Wormwood - dill tree - “God's tree. Medicinal wormwood, or “God’s tree”

There are plants that are not very popular, and sometimes unknown to gardeners. Some of them can even grow next to the site, attracting attention with their interesting view, but remaining an unknown representative of the flora. Exactly to such interesting plants One can include God's (dill) tree, the planting and care of which we will demonstrate in this article.

Some have heard of wormwood or abrotane, which belongs to perennial shrubs. Wormwood comes from temperate latitudes, and the most favorite and comfortable place of growth is arid areas. God's tree has a very beautiful leaves, as well as a pleasant aroma that can repel many insects. The plant has long been noted in medicine, and its elegant, unique leaves are used in the design of parks, squares or personal plots. There are evergreen varieties of wormwood, as well as those that shed their leaves for the winter.

What are the known species of Abrotan?

The plant is quite diverse and most of species are still resistant to frost. God's tree belonging to medicinal varieties, is known in almost all countries of the European continent.

Some people grow Wormwood in their own garden to take advantage of its medicinal properties.
There is a tree variety that is more suitable for the Mediterranean climate. A beautiful border plant attracts the gaze of random passers-by.

In the mountainous areas of southern European regions, Caucasian wormwood is found, which grows no higher than thirty centimeters.
The plant known as Tarragon or Tarragon gives the carbonated drink of the same name its name due to its distinctive aroma. A tall variety, reaching up to one meter in height.

In the southeastern regions of our country it is most common low-growing variety called Cold Wormwood.
In China, there is a milky variety that can grow up to one and a half meters and has characteristic small flowers. light shade.
In Latin American countries you can also find a representative of this species called Wormwood Louis.
Overall, the plant exhibits diversity and is distributed throughout the globe.

God's tree is the most common type

This variety is most often found in Europe. God's Tree is a type of wormwood with a strong aroma. The plant can reach up to one to one and a half meters in height. Showcases beautiful leaves and is prized for its medicinal properties.
It should be noted that the shoots of this plant are fragile, so when planting you should allocate less passable places so as not to damage the wormwood. The characteristic color of wormwood leaves is light green with a grayish tint. The shape is openwork. Even this variety can remain evergreen, or even lose its leaves in winter.

What are the benefits of God's tree?

If we talk directly about the variety of wormwood called God's tree, then it has been known since time immemorial as treatment plant. The shrub was often grown by monks to prepare medicinal potions, which gave the plant its name. Historians know that in Ancient Greece From this variety of wormwood, ointments were prepared and widely used, which healed wounds well and also repelled annoying insects. An infusion of leaves has proven itself to be a cure for sore throats, as well as an appetite-stimulating tincture. Wormwood is also used in cosmetology as a effective means, from which hair grows.

How to properly prepare a medicinal plant

The leaves of the tree of God have no bitterness at all, especially if they are thoroughly dried. July and August, when the wormwood flowering period begins, are best suited for harvesting. It is recommended to cut young shoots before flowering, while they are still soft and not woody. A dark, ventilated place is suitable for drying. Finished product exudes a light citrus aroma, and it is recommended to store it in a dry, closed container.

Methods of use

Except medicinal properties Artemisia may offer other uses. For example, due to its pleasant aroma, the plant is suitable as one of the ingredients for marinades, tinctures or sauces. For this purpose, as a rule, not only leaves are used, but also young buds, which are dried and crushed. Many cooks use wormwood powder for meat dishes, and sometimes even boil a piece of meat in its decoction.
The tincture is effective for treating toothache and intestinal pain. Freshly squeezed juice heals wounds, and wormwood is also known for stopping bleeding.

How to properly grow God's tree

The plant belongs to the heat-loving species, so choose the sunniest places that are not shaded by other trees. The soil must be enriched with organic fertilizers, and since acidic soils are not suitable for wormwood, it can be neutralized with dolomite flour. The choice of planting site must be thorough, since the tree feels great in one place without replanting for ten years.

An unpretentious plant to care for, it will please the eye all year round. IN summer period you can occasionally loosen the soil without affecting root system. The mulching process will delay required quantity moisture, and in hot periods it is recommended to organize drip irrigation. Wormwood does not like dryness.

Even a novice amateur gardener can easily cope with this decorative bush, which does not require special care and trimmings. At the same time, to form the desired shape, the plant lends itself well to pruning, for which young shoots should be cut to a height of sixty centimeters. As a result of proper care, a beautiful bright spherical bush grows.

God's tree tolerates it well winter period even without covering. Before the onset of cold weather, it is recommended to prune the shoots a little, and in case of frost below twenty-five degrees, the plant should be transplanted into a container and brought into a room with a low temperature. For wintering wormwood, the air temperature should not exceed eight degrees.

The Tree of God propagates by seeds or vegetatively. In the first option, the main problem will be to get ripened seeds, which, if successful, are planted in special containers for sale. When the seedlings sprout, they are ready to be planted in open ground, what is better to do in the spring.
The vegetative method of propagation of wormwood is more common and shows excellent results. At the height of summer, you need to cut off young green cuttings and plant them in wet sand. It is recommended to cover the cuttings with a jar to ensure the necessary conditions for rooting. As a rule, after a month the root system already appears, thanks to which young plant can be planted in open ground. It takes two years to reach an adult plant, after which God’s tree will delight with its beautiful view all year round.
In addition to this method, cuttings can be carried out a little differently. IN spring period It is better to cut the cuttings before the leaves appear and put them in water. When the roots appear, the cuttings can be planted in open ground.

Wormwood or lady's tree is a perennial plant that belongs to the Asteraceae family. It can grow in one place for about 10 years. IN wildlife grows almost everywhere. It can often be found in forests, meadows and even wastelands.

Tree wormwood - God's tree, like medicinal plant was known back in Ancient Greece. In those days, a healing balm was prepared from it for the rapid healing of wounds. Today, wormwood is widely used not only in folk medicine, but in cooking and cosmetology. Gardeners appreciate this beautiful ornamental shrub for its graceful forms.

People have given the plant many names, the most common are Chernobyl, Abrotan, Schisandra, dill tree, medicinal wormwood. TO Slavic peoples it came from the monastery gardens, in which exclusively medicinal herbs grew. This is where the name “Tree of God” comes from.

God's tree wormwood - botanical description of the plant

Wormwood ladywood is a perennial plant that belongs to the Asteraceae family. It can grow in one place for about 10 years. In the wild it grows almost everywhere. It can often be found in forests, meadows and even wastelands.

Abrotan lady's tree is externally a subshrub that reaches a height of up to 50 cm. The root is woody and wide. Stems vary depending on the species. It is noteworthy that perennial representatives have a shortened, sterile stem, while annual representatives are fruitful and straight.

The lady's tree plant has a characteristic pungent aroma. The lacy blue-green leaves resemble dill in appearance. The leaf blade is pinnately dissected, with thin, almost thread-like lobes giving the delicacy. They are arranged in one row on the stem. In mid-summer small ones appear yellow flowers collected in small baskets. Medicinal wormwood (God's tree) blooms until frost. Under the conditions of our country, this plant does not produce fruits, so it can only be propagated by vegetative means.

The tree of God is a common plant in many countries; according to science, there are about 250 species of it. Distinctive feature This species has a pronounced lemon aroma. The Northern Hemisphere with a temperate climate is considered the birthplace of the culture.

Types of wormwood

Various representatives of the numerous species are found throughout the world, where temperate climate. Let's look at some representatives in more detail:

This is perennial herbaceous plant grows in the temperate zone of Europe. Spread where there are rocky areas. The height of the subshrub reaches from 15 to 20 cm. The leaves are grayish in color.

This frost-resistant tree wormwood produces a pungent aroma. Europe is considered the homeland, but the culture can be found in Asia and Africa. It grows along roads, near houses, in vegetable gardens, and gardens. It can reach 2 meters in height.

The perennial shrub reaches a height of 40 cm. The leaves are pale and sit on the stem on a short petiole. The flowers can be purple-pink or yellow. Grows near roads, on rocky slopes, in the steppe. Can be found in China and Central Asia.

The perennial plant grows up to 80 cm in height. The stems have a reddish tint, the leaves are rich green. It grows along roadsides, in meadows, and clearings. Can be found in Western Siberia and Central Asia.

A low-growing plant (30 cm in height) attracts Special attention with its lacy leaves silver color. The species is used in gardening. The crop is planted along borders, in flower beds, and used to decorate rocky hills and terraces. Pairs well with brightly blooming

plants. This species grows in Japan, Norway and the Far East.

The perennial has a bitter-spicy aroma. It reaches a height of up to 20 cm. The leaves are silvery in color, the leaf blade is deeply dissected. It blooms with very small flowers. Rocky hills and borders are decorated with culture.

Gardeners have selected the best decorative varieties wormwood is Steller's wormwood, Schmidt's wormwood and tree wormwood.

Features of growing God's tree

Abrotan is unpretentious plant, which takes root in any soil and tolerates frost well. In order to grow a beautiful ornamental shrub, you need to adhere to several rules regarding its cultivation.

  1. you need to choose a landing site sunny side plot, as the plant will develop well in warmth and bright light;
  2. The shrub should be protected from strong winds; for this it can be planted between other taller bushes;
  3. before planting, the soil needs to be fed with fertilizers and minerals;
  4. The crop does not need replanting and feels good in the area chosen for it for about 10 years.

Planting and care will not bring much trouble even to a novice gardener. The grass grows well even with infrequent watering. In order to avoid attack by aphids, the bush should be sprayed with a weak solution of green soap for preventive purposes. Regular weeding will help get rid of weeds. This way the tree of God will be able to absorb the required amount of minerals from the soil.

It is recommended to feed the crop with complex fertilizers, which include phosphorus, humus, ash and peat. In order to give culture decorative look, gardeners prune old branches. Pruning should be done in early March.

Reproduction of the tree of God in the conditions of our country is carried out vegetative way. In this case there are two options:

  1. Cuttings (dividing a bush). Biennial shoots are suitable for this propagation. They need to be placed in a bucket of water 10 days before planting in order for a root system to form. You need to plant it in moist soil, immersing only 10 cm of the cutting. Between the seedlings you need to leave about 1.5 meters of space so that the crop is free and spacious.
  2. Reproduction by layering. For this method, you need to select a shoot 25 cm long and remove all the foliage from it. Make an incision with a knife and treat it with a substance that stimulates growth. Apply sphagnum moss and press firmly. Attach a black film with peat below the cut. You can plant it when the root system appears at the site of the cut.

You can also propagate tree wormwood even easier. Select one of the branches after pruning and stick it into the ground. Water well and wait until young foliage and shoots appear. Branches that are slightly dry at the tips are also suitable for this method.

Why is wormwood beneficial?

Despite the fact that medicinal wormwood has been used in folk medicine since ancient times, few people know about its medicinal properties and contraindications. Healing actions grass is determined by it chemical composition and essential oils.

Medicinal properties of God's tree:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antispasmodic;
  • painkiller;
  • laxative;
  • insecticidal;
  • choleretic;
  • antiseptic.

WITH Greek language wormwood means “healthy”, which in Once again confirms its healing qualities. Since ancient times, in order to preserve the leaves, monks stored them in hermetically sealed containers. Thanks to this storage method, the plant retained its aroma.

God's tree has the following medicinal qualities:

  1. Wormwood oil called citral has disinfecting properties.
  2. The leaves are used to prepare infusions against sore throats and teas to improve appetite.
  3. Wormwood decoction is used to treat various skin suppurations. The product destroys pathogenic microorganisms and increases clotting.
  4. Divine wood, steamed with boiling water, helps with sprains and bruises, and also gives hair a healthy shine.
  5. The tincture relieves toothache and eliminates intestinal colic.
  6. Wormwood is added to marinades to give the dish a lemon flavor.

You should take medicines based on the tree of God carefully, as an overdose can lead to poisoning.

How the medicinal properties of the tree of God are used in folk medicine

This variety of medicinal properties easily explains the popularity of this plant in folk medicine. To prepare medicines, you can prepare the raw materials yourself or purchase them ready-made at the pharmacy.

For a cold

Lady's tree grass contains many useful substances, so drugs are prepared from it that will help fight colds. Best result gives wormwood oil. To prepare it, you need to fill a liter jar with leaves and inflorescences of the bush, washed from dirt and dust, and pour in olive or linseed oil.

Leave to infuse in a dark and cool place for 14 days. During this time, the oil will be absorbed by everyone useful substances, which the plant will highlight.

Note! It is not difficult to determine whether a product is safe for health and useful; after two weeks, the oil infusion should change color to rich green.

After time has passed, strain the liquid and you can begin treatment. It is recommended to take 1 tsp. in the morning and before bed. The course of treatment is 5-7 days.

To cleanse the body

A good alternative to modern pharmaceutical drugs for cleansing the body can be a product based on medicinal wormwood. The prepared decoction not only has no contraindications, but will also help you quickly and effectively cope with the task.

Tree wormwood is good remedy for the treatment of most diseases associated with the gastrointestinal tract. At the same time, appetite improves. To prepare medicinal composition you need to mix 1 tbsp. dried lady's tree herb and 1 tbsp. yarrow.

Pour two cups of boiling water, cover with a lid and leave until completely cool. Then strain and pour into a clean glass container. Take 3 tbsp. 3 times a day on an empty stomach. The course of treatment is no more than three weeks.

For menstrual irregularities

In folk medicine there are many ways that can help restore menstrual cycle. God's tree is exactly that healing plant, the composition of which will cope with the problem that has arisen. It is not difficult to prepare an infusion; to do this, you need to finely chop the dried leaves of medicinal wormwood and pour a cup of boiling water over them. Cover the container with a lid and leave to cool. Take 1 tbsp. three times a day.

Treatment should be carried out on an empty stomach. The result can be noticed after 3 months of regular use of the medicinal infusion. In order to avoid side effects, you need to take breaks during treatment (take the infusion a week after a week).

For dental treatment

Infusion medicinal herb You can relieve toothache and inflammation, however, you should understand that a home-prepared remedy will not be able to eliminate the cause of the pain (damage to the gums or tooth).

The recipe is universal and is often found in folk medicine in one interpretation or another. Lady's Tree Grass is used in fresh. It needs to be washed well running water and tear it apart a little. Pour boiling water over it and let it brew until it cools down with the lid closed.

The prepared infusion should be rinsed oral cavity as soon as it starts to worry toothache. Hold the liquid for 20-30 seconds and spit it out. A positive result can be seen after 2-4 rinses.

God's tree in cosmetology

The plant has unique feature preserve youth and beauty. That is why the culture is often used for cosmetic purposes. For each individual case there is its own recipe. For example, to cleanse the scalp and reduce oiliness, you need to wash your hair with a decoction. It’s not difficult to prepare; you just need to pour three liters of water into 200 g of raw material. Boil and use.

In order to slow down aging, it is recommended to carry out water procedures with wormwood infusion. To prepare it, you need to pour 350 g of boiling water over three liters. dried leaves. Let it brew for an hour, strain and pour into a prepared bath with warm water. It is advisable to take a bath 1-2 hours before bedtime. The duration of the procedure is 15-25 minutes.

For cosmetic purposes, you can prepare wormwood oil. Pour two glasses of unrefined sunflower oil 5 tbsp. ladywood seeds and add 3 tsp. table vinegar. Let it brew for 3 weeks in a sunny place. Shake the container periodically. Can be used for massage against cellulite.

The use of God's tree grass begins with the collection and preparation of raw materials. The plant is used in its entirety, that is, all its parts are useful in folk medicine. Depending on the purpose of use, God's tree should be harvested in different time. For example, it is recommended to collect leaves before flowering. This way they will retain their beneficial properties and rich chemical composition as much as possible.

The stems are cut after flowering, after which they are crushed and dried in a shaded and well-ventilated place. Harvested leaves and stems should be stored in a paper bag for no more than two years.

The inflorescences are collected at the time of flowering. They need to be carefully cut with scissors, laid out on fabric or newspapers and wait until completely dry.

A special dryer will help you prepare healing raw materials. To do this, freshly picked parts of the grass are placed in drying chamber and dry at a temperature of +50 degrees. To prevent drying out, you need to turn it over every 7 minutes.

Important! Before you start using the preparations, you need to carefully check the wormwood for the absence of pests and rotting.

God's tree wormwood - contraindications

In addition to its medicinal properties, the plant has a number of contraindications that should be given special attention. It is prohibited to take medications based on medicinal wormwood:

  • in case of individual intolerance to the composition of the herb;
  • children under 5 years old;
  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • persons with bleeding, anemia or stomach ulcers.

Exceeding the recommended dose may cause distress nervous system. The standard course of any treatment based on this plant should not exceed three weeks. If it is not possible to achieve the desired results, then after a week's break, therapy can be continued.

There are crops that are little known to gardeners, and in some cases, many are not aware of them at all. Some crops can even grow close to the site, attracting attention unusual appearance, but also remaining little known. Exactly like this unusual plant You can call wormwood tree - God's tree.

Description of culture

Some have heard the name of the plant wormwood; the culture is a perennial. Wormwood is common in temperate climatic zones, but the most comfortable place for its active growth is considered to be the dry areas of the planet.

God's Tree is distinguished by its attractive leaves, as well as a pleasant smell that may be intimidating to some harmful insects. The culture has long been mentioned in medical prescriptions, used to decorate city parks, summer cottages and flower beds. There are separate evergreen varieties, as well as those in autumn time lose lush foliage.

The plant reaches a height of 1.2 meters. There are other names: abrotan, decorative wormwood and dill tree. Wormwood has been actively growing in Ukraine, Belarus and Russia for many decades. This plant was first mentioned at the beginning of the 12th century in the Ipatiev Chronicle. Due to its special medicinal properties, the culture is widely used in the medical field. Gardeners love this plant for its unusual and attractive shape.

Plant characteristics

Wormwood can quickly adapt to areas with increased dryness, grow on high hills or sandy soils, quickly spreads along the banks of streams and rivers. In science, there are about 250 varieties of this crop. They are used landscape designers to create unusual compositions.

Features of dill tree:

Popular types and varieties

The culture is distinguished by its diversity; many of its varieties exhibit particular resistance to low temperatures. God's tree, which is referred to as medicinal types, is known in almost all European countries. Main plant types:

Even in ancient times, such a plant grew in the territories of temples; it was grown mainly by monks. To properly store wormwood leaves, they need to be finely chopped and placed in an airtight container. With this method, the culture will not lose its pleasant aroma.

The following medicinal compositions can be prepared from the plant:

Excessive consumption results in intoxication of the body.

To create a medicinal decoction from a plant, one part of the dried herb is poured with boiling water and placed on the fire to boil. The broth is left for thirty minutes, and then filtered through cheesecloth. The finished product can be drunk 50 grams before lunch.

Features of cultivation

Planting and caring for wormwood is not particularly difficult if the plant is not grown for its decorative qualities. This grass grows well in almost any soil mixture, excluding sand. Wormwood responds positively to cold weather and winters with little snow. But some conditions are optional right place It is still important to take into account the growth of culture. This will help the plant grow better and bloom more beautifully.

God's tree prefers places with high level exposure to the sun, so for growing plants it is best to choose the south side of your summer cottage. This can be explained by the fact that dill herb belongs to the group of southern crops. In addition, the plant reacts negatively to strong cold winds.

The plant will feel best in a row between trees or other shrubs. It is also important to take into account that trees can block the sun's rays.

Wormwood requires well-moistened soil. Before landing on open ground it is important to fertilize it with minerals, as well as organic substances. In one place, a crop can continue to grow for about twelve years, after which it needs to be transplanted to new site. Grows well among perennial herbs And annual plants. Negatively relates to soil with a high level of acidity.

Planting in the soil

It is best to propagate a dill tree by cuttings or dividing the bush. It is better to use cuttings for planting that are two years old and fully mature. The plant is planted in damp soil mixture(before planting, the soil should be watered warm water). It is advisable to plant in mid or late April. At this time, the soil is well moistened, so the seedling can quickly and efficiently take root, even if it is not watered.

The seedlings of the crop can be placed in a container with water for one week, and then planted in the ground. In water, the cuttings form the first young rhizomes. Afterwards they begin to actively grow throughout the ground.

The seeds of the tree of Christ can germinate even after 70 years from the moment they were collected. The total length of the cuttings that will be planted in the soil should range from 10 to 15 centimeters. It is important to leave a distance of up to one and a half meters between plantings so that the shrubs can grow quickly and efficiently. When planting in the soil, seedlings can be fertilized with humus and constantly watered during the first two weeks of cultivation.

In some flower shops you can find wormwood seeds ready for planting. They are needed for growing seedlings. Since this plant grows in warm regions, it is best to plant it in separate containers and place it on a windowsill, on which it will always fall. sunlight. After the seedling grows to 15-20 centimeters, it is allowed to be transplanted to country cottage area.

Many gardeners say that abrotane grows quickly and does not require special care. Some even forget about this culture, but it continues to grow and does not die. But to create an attractive, graceful shrub, caring for the plant is important.

A dill tree that is grown for decorative purposes does not need to be watered. Watering is carried out only in the first days after planting in the ground. To preserve all the decorative qualities of the plant, it can be watered on warm summer days once every fourteen days. Each bush will require about four liters of water at room temperature.

Fertilization with useful substances

Tree wormwood still requires care after planting in the ground. Such procedures will not take too much time. In some cases, aphids appear on the foliage of the plant. In this case, the plant must be sprayed with special anti-insect preparations. Can also be used for spraying laundry soap, diluted in a bucket of water. To do this, take 250 grams of soap per 10 liters of water. Spraying is carried out several times at weekly intervals.

Weeds may grow near the bushes, which are important to regularly eliminate. The soil is weeded to provide the plant's roots with more nutrients and minerals. You can also sprinkle several handfuls of chola under the bush. Before winter season Abrotane should be mulched. If desired, the soil next to the bush is sprinkled with humus.

Caring for such a crop also includes regular pruning. It is best to choose spring for such a procedure, when all the cold has already gone and the weather has returned to normal.

Shoots of annual shrubs need to be cut back by four centimeters. It is best to pinch the tops of wormwood to ensure better growth for the shrub. On a mature shrub, you need to cut off last year's growth as often as possible to rejuvenate the crop, you can cut off the shoots.

Shrub division

This propagation method is best used in the spring, in April. To do this, the bush is dug up. Afterwards, the unnecessary soil is carefully shaken out from the roots, and the crop is divided into several parts (depending on how much is needed). Each part should be quite large, since plants with a small root system often do not take root and simply die.

After division, each crop is planted in separate holes. Before planting in the soil, it is best to water the soil and add fertilizer. For the next two weeks, the separated bushes are watered regularly. Watering can be completed only after strengthening the root system of the seedlings.

There are plants that are little known to a wide range of gardeners. It even happens that if you have a beautiful representative of the flora on your property, not many people know its name. This includes the tree of God. This is one of the many types of wormwood. In another way, among botanists, it is called medicinal wormwood or abrotan. What properties does this plant have and why do gardeners value it? Let's talk about this in the article and tell you about the care and features of growing the tree of God.

What is wormwood

Wormwood belongs to the genus perennial plants and bushes. Its homeland is considered to be the temperate latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere. Wormwood is often found in dry areas. They grow it for its beautiful decorative leaves and an aroma that can repel insects.

Some varieties, for example, wormwood - God's tree, are used in medicinal purposes. This plant looks great in garden compositions, in the design of borders. Unusual shape leaves will decorate the garden throughout the year. In nature, both evergreen and deciduous wormwood are found.

Types of wormwood

There are many varieties of wormwood and almost all of them are frost-hardy. Medicinal wormwood, lady's tree, is very common in many parts of Europe. Wormwood is one of the commonly found varieties, especially in the wild. But it is also bred at home quite often. The tree-like variety is found in the Mediterranean and is often used for borders. Caucasian wormwood is found in the mountains Southern Europe. He is not tall, up to 30 centimeters. Tarragon or tarragon has a pleasant aroma.

This plant can reach a height of 1 meter. Cold wormwood is a low-growing variety that predominates in southeastern Russia. A resident of China, the milky variety has small light inflorescences and grows up to 1.5 meters in height. Wormwood Louis grows in Mexico and North America. There are many more varieties of this plant that can be found in the most different corners globe.

You can find the tree of God almost throughout Europe. This is a type of wormwood that has a very strong aroma. The homeland of this plant is unknown, since information has been lost over time. The tree of God, a photo of which you will find in this article, reaches a height of 1-1.5 meters. It is valued for the beauty of its leaves and medicinal properties.

Wormwood has very fragile stems, so it must be protected from unnecessary contact and placed in less busy places. The leaves have a gray-green color and a strongly rugged shape. Although this plant is called a tree, it can be classified more like a shrub. Small, light yellow inflorescences appear on wormwood in late summer. There are varieties of lady's tree that shed their leaves in the fall, and there are also evergreen ones.

Beneficial features

The lady's tree shrub has been known for many centuries. Even in ancient times they knew about beneficial properties this plant. The monks grew it in their gardens, like medicine. This is where the name of this plant comes from: church grass or God's tree. In Ancient Greece, healing balms for wound healing and insect repellent were prepared from this wormwood.

The composition of the tree of God contains 0.3 percent essential oil, including citral, which gives the aroma of lemon. An infusion of the herb is used as a remedy for sore throat. Tea made from the leaves is an excellent appetite stimulant. In cosmetology, an infusion of leaves is used as a means for hair growth. Lotions made from steamed herbs are effective for bruises and dislocations.

Preparation of medicinal raw materials

A distinctive feature of ladywood is that it has virtually no bitterness, and it completely disappears after drying. Healing raw materials are harvested from July to September. At the beginning of the flowering period, green shoots of wormwood are cut off before they become woody. Dry them in the shade. The finished raw material has a light lemon aroma. The workpiece should be stored in a dry place. In a tightly closed container. But the raw materials must be thoroughly dried.

Uses of wormwood

Wormwood, or ladywood, has a spicy aroma. Therefore, it is successfully used for preparing marinades, sauces, infusions and as an addition to meat dishes. Young leaves with buds, dried and crushed, are excellent for this. Wormwood powder is added to meat dishes.

You can also soak meat in a decoction of God's tree. An infusion of the herb is used to treat toothache by gargling. The juice of the herb is used to treat wounds and abscesses. Lady's tree tincture is excellent for intestinal pain. This is an excellent hemostatic agent. But wormwood must be used with caution. The daily portion can be no more than 10 grams of leaves in any form.

Landing place

God's tree, the photo of which is very beautiful, just like living plant, this is a heat-loving representative of nature. Therefore, for planting, it is better to choose sunny areas that are not shaded by other, larger neighbors. The soil should be light and nutritious. In poor soil you should add organic fertilizers. Wormwood does not tolerate acidic soils. If this cannot be avoided, then dolomite flour should be added before planting. God's tree can grow in one place for more than 10 years. Therefore, you must immediately choose suitable site for its breeding.


God's tree, which will not be difficult to care for, will delight you with its beauty almost all year round. He cannot be called whimsical and capricious. In the summer, it is necessary to loosen the soil from time to time to ensure good access of oxygen and moisture to the roots of the plant.

But at the same time, the root system cannot be opened, so a small hilling is carried out. This will also retain moisture. During hot periods, systematic watering is required. There is no need to over-moisten or allow the soil to become waterlogged. Water the wormwood as needed, without allowing the soil to dry out.

Pruning and shaping the bush

The tree of God, which even a novice gardener can grow, can become a wonderful decoration for the garden. The bush is very stable and does not require special pruning. But if you want your site to have beautiful plant compact shape, then you need to constantly shape the crown. To do this, the shoots are pruned, preventing them from growing more than 60 centimeters in height. This way you get an original, spherical bush. After the first pruning, the shoots begin to grow evenly and only occasionally need to be adjusted to their height. Beautiful bluish leaves stand out perfectly against the background of green plants in the garden or any plot of land.

Winter hardiness

This plant has good winter hardiness. It does not require shelter in winter. God's tree can tolerate frosts up to 25 degrees. At the same time, some shoots freeze slightly, but with the onset of warm days, the wormwood recovers well. By winter, you can prune the plant a little so that it can more easily survive the cold. There is no need to cover it. But if you want to keep it in its original form, you can protect it from frost. To do this, the tree of God is transplanted into a container or large pot and placed in a cool room. Storage temperature should not exceed 8 degrees. When the frosts end and the soil warms up, you can plant the wormwood back into the garden.


The tree of God, the description of which will certainly encourage you to plant it on your site, reproduces in two ways. The first is the seeds. They ripen and set only in the southern regions. Therefore, getting high-quality seed material is not easy. To begin with, they are planted in suitable containers to obtain seedlings. After this, young plants can be planted in open ground. It is better to do this in the spring, when the earth is warm enough. This way, the plant’s adaptation process will go better, and in the future it will grow and develop well. The second method is vegetative. That is, wormwood is propagated by dividing the bush or cuttings.

In the summer, when the plant is most active and grows well, green cuttings are cut from it. Wet river sand is poured into a pot and shoots are planted there. Then they are covered glass jar and place it in the shade of the garden. You need to spray the plant regularly by opening the jar. After a month, the cuttings should take root. After this they are planted on permanent place. Two years later at proper care And favorable conditions, the plant will represent an adult, beautiful bush. Another method, simpler but less effective, is cuttings in early spring. Cut the shoots before the leaves appear and place them in water. After some time, when roots appear, the cuttings are planted in the ground. You can immediately plant them in a permanent place without waiting for roots to appear, but this reduces the chances of a good result.

Several recipes

A decoction of wormwood is prepared as follows. A glass of raw materials is poured with the same amount of boiling water. Then this mixture is boiled for one minute and left for 30 minutes. Then the broth is filtered and taken a quarter glass three times a day before meals. For the tincture, take 1-2 large spoons of the raw material and pour a glass of boiling water over them. Infuse the mixture for about an hour, and then take half a glass before meals. Before using these drugs, you should always remember the characteristics of the body and treat with caution. Better consult your doctor.

Description of tree wormwood

Homeland tree wormwood(Artemisia abrotanum) is considered temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere. God's tree easily takes root in places with arid climates, on sandy soil or high hills, it is perfectly developed on the banks of reservoirs and rivers. Science knows 250 species of this plant. They are used to create decorative compositions for the garden and suburban area.

Abrotan's leaves have a pinnately dissected formation and a light gray hue, while its stems and roots are woody.
The shoots are erect; petioles are observed on the middle and lower tier of the plant.
The buds resemble small baskets, which are connected into paniculate inflorescences of a loose structure.
Tree wormwood begins to smell fragrant in early to mid-summer.

The shrub emits a strong lemon aroma that repels insects. This property is highly valued by gardeners.

Varieties of wormwood

Various representatives of wormwood species can be seen in almost every corner of the planet with a temperate climate.
Let's take a closer look at some of them:

  • wormwood. Frost-resistant tree-like variety, widespread in nature. Grows on the Mediterranean coast;
  • Caucasian wormwood. A plant with a height of up to thirty cm. In nature, it grows in mountainous regions in southern Europe;
    tarragon. A plant with an attractive scent. Can grow up to one meter;
  • cold wormwood. This variety is not tall. It can be seen in the wild of eastern Russia;
  • milky wormwood. Grows in China. tall plant, up to one and a half meters. Distinctive feature are small white inflorescences;
  • rock wormwood. Place of growth - Europe. Prefers to crawl along rocks and screes. Height 5-20 cm. Leaf color – grayish;
  • wormwood is brilliant. Grows in the Alps. Forms thickets in the form of pillows. The plant has beautiful leaves with a silvery coating and a pleasant aroma.

Methods of propagation of tree wormwood

The tree of God, like many other plants, has two methods of reproduction - seed and vegetative.

Speaking about the method of propagation by seeds, it should be borne in mind that it is not so easy to obtain seed material. In our latitudes, the seeds of God's tree simply do not ripen. In specialized stores you will be offered wormwood seeds from the southern regions.

First, the seeds are sown in boxes - this is how the growing of seedlings begins. Grown seedlings with two pairs of true leaves (according to general rules care), planted in open ground. But they do this only when the earth warms up and warm weather sets in. In such conditions, the young plant will grow stronger faster.

The vegetative method of propagating the tree of God involves dividing the bush or germinating cuttings. Wormwood cuttings are cut in the summer, during the period of the most rapid growth and development of the bush. Cut branches are placed in a pot with river sand, which is well moistened beforehand. The flowerpot is placed under a transparent cap - a wide glass or plastic jar will do. Regular spraying of the plant is highly recommended. The cuttings take root in approximately 25-30 days, after which they are planted in a permanent place of growth. In two years, from a small cutting, carefully caring for it, you can get a lush and attractive bush.

Propagation by cuttings in early spring is acceptable. This method is considered simpler, but much less effective. In this case, the shoots are cut off before the leaves appear and immediately placed in a bowl of water. Quite soon you can notice the appearance of roots, after which the branches are planted in open ground.

How often to water wormwood

Ornamental wormwood is a drought-resistant plant, so it does not need frequent watering. It is enough to water the plant in the first days after planting. To maintain decorative beauty, you can water it once every two weeks on hot summer days. It is recommended to pour 3-4 liters of water at room temperature under each bush.

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Pruning and shaping tree wormwood

The tree of God, which even a novice gardener can grow, can become a wonderful decoration for the garden. The bush is very stable and does not require special pruning. But if you want a beautiful compact plant on your site, then you need to constantly shape the crown. To do this, the shoots are pruned, preventing them from growing more than 60 centimeters in height. This way you get an original, spherical bush. After the first pruning, the shoots begin to grow evenly and only occasionally need to be adjusted to their height. Beautiful bluish leaves stand out perfectly against the background of green plants in the garden or any plot of land.

Tree wormwood in landscape design

God's Tree is not only useful, but also incredibly ornamental culture. In the garden, lush bushes of medicinal wormwood are planted in flower beds. Fast growing crop used as a living fence and as a border along paths and alleys. The tart smell will repel insect pests, and the silvery foliage will “dilute” flower plantings.

Abrotane also combines with other perennials. Tall plants will protect heat-loving wormwood from the wind, the main thing is that there is no excessive shading of the dill tree. The spherical bushes of medicinal wormwood will look worthy next to the flowering ones:

  • rhododendron;
  • spirea;
  • lilac;
  • forsythia;
  • hydrangea and roses.

Application of tree wormwood

This simple, unpretentious plant will become a real decoration of your garden. For for long years wormwood bush can grow in one place. Due to its long roots, it is able to move around the garden, so it is better to use it in compositions without clear boundaries. In magic, the tree of God is considered a talisman against all bad things and helps protect the home and family. Creates harmony in relationships, and a wreath of God's tree grass, worn on the head, promotes enlightenment and insight. Branches of the tree of God are laid out in dressers and closets to scent linen and protect clothes from moths. Medicinal wormwood is hung in the house as a natural freshener air. And in the old days, huts and stables with animals were fumigated with the smoke of God’s tree.

God's Tree wormwood is especially famous for enhancing hair growth. In the Middle Ages, young men used it to quickly grow a beard. With the appearance of a beard, young men became men. Nowadays, this plant is used for hair loss. For this, 2 tbsp. l. dry grass is poured with a glass of boiling water, wrapped for an hour. Then moisten the hair well with the strained infusion, rub it into the scalp and wrap the head with a towel for 15-20 minutes.