Why do rusty spots form on anthurium leaves? Causes of brown spots on anthurium leaves

Anthurium is a plant that easily tolerates threats that pests can pose. But many people have problems with growing it quite often. The most common things that happen to this flower are: leaves turn yellow and dry, spots appear. Of course, all flower growers are interested in how to save an anthurium when its leaves dry out.

A healthy plant blooms for several months in a row, while managing to grow simply gorgeous foliage. If you are the lucky owner of this luxurious flower, but it has begun to look unimportant, it’s worth wondering why your anthurium’s leaves are drying out or spots are appearing. As a rule, diseases can arise from improper care behind him.

Anthurium - what to do if the leaves dry out?

Why, for what reasons do anthurium leaves turn yellow and dry? This question plagues all amateur gardeners. If you encounter this annoying problem, we will tell you what to do.

The very first, most common reason is improper lighting. Try to move the flower to a well-lit place, but without direct sun rays. Direct rays may cause burns.

The second reason is a decrease in temperature. This problem is usually encountered in winter period time. When the temperature drops to 10-12°C, the leaves begin to become covered with brown spots, the lower leaves turn yellow, and growth slows down. To avoid this, you should move your flower to a warmer place and limit abundant watering. The most suitable temperature for anthurium is 22-25°C.

The third reason is humidity. If there is widespread yellowing of the leaves of your flower, then it may be a problem with the roots due to excessive moisture. To eliminate this problem, remove the flower from the pot and carefully inspect the roots. If rotten parts are found, they should be cut back to healthy tissue and the anthurium should be planted in fresh soil.

The fourth reason is an excess or shortage of fertilizers. If you find yellowing leaves after fertilizing, you should take a break from this procedure, or, best of all, replace the soil completely.

A uniform yellow large spot on the leaf may indicate that the flower is not getting enough, then, naturally, you should feed it.

The fifth reason could be orange aphids. When a flower is infected by aphids, its leaves turn yellow, dry out and wrinkle, young shoots and flowers fall off. In this situation, you need tobacco tincture, it will help get rid of aphids and save the plant.

The sixth reason is. The leaves affected by them become covered with brown spots. However, they can affect not only leaves, but also young shoots. Small cracks form in the sprouts brown edges. Karbofosa will help eliminate this problem.

Another cause may be fungal diseases. Although Anthurium is affected by such diseases quite rarely, but sometimes it happens. And if this happens, then the plant needs certain care and treatment:

  1. Gray rot. At first glance, it resembles a grayish coating in the form of dust. If you notice such a plaque on your flower, first move it to a well-ventilated area, as high humidity can contribute to the rapid spread of the disease, and carefully remove all damaged areas. Then spray the flower with Topsin.
  2. Septoria- a fungal disease that can also affect anthurium. If it is infected, dark spots with a light border will appear on the leaves. It will help you with this disease copper sulfate. But before you treat the plant with vitriol, all affected foliage must be removed.

Brown spots on the leaves are often found on anthurium. This phenomenon is considered a bad symptom, since anthurium is luxurious indoor plant, which has heavy shiny leaves and beautiful flowers. Therefore, it is important to know why anthurium has brown spots on its leaves, as well as how to eliminate the problem. If you don’t know how to solve the problems that have arisen on your own, contact experienced flower growers for advice.

Plant care rules

Anthurium is a capricious plant. Some of its species are grown only in greenhouse conditions. It is also important to take into account when growing a plant that its juice consists of toxins that can adversely affect human mucous membranes.

Features of caring for anthurium:

  1. It is recommended to grow the flower in partial shade or on a windowsill with diffused light, as it does not like bright light. At the same time, it is important to provide the anthurium with additional lighting in winter. Otherwise, the plant will not produce flower stalks.
  2. In summer, the air temperature in the room should not exceed 25 degrees Celsius, and in winter the plant can develop at a temperature of 14 - 16 degrees.
  3. To prevent the anthurium from dying, it is necessary to avoid places with drafts.
  4. It is recommended to water the flower with slightly warm water. In summer, watering is carried out once every three days, and in winter - once every seven days. The remaining water from the pan after watering must be poured out so that the roots do not rot.
  5. It is also important to ensure good air humidity in the room where the flower is grown. Spray the leaves systematically, but in such a way that water does not get on the flowers.
  6. Twice a month, feed the anthurium with a mineral solution or organic fertilizer. It is necessary to feed during flowering and active growth of the plant.
  7. Anthurium grows best in self-prepared soil. Mix humus (two parts) with leaf soil and peat (one part each), as well as sand (half part). Crushed bricks or cones are added as drainage.
  8. After purchasing an anthurium, it is important to transplant it into a new, suitable-sized pot with the correct soil.

Read also: Treatment of diseases and pest control affecting the Vanka wet flower

At home, the plant can be propagated using cuttings. Cut cuttings from the tops of the flower along with the aerial roots. Plant them according to the rules in prepared containers.

To prevent the plant from disappearing, it must be protected from attacks by aphids, scale insects, and fungal infections.

If mistakes are made with watering, the fertilizing schedule is disrupted, the air in the room is excessively dry or the plant is improperly lit, the leaves of the anthurium gradually dry out.

Often the development and beauty of plant leaves is affected by a sharp temperature change, as well as growing a flower in a cold room.

If the rules for growing a plant are violated, it begins to hurt and disappears. Therefore, it is important to know the main reasons why anthurium leaves dry out or become covered with spots of different colors.

Wrong fertilizer

For lack nutrients indicate slow plant growth, small young leaves. The leaves turn brown due to a lack of nitrogen, phosphorus or potassium, as well as calcium or magnesium.

If there is an excess of fertilizers, they can also change their color. sheet plates anthurium. To save the plant, replant it in new soil, washing the roots first.

Causes of blackening of leaves

The following reasons lead to blackening of anthurium leaves:

  • influence of direct sunlight;
  • drafts;
  • incorrect air temperature;
  • the presence of calcium salts in the substrate.

If there is a black coating on the leaves caused by an excess of calcium salts in the soil, replace the substrate containing leaf humus and peat. Next, the flower is watered only with softened water.

If the anthurium leaves turn black due to a draft, the pot needs to be moved to another cozy place.

If the leaf blades turn black due to exposure to sunlight, make a shaded place for the flower. It is important to ensure that the flowerpot gets scattered sunlight or partial shade.

If the leaves are covered with yellow spots and begin to curl, it means that the plant has been attacked by aphids. To save the plant, treat it by special means or tobacco tincture.

If the shoots are covered with cracks and the leaves are stained, the flower is affected mealybug. To destroy it, karbofos is used.

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Dark spots on anthurium leaves appear due to a scale insect attack. Pests need to be removed and plants treated laundry soap, mixed with kerosene.

Appearance of brown spots

Anthurium produces brown spots on the leaves due to the following reasons:

  1. improper feeding. It is recommended to fertilize with fertilizers with balanced substances;
  2. if the temperature in the room is too low, the leaves become covered with small brown dots.

If brown spots are noticed, the stem may have suffered from a mealyworm, which can be destroyed with special chemicals.

Appearance of yellow spots

Anthurium leaves turn yellow due to lack of light in winter. Watering the plant with water containing chlorine and heavy metal oxides also leads to this phenomenon. To avoid yellowing of the leaf blades, it is recommended to water the flower with rain, melt or settled water.

If water accumulates in the pan, the roots of the flower rot and the leaves turn yellow. It is important to moisten the soil moderately and drain excess liquid from the pan.

plant in small pot may also produce yellow leaves. In this case, it needs to be transplanted into a larger container.

Anthurium leaves dry out due to dry air, insufficient watering, diseases or aphids.

The frequency of watering depends on the time of year. The soil should dry out to a third of the pot between waterings. To increase air humidity, spray the leaves with water daily.

If the leaves dry out at the edges and then begin to dry out completely, it means that the plant has suffered from anthracnose. To eliminate the disease, treat with a systemic fungicide.

Dry tips on leaves can form due to a lack of oxygen in the root system. In this case, replant the anthurium in soil with cones or charcoal.

Age-related changes

Most often, the leaf blades of anthurium turn yellow due to aging. Age-related changes affect foliage, which is closer to the ground, more.

The yellowness spreads over the entire area of ​​the leaf, causing it to lose its elasticity and juiciness and acquire a brown color. After some time, it disappears on its own if it is not removed first.

If the anthurium is well and properly cared for, the loss of old leaves does not harm the plant, since young healthy leaves begin to grow at the top of the stem.

Read also: Care and propagation of anthurium andre

Since yellowing leaves do not benefit the plant, but only take away strength, it is best to remove them in a timely manner. If you remove the old leaves, the flower will begin to develop better and become more attractive.

To cut dead leaves, it is recommended to treat scissors or a knife with alcohol so as not to introduce infection into the stem. Sprinkle the cut areas on the trunk with fine charcoal. If the leaf has turned yellow, but has not lost its juiciness, it cannot be torn off by hand so as not to injure the stem, so use only a sharp tool for this purpose - a knife.

The size of leaves and flowers is affected by the age of the plant. The older the anthurium, the smaller and paler the flowers. The trunk becomes more bare every year as the leaves below die off. Some types of anthurium continue to grow luxuriantly, but with small rosettes, and some with a single rosette of leaves.

To help the plant continue to bloom profusely large flowers, he needs to be rejuvenated. Using a sharp knife, cut the top of the anthurium so that you get a cutting with two or three aerial roots. Plant it in soil prepared in advance. In order for the cutting to develop better, before planting it can be placed in a growth stimulator for some time. You need to care for the cuttings systematically, spraying them with warm water.

Often gardeners are faced with the fact that anthurium not only dries out, but also does not bloom. This problem leads to:

  • lack of lighting;
  • incorrect temperature conditions;
  • too much heat air in winter;
  • incorrect watering procedure;
  • low humidity in the room;
  • the presence of dry inflorescences on the plant.

Now you know why anthurium leaves turn black or yellow, and also what to do in such situations. The plant may also change the color of the leaves to yellow, brown or another color due to improper care or attack by pests. Therefore, it is important to provide the flower proper care, timely watering, fertilizing, replanting as necessary. If you notice that the leaf blades of a plant are changing their color, do not ignore it. It is important to determine the cause of the problem and eliminate it in time to save the anthurium.

Many people consider anthurium capricious plant and this is true, because some varieties of this beautiful flower can only be grown in greenhouses. It has been noted that the described culture does not tolerate intense sunlight and needs sufficient moisture and heat. If growing conditions are not met, or as a result of exposure to diseases, spots appear on the leaves of anthurium. In our article we will get acquainted with the main nuances of caring for this plant and describe the problems that may arise during its development.

The described culture came to us from tropical countries, so it must be grown under appropriate conditions. In summer, it is recommended to set the room temperature within 20...25 degrees, in winter - 14...16 degrees.

Important! Strong currents of cold air are especially dangerous for the flower; drafts often lead to the death of anthurium.

Watering the crop should be carried out warm water. In summer, soil moistening is carried out every 4 days, in winter - once a week. In this case, the nutrient substrate should be moderately moist and not too dry. Problems in the development of anthurium may be associated with watering with cold or hard water. High concentrations of lime in the liquid lead to yellowing and drying of the leaves. To reduce the amount of watering in the root zone of the plant, you can lay a layer of moss or sphagnum

In addition to providing moisture to the root system, you also need to moisturize the leaves. To increase the amount of moisture in the air, the leaves of the flower are sprayed with water. One thing to pay attention to important nuance– the sprayed liquid should not fall on the surface of the flower. After water gets in, spots appear on the inflorescences and they die. The crop is fed during the period of active growth or in the flowering phase, using solutions of organic or mineral substances for this purpose.

To provide optimal conditions For anthurium to live, it is necessary to properly prepare the nutrient mixture. The substrate should consist of forest soil, peat and sand in a ratio of 2:2:1. In addition, drainage is added to the bottom of the pot: expanded clay, pieces broken bricks, charcoal or other material. The plant can be affected by diseases and some pests, the impact of which leads to the destruction and drying of the leaf blades of the crop.

The main problems when growing a flower

As we have already said, anthurium is considered a rather capricious plant. This flower is accustomed to a tropical climate, so it does not always feel comfortable at home. Next, let's look at the most popular problems.

No flowering

Many gardeners complain about the lack of flowers in anthurium. The reason for this cultural behavior may be:

  • Insufficient lighting. Both a lack and an excess of sunlight or artificial lighting can be detrimental to a plant. To solve the problem in preparation for flowering, you need to install an additional light bulb or other light source;
  • Low air temperature. Solution: heat the room to 22 degrees Celsius in the summer and 14-16 degrees in the winter;
  • The absence of inflorescences is often associated with improper watering regime or insufficiently humidified air. Excess moisture is harmful to the crop, so water should be taken up by the drainage layer;
  • Another reason is dry inflorescences. After flowering, seeds begin to form on the crop. They take away useful material at the anthurium. You can solve the problem by cutting off the dried inflorescences.

Anthurium leaves turn yellow

The main reason for the appearance yellow leaves Anthurium has no proper watering or the use of low-quality water with a large mass fraction of chlorine, as well as oxides heavy metals. To prevent this, you need to water the crop moderately; excess water should be absorbed by the drainage layer. Ideal option will be the use of rain, melt or settled liquid.

Yellowness on anthurium leaves often appears due to intense sunlight or lack of lighting. IN summer period The plant needs to be shaded and left on a sunny windowsill in winter. In some cases, it is necessary to transplant the crop into a new container or destroy pests.

Drying leaves of anthurium

The reasons for this unfavorable phenomenon are considered to be dry air in the apartment or drafts when the plant is located near open window. To solve the problem, you need to move the flower away from the window, and also periodically spray its leaves. When spraying, make sure that droplets of water do not fall on the inflorescences.

Black spots on anthurium leaves

Blackening of the leaves of the crop in question indicates an excess of potassium in the substrate. In this situation, it is recommended to transplant the flower into new soil, for example, special soil for orchids or add organic and mineral fertilizers in the required quantities.

The tips of the leaves of the anthurium dry out

The main reason for this behavior of the flower is considered to be dry air in the apartment. The situation can be saved by spraying the leaves of the crop. In winter, the pot with the plant is placed away from heating radiators, and a container of water is placed nearby. Another reason for the drying out of the tips of the leaves is the lack of oxygen that reaches the roots. To prevent this negative phenomenon the flower is replanted or soil is added to the pot. To improve aeration, large impurities are added to the soil, for example, charcoal or broken brick.

Anthurium leaves with brown spots

In the first case, you need to select balanced fertilizers for the crop. Pests are destroyed using Karbofos or other chemicals.

Small flowers of anthurium

Experts believe that the reduction in the size of the inflorescences and leaves of the crop in question occurs through the natural processes of aging. Over time, the plant’s trunk becomes bare and dies off. lower leaves, inflorescences do not appear at all or become small.

To solve this problem, it is necessary to rejuvenate the bush. The plant is pruned so that there are two or three left on its trunk. aerial roots. Next, the culture is transplanted into a new pot, root system treated with a growth stimulator. During further care needs to be supported constant temperature indoors within 20 degrees, and also spray the plant with warm water.

Anthurium is a “tail” flower (translated from Greek). Luxurious flower culture, natural conditions whose habitats are the tropics of Argentina, Brazil, and Paraguay.

Currently, there are almost 800 species of the Araceae family in the world. Moreover, 75 of them can be grown in the garden and only 25 at home. But those that are close to natural.

Therefore, if you liked a flower with a wonderful inflorescence in the form of a blanket over the cob and decorative leaves, you will have to master the basics of caring for it. To know, why anthurium leaves turn yellow, and also what to do if the tip of a leaf begins to dry on a flower.

Why do anthurium leaves turn yellow?

In a healthy plant, the surface of the leaves looks smooth, shiny or matte. In some species it is velvety. Moreover, it is given decorativeness not only by inflorescences of greenish, white or bright colors (pink, red, purple), but also by leaf plates - solid, deeply dissected. The types with cut edges are especially good.

At home, most often, you can find such popular decorative foliage varieties of anthurium as:

  • crystal;
  • Andre (white, red);
  • Schurzer, Hooker, Veitch.

If you notice a spot on the surface of dark green leaves(yellow, brown or black), which means there is a reason that spoils their appearance. Perhaps this is a sign of plant disease.

Why does anthurium turn yellow at home?

Anthurium, as a truly tropical crop, prefers a warm, humid microclimate and diffused light. For any deviation from comfortable conditions the flower reacts immediately.

First of all, the leaves of the anthurium begin to turn yellow. And it is quite natural that a gardener, especially an inexperienced one, wonders why and for what reason such undesirable changes occur.

The most common reason is non-compliance with plant care rules. However, quite often anthurium can turn yellow after being purchased in a store, once at home. Because the air in the apartment is drier and the temperature is completely different, the flower will need some time to adapt to the lighting.

If the anthurium leaves continue to turn yellow, solving the problem will take more time and will require knowledge about specific measures to help.

Reasons why anthurium leaves turn yellow:

In addition to these reasons, the leaf turns yellow due to attached pests - aphids,. They suck the juices out of the plant and it turns yellow.

And also, perhaps, the flower is affected by fusarium. In this case, total yellowing of the leaves and their wilting are observed.

Deficiency of iron and magnesium in the soil is the cause infectious disease called chlorosis. In this case, yellowness on the leaf plate is inevitable.

If the substrate does not contain sufficient quantity nitrogen, this will cause yellowing of the lower leaves of the anthurium. Appearance plants will suffer in the same way from a lack or excess of sulfur and manganese in the soil.

Why do anthurium leaves turn yellow after transplantation?

It happens that after that the leaves of the flower begin to turn yellow. Obviously, this was facilitated by the actions of the grower, due to which the plant became worse:

  • During transplantation, the root system of the anthurium was damaged;
  • the soil has been chosen incorrectly or the crop is adapting to new conditions;
  • After transplantation, the flower was over-watered.

Other mistakes also occur, which are usually made due to ignorance of the nuances of anthurium transplantation.

First of all, this concerns complete replacement soil. For example, if you leave part of the “store-bought soil” in the pot and then add your own, then after replanting it will be difficult for the plant to adapt to two substrates that are completely different in air and water permeability, nutritional properties, and substrates.

Advice: To transplant a healthy flower, the transshipment method is used.

Capacity flower pot in this case, it must correspond to the volume of the root system. When replanting later, it is increased by one size (a space the size of a finger remains between the old lump of soil and the edge of the pot).

Why do the tips of anthurium leaves dry out?

During the hot summer months or winter When heating is on in residential areas, the tips of the leaves of the flower may dry out. The reason is dry air. A culture that thrives ideally in greenhouse conditions requires high humidity (85-95%) for the health of its leaf blades.

Perhaps the appearance of dry leaf tips was due to insufficient oxygen reaching the anthurium roots. Or the drying of the leaf along the edges provoked a disease - anthractic disease.

What to do if the anthurium turns yellow?

A healthy plant has all the foliage smooth, with a characteristic bright green color, without yellowness or spots. In addition, the leaves renew themselves quickly, and those that appear again easily unfold without any damage.

But, if a problem nevertheless arises when the leaves of the anthurium turn yellow, what to do to benefit the flower - advice will help experienced flower growers.

If the anthurium turns yellow for one of the reasons, given below, you should do this:

What to do if anthurium has spots on its leaves?

The appearance of yellow spots on glossy, dense leaves, a flower signals uncomfortable conditions for it or the development of some disease:

Anthurium, without a doubt, is a plant that is demanding in terms of growing conditions. And if most of its leaves have turned yellow, gone, the gardener needs to know how to save anthurium.

Flower resuscitation measures:

As soon as the anthurium grows new roots, it is planted in a special substrate for orchids. Later, the strengthened flower is transferred to a pot with soil.

In cases where the roots of the crop have completely rotted, the stem is placed in water with activated carbon. Perhaps your flower has not yet lost its vital energy. Then he can be saved.


Observing simple rules care, which consist in maintaining the temperature, humidity, necessary for the growth and flowering of anthurium, good lighting, periodic fertilizing with nitrogen fertilizers, daily spraying procedures, you are guaranteed to preserve the health and beauty of your favorite plant.

If the leaves of an anthurium at home begin to dry out, most often the reason lies in improper maintenance conditions and care. The plant reacts quite sharply to dry air and other errors, identifying and eliminating which will help restore the flower to a beautiful and healthy appearance, as in the photo in catalogs.

Optimal microclimate for anthurium - important condition not only for flowering, but also for the health of the foliage mass. A plant brought to us from the South American tropics requires high humidity, adjusted watering and other mandatory aspects of proper maintenance. Otherwise, spots appear on its leaves, the tips dry out, and the bush itself may even die if the grower does nothing.

Irrigation violation

If you are planning to get an anthurium, know that this flower will require constant attention and care. Proper watering ensures that the leaves never begin to brown or yellow. If the soil is too moist, the root system of the plant suffers, and then the entire bush becomes sick. Drying of the substrate is also undesirable, as it is fraught with similar consequences.

To organize proper watering, you need to:

  • Moisten the soil only after the top layer of the substrate has dried;
  • Drain the moisture remaining in the pan;
  • Reduce watering in the cold season;
  • Moisten the soil in summer often, but in small portions.

It is imperative to use settled water for irrigation. room temperature with reduced rigidity. If possible, it is better to filter it or add oxalic acid (0.5 teaspoon per 5 liters).

Dry air

Anthurium leaves can also dry out due to dry air. The plant experiences a moisture deficiency because it evaporates quickly. In tropical forests, bushes grow in conditions of high humidity, so for the health of the bush it is necessary to organize a similar microclimate.

You can increase humidity in several ways:

  • Place a tray with expanded clay or sphagnum moss watered with water near the anthurium pot;
  • Regularly spray the leaves with a spray bottle using water at room temperature (it should not get on the inflorescences, if any);
  • Install a humidifier in the room;
  • Wash the anthurium in the shower several times a month.

When leaves dry from the tips in winter, this is a sure sign of exposure heating devices. That is why it is not recommended to place the anthurium near batteries, but place it a little further from the window, in partial shade.

Other causes of leaf drying

Dry air and unregulated watering are not the only reasons why anthurium foliage loses its attractiveness:

  • Drafts and low temperatures. Placing a pot with a tropical flower near balcony door or on the windowsill, where the window is often opened in winter - a bad idea, which is fraught with yellowing and drying of the leaves. To protect the bush from the effects of destructive drafts and low temperatures, take the plant out of the room for ventilation;
  • Lack of oxygen. The root system of anthurium is demanding of oxygen, so the soil should be easily breathable, loose and light. If the plant is planted in a heavy substrate, its roots will begin to hurt over time. To prevent the situation, you need to use special soil for anthuriums or prepare soil mixture yourself, mixing 4 parts peat, 2 parts turf land, 1 part each of sphagnum moss and coarse sand.

Pests and fungal diseases of anthurium: what to do

The reason for drying of anthurium leaves when kept at home and properly cared for may be infection by pests or fungi:

  • Anthractosis – fungal disease, which manifests itself in the form of drying edges of the leaf plate with a further decrease in its thickness and complete drying. To cure the bush, you will need to treat it with a fungicide (Topaz, Trichodermin, etc.). The solution is prepared according to the scheme indicated on the package, and spraying must be carried out 2-3 times to ensure complete destruction of the fungus;
  • Septoria blight can be identified by small gray-brown or yellow spots with edging, which gradually increase in size and dry. The disease can be aggravated by stagnation of water, lack of lighting and fertilizing. To cure, you will need repeated treatments of the leaves with Fundazol, Previkur and other fungicides;
  • Aphids infecting anthurium cause the leaves to dry out and curl, and the appearance of characteristic light yellow spots. The drugs “Karbofos”, “Aktellik” and their analogues successfully fight the pest;

Rots that affect the root system of anthurium also affect the condition of the entire bush. Not only the tips, but also the entire leaf blades begin to dry. Determining the presence of a fungal disease is simple - just pull the plant out of the pot and carefully examine the roots. If they are brown or black, covered with plaque and soft, then the plant urgently needs to be revived:

  • Remove all old substrate from the roots, remove all affected shoots;
  • Trim yellow, dry or suspicious leaves;
  • Treat the cut areas on the roots with crushed activated charcoal or charcoal;
  • Spray the entire bush with a fungicide solution;
  • Plant the plant in a new pot with replacement soil, having previously sterilized it.

How to prevent leaves from drying out

It is much easier to organize suitable conditions for anthurium than to then treat a drying bush. Thus, for the plant to feel comfortable, it is necessary:

  • Place the pot on eastern or western window sills in the summer, and move it to the southern ones in winter;
  • Water the flower moderately, only after the substrate has dried;
  • Organize high-quality drainage system to drain water by making holes at the bottom and placing a drainage layer in the pot (1/3 of the total height);
  • Avoid direct sunlight on the leaves;
  • Spray the bush and wash it regularly;
  • Use suitable soil with the required acidity (5.5-6.5 pH).

Timely transplants (once a year) with a change of substrate will help avoid nutrient deficiency and maintain the health of the flower.