Homemade rose. Care and cultivation from cuttings, photos of species

Beautiful roses bloom today not only in gardens; they have adapted well to blooming in city apartments. Thanks to gorgeous flowers of various shapes and colors, miniature elegant plants are gaining more and more recognition every day. Breeders continue to develop new varieties of both garden and indoor roses, delighting their fans with unusual flower shapes, original petal combinations, a variety of colors and a wonderful aroma.

Indoor roses: what varieties are there?

Indoor roses are small bushes with a large number of stems up to 30–40 cm high. Slightly woody shoots of plants are covered with thorns of various sizes. Depending on the variety, the color of the leaves can vary from light to dark green, and their surface can be smooth, matte or wrinkled. Miniature roses, according to classification, are representatives of one of the groups garden roses.

Bourbon rose

This variety can hardly be called miniature, since it forms a rather large bush with large, full flowers and delicate leaves. Bourbon rose buds last quite a long time and have different shades: pale pink, cream, deep red. The plant begins to bloom late, in mid-July, but also stops flowering late. Your window sill will be decorated with magnificent flowers until the New Year holidays.

Bourbon roses lose their leaves and send out new branches in March. Then they become overgrown with young greenery and gain strength. The only problem this plant can cause is difficult rooting. Rose cuttings are best carried out in April, using a growth stimulator.

The indoor rose is a demanding flower to care for. To achieve long and bright flowering, you need to create for it favorable conditions and constantly watch her

Polyantha roses

Roses of this variety have a pleasant aroma. They are not capricious and do well in pots. The plant bushes are highly branched and can reach a height of 50 cm. The flowers are usually red, pink, but sometimes white. Polyantha roses were obtained by crossing the polyantha rose and the Chinese rose. This group contains several different varieties.

One of the varieties of domestic roses is “Triumph”. This is a lush plant with rounded leaves large sizes. It begins flowering in the spring and continues until winter. The double flowers of this variety of roses are bright red. The aroma of flowers is barely perceptible. To ensure long flowering, it is important to feed the plant. IN winter period indoor rose feels comfortable on a cool windowsill.

The "Miniature" variety is a miniature bush that blooms with double flowers of pink or white. The peculiarity of this variety is that the rose is ideal for indoor keeping and is easily propagated by cuttings. Already on the fifth day, the cuttings in water take root. The plant tolerates winter well and does not suffer in rooms with excess humidity.

Bushes of the "Clotilde" variety are medium in size. The newly opened double rose flowers have a delicate light pink color and a bright center. After a few days, the flowers seem to burn out, turning white. "Clotilde" tolerates winter well, being located near a cool window in a warm room.

Roses of the Gloria species are distinguished by the rare color of their flowers, which is similar to the color of smoldering coal. The bush is small in size and covered with small leaves. Small roses have no scent, but last a very long time. This variety does not easily tolerate wintering in a warm room, so the bush must be provided with a temperature no higher than 10°C and long-term rest.

The rose has always been and will be the queen of flowers, a symbol of greatness and beauty. This flower is very popular among all nations. And not one of ornamental plants does not have so many varieties and forms. Every person who has at least a small garden plot, definitely grows roses on it. And in apartments, these flowers successfully take root, since recently enough species have been bred that are adapted specifically for growing in room conditions.

There are various varieties of indoor roses. You can buy them at any flower shop. Typically, domestic species are mini bushes, approximately 30-40 centimeters in height. When choosing a rose for your windowsill, do not rush to stop your gaze at the flowers created by Dutch manufacturers. It is these plants that very often do not take root in our climate. It is difficult to grow a Dutch rose even in a garden, let alone in an apartment. It is best to choose those varieties of mini roses that are not so whimsical. Let's take a closer look at them.

Bengal red rose

The most common variety of domestic roses. It is not at all demanding, it blooms very profusely, but the flowers, unfortunately, have no scent. It can winter in an apartment at temperatures up to 25 degrees without shedding its leaves. Bengal rose does not need pruning. Only dead or diseased branches need to be removed.
Polyantha roses

This variety is divided into individual species. The polyanthus rose is not capricious, takes root well at home, and has a pleasant smell.


A rather large plant that pleases its owners with bright red flowers, from spring until the first frost. It tolerates wintering well on a cool windowsill. In order for flowering to be long and abundant, the plant needs to be fed.


Mini bush with double flowers of white and pink colors. It overwinters well indoors, so it quite easily tolerates common diseases of indoor roses that arise due to excess moisture. The peculiarity of this species is that it can be propagated by cuttings without any problems. The roots appear almost on the fifth day after placing the cuttings in water.


It has a very rare, one might even say exclusive, color. Medium sized bush with small leaves and small flowers, from a distance resembling smoldering embers. For all their exoticism, the buds are odorless. Unfortunately, this mini rose does not tolerate wintering in a warm room. From October to February, it should be placed in a cool place where the air temperature is no more than ten degrees.


A small bush with fragrant double flowers. Immediately after blooming, the bud is light pink with a deeper color in the middle, but after a few days it turns white. It blooms long and profusely, winters well on a cool windowsill.

Bourbon rose

This variety cannot be called mini at all. It forms a fairly large bush with delicate leaves and full large flowers. The buds last a long time and have different shades: pale pink, cream, rich red. Bourbon rose begins to bloom late, somewhere in mid-July. But it also stops too late, until the New Year holidays your window sill will look like a fairy garden.

In March, Bourbon rose species lose almost all their foliage. They produce new branches and quickly gain strength, becoming overgrown with young greenery. The only problem this plant can give you is difficult rooting. It is best to carry out cuttings in April, using a growth stimulator.

Irish rose

This flower is very different from all domestic varieties. Its bud is somewhat similar to a tulip of delicate apricot color. And the leaves are small, thin, with jagged edges, and have a lilac tint. This variety definitely needs to be pruned, leaving 2-3 of the strongest branches. Then the flowering will be more abundant and the buds will be larger.

Chinese mini rose

This is the smallest variety of indoor roses. Her flowers are very small, about two centimeters in diameter. And the bush itself grows no more than fifteen centimeters in height. There are many varieties of Chinese rose, and they all differ in the color of the buds and the structure of the flower. Some species have a strong smell, while others have no smell at all. Red, yellow, orange, burgundy, and even silver shades of Chinese roses have won the hearts of many gardeners. Most varieties require a cold winter.

Tea roses

These fragrant flowers were brought to us from India. However, in nature it is tea variety does not exist. Bengal roses were used to create it. For keeping at home, mini varieties were bred that grow only up to thirty centimeters. Tea roses bloom almost continuously and have double flowers with a strong and pleasant scent. Colors can be very different. Since this plant is very susceptible to dampness and cold, it is ideal for growing indoors.

Repair roses

Large flowers, depending on the variety, can be white, red or pink. If you want to grow such a specimen in an apartment, be prepared to provide it with a cold winter, no more than 5-10 degrees Celsius. It is quite difficult to propagate remontant roses by cuttings, so many gardeners graft them. If you can provide these plants with the proper conditions and spacious habitat, you will get very rare beautiful specimens.


This plant does not belong to the Rosaceae family. However, it has long and firmly settled in our apartments under the name “Chinese rose” or “Chinese rose”. The flower is not capricious, it demands minimal care, and at the same time blooms very profusely. And even if it doesn’t bloom, it also looks very attractive. Unlike cold-loving roses, hibiscus is kept in conditions somewhat similar to the tropics. Loves bright light, abundant watering and spraying of leaves.

Hibiscus flowers look like small gramophones, pink, red or burgundy. During flowering, the plant needs mineral and organic fertilizers. “Rozan Chinese” lives for about twenty years. Mature plant can grow up to two meters in height. For the first five years, the flower needs to be replanted every year, then changing the soil and pot is required every three years.

And finally important advice- seeing it in the store beautiful flower, don’t rush to buy it right away. Consult with the seller, find out all the nuances of caring for the plant you like. Consider whether you can provide him with everything he needs. Otherwise, the flower will simply die in a week, like a bouquet of cut roses.

Flowers bring a touch of joy and beauty throughout life, and the indoor rose proudly stands as the queen among varieties bred for growing indoors to delight people all year round with its colors and refined lines.

There is a wide variety of species and varieties of this plant, among which the most common are polyanthus, hybrid tea, Pernetian, and remontant roses. Outwardly, they are very similar to each other, have a leaf structure of five small leaves, a large flower bud up to 5 cm in diameter in a variety of colors and shades. And the smell of roses is well known to everyone.

Moving in a new resident

How to properly care for an indoor rose so that its blooms delight the eye for many years and fill the room with a pink fragrance? If you follow practically time-tested recommendations and thousands of people, indoor roses will live for 7-10 years. In addition, they can be propagated and create a real rose garden in your home, full of aroma and variety of colors. Basic, basic recommendations easy to remember:

  • indoor rose plant should be placed on sunny side rooms (south, southeast);
  • the soil for the rose must be nutritious;
  • influx should be ensured fresh air in the spring-summer-autumn period (while it’s warm);
  • during the vegetative stage, increase watering slightly, immediately when the soil dries out;
  • During the period of growth and flowering of the bush, be sure to feed it every week;
  • transplant the bush into a larger container as soon as it becomes cramped in the old one;
  • avoid using cold water for watering;
  • avoid overheating during the hottest times;
  • immediately remove fading flowers;
  • prevent damage to the root system when replanting the plant;
  • Monitor the appearance of signs of disease and pests that have settled on the bush.

Store-bought indoor flowers are usually placed in a container, and there is no need to rush to transplant them into a permanent container. To begin with, you should place the plant on a window facing east or southeast so that the rose gets used to the room and the new climatic conditions in it. During this period, indoor roses require watering at the first signs of drying out of the soil, for which settled water is used.

Indoor flowers respond very well to spraying - the foliage is sprayed with boiled cold water using a spray bottle. It is better to carry out the procedure in the evenings, but not every day. You need to spray both the upper and lower surfaces of the leaves.

The moment to transplant the bush into a permanent pot should be selected by observing the phases of the moon; the best period is the beginning of the moon’s growth. The procedure should be carried out with the utmost care, carefully removing and moving the earthen ball to prevent damage to the root system. A small layer of old soil must be removed before replanting, carefully removing it.

The soil with which the pot with the transplanted rose will be filled must meet certain requirements in order to ensure optimal conditions for growth and flowering. To prepare your own soil mixture, you should take sand, humus soil and turf in a ratio of 1:4:4. Additional granular complex fertilizers are mixed into the soil prepared in this way. In addition to the soil you make yourself, you can also use ready-made soil for rose bushes purchased at a flower shop. It can be called differently. Using universal soils for indoors flowering plants possible, but less desirable.

When selecting a container for transshipment, you must proceed from its size: the new pot should be 3-5 cm larger in diameter than the container in which the rose was purchased. Its height should also be 6-8 cm larger. This volume will ensure the growth and development of the new inhabitant of the room. You should not take an overly large flowerpot - its height should be approximately equal to the height of the bush itself. It is better to have ceramic containers, which are most often used for indoor plants. Before placing the plant in such a container, it should be treated and moistened by placing it in warm water for a couple of hours, and if it has already been used, then it should be thoroughly cleaned in water, but without using any detergents.

The presence of a drainage layer in the flowerpot is mandatory. Such a layer should be at least 1 cm (it is better to use expanded clay or fine crushed stone), and if there is no overflow hole at the bottom, then the layer should be increased to 3 cm. A small layer of soil with fertilizing is placed directly on the drainage, and another layer on top without her.

Just before transshipment (about 20 minutes), the rose should be watered. To carefully remove the bush from the flowerpot, carefully turn the container over, holding the bush, and shake it slightly until the clod of earth separates from it. Now the lump of soil with rhizomes is very carefully placed in a new pot and the remaining space is filled with the prepared soil mixture. During backfilling, it must be constantly compacted, filling the flowerpot to a height of 2 cm below the edge. Since the rose was watered before transplanting, watering afterwards is not required or advisable, although you can lightly sprinkle the leaves with water and then place the new rose home on a north-facing windowsill or simply place it in a shaded area of ​​the room where the plant remains until the next day.

Now indoor roses can be transferred to permanent place- south or south-east window sill, or on the balcony (in the warm season). If the weather is very hot, there are several ways to prevent unnecessary overheating of the roots:

  • place a pot of roses in a flower box on the balcony and sprinkle it with earth;
  • do the same, but use expanded clay for backfilling;
  • place the pot in a large container and fill it with water below the edges.

Watering the bush should be done as the soil in the flowerpot dries out; in the hottest time of the year, sometimes you have to water it twice a day. It is preferable to moisturize in the morning and evening hours. Settled warm water should be poured onto the soil, being careful not to let it get on the leaves (this should especially be avoided if straight plants come into contact with the bush). sun rays, since droplets of moisture will act as a lens, and the leaves will simply burn in the sun).

After a month has passed from the moment of relocation, when the growing season has begun, you need to start fertilizing the plant with solutions of polymineral fertilizers, but you can also use cow manure, which is applied to the soil. There are also special types of fertilizers on sale that can be sprayed onto the leaves using a spray bottle. The frequency of fertilization during this period should be approximately once every 2 weeks. The procedure should be carried out after watering the plant in the evening. You should just avoid feeding sick and recently transplanted bushes.

How to care for a home rose (video)

Almost Vivaldi "Le quattro stagioni" - Summer

How to care during the summer months? Care at home consists mainly of timely watering the bush and spraying its foliage, and periodically applying fertilizer. It is also necessary to monitor the drying flowers and leaves that appear, which must be carefully removed, preferably using a small pruner or garden shears.

Possible signs of disease or pests should be constantly monitored. It is necessary to monitor possible overheating of the plant, especially in hot weather.

If the growth rate of the bush is high and it becomes crowded in the pot, you need to transplant it into a larger pot as described above.

It is a good idea to periodically rotate the container to avoid growing in one direction, which will give the bush an irregular, lopsided appearance.

Almost Vivaldi "Le quattro stagioni" - Autumn

With coming autumn cold caring for an indoor rose must take into account that the ground temperature at any moment can drop to a critical level - 15ºС, at which point it should be removed immediately houseplants, including a rose, into the room. A flowerpot with a rose bush is placed near a window on the south side. As soon as its flowering period ends and the formation of new flower buds stops, you need to begin preparing the plant for winter - reduce the frequency of watering, for which the soil is left dry for a couple of days. You should also stop fertilizing completely. The place for the winter period should be chosen in a cool room. Most optimal temperature considered +16...+18ºС. If there is no such room (for example, city ​​apartment With centralized heating), then a way out can be found by installing a flowerpot between the window frames; You can simply not insulate the frame for the winter. But for any placement options, it is strictly forbidden to place the plant next to any sources of active heat, such as home radiators or air heaters, and the proximity of active electrical appliances is not at all desirable.

Why indoor miniature roses dry out (video)

Almost Vivaldi "Le quattro stagioni" - Winter

A mandatory action before the final placement of the plant for wintering should be pruning. The branches should be docked in such a way that five buds remain on each. The foliage is not touched, leaving all living leaves. The cupping procedure itself should be carried out, like the transplant earlier, at the beginning of the growth period of the moon. Pruning branches helps the bush bloom earlier and produce more flowers when spring arrives. As a last resort, docking can be postponed until the very beginning of spring, but this is less effective.

Cuttings from rose branches can be used to propagate the plant - you need cuttings with 4-5 buds and a length of about 15-20 cm, which are cut with a sharp knife or pruning shears. There should be a few living leaves left on these blanks; they should be placed in water room temperature for the formation of roots. They should appear in 2-3 weeks. Cuttings planted in small pots and prepared in this way will begin to bloom with the onset of spring.

For indoor rose There is practically no maintenance at home in winter, since the flowery bush does not grow in winter. The remaining leaves will be shed and it will go into seasonal sleep. The entire process of care at this time consists only of extremely rare watering, when the soil in the flowerpot is left dry for 3-4 days and only after that it is not watered abundantly. Even less often, it is recommended to spray the remaining foliage with a hand sprayer.

Almost Vivaldi "Le quattro stagioni" - Spring

With the arrival of spring, watering becomes more frequent, and fertilizing can be done as when replanting. And when the first buds begin to bloom, fertilizing should be done once a week.

As soon as consistently warm weather sets in, the flowerpot with the rose is taken out to the balcony, but the flower should be accustomed to the open sun gradually, first placing it in a shaded place and not directly under the open rays.

Otherwise, care, starting from this period, is completely similar to summer - the natural circle has closed, and its new round has begun.

Roses are quite whimsical and delicate; caring for them at home is not very easy and requires attention and time, but their aesthetics, unique aroma and charm compensate for all the effort expended.

The room in which the queen of flowers grows acquires additional coziness and gives the owners a feeling of comfort and peace of mind.

The variety of roses is so huge that it is difficult to decide at first glance which crop is right for you. Types of roses with photos, names and descriptions are an excellent opportunity to choose the right plants for your home and garden, because each variety of this flower has its own characteristics of cultivation and care.

From this article you will learn what types of garden and indoor flowers there are, what characteristics of cultivation they are characterized by, and photos and videos will help you distinguish different hybrids by appearance.

What types of roses are there?

Rose is one of the most ancient flowers. According to archaeological research, the first flowers appeared on Earth about 25 million years ago, and have existed in culture for 5 thousand years. Even before our era, they were cultivated in India and China, and their image was used to decorate the walls of the tombs of the pharaohs.

Scientists believe that the birthplace modern culture is Persia, but this flower was loved and revered in many countries of the world. For example, in Ancient Greece they even worshiped it, considering it not only a beautiful, but also a useful flower.

The first detailed description of the culture and the features of caring for it was made by the Greek scientist Theophrastus. But they became especially popular in Ancient Rome, where they were considered a symbol of courage and were used to decorate banquet halls. It was the Romans who began to use both aromatic water and oil to prepare cosmetics and medicines. In addition, the petals began to be used in cooking and winemaking.

Note: Since the Romans used the plant and its petals everywhere, they were the first to cultivate this flower, growing it not only in open ground, but also in greenhouses.

But the plant's popularity was not stable. After enormous popularity during Ancient Rome, the flower has lost popularity in new era, since he served as a living reminder of the debauchery and vices of the Romans. A particularly strong negative attitude appeared during the formation of Christianity, since love for this flower was considered a sign of paganism. Later it was dedicated to the Mother of God, and the white ones to Mary Magdalene.

New varieties (for example, musk, damask) appeared in southwestern Europe during the Arab conquests in the 8th-12th centuries. During this period, flowers exchanged dust among themselves and were cultivated by humans, but they were still distinguished by single flowering, and only in the 18th century were perennial species that bloomed repeatedly brought to Europe. They became the basis for modern hybrids (Figure 1).

Picture 1. Species diversity roses

France had a special love for culture. Rose gardens were created here and new varieties were bred. In Russia, these flowers began to be actively cultivated in the 19th century, and Nikitsky Botanical Garden became the first center for breeding new types (about 100 domestic hybrids were bred there). At the moment, breeding work continues, and the number of subspecies already exceeds 2.5 thousand.


At the moment there are about 30 thousand types of culture. All of them are divided into wild (botanical) and garden varieties.

Flowers are classified according to their origin. external signs(flower shape, bush height, leaf structure) and biological features(resistance to diseases and cold, duration of flowering).

Note: Since the plant has been cultivated for a long time, its classification is considered conditional, since it is difficult to clearly determine whether individual varieties belong to certain species. This is explained by the fact that the most ancient of them went through a long period of formation and mixed with others for many centuries.

Figure 2. Popular varieties: 1 - park, 2 - Chinese, 3 - repair, 4 - hybrid tea

The most valuable and popular are the park, hybrid tea, miniature, climbing and ground cover groups:

  • Park(Figure 3) were cultivated in ancient times (French, Provencal and moss). They bloom once and have a strong aroma. The hybrid, the wrinkled rose, belongs to the same group, on the basis of which many other species were created, distinguished by a wide variety of colors.
  • Chinese, multifloral and multiflora were brought to Europe from China. Chinese is also called Bengal (Figure 3). Their flowers have almost no scent, but appear almost all year round. It was the Bengal variety that became the basis for the creation of the tea type. It has elegant flowers and a rich aroma. But they are not resistant to disease and cold, and when grown in open ground they require careful care.
  • Repair were created on the basis of the Portland variety (a hybrid of Damask and Chinese). They are distinguished by repeating flowering, but, unlike tea plants, they tolerate cold well.
  • Hybrid tea group appeared due to the crossing of tea and repair types. It is the species of this group that are widely used in the modern world, since the crops are not only distinguished by long flowering, but also by their undemanding maintenance.
  • Polyanthaceae(Figure 3) were obtained by crossing multifloral and Chinese varieties. The result is a hybrid that grows into a low, compact bush with branching branches and small flowers that retain their freshness and aroma for a long time. They tolerate cold well and are easily propagated by cuttings or roots (for example, “Dick Koster”, “Muttertag”).
  • Floribunda- a special group that was bred on the basis of dwarf and hybrid tea varieties (Figure 3). Their main feature is intense and long-lasting flowering, and the flowers are collected in fairly large inflorescences. It is floribundas that are used for landscaping, as they reproduce easily, are highly resistant to cold and are undemanding in terms of maintenance conditions.
  • Miniature- plants obtained by crossing low polyanthus with other varieties. Such plants are distinguished by small flowers with a rich aroma, which appear on the bushes almost continuously throughout the year if the crop is grown in an apartment.
  • In the middle of the last century, a separate group of grandiflora (floribunda hybrids with hybrid tea) was bred. Representatives of this group bloom for a long time and profusely, vary in color and size, and the bushes grow quite large (up to one and a half meters).
  • Group of climbing crops(Figure 4) was obtained by crossing bred varieties with wild ones. The main feature is small flowers, collected in small inflorescences and long weaving stems that need support (Dorothy Perkins, Excelsa). As a rule, climbing hybrids bloom once, but there are species with repeated flowering (“New Dawn”).
  • Groundcover group - varieties bred on the basis of Chinese and Vihura roses (Figure 4). These are creeping shrubs with dark green leaves with small flowers. They cover the ground with a dense carpet, and due to their resistance to disease and cold, they are easily cultivated (“Swanee” and “Snow Ballet”).

Figure 3. Types of roses: 1 - polyanthus, 2 - floribunda, 3 - miniature

Additionally, there is a group of semi-climbing crops, but they are distinguished conditionally, since this group includes flowers that are not included in other categories. Flowers of this group are distinguished by abundant but uneven flowering and resistance to disease and cold. They are easy to propagate by grafting or cuttings.

Recently, French breeders have developed completely new hybrids, which they have combined into a group of landscape flowers. They have a high decorative value, and due to their abundant and long-lasting flowering, they are actively used for landscaping. From the video you will learn what hybrids of these colors exist.


According to the botanical classification, the flower belongs to the Rosaceae family. There are about 400 varieties found in the wild (they are called rose hips). Mostly wild flowers are found in temperate climates, but there are species growing in the subtropics and the Arctic.

Figure 4. Decorative types: 1 - grandiflora, 2 - climbing, 3 - ground cover

Breeders regularly develop new flower hybrids, making them more adapted to different conditions growth. The variety of types is amazing:

  • Most species are multi-stemmed shrubs, deciduous and evergreen;
  • There are liana-shaped varieties that form garlands of flowers;
  • The crops also differ in height: from dwarf bushes, up to 15 cm high, to huge shrubs that can grow up to 10 m.

As a rule, the stems are covered with thorns, but there are crops without them. The flowers are bisexual, arranged singly or in small inflorescences.

Roses also differ in the number of petals in the inflorescence.(Figure 5):

  • Simple (from 4 to 7 petals);
  • Semi-double (8-20 petals);
  • Moderately double (21-29 petals);
  • Medium double (30-39);
  • Densely double (the number of petals exceeds 40).

The shapes of the petals are also varied. They can be flat, pointed or curved, forming inflorescences in the shape of a bowl or ball. Flowers may be goblet-shaped, square-centered, or camellia- or carnation-shaped.

Thanks to breeding work It was possible to develop hybrids of a wide variety of shades, although the most common are pink, white and yellow tones. There are crops that change the color of the petals as the flower ages, as well as flowers with striped or streaked colors.

Note: It is believed that all roses smell the same. But it is not so. The typical scent is pink and dark red, while other varieties have a fruity aroma or no scent at all.

Depending on the variety, crops are grown in bush and standard form, using them to decorate borders and flower beds. Weaving ones are used to decorate walls and other vertical surfaces. Ground covers are used for landscaping slopes. Tea hybrids are grown for decorative purposes and for cutting in open ground and greenhouses.

Figure 5. Plant types by inflorescence type

The rose is valued not only for its decorative value, but also for its healing properties. Roots and fruits are used in folk medicine. In Japan, the fruits are used for cooking, as they contain a lot of carotene and vitamins.

Indoor rose: types, photos and names

The types of indoor roses with photos and names are so diverse that even novice gardeners will be able to choose a beautiful and unpretentious type for themselves.

If you are interested in what types of this culture there are, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with them detailed description with photos and names and (Figure 6):

  1. Bengal- a low-growing crop that forms a lush bush with flowers of a wide variety of shades, from white to bright red. This is one of the most unpretentious species, which does not require shaping trimming. It is enough just to periodically remove dry and damaged branches. The plant requires moderate watering, and the humidity level of an ordinary city apartment is perfect for this species.
  2. Polyanthaceae were obtained by crossing different garden species. As a result, the height of an adult shrub rarely exceeds 50 cm, but the bush is quite lush, and the flowers can be double or collected in racemes.
  3. Teahouses also suitable for growing at home. However, preference should be given to bush varieties, since if the species was based on a whip variety, the plant can grow up to two meters in height.

Figure 6. Varieties of indoor crops: 1 - Bengal, 2 - polyanthus, 3 - tea

When growing indoors, make sure the plant gets enough light. You can place a flower pot on any windowsill, except the northern one. In winter, daylight hours are artificially extended using fluorescent lamps. The plant should not be allowed to overheat, as in such conditions root system may begin to rot, and the crop itself will be more susceptible to disease. Feeding should be carried out periodically, and watering should be moderate: it is made more intense only during the flowering period.

Types of musk roses

Musk roses are also called landscape roses, as they are great for garden decoration, but at the same time they are easy to care for and hardy.

Note: Your name this group received thanks to its pronounced and rich aroma, which is a little reminiscent of the smell of musk.

There are several popular types of musk roses, photos and names of which are e (Figure 7):

  1. Cornelia- a hybrid with a wide variety of colors of inflorescences, from white to bright pink;
  2. Buff Beauty distinguished by the unusual apricot color of the inflorescences;
  3. Felice- an unusual breeding hybrid, the petals of which are pink on the inside and apricot on the outside.
  4. Pax also refers to the two-color type, since the buds are mainly white, but with a yellow center.

Figure 7. Popular varieties of musk roses: 1 - Cornelia, 2 - Buff Beauty, 3 - Pax

Despite the fact that musk species are considered hardy and unpretentious, they still require some care. For example, to make flowering more intense, you need to prune in spring, and during the flowering period add special fertilizers to the soil. In addition, some musk hybrids do not tolerate partial shade, so it is better to plant them in well-lit areas protected from drafts.

Types of Chinese roses with photos and names

The second name of the Chinese rose is hibiscus, and in appearance this flower does not look like ordinary inflorescences. This is a very popular plant among gardeners, not only because of its unpretentiousness to growing conditions, but also because of the wide variety of species.

Note: In total there are about 300 varieties of this plant. They all differ in the color of the buds, height and shape of the bush.

Types and varieties of Chinese roses suitable for Russian gardeners are:(Figure 8):

  • Trees, for example, the Syrian rose, grow in the form of a small tree, and with regular formative pruning - in the form of a compact shrub.
  • Herbaceous species include swamp and hybrid hibiscus. Unlike other types of Chinese rose, which are perennial, herbaceous varieties are annuals that die back completely in the fall.

Figure 8. Varieties of Chinese rose: 1 - Syrian, 2 - swamp hibiscus, 3 - trifoliate hibiscus

It is noteworthy that there are special frost-resistant varieties hibiscus, specially adapted for growing in our climate. For example, the trifoliate (northern) hibiscus seems inconspicuous in appearance, but during flowering it can become a real decoration of the garden. In addition, it tolerates low temperatures well and does not differ special requirements to care. The only condition is that you need to plant such a Chinese rose in an area with good lighting and loose fertile soil.

Types of roses with photos and names: floribunda

Floribunda roses, in comparison with hybrid tea varieties, have virtually no scent, and their flowers are not so large. But at the same time, they are considered quite popular due to several important advantages.

Firstly, their flowering period lasts all summer, and the number of inflorescences on one bush can be very large. Secondly, these varieties are resistant to most diseases and do not require as much care as other types. In addition, there are many varieties of this type, so you can choose several types for your garden, which will differ in shape, size and color of the buds.

Among the most popular varieties of roses, floribunda is t (Figure 9):

  1. Raffles- a variety with unusually shaped flowers that resemble lace. Blooms from early summer until late autumn. It is unpretentious, but requires shelter for the winter.
  2. Floribunda kimon o - a hybrid with delicate peach blossoms. Looks great both when planted alone and in combination with other flower crops.
  3. Floribunda Nina Weibul- a variety with bright red flowers that bloom until late autumn. It is resistant to diseases and low temperatures.

Figure 9. Varieties of floribunda roses: 1 - Raffles, 2 - Kimono, 3 - Nina Weibul

Most floribunda varieties are used to decorate borders and create flower arrangements, but they will look great when planted alone.

Types of climbing roses with photos and names

The main advantage of climbing types over other varieties is their flexible stem, which is tied to supports for decorating gazebos, fences and building walls.

The types of climbing roses are very diverse, so we will present only the main ones, with photos and names(Figure 10):

  1. Golden Gate- a semi-climbing crop that produces many shoots, the length of which can reach 4 meters. Yellow velvety flowers are collected in large inflorescences.
  2. Snow Goose- a climbing variety with small flowers that abundantly cover the entire bush. If the growing conditions have been met, one brush can contain up to 25 inflorescences. Feature varieties - complete absence of thorns, but it can only be grown in vertical plane, tying the stems to the supports.
  3. Santana- a climbing variety with large bright red inflorescences. The height of the bush rarely exceeds 3 meters, but the seedlings take root well on any soil and are resistant to disease and cold.

Figure 10. Popular climbing varieties: 1 - Golden Gate, 2 - Snow Goose, 3 - Santana

It is important to consider that most climbing varieties They do not tolerate shade well, so sunny areas are used for growing them. In addition, a mandatory condition for care is the installation of supports to which the flexible stems of the plant will be attached.

Types of garden roses: photos and names

It is difficult to briefly describe all types of garden crop types, since they are presented in a very wide variety.

We will try to describe the most popular varieties of garden roses by type(Figure 11):

  • Miniature (Patio)- these are small bushes with a large number of small inflorescences. One of the most popular varieties is Laurensa - a dwarf copy of the Bengal rose, which will look great in a small space. outdoor potty or on the curb.
  • Ground cover- plants with long creeping shoots and small inflorescences. They are characterized by frost resistance and long flowering. Popular varieties include Nozomi, Snow Carpet and Candy Rose.
  • Park will be an excellent decoration for the garden, because they bloom profusely and do not require special care. The most valuable variety is considered to be rugosa, which is distinguished by large flowers with a strong aroma.

Figure 11. Popular types and varieties of garden types (from left to right): miniature, Nozomi variety, Snow Carpet variety, rugosa rose

In addition, there are climbing, border and standard hybrids, which are also represented by a wide variety of varieties. Thanks to this, this beautiful flower can be grown in any climate and on almost any soil.

Varieties of miniature roses (Miniature Rose) are famous for their abundant, almost continuous flowering And beautiful bush, always densely covered with graceful foliage. They, like garden roses, can have a wide variety of flower shapes and colors.

Miniature roses are descended from the rose sinensis "Minima", which was first brought to Europe from China in 1810. They soon disappeared from sight. All attention was paid to the appearance of remontant roses, new for that time.

The revival of mini-roses is associated with the appearance of two varieties: the dwarf small-flowered “Pompon de Paris” and that small rose “Rouletii”, which ensured the future existence of the miniature group.

Dutch breeder Jean de Vinck began to use "Rouletii" in hybridization with the polyanthus rose "Gloria Mundi". Subsequently, the variety he bred received the commercial name "Tom Thumb" and in 1936 in the USA became the first patented miniature rose.

Among the varieties of miniature roses there is even a blue rose "Lavander Jewel", a variety "Green Ice" with a greenish tint (see photo below), and another, no less original - "Stars & Stripes" ("Stars and Stripes"), with large white flowers with red stripes. Some varieties have an unusually subtle, delicate aroma, for example: “Lavander Lace”, “Sweet Fairy”.

Bushes of miniature roses usually reach a height of 15-25 cm. However, sometimes old plants grow up to 40-45 cm. Flowers are 1.5-2 cm in diameter, densely double, collected in inflorescences, rarely solitary. One of the smallest varieties is the hummocky yellow rose "Yellow Bantam".

Among the climbing “mini-roses”, the variety “Hi-Ho”, with its original coral-red color of flowers, and “Red Cascade” are distinguished by their unusually abundant flowering. They bloom on shoots of both the previous and current year. The lashes of these miniature roses can reach a meter in length.

Mini rose variety "Green Ice"

The photo shows a variety of miniature rose with a greenish tint, "Green Ice". Flowers are densely double, in old style. The buds and flower of this original mini rose have pinkish outer petals at the beginning of flowering. However, as it blooms, the flower turns white and acquires a greenish tint.

The rose bush "Green Ice" is branched, spreading, reaching 30-60 cm in height and width. The foliage is juicy, dark green, shiny. Blooms profusely in early summer followed by repeated waves in summer and autumn. Strong resistance to powdery mildew and black spotting.

"Green Ice" looks great in a rose garden, rock garden, can grow in pots and serve as a color accent on a balcony, terrace or front garden.

Characteristics of miniature roses

Bengal red rose(Rosa bengalensis) is the most common and perhaps the most adaptable variety of miniature house roses with small evergreen leaves. It is not particularly demanding in terms of care and is ideal for keeping in the home. It bushes well, grows low in room conditions, does not need pruning, only weak and dead shoots can be removed. If such a rose is cut short, it may die. This variety has a long flowering period, right up to the New Year, but artificial lighting may be required. It does not shed its leaves in the winter. The flowers are from bright red to dark red, medium-sized, semi-double, there are varieties with a pleasant fragrance.

Polyantha roses (Rosa polyanta) have a pleasant aroma, are not fussy and do quite well in pots. The bushes are highly branched, on average about 50 cm tall. The flowers are usually pink, red, sometimes white. Obtained as a result of crossing Chinese and multifloral roses. This group of roses contains the following varieties:

  • “Miniature” - the variety is a small miniature bush that blooms with double flowers of white or pink. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that this rose is absolutely ideal for rooms, it is easily propagated by cuttings, already on the 4-5th day the cuttings in the water take root and quickly take root in the spring-summer period. Tolerates winter well indoors and does not suffer from excess indoor humidity.
  • "Triumph" is a bushier plant with large, rounded leaves. It blooms from spring and almost until winter with double bright red flowers. The aroma of the flowers is slightly noticeable. In order for the flowering to last for a long time, the plant needs to be fed. In winter, indoor roses feel normal on a cool windowsill.
  • "Gloria" - roses of this species are distinguished by the rare color of their flowers, similar to the color of smoldering coals. Bush small size with small leaves. The flowers are small, non-double, odorless, and last a long time. This variety does not tolerate wintering well warm rooms. In winter, the rose should be provided with long-term rest with coolness, t no higher than 10 degrees.
  • "Clotilda" - medium-sized bushes with small leaves, double and fragrant flowers. A newly bloomed rose flower has a delicate light pink color with a bright center. After a few days, the rose flower seems to burn out, becoming white. Tolerates winter well in a warm room near a cool window.

Bourbon rose- this variety cannot be called mini at all. Forms a fairly large bush with delicate leaves and full large flowers. The buds last a long time and have different shades: cream, pale pink, rich red. It begins to bloom late, somewhere in mid-July, and also stops late, until the New Year holidays, your window sill will look like a fairy garden.

In March, Bourbon rose varieties lose almost all their foliage. They produce new branches and quickly gain strength, becoming overgrown with young greenery. The only problem this plant can give you is difficult rooting. It is best to carry out cuttings in April, using a growth stimulator.

"Souvenir de la Malmaison"- a late-flowering variety of Bourbon rose with fragrant leaves on slightly curved shoots, forms a fairly large bush. The flowers are large, from pale pink and cream to dark rich colors, and last quite a long time. Flowering from mid-June to January, then a short rest (January-February). This rose variety overwinters well in rooms and does not require a cool room. In March it sheds its leaves, after which it forms many young shoots, which very quickly acquire new leaves.

It should be borne in mind that if you do short pruning (up to 5-7 eyes) in the spring, the rose may produce fewer flowers, but larger ones. If the pruning is small (by 2-3 eyes), then the rose may have more flowers, but smaller in size. Cuttings of this variety take root rather poorly, even with a growth stimulator. It is better to postpone rooting to March-April so that the roots of the Bourbon rose can develop well by the beginning of winter. Otherwise, the fragile rose will die. Feeding will be required once every week or two, from March to September. Resistant to powdery mildew.

Tea roses(Rosa tea) form lush bushes up to 30 cm in height. Young shoots are brownish-red in color, the leaves are large. Some species (Marshal Niel) are characterized by the presence large quantity thorns, both on the stems and on the back of the leaves. They have a long flowering period. Double flowers of various colors with an extraordinary “tea” aroma. Tea roses overwinter in a cool place with a temperature no higher than 8-10 degrees; they do not tolerate dampness and cold.

Good for home grown many varieties of tea roses, such as "Nifetos", "Marshal Niel", "Madame Falco", hybrid tea roses(fragrant “La France”, “Ophelia”, “Miss Rowena Tom”, “Jules Boucher”, “Grousse en Teplitz”)...

Chinese rose- This is the smallest variety of indoor roses. Its flowers are very small, about 2 cm in diameter, and the bush itself grows no more than 15 cm in height. There are many varieties of Chinese roses, differing in the color of the buds and the structure of the flower. Some of them smell strongly, while others have no smell at all. Red, yellow, orange, burgundy, even silver shades of Chinese mini roses have won the hearts of many gardeners. Most varieties require a cold winter.

Irish rose- differs from many other varieties in the unusual structure of the flower, reminiscent in shape of a tulip flower. The color of the flowers is also unusual and attractive - a soft apricot color that does not fade after a while. Flowering from late April to September. The bush is not lush with thin shoots. The leaves are small and elongated with highly serrated edges. The leaf of the rose is dark green on top and green with a lilac tint on the bottom. To make the plant stronger and the flowers larger, the thinnest shoots are cut off, leaving 3-4 large branches. For wintering, it is preferable to choose a cool room. Already in February, the rose begins its growth period. The cuttings quickly take root and take root in the soil.

Repair roses- large bushes are suitable for keeping at home. The flowers of this variety of roses are rare and large, white, pink or red. Prefers a cool winter at temperatures no higher than 5-7 degrees Celsius. It is very difficult to propagate a remontant rose by cuttings, so experienced flower growers graft it onto a rose hip.