How to grow peppers. Spring night frosts are destructive for peppers: protective measures

In order for sweet and bitter peppers to please you with their harvest, you need to properly care for them. This culture is quite capricious, so first, plant a small bed and learn all the tricks of growing peppers. Having mastered the basic techniques of caring for a plant, next year plant a lot of pepper - it is very healthy and tasty. Pepper also makes excellent winter preparations.

How to care for peppers - planting seedlings

Growing peppers begins with planting seedlings in open ground. Before this, it is worth deciding on the predecessors, i.e. those plants that grew in the garden last year. Peppers will develop well and bear fruit after zucchini, beans, cabbage, cucumbers, onions, and carrots. In the fall, it is recommended to add a little rotted compost to the future garden bed (1 bucket per 1 sq.m.) and add phosphorus and potassium fertilizers (read the dosage on the package). For the winter, dig up the bed well, but do not break up the clods of earth. In the spring, when the snow melts, they will disperse on their own. 2-3 days before planting seedlings, loosen the soil to a depth of 15-20 cm.

Plant peppers in rows - keep a distance of 25-30 cm between them. Provide the same distance between individual bushes in a row. When planting seedlings in the ground, do not bury them - they should be at the same height as they were grown in cups or boxes.

Immediately after planting, water each bush warm water(20-22 degrees) and mulch the soil.

How to care for peppers - watering

  • Pepper is a southern crop. It tolerates drought quite well, but its fruits will not plump and will grow thin-walled. To prevent this, water the peppers as the soil dries out. Water 2 times a week. To prevent moisture from evaporating, after a water shower, mulch the ground with mowed grass or rotted compost.
  • Water the peppers only with warm water. To do this, first fill the barrel and keep it in a sunny place. When watering a vegetable crop with cold water, the pepper will develop poorly.
  • Pepper loves watering herbs with infusions. Such watering will simultaneously moisten the soil and feed the plants. To make the infusion, fill a large bucket with grass clippings or pulled weeds. Mash the grass a little and fill the bucket to the top with water. Cover the bucket with a lid and place it in partial shade. After 10 days, strain the infusion and dilute it with warm water from the barrel. Maintain a concentration of 1/10 (1 part infusion/10 parts water). Watering homemade fertilizer do it once a week.
  • Once the peppers begin to ripen en masse, reduce watering to once a week. If after harvesting you see new flowers on the bushes, resume more frequent watering. If the weather is favorable at the end of summer, young fruits may appear on the bushes, although they are unlikely to have time to ripen. This small pepper will not be suitable for salads, but it is possible to make seasonings from it.

How to care for peppers - loosening the soil and removing weeds

In order for peppers to develop well, their roots require oxygen. This is usually achieved by frequently loosening the soil around the plants, but for peppers this must be done very carefully. The fact is that pepper has a superficial root system and when cultivating the soil with a regular hoe, the roots can be damaged. For loosening, use small tool with three teeth. Try not to loosen the soil too often, but rather use more mulching agents - they protect the soil well from drying out and forming an earthen crust.

Do not forget to remove all weeds from pepper beds by hand pulling them out. If you do this constantly, the ground will become loose due to the excess grass torn out by the roots. These same weeds, if they are removed before they flower and the seeds ripen, can be used as mulch.

How to care for peppers - feeding

In addition to grass feeding, which can be done constantly, pepper also requires three times mineral fertilizing. Most vegetable crop needs nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus. Buy any complex fertilizer and feed the pepper at the following times:

  • 1st time - 15 days after planting the seedlings.
  • 2nd time - during mass fruit set.
  • 3rd time - 20 days after the second feeding.

You can fertilize with mineral fertilizers either by watering at the roots or by spraying the leaves with a diluted solution. Read the instructions for diluting fertilizers in water on the packaging of the purchased product.

Pepper Pest Control

Pepper, especially its young bushes, are susceptible to attack by aphids. You can suspect its invasion by the limp leaves from which the aphids suck the juices. Not to miss this harmful insect, once every 3-5 days, lift the leaves and examine their lower part. If aphids appear, they can be easily washed off with soapy water or destroyed using special insecticides - sold in garden stores.

Making soapy water against aphids is very easy: dilute 20 ml in 1 liter of water liquid soap or dishwashing detergent. Fill a special spray container with the solution and treat the bushes from below. After 2 hours, repeat the procedure, but with ordinary clean water.

How to care for peppers - protection from strong sun and frost

No matter how much pepper loves the sun, its too active rays can harm plants. During very hot summers, cover your pepper beds. non-woven material“Lutrasil.” Use the same material, but more dense, during early frosts, when ripening fruits are still hanging on the bushes. To do this, install stakes in the corners of the beds and pull the covering material over them.

Do not leave ripe peppers on the bushes - remove them immediately. Excess fruits can weaken the plant and the green peppers will not ripen yet.

How to properly grow peppers open ground and create care? Sweet peppers are a southern crop and require warmth and humidity. IN middle lane, peppers are grown in open soil through seedlings and using greenhouses. To grow the desired crop, you need special care.

Pepper grows well in open ground in the middle zone

Soil preparation

Growing peppers in open ground requires competent preparation land.

Sweet peppers grow better in open ground in places with a mild climate and in areas where there is more sun and less wind. To protect from the wind, make a shield from plants or build a fence.

When growing peppers in open areas, it is important to understand after which crops it is more effective to grow peppers.

It is better to plant peppers in the place where cabbage, pumpkin, cucumbers, legumes, and table root vegetables grew. In places with a previous harvest of tomatoes, eggplants, and potatoes, it is not recommended to plant peppers for three years, since diseases of these vegetables spread through the ground.

The soil allocated for pepper should be characterized by fertility that retains moisture. They begin to prepare the soil in the fall. When harvesting in the fall, you need to carefully collect the remains of the previous crop and dig up the ground. They also fertilize the soil, enriching it with the following substances (per 1 square meter):

  • superphosphate in a volume of 30-50 g;
  • wood ash - 50-80 g;
  • humus - from 5 to 10 kg.

In places where they were fertilized with fresh manure, plant Bell pepper This is not possible, since there is no need for organic fresh feeding. Too much nitrogen in the soil causes active growth of the vegetative parts of the pepper, and the ovary is poorly preserved, which affects the yield.

In the fall, the place where they plan to place the pepper is dug deep. In spring, the soil is loosened and fed with fertilizers containing phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen. The ground is slightly dug up and leveled before planting the seedlings.

Pumpkin is an excellent precursor for peppers

How to plant seedlings correctly?

Before planting, it is important to water the seedlings well so that the pepper does not wilt. Wilted pepper does not take root well, its growth is delayed, which leads to the fall of the first buds. So early harvest gets lost.

If the weather is hot, it is better to plant in the evening. In gloomy weather, morning disembarkation is recommended.

Prepare holes for planting and water. It is recommended to pour up to two liters of water into each hole (minimum liter), which should be heated in the sun. The seedlings are planted deeper than they were planted in pots, like seedlings. On the stem covered with soil, adventitious roots are formed that can nourish the plant.

Plant pepper seedlings in holes, ensuring sufficient watering

How to water bell peppers correctly?

Sweet pepper seedlings require special care.

In order for the seedling to take root faster, it is necessary to water the root every 2-3 days. One seedling consumes 1-2 liters of water. If the weather is hot, water every day. After seven days, the seedlings are checked and where the pepper died, a new sprout is planted from the reserve. Reduce the amount of watering. This is called "fine" watering. It is important not to harm the plants by excessive watering. How to determine the water requirement of a vegetable? If the plant darkens, this is a sign that water is needed. The plant should not be allowed to wither for a long time. If leaves wilt in the heat, this is not a reason to water.

When the fruits ripen, watering is done once every 5-6 days. In hot weather, water in the morning or evening hours.

Watering young peppers should be regular.

When to loosen the soil?

Sweet peppers grow comfortably in loosened soil. It should not be allowed to develop until an earthen crust appears.

What is the benefit of loosening the soil?

  • Improves air flow into the root.
  • The plant grows faster.
  • The functioning of microorganisms is stimulated.

By weeding the ground, there is a fight against weeds.

You should be aware of the slow growth of pepper in the first 10-14 days, because the rhizome is strengthened and there is no need to loosen the soil.

The first loosening of the soil is done after the first “fine” watering. Root system is located in the upper ball of the earth, so the loosening will be shallow, at the level of 5-10 cm.

If the soil is heavy, the first time you can loosen the soil deeper, destroying the soil crust. This way the soil is better warmed up and ventilated.

Hilling is carried out during flowering.

Loosening the soil around peppers should be done regularly


Caring for pepper will not bring the desired harvest if you do not feed it.

It is good to fertilize the seedlings with nettle fertilizer. To do this, combine nettle with water in a ratio of 1:10 and leave for two days. Last time feed the seedlings 2 days before planting, increasing the dosage of fertilizers with potassium (7 g per 1 liter of liquid).

At least three feedings are done per season. The first time during the first fluffing (after planting two weeks later). Fertilize with slurry made from manure, bird droppings, mixed with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers or wood ash.

Manure is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:4, bird droppings are diluted 1:10. It is good to alternate chicken afterbirth with nitrophoska (1 tablespoon per bucket of liquid).

It is effective to add 40-60 g of superphosphate and potassium chloride up to 20 g or wood ash in a volume of 150-200 g to a solution of organic fertilizer (manure, litter).

Mineral fertilizers are also used. To do this, you need to add the following substances to 10 liters of water:

  • ammonium nitrate - 15-20 g;
  • superphosphate - 40-60 g;
  • potassium chloride - 15-20 g.

This fertilizer is used for 8-10 seedlings.

During fruit formation, the need for pepper nutrition increases. At this stage, the third feeding is carried out. And the second time they feed at the beginning of fruiting with an increase in the dose of ammonium nitrate.

If the fruits of the crop ripen small, feed it a fourth time.

It is important to know that when caring for peppers, use fertilizers without chlorine or with a very small percentage. Pepper does not tolerate chlorine. But there is a good replacement for potassium chloride - wood ash.

Superphosphate is one of the main fertilizers for peppers.

How to protect peppers from frost?

Having planted peppers, you need to know how to protect the crop from frost and damage. Caring for crops during frost requires creativity.

Tents are built from scrap materials (pieces of wood, cardboard, fabric, etc.). They are made in the evening and removed in the morning. But when the cold snap lasts for a long time, it is advisable to use film.

Flowers and ovaries often fall off. All due to unfavorable temperatures for vegetables (low or very heat). Growth stops at +8-10 degrees. But if the heat is 30-35 degrees for several days, the buds also fall off.

The consequence of untimely watering is a lack of moisture. Dry soil also reduces crop growth.

Pepper should not be shaded. With insufficient lighting, especially during cold weather, flowers and ovaries also fall off.

Flowers bell pepper may fall off due to lack of sunlight

Features of caring for bell peppers

There are some subtleties of caring for peppers for better yield:

  1. It is imperative to stepchild the pepper - remove the side and bottom stepsons. But in hot and dry weather, stepsoning is not recommended. Leaves protect the soil from evaporation. To increase the yield, professionals suggest cutting off the central flower that grew from the first branch.
  2. During the growing season, long shoots are cut off several times so that there is no shading of other branches.
  3. Remove plant shoots below the main branch and internal branches. Pruning is carried out once every 10 days.
  4. Pollinating insects are beneficial for sweet peppers. They are attracted by spraying the plant during the flowering period with a sugar solution (100 g of sugar and 2 g of boric acid diluted in 1 liter of hot water).
  5. By mulching peppers with rotted straw (up to a 10 cm layer), the frequency of watering will decrease.
  6. When caring, it is important to tie up the crop immediately after hilling and mulching.

Mulching peppers helps reduce the frequency of watering

Pest Control

Pepper is sensitive to diseases, so it requires special care.

But pepper suffers most from pests (cutworm, whitefly, aphids, Colorado beetle, mole cricket, slugs).

To prevent the plant from being damaged, pollination is carried out with wood ash (three times per season). You can fight aphids with a solution of serum and water (0.5 liters of serum per bucket of liquid). And sprinkle wood ash on top of the leaves.

By adopting all the tips, you can grow excellent harvest sweet pepper.

Sweet pepper is one of the most favorite crops grown by vegetable growers. True, this vegetable is very demanding; if it does not receive something, it can seriously punish its owners with a decrease or complete absence of the harvest. requires a lot of attention, knowledge and experience. Especially those who have only taken up this business for the first year should not be upset. Gradually, if there is a desire, you will be able to learn everything.

Growing pepper seedlings

In most areas, even in the southernmost regions, sweet pepper cultivation begins in (late February, early March). This can be done both in greenhouses and in room conditions. It is best to grow seedlings on a windowsill in special earthen cups, which can later be easily transferred to open ground. And all because, like any other species, it takes root very poorly. For normal growth, seedlings need moisture, warmth and light.

When the seedlings reach 60-65 days of growth, they can be transplanted either into open ground or into a greenhouse. The last option, of course, is the most suitable, but if this is not possible, then you can try to harvest from the pepper that will grow on the street.

in open ground

If you decide to save money on film using this method, then you will not succeed. In any case, growing peppers in open ground requires the temporary construction of a small greenhouse, which will warm the plants until approximately the end of June. In May and even June, the weather is not entirely stable, which can lead to poor growth of sweet peppers and a lack of harvest.

So, first you need to prepare the ground. It needs to be dug up in the fall and rotted manure added. Before planting, you need to dig up again, apply it in open ground, best done in the place where legumes, cucumbers, green crops and root crops previously grew. Sweet peppers love fertile soil, but if there is none on the site, then you need to add peat and rotted sawdust to the soil at the rate of 1 bucket per 1 sq.m. The beds should have a height of about 30 cm, while the width should be about 1 meter, but the length is at your personal discretion. It is also necessary to think in advance about how the greenhouse will be built. The easiest way is to stretch the film over plastic or metal arcs inserted into the ground.

When everything is ready, you can start planting seedlings. It is best to do this in the evening, when solar activity is reduced. To do this, you need to dig holes at a distance of 40-45 cm from each other, taking into account the row spacing - 55-60 cm. You need to pour water into each hole and wait until it is absorbed. The seedling or earthen cup with the plant is lowered into the hole and carefully covered with earth. When planting the seedlings is completed, you can stretch the film. If it is very warm during the day, then the film can be removed, remembering to put it on at night.

You should pay attention to the fact that growing pepper in open ground in the first two weeks is unfavorable: the plants begin to get sick and grow slowly. This suggests that it is beginning to take root. To help it, you can loosen the soil slightly and reduce watering. When the peppers are well established and begin to grow, watering should be increased to approximately 10-12 liters per 1 sq.m. For this purpose, only warm water is used, the temperature of which is about 25 0C. Cold and cool water significantly inhibits the growth and setting of fruits.

During flowering, it is necessary to fertilize sweet peppers with diluted dry fertilizer “Fertility” (1 kg per 100 liters) at the rate of 1 liter per 1 bush. Another fertilizing is carried out during the fruiting period (per 100 liters of water, one bucket of bird droppings and 2 cups of nitrophoska).

In order for pepper bushes to bear fruit well, it is necessary to remove the tops of the main stem and also carry out sonification, leaving only 4-5 upper stepsons.

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​In mid-May, peppers are planted in a greenhouse or greenhouse, and in early June in open ground. One of the problems that a gardener may encounter is overgrowth. To avoid this, when picking seedlings, you should cut off the roots and do not overuse fertilizing, especially nitrogen. If the plants do overgrow, you should reduce watering and lower the ambient temperature.​

Features of growing pepper

​As the seedlings appear, they begin to be illuminated, initially this is done around the clock using fluorescent lamps. To ensure sufficient lighting for the seedlings, it is necessary to keep the windows clean and make screens for light reflection using foil. As it grows, the green mass is illuminated in the morning and evening, so that the total length of the day is 12-18 hours.​

  • ​Soil with the addition of hydrogel. Adding hydrogel to the soil will help retain moisture in the soil longer. To do this, the balls, already swollen in water, are added directly to the soil. If you add dry granules, when they swell, they can displace the soil from the bowl.​
  • ​Pepper is very picky about soil moisture and cannot tolerate even short-term drying out. Plants especially need moisture within 8-10 days after planting, during the flowering period of the first and second clusters, before loosening the soil, after adding dry fertilizers to the soil. mineral fertilizers. Lack of moisture in the soil can lead to lignification of the stems, falling off of the ovary and leaves, as in eggplants. Pepper also reacts negatively to excess moisture in the soil.​
  • ​the greenhouse must have enough light for the growth and development of plants;​
  • ​Many people do not dare to plant bell peppers in their garden, because the conditions for growing in open ground are not suitable for everyone due to the climate, and it is either expensive to build a greenhouse on the plot, or there is not enough space. But for those who still want to enjoy delicious and useful fruits pepper, you need to know about the features of caring for this crop.

​It happens that you need to plant with the addition of organic fertilizers mineral, but the main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise you may lose the fruit. You need to take a closer look at the plant, monitor its behavior and fertilize gradually. Innovations and new fertilizers should be added in small proportions.​

Fertilizer technology is as follows:

​Pepper is certainly important wet ground and air, care and watering are important, otherwise the atmosphere for growing pepper seedlings will be bad. Pepper is a moisture-loving plant that loves watering. After planting the seedlings, they need regular watering; you must monitor the humidity and prevent the seedlings from drying out.​

Leave for a day, drain the water, and leave the seeds in the sediment for ½ day.

  • What's a garden without pepper? Pepper is an indispensable ingredient for borscht, adjika, salads and many other dishes. Caring for peppers in a greenhouse is a very interesting and exciting process not only for experienced gardeners, but also for amateurs. The main thing is to stick simple rules for vegetable care, and then successful harvest secured.​
  • ​The area for the pepper should:​

​You can feed the plants every 10 days after the first leaves appear using ammonium nitrate.​

  • ​From proper preparation planting seedlings largely depends on its future quality and harvest, so the process requires close attention.​
  • ​The amount of water per irrigation depends not only on the weather and soil, but also on the planting pattern and variety. It is advisable that the water be rainwater. If it is not available, water only with water that has settled in the tank and heated to a temperature not lower than 24-26°C. Therefore, water storage tanks should be installed in a well-lit place (preferably in a greenhouse), painted black...​

Regular watering is necessary, preferably before lunch;

Features of pepper seed germination

​Caring for peppers grown under open air, in the garden is similar to the same measures that are used in caring for tomatoes. Pepper requires watering, weeding, timely fertilizing, loosening the soil, protecting against pests and diseases. In addition to such simple manipulations It will be necessary to remove the shoots from the pepper bushes.​

If the leaves on the plant turn blue-green and then brown-red, then these are symptoms of phosphorus deficiency and watering will not help. Special fertilizing with phosphates can correct this situation.​

​Mineral fertilizers​

Pepper roots are small, especially if the seedlings have been picked, so watering is necessary in large quantities. This is especially evident during the period when peppers bloom.

​The second scheme, which takes less time:​

​“Correct” pepper seedlings two weeks before planting. It remains to collect the first bud.

​Be well lit.​

Caring for peppers in a greenhouse or greenhouse

​Complex fertilizing with nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus fertilizers must be carried out before planting in open ground. Pepper seedlings are quite capricious and in order to grow strong seedlings, you need to put in a lot of effort and follow all the rules.​

In order to properly grow pepper seedlings, you need to pay attention to all growth factors:

​Pepper came to us from the shores of Mexico. Since this is a southern plant lovers summer cottages wondering how to properly grow pepper seedlings. It can be sweet or bitter, but the main points are the same for all varieties.​

​after watering, loosen the soil;​

During the planting procedure, the peppers are watered, then watering again must be done 4-5 days after planting. If the weather does not spoil with rain, then you regularly need to water the pepper plantings every 8-10 days. This watering regime will be maintained until the first fruits appear on the bushes. If not so many fruits are produced, then you can remove them from the bushes before the bulk of them.

​It is imperative to monitor the temperature in the greenhouse. If the temperature drops below +10 degrees, then phosphates will not work. The temperature should be above 20 degrees Celsius.​

Fertilizing peppers (features)

​Phosphorus - chemical element, which is necessary for the plant to produce good large pepper fruits. And this process starts from planting the plant in a greenhouse until the moment when the fruit is ready for consumption.​

  • Peppers in the greenhouse should be watered every other day, avoiding overwatering of both seedlings and adult peppers. Everything should be in moderation. One seedling in a greenhouse requires the following watering:
  • ​2 tbsp. dilute spoons with boiled water (1 l);​
  • Sowing pepper seeds can be done directly into the ground, or you can first carry out the process of disinfecting them:
  • ​Have loose soil.​

​There will be controversy among gardeners regarding picking young shoots. Opponents argue that after it the pepper slows down its growth, wasting energy on restoring the root system. Supporters say that after picking, plants better increase their vegetative mass and receive more nutrients.​


Preparation of pepper seedlings begins from February to mid-May. Pepper seeds lose their viability after three years of storage. Before planting, they must be sorted out and damaged and darkened ones removed.

  1. ​create sufficient air humidity inside the greenhouse, otherwise, if its level is low, flowers will fall off, and, accordingly, there will be no harvest;​
  2. After the mass ripening of the peppers, they take a short break in watering, which is resumed and made regular when flowers appear on the plants again.
  3. If the pepper has stopped growing, the leaves fall off, dry out, and the fruits do not ripen, then the reason for this is a lack of potassium. Excessive watering will not save the plants, since the reason is not a lack of water, but a lack of necessary substances.​
  4. ​Nitrogen is necessary for plant growth and for the formation of peppers.​

- 2 liters of water per day at normal temperature. If the greenhouse is cooler, then less, depending on how the plant behaves.​

Leave for 24 hours, drain the water and leave in the sediment for 3 hours.

​prepare a solution of potassium permanganate (1 g of manganese per 100 ml of water);​

  1. ​Be protected from drafts and wind.​
  2. Pepper seedlings are picked when the first true leaves appear, about three weeks after the start of cultivation.
  3. ​Humidity.​

In order to check whether the seed is suitable for planting, it must be placed in a 3% salt solution (30 grams per 1 liter).

​Feeding with nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, as well as microelements - manganese, iodine, boron and zinc, is important;

​You will need to fertilize peppers with nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus (especially the last two) at least three times during the summer season.​

​For good development Pepper plants should be removed one lower bud at a time during the initial period.

​Potassium is necessary for the fetus from the beginning to the end, that is, when it is already fully formed.​

​If straw is used as biofuel in a greenhouse, then watering the seedlings should be more intensive. The water temperature varies depending on the time of year. It is warmer in spring, cooler in summer, the process of growing pepper seedlings is not the same everywhere.​

​For efficient cultivation pepper, in addition to ash, other schemes are used, but in all of them, after stimulation, the seeds must be squeezed out and planted moist in the ground.​

Features of ventilation in a greenhouse

​wrap the seeds of each type in gauze;​​Have a pH of no more than 6.​

​The seedling is carefully removed from well-moistened soil, holding it by the upper leaves, one third, remove the main root and transfer it to separate containers with a volume of approximately 200 milliliters. There is no need for large dishes, since the roots can rot or build up excess green mass. Try to ensure that the root does not bend upward and is well spread out. The stem is buried almost to the first leaves, soil is added, compacted and watered.

How to care for peppers in open ground and in a greenhouse


​Seeds that float to the surface after 7 minutes can be thrown away. The seeds that have settled to the bottom are removed, washed with water, dried and prepared for sowing.

​If pests are detected, it is necessary to as soon as possible destroy them so as not to harm all plantings.​

Features of caring for peppers in open ground

​It is recommended to fertilize for the first time approximately two weeks after planting the seedlings in the ground. The second is carried out during the period of mass fruit set, and the third feeding is carried out approximately 15-20 days after the second application of fertilizers.​

Watering peppers in open ground

If the leaves become stained, turn yellow, and the fruits also spoil, then this looks like a lack of magnesium. In this case, you can feed the plant with a solution of magnesium sulfate. The solution should have 10% magnesium and 30% potassium.​

​Calcium is needed for growth from the moment of planting until the completion of pepper ripening, that is, for the entire period of growing plants.​

Fertilizing peppers in open ground

​You can water at any time, in the morning, afternoon or evening, but the main thing is that the tops are dry by nightfall. To do this, you can ventilate the greenhouse, observing the necessary care.​

Germination is necessary in order to be sure of the number of seeds suitable for planting in the greenhouse. If the seeds germinate, they are more likely to produce fruit. If you plant seeds with a reserve, then it is not a fact that they will all germinate in the greenhouse or, on the contrary, they will germinate, but there will be much more seedlings than necessary, and you will have to throw them away.​

​dip the fabric with the seeds in the form of a bag into boiled water(45 degrees) for 2 hours;​

Before transplanting, the boxes with seedlings are thoroughly watered to carefully remove the plants. The seedlings are transferred from the pots along with the earthen lump. Pepper is sensitive to damage to the root system. The seedlings are carefully transferred to the holes, covered with soil and mulch, then the beds are watered abundantly.

Features of caring for peppers when grown in a greenhouse


Basic measures for caring for peppers in a greenhouse

​The seed, pre-pickled in potassium permanganate and treated with a growth stimulant, is soaked in warm water. The seeds are laid out on a cloth and placed in a warm place, for example, next to a radiator. It is important to ensure that the seeds are kept in a moist environment. Pepper seeds germinate in 1.5 to 2 weeks. You can put the soaked seeds in a thermos with water at a temperature of 40 degrees for 2 hours.​

  • With both growing methods, peppers are affected by the same pests and diseases.
  • ​It is better to feed peppers by spraying microfertilizers, so they are better absorbed by plants, the fruits grow evenly and even in shape.​
  • ​Lack of calcium is manifested by rotting of the plant, but overdoing it with calcium means losing the harvest, since with an excess of calcium, chemical processes occur, alkaline reactions occur and the plant begins to lack elements such as iron, boron, nitrogen, potassium.​
  • ​Growing peppers without any of the listed mineral fertilizers in a greenhouse will be difficult.​
  • ​In order to grow the perfect pepper in a greenhouse, the following fertilizers are needed:​
  • ​Growing seeds (growing seedlings) saves time. Without germination, planting in a greenhouse will look like a “blind” job. The seeds are placed in a pot and covered with film. There should be space between the film and the seeds, that is, the seeds do not need to be placed all the way to the top, but rather on the bottom. Then the pot is placed in a warm place, the temperature should be room temperature, after germination (about a day), the sprouted seeds should be placed in the refrigerator.​
  • ​immerse in manganese solution for 20 minutes.​

Pests and diseases of pepper

​The distance between the rows is 50-79 centimeters, in the row between the peppers 40 cm. If the distance between the plants is less, they will feel uncomfortable and stretch out. The depth of embedding is approximately the same as it was before replanting.​

​Picking is also convenient because plants planted in separate cups are easy to move apart. The pepper does not like to touch its neighbor's foliage and begins to stretch upward, wasting growth energy.​

​For growing pepper seedlings, special boxes are used, peat pots, plastic cups.​

Caring for peppers in a greenhouse

​For proper cultivation pepper seedlings are used the following types substrates:​

​Among the most common pests are spider mite and aphids. If they are found on plants, it is necessary to treat them as quickly as possible with special insecticides that fight harmful insects.​

​It is better to loosen the soil after rain to break up the earthen crust on the surface of the beds. Weeds are pulled out when they become clearly visible. In hot climates, peppers will require the construction of a shelter over the beds.​

​We must not forget about ventilating the greenhouse, as due to a sharp change in temperature, the plants can wither, rot and jeopardize the entire harvest. ​

​All pepper flowers are bisexual, and therefore they can easily self-pollinate themselves. But if insects get into the greenhouse through the window, cross-pollination can occur.

Little tricks for growing pepper seedlings


Preparing seeds and soil

Peculiarities of sowing pepper seeds

​After this, the seeds need to be washed with water so that the water becomes clean and there is no manganese left on the seeds. If the seeds turn red after disinfection, this does not mean that they have spoiled. They will still germinate as they should.​

​Sweet and bitter peppers are planted in different places to prevent cross-pollination.​

​Get powerful seedlings resistant to external factors environment allows hardening.​

​Craftsmen suggest planting seeds even in mayonnaise bags. The most important thing is to ensure good drainage in the container using sand and small pebbles, and don’t forget to punch holes in the bottom. This will avoid stagnation of water during watering and rotting of the roots.​

  • ​Ready soils. Soil mixtures prepared specifically for peppers are the most reliable option for planting. They will help avoid damage from infections and pests.​
  • ​With a lack of watering and humidity, some parts of the pepper fruits can sink in and darken, over time becoming covered with gray rot, which affects both their external attractiveness and taste qualities. It is unlikely that anyone would want to eat such unsightly and damaged fruits. This is why it is so important to provide the plants with regular and sufficient watering.​
  • ​Even in a greenhouse, it is better to grow peppers using the seedling method. Our latitudes are still not as warm as we would like, even in a greenhouse in early spring the soil has not yet warmed up enough for the plantings to die. In greenhouses with organized heating, seedlings can be planted as early as March, but in ordinary greenhouses - no earlier than the second half of April. At a minimum, the soil should be warmed to +18 degrees.​
  • ​Due to the climatic conditions, different regions needed various conditions for a greenhouse. At the beginning of summer, when the threat of frost has passed, it is worth opening the greenhouse early in the morning and ventilating it. Since the air temperature is low at night and high during the day, a sharp drop is harmful. Morning ventilation will slow down the process of sudden heating of the air. Before going to bed, the greenhouse also needs to be ventilated by blowing warm air into it.​
  • ​Organic fertilizers:​


Planting seeds and caring for seedlings

​Two weeks before planting in the ground, you need to start hardening the pepper seedlings.​

  • ​Then it is necessary to carry out the process of stimulating seed growth. It is carried out in two ways.​
  • If there is a possibility of night frosts, the transplanted peppers must be covered. To protect against exposure to bright sun rays for the first time after transplantation, covering materials are also used.​
  • ​About a month before landing planting material begin to expose to open sunlight, gradually increasing the exposure time.​
  • The soil is shed with a warm, weak solution of potassium permanganate. Pepper seeds prepared for sowing are placed at a distance of 2 centimeters in small grooves, covered with 1 centimeter of soil and lightly compacted. To provide seedlings with maximum comfortable temperature(25-30 degrees) and humidity, the boxes with them are covered with film or a sheet of glass and placed in a warm place.​

​Soil prepared independently. Experienced summer residents prepare a substrate based on soil, humus and peat. If you decide to prepare the soil yourself, do not take the soil from the area where nightshades were grown the previous year and water it thoroughly with a solution of potassium permanganate.​

​To receive good harvest For peppers, temperature is important throughout the growing period. As you know, at air temperatures above 30-32 degrees, pepper flowers are not pollinated and fall off. But pepper fruits do not set even at average daytime temperatures below 15-16°C.​

​The soil for peppers must be selected carefully: it must be fertile, rich in humus, and loose. It will be good to add compost and humus to it, and dig up the beds well. Pepper grows very well in soils where cucumbers, beans, and zucchini grew before.

​If you follow all the planting rules, then you should not be afraid of growing peppers. At proper care You can grow sweet peppers in a greenhouse, as well as any other variety that will be tasty, large and beautiful. The saying is relevant: the devil is not as scary as he is painted. For pepper, like for any other vegetable, you need correct landing, care, watering, temperature regime, knowledge of how to plant peppers correctly, when to harvest, as well as other living conditions.​

​Cow dung. The fertilizer is prepared as follows: manure is diluted with water 3:1. Place in a greenhouse for 3 days to infuse. Then it is diluted with water, for 1 liter of liquid 9 liters of water. This makes a bucket (10 l). After a 10-day life in the greenhouse, a liter of fertilizer is poured onto each bush to feed it.​

In order for the seeds to take root in the greenhouse and in the garden in the future, they need proper care; the soil must be the same or at least similar everywhere. Therefore, it is necessary to fertilize both the land in which the seeds are planted and the land in which the seedlings are planted.​

​Bad predecessors for peppers: potatoes, peppers, tomatoes, physalis and eggplant.​

The main troubles when growing peppers await summer residents at the stage of growing seedlings. After transfer to open ground, basic care comes down to timely watering, protection from pests and subsequent harvesting.​

Picking and hardening

To do this, the boxes are taken out onto the balcony or a window is opened. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the seedlings do not fall under drafts that affect them. negative impact and did not experience a lack of moisture. The described actions are not mandatory, but their use allows you to grow good seedlings and learn some skills bountiful harvest.​

​When good conditions The first shoots will appear within 10 days. When they appear, the boxes are moved to the light and the covering material is lifted to avoid the accumulation of condensation. The glass is removed when the bulk of the seedlings have leveled off and the first pairs of leaves begin to appear. If after two weeks not a single seedling has appeared, then the seedlings have failed.​

​Coconut substrate. Good for growing peppers

Therefore, in hot sunny weather, the greenhouse must be ventilated, while avoiding drafts. When the air temperature rises above 30-32°C, plants must be protected from direct sunlight. To do this, most often the glass roof is sprayed with a chalk solution or shaded with light wooden shields. And in film greenhouses, the film is lifted up from the sides, twisting it onto the spools.​