagnates, the maiden grapes will grow poorly and may die.

Caring for virgin grapes

The plant loves moderately fertilized soil, but in soil oversaturated with organic matter, grapes do poorly. Before planting seeds, you do not need to add any synthetic mineral fertilizers. If necessary, nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers are applied during the period of rapid growth, in mid-summer. It can be saltpeter or nitroammophoska.

Maiden grapes require constant attention; they need to be trimmed, tied up, strengthened on trellises and supports almost every week. As a result, the gardener will receive beautiful garden forms, which will delight the eye until late autumn and leaf fall. In order for the vines to curl smoothly and beautifully, trellises and nets are installed for them.

On a note! Maiden grapes will not grow well if the area is overgrown with weeds. Weeding should be carried out as necessary several times a season. This plant is not susceptible to fungal diseases, it is not touched by insect pests, but if the ground is covered with weeds and the weather is rainy, mold may appear in the soil layer and in the root system.

If there is no rain, plants with a developed root system need to be well watered once a week. Maiden grapes planted with seeds cannot form a strong root system in the first year of life. It needs to be watered more often as the soil in the beds dries out.

How to grow virgin grapes from seeds

You can start planting seeds as soon as the ground thaws and warms up. In different regions of Russia and CIS countries, planting times vary. In the middle zone this can be done in mid-April, in the southern regions - in mid-March.

Important! You need to buy virgin grape seeds in advance, taking into account the fact that they need to be hardened and prepared before planting. Unprepared seeds may not sprout.

Step 1. Seed stratification. It is carried out for 1 or 2 months (the duration of certification must be clarified for each variety). In February, the seeds are placed in a moist environment using a material that can retain moisture, placed in a plastic bag or container and placed in the refrigerator.

Step 2. 2-3 days before planting in open ground, the seeds are removed from the refrigerator and soaked in water at room temperature. It is convenient to do this in a deep saucer with a cloth napkin.

Step 3. Preparing the beds. At the selected location of the garden plot, dig a pit (trench) 55-60 cm deep. The soil layer is piled next to the trench.

Step 4. Drainage is poured into the leveled pit in an even layer. It may be coarse river sand, pebbles, crushed stone, crushed red brick or expanded clay. You can prepare a mixture of these materials. The drainage thickness must be at least 20 cm.

Step 5. Enriched soil is poured over the drainage layer. The composition of the soil layer for virgin grapes includes:

  • 2 parts of medium-fertilized garden soil (you can add rotted autumn leaves to it);
  • 2 parts humus or herbal compost;
  • 1 part sand.

The soil is leveled with shovels and rakes. After this, you can plant the seeds in the garden bed.

Step 6. Planting seeds. Make small holes in the soil, 0.7-1.2 cm deep. Place 1 seed in each hole and carefully cover it with soil. The distance between the holes depends on the grape variety and ranges from 50 cm to 1 m. In order not to injure the root system of plants, structures that will serve as support for vines are installed not during the period of rapid growth, but when planting seeds. In a few weeks, the soil will become compacted from watering, and therefore it will be difficult to place supports for the vines.

Step 7 Water the bed, making sure that the seeds do not end up on the surface.

Step 8 Top dressing organic fertilizers during the period of growth. When the seeds sprout and rapid growth of the stems begins, the vine can be fertilized with nitroammophos (45 g of fertilizer per 1 square meter). In order for the vines to grow faster, they should be fed with a preparation to stimulate the growth of green mass (you can take the product “Kemira Universal” or any other).

Fertilizers are applied early in the morning or in the evening, after sunset. Solid and liquid preparations are diluted in 10 liters of water and watered the ground around the stems. The soil must be loosened before applying synthetic fertilizers.

On a note! Currently, breeders in Western Europe and America have developed dozens of varieties of virgin grapes, which differ in size, leaf shape, vine length, soil requirements and frost resistance. Among them there are varieties that like the sun and varieties that tolerate shade well.

Color autumn leaves The new varieties are very beautiful. Among them you can see very rich orange, burgundy, red, bronze, striped, bright golden yellow leaves. All new varieties can be planted not only by cuttings and layering, but also by seeds. It must be remembered that when planting hybrids with seeds, the quality will begin to be lost after a few years.

Video - Tripointed maiden grape. How to grow from seeds?

Planting virgin grapes is not too labor-intensive; propagation of this plant by layering and cuttings does not take much time and leads to a guaranteed positive result. But if a gardener wants to grow a new unusual variety, then it is better to plant seeds.

Maiden grapes, whose homeland is the countries of East Asia, the Himalayas, and North America, thanks to such a wide geography, are cultivated in almost all climatic zones of Russia, Belarus, and Ukraine.

Enough winter-hardy plant, representing a woody vine, with beautiful leaves and bluish-black berries, girlish grapes, the photo of which is published below, are used special attention summer residents, owners of suburban areas.

Maiden grapes - care: features

Despite the lack of beautiful fragrant flowers and the inedibility of the fruits, virgin grapes, which are quite simple to plant, have gained popularity among gardeners due to their luxurious foliage, rapid establishment, and the ability to disguise unsightly objects on the site.

With the help of this culture, shade and protection from wind and rain are created in the gazebo, open veranda, and balcony. The green foliage lasts until fall and then turns into bright oranges and reds, pleasing the eye and uplifting the mood on gray autumn days.

But this plant is interesting not only for its fast growth and decorative properties. Its usefulness is due to such properties as:

Improving the surrounding microclimate by suppressing the development of certain pathogens;

Preventing the penetration of dust and gases into the premises;

Protection of the house, other premises covered with a dense carpet of greenery, from overheating;

Possibility to grow with minimal care;

Resistance to pests and diseases;

Possibility of planting bird grapes in simple ways.

Types and varieties of virgin grapes for planting

The use of maiden grapes primarily for landscaping fences, building walls, verandas, gazebos, and pergolas is facilitated by the ability of the vines to rise to great heights, thanks to the tendrils that serve as suction cups. Many large decorative leaves create a dense carpet that changes color from green to red, orange, and burgundy shades in autumn.

The most commonly grown varieties among gardeners are:

Five-leaf or Virginia grape with leaves similar to chestnut foliage, reaching fifteen meters in height;

Tripointed or ivy-shaped grapes grown on vertical surfaces and on the ground.

Each of these species is divided into several varieties. Virginia or five-leaf grapes grow naturally in North America. The species is frost-resistant, grows well even in Western Siberia. For the Virginia species, the most popular and valuable is Don Juan. This variety reaches a length of 20 meters. Every year the shoots of this plant lengthen by 2-2.5 meters.

Popular variety The three-walled variety is the Vicha grape, which grows in southeast Asia. The variety is suitable for planting near roads, as it is not afraid of exhaust gases and smoke. The shoots of this plant can stretch up to 4 meters in a year.

Maiden grapes - planting: choosing a location

Unpretentious plant, which is what girlish grapes are, responds gratefully to good care, illumination, fertile soil. If you want to grow a beautiful and strong plant, then the first thing you need to do is choose a place to plant girlish grapes. Although the crop will thrive in shade and light, the color of the leaves will be different. When the vine grows in a lighted place, the leaves change color from green to burgundy, red, Orange color. If the plant grows with a lack of light, then the leaves will remain green until winter, depriving the owners of the site of contemplating the fiery coloring of the carpet formed by the maiden grapes. Bush development also occurs faster in well-lit areas.

Maiden grapes - planting: planting time and soil preparation

For girlish grapes, planting can be carried out in the spring or autumn seasons. Usually the culture takes root well both in September-October and in April-May. Opinions differ on the most favorable planting time, which often depends on the type of crop.

Regardless of the time of year, it is advisable to prepare the soil for planting. Any cultivated soil is suitable for planting this vine. But if you want to get strong plants, before planting you should dig up the soil, dig a hole, the depth of which will be about half a meter or a little deeper. Place broken bricks into the hole as drainage, fill in about 20 centimeters of sand, and pour the soil mixture on top. Soil mixture consists of compost, leaf soil, sand. Each component is taken in a ratio of 2:2:1. On well-fertilized soil, the plant will grow well without feeding for a couple of years.

Maiden grapes: propagation

There are several ways to plant and propagate this beautiful vine. To get to know them, you should look at the girlish grapes in the photo:

Reproduction by layering

Propagation by cuttings

Propagation by seeds

Reproduction by root suckers

To plant a crop with layering, you need to select the longest vine with buds and dig a groove 5 centimeters deep. Next, the layer is laid in a wave-like manner into the groove. In this case, the part of the layer that will be underground is pinned with a paper clip, a hairpin or a piece of bent wire. After sprinkling with soil, the future bush is watered. If you take a short layer, it is also placed in a dug shallow ditch, watered with water, but the top, up to 15 centimeters high, remains above the surface of the ground.

To propagate virgin grapes by cuttings, before planting, branches are first cut as thick as a pencil and planted in ground prepared in advance. When planting in this way, two buds should remain on the part of the branch that remains above the ground. After planting, the cuttings are watered.

Planting grapes with seeds seems to be a more complex and painstaking process. Before planting, the seeds must be soaked or stratified by placing them in sand or other moist substrate.

It is convenient to propagate virgin grapes by root suckers. Root suckers are formed from regrown shoots of vines. They are easily removed for planting in a new place, where holes are dug in advance. The distance between the pits should be from half a meter to a meter.

Maiden grapes: care

The ease of caring for virgin grapes attracts many summer residents who cannot permanently live outside the city. The culture is resistant to lack of water and frost, but responds well to watering, especially during prolonged heat. Watering during the dry season will help the plant maintain its decorative properties. It is also necessary to install supports for the plant and tie it up.

Helps improve growth simple care, including:


Loosening the soil; removal of weeds, mulching with peat, sawdust, fallen rotted leaves;

Pruning is necessary to remove excess and dry branches, limit the volume of bushes, and create the desired shapes. For example, the girlish grapes in the photo form hedge, decorates the entrance.

Young plants, especially those planted from cuttings, need protection from frost for the first year. To do this, the vines are covered with snow or any available material. Having survived the first winter, the maiden grapes will increase their winter hardiness and will not need special shelters.

Maiden grapes: diseases, pests

The unpretentious plant is little susceptible to pests and diseases. But on five-leaf grapes they may appear slugs, which can be combated by treating the plant with special chemicals.

You can find vines on the leaves aphids, which you can get rid of by dousing the plant with a strong stream of water.

Disease or damage to a plant by insects can be determined by yellow, red spots on the leaves.

Maiden grapes have been one of the elements since ancient times landscape design. Lianas have long covered stepped terraces, balconies, and walls, creating bizarre shapes. The ease of growing this crop allows any owner of a country plot or summer resident to turn his territory into a fairy-tale garden.

On a stuffy summer day, a real salvation for owners country houses and the dacha will be an unusual green gazebo, completely decorated with vines of girlish grapes. Lush leaves provide the necessary coolness, and the aesthetically refined appearance will delight the eye not only of household members, but also of guests. A low-maintenance plant, an advantageous option for decorating areas, creating shade and covering uneven arbors.

Maiden grapes - decorative vine

Decorative vines received the prefix “maiden” for a reason, because the flowers of the plant do not need fertilization with pollen.

Description of the plant

This type of ivy, which comes from East Asia and North America, is ideal for growing in our climate, with moderate rainfall, hot summers and subdued springs or autumns. Just two hundred years ago, similar decorative grapes were used to decorate the estates of wealthy nobles; later, a similar solution was used when decorating parks and playgrounds.

IN last years The popularity of such plants in private plots has increased, there are quite logical reasons for this - simplicity, cheapness, practicality.

A climbing vine, capable of reaching a height of twenty meters, easily climbs the support, and also naturally droops down with wavy green “curls.” In summer, the dense foliage of the vine is dark green, and in autumn the rich purple color will contrast with the languid fall of the leaves.

Despite the fact that the maiden grape has a purely decorative role, it contains bluish-black berries and even though they are inedible, their presence adds color and playfulness to the vine.

Experienced gardeners disagree about the advisability of planting virgin grapes; on the one hand, the vine can cover the most crooked buildings and cracks, and on the other, lush, strong stems can destroy the integrity of the structure. The best option: light gazebos with spacious arches and wooden crossbars.

Girl's grapes on the country fence

Joy for the garden

Before planting decorative ivy, you should decide on its advantages and disadvantages. Planting this type of ivy will bring:

  • attractive appearance additional buildings to the house;
  • a thick, impenetrable green curtain;
  • frost-resistant plant;
  • unpretentiousness;
  • minimal land costs;
  • favorable growth in the sun and shade;
  • resistant to pests;
  • rapid upward growth;
  • minimal costs for fertilizers;
  • ease of propagation of vines;
  • protection of structures from external influences(wind, heat, etc.).

An undoubted advantage of ornamental grapes is their versatility in planting. In this case, the following methods are suitable: layering, cuttings, root suckers, and the most common - seeds.

Species forms of girlish grapes

What makes many owners of country houses wary of grapes?

First of all, this is the incredible power of the plant itself, which is capable of growing deep under the foundation or penetrating under the slate, thereby destroying their integrity and compromising the stability of the structure. As the vines grow, they cover windows and doors, creating excessive shade in the house and subsequently dampness. Maiden grapes decorate your home without profit, and in return you are required to be a little vigilant about its growth and the direction of its lush leaves and vines. One more important nuance is the strong root system of grapes - as it grows, it can damage its “neighbors” (trees, bushes, flowers).

We should also not forget that ivy begins to come to life last, when the rest of the plants have bloomed, and therefore for a long time instead of beautiful vines bare tangled shoots can be observed.

Tri-walled view on the wall

The preparation process for planting ivy

Planting grapes in the spring begins with thorough preparation, and although it is easy to grow such plants, choosing a suitable site will take some time.


As they grow, excess shoots are periodically trimmed to give convenient form future weaving grapes.

The plan for planting the future dense green curtain looks something like this:

  • dig a hole of suitable size (not very deep, but not superficial);
  • mix the resulting soil with sand and fertilizers;
  • Place small bricks at the bottom of the hole and fill in half the mixture;
  • place the shoot in the hole and cover it with the rest of the mixture;
  • water;
  • protect from harmful influences.

Rooted cuttings of virgin grapes

Planting ivy is simplified by the fact that special support is not at all necessary; the vine itself is tenacious and can grab onto any ledge or unevenness. The most fruitful way to plant ornamental plants in well-moistened soil with fertile soil. The north side has an unfavorable effect on the color of the leaves of the maiden grapes, and therefore the direction of the sun plays a role important role(planting a plant in spring). Otherwise, you will need to replant, which will be complicated by the already grown vine tenaciously wrapping around the support. If this is not an option for you, and more suitable facade If you can’t find anything in the north, the green autumn color of the leaves can be no less pleasing than purple.

It has been established that there is no time at which planting is best carried out, but after winter there are more favorable conditions for further growth of the vine.

Gardening experts advise digging up the soil where you are going to plant the plant a week before planting grapes.

Planting by layering

For propagation by layering, a vine is selected along its length and planted in a hole five centimeters deep. Two waves land - one above the ground, the other in the ground. Abundant watering, and soon your curling the plant will go up. A short layer is also useful; it sits in a watered hole and is carefully sprinkled with soil and fertilizer. In such cases, supports are used to ensure even growth of the vine.

Reproduction of virgin grapes by layering. Making a furrow and placing the shoot in it.

Seed propagation

The easiest way of propagation is by seeds planted in autumn in loose soil no larger than one centimeter.

It is better to sow virgin grape seeds in autumn

To improve results, the seeds are soaked or stratified the day before.

Root suckers

A convenient method of propagation by planting root suckers.

Choice suitable method and the time of planting grapes entirely depends on the gardener or owner of the country plot. The plant, which grows upward and on the sides over time, is unpretentious and does not require special care.

Maiden grape seedling from root cuttings

Proper care and care

Unlike their counterparts, climbing vines are easy to care for, and given their vigorous growth, the only concern for them will be timely pruning shoots and leaves. Despite the support, the vine grows at its own discretion and often causes minor inconvenience. The soil under the grapes is regularly plowed and loosened. As for watering, it is worth moderating the ardor and limiting strong humidity around the roots of the plant. In severe drought, watering becomes more frequent, but only in terms of the number of approaches, and not the total volume of water per watering. During the intensive growth phase, it is recommended to fertilize the soil at least once a month.

Weeds that certainly appear around the rhizome must be removed before they reach the roots. In March, while the plant is “sleeping,” the ends frozen over the winter are cut off for further growth of the vine. Maiden grapes quickly recover, and due to dormant buds, they return to their wildness.

Maiden grapes grow wildly without pruning

It happens that perennial plant under the weight of their own stems, they “fall off”, so they provide additional support for smooth surfaces.

Pest Control

Pests that plague many plants almost never appear in cases with lianas; only sometimes, due to the close proximity of infected trees or bushes, unpleasant phenomena in the form of dried sticky leaves or eaten berries.

Maiden grapes give the terrace an attractive appearance

When disinfesting diseased plants, the vine is cleaned in the same order, and it quickly recovers.

Myths about maiden grapes

The earth is full of rumors, but when it comes to landing unusual plant and even more so. There are plenty of myths about the planting and properties of virgin grapes, but hardly half of them turn out to be true. Among experienced gardeners There is an opinion that vines are nothing more than wild grapes. True, decorative grapes have nothing in common with classic grapes with edible berries, neither in shape, nor in the appearance of the tendrils, much less in the properties of the fruit. The only thing that unites these plants is their similar names.

Girlish grapes in a flowerpot on the balcony

The second myth wandering among people is damp walls and rotting bricks under the dense purple leaves of the vines.

Even after a real heavy downpour, the wall under the grapes remains dry, and therefore the vines serve additional protection, the same goes for the wind - green insulation blocks noise and excess cold. There is no need to talk about saving coolness in the summer, since its advantages are obvious. In autumn, when the leaves finally fall, excellent conditions for ventilation are created.

Maiden grapes in pots on the balcony

Maiden's grapes in the design of a home or garden

The vertical method of decorating all kinds of gazebos, old buildings, arches and beams gives free rein to imagination and helps to create a unique decor. Old trees, barn walls, a fence or a porch in front of the house are suitable for support. If you plant climbing plants near the fence, you can get an unforgettable green hedge, bright and rich almost all year round. Do not forget about the beneficial properties of the vine and this is what you should be guided by when deciding whether to add climbing grapes to the overall arrangement of your garden or yard.

Birds often live in dense vines; the fruits of the plant serve as additional food and a cozy nest for them.

Vici grapes are very decorative in autumn

On plaster walls, if vines have once sprouted on them, traces of grapes will forever remain, and therefore, before filling the wall with a living green blanket, it is worth considering all the consequences. The rest of the surfaces will be glad to see the climbing ivy nearby, even grateful, because it will become a real blanket in winter and on windy days. Green foliage will protect the house from sudden changes in temperature, protect it from wind and freezing in cold weather (prevent the appearance of cracks).

Henry grape variety star showers monham

There are several main and common varieties of virgin grapes:

  • Thomson vine (extraordinary purple leaves) originally from China;
  • Henry variety - leaves with a tetrahedral cross-section, more suitable for home use;
  • Engelman variety - small, hopeless leaves;
  • Tricolor - pretty new variety lighter than usual green;
  • Vichi variety - brought from Japan (not resistant enough to frost);
  • The variety is hairy - young shoots appear quite fluffy.

The choice of variety depends entirely on what color scheme you are going to create or in what part of the yard or house the future vines will grow. Experiment, let your imagination take over you and create unique beauty. Almost all varieties are resistant to harmful influences, unpretentious, require a minimum of attention and care, and in return they give all their incredible sophistication and richness.

Variety Tricolor in spring

Smooth leaves or fleecy, dense thickets or long, thin ones - any whims for short term. Graceful fruits, guests who have found a home in the ivy, crimson shades in the fall and lush green ones in the summer - all this will add special coziness and comfort to your yard. Any of the varieties can create an exterior around the house, lift the mood of guests and dispel melancholy on a cold autumn evening.

Are you still wondering whether it is worth getting a maiden grape?

Maiden grapes are perfectly formed as bonsai

Seeing a green hedge or a lovely purple wall, your doubts will be instantly dispelled, and the desire to decorate your house or garden in an unusual way will force you to acquire decorative vines. After all, it’s simple, cheap, convenient, and most importantly safe and beautiful. Old walls, fences, sheds and rotten stumps will find a new colorful life and hide in the heat or rain under a reliable living blanket. Benefit to the hosts, delight for the eyes and joy in hot, suffocating weather for you and your special guests.

Maiden grapes are a decorative vine with dense grape leaves and curly mustaches, clinging to fences, frames, and ledges on walls due to sticky pads at the ends. The plant reaches a height of up to 15 meters and will serve as a real decoration in the summer at the dacha as decor for a gazebo, terrace, or veranda.

The most famous are 2 grape varieties: five-leaved and tripointed.

  1. Five-leaf or Virginia grape is a vine that reaches a height of up to 20 m with bright green, pointed leaves and long petioles. Closer to July, this variety begins to bloom, and by autumn small fruits appear. The grown shoots begin to cling with their tendrils to any surface. The plant prefers loose, fertile soils, is hardy and unpretentious to replanting. Resistant to diseases, only slugs can harm.
  2. Tripointed ivy-shaped grapes are attractive for decoration purposes and are quite frost-resistant. The leaves can be bright red, dark burgundy with yellow splashes, and by autumn - bright orange. The “Vicha” variety is adapted for growing on any soil, forms a carpet on the ground when growing, but loves warmth, and has taken root only in the south of Russia. Grow a plant seedling method, in containers because the roots are shallow. Nevertheless, the plant is unpretentious, resistant to exhaust gases, and does well when planted near roads. Special care It doesn’t require anything, you just need to cover it in winter, otherwise it will freeze.

How to properly plant grapes in open ground

Grapes grow well in the south or north of the area. In the sun, the color of the leaves will be juicy orange, purple, in the north - green. In the sun, of course, the greens will be juicier, and the leaves will be large and lush. Liana is not picky about the weather. Can be planted in spring, summer and before winter for hardening and better growth next year.

To plant grapes in open ground you need:

  1. Dig up the soil, lay drainage made of expanded clay or red brick to a depth of 60 cm, then sprinkle with a layer of sand 20 cm high.
  2. Fill the hole with a mixture of compost, sand and leaf soil. Wild variety grapes do not like overly fertilized soil. From an overabundance of fertilizer, the soil will quickly become salty, and the grapes will simply die. When planting, the root collar should be located no lower than the soil level; seedlings should be planted at a distance of at least 50 cm from each other.

1. Select landing time

The time for planting is April-May, or September-October.

2. Site selection and soil preparation

The place for planting girlish grapes can be almost anywhere. Usually this is a hedge, a fence, a fence, a gazebo. You can plant it on any side, wherever it is convenient: northern, western, eastern, southern. The growth of grapes in the sun, of course, will be more intense. To achieve a more picturesque coloring of the plant and accelerated growth, it is better to plant it in light areas, on the south side.

To the soil also special requirements No. Before planting, you just need to dig it thoroughly.

3. Soil treatment and preparation. The process of planting in open ground.

It is better to plant vines in open ground using cuttings. In spring, shoots from last year are cut with 3 nodes on each. It is advisable to have 2 dormant buds and 1 large one. The lower bud of the cutting is immersed with an inclination towards the future support.

To plant young shoots, a ditch is dug next to the adult plant, a whip is laid, and layering is done. When the roots have sprouted, the cuttings of the vine can be cut and planted in separate prepared places, but sufficiently lit.

The distance between planted cuttings should be at least 1 meter. Dug holes up to 70 cm in height are filled with drainage, plants are planted, and the root collar should not be visible above the soil. In order for the grapes to take root faster and begin to grow, you need to immediately water well. When planting in the fall with the onset of frost, cover with non-woven fabric.



  1. Seeds are sown in early spring or autumn in loose soil to a depth of 1 cm. Before sowing the seeds, they are soaked in cold water for 5-7 hours, then hardened, keeping in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.
  2. Grapes are grown by cuttings, just like roses. Cut small sprouts with three leaves are placed in a container with water until new roots appear, then they are transplanted into the ground, periodically moistening the leaves with a spray bottle. Cuttings or shoots can be planted directly into the ground on a slope; the main thing is that 2-3 buds remain on the sprout above the ground; they also need to be protected from the heat until the plant takes root.
  3. By layering. The plant's vine should have several buds. Layers need to be laid out on the ground, dug in, secured with pins and watered. The plant will sprout a new one in a couple of weeks.

Grape care

Maiden grapes are easy to care for. When growing, it is enough to trim off excess shoots, secure them and direct the lashes in the desired direction. In spring, usually dried out, rotten shoots are cut off, and the soil is supplied with nitrogen fertilizer. In summer, you periodically need to loosen the soil to prevent compaction. If the roots of the grapes are exposed, spud them up by sprinkling them with earth.

If the summer is hot, then you need to water more often, but not less than 3-4 times per season. The grapes are frost-resistant and do not require special shelter for the winter. Even when individual trunks freeze in the spring, dormant buds are restored and begin to grow again.

The grapes do not need support. Due to its whiskers, it climbs independently onto any, even smooth, surface, but under the weight of its weight it can fall if it grows strongly. Therefore, it is better to install a support for it so that it does not end up spreading like a carpet on the ground.

1. Watering

Grapes are undemanding when it comes to watering. In case of severe drought, watering should be done no more than 3-4 times a year. In regions with regular rainfall, there is no particular need for watering grapes.

2. Soil for grapes and fertilizers

The wild-growing vine is characterized by rapid growth, is not picky about soil and moisture, grows quite well on any soil, the main thing is that the soil is not too saturated with water, otherwise the roots of the plant will simply begin to rot.

3. Feeding

In spring, nitrogen fertilizer is usually applied to each plant. It will not be superfluous to feed the vine with nitroammophos (50 grams per square meter of area) or Kemira-universal (150 grams per 1 square meter of area). Plants need to be fed frequently, at least once a week during the period of active growth, the growing season, which lasts 158 days from May to October.

The grapes begin to bloom in mid-June. At this time, there is no need to fertilize the soil, just water as needed, not allowing the soil to dry out.

During the summer season, young shoots need to be weeded and the soil loosened. Frost-resistant types of grapes tolerate winters well: triacid and five-leafed. Annuals can freeze slightly, but with the onset of spring, new shoots grow, and the plant begins to grow vigorously.

4. Diseases and pests

The grapes are not susceptible to fungal diseases and eating by insects. Only a slug can harm grapes.

But gardeners know plenty of means of protection against such pests:

  1. Use lemon zest as a slug trap. Cut the fruit in half, separate the pulp from the peel, cut a hole in it, and place it next to the plant. Slugs will be attracted to the aroma of grapefruit and, once they get inside the hole under the peel, they will enjoy the taste, and you can collect them.
  2. Pour beer into a tin can, bury it in the ground, leaving 2-3 cm of the top of the can on a hill so that slugs can easily climb inside. After a week, a decent amount of slugs will have collected inside the container. Throw them away, pour some fresh beer, the drink will attract the next batch of grape pests.

5. Transplant

It is not recommended to replant grapes during the period of active branching and vine production. You can think about replanting only 2-3 years after its initial planting, when the vines have already grown strongly or the fence needs to be moved to another place.

Having torn this strange plant from its support, you will not be able to see the new entwining of a hedge or fence soon, and it is difficult to replant 2-meter seedlings. Although their survival rate is good, the old buds of the seedlings quickly begin to grow, and the grapes begin to grow. Transplantation is not terrible for grapes.

The main thing you need to know is that the support is prepared in advance if you do not intend to frequently replant the grapes and have chosen a permanent place for their residence. To transplant in a new place, you also need to dig holes for seedlings, fill the bottom with drainage, top with a layer of humus, lower seedlings or cuttings into the holes, sprinkle with earth, and lightly compact the soil.

Seasonal care

This plant is considered to be durable. Its main purpose is garden plot- decorative, so care consists in maintaining its shape, attractive appearance, without allowing it to grow, which means you need to trim it in a timely manner and remove old dry branches. In dry summers, you need to water abundantly and more often.

When it rains, watering is not necessary at all. Sufficiently matured grapes should be fed in May, early June, then in July, when the plant begins to grow vigorously. Also, during its growth, you can trim and shape it using garden pruners.

When the lashes grow, you need to install supports for the formation. Weed the area, remove weeds, and loosen the soil as necessary. To maintain shape, it is worth carrying out sanitary pruning once a season, removing all weak and damaged, gnarled shoots, and in the spring making cuts above healthy buds.

Do not be afraid to cut off the lashes when thickening or weaving, giving them the desired length, as befits a living and neat hedge. Over time, dormant buds will begin to actively grow. The grapes will constantly delight you with decor and smooth out unsightly areas and places in the garden, especially in the summer.

Maiden grapes are the best vertical gardening for a house, veranda, attic, also creating shade or shelter from the rain, for example, on a gazebo, terrace, extension to the house. You can decorate unsightly places by planting grapes next to them; fortunately, they grow quickly and are completely unpretentious in care.

Questions - answers

Is it possible to regulate its growth when planting grapes?

Yes, of course, the plant reproduces by branches, so it should not be allowed to spread on the ground, otherwise new roots will grow. To adjust the length of the vine, it is enough to direct the branches downward, in the other direction, so that the hedge is surrounded by a completely uniform cover.

Can I grow a five-leaf variety at home in a pot?

Grapes love cool temperatures of 10-12 degrees. If you can create such conditions for it and place it in the east or west on a window, then you can grow grapes at home. In summer, take the plant outside more often Fresh air, in hot weather, spray the leaves. Prune as it grows to keep the vine in shape.

When is it better to replant grapes, autumn or spring?

In spring it is better, in winter conditions are not always favorable for the plant, and the seedlings can easily overwinter in the cellar. Although cuttings planted before winter will be stronger and more resilient. But the plant is so unpretentious that it grows like a weed and will be accepted and grow under any conditions.

Why do fathoms of grapes wither?

It's difficult to answer. Such vines are stable and even take root in arid areas, even in semi-deserts. Maybe they overloaded them with stimulants or supplements. Pay attention to seedlings when purchasing. There should not be an unhealthy, sick appearance.