Ways to combat fungus and mold in cellars and basements. Methods for getting rid of fungus and mold in basements Using a sulfur bomb in the underground to eliminate the smell of dampness

Mold or mildew is a collection of microscopic organisms belonging to the kingdom of fungi. They live in damp environments, in damp rooms such as bathrooms and basements, and are also components of ordinary house dust, which people inhale every day along with the air to the detriment of their own health. How to get rid of mold in the cellar?

Local methods of struggle

How to treat a cellar against mold and mildew is a question asked by at least every third average person.

Traditional methods for removing mold in the cellar

Besides purchasing funds Traditional methods are also widespread. For those who cannot decide how to treat the cellar against mold and mildew with minimal monetary outlay, there are many “household” products that do not require the purchase of specialized equipment. Everything you need to process the room in this case can be found in any household kitchen. or at least at any hardware store.

  • The most simplified and primitive way to combat mold in the cellar is using bleach. It helps destroy mold mycelium due to the presence of sodium hypochlorite in its composition, which is harmful to mold. However, bleach effective only on non-porous surfaces— its simplicity is, in a sense, “compensated” by the narrow range of applications. In addition, this method cannot be called harmless: bleach contains components that can corrode the skin in the absence of protection in the form of rubber gloves.
  • Another effective way to get rid of mold is treating the affected surface with vinegar. This method works because acetic acid destructive for most types of mold fungi. In addition, it is harmless to humans: when vinegar evaporates, it does not release harmful substances. However, after treating a surface affected by mold, it is better to ventilate the room.
  • Three percent hydrogen peroxide kills mold fungi. By applying it to a prepared—cleaned—surface, you can get rid of harmful sporophytes for a long time. However, it is better not to apply it to painted surfaces due to its whitening effect..
  • Spray onto a non-porous surface ammonia, diluted in water in a one to one ratio, you can get rid of mold fungus without difficulty and harm to your health. However, you should work with it with great care, observing safety precautions and thoroughly ventilating the room. Do not use both alcohol and bleach at the same time; their reaction produces toxic gases.
  • Solution baking soda in the ratio of one spoon of soda per glass of water is harmless to humans, but harmful to mold fungi. By moistening objects or surfaces affected by mold with a sponge soaked in the solution described above, you can achieve the disappearance of the sporophyte in record time.

Purchased funds

However, calling professionals and paying for expensive procedures is often not the only thing that can be done to clean a room from mold, black or white mold. Having figured out how to treat the cellar from mold and mildew, you can necessary procedures yourself by purchasing the appropriate medications at a hardware store. How to get rid of mold in the cellar using chemicals?

Chemical Materials that can be processed Special properties, effect, operating principle, tips for use, etc.
"Antifungal" Any materials except metal and polypropylene. It is added to plaster, surfaces for treating walls, floors and ceilings, as well as to water-based paints. Can be used as a disinfectant effective in combating small pockets of mold.
"Mono swing" Also applied to any surface except metal and polypropylene. Improved version of Antifungal. Effective concentrate from a domestic manufacturer, destroying not only the external manifestations of mold, but also the entire mycelium, eliminating the risk of new foci of damage by harmful sporophytes.
"Atlas Mykos" Universal, that is, suitable for use on any surface. Does not leave stains, becoming transparent after drying. An effective Polish remedy of a new generation. Produced as a concentrate, used as prophylactic, as well as when combating small pockets of mold. Also effective against lichens and algae. Can be diluted with common tap water. The tool most often used to cover the affected surface is a roller or brush.


A drug has an unpleasant effect on the skin, irritation or an allergic reaction may occur. Treatment of surfaces affected by mold must be carried out in accordance with safety precautions; all tools used should be thoroughly washed cold water upon completion of processing.

"Izohan Grzybostop" Most effective when treating concrete surfaces or other building materials. Just like Atlas Mykos, it is sold in the form of a concentrate, which must be diluted before use. It has high chemical activity and quickly penetrates the material, destroying mycelium of black or white mold. Requires special care in handling as contains components harmful to human health. However, when correct processing With all protective measures and precautions in place, there is no cause for concern.
"Spectrum Fungicide" Effective as wooden surfaces, and on concrete and metal, as well as on various building materials. Suitable for eliminating mold in rooms with high humidity, unlike other chemicals, effective even in damp and low temperature conditions.
"Argo Biopag-D" Suitable for processing both internal and external surfaces. The most effective remedy in case of white mold in the cellar. You can both get rid of it and prevent its occurrence in advance using this concentrate.
"Belinka" Suitable for processing any surfaces. An effective means of combating mold fungus, allowing you to get rid of it in record time. It is much more rational than treating the cellar for mold and mildew with expensive imported products, especially in cases where the lesion is relatively small and can be easily eliminated.

Global fight against fungus

There are situations when it is necessary to carry out not a local, but a large-scale fight against mold due to the huge areas of damage.

In this case, it is necessary to prepare the room for processing in advance.

  • Remove all finishing materials from the walls, floors and ceilings, without sparing repairs and without making allowances for external aesthetic appeal. If you do not remove the finish completely, pockets of mold may remain that have not been destroyed., from which a new pest infestation will later grow.
  • Most molds live in furniture and wooden surfaces. It is necessary to disassemble and carefully inspect everything wooden structures for mold damage. It is better to destroy severely affected parts - ideally burn them - to prevent further spread of the pest.
  • If the room has an earthen floor, upper layer soil - twenty to thirty centimeters - must be removed, since mold can nest in it.
  • Affected material should be replaced with new to avoid the growth of mold growth.

What to do with the walls to prevent mold from appearing?

To prevent mold from forming on the walls, it is advisable to insulate them with foam plastic or clapboard. This will prevent condensation and create a damp environment conducive to mold.

Materials such as brick, concrete and stone only appear monolithic in appearance. In fact, they are porous, and moisture can enter the room through them.

To prevent the creation of a damp environment indoors, it is necessary to create high-quality waterproofing. An example is shown in the figure.

In this way, you can protect the cellar from groundwater. We recommend watching a video on this topic.

How to improve ventilation in the cellar

To ensure fresh air enters the room, it is necessary to improve ventilation. If the basement is located in a private house, this can be done by installing basement part foundation vents or vents, closed with gratings with small cells so that rodents cannot enter the cellar through them. However, this method is effective only if the basement area is small and the ceiling is no higher than two meters.

In rooms with larger area More complex ventilation systems, called supply and exhaust ventilation systems, are installed. It looks like this.

However in some cases, such “natural” systems lose their effectiveness. In such cases, forced ventilation systems, or, more simply, fans, are installed in the cellars.

In this case, it is important to remember about safety precautions - to protect electrical appliances from water. This can be done by installing a fan in the exhaust pipe of the room so that the air is blown out.

Watch another video about cellar ventilation.

Professional ways to eliminate mold

To combat large pockets of mold in the cellar, it is most rational to resort to the help of professionals. They use extremely effective, fast and reliable methods, inaccessible to the average person, since getting rid of mold in the cellar can be quite difficult.

Microwave method

More often professionals use the microwave radiation method(ultra-high-frequency microwave radiation), which allows you to warm up a room in which black or any other mold or mildew has grown - in this case, a cellar - to a temperature above sixty degrees Celsius. The fact is that mold fungus grows in a moist, cool environment and dies from high temperatures.

At first glance, it may seem that this method is quite simple, but in fact it is impossible to apply it yourself, without the appropriate skills and special equipment. Professionals use microwaves to measure the temperature of the room using special laser pyrometers, since a regular thermometer in this situation will not give an accurate result because they will not be taken into account external factors and heat transfer from the treated surface.

Using microwaves to clean mold from cellars has a number of significant advantages:

  1. Firstly, when using this method no need to use chemicals, which significantly—almost to a minimum—reduces the possible occurrence of adverse consequences for human life and health. This method one hundred percent harmless to the owner of the premises.
  2. Secondly, Microwave radiation allows you to get rid of mold not only outside, but also inside, that is, in the material itself at a depth of up to thirty centimeters. By warming up the room, ultra-high-frequency rays completely destroy the mycelium of mold, eliminating the possibility of its reappearance.
  3. Thirdly, using microwave radiation it becomes possible to treat the room even in the most hard to reach places , where chemical treatment is not possible.
  4. Fourthly, Microwave radiation extends TO and THROUGH any surfaces, be it brick, plastic, concrete or even metal.


Some sanitary and epidemiological services use innovative fumigation method. This method, which allows you to both get rid of mold in the cellar and prevent its occurrence in the future, is to form a cloud consisting of active chemicals with high penetrating power that destroy mold on any surface.

Hot fog

In cases where there is a need to both get rid of mold in the cellar and completely disinfect it, preventing the appearance of pests or mold in the future, a difficult-to-implement method of treating the room with hot fog is used.

A highly penetrating aerosol “cloud” is created by injecting an appropriate solution (experts determine which chemical is needed based on the individual characteristics of the material affected by mold, as well as the type of fungus and the extent of its spread) into a stream of hot gas moving at very high speed. Entering the stream and subjected to pressure from heated air, the solution breaks into tiny droplets, which instantly evaporate due to high temperatures. Facing the cold air in environment, gas and steam chemical preparation cool and the condensation process begins.

As a result of all these manipulations, the room is filled with the aforementioned aerosol “cloud” or fog - a gas containing tiny particles of liquid, light enough not to overcome the force of air resistance, and with high penetrating ability. This effect is created with the help of special equipment, the so-called “hot fog generator,” widely used among sanitary and epidemiological services.

This method of treating a room allows you to both get rid of mold in the cellar and prevent the appearance of similar pests in the future. It has a number of advantages and properties, on the basis of which a significant part of the public chooses it to combat mold in cellars:

  • Firstly, any substance in the form of an aerosol has high chemical activity, and, as a result, capable of penetrating deeply into the affected material.
  • Secondly, The hot fog effect lasts long enough for a long time , managing to penetrate the most inaccessible places.
  • Third, hot fog environmentally friendly and is harmless to human life and activity. Despite the fact that the actual processing process requires certain precautions, in the future the owner of the premises may not fear pathogenic consequences.

Cold fog

Another widespread way to combat mold in the basement is to treat the room with cold fog. Especially This method is effective in combating white mold. It works in a similar way to the previous one, but has its own significant differences. So, if in the first case the solution was passed through a stream of hot gas, now gas is used room temperature. In this case, the process of evaporation and subsequent condensation associated with a decrease in the temperature of the aerosol does not take place. The “cloud” is generated pre-cooled, which makes it less durable, but more effective in fighting mold. Such an aerosol “cloud” is created using special equipment - a “cold fog generator”.

Despite the apparent similarity, cold fog is significantly different from hot fog, since it is relatively easier to get rid of fungus in the cellar with its help.

  • Firstly, cold fog stays in the air for no more than four hours.
  • Secondly, it has a high dispersal ability, which allows it to penetrate deep into the affected material and even fill locked rooms.
  • Thirdly, unlike hot fog, cold fog does not rise, but falls, therefore it is more effective in combating mold on the floor and walls than on the ceiling, as in the previous method.

Preventing mold in the cellar

To avoid mold growth, the following preventive measures must be taken:

  • Do not place furniture close to the walls of the room to avoid condensation. Also, the appearance of condensation can be caused by an abundance of fabric materials and drying them in a “suitable” cellar, which is under no circumstances recommended.
  • It is very important to regularly dry the room, first giving it a general cleaning.
  • In the absence of a ventilation system the cellar must be ventilated.

What harm does mold cause?

Molds are extremely harmful to human health. Mold spores, which look like white fluff, enter the respiratory tract along with air and dust, causing illness. respiratory system, the most common of which is asthma. Also Mold spores can cause an allergic reaction. Harmful toxins penetrate the blood, causing intoxication and a sharp deterioration in a person’s physical condition. Living next to mold can cause rhinitis and joint diseases.

Material affected by mold is used by the pest as a source nutrients, therefore it quickly rots, deteriorates and becomes unusable. Products favored by mold can cause poisoning and even death. Therefore, getting rid of mold should in no case be put on hold - at the slightest sign of the appearance of fungus, it is necessary to take measures to eliminate it.

Any basements and cellars are favorable places for mold to form. Often, harmful organisms appear due to high humidity, due to poor ventilation, poor waterproofing. To avoid this, it is recommended to periodically carry out prophylaxis. But what to do if mold and mildew have already entered the basement and are actively multiplying there? There are many effective ways to combat these bacteria that are harmful to humans. Let's see how to remove fungus in a cellar or basement.

Fungal colonies are nothing more than mold. Initially, the fungus is spores. There are always spores in the air, but under conditions of high humidity and temperature, these organisms “wake up” and are able to multiply intensively.

Mold can develop on concrete surfaces, painted walls and floors, on wood and other materials. There are many types of these fungi - you can see black, white, green, brown spots. These formations resemble cotton wool in appearance. Glowing fungal colonies also exist in nature.

Black, white and brown fungal colonies can be distinguished. Color can tell not only about a specific class of organisms, but also about the degree of their development. Often the colors of the formations depend on the surfaces on which the colonies live.

Why do fungi and mold form?

Mold never grows in the basement without a reason. Here are some typical reasons:

  • Missing or clogged ventilation systems. If there is not enough fresh air entering the basement, it encourages mold to form.
  • Increased air humidity, condensation. This factor is a consequence of the first reason.
  • Poor air circulation in the cellar.
  • Rotten vegetables, fruits and other products. Spoiled foods are the source of this scourge. Spores quickly spread in the basement along the walls, floors and ceilings.
  • Availability wooden products infected with fungus.

Conditions for reproduction are flexible

Why does one owner have fungus in the basement, but not another? In order for such “life” to appear, several conditions must be met. This:

  • Spores in the air that can land on people, animals, and various products.
  • Availability of a nutritious organic environment.
  • Mold develops if the humidity level in the room is high and the air temperature is 20 degrees or higher.

Various types of mold can lose their ability to reproduce and develop when low temperatures air - from 0° and below. Separately, it is necessary to say about ventilation. Ventilation systems are designed to ensure normal air circulation. When there are movements of air currents, this prevents the spores from attaching to the surface.

In the corners of rooms, air flows often move weakly - it is in the corners that these colonies accumulate.

The ventilation system also removes excess moisture from the air, which is formed due to high humidity outside the cellar or due to a large temperature difference between the outside of the house and the inside of the basement. If there are traces of a fungal colony on the wall, but there are no conditions for reproduction, then germination will not occur. It follows that the reason for everything is poor ventilation.

On video: the reasons for the appearance of fungus on the walls.

Fungal colonies and human health

Fungus can not only significantly spoil the appearance of a room, even if it is in the basement. It is very dangerous for humans. In addition, food stored underground in most households can also spoil. Mold can move to Various types surfaces and objects. It tends to spread very quickly due to reproduction, which can greatly reduce the shelf life and usefulness of products.

If white mold is found in the basement, it must be removed immediately. Let's figure out how to destroy the fungus.

Effective ways to fight

Before treating the basement, the reasons for the appearance of “life” should be removed. A comprehensive approach is necessary - this way you can not only get rid of fungus and mold at home, but also prevent the re-production of spores in the basements. It is necessary to get rid of the misfortune in several stages. We will look at how to remove fungus in the cellar and what means are best suited for this.

Preparing the premises

During the entire disinfection period, the cellar must be emptied of all items and food products. This way you can ensure full access to all settlement locations. This will help protect the products. All furniture is removed from the cellar - it should also be treated to prevent colonies from re-populating. Carrying out general cleaning. Clean all formations on walls, floors, ceilings and other surfaces.

If fungi have managed to penetrate into finishing material deep enough, it is better to replace the damaged structure with a new one.

Wood rots especially quickly under the influence of these bacteria. If the basement floor is made of soil, then it is necessary to remove about 20 cm of soil - the entire top layer is contaminated. Next, the room should be thoroughly dried. And only after this can we begin a real war using special drugs. So, let's get the mold out of the basement.


Now the real fight against mold in the basement begins. There are several effective means to clean the cellar from mold. Let's see how to treat the cellar against mold and mildew.

The destruction of fungus is effective with vapors of sulfur dioxide gases. This product is highly recommended by experts. It is worth using it at the beginning. Using a sulfur bomb is simple - after the air supply to the basement is blocked, the bomb is placed in a tin basin and set on fire.

Next, you should quickly leave the basement and close the door tightly. Sulfur smoke also poses a danger to humans and pets. After about 12 hours, the cellar is thoroughly ventilated and dried with slaked lime. One of its properties is excellent moisture absorption.


You can get rid of fungus in the basement inexpensively and quickly using lime. Lime is very effective in the war against fungal colonies. It is often used for prevention. Before starting work, the cellar is pre-treated with disinfectin. The material is dissolved in water, and then the mixture is applied to all painted surfaces. This procedure is best carried out on fresh air.

There are different ways to clean basements using lime. There are two folk recipes:

  • Mixture with formaldehyde. So, for one bucket of water take 500 g of bleach and 200 g of formaldehyde. This composition must be coated with all surfaces in the cellar. Then the room is dried and ventilated.

  • Lime mixture with copper sulfate. Here, take 1 kg of slaked lime for two buckets of water and add 100 g of vitriol. This solution is distributed using a spray bottle.


For those who do not know how to get rid of mold in the cellar using improvised means, there is another effective recipe. In this case, we will clean the basement with bleach. It will quickly and easily clear any colonies. In terms of efficiency, bleach is in no way inferior to a sulfur bomb. You can use Belizna from the store, but there are other drugs.

The surface is thoroughly cleaned wire brush. Then a solution is prepared - so, one part of “Whiteness” is dissolved in ten parts of water. To maximize the effect, you can add two tablespoons of salt to the solution. To destroy fungus in the cellar, the product is applied to all walls, ceilings and floors. For best result the solution is applied to cotton wool and left in places where mass spores are heated.

All metal and wooden shelving. This way we get rid of mold completely and forever. These organisms do not live on treated surfaces.

These are not all recipes. You can also remove this scourge with vodka, but not everyone will do this. Can be applied boric acid. The main thing is that fighting mold at home is possible. Knowing how to get rid of fungus in cellars, you can save food and your own health.

Despite the fact that during the construction of your house or renovation of your apartment you carefully carried out Finishing work and it is quite possible that the façade of the room was generously treated with antiseptic and other effective compounds, the threat of fungus still remains. And this is largely due to the dampness in the underground. How to cope with such a scourge? In fact, there are plenty of ways.

It would seem that nothing foreshadowed trouble. And yet, dark green or black spots have begun to appear on the walls or ceiling in your home and gradually increase in size. The troubles did not end there, and along with this kind of pollution you notice a putrid smell. The thing is that the room maintains a high level of humidity. If it exceeds 70-80%, do not be surprised that you were forced to face the need to remove mold.

It successfully masters any surfaces and materials, quickly multiplies and conquers new and new territories. And the reason is moisture in the house. Moreover, if in summer period windows and doors are open almost all the time, and fresh air circulates in the room; it is, you see, much more difficult to ensure the same state of affairs in winter. Add to this problems with drainage or sewer pipes that happen all the time. This is an additional volume of water, which contributes to the active spread of fungus in the bathroom.

Video “How to fight fungus underground”

From the video you will learn how to deal with infection under the floor.

Means for fighting

What to do if the surfaces in your home begin to become damp, which, in fact, leads to the development of microscopic fungal spores?

Most likely, the mold first started growing underground. This is the least ventilated and dry part of the house, so it is not surprising if the source of the fire is located here.

  • First of all, it is necessary to remove the top layer of soil. Using folk remedies or store-bought antiseptics, you will remove mold from the walls once and for all, but its spores will certainly remain in the ground;
  • after this you need to fill the floor with clay, lime and gravel. This whole mass is carefully compacted;
  • Logs are laid on top, which must be covered with wooden boards.

These comprehensive measures will allow you to create good ventilation in the most inaccessible part of the house, which will prevent the appearance of pests at the right time.

Sulfur checker

Among the most common anti-mold remedies today, sulfur bomb is considered one of the most effective. You can buy it both at the market and at any hardware store. Before using this product, you should carefully close all windows and doors, as well as cracks and ventilation.

After this, take some iron container, for example, a basin, put a saber there and light the fuse. Once this part of the procedure is completed, immediately leave the room and close the door tightly behind you. Remember that a sulfur bomb is a very effective way to eliminate mold spores, but it carries considerable danger for people and pets.

Substances containing chlorine

If there is mold in the underground wooden house how to get rid of it effectively? For this purpose, ordinary whiteness is suitable - a product that, without a doubt, can be found in the bins of every housewife. It could be another drug, the main thing is that it contains chlorine in large quantities.

Dilute the whitener with water and then carefully walk over the fungus-infested surfaces. At the same time, be sure to provide yourself with full protection; work only in a respirator and rubber gloves. It is very important not to miss even the slightest problem area, otherwise mold spores will remain in the room and after some time will ruin your life again.

Copper or iron sulfate

If toxic mold has appeared underground, do not despair; today there are many methods of combating it, varying in degree of impact, harmfulness and cost. Among all this diversity, vitriol is also distinguished.

How to prepare the solution? You will need clay, water and a mixture of copper and iron sulfate. After the composition is ready for use, apply it to areas infected with spores of microscopic fungi. This procedure must be repeated a month after the initial treatment.


Removing mold spores in a basement or crawl space, which is even more difficult, is quite possible if you really apply effective ways. This includes the burner. It is necessary directly for treating those areas where the fungus is already quite firmly established.

What is remarkable about the method? Experts believe that after “treating” a home for microscopic fungi, the first results are noticeable almost immediately. However, they will not last long if the source of the fungus in the room is not identified in a timely manner. Therefore, it is so important to first discover the causes of mold in the house and the source of the problem, and only then begin radical measures.

Wood treatment solutions

There is no need to use these substances in concentrated form; it is enough to dilute about 30 g of powder in water to obtain an effective solution.

The impact of spores on human health

Mold spores can destroy any immunity and cause serious chronic illnesses: asthma, bronchitis, pulmonary tuberculosis, etc. If a fungus is attacking your home, you need to take the first steps to eliminate it today.

Remember that every day you come into contact with this kind of parasite, your health problems will only increase.

Mold in the basement is the most a big problem, which worries the owners of the house. This scourge causes health problems, so you should get rid of it immediately.

Remove fungus by industrial means is not a problem. They are sold in every hardware and construction store. But what if you can’t buy them? In this case, use home methods for removing mold from the cellar.

Harm to health - myth or reality

Spores actively grow and multiply, moving with the help of air, damaging materials and structural integrity. If it smells musty, then it is a fungus, namely bacterial breakdown products, such as proteins, particles cell wall(glucans) and volatile organic compounds.

The fungus may be hidden from the human eye, but the smell will immediately reveal its presence. If you discover such a problem, you should immediately begin processing the basement.

Fungus is not only disgusting and unsightly, it can also lead to health problems.

It produces allergens and irritants that lead to allergic substances. Some of its forms release mycotoxins that are hazardous to health. By inhaling the spores, after some time the child and adult will develop symptoms of hay fever, sneezing, runny nose, eyes will turn red when entering a room, dermatitis (skin rash).

Allergic reactions may appear immediately or develop gradually. They can cause asthma attacks.

In addition, spores lead to irritation of the eyes, skin, nose, throat and lungs.

Research into mold and its impact on human health is ongoing, but has already identified several diseases that the fungus can cause.

These include:

  1. Infections. Frequent visits to the basement increases the risk of developing bronchitis and respiratory infections, but this theory has not been proven. Because of this, bronchopulmonary aspergillosis and thrush develop.
  2. Pulmonary hemorrhage. In the 1990s, several children in Cleveland developed pulmonary hemorrhage. One of these children died. Preliminary studies have identified exposure to molds, particularly black mycotoxins.
  3. Hair loss. This symptom does not appear immediately. Hair begins to fall out 3-6 months after the appearance of the fungus, when it is already actively multiplying and producing dangerous toxic substances.
  4. Household members often experience headaches. They suffer from psychological depression and chronic fatigue.

The fungus also has the effect of suppressing the immune system. The person feels overwhelmed. The disease does not have time to recede before new signs appear.

That's why it's so important to get rid of mold in your basement as soon as it's discovered, rather than waiting. the right moment or warm weather.


All types of fungus require certain conditions to grow and reproduce. If you get rid of the causes of its occurrence monthly and carry out preventative measures in the basement, it will not occur.

However, if there are certain conditions in the cellar for its development, then black, white or green spores will immediately appear on the walls, jars and even products.

Common reasons leading to the appearance of fungus in the basement:

  • leaks in pipelines;
  • floods;
  • problems with the well pump;
  • poor ventilation;
  • water heater leak.

These are just some of the most common causes of mold in the basement. The development of the fungus occurs according to various reasons, even a spilled bucket of water that has flowed into the ground, or a jar of pickles broken on a shelf can lead to its formation.


First you need to prepare a room for removing the fungus.

No matter what product is used to remove spores, the room must be completely cleaned. Take out all the seams, food and everything else that is in your cellar. Only clean walls and ceilings should remain in the basement. Everything will have to be endured.

If the shelves are also covered with a black or green coating, leave them and treat them too.

Only after clearing the basement of all items can it be processed.


How to get rid of mold in the cellar?

Removing fungus from the basement is not so easy. Such rooms are dark and damp, there is always poor ventilation and therefore spores multiply quickly, despite the fact that it is kept clean.

How to treat the cellar against mold and mildew?

You can use both traditional methods and invite a professional from a cleaning company to treat the premises with professional means.

Sulfur checker

If a fungus appears in the underground, it should be removed using a smoke or sulfur bomb.

Their action is extremely simple. The sulfur bomb emits toxic sulfurous smoke, which warms the air in the room. This smoke is toxic to most living organisms; it will not only help get rid of fungus in the basement, but also kill insects.

How to remove fungus in the cellar:

  1. Remove all food, cans and other items in the room. Vegetables and fruits that are in the cellar during processing cannot be consumed. Sulfuric acid is highly toxic and can cause serious health complications.
  2. After removing all products from the basement area, bring a respirator, or better yet, a special mask or half-mask that will protect against gases and vapors. Casual clothes will have to be removed, you can only remove mold in the room in a special way. clothes that will cover the entire body, right up to the neck. Put gloves on your hands.
  3. The room must be completely closed. Windows and doors must be tightly closed and do not allow smoke to escape. The use of a checker ensures the tightness of the cellar. You may need to use several checkers; before purchasing, calculate the cubic capacity of the basement. If you use less than what is indicated on the package, the effectiveness of spore removal will be reduced.
  4. Place the checker between two bricks, put on glasses to protect your eyes from smoke. Tuck your hair under your headdress.
  5. Place the checker on the prepared pedestal and light the fuse. After this, immediately leave the room, do not wait for smoke to start coming out.
  6. Close the basement doors and return in a day. It is necessary to open doors and windows wide for ventilation. Do not enter the premises without special equipment. clothes, masks, gloves and glasses. If there is a hood, turn it on.

Do this until all the disputes disappear from the walls. Products can be returned to their place when the room is well ventilated. This will take 2–3 days.

Try destroying the spores using regular vinegar. This cleaner works great on mold in the basement. It is recommended to use white vinegar.

It does not need to be diluted with anything. Just pour it into a bucket, take a wide brush and paint the basement walls.

This remedy can also get rid of fungus in the house.

There is no need to wash the walls after this treatment. After a few hours, open the windows and doors to let the vinegar smell dissipate.


If the fungus does not recede, how to remove it?You can destroy the spores with a borax solution. Surfaces in the basement, shed or attic can be treated with this composition.

The use of borax is considered the best alternative to chemical solutions; it will also remove the musty smell.

White mold in the basement will disappear if you treat it with the following mixture: 1 cup of borax per 3 liters of water.

It is necessary to smear the walls and ceiling while wearing rubber gloves and using a brush so that as little of the solution as possible gets on the skin.

The borax solution does not need to be washed off. This way its action will become better and more effective.

Hydrogen peroxide

Peroxide is another easy and non-toxic method, like . This product is antibacterial and antifungal.

What about in the cellar:

  1. Mix hydrogen peroxide with water and spray it not only on the infected areas, but on all the walls. Peroxide is cheap and you can buy it in the quantity you need. Do not wash the product off the walls.
  2. The second way to use hydrogen peroxide is in undiluted form. If it has captured large areas, destroy the fungus with a concentrated solution.

At severe infection First you need to clean the plaque. The area to be treated is cleaned with a metal brush or other device.

Grapefruit seed extract

This method of combating spores can also be used as a preventative measure.
How to remove mold in the cellar:

  1. Mix 20 drops of grapefruit seed extract with 500 ml of water.
  2. Pour the solution into a spray bottle and spray all surfaces. Start with the walls in the basement and finish with the ceiling and shelves.

After treatment, do not wash off the composition with water. Let it soak into the walls well.

This product is a natural fungicide and is considered ideal solution to remove mold.

One of the most simple methods The best way to use tea tree oil is to mix it with water. Shake the bottle well to mix the ingredients.

Put on the sprayer and start treating the basement. Spray until all mold spores are gone.

Vacuum cleaner

Regularly cleaning your basement with a HEPA (High efficiency particulate air) vacuum cleaner helps reduce the development of allergic reactions that occur due to toxins released by spores and also reduces the amount of mold.

When you vacuum with a regular vacuum cleaner, most of the spores pass through the filtration process and are released back into the air. This happens because they are too small for regular filters.

But when you vacuum with HEPA, the spores are caught in the filter and remain inside.

In addition to reducing mildew, this vacuum also removes other types of allergens.

This procedure should be carried out throughout the house, not just in the basement, at least once a week to minimize mold.


Preventative measures are carried out to prevent mold from occurring. If it begins to appear, but the spores have not yet made their way inside the room, it is necessary to treat the walls and ceiling with anti-fungal agents.

Controlling humidity is the key to preventing its growth. The entire basement should be checked for leaks in pipes, windows inspected, and the roof checked.

The humidity level in the room should be no more than 50%. If it is too high, use a dryer periodically.

Infrared heaters are excellent prevention for mold growth. If your basement has poor ventilation or has recently discovered a leak, use it as a dehumidifier.

Be sure to check ventilation system. This simple procedure won't take much time. Make sure there is good air circulation in the basement.

If your basement floods, dry it quickly. Usually it is already underground, where it is damp, and flooding improves mold growth.

Also, constant ventilation of the room is suitable as a preventative measure. Open the basement windows and doors once a day. One open window is not enough. Ventilation should take 20–30 minutes or more, depending on the area of ​​the cellar.

If not enough air gets in, leave the window slightly open.

You can reduce the risk of mold growth by insulating exterior walls, roofs, windows and pipes. This will prevent the formation of condensation, and thereby reduce the risk of fungus in the cellar.

Acrylic waterproof paint and silicate putties will also help prevent the formation of mold.

These are not all methods of how to get rid of fungus in the cellar. To remove this scourge, you can use vodka, ammonia, citric acid, boric acid, as well as bleach and slaked lime.

To combat mold, they also use bleach, Bachemite and Climate, as well as vitriol. There are many ways to remove fungal spores, and each of them is no less effective than all the methods considered.

Choose the option that suits you and start removing mold from your basement. Remember to protect your respiratory tract, eyes and hands when using any method.

Antifungal agents

Peter Kravets

Reading time: 4 minutes


Fungus that appears in the basement is a fairly common occurrence, but before you start fighting it, you should study the causes of such outbreaks.

The cellar of a private house is often used to store products, both processed and fresh, perishable. Such a room is usually cool and dark, which increases the safety of supplies.

But it is precisely these reasons that become, among other things, factors in the development of mold and mildew in the basement. Of course, it’s also a matter of high humidity, which is typical for these types of premises. Rising groundwater levels and flood flows contribute to the creation of damp underground areas.

All this leads to the formation of colonies of fungal infected foci, which can appear in all their variety of types - from fluff and threads resembling cotton wool, to silvery and purple spots on the surface. Such colonies must be removed immediately.

Another factor favoring the appearance of mold is the lack of proper ventilation premises. The air does not circulate well enough, and condensation settling on the walls becomes a source of fungal infections.

Thus, with a humidity of about 90%, no waterproofing, poor sealing of seams, as well as the absence or insufficient quantities heating, in poor lighting conditions, you can be sure that mold and its foci are already on the walls and surfaces of the basement.

Remedies for basement mold

How to get rid of fungus in the basement of a house in a way that prevents it reappearance? Before removing the fungus, it is worth removing traces of mold, fungal spores and unpleasant odors.

By skipping this stage, it is impossible to achieve the disappearance of such phenomena in basements.

When choosing how to treat the basement against fungus and mold, you need to take into account that there are a lot of means to combat fungus in the basement - from folk recipes to industrial chemicals.

Traditional recipes advise treating mold damage; they are suitable only in case of minor damage to materials, but if the fungus has penetrated into the surface structure, then more drastic measures are necessary, including calling the appropriate services for sanitization the entire room.

Important! It should be remembered that working with chemicals is dangerous to health, therefore during such procedures it is necessary to protect yourself by wearing seals, a protective suit, a respirator and safety glasses. Industrial chemicals can cause chemical burns and toxic fumes.

Copper sulfate and lime

The most common and accessible means is whitewashing with a mixture of slaked lime. The effectiveness of this method can be improved.

Added as impurities copper sulfate, calculated at 100 grams per 1 kg of lime. This solution will help in the fight against mold, and is also relatively environmentally friendly - the mixture is diluted with water.

The peculiarity of making the solution is the order in which the ingredients are added. A thin stream of lime is added to the vitriol, but not vice versa.

Citric acid for soil treatment in the underground

Citric acid is the optimal remedy for removing both the fungus itself and the smell of rot if the source of infection is small. The composition needs to be quite concentrated - 100 grams of powder per liter of water. It is not recommended to use this method on large surfaces of basements due to the unreasonable cost of the method.

Chlorine agents and their analogues

Disinfection of the basement with preparations containing chlorine is very common and accessible; the most famous solution is the publicly available “Whiteness” with unpleasant smell. In order to get rid of fungus and mold, you need a very concentrated solution.

Chlorine fumes are harmful to human mucous membranes, so it is necessary to take protective measures with such processing.

Flammable bombs

You can get rid of mold lesions using a sulfur bomb. It must be placed in a metal container with a stable base and set on fire, blocking ventilation holes so that the smoke does not escape. After a couple of hours, the putrid smell will disappear and the hot substance will dissipate.

With this method, it is necessary to isolate living quarters for a couple of days.

Torch or blowtorch

In some cases, the fight is carried out with a gas burner or blowtorch, but it should be remembered that this method will only eliminate the consequences, without fighting the cause. This is not a disinfectant method. Rot and mold will appear again after some time.

Hydrochloric acid: processing instructions

Application of hydrochloric acid can remove all foci of fungal mold if you thoroughly treat all surfaces with its solution.

The solution requires a rather weak concentration, and it is used to treat not only walls, ceilings and floors, but also all surfaces of shelves and containers. In this case, all supplies should be removed from the premises.

When working with hydrochloric acid, it is necessary to protect areas of the body, since even in low concentrations it can cause burns.

Studying folk ways getting rid of the fungus can be continued endlessly, but they all have a short-term effect without eliminating the cause.

How to get rid of fungus in the underground of a private house

It is not enough to apply products to contaminated surfaces; before such work they must be carefully prepared. They also pay attention to waterproofing and ventilation systems.

Cleaning the premises

  • They take out all the food, things, everything that is on the shelves. The shelves themselves are removed and taken out into the fresh air. The same procedures are carried out with containers and other containers. If the basement floor is lined with boards, they are dismantled and also taken out;
  • All wooden objects and materials should be thoroughly dried under the sun in the fresh air. It is necessary to carry out such work on dry, clear days in the summer. After drying, all surfaces must be disinfected with preparations in several layers. Even if they have been processed, and this does not help, we get rid of such items;
  • Metal structures, as well as containers and other reservoirs, are cleaned of rust, disinfected and anti-corrosion impregnation is applied;
  • The concrete basement wall (or brick) is cleaned with a metal brush.

Before removing stains and cleaning the surface, we remove all areas of rot and remove layers of plaster that have become infected.

If the cellar has an earthen floor, then you need to remove the top layer of soil, as it can become infected.

Having carried out the preliminary procedures, they begin disinfection using a whitewash brush and a mixture of lime and vitriol. You can use a spray bottle.

Waterproofing, treatment and wall covering

Because the main reason mold and mildew in the basement is dampness, the waterproofing of the underground walls should be strengthened. This requires preliminary drying of the room. You can use a fireplace (electric), and you can also treat basements using an industrial hair dryer.

  • The walls are examined, all crumbling elements are removed, seams and voids in the surface are opened and then sealed;
  • In case of deep defects, the depressions are filled with plaster or cement solutions;
  • Putty is applied on top in a thin layer;
  • After the composition has dried, the walls are treated with antifungal impregnation, not forgetting the ceiling, and covered with waterproofing materials.

It is optimal to fill the floor with concrete, checking for voids. The waterproofing of its base will be carried out by a drainage layer, which is being installed pre-laying expanded clay.


The ventilation system is installed during the construction of the house. As a rule, this is its natural appearance, a supply and exhaust circuit.

If it cannot cope with humidity and air volumes, it is necessary to convert it into a forced one by installing special fans in the pipes, or lay a second row of pipes on the floor and under the ceiling.

Alternatively, you can punch holes in the door or make slots along the base of the perimeter, this will ensure better air exchange.

What to do with the foundation if groundwater passes nearby

In some cases, the cause of dampness is groundwater that penetrates into the basement when high level occurrence. If you don't arrange external systems drainage system, lowering the water level in the soil, there will always be flooding in the basement.

The arrangement of such a system should be below the level of groundwater, carrying out diversions from the building. This will protect the walls and basement material of the house from dampness and fungus as its consequences.

Fungus in the underground of a wooden house

Features of the basement wooden house- materials used.

Wood - the most natural construction material, it is susceptible to a number of diseases - fungus, rot, mold, etc. Under conditions of insufficient ventilation and humidity, the basement is quickly affected by infections. The smaller its area, the more difficult it is to ensure proper air exchange.

In this case, you should definitely make holes in the underground walls at a distance of at least 0.4 m from the ground. Due to the fact that they go outside, the external openings are covered with nets to keep out debris and small animals and insects.

Working with chemicals in small spaces is very dangerous for human health. In such cases they look for alternative methods struggle.

  • Sulfur bombs, the smoke of which disinfects the room;
  • A solution of hydrochloric acid, but in a slightly modified form - it is poured into an ordinary large salt. The container should be made of ceramic or glass and placed in the center of the room on the floor;
  • An excellent absorbent is white moss powder. It is poured into containers and placed in the corners of the basement.

Drying underground areas in a wooden house using an electric fireplace is strictly not recommended due to the risk of fires and fires. Professional hairdryer with such small sizes also of little use.

It would be optimal to lay hot ceramic bricks around the perimeter. They will absorb moisture, and they can be heated an infinite number of times.

How to Get Rid of Mold in a Garage Basement

Some garage owners increase their functionality by installing cellars or basements under the car space. As a rule, such cellars are made as a continuation inspection hole and do not require special installation work.

In such cases, the methods of combating mold are approximately the same as in previous cases, but:

  • The use of hydrochloric acid is excluded to protect car parts and tools from its harmful effects;
  • Caution should be used when using chlorine-based solutions in small rooms with poor ventilation;
  • It is necessary to exclude any spontaneous combustion methods, such as a smoke sulfur bomb, due to possible rags in the garage compartment or fuels and lubricants.

The most effective will be whitewashing with a lime mixture. Can also be placed in corners of cellars slaked lime– it quickly absorbs moisture and neutralizes infections.

Mold and mildew in the basement of an apartment building

If in a private house the owner himself is struggling with mold, then multi-storey buildings It is much more difficult for residents to do this - the vast areas of basements do not allow independent work.

Moreover, in such cases technical condition responsibility lies with public utilities that receive money from the population for their services.

Utility services are required to conduct regular inspections of the basements of multi-story residential buildings, assessing their condition and carrying out timely sanitary work.

The appearance of mold on the foundation of a house indicates either its penetration from the basements to the outside, or a violation drainage system, or maybe flooding occurred after a sewerage break. Management Company or other public utilities must independently disinfect the base of the building.

When mold reaches the surface of the foundation, the help of special services is needed professional equipment for drying basements and thorough products for sanitary antiseptic work.

Prevention of basement fungus and mold

It is more rational and effective to prevent the appearance of mold on the walls of technical underground areas than to deal with existing outbreaks.

  • Basements are designed in such a way that the humidity there is always high, so it should be constantly monitored. Excess moisture can be avoided by using slaked lime, poured onto the floor or in containers around the perimeter;
  • When storing processed products and other things, an admixture of lime (slaked) is poured into the box along with sand;
  • In the cold season or when there is a lot of precipitation, it is worth regularly burning sulfur in the basement, the evaporation of which will prevent rot and fungus from multiplying;
  • Optimal ventilation will prevent the formation of mold on walls and other surfaces. For natural ventilation, you can use doors that are opened for several hours;
  • White moss in powder form can be placed in jars or bowls on shelves and any surfaces in the basement. It needs to be replaced periodically.

Such preventive work should be carried out every year in the summer, then you can forget about mold and fungal outbreaks.

Harm from mold and mildew

Mold lesions not only spoil the appearance of the room, but can also cause significant damage to health. Their vital activity is accompanied by the evaporation of toxic toxins, which are spread by spores. Doctors say that fungal infections can cause migraines, allergies, chronic diseases respiratory tract, irritability.

When fungus and mold spores spread, they penetrate into materials, destroying their structure. If the house is uninhabited, then the infection will quickly spread throughout all rooms, exposing all surfaces to rot. Wooden structures are especially vulnerable to such manifestations.