Using ceramic bricks to build a house. Pros and cons of building with ceramic bricks Houses made of ceramic bricks

Where you live. And it’s not just about what household chemicals you use, what products you buy or whether you sort your waste. And actually about the construction of your house. If you are the happy owner of a plot of land and a small start-up capital, you can build truly ecological housing, using ancient and traditional technologies for Ukraine, which will be in no way inferior modern projects. We are talking about an adobe house.

First of all, let us explain what adobe is - it is a building material. wall material in the form of unfired bricks made from a mixture of clay, sand and straw (sometimes other ingredients). If speak about construction characteristics, then the compression limit of adobe brick (in dried form) ranges from 10 to 50 kgf/cm2 and is similar in strength to aerated and foam concrete grade 600 (tensile strength 25-40 kgf/cm2).

Although this technology is considered more indigenous to Asian countries, South America and the Caucasus, it is also quite common in Central, Eastern and Southern Ukraine. Ukrainian traditional mud huts were built from adobe. Houses and auxiliary structures are still being built from adobe. Some of them have been preserved in excellent condition not only in museums, but are also still used in villages. And the grandchildren of those who built them live in them.

The advantages of building with adobe include:

  • The cost is significantly lower than buildings made of ordinary brick. Adobe brick can be easily made with my own hands.
  • In terms of durability and strength, adobe structures are equal to traditional buildings.
  • Adobe has low thermal conductivity, so it is easier to maintain comfortable temperature both in summer and winter.
  • Due to its porosity, adobe provides a normal level of humidity.
  • Saman is a fire-resistant material. Even after a fire, the walls, as a rule, remain almost undamaged.

The disadvantages include the fact that adobe absorbs moisture very well, so during construction, great attention must be paid to waterproofing both the foundation and walls.

Another benefit of building this way is that you are less constrained by shape than with traditional construction. Your home can have both classic outlines and unusual shapes- round walls, a domed roof, a recess into a hill - with clay you can practically limit your imagination.

It is clear that it is impossible to outline all the nuances of building a house from adobe in this article. In the end, when building any house you will still need expert advice, so we will focus on how to do it adobe brick with our own hands and note only some of the main stages of this type of “green” construction.

In order to make a brick from adobe, first of all, we need clay (oily or medium fat content), sand (coarse-grained, not sea), water, plant residues (the most common option is chopped straw 6-10 cm long) . You can also add expanded clay, cement and sawdust to the clay. If desired, you can add various aseptic additives to the mixture. For fire safety can be added flame retardant additives.

If you use clay that is too oily for the production of adobe blocks, they will crack, and if it is not oily enough, the mixture will not adhere well, crumble, and the strength of the block will suffer. To determine the fat content of clay, it is worth consulting with specialists. But there are also traditional methods its definitions. Here are examples of the two simplest ones:

How to test clay for fat content

Method 1

From the selected clay we form a ball the size of egg. We place it between two planed boards (plywood) and squeeze the ball, pressing it with the top board:

a ball of low-fat clay will immediately fall apart;

a ball of medium-fat clay will fall apart when the distance between the boards is reduced by about a third;

a ball of oily clay cracks when the distance between the boards reaches halfway.

Method 2

Dilute a small amount of clay with water to the consistency of sour cream. Take dry and smooth wooden stick. Stir with a stick clay mortar. Based on the amount of clay that sticks to the stick, its fat content is determined:

Oily clay - 3 mm or more;

Average clay - 1-3 mm;

Let's get to work. We dig out the pit and cover its bottom with film. We lay a layer of clay 10-30 cm thick on this bedding, fill it with water and leave it overnight. The next day, add sand, knead, and then add pre-moistened filler. Leave the mixture for 2 days, add more liquid if necessary. You can mix the ingredients with a shovel or stick, and knead comfortably with your feet.

We make a mold and make a brick. The mold can hold any number of brick slots at once, but keep in mind that you will need to lift it and turn it over along with the folded brick. Therefore, usually for one person they make a form with 2 cells, for two - with 4-6.

Pre-moisten the mold with water and sprinkle with chopped straw or sawdust. Bricks can be made in almost any desired size and shape, but a typical parallelepiped shape is the size shown below. The mold for making bricks must allow for drying shrinkage of approximately 8%.

Brick dimensions, cm Mold dimensions taking into account shrinkage

40x19x13 43x20, 5x14

36x17x13 39x18, 5x14

30x14x10 32.5 x15x11

Bricks are dried under open air 2-3 days, then the brick is placed on edge and dried for about another week. Then the adobe blocks are stored, for example, in a barn (it is important to protect them from moisture) and kept for about another week or until construction begins.

Work should begin in the spring, then you have a chance to not only make a brick, but also build a house during the season. In 1 day of work, 3-4 people will be able to make 150-200 bricks.

How to check the quality of adobe bricks

If the adobe brick was made correctly, then:

  • a nail that is driven tightly into the brick, but holds tightly;
  • brick does not soak in water for 1-2 days;
  • the brick remains intact when dropped from a height of up to 2 meters.

Now that you have required amount bricks for your house, you can begin its construction. As we noted, a house made of adobe can be built according to the most various projects, and therefore we will not dwell in detail on the construction process itself, we will only note some of the nuances of constructing structures from adobe brick:

Foundation adobe building must be very well waterproofed.

It is worth placing visors over the windows to prevent drooling. rainwater. Window sills are also waterproofed and protected by tides. Entrance thresholds houses are also carefully waterproofed.

The corners and joints of the walls are reinforced with reinforcing mesh.

Beams and floors are arranged with load redistribution over the entire wall to avoid point loads.

External walls can be plastered and whitewashed ( traditional version) or overlay in red or sand-lime brick, ceramic or cement tiles. Taxation should begin after the house shrinks. Preferably six months to a year after the construction of the house.

Ceramic brick has been one of the most popular and widespread materials for construction for many years. It is based on clay, and various impurities are added to it, which give finished product certain properties. When it comes to building walls and various buildings, then the first thing they think about is this reliable material. In this article we will talk about the pros and cons of a house from ceramic bricks.


Its main advantage is that this material is quite durable, resistant to moisture, strong temperature drops, and conducts heat well. Ceramic bricks earned mostly positive reviews from developers during the construction of the house. That is why this material now occupies one of the leading positions, despite the huge variety of other masonry materials.

Projects of houses made of ceramic bricks come in different number of storeys and designs. Not only load-bearing walls are built from this material, but also interior partitions. Houses made of ceramic bricks are not only durable, but also undeniably environmentally friendly. All this is achieved due to the fact that during the manufacture of these building materials Only natural substances are used that do not cause harm to humans. But house designs designed for ceramic bricks have their pros and cons.


The main advantages that this material has are:

  • High density of each brick;
  • The structure of ceramic products is relatively porous;
  • The ability to maintain its properties even with a large drop in temperature (very important for houses in our country);
  • Good strength of the constructed walls;
  • Houses made of red ceramic bricks are characterized by high thermal conductivity and water absorption.

The density of the material is characterized by a mass of 1 m³. This indicator is inversely proportional to porosity and also affects the thermal conductivity factor of the wall of a house made of ceramic bricks. Exists a large assortment of this material in specialized stores. The density can be from 1000 kg/m³ if the base is hollow up to 2100 kg/m³ for clinker ceramic bricks. The main types are shown in the photo below.

When developing a house construction project, it is necessary to calculate the amount of material with different properties. Some walls (especially interior partitions) can be built from cheaper, but less dense ceramic bricks, which also have many positive reviews, like analogues with values ​​of 2100 kg/m³.

During the construction of a house, every person is looking for a way to save money without reducing the final quality of the building. To do this, even at the project development stage, several options for materials from which walls can be built are considered. Each of them has its pros and cons. It is best to get reviews from people who regularly deal with these substances. If you decide to build a house from ceramic bricks, then you need to remember its main advantages and disadvantages. The video below describes the basic principles of constructing walls from this material.


If you are thinking about building a house from ceramic bricks, then remember the following advantages of this material:

  • Its shape is small in size, which makes it possible to build buildings from it. different types And external design. Even on the Internet it is easy to find drawings and calculations of houses and ceramic bricks, as shown in the photo below. When contacting developers, you will always choose ready-made solution, which can best meet your requirements;
  • When your house is ready, then with it external finishing there won't be any problems. Besides the fact that this brick looks good on its own, it can be covered with any decorative material. If desired, it is easy to finish the building with wooden panels;

  • A house made of this material will always be very durable and reliable. It will be able to withstand severe temperature changes and adverse weather conditions. Some doubt whether it is possible to build a house from ceramic bricks in areas with a cold climate, but don’t worry, even very strong cold is not terrible for such a structure;

  • Great durability. A structure made from this material has a long service life. Even in 100 years such a house will not be needed major renovation. The main thing is to comply with all rules and regulations during construction;
  • Ceramics have great heat and sound insulation;
  • The material is completely environmentally friendly and does not contain substances harmful to human health.


But it’s worth remembering the main disadvantage that such a brick has:

  • It's quite expensive. If you decide to build big house made of this material, then be prepared for the fact that it will cost you a fairly large amount;
  • In addition, it requires a strong foundation. If you decide to make a two-story building, then get ready to lay a serious foundation that can support such a heavy structure;
  • It should also be taken into account that small sizes bricks extend the process of constructing a building over a longer period of time.

These both disadvantages and advantages must be taken into account when you are going to build a house from ceramic bricks.

Ceramic brick is a material from which strong and durable houses are built. It is produced from environmentally friendly pure materials: water, clay, sand. The process of manufacturing building material is simple - blocks are formed from the prepared clay composition, which are then fired in kilns under the influence of high temperature. During the firing process, ceramic bricks acquire strength, strength, and become resistant to external influences.

Kerma company from Nizhny Novgorod specializes in the production of ceramic bricks and the construction of houses from them. The company produces hollow brick, which has many advantages:

  • due to the presence of voids, the brick is light in weight and therefore does not exert a strong load on the foundation;
  • voids allow for good heat retention in a building built of ceramic bricks, which will reduce the cost of heating rooms and reduce the cost of purchasing and installing thermal insulation;
  • walls made of ceramic bricks can withstand loads and strong mechanical stress, thanks to which pieces of furniture can be attached to the walls created from them;
  • tight junction of neighboring wall panels during assembly, which ensures the absence of gaps in the walls and savings in masonry mortar.

Advantages of houses made of ceramic bricks

Buildings built from ceramic bricks are characterized by high performance and quality characteristics. One of the main advantages of buildings is their long service life. The building will last 100 - 150 years and during this time it will not require major repairs or reconstruction.

High strength

Walls built from hollow ceramic bricks are highly resistant to loads and pressure, thanks to which they can withstand loads of up to 150 kg per square meter. cm.

Frost resistance

Ceramic brick is highly resistant even to severe frosts and can withstand repeated frosts and defrosts, which is why construction of buildings in regions with cold climates is allowed.

Environmental friendliness

The constructed building is absolutely safe for the health of residents. The composition of ceramic bricks is completely natural; there are no artificial additives that could harm humans or the environment.

Biologically inert material

Fungus and mold do not form on the surface of the brick. This is an important advantage of the building material, since fungal formations can be dangerous to human health. In addition, mold causes damage to the surface of building materials. In the case of ceramic bricks, this problem does not arise.

Fire resistance

Ceramic brick is a fire-resistant building material. Thanks to this, if a fire occurs in the building, there is no risk of the fire spreading throughout all rooms and completely destroying the structure. The house can withstand exposure to open fire for up to 7 hours.

Comfortable indoor atmosphere

During the winter months in brick house heat is retained well, as the walls take a long time to cool down. During the summer months interior spaces On the contrary, the buildings are cool. These properties of the building material make it possible to create a comfortable microclimate for residents in each room. In addition, ceramic bricks are able to smooth out changes in humidity and air temperature, which also makes people’s stay in the house more comfortable.


The brick thickness is sufficient to provide good sound insulation in the house. Sounds will not penetrate into rooms even if you choose the thickness interior walls half a brick.


Buildings made of ceramic bricks look representative. Products are produced in different colors, thanks to which the construction customer can choose the one that suits him appearance material. In addition, it is possible to use facing bricks to improve the aesthetics of the building facade.

Stages of building a house made of ceramic bricks

  • Preparation land plot for construction work.
  • Installation of the foundation. Usually a pile foundation is chosen.
  • Installation of subfloor.
  • Construction of a building frame made of ceramic bricks.
  • Installation of interfloor ceilings.
  • Installing a house roof.
  • Cladding of external walls.
  • Leading up to the construction of utilities.
  • Improvement of the local area.
  • Delivery of finished brick house to the client.

How to reduce the cost of building a house

One of the ways to reduce the costs of constructing residential buildings without compromising their strength and reliability is to buy a ready-made house kit, which will provide all the materials and elements necessary for building a house. The main thing that needs to be taken into account when choosing it is compliance with SNiP standards and the climatic conditions in which the structure will be erected and operated.

The Kerma company produces ready-made house kits made of ceramic bricks and offers its clients assistance in implementing a house project. The company's specialists will talk about the advantages and characteristics of building materials used to construct the building.

The advantage of purchasing a house kit from Kerma is a long warranty. The warranty period established by the manufacturer for its products is 20 years from the date of commissioning of the building. Therefore, purchasing a house kit from a factory is beneficial for future owners of brick houses.

Porous brick quickly gained popularity among builders and buyers due to its special properties. You can find a lot of positive feedback about this material, but many try to ignore the shortcomings.

Porous brick is not ideal, but its distribution in Europe and Russia has nothing to do with some disadvantages. In most cases, they are subjective and based on the private opinions of users.

Construction of a house made of porous bricks also has a number of features that should be taken into account, ranging from a well-developed project to the qualification level of the builders. By contacting our specialists, you can quickly and efficiently carry out turnkey brick house construction. Many years of experience in the construction of cottages and private houses allows the InnovaStroy team to create structures of any complexity from the material you choose.

House made of porous bricks: material properties

First of all, it is worth noting that the material described has a lot positive qualities. “Porous” means the presence of microscopic pores in the mass, which give blocks and bricks their unique properties. Let's look at them in order.


Most important indicator, which is considered when choosing building materials. The special structure with internal voids makes it possible to accept enough high pressure on any side of the brick - up to 150 kg/ In this case, internal pores serve as additional local foci that counteract pressure on the material. Construction of a private house from porous bricks– guarantee of its service for more than 100 years. This has been proven by numerous experiences and practices in Europe.

Environmental friendliness

Porous brick blocks are made from clay and organic impurities. After firing at 1800°C, all small fractions burn out and form the famous pores in the mass of the material. Apart from natural ingredients, the block should not contain anything else.


Let's combine sound and heat insulation with this term. Thanks to internal voids and pores, brick blocks provide perfect protection. The resulting air barrier prevents the penetration of sound waves and reduces heat transfer by three times compared to gas blocks. Construction of cottages made of porous bricks in InnovaStroy is provided minimal costs for additional outer covering heat insulators.

physical characteristics

There are several in industry standard sizes for porous brick blocks. All of them are quite large and voluminous, replacing 15 standard bricks. This reduces the amount of building material when constructing walls and ceilings and reduces transportation costs. With its dimensions, for example 250x120x128 mm, or 260x250x215 mm, it weighs around 4-6 kilograms. They are convenient to carry and install. At the same time, building a wall takes 2-2.5 times less time than when laying with ordinary bricks. The construction of a house made of porous bricks is facilitated by the fact that side faces have zigzag keys that do not require cement mortar. They create an additional air barrier in areas of greatest heat loss - at the seams.


Due to its low weight, the entire structure of the cottage is quite light. This means that such a house can be built on any soil and use light foundations. It is enough that the width of the support is strip foundation was equal to the width load-bearing wall, and you can build a cottage. There are also significant savings on the solution. Porous brick blocks require only 2mm joints between courses. Taking into account that the seams themselves are 5 times smaller than with brickwork, then the savings are noticeable.

Construction of a private house from porous bricks: disadvantages

All cons of this material are technical in nature and can be easily leveled if order an individual house project from the professionals of our company and entrust them with the construction of the cottage. To evaluate the effectiveness of using porous bricks, the disadvantages also need to be stated:

  1. Price. The price for each block is quite high due to the nature of production. All natural materials require financial resources. Although, if you combine all the points described above with savings, then the final estimate looks quite attractive. Of course, if it was compiled by our specialists who care about your every ruble.
  2. Difficulty of processing. Despite their positive properties, porous brick block has a certain level of fragility. That is, to cut off the floor of a block or create a shaped cut, you need to use special equipment. If the construction is carried out by our company, then this drawback can be ignored.
  3. Limitation of number of storeys. According to the company’s practice, it is worth noting that porous brick is sufficient to build a three-story cottage. It will cope with the functions normally load-bearing structures. If a more serious construction is required or your cottage should have a unique shape, then it is better to use monolithic frame, and use porous bricks to build walls and partitions inside the house. This is also a dubious drawback, but to many it seems very significant.

Does it make sense to build a house from porous bricks?

The answer may seem predictable, but all the advantages of the material described above confirm that there is a sense in construction, especially since porous brick blocks have been popular for many years in private construction abroad. Despite its main disadvantage - price, the material has so many advantages that it outweighs any disadvantages. With proper design and rational budgeting, you can ensure that the cost of the cottage will be very profitable.

One should not discount the fact that a well-built house made of porous brick can last more than 100 years. This will be a reliable stronghold for your family, children, grandchildren and subsequent generations.

Order the construction of a house made of porous bricks now

The InnovaStroy company has extensive experience in the construction of structures from porous brick blocks in any region of Russia. Competent design and use of the latest computer programs help to create technically correct documentation for the full construction of your cottage. Engaging only qualified builders and reliable suppliers guarantees high quality construction. Taking into account all the wishes of the customer and positive characteristics material will provide excellent results when building a cottage from environmentally friendly material.