How to organize home care and propagation of Cyperus. Care and propagation of Cyperus at home

Unfortunately, there are still few fans of home-grown cyperus. Outwardly, it is not as attractive as other indoor plants, because it cannot boast of lush greenery and blooms ineffectively. But in fact, this marsh grass has several advantages that are appreciated by a lot of plant growers. It is undemanding in terms of keeping conditions, unpretentious in care, and planting it in a home pond and propagating it “upside down” is truly a creative and exciting activity.

Ancient papyri were made from this herb.

The houseplant Cyperus (from the Latin Cyperus) is a genus of wild herbs, in nature it has the names sytnyag, sytnyag or sytovnik. There are more than five hundred species of sati, and most of them are found in subtropical areas, where they grow along water bodies. But even in our swampy areas, a direct relative of Cyperus lives - this is sedge, or reed.

Cyperus looks like dill, as it has similar umbrellas on tall stems, but people are more accustomed to calling it a miniature palm tree.

Cyperus is found mainly in Africa, where it grows up to three meters in height, representing a spreading bush of erect triangular stems with umbrella whorls at the end, consisting of leaves of different lengths and colors. It does not bloom very attractively, scattering brown inflorescences throughout the rosette.

This plant grows along the banks of reservoirs, and often right in them. Cyperus roots are not subject to rotting and feel great in water. Therefore, the plant is considered a marsh plant.

Few people know that, in addition to aesthetic pleasure, cyperus can provide healing benefits. The plant is credited with such qualities as normalizing blood pressure and sleep; in addition, it is said to have a positive effect on vision and generally create a favorable and harmonious atmosphere in everyday life and family.

Cyperus is unpretentious. He does not need a south window sill, he does not require direct lighting and is content with weak diffused rays. Thanks to this feature, Cyperus looks great in the back of the apartment, in a floor pot.

The only thing that a flower is really demanding about is soil moisture. You can safely flood the pot with cyperus until it becomes a “swamp”: the plant will respond to this with lush greenery.

Zumula, papyrus, parchment and other varieties of cyperus

Among indoor species Cyperus there are several of the most famous:

  • Cyperus alternate-leaved, or umbelliferous. Most popular look. It reaches a height of one and a half meters, although there is a compact form about half a meter high. There is also a variegated version with leaves with white longitudinal stripes.
  • . The height of this species does not exceed 90 cm. It produces few stems, but produces many basal leaves. At the tops of the stems, the leaves grow up to 30 cm long and 1.5 cm wide.
  • . This three-meter-tall plant is native to Egypt and was used as a raw material for papyrus in ancient times.
  • . The dwarf Cyperus species does not grow above 30 cm and perfectly decorates small cozy rooms where it has nowhere to get lost.
  • Zumula. Externally, this species is compared to a fountain, and among house flowers it is known as “cyperus for cats,” since these animals really love to feast on its greenery.
  • Helfera. This is a unique variety of Cyperus because it feels equally at home on land and in water. Most often, Helfera can be found in aquariums, where the flower forms lush thickets . True, it is recommended to enrich the water in the tank for Cyperus carbon dioxide, so in such an environment it is grown only under the conditions of a proper aquatic herbalist.

Photo gallery: external differences between Cyperus varieties

Cyperus helfera is not large, grows well in an aquarium Spreading Cyperus prefers to grow wider Cyperus alternate-leaved - the most common species Zumula - a variety of Cyperus that cats love very much Cyperus papyrus can grow up to 3 meters in height Cyperus graceful - a compact plant for the home

Cyperus adapts to almost any type of lighting. The main thing is that its daylight hours are at least 16 hours.

In the warm season, the plant prefers to be in the fresh air, so it is recommended to periodically keep the plant in an open window or take it out onto the balcony or into the yard.

It is better to place the pot with cyperus in a deep tray, where you should constantly add water. This way you can regulate the level of air humidity in the flower’s habitat. If this is not possible, then a container with water is installed next to it. Many people simply spray Cyperus once a day in winter and a couple of times a week in summer, while watering it regularly. The plant should be sprayed with soft and settled water. room temperature.

Table: parameters for growing marsh scum

Options Autumn winter Spring Summer
LightingIn short daylight conditions it feels good, but will not refuse additional illumination with a fluorescent lamp.Can tolerate short-term direct rays, but prefers diffused light.
TemperatureThe air temperature should not fall below 12 °C.The average daily temperature should range between 17–23 °C.
WateringWatering is reduced, but soil moisture is maintained constant.Abundant daily watering.
HumidityDo not keep near batteries and periodically irrigate the greens.No need to spray. Enough watering and ventilation of the room.

How to transplant Cyperus or plant it in a home pond

Since Cyperus flowers do not provide aesthetic pleasure, and this plant does not need rest, it is replanted at a convenient time, regardless of the climatic phase, when the plant has outgrown its previous pot. Nevertheless optimal time for transplantation - March.

Pot, soil composition and sand

  • turf land - two parts;
  • leaf soil or peat - one part;
  • gravel crumbs, or better yet very coarse river sand - one part.

Sand is added to make the soil loose and porous. You need the coarsest river sand, washed and scalded with boiling water.. The particle fraction is from 3 to 5 mm (almost small pebbles).

If you are considering purchased soil, then the one for melons or pumpkin crops is suitable, because such soils include peat additives.

You need to take a pot that is spacious and deep, since Cyperus likes to grow in a horizontal plane. Space is also needed for the earthen coma, with which Cyperus needs to be transplanted, so it is necessary to calculate the volume of the new “dwelling” taking into account these two conditions.



Features of care

Cyperus is an undemanding flower, and all it needs is moisture, balanced nutrition, attention and human warmth.

How to properly organize watering

Cyperus should be watered daily and periodically sprayed on the foliage. No wonder its name literally means “growing in water.” Cyperus does not need a period of rest and develops constantly, regardless of the changing seasons. It grows equally well in cool conditions and in warm conditions. Due to this constant development, the plant always needs additional nutrition.

What and how to feed

In spring and summer, once every 10 or 14 days, the flower should be fertilized with a mineral complex fertilizer or biofertilizer for indoor plants. The rest of the time, one feeding per 30 days is enough for Cyperus. When Cyperus is grown hydroponically, it is recommended to use special fertilizers for the aquatic substrate: mineral Flora Series or organic BioSevia.

Why problems arise and how to solve them

Despite its persistence and undemanding satiety, regular violations of growing conditions will not have the best effect on your cyperus.

Drying leaf tips and other signs of a weakened plant

Cyperus signals errors in care by deteriorating appearance:

  1. The leaves turn yellow and dry out. This happens if the air around the cyperus is dry. The plant should be watered, place the flower in a container with warm water and irrigate the leaf, and then maintain the necessary air humidity.
  2. Leaves turn yellow and die. If Cyperus is gradually “going bald”, this means that he simply lacks warmth. In such cases, the dead greenery is removed and the plant is cared for as usual, raising the air temperature. Cyperus will recover on its own.
  3. Leaves wither and growth slows down. These symptoms are characteristic of a flower that does not have enough light. Although Cyperus normally tolerates poor lighting, it still needs it, like any plant, for the process of photosynthesis. No photosynthesis - no life and development.

How to avoid mistakes:

  1. Dry soil is unacceptable for cyperus, it has a detrimental effect on the root system, therefore, if it is not possible to moisten the soil in the pot every day, you should definitely keep the flower in a tray with water, allowing the plant to “get its feet wet.”
  2. The foliage of the plant also needs irrigation. Since the flower is not afraid of being flooded, you can bathe it in the bathroom and do this every day, watering it from a shower or watering can. Only the water should not be cold, and in areas with hard tap water or with chemical impurities, cyperus should be irrigated only with settled liquid.
  3. The flower should be fertilized no more often than once every 2 weeks, since the plant can also suffer from overfeeding.

  4. It is not recommended to place the pot near a central heating radiator due to the risk of the soil drying out, but it should not be kept in a draft or near open windows during the cold period. Don't forget where this plant comes from: there is no winter in Africa.

Diseases and pests

Everyone knows that even when kept at home, indoor plants are attacked by pests or suddenly show signs of illness. In order to learn to understand this cry for help, it is necessary to “know by sight” such enemies as:

Green aphids live and reproduce in colonies in warm weather. It feeds on the sap of plants, damaging them, the leaves curl and dry out. If aphids are detected in time, they can simply be washed off the flower and protect the plant from being treated with chemicals.

When the moment is missed and the pest has multiplied, it is worth using an insecticide, but first try to get rid of the insect using folk remedies: sprinkle with infusion of citrus peel, tobacco, red pepper or garlic with the addition of a drop liquid soap. The stronger the infusion, the more effective the result.

Thrips are a common pest. It can be detected by black dots on the back of the sheet. It is dangerous in the adult and larval stages, exposing the plant to the formation of sooty fungus.

Good air humidity around Cyperus and sticky traps for flying insects will help to avoid thrips attacks, and from safe drugs Fitoverm is considered the most effective. After dissolving 2 ml of the product in a glass of water, you need to thoroughly spray the plant and put it on it. plastic bag for a day. The mealybug is popularly called the hairy louse. Thrips often appear in the house along with a bouquet of flowers from the store

What methods of reproduction should be used?

Cyperus reproduces in three different ways: division, seeds and leaf rosettes, but papyrus, for example, only divides or throws out seeds.

Feed from seeds

This method is used during long daylight hours and short nights, since young shoots of Cyperus require a lot of light.


When propagated by seeds, many features of the variety may disappear, for example, variegation of leaves.

Rooting an umbrella rosette

In nature, the cyperus umbrella independently bends towards the water and grows roots. Over time, the “parent” stem rots and an independent plant separates from the bush. In the same way, using an inverted rosette of an umbrella, you can root Cyperus “in a window sill”:

Video: rooting Cyperus umbrellas in the ground

Planting shoots during transplantation

When replanting a two-year-old bush, you can simply divide it by its roots into several parts, planting it in different pots. Cyperus is able to recover quickly, so in this case there is no need to monitor rooting.

You can organize thickets on a terrace or balcony that sway in the wind using cyperus. This is one of the many species that is part of the sedge family. Other names for cyperus are cyperus, rosemary, which are sometimes found in botanical literature and landscape design manuals.

The plant's homeland is considered to be the tropical forests of Africa, America, and Eurasia. Often found in wetlands where there is plenty of water and a warm climate.

Description of Cyperus

For its love of water bodies and moist soil, in Egyptian folklore the flower was called “gift of the river.” IN wildlife Cyperus reaches 3-5 m, forming a dense, impenetrable wall. Some varietal representatives reach no more than 50 cm during the growing season. When choosing a planting site, you should take into account the height of the future plant.

Cyperus has long stems, the tops of which are framed by a rosette of whorled thin leaves. The flower stalks are triangular in shape, erect, flexible, and therefore do not break under the pressure of the wind. Linear leaves open in the form of umbrellas, where they are distributed unevenly and vary in length. The result is a kind of sun rays that give the flower volume.

The plant is heterogeneous in color, the color range ranges from green to light green, sometimes white and brown appear.

The flowers are inconspicuous, small, pale green or milky in color, arranged in a rosette or singly. Some varieties bloom throughout the summer until mid-autumn, but more often flowers can be seen in June-July. After flowering, small fruits appear - nuts or spikelets of a brownish color. Pollination occurs due to the wind - the pollen is small and abundant and quickly spread by the wind to nearby plants.

The root of Cyperus is long and creeping, located on the surface of the soil. Sometimes instead of a root there may be spindle-shaped processes, which does not interfere with obtaining nutrients from the soil. The type of root depends on species diversity, so before landing you need to take this into account, ensure required composition soil. Some species have a short root, which is suitable for indoor growing in a pot or flowerpot.

The moth does not like a lot of light, prefers shady rooms and garden areas, and looks good next to a pond or aquarium.

Growing Cyperus at home

If you need to fill the room with freshness, then the plant will cope with this task perfectly. Its thin stems with thread-like umbrellas move from any wind or draft (open window, fan, air conditioner), captivating the eye with its unique lightness and unusual appearance.


Despite the low need for sunlight, Cyperus does not tolerate a long absence of sun, so short winter days need to be “extended” with the help of artificial lighting with fluorescent lamps. The eastern and western sides of the house are perfect when direct rays enter the room 4-6 hours a day. If all the windows are on the south side, then the light is slightly shaded by placing the flower in far corner away from the window. So the light will be bright, but diffused, which is important for active growth and flowering.

Air temperature

A room temperature of 22-26 degrees in the summer during the growing season is considered normal for satiety. In winter you can reduce the temperature to 14 degrees, but not lower, so open windows It is not recommended to leave it for a long time, and the flower itself is removed further from the window. In nature, a healthy adult plant tolerates 0-2 degrees. Warm apartments it is better to ventilate more often to maintain optimal temperature. An increase in the thermometer in an apartment in the summer will have an adverse effect on the entire plant.

Air humidity

Aquatic origin made the plant demanding of moisture not only in the soil, but also in the air. An excellent indicator of air humidity is considered to be 70-75%, which may not be liked by other green residents, so you need to carefully select neighbors for cyperus.

You can maintain air humidity using room humidifier, regular spraying of the green mass of the plant, dousing in the shower. Water douches help clean the leaves and stems of dust and “revive” the plant. Aquariums and other water containers also help maintain air humidity levels.


The plant loves a lot of water, but does not tolerate stagnation - the roots and stems begin to rot. The tropical climate with heavy rains moistens the soil, and the scorching sun manages to evaporate excess moisture. To maintain the necessary soil moisture, water the apartment every day, not allowing the soil to dry out.

The easiest way to maintain a constant level of humidity is to use root bottom watering through a tray, from where the plant will take required amount water.

Fertilizing with mineral and organic fertilizers

Cyperus responds gratefully to mineral fertilizer for indoor flowers, which is necessary for decorative foliage plants. Fertilizers are applied every 2-3 weeks throughout the growing season, reducing by a third per winter period. Only a period of active growth can guarantee complete absorption of fertilizers; an excess is as harmful as a deficiency. Complex feeding should include nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus minerals.
Fertilizer application rules:

  • follow the manufacturer's dosage; there may be simple and concentrated formulations;
  • halve the dose for young bushes;
  • prevent the solution from getting on the green mass, which can cause burns;
  • Nitrogen fertilizers are applied first during the season, which help the formation of green mass; potassium and phosphorus are added for flowering and vegetation;
  • Before adding the solution, thoroughly water the soil, otherwise there is a risk of burning the roots.

Cyperus transplantation and soil selection

It can be carried out at any time of the year; the plant tolerates it well without compromising growth. Florists recommend observing seasonal seating - in early spring and late autumn, during periods when plant growth stops. Before planting, it is necessary to ensure stable temperature and humidity to avoid stress.

Young bushes are replanted annually, changing the volume of the vessel. An adult plant is replanted only if the soil is completely depleted; cyperus does not grow in one pot all the time, so you need to monitor the condition of the soil and replace it in a timely manner.

Cyperus is suitable for a deep, but not wide vessel, the bottom of which is filled a quarter with pebbles and sand. Land for planting is mixed with peat, sand, dry grass to provide good drainage, and water will bubble around the root system. Wood sawdust and shavings or dried tea leaves are poured on top for good air exchange.

  • The soil can be selected ready-made for moisture-loving indoor plants, or you can mix it yourself, maintaining an acid-base environment of pH 5-8.5.
  • It will be great if you add sapropel or river silt to the soil.
  • The ratio of peat soil, humus, and marsh silt is 1:1:1/6.
  • The ratio of clay-turf soil, leaves, peat, river sand 2:1:1:1.
  • You can add brick chips sifted from dust to the bottom of the container, charcoal, crushed eggshells. Cyperus grows well on hydroponic material, but it is better to follow the proportions for soil preparation.

How to transplant Cyperus, look at the video:

Reproduction of Cyperus

There are many ways to propagate Cyperus: seeds, tubers, cuttings, small rosettes. The choice depends on the growing conditions, the preferences of the gardener, and the ability to purchase seed material or shoots. If planting is being done for the first time, and there is no adult plant nearby, then the choice is obvious - the seed method, labor-intensive but effective.

Growing Cyperus from seeds

  • Seeds from the bag are treated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate to disinfect.
  • They are sown on prepared soil made of sand and peat in small containers; you can even use food containers by making holes in the bottom for drainage.
  • The seeds are not covered with soil, but are only sprinkled with water from above, maintaining a constant level of humidity.
  • For better germination, the seedling container is covered with film or glass, this creates a greenhouse effect.
  • Remember that direct sunlight has a negative effect on the condition of plants; it is better to provide long daylight hours with diffused light.
  • Temperature environment should be at least 18 degrees, it is better to maintain stability so that sprouts appear faster.
  • After 4-5 true leaves appear, the seedlings are planted in pots of 3 each.

Plants love abundant watering, but there must be good drainage, so the soil will not become acidic and putrefactive diseases will not occur.

Propagation by leaf rosettes

As the plant increases in size, another one appears in the center of each leaf rosette.

  • The rosette can be plucked off, grabbing a little stem, placed in wet sand, ensuring the bottom heating of the soil to 24 degrees. In a few days, the cyperus will give roots. Such a shoot can be planted in prepared soil, providing standard care.
  • Some do not pinch off the shoot, but bend the stem and cover it with soil. When roots appear, the shoot is separated with a knife and transplanted into a new pot.

Cyperus rosette with a sprouted root photo How to propagate Cyperus

  • Germination in water gives good results: just throw the rosettes into the water and they will take root, after which the seedlings can be planted directly into the prepared pot.

Cyperus cuttings How to plant cyperus from cuttings

Cutting stems in the spring can be a way to get some new bushes.

  • The peduncle is cut off under the last whorl node, and the leaves are cut to a third of their length.
  • The finished cutting is placed in sand, watered abundantly and as for an adult plant until roots appear.

Propagation of Cyperus by cuttings How to grow Cyperus

  • You can also place the cuttings in water and wait for the roots to appear, and then plant them in the ground.
  • When the plant will go in growth, transplanted into a nutritious soil mixture in a pot of the same size.

Cyperus cuttings can expel roots and new shoots simply in water

As you can see, it is very easy to propagate cyperus; the plant quickly takes root; it is enough to provide the cuttings with moisture.

Dividing the bush and propagating by tubers

  • When replanting, you can divide the bush with a sharp, disinfected knife, and treat the cut areas with wood or activated carbon, ash.
  • The finished bush can be planted immediately in the prepared place, providing fertilizing, watering, and favorable conditions. Important! The bush must be at least two years old, otherwise root system will not be ready for division. Periodically you need to change the pot size so that active growth does not stop.
  • Rhizomatous tubers can also be used for production by simply planting them separately.

Caring for Cyperus at home and possible problems

Despite the ease of cultivation, corn has a number of features, knowledge of which will allow you to avoid diseases, and appearance will delight with its lush crown.

  1. If the leaves have become smaller and their color has changed to lighter, then the plant needs additional lighting. This happens in winter, especially in northern regions when daylight hours are less than 8 hours.
  2. Why do Cyperus leaves turn yellow? Dry air burns the leaves and flower tops; they turn yellow or brown if there is a lack of moisture. The solution will be abundant regular watering and installation of additional humidifiers. You should avoid being near heat sources: heating radiators, etc. You can place the pot in a larger pot with water to satisfy the plant’s need for moisture (water will cover the surface of the earth by 2-3 cm). The cause of yellowing of the leaves can be the usual depletion of the soil, when the roots completely fill the space in the pot and the plant is already cramped. It needs to be replanted into a larger container with soil replacement.
  3. High temperatures can cause the entire bush or its individual parts to wither: leaves, inflorescences, stem tips. Regular ventilation and indoor climate control will help solve the problem.
  4. The lack of growth or its slow pace indicates that it is time to change the flower pot for a larger one or it is time to change the soil. After replacing the soil and selecting a suitable container, active growth will continue and flowering will resume.
  5. On the south side, often in direct sunlight the leaves become covered gray spots. This means the plant has received sunburn. To prevent this from happening again, you need to cover the bush from direct rays.
  6. The softness of the leaves or their brown color indicates favorable conditions cultivation: low temperatures, stagnant water, dry air, direct sunlight. Compliance with Cyperus agricultural technology will allow you to avoid unpleasant incidents.


Like any plant, Cyperus can be affected by thrips, spider mites, whiteflies, and mealybugs. Treating indoor plants with special solutions against pests will help avoid unwanted guests.
Signs of Cyperus pest damage:

  • punctures along the edge of the sheet;
  • deformation and yellowish tint of the leaf plate;
  • cobwebs in the internodal spaces, on the back of the umbrellas;
  • white dots on inside leaves, midges around;
  • cotton balls and a sweetish-sticky coating on the stem and leaves.

If cyperus is affected by pests, urgent sanitation is necessary. You can use folk remedies: prepare a soap, alcohol, oil solution or buy special insecticides. It is better to carry out the treatment outside so that no harmful substances remain in the house.

Signs and superstitions, the use of cyperus

  • It is believed that the shape of the bush with multi-level stems and umbrellas of leaves is similar to a waterfall, carrying energy into the house where the flower grows.
  • The energetic power of the flower helps to maintain activity and vigor throughout the day, and the flow of waves helps to overcome complex problems.
  • Cyperus is not for idle days, it does not tolerate wasted time, its energy encourages movement, so be prepared for activity after communicating with the plant.
  • The flower will become a desirable resident in the premises of students, scientists, and students. Its energy will help cope with educational and mental stress, and the increased release of oxygen will make the brain more active.

Practical use of the plant

In Egypt, boxes and mats are woven from strong stems. Pre-dried syti grass is woven tightly together so that there is no space. The density can be adjusted to be used for different purposes: food storage, home decoration, sun protection. The rhizome is used for food, adding to first and second courses, salads, and making decoctions and drinks.

From an ancient species, Cyperus papyrus, papyrus, the first paper, was made in the past. Many ancient monoliths preserved parts of papyrus books. Now the plant is listed in the Red Book as an endangered species.

In the homeland of Cyperus, it is considered a weed due to its creeping and active growth, therefore, when growing cultivated plants the weed is destroyed like a weed.

Use in folk medicine

A decoction of leaves and stems helps with insomnia and headaches, and a drink drunk on an empty stomach will help speed up metabolic processes and normalize blood pressure. The taste of the infusion is herbal, without bitterness with pleasant aroma. You can add honey, then the drink is suitable for treating stomach pain.

Cyperus species

Not all types and varieties of cyperus are suitable; most often they grow “Cyperus regular”. The plant is tall, reaching 2 meters under favorable conditions, with a triangular stem and neat umbrellas of leaves cascading down like a waterfall. The flowering is inconspicuous, mostly green flowers with a spike-shaped fruit. Grown for its beautiful leafy umbels that form an elegant crown at the top.

There are several varieties of Cyperus, which differ in the shape of the bush, place of growth, origin, and use.

  • Cyperus graceful is distinguished by its reduced size, short leaves, and pale green color.
  • Cyperus variegata with a white stem and light striped leaves.
  • Cyperus Zumula is represented by long leaves that fall like a waterfall, sometimes exceeding the size of the stem.
  • Cyperus Papyrus reaches a height of 3 m, so it is not a frequent guest for growing indoors. Although it can be found in multi-level mall, art institutions and tropical greenhouses.

Rosettes of long leaves form at the tops of stems that droop downward like the flow of a stream. It gained popularity for its use as the basis for the writing of the ancient peoples of Egypt. Nowadays you can find its thickets on the banks of the Nile.

  • Spreading Cyperus is the most compact of the rush plants, its height does not reach 1 m and ranges from 60-90 cm. The leaves cover the entire stem, the rosettes vary in size and number of leaves. Outwardly, the bush resembles a small palm tree.

For ornamental cultivation everyone uses listed species, taking into account the conditions for optimal growth. Cyperus grows actively near a body of water, so it will feel great next to an artificial source of water or in an aquarium.

Cyperus is a beautiful herbaceous plant that grows quickly and produces dense clumps of green vegetation. It will definitely appeal to lovers of decorative foliage indoor flowers and large green compositions. Caring for Cyperus is very simple, so even a beginner can handle it. In its natural environment, the plant lives along the shores of fresh water bodies and is found in the tropics of every continent on our planet.

Botanical description

Cyperus is a perennial of the sedge family. In the wild, its unusual stems grow 3-4 m in height. Indoor specimens, thanks to regular pruning, do not exceed 1-1.5 m. The rhizome of the plant is highly branched and is located in upper layers soil.

Single erect stems without lateral branches grow from the ground. The top of the shoot is crowned with an umbrella of long and flat leaves. The base of the stem gradually turns yellowish-brown. At the top of the growth, light green, sometimes bluish shades predominate.

The flowering period occurs in the summer months, although cyperus often blooms all year round. In the umbrella itself, in the axils of the leaves, small flowers are formed, painted in yellow-green tones. Small, oblong, grey-brown seeds ripen in small seed pods.

Cyperus species

In total, there are about 600 species in the genus Cyperus. They are all quite similar to each other. Only a few varieties of Cyperus can grow at home.

The plant forms a lush tuft of vegetation up to 60 cm high. Each stem ends with a simple umbrella of erect leaves.

A herbaceous perennial up to 1.5 m high, it has many narrow leaves. Based on this species, breeders have developed varieties with variegated or dark green leaves. Under comfortable conditions, it can bloom with inconspicuous yellow flowers throughout the year.

This plant can grow up to 2 m in height. It has thicker, fleshy stems and a dense mop of thin leaves. Cyperus papyrus is more demanding in terms of care.

A plant up to 45 cm high lives near the shores of swamps. On a short stem there is a dense panicle of long, soft leaves. The plant prefers flooded soil and can grow in aquariums.


Cyperus reproduces by seed and vegetative methods. The simplest method is dividing the rhizome. In just a year, the bush produces many basal shoots, which have a full-fledged rhizome and are capable of independent growth. It is enough just to separate part of the curtain from the total mass and plant it in a separate pot, in the ground for adult plants. The young plant does not require additional processing or adaptation.

More painstaking is the propagation of cyperus by rooting apical cuttings. It is necessary to cut off the leaf rosette from the stem so that about 4-5 cm of the stem remains on the cutting. The leaves are also significantly shortened, leaving only 0.5-3 cm on the petiole. The stalk is turned upside down and immersed in water by 1-2 cm. The roots appear in 7-12 days. 25 days after pruning, the cuttings can be rooted in the soil.

Growing Cyperus from seeds is quite difficult. Seeds are sown in a box with moist sandy-peaty soil. There is no need to cover them with soil. The container is covered with glass and left in a room with an air temperature of about +18°C. It is important to regularly ventilate and moisten the soil in a timely manner. With the emergence of seedlings, the greenhouse is moved to a room with bright diffused light and the cover is removed. Grown seedlings are picked and transplanted into separate pots of 2-3 pieces.

Planting and transplanting

Young Cyperus should be planted in medium-sized pots. The plant develops very quickly, so it needs replanting every 1-3 years. It is advisable to carry it out in March, but not necessary. Throughout the year, the plant tolerates this procedure well. The rhizome tightly envelops the earthen lump and seems to be bursting the pot. Choose a container that is wide and not too deep.

Since cyperus normally tolerates flooding of the soil, drainage holes and a layer of granular material at the bottom are not necessary. Slightly acidic nutrient soil is preferred. To compile it you can use:

  • clay-turf soil;
  • peat;
  • leaf soil;
  • river sand.

It is useful to add a little swamp silt to the substrate. Transplantation is carried out by transferring an earthen clod. There is no need to clear the soil of roots.

Plant care

At home, caring for Cyperus consists of selecting right place habitat and regular hydration. The plant needs a room with intense diffused light, although some partial shade is acceptable. In the summer, it is recommended to take pots of cyperus into the garden under the shade of trees. Direct sunlight, especially on hot days, burns tender leaves. As a result, the cyperus turns yellow and dries.

The optimal air temperature for the plant is +18…+25°C. You can place the pot in a cooler room, but not colder than +10°C. There is no need to provide a period of rest and winter cold.

Cyperus is demanding on air humidity. In dry rooms, the edges of the leaves turn brown and dry out. If there is an aquarium or fountain in the house, you should place the plant closer to them. In summer, it is also advisable to choose a place in the garden near a pond. It is useful to regularly spray the crown with soft water.

Cyperus should be watered frequently and abundantly. The soil should never dry out. Instead of periodic watering, you can partially immerse the pot in water so that the rhizome constantly has access to it.

Cyperus is fed in March-August 2-3 times a month. The plant does not have a dormant period and blooms all year round, so feeding is not stopped in winter. Mineral and organic compounds are added monthly in the fall.

Cyperus is resistant to plant diseases and pests. It is extremely rare to find on its crown spider mite or scale insects. They usually attack the plant during periods of heat and drought. If insects are detected, it is necessary to urgently spray the crown with an insecticide.

Benefits of Cyperus

Since ancient times, cyperus has been of great practical importance. Its durable stems were used to weave baskets, clothing, and to make ancient paper, papyrus. The fleshy roots of some types of Cyperus were eaten, for which it even received the name “earth almond.”

Some flower growers wonder: “Is it possible to buy a cyperus flower for your home, because there are many superstitions associated with it?” Fans of esotericism give an affirmative answer. Cyperus brings only benefits. It expels negative energy, protects the home and stimulates household members’ desire to learn new things. Tsiperus in the house fights his owner’s depression, protects him from deception and betrayal.

In addition to influencing subtle energies, cyperus improves physical well-being. The plant produces useful material, which purify the air and destroy harmful bacteria. The best place for it is the bedroom, where it promotes relaxation and sound sleep.

The plant's great need for water influenced its name. The Egyptians noticed that the irreplaceable flower grew exclusively along river banks and in swamps and called it “gift of the river” - this is how the word “cyperus” is translated from Egyptian.

The plant was brought to Europe at the end of the 18th century - then exotic flower decorated only the greenhouses of rich people. Cyperus then spread to all continents. Walking around the world, it acquired many new names: “syt”, “sitovnik” - they call a native of the tropics in Russia, “umbrella plant” in the mouths of the British.

Photo gallery of the most common types

Cyperus is a perennial plant that belongs to the sedge family. About 600 of its varieties are known in nature. All species are similar in appearance: many herbaceous stems with closely spaced nodes at the top, leaves growing from the nodes form a nice umbrella. Several varieties of Cyperus are quite suitable for indoor floriculture, you can see them in our photo gallery


This plant looks very original: there are so many thin leaves that they form a thick panicle, hanging down under its own weight. Blooming papyrus looks like a fluffy ball thanks to hundreds of small flowers on fragile legs.

Caring for Cyperus pharaoh (one of the common names of this variety) is quite difficult; the plant drinks a lot of water and does not tolerate drying out of the soil in the pot. But with constant attention, the specimen grows into a powerful and tall - up to two meters - handsome man.


This unique look Cyperus: it is equally well adapted to life “on land” and in water. Its ability to live in water for a long time has earned the plant great love among indoor fish lovers.

In the aquarium, Cyperus Helfera grows into lush, bright thickets, where fish hide with pleasure.

The plant does not require special conditions, even novice gardeners can take care of it. When kept in an aquarium, the water should be enriched with carbon dioxide. Cyperus is small: in a room it reaches a height of 60 centimeters, and in water it grows up to 30 centimeters.


This variety of cyperus looks very much like a fountain: on high stems there are drooping leaves, the length of which exceeds the height of the stems. The spectacular plant takes root well in all places with excess moisture, including winter gardens. Cyperus likes home ponds as a temporary place of residence.

Cyperus Zumula delicacy for cats

Many indoor plants are often enjoyed by cats. Cyperus Zumula is especially respected by animals, so its imported seeds are often sold as “cyperus for cats.” A flower gnawed by sharp teeth looks sloppy and unsightly; if possible, protect it from the attention of furry pets.


This is a miniature swamp palm: the leaves at the base are only 2-3 centimeters wide, and the height of the plant is no more than 60 centimeters. Cyperus is not picky and grows well in any apartment. Its only requirement is regular spraying from a spray bottle.


Cyperus evokes admiration: the powerful spreading leaves at the base reach a width of 50 centimeters and a length of more than a meter. Hold tall plant Only a roomy floor planter can. There is also dwarf variety cyperus alternate-leaved, its size does not exceed 30 centimeters.

The plant is quite capricious and, if moved, has a hard time getting used to new conditions. It is impossible to “fill” it - the ground is in flower pot should represent a real swamp.

How to properly care?

Growing Cyperus at home is a pleasure: the plant (with the exception of papyrus, which absorbs water in huge quantities) is absolutely undemanding and easily adapts to any microclimate. The flower develops throughout the year and does not fall asleep for the winter, so the rules for caring for it in warm and cold weather are almost the same.

The best soil composition

The soil should be light and nutritious. Best cast- equal parts of humus, sand and peat and three parts leaf soil. Adding brick chips and pieces of charcoal to the soil mixture will help retain moisture in the soil.

Watering and lighting

Cyperus loves moisture! The plant should be watered frequently and abundantly, preferably with pre-settled water at room temperature. Dry soil is detrimental to roots, so good solution There will be a placement of a flower pot on a large tray, always filled with water. In winter, watering is reduced and water is periodically poured out of the pan.

Leaves and flowers require irrigation

Cyperus leaves and flowers also need irrigation. Give your green pet a warm shower weekly and spray it several times a day warm water. Don't be afraid to overdo it - there is no excess moisture for this plant.

Cyperus tolerates strong illumination well, but bright sunlight causes burns and leaf curling. Therefore, during the daytime in summer, shade the flower or temporarily move it from the windowsill to another place. If the plant is grown in artificial conditions, the backlight should be turned on for at least 15 hours a day, both in summer and winter.

Optimal temperature for growing

He does not tolerate heat well. Best temperature in summer - from 18 to 25 degrees. In winter, the plant needs cooler air - 16-18 degrees. It will also withstand lower temperatures, but if the thermometer drops below 10 degrees, the cyperus will “catch a cold” and may die.

Without fresh air, the plant begins to wither. In winter, strongly ventilate the room where the flower is located twice a day. In summer, it is better to move the cyperus outside. In this case, during the summer season the plant will become much stronger and gain strength. Bring the plant home after relaxing in the fresh air when the night temperature drops below 14 degrees.


There are three vegetative way propagation: division (the adult plant is crushed during transplantation), cuttings and the use of rosettes. For cuttings, cut off the upper part of the stem and root it in a small pot. The rosettes cut from the shoots “float” in a container of water until roots appear, and then are transplanted into the soil.

The cutting can be placed in water even upside down


Cyperus does not need frequent transplants; the procedure should be carried out only when the old container becomes small for the plant. Select a new pot according to its diameter - it should be 5-6 centimeters larger than its predecessor. Basically, adult specimens are replanted no more than once every two to three years.

When replanting, place drainage made of small pebbles or expanded clay at the bottom of the pot. Sprinkle the soil on top with a thick layer of sand, completely immerse the container with the flower in water for several hours - the soil should be well saturated with moisture.

Diseases: treatment features

The plant is rarely damaged by pests. Uninvited guests attack due to too dry air. There is only one sign of trouble: the umbrella leaves turn yellow and dry out. Cyperus has several enemies:

Common spider mite

  • spider mite;
  • thrips;
  • scale insect;
  • whitefly;
  • mealybug.

If you spot any pest, act immediately. With a timely response, the plant can be saved. Below is a detailed plan of your actions.

  1. Apply soapy water.
  2. Treat the plant with the applied compound using a sponge.
  3. In strict accordance with the instructions, dilute your choice of insecticidal preparations: actellik or fufan.
  4. Spray all parts of the cyperus.
  5. Move the flower to a cool room.
  6. Actively humidify the air to prevent pests from returning.
  7. When the “enemies” return, repeat the procedure.

Memo to the florist

The main criteria for successful growth of Cyperus are moist soil, moist air and moderate temperature. Experienced flower growers The plant is considered one of the most grateful pets: it responds to care with rapid growth, absence of diseases and a blooming appearance.

Why do the tips of the leaves dry out and turn yellow?

This occurs due to a lack of moisture, and the plant reacts equally to both dry air and insufficiently moist soil. It’s easy to combat yellowing: you need to increase the water flow when watering and increase the air humidity. Place the cyperus in a tray with water, irrigate it often with a spray bottle and bathe it in warm water.

I planted it, watered it, and it grew; it’s very easy to grow from seeds!

How to grow from seeds?

Initially, you should buy plant seeds, including cyperus papyrus, in a flower shop or online store; of course, delivery should be made by mail; nothing will happen to the seeds during this period. Next, prepare shallow bowls with an earthen mixture - the same composition as when transplanting will do. Scatter the seeds over the surface and press down lightly with your palm. Wrap the container tightly with film or place thick glass on top.

Provide the seedlings good conditions: warmth and regular watering. Transplant the grown seedlings into separate pots and place them in partial shade. Young plants should not be exposed to the daytime sun - they may dry out under the scorching rays.

Top dressing

Since the plant never rests, Cyperus umbellata needs to be fed all year round: in the summer once every 10-14 days, in the winter much less often - once a month.

In conclusion, we invite you to watch a video on how to propagate Cyperus at home. Enjoy watching!

Cyperus (syt, sytovnik) is a large genus of herbaceous plants of the sedge family, which includes about 5,000 species worldwide. Sedges are most often found in wet areas such as wetlands. Special attention these are given due to their important role in the wetland ecosystem. They began to be grown indoors in the 80s of the last century. Cyperus is loved by many gardeners due to its unpretentiousness and good aesthetic properties. This unusual plant can decorate any modern interior. Its most noticeable features are the bright green, elongated, flowering stems and umbrella-shaped leaves.

Optimal conditions for growing Cyperus

Growing Cyperus at home is not difficult. It adapts perfectly to any climatic environment. The following most common species are grown at home: C. papyrus, C. alternate-leaved, C. Zumula, C. Helfera, C. spreading.

Location and lighting

Cyperus needs bright and diffuse lighting. Therefore, the ideal location for its cultivation is spacious window sills with access to the western or eastern side. If the windows face south, try to create diffused lighting for the plant. Shading is only required on hot summer days. To protect the leaves of the plant from burns, in the hot summer it is necessary to remove the pot from the window.

In winter, the plant requires additional lighting artificial light sources(fluorescent lamps). It must be provided for 15 hours a day.

Sitovnik can also be grown in conditions low light. However, growth and development are suspended.

Did you know? Few ordinary people know what is cyperus . In fact,this is the same papyrus, and the name “cyperus” comes from the Greek language and translated means ordinary sedge. In ancient Egypt, the plant was used to make paper. We can say that this invention became the basis of modern civilization. Until now, expensive papers are made from papyrus using original techniques. And in southern Africa, the rhizomes and stems of the plant are eaten. The stems of the plant are also used to make building materials.


Optimal temperature regime for growing - this is the range from +14°С to +22°С. IN spring period the plant will be comfortable in a room with a temperature from +18°C to +22°C. So that the leaves of the rush tree can “breathe” fresh air“In the warm season, it is advisable to take the pot outside.

In summer, it is recommended to move the flowerpot to a well-ventilated area. In winter, try to provide your indoor plant with a temperature range from +16°C to +19°C. During the cold season, the temperature should not fall below +12 °С. In addition, try to ventilate the room more often.

Features of home care

Sow is an all-season plant. Caring for it indoors is quite simple: the flower is very hardy and... It develops equally well throughout the year, so the rules for caring for cyperus in warm and cold weather are almost identical.


Cyperus needs plenty. It is recommended to place the flower pot in a stand with wet expanded clay. During active growth, the rhizome should be under water. In summer, the pan must be filled with water at all times.

In winter, it is recommended to drain the liquid from the stand after watering. Besides, long leaves Cyperus needs frequent. For this purpose, settled warm water is usually used. In cold weather, spraying should be halved, and it is advisable to move the pot away from hot radiators.

Air humidity

Cyperus is a moisture-loving plant. To maintain ideal air humidity in the apartment, it is advisable to use a special humidifier. An effective procedure is frequent spraying of leaves plants from a spray bottle, carried out in the warm season.


For successful maintenance and propagation of Cyperus, the correct one is necessary. Regular complex or enriched fertilizers are suitable as fertilizers. It is acceptable to use both liquid and dry fertilizers. Professional gardeners do not recommend feeding the plant throughout the year. It is better to apply fertilizers once every 2 or 3 weeks in the warm season (from early spring until the beginning of autumn).

Possible problems during cultivation: pest and disease control

Cyperus has good immunity and is quite resistant to various and.
Problems usually arise when proper care. If you find that the foliage of Cyperus is turning yellow, immediately find out what to do in this case. Basically, the tips and edges of the leaves turn yellow and wilt when the plant experiences a lack of moisture. Prevention will be regular and proper watering and spraying.

If you notice that the satiety is growing too slowly, the plant is experiencing lack of nutrition. If the lighting is incorrect, it usually does not produce new stems. In this case, you need to increase the saturation of the lighting.

Important! If you have already noticed signs of any disease, adjust the watering and lighting regime and feed your homemade cyperus with organic or mineral fertilizers.

A well-known pest of Cyperus is. The pest may appear if the air in the room is too dry. When infested with mites, white spots appear on the leaves. To combat the pest, you should wipe the leaves and stems of the plant with anti-inflammatory drugs.

Sometimes cyperus can attack, And . If you detect pests in a timely manner and take action necessary measures, the plant can be cured. A soap solution or solution is useful as protection against harmful agents. The stems and leaves of Cyperus are treated with the indicated compositions.

Transplantation rules: soil and pot

Cyperus develops well in light fertile substrate with weak acidity. for cyperus, you can prepare it yourself from soil, sand and. To prevent the outflow of water, you need to organize a reliable one.

You can also use a special one. This polymer absorbs and retains moisture well, and also contains fertilizers that are useful for the rosemary. However synthetic materials cannot be compared with natural ingredients.

With proper care, weed develops quickly, so the plant needs to choose a higher container. However, a pot that is too wide and spacious will not work, as the plant will begin to devote a lot of resources to the growth of the root system.

Important!When planting cyperus in a new container, there is no need to add drainage. This is the main difference from replanting other indoor plants.

Next, we’ll look at how to properly transplant Cyperus into room conditions. A young flower can be replanted annually. An adult sitovnik is transplanted only as needed. The flower is carefully removed from the pot, and replanting is carried out with incomplete removal of the earthen clod.

The rhizome of the plant needs to be lightly shaken to shake off the old substrate. If the roots are severely damaged, you should carefully remove the unusable roots, and also thoroughly clean the rhizome of old soil.

Reproduction methods

Sitovnik is reproduced in several common ways: seeds, cuttings and rosettes. Propagation of Cyperus by growing from seeds is considered a labor-intensive and time-consuming process, while the most optimal method is propagation using cuttings.


Propagation by seeds does not always guarantee the result that gardeners expect. In the seed version, the sati often does not retain its properties mother plant. You can try to grow cyperus from seeds, but before planting, you should stock up necessary equipment. First you need to purchase fresh plant seeds.

Next, prepare a shallow flat vessel. The seeds are sown in a moist earthen mixture (the same composition as when transplanting is suitable). Typically, a collection of sand, peat and leaf soil is used as a substrate. Ready-made substrate can be found in specialized stores.
Scatter the seeds over the surface and press down lightly with your palm. Cover the top tightly with a glass jar or wrap it in plastic wrap. At a temperature of +18 °C and providing abundant and frequent watering, the first shoots will soon appear. When the seedlings stretch out and get stronger, they are picked and transplanted into small pots (three sprouts each). This method applicable at any time of the year.


Vegetative reproduction of Cyperus is carried out by plant propagation apical