Cambria Orchid - secrets of growing and care. Caring for a Cambria Hybrid Orchid

Cambria is a home beauty, an artificially bred variety of orchids. It is used only for propagation at home.

Types and varieties

- consists of many bright flowers. Each flower has a large lower petal with cherry blossoms small dots and two times smaller (in width) upper petals with purple spots. A bright yellow center appears from the center, similar in shape to a tongue.

– the petals are narrow and look like crimson stars without shine, with a creamy outline. The leaves are long, narrow with a slight break and quite flexible.

(“Bartley Schwarz”) - the upper part of the flower has bright red tints while the lower large petal has a snow-white surface.

– the snow-white edges of the petals give way to cherry spots towards the core, from which a round can be seen yellow spot. Only the lower petal has a rounded shape and a wide plate, while the rest are narrow, elongated petals with a pointed end.

– has purple spots on the surface of the petals. Lower, more large petal, is covered with spots only up to the middle, and then there is a scattering of dots of the same color. A yellow core can be seen from the center of the flower, shaped more like a square.

– the petals of the flowers are scarlet, only the lower one has red streaks up to the middle of the length, and then is filled with dots. Yellow streaks emerge from the core.

Along with Cambria, there are also other hybrid species of orchids: burrageara , beallara , Colmanara , Kalanta and others, which were previously considered quite rare specimens, but have now become very popular for home grown and are a wonderful decoration for any window.

Cambria care at home

Unlike other orchids, Cambria does not need temperature changes in the morning and evening, or depending on the season. The optimal temperature is considered to be between 18-24°C, which is known to be standard room temperature.

Cambria requires bright lighting, but at the same time direct sunlight is unacceptable, which will not only lead to withering of the flowers, but also to burns on the leaves and premature drying of the roots. Considering that in winter the amount of daylight is much less, as is the quality (cloudy days), you need to organize an additional light source (lamps).

It is necessary to protect the flower from drafts, but Fresh air still has to come in.

Cumbria watering

Watering should be done no more than once a week, without over-watering the flower, otherwise the delicate roots will quickly rot. Drying out of the soil can also result.

It is best to supply water not from above, but from below, by dipping the orchid pot in a bowl so that the water fills 3/4 of the pot. We keep it in this position for 10-15 minutes, then take it out and let the water drain freely. Be sure to drain excess water from the pan.

To determine when to water your precious orchid, there is an easy way: simple wooden stick(thin), carefully pierce the soil in the pot to the very bottom, then pull it out, and if the stick is wet only 1/4 of the height of the earthen lump. The main thing is not to damage the roots, move the stick slowly and closer to the wall. The water must be soft, purified or boiled.

Soil for Cumbria

The substrate is selected large with a slow degree of decomposition. For a specific variety of orchid, the use of large quantity bark, since when it decomposes, oxidation occurs, which harms the plant itself.

Useful components in the mixture for an orchid will be peat (or penza), moss and coal - to improve aeration of the root system. Sold in flower shops ready-made mixtures for Cumbria. Of course, let's not forget about good layer drainage at the bottom of the pot. Fertilizers are applied in spring and summer.

Cambria transplant

Transplantation is not recommended, only in exceptional cases. The plant does not like to be disturbed again. A transplant can be carried out, for example, if the cambria becomes crowded in the pot and its roots begin to crawl outside of it.

In this case, the growth of the plant may stop, which is best avoided, so replanting is permitted. An important condition, is that after transplantation, the first watering is carried out no earlier than a week later.

Cumbria pot

The pot should be well ventilated, but not transparent, so you can give preference to a ceramic one.

The size of the container for planting is chosen to be small, approximately the size of the roots; they should completely fill the container and have only a little freedom.

Cambria orchid propagation

When buying this type of orchid, pay attention to the fact that the key to normal growth and lush flowering is the presence of at least three bulbs.

Cambria is propagated by dividing the rhizomes, so that each division has at least three pseudo bulbs; if there are fewer, then most likely the plant will not take root. Treat the cut areas with charcoal.

Each specimen is placed in a separate pot with substrate. Please note that at first, before rooting, the flower needs support, so you can place 1-2 wooden or plastic sticks around it and fix the orchid. As with transplantation and propagation, the first watering is carried out only after 5-7 days.

Diseases and pests

Frequent causal the appearance of dark spots on the leaves there may be overmoistening. It is necessary to try to reduce the frequency (interval) of watering; perhaps the roots do not have time to dry out properly and, as a result, they begin to rot.

If the edges of the leaves begin to turn yellow , it means the plant is getting too much sunlight. Thus, it becomes depleted, loses its vital juices, begins to turn yellow and dry out.

Cumbria can be susceptible to bacterial and fungal infections. In addition, it is possible that the following pests can settle on orchid leaves: red spider mite, weevil, whitefly, aphid, scale insects, thrips .

Cambria is a flower of the Orchid family, a hybrid of Oncidium and Miltonia. This variety was bred for indoor floriculture, thanks to this they are easy to care for and live well in apartments.

The Cambria flower belongs to a variety of sympodial orchids, their pseudobulbs are oblong in shape and well developed, reaching 8 cm in length. Each pseudobulb has long leaves, about 2-3 pieces, which can reach 50 cm in length, quite wide, densely spaced, color – dark green with a prominent and bright central vein. The bulb blooms once, produces about two flower stalks, and after flowering is complete, they are removed.

The flowers are quite large, about 10 cm in diameter, and are often red with light or white spots. After removing faded pseudobulbs, cambria forms new ones, which sprout with other peduncles. When purchasing a flower, you should not take a flower with a single pseudobulb. The fact is that such cambria is almost always unviable and is unlikely to take root. It would be best to buy a plant with three or more pseudobulbs.

Location and lighting

Cumbrias love diffused but bright light. In summer, it is best to keep the flower on a western or eastern window, or it is better to slightly shade southern windows to avoid direct rays and subsequently burns on the leaves of the plant. If in winter the cambria is in a dormant period, then additional lighting is not needed, and if active flowering is still ongoing, then it would be better to illuminate it with lamps for 10-12 hours.


Cambria orchid is not particularly picky about the temperature in the room. It grows and blooms well under normal conditions. room temperature. Optimal temperature for Cambria - 18-25 degrees. Also, the flower does not need strong differences between day and night temperatures, as required by other types of orchids, which makes Cambria comfortable for indoor growing.

Air humidity

In general, we can say that Cambria does not need high humidity indoor air. It also grows at 25-30% humidity, but when new flower stalks begin to form, it is still better to increase the humidity in the room to 35-40%, this will help the cambria to withstand the heat without losing the quality of growth and flowering.


Water the flower with a moderate amount of water. First, the water is allowed to settle for 24 hours. Watering Cambria better method immerse the flower pot in water for 20-30 minutes. The water should be warm.

After the flower “gets drunk”, it should be removed from the watering tank, but not immediately put in its usual place - the water must be allowed to drain, otherwise rotting of the root system simply cannot be avoided. It is necessary to ensure that between watering the Cambria, the soil in the pot dries out almost to the very bottom.

The soil

The optimal soil composition for cabria consists of fern roots, charcoal, pine bark, forest moss and coconut chips.

Feeding and fertilizers

The flower is fed with special mineral fertilizers for orchids from February to October twice a month. There is a small peculiarity: in the first month of fertilization and in last month the amount of fertilizing is given to a minimum; this is done so that the flower gets used to or gets out of the habit of fertilizing. In general, there is an opinion that cambria should not be “overfed”; it is better to “underfeed” a little. You can also fertilize the orchid while spraying.


This flower does not tolerate transplantation well. This should be done in extreme cases, only when the roots have grown to their maximum or it is necessary to replace the soil in case of slight rotting. Transplantation is usually performed once every 2-3 years. Cambria is transplanted only after the flowering period has completed. After the transplant has taken place, the plant is left alone and not watered for 5-7 days.

Cambria reproduces by dividing the bush. When transplanting, the bulbs are separated from each other so that the roots are not damaged. If the roots are still damaged, then when planting they need to be sprinkled generously. activated carbon to avoid infections.

Planted pseudobulbs that have not yet taken root do not stick well to the soil, so it is better to secure them with a support stick. The first watering after planting new cambrias is done after 7-8 days, during which time the flower begins to take root and the damaged roots heal. If old bulbs remain during propagation, then you need to wait until they die so that new ones grow and flowering begins.

Diseases and pests

Cumbria can get sick from a variety of fungal and bacterial infections. If this happens, the affected flower organ is removed and treated with a fungicide. Cumbria can also be affected by scale insects, orchid aphids and spider mites.

Difficulties in growing

  • If the leaves of the plant turn yellow, then you need to pay attention to excessive lighting.
  • Droopy leaves mean either too little or too little watering. low temperature content.

Cambria Orchid - care, watering, replanting (video)

The Cambria orchid is a hybrid obtained by crossing several plants (Miltonia, Cochlyodes, etc.). In the shape and color of the orchid, you can clearly see the signs of the crossed varieties. The leaves are lanceolate, wide (up to 50 cm in length). Distinctive feature– sympodial plant growth (when new shoots grow above old ones).

The leaf has a rich green color with longitudinal veins. Root system well developed, has false potatoes, medium-sized roots, covered with a porous layer.

The flower reaches up to 10 cm in diameter. Peduncles emerge from the axils lower leaves, they reach a length of up to 60 cm, forming up to 50 inflorescences. The inflorescences are zygomorphic, having 5 sepals and one modified petal (lip). The shape of the flower is similar to a star. The colors of flowers can be varied, but there are always specks, dots, patterns, and stains on them.

Home care

With proper care, an orchid can bloom twice a year. Proper care means temperature, lighting, watering, replanting and soil quality.

Lighting for many orchid species (including Cambria) should be bright. But it is worth remembering that the plant does not tolerate direct sunlight, which can cause burns to the leaves. Therefore, it is better to place it on windows on the north or north-west side.

In winter, due to lack of light, the plant may stop growing. To prevent this from happening, it is recommended to illuminate it with fluorescent lamps.

Take note: in the warm season (summer, spring), a plant standing on a window on the south side must be protected from sunlight. It is convenient to do this with a sheet of paper or cardboard.

The Cambria orchid does not tolerate extreme heat, drafts and sudden temperature changes - this can have a detrimental effect on its growth and development. Temperature should be between 16C in winter and 25C in summer.

The soil for orchids is quite unusual and differs from the soil for other plants. It is recommended to plant or replant the Cambria orchid in a mixture of moss, sawdust and coal. It is also recommended to add pumice or peat chips to the substrate.

Watering Orchids is done using the immersion method. To do this, pour water into a deep container and place a pot with an orchid in it so that the pot goes more than half into the water (naturally, there should be holes at the bottom of the pot). Leave for 15-20 minutes. Water will flow through the holes to the roots and be absorbed into the substrate. After the time has passed, the pot is taken out and given excess liquid drain.


  • orchid long time does not bloom;
  • flowers are shriveled and do not fully bloom;
  • leaves wither and become flabby;
  • Foreign spots and inclusions appear on the plant.

These are the most important signs of pests on a plant. Plants are treated against pests with solutions of foundationazole and copper oxychloride.

Cambria is not susceptible to major houseplant diseases. If its leaves turn yellow, you need to pay attention to the lighting. Leaves may turn yellow from sunburn or, conversely, from lack of light.

The appearance of dark spots on the foliage indicates excessive watering. In this case, the soil should be allowed to dry thoroughly (do not water for 5-6 days).

The Cambria orchid is considered quite unpretentious hybrid species, because it was specially bred for home cultivation. Therefore, if you want to grow an orchid on your windowsill for the first time, you can safely start with Cambria.

An orchid of any kind will become a real decoration for your home garden. Quite interesting and unusual flower is the Cambria orchid. This article will tell you how to properly care for this variety in order to achieve long and beautiful flowering.

The Cambria orchid is a complex hybrid, to create which several varieties of orchids were used (Brassia, Oncidium, Miltonia and Odontoglossum). Therefore, we can say that this plant is a real flower mix. This flower was developed in England in the 20th century.

The plant is characterized by the formation of false bulbs with oval shape. They can reach a length of 8 cm. Several dark green leaves (2–3 pieces) grow from such bulbs. Such leaves can grow 0.5 m in height. In addition to leaves, the pseudobulb is capable of forming a peduncle.

Bulbs form after flowering. It is worth noting that the more bulbs a plant produces, the healthier it will be.

Today the following species belong to the genus Cambria:

  • Vuilstekeara. A hybrid that was developed by crossing varieties such as Cochlioda, Odontoglossum and Miltonia. Plants on peduncles produce 5–20 large flowers. The color of the petals can be red, yellow or pink. Flowering duration – 2 months;
  • Beallara. The flower was obtained through crossing Miltonia, Brassia, Odontoglossum and Cochlioda. The plant blooms with purple-pink or cream flowers, which are streaked with a variety of patterns;
  • Burrageara. A hybrid obtained from the following varieties: Miltonia, Oncidium, Odontoglossum and Cochlyodes. Flowers of this species exude a scent similar to that of roses. The petals of the flower are colored in different shades of red and yellow. Flowering usually occurs in January;
  • Colmanara. The plant was obtained through crossing 3 species: Miltonia, Odontoglossum and Oncidium. The orchid blooms for 3 months. The flowers come in yellow and red colors;
  • Degarmoara. It is a triple hybrid, which was obtained by crossing Odontoglossum, Miltonia and Brassia. The orchid produces large flowers, the diameter of which can be 10 cm. They have a wide variety of colors;
  • Odontocidium. It is a simple hybrid that was obtained by combining Oncidium and Odontoglossum. About 50 flowers are formed on the formed peduncles. They are medium in size. The color of the buds consists of a combination of red and yellow flowers, diluted with dark patterns;
  • Odontioda. It is also a simple hybrid, which was obtained from Cochlyodes and Odontoglossum. The flowers are red or yellow colors various shades.

These varieties typically bloom once every different quantities months. Moreover, flowering occurs regardless of the time period. Cambria is formed at home beautiful flowers bright colors that delight the eye for 4–7 weeks.

The Cambria orchid has some peculiarities in the organization of its water regime. The frequency of watering here depends on the formation of pseudobulbs. Until false bulbs form, the plant should be watered abundantly. However, as soon as the bulb is formed, you need to wait up to 3 weeks between waterings.

If you care for the flower correctly, the plant will form a new peduncle. If it begins to form, the previous water regime should be restored.

Cambria should not be watered at the roots. It is also forbidden to leave the plant in water for a long time. Do not allow water to get on the false bulbs. Otherwise they will rot.

You need to use only settled tap water. It is best that the water is also filtered before watering.


The Cambria orchid, which is cared for in an apartment or house, requires periodic feeding. The roots of the flower are very sensitive. Therefore, you need to be very careful with fertilizers.

Fertilizing of the flower is carried out from the growing season of the young stem until the formation of the pseudobulb. Feeding stops as soon as a false bulb has formed.

Fertilizers are also applied during the pasture of the flower arrow. Feeding continues until the first bud appears. Fertilizers are not applied during the flowering period.


In order to properly care for the flower, you need to properly organize the light regime for the cambria. The plant should not be exposed to direct Sun rays. Additional lighting flowers is carried out only in case of flowering in winter period. And on hot days the plant should be shaded.

The pot should be placed on the windowsill on the north, east and west sides.


Periodically, the cambria should be transplanted into a new pot. Typically, transplantation into a larger container is carried out every 1–2 years. Repotting involves not only changing the pot, but the whole thing.

For the transplant to be successful, this procedure should be carried out as needed and preferably in the spring. It is best to buy the substrate at a flower shop.


At proper care Cambria can be actively propagated at home. The Cambria orchid, which is propagated at home, requires simultaneous transplantation of all parts. During the transfer process, the flower is divided into several parts and placed in separate pots.

For successful growth, the transplanted part of the plant must have at least three pseudobulbs. Planting and caring for the transplanted parts must be carried out in accordance with all the rules.

Diseases and resuscitation of orchids

  • spider mite;
  • thrips;
  • scale insect;

Of the diseases, cambria most often suffers from fungal and bacterial infections. When the first symptoms appear, the flower is subjected to special treatments.

Cumbria is probably the most unusual orchid, which at proper cultivation and care will delight you with its long and beautiful flowering.

Video “Transplanting and watering the Cambria orchid”

From this video you will learn how to properly care for the popular Cambria orchid.

This type The plant belongs to the orchid genus, indoor type. Homeland - Africa, has more than 72 thousand species.

It is believed that The Cambria orchid was first selected in England at the beginning of the 20th century, and in its creation such types of orchids as Brassia, Odontoglossum, Miltonia and Oncidium were used. You can see this type of orchid in flower shops under the name “Vuylstekeara” or “Vuylstekeara”. Let's take a closer look at the Cambria orchid, with the features of planting and care at home.

Be sure to pay attention to it, because Cambria is intended specifically for growing in a home environment and is the most unpretentious of all orchids, and even a novice amateur florist can understand their cultivation.

The presented assortment of orchid flowers is very large, and it is not easy to immediately recognize Cambria, but it is possible. When choosing, pay attention to the shoot type of stem growth and rounded pseudobulbs, as well as narrow and long leaves. Another difference is the flower- in the shape of a star, with sharp tips.

Caring for Cambria at home

Selecting a substrate for planting

Although Cumbria is unpretentious flower , the choice of substrate must be approached responsibly. An ordinary orchideenerde is not suitable for growing Cambria orchids; nevertheless, a slightly different substrate is needed, it should be larger than for Phalaenopsis orchids, and also less moisture-intensive. How to choose the right substrate?

There are two ways out of this situation: the first is to select large pieces from the purchased ordinary substrate and mix them with pieces of pumice, peat and clay shards; the second option is pieces of bark from the park and forest, but it must first be washed, boiled, dried, and only after that, the bark is ready to be poured into a selected pot. At the bottom you need to put a little foam or other drainage, the function of which is to retain excess moisture.

How to choose the right pot?

The choice of pot should also be approached responsibly. Its size is determined by the amount of root space it occupies., which do not tuck, but are distributed along the walls of the pot.

Plant Cambria in transparent pots not worth it.


It is better to overdry Cambri than to overwater it, due to the fact that this type of orchid has thin roots that rot easily. How often to water Cambria? It depends on the air temperature.

During the warm season We water on average once a week, and in cold or rain– once every two to three weeks.

Do not forget that the soil must dry thoroughly, not only on top, but also in depth.

Watering cambria from the shower is contraindicated!!! It is best to water in the standard way for orchids - immerse the pot in a container with clean, preferably boiled or filtered, water, for a maximum of 30 minutes, and in winter - no more 10 minutes. After the flowers bloom, the frequency of watering should be reduced, and during the period of formation and growth of pseudobulbs, it should be increased.


There is no special requirement on which window to install Cambria. Almost all of them grow well on both the southern and northern sides.

Orchids are afraid of direct rays of the sun - this will lead to burns and subsequent yellowing of the leaves.

South side window must be shaded with tulle, and north and west sides in case of insufficient lighting during the flowering period, especially in winter and autumn, supplement the lighting with ordinary fluorescent lamps. The brighter the light, the brighter and more luxuriant flowering. High-quality light is only beneficial!


Cumbria is heat-loving plant, the air temperature should not be lower than 14-16 0 C in winter and not higher than 25 0 C in summer. Protect home flower from sudden changes in temperature (its fluctuation cannot exceed 4 0 C) and drafts.

Also take care about the required air humidity, spray the room once every 1-2 days, while making sure that drops of water do not flow from the leaves into the substrate.

Top dressing

Orchid Cambria needs feeding only during the period of budding, flowering or active growth. For this purpose, fertilizers containing Ca, K, Mg, marked “for orchids”, at the same time reduce the concentration of fertilizer by 2 times than recommended in the instructions, because just like with watering, the rule works: too much is not healthy!


The Cambria Orchid is not needed too often. replanting is enough once every two years. Replanting is necessary when you see that the roots of the flower do not fit in the pot and the substrate begins to rise.

Cambria orchid transplant

Transplantation is carried out only after the flower has bloomed. When placing a flower in a new, larger pot, it is necessary to inspect and trim dry roots, rinse them carefully in clean water.

After transplanting, the flowerpot is not watered for five days, not fed, not loosened, and not moved from place to place (recommended air temperature 20 0).

Reproduction methods

Reproduce this indoor plant Can bulb division method. If you notice more than one pseudobulb during transplantation, separate them carefully without damaging the delicate roots! And if this happens, you need to cover the damaged area with charcoal powder. Plant the separated specimens in different pots in the manner indicated above.


Pruning, unlike other varieties of orchids, is not carried out, but simply the dried peduncle is removed, which, after pruning, in order to avoid infection of the orchid, MUST be disinfected. It is necessary to sprinkle the cut peduncle with cinnamon powder, charcoal or a solution of brilliant green.

Diseases and pests

Among the diseases, cambria can be affected by fungal and bacterial infections. Signs may be: white or gray coating, wet spots on the leaves they darken and die. If such symptoms appear, you must: isolate the plant, treat the leaves, remove the affected parts, dry the cut, reduce watering and treat with Fitosporin (spray the plant).

The plant can also be damaged by orchid aphids, red spider thrips, snails or scale insects.

To combat orchid aphids you need to treat the cambria with dichlorvos, and to defeat the red spider, scale insects or thrips, you need to treat the cambria with special insecticides (actellik, phosphamide).


Orchid Cambria is quite unpretentious home plant. If you follow all the points and recommendations for care, you will definitely be able to grow healthy and beautiful plant at home.