How to build a sinking ship in Minecraft. Ship in Minecraft: unique appearance and presentability

How to make a ship in Minecraft?

The Minecraft game gives enormous opportunities to any gamer. In it you can hunt, play survival, destroy and other activities, but perhaps the most basic goal of the game is to create new buildings and things. Now many gamers in the game are able to build anything from palaces to dugouts. However, not every player knows how to make a ship in Minecraft and how to make it float.

Let's consider this interesting question.

How to build a ship in Minecraft

Building a good, solid ship is not an easy task; you need to have some resources, namely a lot of wood, time for construction and spatial imagination. However, it is not necessary to have the latter, because the ship can be rebuilt as many times as you like.

Here are a few simple tips for a beginner who wants to build a ship

  • You need to build a ship on the water. To do this, it is better to choose an open, large expanse of water, so that you can then swim on it anywhere. Otherwise, the ship will have to cut a passage to freedom;
  • It is better to make the frame of the ship in the form of a rectangle with rounded corners. At the same time, the width of the frame must be odd in order to be able to place masts in the middle of the ship, as well as build a symmetrical, beautiful bow. It is also advisable to make the ship large in width, so that many rooms and things can be placed inside it;
  • The stern is made by extending the second row, and then rises to the height of the bow. Then we just lift the side part;
  • Plan your cabin layout carefully. If necessary, this can be done during the construction of the frame;
  • You can make a fence along the edges of the ship for beauty.

You can also take a real analogue of any ship and reproduce it in the game.

What mods are needed to sail a ship?

In order for the ship to float on water, you can use two simple mods

  • Archimedes Ships mod for small ships 16x16x16;
  • Zeppelin mod for bigger ships.

The second mod adds four control units for the ship to the game, which are crafted from ordinary resources in Minecraft. The second mod also determines the blocks from which the ship is built. Therefore, it is important to use wood during construction to make the ship float. However, it is possible to change blocks through a mod.

But you will never get tired of it. After all, you have a chance to build absolutely anything that comes to your mind. I wanted to build a house - please! If you want to build a statue, go ahead. No one limits you in the resources that you will use, neither in space nor in time. It all depends on you, so choose what exactly you want to build, then collect as many resources as possible and begin the process. You can build a living space of any shape and size, on any terrain. An excellent example in this case is the ship - in the main version of the game it acts as a house on the water, and not as a vehicle. However, there are mods that will allow you to make your own floating transport. Both the first and second options are worth talking about in more detail. So, how to make a ship in Minecraft?

Original housing

Unfortunately, in the basic version of Minecraft you will not have the opportunity to build a full-fledged ship that will float. Only the boat is available to you, so you will have to be content with only that. However, at the same time, you can give the housing the necessary shape to get But how to make a ship in Minecraft so that you can live in it? At first glance, everything should be quite simple, but upon closer examination some difficulties may arise. It is possible to clearly identify both certain advantages and specific disadvantages in this process. They need to be considered separately, and it’s worth starting with the advantages. You will be able to figure out how to make a ship in Minecraft quite quickly if you familiarize yourself with these advantages.

Advantages of creating floating housing

If you really have a desire to create a ship that will act as a residential complex, then you should know about those details that can help you in the future during the construction process. First of all, it is worth noting the impressiveness of this design - try to give your ship a certain shape. It could be the Titanic or whatever you want. You can fold the structure at your discretion, but before you make a ship in Minecraft, you should remember that you will need lightweight materials. Therefore, the best resource that is suitable for building such a house is wood. One of the advantages is also worth noting a large number of space inside the ship: you can place whatever you want in it, decorate the cabins at your discretion, and, if necessary, even rent them out as housing on the server during a multiplayer game. Well, of course, you can’t ignore the fact that you will always have at hand sufficient quantity food - fish and even octopuses will always be circling right around your house. Therefore, knowing about and then turning it into a home can be very helpful to you.

Disadvantages of a house-ship

However, you should not think that this design is ideal - it also has disadvantages, any of which can persuade you to choose a more simple projects. It was already said above that you will need wood in order for your ship to float on the water. There should be a lot of this resource. So get ready to cut down more than one forest to provide for yourself the right amount building materials. Another resource that few people are willing to spend is time. Get ready for the fact that you will have to spend at least a couple of days on construction - and this is provided that you have already thought through everything, have a work plan and all the materials. But it’s almost impossible to think through everything in advance, so construction may take longer. And, of course, it is worth noting that the process is not simple. If you are not playing on a creative server, then building on water is a terribly difficult task that will require serious endurance from you. But in the end, you will get the home of your dreams and at the same time become the owner of a real ship.

Installing mods

Until now we have only talked about the original one. But there is a mod for Minecraft 1.5.2 for ships, and Lately released a corresponding modification for other versions. Therefore, now you can download just one file, install it - and you will have access to various types ships that can travel on water. Here we can already talk about how to make Minecraft open to original ideas. Create a team, give yourself the appropriate skins and sail the seas for your own pleasure, terrorizing civilians. Everything is in your hands - the only important thing is to figure out how to build such a ship.

How to build a ship?

You can give your ship any shape that will allow it to stay afloat and accept passengers on board. However, there are certain restrictions: in all directions, that is, in length, width and height, your ship should not exceed sixteen blocks. However, creating a structure does not mean creating a ship. You will need special items to make him swim through the waters of the Minecraft world. How to do spaceship is another question that also involves the use of mods and additional items, but now it’s better to concentrate on the marine version.

Launching the ship

To control the ship, you will need a steering wheel, which is added using the mod. You will also install a compass on it, through which you can control the direction and speed. Well, the most important thing is the float, with the help of which your ship will float on the water.

The dream of traveling on water haunts every gamer who plays Minecraft. However, everyone knows very well that only her little one can swim, appearance sad and unimpressive. What can we say about the fact that it is recommended to travel on it only if your goal is a river. Going out into the open ocean by boat is very risky. Accordingly, your movements on water are very limited, and you will not get much pleasure from it.

However, you can build a ship in Minecraft. Why not use it? In reality, everything is not so rosy. All the ships that gamers build in this game serve solely as decorations: they are not capable of sailing. But this can be fixed with special modifications. In this article you will learn not only but also how to make it float where you want it to go.

Installing the mod

So, the first thing you need to know is not how to build a ship in Minecraft, but what mod is suitable for this. After all, it is the modification that adds the ability to swim. In fact, you can sail on anything, even on own home. But we will talk about this later, but now you need to understand which mod to install. In general, there are several modifications, each of which has its own characteristics, but serves the same purpose - to add to the game the ability to sail on something other than a boat. The most popular and effective mod is called Archemides Ships. It allows you to make anything float, since it adds to the game not the ships themselves, but special devices, with the help of which you will turn any structure into a floating facility. Well, having installed this mod, you may already be wondering how to build a ship in Minecraft.

Steering wheel

If you are going to figure out how to build a ship in Minecraft, then first of all you will need to build a steering wheel. With its help you will be able to control the ship, because it will be much bigger boat. You sit in the boat and don’t move, so you need to control it the same way you would control your character on land. In the case of a ship, you can move around its deck. Accordingly, control will be exercised exclusively at the helm. To craft it, you will need four boards that need to be placed in the corners of the workbench, an iron ingot for the central cell, and four sticks. So you have taken the first step towards learning how to make a ship in Minecraft.


To navigate the sea, you will need special navigation devices that will show speed, direction and other important data with which you can comfortably travel through the sea. To create such a device, you need two blocks of glass, two iron and two redstone. Combining all this, you get a navigation device that needs to be installed on the helm.

Crafting a ship

After that, you can safely create the ship you want. It should be taken into account that there must be space for a steering wheel with a navigation device. But at the same time, do not forget to create a certain number of special blocks, which are called floaters. They are created from boards and wool, and with what larger size your ship, the more floaters you need: they are the ones who will keep the ship afloat. Naturally, you will also need a very important item for sailing in Minecraft - a map. I could do without a map, but on a floating ship, despite all the navigational instruments, you better have a good old map with you.

To diversify your favorite game, you don’t have to look for new builds, mods, or change your usual server. It’s enough to just start building completely new buildings and structures, thereby surprising all the players you know in the area. If medieval castles and large churches no longer amaze you with their complexity and beauty, try building a house inside a ship. Of course, such a ship will not sail, but its beauty, detail of objects and decks will not leave you or your friends indifferent. Read through these instructions and you will be ready to create a masterpiece.

What material to choose for building a ship in Minecraft

If you want to make an antique ship with beautiful big sails and cannons, then, of course, you will need a lot of wood. You can see the colors of wood by creating boards from them; oak or dark oak, as well as spruce. It is possible to decorate the building using acacia wood; it produces bright red boards that stand out against the background of any other blocks of wood.

In some cases, even a hell brick is suitable for a ship. For example, if you decide to build a mythical ship from any books, films or legends. The color of hellish brick is dark scarlet, so such a building will look very unusual. For a military cruiser, you can use stone and cobblestone, and if you add blocks of overgrown cobblestone, you will get the decor of the building as a sunken ship.

Sails are made either from white wool or marble; quartz is also suitable. The last two materials are quite expensive in the Minecraft game, so it is better to use them in creative mode. Sails made from marble or quartz blocks will turn out perfectly white and smooth. In normal survival mode and online servers It is better to opt for white wool. It won’t be difficult to get it: just make a pen with sheep and shear them periodically.

How to start building a ship in Minecraft

Initially, you should decide on the location of the ship; it should be on the water, but whether it is the open ocean or a small river is up to you. Of course, for a large cruiser you need to find at least the sea. If you have decided on the materials, then it’s time to calculate the dimensions of the ship. The lower part will be the narrowest, start building from there, gradually expanding the building and building up new blocks. Stock up on a large amount of material at once, because going back down every time will be very difficult and it will take a lot of time. Take more axes if you are building with wood, and more picks if you are building with stone or brick.

What to do inside a ship in Minecraft

As a rule, players leave the space inside the ship empty, only occasionally placing cannons there. Be more creative - recreate the full atmosphere of the building. Make a hold, build a prison from an iron fence, make cargo from workbenches and suitcases. Cabins can be turned into a real hotel and invite other players there. The captain's cabin and control room will become your living quarters. To move from one tier to another, use not only steps, but also ordinary stairs, vine lianas.

A sunken ship will become a real original ship. You can even build it in the water, or partly in the water and partly on land. You are guaranteed the attention of the entire server and enthusiastic praise. Don’t forget to set the territory to be private so that unscrupulous players don’t ruin all your efforts and steal your cabins.