How to replant a living tree. How to properly care for a money tree

From time to time we all have to replant indoor flowers, and it is very important to do this in compliance with the replanting rules for each plant, for which you need to know these rules. Today we will tell you how to properly transplant Money Tree, what kind of substrate is needed for the plant, what kind of pot is suitable for it and how to care for the fat plant in the future, that is, how to water the money tree after replanting and when you can feed the plant after the procedure.

Transplanting a money tree at home

When to transplant a crassula

Young Crassulas change their pots annually, but starting from the age of three, the money tree is transplanted once every three to four seasons, and this should be done in May, at the beginning of the growing season. Astrologers claim that the easiest time to transplant a crassula is on Wednesday, during the waxing moon phase. Crassula grows slowly, but favorable conditions The money tree grows faster, and it is quite possible that you will have to replant it often.

Substrate and dishes for Crassula

Crassula is a succulent, and you can purchase ready-made potting mix for cacti or succulent plants at the store. The money tree will grow even in universal store-bought soil, but for those who like to do everything themselves, it will not be difficult to prepare a substrate for Crassula from three parts leaf soil, adding to it one part of coarse sand and leaf soil, a handful of humus, ash and clay and mixing it all thoroughly.

There are other recipes soil mixture for the money tree, but the main requirements for the substrate are looseness, lightness and nutritional value.

When choosing a container for Crassula, give preference to stable, wide and not very deep pots.

Ideally, the diameter of the pot should be equal to the diameter of the Crassula crown.

It is also worth considering the fact that a thick-walled ceramic pot is much more stable than a plastic one.

The process of transplanting Crassula at home

If you believe in omens, then place a few coins at the very bottom of the new pot: they say they awaken positive energy flower. Then place a layer of drainage material in the pot, and it is better if it is pebbles, which will give the vessel greater stability than light expanded clay. The drainage layer must be at least 2 cm thick. After this, the substrate is placed in the pot, filling it to a quarter of its volume.

Now you need to take the fat plant out of the old container, shake off the soil from its roots, but it is better to keep part of the old substrate on the root system: this way the plant will quickly take root in the new soil. Inspect the plant and, if you find traces of rotting or dried areas on the underground organs, remove them with a sharp sterile instrument and sprinkle the wounds with charcoal powder.

A money tree that has undergone surgery cannot be planted immediately. Leave it for a day with the roots exposed to allow the cuttings to dry.

If the root system of the Crassula is in order, place the plant in a new pot and fill the remaining space with substrate. There is no need to tamp the soil or tap the pot: this treatment will easily cause the fragile leaves of Crassula to fall off. Water the plant after transplanting with settled water. room temperature, and when the substrate in the pot settles, you can add as much more soil as needed.

Money tree after transplantation

Until the Crassula takes root in the fresh substrate after transplantation, it needs protection from direct sun rays and root soaking. This means that the pot is placed in light partial shade, and watering is done only after the top layer of the substrate has dried. To make the plant breathe easier, maintain hygiene: wipe the Crassula leaves with a damp cloth or sponge.

The Chinese believe that attracting finances into a person’s life is largely determined by the symbols and various signs of wealth in his home or work.

Money tree according to feng shui is great opportunity make material wealth varied and large.

However, not everything depends on the talisman itself, since the tree requires significant care and respect from its owner.

What does a money tree bring to your home?

According to Feng Shui, it is not at all necessary to buy a real tree to attract money. You can create a symbol of wealth with my own hands using wire and Chinese coins. Such a talisman is filled with positive energy and thoughts of well-being, so it will definitely bring wealth to your home if you treat it like a real plant.

Living dollar tree

Ancient Chinese teaching believes that attracting finance is only available to flora with round leaves, as this creates an association with coins.

  • The most popular plants are Crassula or Crassula - the Feng Shui money tree.
  • Also dollar tree It is considered to be Zamioculcas because its foliage resembles the shape of American banknotes. Therefore, if you need to attract just such banknotes into your apartment, be more careful when choosing a money tree.

Today, among living plants, the most popular for increasing wealth is Crassula arborescens. In order for it to become a real symbol of abundant income, it cannot be accepted as a gift. Crassula can be bought in a store, but it is best to pick off the shoot without the notice of another owner while visiting.

A tree received from a close friend has quite strong energy, but not as a pleasant gift. It is very useful to take sprouts from wealthy people, while giving in return a symbolic fee of a few rubles. Then the money tree immediately carries positive energy with financial well-being.

Money tree pot

Having received the long-awaited shoot with a living money magnet, you need to choose the right container for its further growth and development.

  • According to Feng Shui, the money tree pot should not be too large at the first stage. The plant should be planted in a container that will be in harmony with the size of the cutting itself.
  • Gradually and proportionately expand the size of the pots used as the plant grows larger. However, do not rush into this, since the transplant is important stage caring for the fat woman, affecting its further growth.
  • There must be a hole in the pot to allow excess moisture to escape. This will make it easier to further water the tree as it grows. Preference should be given to containers made from natural materials.
  • The color scheme of flowerpots and pots in Feng Shui is very significant. To ensure that your money tree grows quickly and attracts as much money as possible, choose a container for it in black and green shades.
  • The Feng Shui money tree will work more effectively if you paint hieroglyphs on the bottom of the pot with special paint. Symbols such as Growth, Wealth, Money will help financial energy be directed specifically to the owner of the talisman.
  • As the tree develops, the pot will need to be constantly rearranged. This is necessary to saturate the fat plant with sun, otherwise the plant will not be symmetrical and will lose its aesthetic appearance, or it may even break completely. If necessary, you can put a support in the pot so that the tree is tied with red ribbons to the stick and does not lean to one side.

How to plant a money tree

Planting a money tree according to Feng Shui is not much different from the basic recommendations of gardeners and florists. Crassula usually does not cause problems with propagation, so just put the plucked leaf in a glass of water for a couple of weeks. When the roots appear, you can put the future tree in a pot.

You can also first plant a Feng Shui money tree in a small container with sand and peat. Choose for further cultivation the strongest leaves or cuttings with sprouted foliage.

  • The soil for the fat plant must first be loosened.
  • It is also necessary to prepare a layer of polystyrene foam or a pile of different-sized pebbles that will fall on the bottom of the pot.
  • After drainage comes the soil, which should not reach the edge of the container by about 3 cm or more.
  • Make a small depression in the ground in the shape of a hole and plant a cutting or leaf.
  • Sprinkle on top root system and compact the soil.

Now you know how to plant a money tree according to Feng Shui. However, caring for the plant does not end there, since in China it is very important to treat all representatives of flora and fauna with care and attention. Crassula is not a very capricious tree, but it is still necessary to monitor its development.

How to care for Crassula at home

  • The plant needs to be watered twice a week in the evenings to prevent the soil from cracking. An abundance of moisture will lead to rotting of the tree, and then you will need to have time to break off a branch to grow a new specimen. In winter, money trees are watered extremely rarely.
  • To water the fat plant, you can charge the water using Feng Shui. Pour the liquid into a jug and put 10 silver coins in it. After 3-4 days this water can be used.
  • Dark rooms are not suitable for Crassula, but direct sunlight is also harmful because it dries out the leaves and they slowly wither. Try to protect the tree from extreme cold and drafts. The fat woman also does not like temperature changes in the summer.
  • Don't forget to water the plant with a spray bottle. This not only helps the tree to withstand heat or dry winter air, but also removes the layer of dust that interferes with financial feng shui energy. It is also useful to periodically ventilate the room with such a talisman.
  • Talk to the money tree and give it only good mood. If you are in a bad mood, you should not communicate with a fat woman, otherwise she will get sick.
  • Strangers should not touch the plant, otherwise there is a risk of stealing financial success. You only need to water and replant the money tree with your own hands so that the connection with the talisman is very strong.

How to replant a money tree

When the fat tree grows, the question arises of how to transplant a money tree according to Feng Shui. This procedure is carried out in early spring - once every 2-3 years. It is very important that the Moon is in its waxing stage during this period, otherwise the tree may wither.

It is also useful to bury three small coins or one large coin, preferably of Chinese or Russian origin, at the bottom of the pot. Then replanting the money tree according to Feng Shui will definitely be successful. If everything is done correctly, the fat woman will react very sensitively to your financial situation and grow as it increases.

Where to put the money tree

The answer to the question of where to place a money tree according to Feng Shui is given by the Bagua grid. This is a special tool of Chinese teaching, which is a square with nine equal zones. Each site is a specific territory of influence of one sphere of life, selected on the basis of geographical directions. Each zone has its own talismans for activation.

The wealth area is located both on the south-east side of the entire house and in the corresponding direction in each room separately.

  1. To accurately determine the zone, use a compass or standard signs for orientation to the cardinal points.
  2. Align the directions of the sides on Bagua grid with a home plan and calculate the sector where the money tree should be located according to Feng Shui. This is usually the lower right corner of the Bagua diagram.

How to create a wealth zone

The space around the fatty or artificial mascot requires correct design. So, it is imperative to clean the room on time, clearing it of accumulated dust and excess trash.

The interior should be selected in a blue-blue palette. The main colors of wealth include black and green shades, but they are already present in the sector as the bright crown of a tree and dark soil in a pot. Curtains, walls, floor coverings. As a last resort, you can limit yourself to a colored stand for the fat woman.

Looks great in the wealth zone wooden furniture and souvenirs made of birch bark or valuable wood.

Decor elements

Don’t think that the main problem when you bought a money tree according to Feng Shui is where to put the pot. The decorative elements surrounding the plant are no less important. The most suitable addition to the Crassula may be the symbol of water. This is either an aquarium or a fountain.

Sometimes you can hang a picture with a small pond or place a filled vase. Just keep in mind that too strong flows of water can wash financial energy out of the house.

Undesirable neighborhood

When choosing where to place a money tree according to Feng Shui, avoid proximity to metal objects. Even steel or iron flower pot trays are not suitable.

The Chinese make an exception only for lucky coins. Crassula also has a negative effect on the growth geometric shapes in talismans. The money tree cannot be placed next to thorny plants or climbing flowers.

Two to three months after planting, you will decide exactly where to place the money tree according to Feng Shui. And only then you can move on to the final decoration of your talisman.

  • You can put several under the pot large bills or a money napkin. It should be scarlet or gold, with an embroidered hieroglyph of wealth.
  • The branches themselves are also decorated with red ribbons.
  • The top of the money tree should be crowned with a light figurine of a bright dragon.
  • You can place scarlet lanterns or a Buddha statue around the flower bed.

A Feng Shui money tree does not have to be real. An artificial talisman will be no less effective if you give it enough warmth and attention.

Crassula, Crassula - these are the names of the same plant, which we, the Slavs, know better as This indoor flower is popular in many countries, and each nation calls it differently: in the Czech Republic - " home tree", in Poland - the "tree of happiness", in Slovakia - the "family tree". There is a belief that the fat plant brings wealth and well-being to the house. But at the same time it is stated: in order for the plant to perform its functions as a talisman to the maximum, it should not be purchased from anyone -then, you need to grow it with your own hands. How to plant money tree shoots? What are the rules for caring for them? All this is in this article. Based on the information offered here, everyone can grow a beautiful plant in their home indoor plant.


Crassula, or Crassula, is a representative of the genus of succulents. This is an ornamental deciduous plant, although at home it blooms very rarely. The money tree is native to Africa. Its varieties in wildlife There are several hot countries. The most common among indoor flower lovers in our country are the tree crassula (Crassula arborescens) and the silver crassula (Crassula argentea). We will learn about what this money tree looks like in the next part of the article.


The structure of the fat woman resembles a tree. While the plant is young, its trunk is green. Over time it becomes covered thin layer bark and acquires a gray tint, like any other tree. The leaves are fleshy and dense. This is explained by the fact that, like all succulents, this type of plant collects moisture in them. The color of Crassula's leaves is dark green, with a silvery tint. Their shape is oval or round, which is associated with coins, which, in fact, explains the popular name of the plant. On the leaves of the Crassula, along their edges, small shoots with roots appear from time to time. They can be removed and replanted in the ground. If this is not done, the shoots fall under the trunk and take root on their own at the foot of the plant. How to plant money tree shoots? All recommendations on this matter are given below. Let's read and find out.

Features of reproduction

Crassula can be propagated in several ways: cuttings, leaves and seeds. The last method is the most labor-intensive. As already mentioned, this plant very rarely blooms at home, so collecting seeds from it is practically impossible. But even if you succeed, it will be even more troublesome to germinate them. But if you really want to get Crassula from seeds, try it. By investing a certain amount of time, effort, patience and diligence, your work will yield results - small green cuttings, which will subsequently turn into a large and beautiful tree. A fat plant grown from seeds with your caring hands will certainly bring happiness and wealth to your home.

It is much easier to propagate a money tree with shoots or leaves, which is what novice gardeners are recommended to do. We will discuss the rules for performing these procedures in detail below.

How to plant money tree shoots: a guide to action

So, in your hands is a freshly cut twig or leaf from it. What to do next? You can immediately plant them in the prepared pot. But to know for sure that the plant will take root, it is better to place the shoot in a container with clean water and wait until it takes root.

Buy the soil for planting Crassula that is recommended for cacti. Or universal. You can cook it yourself. For this you will need sand (1 part each), leaf soil (3 parts), a pinch of humus, ash and brick chips. All of these components are thoroughly mixed and poured into a pot with drainage at the bottom.

It is advisable to prepare a ceramic or clay pot, but if you don’t have them, you can also use a plastic one. It is better to choose a container large sizes and deep so that it develops well and can hold a fairly heavy plant.

How to plant money tree shoots? Place soil (1/2 part) at the bottom of the container, where there is already drainage. Place money tree cuttings in a container. Holding them with one hand, fill the soil around them with the other. Make sure that the seedling, if there is only one, is in the middle of the pot. When planting several shoots at once in a long container, place them at the same distance from each other. When the shoot is planted, water it with water at room temperature.

If you have sprouted not a whole cutting, but a leaf, or want to plant a “baby” shoot that has fallen from an adult plant, then pour all the prepared soil into a pot, and then make a small depression in it. Place a small shoot there and cover it with soil. You have learned how to plant a money tree. Next, we’ll look at the rules for caring for it.

In the warm season, Crassula needs to be watered frequently. In winter, this is done as the soil dries out, about once a month. Be careful not to overdo it with water, because excess moisture will cause the plant to begin to rot from under the roots and die. It is not necessary to spray the fat plant every day, but it is necessary to wipe the leaves with a damp cloth once a week.

The temperature in the room where the plant is located should be no higher than 22 degrees. The fat woman loves light, but it must be protected from direct rays of the sun.

Signs and superstitions

Everything is clear about how to plant a money tree. Next we talk about folk beliefs associated with this plant. One of them is as follows. To keep good luck and money in the house, you should not give a plant you grew with your own hands to a stranger. Whether this is true or not, no one can say for sure. People's opinions on this matter are divided. Some confirm this fact, citing the fact that they have already checked the effect of the sign on own experience. Others say that if you give a fat woman to a person with all your heart, then you will be rewarded for your kindness and generosity with even greater happiness and wealth. Therefore, whether it is possible to produce money tree shoots is up to you to decide. If you think about a gift in the form of this plant in advance, you can specially plant a cutting and grow it by the desired date. This will not harm your own tree in any way, and there will be no loss of prosperity and good luck in your home.

The money tree, or Crassula (Crássula), is very often grown by amateur gardeners in conditions indoor floriculture to attract money and impressive interior design. And correctly and timely transplantation and planting of plants at home is a guarantee of the best manifestation of the magical properties of this popular decorative culture.

Crassula transplant

This family includes more than three hundred species tropical plants, which have some botanical features, so gardeners need to remember that indoor Crassula should not be replanted too often.

Even if all the rules are followed, after replanting and planting Crassula may stop growing. However, at the stage of active growth processes, up to approximately three years of age, the indoor plant needs to be replanted annually. flower pot large sizes. Adult specimens need to be replanted no more than once every three years.

The “money tree” should not grow excessively, because in this case, quite often the shoots stretch out or, on the contrary, stop in their development. That is why the grower must be able to control growth processes by forming and correctly pinching the crown for uniform branching. When replanting, it is very important to choose the planting container and soil mixture wisely, and also to observe optimal timing holding the event.

How to transplant a money tree (video)

Secrets of proper landing

Beginning gardeners quite often plant a houseplant on their own using a cutting received from their friends or experienced amateur gardeners. The shoot must be completely healthy and well developed. To money talisman worked, you need to replant the ornamental crop as correctly as possible:

  • despite the fact that many gardeners recommend determining the timing of planting and replanting the fat plant according to lunar calendar, the owners of the “money tree” were convinced in practice that a plant that was transplanted in spring period;
  • it is very important to transplant and plant the plant on the day of the waxing moon, on Wednesday, which will allow you to multiply magical properties plants;
  • At the bottom of the flower pot you need to put eight coins of the same denomination, placing them with the coat of arms facing up;
  • During the process of transplanting or planting, you need to read the spell: “You bloom, and I grow in wealth. This is my will, so be it.”

Choosing soil and flower pot

When planting and replanting a plant, it is very important to choose the right nutrient soil and flower pot for growing the “Money Tree” in indoor floriculture. The structure of the planting mixture should not be too dense or heavy. A ready-made soil mixture is quite suitable for growing cacti, which is characterized by a sufficient level of looseness and high nutritional value.

Transplanting a money tree: crown formation (video)

At self-production It is recommended to mix one part of planting soil turf land, one part of medium-grained sand and about three parts of good leaf soil, with the addition of a small amount of clay and wood ash, which will balance the acidity of the planting substrate to levels that are comfortable for the fat plant. High-quality drainage is very important when cultivating succulent plants.

Each subsequent transplant indoor flower must be produced in a large container. A layer of expanded clay should be placed on the bottom of a pre-prepared flower pot. It is best to use a container that is not too deep for growing crassula, which is due to the small volume of the root system and its location in the upper soil layers. When replanting, it is necessary to take into account the massiveness of the above-ground part of the plant, therefore, in order to maintain a sufficiently extensive crown, the indoor plant must be provided with a sufficiently wide and maximally stable flower pot. The best option is growing in pots made of ceramic or clay.

Transplant technology

To transplant a fat plant, you need to prepare in advance a flower pot, high-quality nutrient soil, drainage and, in fact, the transplanted houseplant itself.

  • Gently holding the flower pot, you need to carefully remove the houseplant from the old flower pot, grasping the stem part of the ornamental plant. The soil on the root system can be shaken off a little without disturbing the integrity of the roots.
  • Notice that the root system of the plant is lowered down the center of the flower pot and the soil mixture is added.
  • There is no need to compact the soil around the stem part. It is best to top up the soil after it has settled during irrigation.
  • Immediately after transplantation ornamental plant you need to water it generously with settled water at room temperature.

Subsequent care for the “money tree” involves regularly loosening the soil, which will facilitate the supply of oxygen to the root system of the plant. In the spring, it is recommended to place a flower pot with a transplanted Crassula on glassed balcony or loggias. The main condition for rapid adaptation is to limit exposure to direct sunlight, which often causes leaf burns.

Caring for the transplanted crop in autumn and winter should undergo some adjustment, which is due to the botanical characteristics of the crop. During this period it is necessary to reduce temperature regime and reduce irrigation activities. If you place a flower pot with Crassula in the south-eastern part of the apartment, then, according to the ancient Eastern teachings of Feng Shui, this unpretentious and very effective ornamental plant will certainly attract good luck, happiness and prosperity to the house.

How to care for a money tree (video)

Thus, completely simple measures to correct landing And further care, allow the gardener to grow Crassula in the form of a miniature bonsai or an exotic, fairly tall plant - a talisman of wealth and cash flow.

Reviews and comments

Mari28 11/28/2016

Without a photo, it is difficult to guess the condition of your pet. What does “perish” mean? Did the tree begin to wither, did the branches droop, or did the trunk cease to be stable? For correct resuscitation measures, you need to know the cause and effect. I can tentatively assume that you did not notice the diseased roots when replanting. They transplanted them together without cutting them off or treating the cut area. You will have to remove the root system from the ground, cut off all the rotten roots, sprinkle the cuts with crushed coal, plant the plant in a smaller pot with fresh, damp substrate and not water it for several days, placing the plant in a “mini-greenhouse”.

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To increase your family’s income and attract good luck in earning money, you can read a money tree conspiracy. But you need to know how to plant Crassula correctly so that it really improves your financial situation. Rituals only help those who truly believe in the power of magic. If you do the rituals in order, you will soon be able to forget about financial difficulties.

Money tree conspiracies will help improve your financial situation

Conspiracy when planting a plant

It is important to understand that if you plant a money tree incorrectly, no conspiracies will help. It is planted only on the waxing moon, which, according to signs, attracts money. If you plant a fat woman on a waning moon, nothing will happen. The best day for the procedure is Wednesday.

A green or black ceramic pot is suitable for the plant. The flowerpot itself should be placed in the south-eastern part of the house, because according to Feng Shui this is a zone of wealth. When planting, it is important to stroke the shoot. And in order to successfully transplant a money tree, a special ceremony is performed.

For the ritual you need:

  • small coins (from 3 to 7 pieces);
  • red ribbon;
  • conspiracy text.

The coins must be of the same denomination, otherwise the ritual will not work. Learn the text by heart first.

Place coins in 1 layer at the bottom of the pot. You can completely fill the space with them or put only 3 pieces, it doesn’t matter. Place with the coat of arms facing up. In the process, pronounce the money tree plot:

“Let a tree grow in the house,

It will bring me a lot of money.

I’ll hide the coin in damp earth,

I’ll bring a big salary into the house.

Rich people will give bounties,

I won't feel concerned about money anymore.

So be it!

Yes, done three times!

It's locked!

Amen. Amen. Amen."

Next, fill in the soil and place the fat plant inside. During the process, you can also pronounce this plot. Repeat this every time you transplant the tree into a new pot. m

Hex when watering

A spell when watering will help strengthen the energy that comes from the tree. It can be read immediately after planting or during each new watering. The plot should begin to take effect 3-5 days after reading. If there is no effect, perform the ritual again.

To carry out the ritual, you need water and the flowerpot itself. But it is important that the liquid is infused with silver or gold. This will improve the effect of the ritual and will attract gold bars, silver jewelry and other valuables. But you cannot use a person’s accessories, because they contain his energy, which in most cases is negative.

Place the flowerpot near a window in the southeast part of the house. During the watering process, read the plot:

“You grow, and I bloom in wealth. Amen".

After this, stroke the plant 3 times and return it to its place.

Water for irrigation should be infused with silver or gold

Ritual with 7 candles

This ritual is suitable for those who are experiencing temporary financial difficulties. It will help you solve them faster and slightly increase your income and amount of money. Signs say that candles will take away poverty, give out positive energy and allow you to quickly attract wealth into your home. The main thing is to pronounce the words sincerely and learn them by heart.

To perform the ceremony you will need:

  • 7 church candles;
  • glass of water;
  • 7 coins of the same denomination;
  • words of conspiracy.

Candles must be the same color and size. It is best if they are ordinary, waxy.

Go to church and buy 7 candles there. A nuance - they must be consecrated.

Next steps:

  1. Take a glass of water and throw all 7 coins inside, leave for a day.
  2. When midnight comes, go into the room so that no one is watching the process.
  3. Arrange the candles in a circle and light them, and place the fat plant inside the circle.
  4. Water the plant and at the same time recite the text of the money tree spell:

“I put coins in the black earth,

I silently steal money from the tree.

Let it bloom in my house,

He will bring a lot of wealth with him.

I drive away the rock of lack of money,

It will no longer set foot on the threshold.

Amen! Amen! Amen!"

After each reading, do not forget to bury the money-coins in the pot clockwise. When all 7 coins are in the pot, wait for the candles to finish. You cannot extinguish them yourself, otherwise there will be no desired effect. Wrap the remaining candles in a sheet of paper or a rag and throw them away in a place where people hardly walk. It is undesirable to repeat the plot several times.

Ritual with 7 coins

This ritual will help aspiring businessmen and entrepreneurs. Aimed at attracting customers and money. After reading it, the investment will pay off faster, and the business will soon begin to bring in good profit. For those who have been doing business for a long time, the conspiracy will not have a strong impact.

The following attributes are required:

  • 7 coins of 10 rubles (the denomination should only be this);
  • Money Tree;
  • a sheet of paper with the text of the conspiracy.

It is better to leave the coins in a glass of holy water for a day.

The ritual is carried out at midnight so that the person is not distracted by anyone. Choose the room where you plan to place the money tree to fill the room with the necessary energy.

Insert coins sequentially into the pot. Before that, read the plot:

“Tree tree, you are famous for money. May there always be money in my house, and may you grow and distribute wealth. Amen!"

Once all the coins are in the pot, stroke the fat plant 7 times. During the process, read the plot if you wish. The first results will be available after 14 days.

Conspiracy from N. Stepanova

The ritual from Natalya Stepanova is suitable for those who have financial difficulties that last for several years, a person tries to solve them, but nothing works.

Also, the ritual is ideal for attracting large sums to those who have serious problems with health problems and needs expensive operations. In other cases, it is better not to carry it out, because it is too strong.

In addition to the money tree, you need:

  • 7 candles;
  • 7 coins;
  • red paper;
  • text of the prayer.

The money must be of different denominations, otherwise nothing will work. The text must be memorized. Pre-bless the candles.

From red paper, cut out squares into which you can easily wrap coins. There should be 7 pieces of paper.

Important - the ceremony is carried out only on January 1 early in the morning (at 5-6 am). The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Wash your face with illuminated water, then wash your heels, forehead and wrists.
  2. Take 1 coin and 1 paper square.
  3. Read the text of the prayer, then wrap the money coin in paper and drip it with wax:

“The coins are sparkling, the coins are ringing!

I have more and more of them!

I receive income from no matter where I expect it,

The money is coming into my account!”

You need to read the plot 8 times: the first 7 - while wrapping the coins in paper, and the last - when the ritual is completed. Wait for the candles to burn out completely on their own. Place the coins under the plant pot or push it inside. After just a month, you will forget about your money problems.