How to build a snow slide. We build a snow slide with our own hands How to properly fill a snow slide with water

Find out how you can make a snow slide yourself in winter, how to properly fill it with water so that it freezes.

Agree that in new year holidays One of the best, most memorable childhood memories is winter festivities. Making a snowman, sledding, skiing, and, of course, on the slides is a wonderful activity. The latter will be discussed in this article.

You will learn how to build a slide without difficulties at home, without any outside help. This slide will bring great joy to your children and even adults, and to make the work less boring, you can involve the whole family in it.

How to make a snow slide for children with your own hands?

It often happens that some problems occur during the construction of a slide. It collapses, falls apart, and pits and irregularities appear in the most inappropriate places. Next, you will learn how to make a slide correctly. So that it is durable, reliable, and most importantly, comfortable.

Materials for building a slide

To build successfully you will need the following:

  1. Frost outside the window
  2. A large amount of pure snow
  3. Shovel
  4. Broom
  5. Quite a decent amount of water
  6. Watering can, ladle
  7. Positive attitude
  8. Scraper or spatula

An example of building a slide for collective use

To build a slide, you need to follow a few simple rules:

Safety. Select safe place location of the future structure. This is necessary so that your child does not get hurt during the descent, so that there is no tree, fence, road, bushes or other obstacles on the way. You should not create an object of entertainment under the roofs of old houses, from which an icicle, slate, brick, etc. may fall.

Slide height, tilt angle. Determine the height of the future slide based on the age of the children. For very young children, up to about three years old, a slide one meter high is enough. For older children, the most optimal, safe height is two to four meters. You should also adhere to correct angle tilt, such that it is no more than forty degrees.

Pure snow. When building a slide you need to use pure material. Because your child may smear things. Try to prevent children from getting hurt. The problem arises if there is debris, branches, sticks, etc. in the snow.

The procedure for creating an ice slide:

  • Once the location and size are determined, we begin work. Using shovels you need to sketch required quantity snow. For example, a meter-long slide can be built in about thirty minutes. It is advisable to make the foundation of your snow slide using rolled large balls of snow. This way you will already have the base of the slide created.
  • Next, we proceed to the formation of our slide. Using a spatula or broom, give it the desired shape. Let's do optimal angle slope of the slide, straighten the area of ​​descent of the snow slide.

The base of the formed snow slide
  • If the slide is high, make steps using a spatula (scraper) or shovel. To make the steps stronger, strengthen them with your feet so that the snow settles, and only then form them auxiliary tool. They should be comfortable and small so that children can easily climb up.

An example of making snow steps

IMPORTANT: The acceptable width of the step is at least twenty-nine centimeters.

Don't forget about the sides. Their height should be approximately ten to thirty centimeters, depending on the age of the child. The sides can be made using a shovel. Also, in order to give them shape it is necessary to use handmade. During it, do not forget to wear gloves as protection from the cold.

If you have the desire and time, then add decor. Decorate the slide with snowmen, various figures, and paint it with patterns. Or do everything to your liking, a lot depends on your imagination.

How to properly fill a snow slide with water?

We have come to the most difficult final stage - filling the ice slide with water. The slide must be filled in several stages - at least three times. Use cool water using a spray bottle, watering can, or ladle.

What needs to be done to ensure that the descent on the hill is uniform?

You will need a broom; with it you spray an even layer of water over the entire surface of the structure. Make sure there are no irregularities, holes, or bumps. To do this, during pouring, you need to smack the set thin, fragile layer of ice with a broom. After the second stage, you have a rough crust of ice. For a more reliable result, fill the slide a third time, after which you will get a strong, smooth, and most importantly, reliable structure.

IMPORTANT: Fill finished design stands at a low temperature, from 10 degrees below zero. Otherwise, your efforts will be completely useless.

If you follow the entire sequence of work, you will get excellent snow slide, which your children will be very happy about. If the winter turns out to be frosty, then the item of entertainment will last until the spring thaw.

Video: DIY snow slide

For Russian artists, the theme of snowy towns and games on ice has always evoked increased interest. Great masters painted paintings that attracted art lovers with the originality of their execution, the beauty and naturalness of the sparkling snow and the brightness of the clothes of its participants.

Modern forms of constructing snow and ice compositions differ from those adopted in the past. Ice slides made of snow blocks have replaced ancient castles, and the fortress walls of the forts have now become space rockets. But this does not overshadow the children’s joy from riding the roller coaster.

The snow castle tower becomes the starting point for those who love fast sledding or ice sledding. Its structure is assembled from snow blocks, fastened together with a “solution” of water. For the round towers surrounding the launch pad, you can use a frame made of wooden sticks or branchy branches of old trees. All main dimensions of the ice slopes of the tetrahedral tower are shown in the figure and drawing.

The picture shows a simple-shaped slide, the beginning of which is an arch made of snow blocks. The staircase for climbing to the launch pad is made of boards of inclined ramps. As decorative decoration colored balls are used, attached to the side of the ice path. Stars are engraved on the walls of the arch.

The center of the composition of the snow play complex is a round tower, imitating the watchtowers of the fortress walls. It was assembled from snow and ice blocks. By the way, the ice blocks in this case act as a fastening belt, which makes it possible to give the tower vertical stability.

From the tower there are two inclined, curved paths covered with ice. One of them passes through an arch, the other passes by two small mushroom-shaped towers.

As decoration, you can use decorative colored balls painted with bright paint.

In some cases, as load-bearing frame You can use the walls of wooden summer play complexes. They are partially covered with white snow, and the icy descent paths are filled with water. This symbiosis of wood and snow becomes a reliable and safe slide. Arches with snowflakes can be a winter decoration. To prevent injuries, arches and ice rings can be reinforced with polyurethane foam or soft cloth. A simple ice slide is made of snow. To give it rigidity it is necessary to use wooden frame(bars, slats, dry tree trunks).

The connection and interweaving of vertical and horizontal elements is carried out using jute rope or cable. This constructive solution will allow you to create a strong snow-ice monolith, which will be the basis for a slide of any shape and decorative decorations.

DIY ice slide drawings, sizes

In winter, the best entertainment for most children is riding a snow slide. Combining this activity with making a snowman and playing snowballs, you can have a great time spending your free time fresh air. Moreover, during the winter holidays options active rest must be associated with visiting the street.

In order to get maximum pleasure from a fast descent, you need to know how to properly fill the slide. This requires the presence of certain conditions and certain means. The most important of them are snow and frosty weather. If they are absent, the idea of ​​skiing will have to be postponed until the onset of appropriate weather conditions.

Making a mountain of snow

Initially, you need to build a slide of the required height and desired design from snow and carefully compress all the snow elements. This will make it durable and will not allow it to sag during active use. To avoid the question of how to fill a slide correctly, you need to perform all actions in strict sequence and not neglect any of them.

We strengthen the slide with water

The next step will be to secure the snow slide and give it strength. But before this, the existing structure must be allowed to settle and settle for several days. After this, if there is severe frost, you can apply it to the entire surface of the slide. cold water. To ensure that the snow surface remains intact, it is best to spray water. Otherwise, the snow will simply melt, forming grooves and irregularities.

Watering the hill with a watering can

Another option for how to properly fill a slide in winter is to use a watering can for this purpose. Filled with water, you need to water the entire surface of the snowy mountain from the base to the top. Moisture should be evenly distributed throughout the pitched area. This will keep the surface smooth after the water has completely frozen.

Let's make the surface of the slide smooth

In order to understand how to properly fill a slide, you need to take into account the fact that if holes and uneven spots form, clothing may be damaged when sliding over them.

To eliminate such a defect plan, you need to use not a large number of snow mixed with water to a paste consistency. With this mixture you need to fill all the recesses and smooth out all the unevenness. If necessary, it can be used to apply over the entire surface of the mountain. This will level out all the protrusions and recesses and further strengthen the structure.

For a more convenient descent, the slide can be equipped with sides. They can be made from wet snow. The edges of the sides should be as smooth as possible to avoid damage to clothing or body parts.

Use a hose to strengthen the slide

One more excellent option How to fill a slide correctly is to use a hose with a spray nozzle for this purpose. This method is only possible if there is a water supply or water pump in the immediate vicinity. You need to pour water carefully, avoiding melting snow. You should start applying water from the top, gradually moving down. This procedure needs to be done several times, then the question of how to properly fill the slide will be completely closed.

After a few hours, the wet snow should freeze completely. If this does not happen, you should wait until it hardens completely. After this, it's time to start riding. Smooth and smooth surface descent is the key to high sliding speed. A properly made slide can bring a lot of pleasure, joy and positive emotions. If you follow these tips, there will be no more question how to properly fill a slide.

When going down ice slides, you should be extremely careful to avoid causing injury to yourself and those around you. Riding by young children should be done under full adult supervision to prevent injury and avoid possible accidents.

Winter brings not only cold, but also new entertainment and experiences. Sleigh rides, skiing and ice skating are available. In order to give joy to your children, and to have some fun yourself, you should fill the yard with a snow slide. Before you figure out how to properly fill a snow slide, you need to understand where it is best to organize it. The chosen place should be safe, so that you can have fun and not worry about possible dangers. The selected area should be free of trees, bushes, manholes and other objects that could cause injury. There should be no roadway nearby.

How to fill a snow slide with water - dimensions of the slide, angle of inclination

The height and width of the slide will depend on the free area, the available volume of snow, and your capabilities. If the slide is made for crumbs, then you should not build a structure that is too high. Convenient indicators are the ratio of height to length 1 to 4. In addition to the descent, you will need to roll out. This is a flat plane along which movement will be carried out until the skater comes to a complete stop. When creating a structure, do not make the slope excessively flat or steep. At the beginning, the optimal inclination angle is -30-50. Next, as you descend, reduce the angle of inclination, you need to do this as smoothly as possible.

How to build a slide

To make the work easier, prepare large snow balls in advance. Lay out a wall of them, and fill the cavities between the balls with snow, use a shovel. Compact the resulting snow mass well. As a result, you will be able to build a descent, railings and other elements. To make your slide convenient to use, do not forget about the steps. Optimal sizes width – 40 cm. You can build low sides on the sides of the steps; it will be convenient to hold on to them when climbing the hill.

How to fill a slide with water

After you have built the snow structure and compacted it well, let it sit for a couple of days. During this time, the frame will be compressed and strengthened, which will allow it to be used until spring. It is better to fill it in the evening, when the sun has set and the temperature reaches -20C. If these conditions are not adhered to, the entire structure may “float”. Do not immediately pour the water out of the bucket; first, go around the entire perimeter with a spray bottle. Wait a couple of hours and proceed to the main filling stage, do it slowly. Use a little warm water. If voids form, immediately fill them with snow. When the slide has hardened well, go over the slide with a sanding board - this will make it slippery and smooth.

Using the information provided, you can easily create the coolest entertainment for your children. Show your imagination, work carefully and the result of your work will certainly please not only children, but also adults. Ice snow fun in your backyard is an opportunity for the whole family to have fun without leaving your backyard.

Winter is coming and we need to prepare a winter ice slide for our children. In this article I would like to help you by answering the question “How to make a slide with your own hands?”

Naturally, to build a slide you need a large amount of snow and frosty weather. Then, you need to choose a convenient and safe place to create a slide. It should “grow” away from the roadway and, preferably, not rest against the entrance door and all kinds of buildings.

It is best to make a slide in a friendly group - one carries the snow, another works with a shovel, the third compacts the snowdrifts. This way the work will progress and things will go faster. So, how to make a slide with your own hands? Just.

First you need a large wide shovel. The next step is to apply snow, the more the better. It is worth deciding for whom the slide is being built. If for small children, then it should not be too high. And the width of the slide, as they say, is made “to taste” - from one to two meters. Well, you don’t have to skimp on the length of this snow creation – all five meters! If, of course, the free space around the slide allows the “builders” to swing like that.

How to make a children's slide without steps? No way, because the slide needs steps. They are made from the highest side. As for the sides, you shouldn’t pay special attention to them, since they can be done later, when the slide is filled with water.

1. So, the main part of the construction of the slide is completed, now the most important part is the filling. The slide is being flooded cold water from a hose, but you can actively use watering cans and buckets. Just don’t fill the steps, otherwise you won’t be able to climb them up the hill.

2. How to make a snow slide so that it is smooth and slippery? You need to not be lazy and fill it at least three times. In order for the slide to freeze thoroughly and be free of unnecessary bumps and dents, it must be constantly trimmed and smoothed with a wide shovel.

3. It is recommended to fill the slide in the evening. It will freeze at night, but in the morning the kids will have fun riding on it. You can ride on ordinary cardboard, so to speak, the old fashioned way, or use modern ice sleds for greater speed.

4. The most convenient time to make a slide is during the thaw, when the snow is heavy and sticky. The snow “mound” you have made will need to be trampled down and left for a while so that it settles and compacts into a denser mass. The height of the slide will depend on the age of the children who will ride it - for kids no more than a meter, for older children - 1.5-2 meters in height. The surface of the descent must be level, the curbs must be made high enough. Pay attention to the angle of descent - if it is more than 40 degrees, the slide will become dangerous.

5. The slide must be filled in frosty weather. Simply pouring it in from a bucket and a hose is a bad idea; a large mass of water, especially under pressure, will simply wash away the snow, forming holes. A labor-intensive, but win-win option is an ordinary garden watering can. You can pour water onto a flat surface from which it will flow onto the snow - onto a piece of plywood or a wide shovel. Sometimes it is recommended to cover the slide with a large rag and pour through it - the water will be more evenly distributed over the snow. If you don’t have anything like this at hand, collect snow from the nearest snowdrift into a bucket of water, mix it with a stick and evenly cover the slide with the resulting snow slurry. Level the surface and leave the slide overnight to freeze, and the next day coat it with snow porridge again and let it freeze completely. From the descent you can use water or the same slush to make an ice path so that those skiing can pass further away.

The descent surface will need to be maintained in order, ensuring that no potholes form on it.

You also need to make steps, make them 10-15 centimeters in height.