Tree tomatoes. Characteristics and description

In 1966, the tomato tree was first introduced to gardeners in New Zealand. The crown of the miracle tree occupied an area of ​​about 50 m2 and, like a sea octopus, covered a huge part of the greenhouse. Now anyone can grow this wonder, but it is important to properly care for the miracle tree.

Tomato tree and its features

Tomato Sprut f1 is an indeterminate variety, which means that when favorable conditions stem growth is unlimited. That is, if you create optimal temperature throughout the year, the tomato will grow and produce a very long time.

There are several ways to grow a tomato tree that allow you to get a good harvest of tomatoes:

  • normal cultivation in open ground;
  • in a greenhouse with and without heating;
  • hydroponic method.

If you grow the Octopus hybrid as a seasonal vegetable, you can get two buckets of beautiful tomatoes from the bush. This is a good result for indeterminate type tomatoes.

Hybrid Octopus as a seasonal vegetable

However, when cultivated using a special technology, which was developed specifically for this hybrid, a tomato tree with a spreading crown and a yield of up to 1.5 tons per bush is produced in the first 18 months of cultivation.

Of course, the first option will allow you not to “bother too much” and at the same time be with the harvest. But the second one is more interesting and makes it possible to reveal the potential of the plant, and turn the cultivation process itself into creative work.

One such bush replaces a whole bed of ordinary tomatoes. Its crown reaches 45-50 m2 in diameter. This is achieved by the fact that the hybrid is not planted, which means that each stepson is able to grow and produce flowering clusters. They are tied behind every 3 leaves and form fleshy tomatoes weighing up to 200 g. Knowing how to grow a tomato tree at home, in one year you can provide fruits not only for your family, because the harvest will be up to 14 thousand fragrant fruits.

The octopus is an amazing hybrid that can not only feed, but also turn a gardener into a sorcerer who creates his own miracle. After all, his agricultural technology is individual and completely different from the usual care of garden plants.

Interesting! In order not to buy hybrid seeds, the plant is propagated by rooting cut shoots.

Necessary conditions for cultivation

To unlock the potential of the Octopus f1 tomato tree, it must be grown in hydroponics. After all, over a long period of life of a tomato, it will be attacked by pests, viruses, and fungi. Hydroponics will reduce the likelihood of infection, which in turn will give the plant the opportunity to spend energy on growth rather than resisting disease.

Octopus in hydroponics

This hybrid must be protected with special care from both pests and diseases. Preventative measures play an important role in obtaining a good harvest.

A bush that reaches the size of an apple tree will not produce a harvest without systematic fertilizing, additional lighting and a stable temperature. Only all these factors together will allow you to get a truly amazing harvest.

To grow tomatoes this way you will need:

  • A greenhouse heated during the cold season, equipped with fluorescent lamps that will create 12 hours of daylight during the winter months.
  • A container in which the tree will grow. Its volume must be at least 1 m2; a metal or plastic barrel is suitable for this.
  • A lid that will be used to close the container, with a hole made in it for the wood. Typically, sheet foam is used for this. This simple device will protect the nutrient solution from heating up to critical temperature during the hot summer months.
  • Container for nutrient solution.
  • Fertilizers. Gives good results mineral composition Bazyrenko or Chesnokova.
  • Glass wool from which cubes for planting will be made.

Growing using the hydroponic method will avoid many problems. You don’t have to worry about soil contamination or insufficient moisture. It is important to strictly maintain the temperature of the nutrient solution. In the summer months, its temperature should be no more than 25 degrees, and in the cold season - no lower than 18 degrees.

Important! To prevent the container with the plant from overheating, it is better to paint it with lime.

Agricultural technology of the tomato miracle tree

To prepare a concentrated nutrient solution, you will need a 10-liter container. It contains:

  • ammonium nitrate - 0.2 kg;
  • potassium - 05, kg,
  • iron citrate - 0.009 kg;
  • superphosphate - 0.55 kg;
  • manganese sulfate - 0.002 kg;
  • boric acid - 0.003 kg;
  • magnesium - 0.3 kg.

After all the components are in the vessel, add water to the specified volume and mix. For direct use, take 1 liter of this solution and dilute it in 100 liters of water.

Concentrated nutrient solution for octopus

It is better to start growing a tree in the fall. At the end of August, a seed is placed in a glass wool cube with a side of 20 cm and placed in a container with a solution so that it only slightly moistens the cube.

When 2 months have passed after germination, the tomato tree is placed in a larger cube and a compressor is supplied to supply air. The solution is added to the container with the plant and covered with a lid with a hole for the shoots.
Throughout the entire period of growing seedlings tomato tree The octopus must be illuminated, creating a 12-hour daylight hours.

All emerging flower brushes are removed. At this stage, the main goal is to create a strong bush that has a strong crown. The harvest will be formed on it in the future. They stop removing the brushes only in mid-April in order to get the first fruits by the end of May.

If you follow everything agricultural techniques and adhere to the light and thermal regime, during this period the plant will reach 2-2.5 m in height. It is at this level that the mesh is pulled, it will hold the crown, and the harvest is harvested from it.

Growing in open ground

If you don’t want to bother with mortar and glass wool, you can grow a tomato tree in open ground in the usual way. At good care and disease prevention, regular, every 2-3 weeks, feeding mineral fertilizers and stable watering it is quite possible to get up to 12 kg of tomatoes.

Growing the Octopus tomato tree in open ground

Important! When growing outdoors, maintain soil moisture levels of at least 60%.

When growing a tomato tree seasonally, you must follow the following recommendations step by step:

  1. Sow seeds for seedlings in early February.
  2. After 2-3 weeks, pick the seedlings.
  3. Create a 12-hour day.
  4. Do not stepplant the plant.
  5. Do not plant tomatoes closer than 0.5 m x 1.5 m.
  6. Mandatory garter for all stepchildren.
  7. Systematic feeding and watering.
  8. Mulching beds.
  9. Timely harvesting of fruits.

Considering that the variety does not stop growing, before the onset of cold weather, the tops of the stepsons are pinched.

An interesting way to grow the Octopus tomato tree is suggested by Zinaida Osipova. The plants are placed on the ground, on a cushion of chopped grass, and sides are installed around the bush, where soil is gradually added. Sticks are placed on the sides on four sides and covered with film or non-woven material, thus creating a mini-greenhouse. Planting a tree-like tomato in this way will allow you to develop additional roots and get a bountiful harvest.

Tomato tree Octopus - amazing plant. By putting your soul and work into it, you can achieve results that no other variety can provide. And using hydroponic method, and also provide yourself with fresh fruits throughout the year.

Many summer residents would probably like to grow a tomato tree on their property. After all, photographs of this miracle, available in large quantities on social networks and on thematic portals, can impress even a seasoned gardener. From just one such “tree”, grown in strict compliance with the required technology, you can harvest up to 1000 kg of tomatoes. And even this is far from the limit.

Basic techniques

A tomato tree, the cultivation of which in open ground is the most in a simple way, will give a rich harvest when using the so-called EM technology. In this case, the plant is planted in a barrel, and the harvest is harvested from the end of June to October.

The second method involves growing it in a greenhouse for one and a half years. Using this technique, a real tomato tree grows, with a crown occupying a huge area.

Growing in open ground

In order to receive good harvest in this case, EM technology is usually used. This is the name for the method of growing plants based on a special biofertilizer containing great amount beneficial aerobic and anaerobic bacteria. In this case, the bush itself is planted not in a garden bed or in a hole, but in a barrel. The latter can be replaced with a large polypropylene bag.

Selecting seeds

A real huge tomato tree is usually grown in a greenhouse using the Sprut F1 variety. In open ground, small “trees” can be grown from other varieties of tomatoes. The main thing is that they are tall. For example, the same ones would work very well Bull's heart, De Barao, etc.


Tomato seeds for growing “trees” should be sown in boxes as early as possible. For central Russia best time It will be February. Some summer residents plant seedlings for a barrel even at the end of January.

Seeds are prepared in the usual way. That is, they are disinfected and soaked. Picking of grown seedlings is carried out in fairly large containers. In this case it is important that root system plants have developed as best as possible. Plants are transplanted into open ground after stable warm weather has established outside.

Barrel preparation

Of course, it is impossible to grow a large tomato tree on ordinary soil. Therefore, a barrel or any other sufficiently large container is filled with a special mixture. First of all, the bottom of the selected “bed” should be removed. This is necessary so that excess water can easily come out of the barrel.

The barrel should be installed in the sunniest place on the site. A layer of urgasy is poured into its lowest part. This is the name of a special fertilizer prepared using EM technology. We'll look at how to do it in detail below.

The thickness of the urgasy layer should be about 10 cm. Next, another ten-meter layer is laid, consisting of EM compost, ordinary and turf land in proportion 1x1x1. On next stage One tomato is planted in a barrel.

How to make urgasu

By using this type of fertilizer you can end up with a fairly large tomato tree. Growing in open ground will not take too much effort.

Urgasa is prepared throughout the year. You can do this right in your city apartment. Under the urgasu, take an old plastic bucket and place a grate on its bottom so that it is located at a low height. Next, the walls of the container are lined with a plastic bag with holes in the bottom.

All kitchen waste is not placed in a garbage can, but in one prepared for disposal. Excess liquid will flow down and can be used, for example, as fertilizer for indoor plants(solution with water in proportion 1x1000).

After each addition, the mixture should be sprinkled with the preparation with bacteria “Baikal EM1”, sprinkled with Urgasy starter and pressed down with some weight, carefully wrapping it in a bag. The bucket must be tightly closed with a lid.

Sourdough is made from kitchen waste twisted into minced meat and dried on paper. For 1 kilogram of them add 5 tablespoons of “Baikal EM1”. The resulting mixture is placed in a plastic bag and a weight is placed on top. After a week, the mixture is kneaded and dried.

How to make EM compost

A tomato tree in open ground using such a soil additive will develop very quickly. So you should definitely use it. Moreover, making this fertilizer will be completely easy. EM compost is prepared in almost the same way as regular compost. The only thing is that all components should be crushed. The mass should be quite porous. For every 100 kg of mixture, add 10 kg of earth or sawdust. Next, everything needs to be thoroughly mixed and poured in layers with a solution of the EM-1 preparation (100 ml per 10 liters of water) and 100 ml of non-acidic jam without berries. The humidity of the compost should not fall below 60%. In two months it will be ready.

Planting a tomato

Next, let's look at how you can actually get a fairly large and productive tomato tree. Growing in open ground, as already mentioned, is done using a fairly large container.

For the barrel, choose the strongest and tall plant. They deepen it by about 5 cm. Cover the barrel from above plastic film. After the tomato grows by about 10 cm, the lower leaves are torn off and the prepared soil mixture is poured into the barrel to the same height.

This must be done until the barrel is filled almost to the top.

Tomato tree care

A tomato tree, reviews of its productivity, by the way, are very good, like any other plant, it requires careful care. First of all, you need to remember that a planted tomato should not be pinched. Next to the barrel you need to install a small trellis to support the lashes.

The humidity of the soil mixture in the container should not fall below 60%. Fertilizing begins in mid-July. To do this, use a mash made from EM compost. You can fertilize the plants once a week, but 2-3 times is better.

The chatterbox is made by pouring a mixture of EM compost and 1x1 soil into a container to a third of the height and filling everything to the top with water. Infuse the solution for 24 hours.

If desired, using the technology described above, you can grow a small tomato tree at home. Residents of Russia who do not have summer cottages, this technique is used quite often. Of course, in this case, it is not a barrel that is used, but not an overly large bag (for example, a flour bag). It is placed on a loggia or balcony. The harvest in this case can be very good.

Real tomato tree

Growing a huge “octopus” with a crown diameter of a couple of tens of meters is very difficult and quite expensive. However, if you wish, you can try this method. But, of course, only when there is a sufficiently spacious heated greenhouse on the site. The cultivation technology in this case includes the following steps:

  • Prepare a container with a height of at least 50 cm and an area of ​​1.5 meters (usually an old bathtub is used).
  • A special hydroponic solution is mixed.
  • Glass wool cubes for seedlings are prepared, as well as a large cube for transplanting.
  • Purchase a powerful aquarium compressor and fluorescent lamps (with a spectrum suitable for plants).

Seeds are planted in cubes at the end of August or even a little later. This is a must. At autumn planting the tomato tree (a photo of a large tomato “octopus” can be seen below) develops much better. Glass wool is impregnated with a hydroponic solution. After this, the seeds are placed in specially cut recesses. The cubes need to be moistened several times a day with the same solution. After two months, the strongest plant is transferred to a large cube prepared in the same way. Tubes leading from the aerator are placed in it, after which it is placed in the bath. The latter must be covered with a foam cover. A hole is made in the top of the lid for plant growth.

During the entire cold period, tomatoes need to be illuminated using lamps (with the formation of a 12-hour daylight hours). Emerging flower shoots should be broken off during this period. Fruiting of the plant should begin no earlier than May. In February, the lighting stops. To support the tree, a trellis net is installed above it.

How to prepare a hydroponic solution

Growing a tomato tree large sizes This is only possible when using a composition of this particular type to wet glass wool. To prepare a hydroponic masterbatch, take:

  • iron citrate 0.009 g,
  • ammonium nitrate 0.2 kg,
  • superphosphate 0.55 kg,
  • magnesium 0.3 kg,
  • potassium 0.5 kg,
  • boric acid 0.003 kg,
  • manganese sulfate 0.002 kg.

The mixed ingredients are diluted in 10 liters of water. To prepare the working solution, the stock solution is diluted in a ratio of 1/100 liters. Air is supplied to the roots periodically (once a day or twice). Glass wool should not be allowed to dry out. Moisten it with the same solution.

This is how a large tomato tree is grown. You can see photos of such plants on the page. Growing this miracle is quite labor-intensive. It is unlikely that too many summer residents will want to get a huge tree from the Sprut F1 variety. If only because of the lack of professional greenhouses on the sites. However, it is certainly worth trying to grow small trees in a barrel or bag during the warm season. If you follow all the recommendations, the harvest with this method of cultivation will probably turn out to be very good.

In our country, a huge number of summer residents grow tomatoes. The standard one allows you to harvest one hundredweight from 30-50 bushes. However, there is a technology that makes it possible to get such a quantity of tomatoes from just two bushes. This method of growing is called the “tomato tree.” In order to grow it, it is enough to follow a few simple rules.

Initially, tomato seedlings are grown in a standard way. For planting, it is best to choose the strongest plants.

A tomato tree can be grown from tall varieties of tomatoes.

There is even a variety specially bred for these purposes called Sprut f1.

Growing technology

In order to grow a tomato tree, you need to pick up an old barrel. To ensure that excess water is freely removed and can easily penetrate inside, the bottom of the barrel must be removed.

For better access of oxygen to the root system, holes are drilled in its sides at a distance of about twenty

centimeters apart.

The prepared barrel is placed in the sunniest place in the garden. Next, it is filled with soil in a certain way. A layer of urgasy about 10 centimeters thick is laid down. Urgasa is a microbiological fertilizer and consists of vegetable waste, organic raw materials, processed by microorganisms, with the addition of minerals and wood ash. The next layer is a soil mixture consisting of equal proportions of compost, turf and garden soil. The height of the two layers should be no more than one third of the height of our barrel.

In early May, we plant the selected tomato seedling in the center of the barrel. Until the end of the night frosts, the future tomato tree should be covered with cellophane.

As soon as the seedling takes root, we begin to develop a strong root system. To do this, we tear off all the leaves at a height of ten centimeters. We wait until the wounds dry out a little, then cover them with a layer of soil mixture. When the tomato tree grows another ten centimeters, we repeat the procedure. We do this until the barrel is completely filled with soil. This will happen in about a month and a half.

From this moment on, the tomato tree does not need to be covered. It is also important to stop pinching during this period. On the contrary, you should strive to ensure that the plant has as many brushes as possible. The lower branches can hang calmly from the barrel, but the upper ones should be tied up so that the plant receives as much light as possible.

It is important to provide the plant with abundant watering. However, there is no need to be afraid

overdo it, because excess moisture will go into the soil through the missing bottom.

The plant needs to be fed once a week. To do this, add one part of the compost to two parts of water, stir, and leave for a day. We water our tomato tree with this mixture.

From the moment the autumn frosts begin, you can throw a film over the tree, then it will be able to stand until the end of September.

For achievement best yield plants, it is important to know how to care for them and how to plant them. Tomatoes require careful care. Growing them using the tomato tree method allows you to get a larger harvest from fewer bushes, which means you put less effort into it. As a result, you will have enough time to have a good rest on warm summer days.

Tomato tree - “Cyphomandra” belongs to the nightshade family, like the familiar tomato, eggplant, potato or pepper. Why "tomato"?

Apparently, because its fruits look like small tomatoes, although the question is still controversial: “Who does the fruit look more like, a tomato or a fruit?”

general information

“Tsifomandra” or “tamarillo” belongs to the nightshade genus and has absorbed all the properties of this species. It grows quickly, taking on the appearance of a spreading tree, the leaves are large, up to 30 cm, slightly elongated, thin and unlike tomato leaves, most likely similar to an elongated heart.

Tamarillo flowers are exactly like eggplant and potato flowers: with five sharp petals ranging from soft pink to lilac, and collected in small inflorescences.

The plant is subtropical, heat-loving, and does not tolerate even light frosts. It can grow both in open ground and in greenhouses. “Cyphomandra” is an evergreen perennial that grows and bears fruit in warm climates for a long time, up to 6–8 years.

A tree grown from seeds begins to bear fruit only from the second year, so for planting in open ground in middle lane not very suitable, because it will have to be dug up for the winter.

Fruits of unusual taste, varied in color outside and inside. The taste of the fruit depends on the variety: it can be sour or sweet.

The harvest is good, can reach up to 30 kg per tree, at least three years old, but the return is gradual.

A tomato tree lives up to eight years and reproduces well by cuttings and seeds.

This exotic tree He practically does not get sick, he is not afraid of even late blight, but in greenhouses he can become infected with whiteflies or thrips.

Characteristics and description

Description of the bush

The tomato tree "Cyphomandra" exactly lives up to its name.

  • It looks like a tree: at first the trunk grows quickly, becomes woody below, and a crown of shoots forms at the top. It is formed in the same way as in real trees.
  • The trunk of an adult tree reaches a diameter of five to eight centimeters, and branches - up to 3 cm.
  • The tree looks impressive: it decorates any garden, greenhouse, veranda and apartment where it grows in large containers.
  • The tomato tree is decorated with large beautiful leaves and bright fruits.
  • Fears low temperatures: even with a short-term drop to +2 °C, it sheds its leaves and young shoots die, but after the temperature rises, it gains strength again, so it is recommended to grow in heated greenhouses or only until autumn.
  • Loves sunny side, does not develop in the shade and does not reach large sizes.

Description of fruits

The fruits of the “Tsifomandra” variety bear little resemblance to tomatoes. They most likely resemble exotic fruits.

  • They have an unusual flesh color. It can be dark, bluish with a red skin, or yellow with an orange top.
  • The fruits themselves are distinguished by a variety of colors: pink-raspberry, red, yellow, olive, lemon and beet-like. There are so many varieties, so many colors.
  • The pulp is juicy, has an interesting exotic taste, but pleasant, with hints of fruit: passion fruit, lemon, strawberry and tomato.
  • The fruits look like large plums or an egg, hanging on a long stalk. They grow from several to twenty pieces in a cluster. Their size is approximately 5 cm wide and up to 10 cm long. The weight of one fruit is from 30 to 50 g.
  • The skin of the fruit is hard, tasteless, and bitter.

Advice! They only eat the pulp, as the skin is bitter! Therefore, this fact must be taken into account when preparing dishes. How to eat fruit correctly? Cut it in half and eat the soft core with a spoon.

And in order to use the whole fruit for food, it is necessary to remove the skin from it. To do this, the fruits are scalded with boiling water, kept in it for about a minute, after which the skin can be easily removed.

  • Peeled fruits are widely used in cooking. They are used to prepare salads, purees, mousses, everything that is made from real tomatoes, as well as sweet desserts: jams, marmalade, decorating sponge cakes and ice cream. You can marinate like regular tomatoes.
  • Stores well frozen, preserving everything beneficial features and vitamins, which are abundant in this fruit: B vitamins, vitamins A and C, PP, potassium, magnesium and other microelements.

Advantages and disadvantages

You found out what kind of fruit this “tsifomandra” tomato is, its characteristics and description of the variety, now let’s look at all the advantages and disadvantages of this plant.

Let's consider the advantages of the tomato tree.

  • High-yielding, from one tree you can collect from 20 to 30 kg of fruit in a season that lasts seven months.
  • Exotic fruits of unusual taste, good for health: there are no contraindications, as they have low calorie content, without fats and carbohydrates. Unlike other fruits, they can be consumed even by people with diabetes.
  • The plant looks decorative and is a decoration for any greenhouse and garden.
  • Propagates well by seeds and cuttings.
  • Can be grown at home, on the loggia and in winter garden all year round.
  • Almost never gets sick.
  • It can grow on a glassed-in loggia in a pot if it faces south.

What can be attributed to the disadvantages of the tsifomandra tomato, guided by the description of the variety.

  • If you mark it big harvest, then you should not forget about the area this tomato tree occupies, and, recalculating it in square meters, you can doubt the yield.
  • It bears fruit only in the second year: this means that it is relatively suitable for our gardeners. The tree will have to be moved indoors for the winter, if there is no heated greenhouse, it will have to be looked after all winter and taken out to the site in the spring.
  • When transplanting or transporting home from open ground for the winter, you don’t have to expect a high yield. It should be treated simply as an exotic plant.
  • The fruits fall off when ripe, so it is important to remove them from the tree in time.
  • Fruits cannot be stored: maximum two weeks if refrigerated.
  • Wood is demanding temperature conditions: at low temperatures sheds leaves and flowers, so in winter greenhouses and on the loggias the temperature must be maintained at least 10–15 °C.
  • As it turned out, the digital tomato still has more disadvantages, although its reviews and photos are very attractive and tempting for people.

Features of growing the variety

How to grow a tomato tree?

It is not difficult to grow it, the main thing is to determine where it will grow in the future. Since “digitomandra” refers to nightshade crops, then it should be grown according to the same principles.

Take light but fertile soil for sowing: 2 parts humus, one part sand and peat. If you can’t do it yourself, buy ready-made soil for vegetables.

Before sowing, place the seeds in the refrigerator for a day to harden. Then pickle them in a solution of potassium permanganate for 1 hour.

Seeds can be germinated at any time of the year, but as gardeners recommend, best time- This early spring. Then the seedlings will not need additional lighting. Plant them in a small container to a depth of 1 cm, 5 cm between seeds, cover with glass or film and place in a warm place, not necessarily light.

But as soon as the seedlings appear in a week or two, the tray with the seedlings is immediately moved to the light. The temperature should be 20–22 °C during the day and 16 °C at night so that the sprouts do not stretch. After two leaves appear, the seedlings dive, transplanting them into separate pots very carefully, since the roots are very delicate.

After picking, water frequently, but the water should not stagnate, so be sure to make a hole in the cups.

The seedlings grow very quickly and actively; they require fertilizing with mineral fertilizers.

The first fertilizing should be done no earlier than two weeks after picking; subsequently, water with fertilizers, alternating every 15 days: phosphorus and potassium.

  • Superphosphate: 3 g per liter;
  • Potassium nitrate: 3 g per liter warm water. Or use complex ready-made fertilizers.

Plant in a pot or soil when 7–8 leaves appear. The first year, if flowers appear, they should be cut off to form a strong tree.

In open ground, it needs excellent support, preferably a trellis. Plant in light soil, make a hole at least 25 cm deep. Pour a liter of humus, a liter of peat, a liter of ash onto the bottom, mix and pour warm water and cover with mulch after planting.

Mulch prevents moisture from evaporating and crusts from appearing after watering, which improves air exchange for the roots. Keeps you warm when temperatures drop at night.

It is important to understand that the tomato tree is not intended to make a profit, but rather as an exotic and proof of the unlimited capabilities of man, nature and the plant itself.

Go to almost any Internet site that talks about a tomato tree, and you will see this photo. This is a hybrid “Tomato-tree F-1 Octopus” - a miracle tree that grows to a height of 4 meters or more. Its name corresponds appearance– a tomato bush, like an octopus, entwines the entire greenhouse. The harvest it produces is simply fantastic - up to 14,000 tomatoes, total weight which is 1500 kg, its advertisements are increasingly appearing on the pages of gardening magazines. So what is a tomato tree? What is this: the truth or another publicity stunt, “miracles” of Photoshop, or still an outstanding achievement of domestic breeders? The answer to this question can only be given by specific facts about the existence of the tomato miracle tree.

Japanese experience

At the international exhibition of achievements of science and technology EXPO-85, which was held for six months in the academic town of Tsukuba (Japan), the tomato bush occupied a central place. It was located in the Japanese government pavilion, and was grown from a single seed. During the 6 months of the EXPO-85 exhibition, an incredible number of tomatoes could be counted on its spreading branches like a huge grapevine - 13,312 tomatoes!!! The method by which such a fantastic crop was grown is known as “hyponics” and was first developed by Nozawa Shigzo (Japan Journal, 1985)

The tree was grown hydroponically using special computer technology, which regulated the modes of drip irrigation, lighting, air mode and other necessary manipulations.

Over the past years after EXPO-85, Nozawa Shigzo finally came to the conclusion that the soil does not help, but... prevents the plant from fully expressing its potential, because... makes it difficult for oxygen and light to reach the roots. It is almost impossible to maintain the water content in the soil at a constant required level, not to mention temperature, mineral salts and trace elements. Many pathogenic bacteria and insects penetrate plants through the soil. New method growing a tomato tree was called “hyponics” - from the words “high technology” ( high technology) and hydroponics.

Now Nozawa Shigzo is the president of the thriving Kiowa company, and in the town of Tsukuba (according to unconfirmed information) in the interests of Food Industry For several years now they have been growing tomato trees, the crowns of which extend almost 10 meters, the height is 3 meters, and the trunk diameter is 20 cm at the base. It turns out that the corresponding harvest is 14,000 tomatoes per season per tree. And the most interesting thing: the tomato tree is by no means the result of the painstaking work of a single breeder. This is a common tomato variety whose height when grown at garden bed does not exceed 60-70 cm. The whole secret is in “hyponics”.

Experiments in Russia

The Primorye newspaper “Arsenyevskie Vesti” No. 26 (479) dated May 16, 2002 published the article “Tomato Tree” by Yu.I. Slashchina. This is what he wrote: “This cannot happen!” was my first thought when I heard about G.A.'s tomato trees. Protopopova. But then a second thought came: “Why shouldn’t they exist, if in their homeland wild tomatoes grow on trees?”

Tomato trees appeared in G.A.’s laboratory greenhouse. Protopopov at the Institute of Plant Protection to clearly convince skeptics. We created trees from the domestic variety “Podarok”, an ordinary tomato that doesn’t stand out in any way. By using the drug “Biostim” developed in the laboratory, it was possible to dramatically increase the yield. So, in the third year of growth, the tomato stems became woody, and they developed a powerful root system that ensures an increase in yield. The yield was 12.5 kg per tree and would probably continue to increase further. But...they didn’t have the fourth year to grow, since perestroika in the country had already entered its economically destructive stage.”

But the author of the article “Tomato tree F1 Octopus” (newspaper “Economy” No. 38/593 dated September 16, 2008) describes his impressions this way: “I first saw the tomato “F1 Octopus” four years ago. I saw it and couldn’t sleep all night from the impressions. I once read in magazines that such miracles happen, but I have never seen them with my own eyes. To be honest, I thought it was all science fiction, but when I saw it, I realized that this is not science fiction, but modern reality, a miracle of selection and agricultural technology. The first time I saw this tomato tree was when it was being exhibited and harvested. 3 people were involved in collecting fruits, using baskets, buckets, and basins. In one approach, about four thousand fruits weighing 100-130 grams each were removed. And in total, according to the notebook, in more than a year, 13,000 tomatoes were collected from one tree, weighing about 1.5 tons. Can you imagine the yield?”

These messages can be believed or not, but the conclusion suggests itself - the tomato tree is not a myth, but a reality. Why is there so little information about the miracle tree? Why, having such wonderful qualities, has this plant not yet become widely used among gardeners? The answer is simple: just analyze the conditions in which it should be grown:

1. To get “F1 Octopus” in all its glory, you need a year-round heated greenhouse with sufficiently intense lighting. Its dimensions, at a minimum, must correspond to the dimensions of the tomato tree, which is clearly visible in the photo at the beginning of the article.

2. A real Octopus from a tomato bush grows in only 1.5-2 years.

3. To grow a tomato tree, it is necessary to use hydroponic technologies, thanks to which the plant’s roots will constantly receive required amount oxygen and dosed nutrition. This is only possible using computer programs.

If you want to create this miracle, fairy tale, dream, if you set out to surprise us and have the means to do so, go for it. Getting a miracle tree is difficult, but it is possible. The one who really wants to get into the fairy tale will get into it.

Growing a tomato tree under normal conditions

In practice, a heated greenhouse alone will be very expensive. In addition, in one and a half years, on the area occupied by the tomato miracle tree, you can get a double harvest from 80 -100 bushes of the same “F1 Octopus” grown using the usual method.

When grown under normal conditions, the F1 Octopus tomato is one of the best indeterminate tomatoes. We say this with great confidence, since we ourselves have been growing it in a polycarbonate unheated greenhouse for 5 years.

From experience, we know that in the spring, tomato seeds “F1 Sprut” from the agricultural company “SeDek” cannot easily be found on the shelves - either few of them go on sale or are quickly sold out by gardeners. Why does this tomato attract gardeners, what is its secret?

First of all, in the enormous energy of growth. So that the reader does not suspect us of self-promotion, we will quote the impressions of the author of the article (Anastasia Sukhorukova) in the magazine “Garden Affairs” (No. 9 (43) 2010) who visited our estate:

“However, the real tomato wonder is, of course, the tomato tree - the plant of the F1 Sprut variety. When the couple decided to grow this miracle of nature for the first time, they did not particularly count on the result. And the result was simply amazing! Imagine a huge, highly branched bush with a height of human height and a width of about two meters, the upper branches of which are dotted with yellow flowers, the middle is decorated with green fruits, and the bottom is burdened with clusters of large bright red fruits. By the beginning of August, the owners had removed four two-bucket baskets of sweet vegetables from him. And I think this is far from the limit of the tomato tree’s capabilities!”

Another important quality of “F1 Octopus” is increased resistance not only to most “tomato” diseases, but also to low temperatures. We all remember the summer of last 2012, when due to frequent low temperatures and high humidity By mid-summer, late blight had reduced the tomato yield in greenhouses to a minimum. Many plants had to be uprooted. What about F1 Octopus? Of course, he also reacted to an unfavorable situation. But this reaction was extremely insignificant - it was enough to tear off only some of the diseased leaves and improve ventilation. While the yield of many tomato varieties sharply decreased, “F1 Octopus” continued to bear fruit - its yield decreased by no more than 8-10%. Moreover, fruiting continued until the onset of “low” temperatures of + 5... + 10 ° C inside the greenhouse, when the development of the fruit was already physically impossible. “F1 Octopus” was the last to leave the greenhouse: the beds had long been cleared of other varieties of tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, eggplants, watermelons and melons. An experiment with leaving the roots of the F1 Octopus tomato in the garden bed until next spring (naturally with insulation on top) in the hope of its early “awakening” did not produce results.

The label on the packet of “F1 Octopus” seeds states: “the clusters are beautiful, with 5-6 aligned fruits in each. The fruits are round, red, very dense, fleshy, weighing up to 100-160 grams. The taste is excellent." This description really matches reality. Many years of experience in growing this hybrid led us to the idea of ​​abandoning planting a whole bed of “Little Red Riding Hood” tomatoes, which we planted exclusively for canning and pickling. One plant “F1 Octopus” completely replaced them, both quantitatively and qualitatively. Tomatoes weighing 90-100 g of the same calibrated size are used for pickling. The thickened tomato peel does not crack during heat treatment, and the fruit fits into the jar whole. Larger tomatoes are excellent for preparing various kinds of preparations (salads, “spark” with garlic, etc.), as well as for fresh consumption.

Gardeners' impressions

On the Internet forum, the impressions of growing a tomato tree are the most polar:

“...I grew a fairly ordinary variety, and of course it tastes good. I expected much more."

"...wonderful taste qualities. On next year I’ll plant more, what are people missing?”

“....nothing gigantic happened. Just medium grade tomato, I just wasted my place in the greenhouse.”

The answer to these complaints is on the same forum: “...have you carefully read what is written on the label of the seeds of this variety? Or do you naively believe that by pouring a bucket of manure (compost) or a kilogram of fertilizer under such a tomato, you can begin to expect half a ton of harvest from the bush?

So, ordinary gardeners who grew the F1 Octopus tomato for just one season received very different results. The first group - those who were satisfied with the result - both the quality of the fruit and the growth pattern, and wanted to continue the experiment next season, expecting even greater potential from the Octopus tomato. The second group unites those who really hoped to see a fruitful miracle, but for one reason or another were disappointed; such gardeners considered the hybrid an ordinary tomato with an average yield, although many noted its good taste.

Our growing experience

We will omit the details of preparing for planting seeds; they are well known. We sow seeds for seedlings as early as possible - in the second half of January; for planting we use Terra Nova peat soil - a universal soil with a high content of perlite and vermicompost. We grow tomato tree seedlings in the same way as ordinary tomato seedlings, at a temperature of 20-25°C, according to the recommendations of the SeDek Agricultural Firm (for some reason, the temperature is strictly 25°C advertised on the Internet). From the moment of germination and further, until planting in the greenhouse, the automation illuminates the seedlings with fluorescent lamps every day for 15 hours (from 9.00 am to 24.00).

We carry out the picking after three weeks in a spacious elongated box (milk cartons). This package is already on the most early stage development of tomato allows the plant to realize unlimited root growth. Regularly, once every 10 days, we feed the seedlings with liquid organomineral fertilizer “Biohumus” (for vegetables, with microelements).

In mid-April, we plant tomato seedlings in polycarbonate greenhouse. By this time, the daytime temperature in such a greenhouse remains at 20-25 ° C, and raised by 0.5 meters, bordered sand-lime brick and thermally insulated from the floor level, the earth ridges warmed up quite well. We take seedlings from prepared seedlings that are the strongest, thickest, and therefore the most resilient. We plant in holes 10-15 cm deep, to form additional roots we break off the two lower rows of leaves and bury the seedling to the remaining lower leaves. Before planting, add a little Azofoska and a handful of ash into the hole. Note that in the future place of planting the tomato tree, a layer of compost is laid to a depth of 20-25 cm in the fall. Until the onset of stable positive temperatures (without significant differences day and night), cover the planted seedlings with lutrasil on the arches.

During the entire period of growth of the tomato tree “F1 Octopus” it does not take stepson. On the contrary, the task is to form as many clusters with fruit ovaries as possible. Compost laid in the fall will ensure the initial growth and branching of the plant. By mid-summer, a real “tomato tree” will have formed; we tie its numerous branches to rows of wire stretched under the ceiling. The “tree” itself grows up to 1.8-2 m in height, its branches spread out in all directions up to 1.5-2 m.

The significant dimensions of the F1 Octopus tomato tree require that it be provided with appropriate space. This must be taken into account when determining the landing site. Moreover, due to large quantity foliage, it is necessary that it be located in a well-ventilated place (usually in the central bed, next to the window).

Such a powerful plant needs a lot of water. Since May, the tomato has been watered abundantly, sunny weather– daily. It is best to water in the morning, especially when the fruits are ripening. In the morning, the tomato skin expands; in the evening, when the temperature drops slightly, it contracts. And, if you water during the day or in the evening, the water entering the fruit breaks the skin and it cracks.

In addition to intensive watering, the plant needs fertilizing, which we do once a week with an aqueous solution of herbal infusion.
Under favorable weather conditions, the first fruits ripen by mid-June, earlier than all other tomato varieties. Fruiting continues until late autumn, when other tomato varieties have long given up their harvest, often before negative temperatures"on the street".

In conclusion, we note that in the conditions of the North-Western region (as well as similar areas), where risky farming is carried out, growing the “F1 Octopus” tomato tree in open ground is impractical, since its full potential can be fully realized in the short and not always favorable summer does not work.

Text and photo: Mikhail and Tamara Tsurko, gardeners