Average output. Average daily output of one worker formula example

2. Production rate
3. Development of a solution
4. Product development
5. Formula development
6. Average annual output
7. Labor production
8. Average output
9. Setting goals
10. Calculation of output
11. Production of hours
12. Production methods
13. Strategy development
14. Output volume
15. Production analysis
16. Development of state policy
17. Production characteristics
18. Determination of output
19. Production accounting
20. Types of development
21. Output level
22. Production growth
23. Actual output

Output is measured by the amount of products produced per unit of working time or per 1 average employee or worker per year (quarter, month). This is a more common and universal indicator of labor productivity.

There are three ways to determine output: natural, cost (currency) and labor.

Output in physical or value terms is determined by the formula:

Output = Volume of marketable (gross or sold) products: Average number of employees (or workers)

A more clear and impartial characterization of labor productivity is the output indicator in in kind- in tons, meters, pieces and others in physical terms. The advantage of this method is that it gives a clearer and more impartial summary of labor productivity. The disadvantage of this method is that it can only be used in those enterprises that produce homogeneous products. In addition, the output calculated using this method does not allow us to compare the labor productivity of companies in different industries.

The most widely used method is the cost method for determining output. In currency terms, output can be calculated both on the basis of marketable and gross production, and on the standard net product.

Output in value terms, calculated on the basis of commercial or gross output, depends not only on the results of the work of a given team, but also on the price of the raw materials and materials used, the volume of cooperation in supplies, etc. This shortcoming is eliminated when calculating output on the basis of standard pure products.

In a number of industries (clothing, canning, etc.), labor productivity is determined by standard processing prices. It contains cost standards for the basic salary with accruals, general business and general production expenses (according to standards).

The characteristics of output depend not only on the method of measuring production volume, but also on the unit of measurement of working time. Output can be determined per one worked man-hour (hourly output), per one worked man-day (daily output) or per 1 average employee per year, quarter or month (annual, quarterly or monthly output). At Russian enterprises, the main indicator is annual output, in a number of foreign countries - hourly output.

Labor method determination of output is also called the method of standardized working time. In all this, production is determined in standard hours. This method It is used to a greater extent in individual workplaces, in teams, in sections, and also in workshops when producing heterogeneous and unfinished products.

The advantage of the labor cost indicator is that it allows one to judge the effectiveness of living labor costs at various stages of production of a certain type of product, not only for the enterprise as a whole, but also in the workshop, on the site, in the workplace, i.e. to penetrate into the depth of execution one or another type of work, which cannot be done using an output indicator calculated in monetary terms.

The labor method allows you to plan and take into account labor productivity at all stages of the production process, link and compare the labor costs of individual sections (shops) and workplaces with labor productivity indicators for the enterprise as a whole, as well as the levels of labor costs for various enterprises in the production of similar products.

Production rate

Production rate, the number of units of product (or work) that must be done (performed) per unit of time (hour, work shift, month) in certain organizational and technical criteria by one or a group of workers of appropriate qualifications. N.v. Depending on the type of work, it can be expressed in pieces, units of length, area, volume or weight.

Determined by the formula:

Nv = Tr x h: Tn,
where Nb is the production rate; Tr - the duration of the period for which the production rate is established (in hours, minutes); h - the number of workers taking a role in performing the work; Tn - standard time for this work or one product (in man-hours, man-minutes).

In the USSR N. century. They are usually installed in mass and large-scale production, when during the entire shift one job is performed with a constant number of performers. Most Applications N.v. received in the coal, metallurgical, chemical, food industries, in areas of mass production in mechanical engineering.

N.v. must be justified at a technical level. When establishing them, the introduction of the latest achievements of technology, technology and advanced production experience is provided. This makes it possible to ensure a progressive level of N. century. Establishment at the technical level of justified N. century. guides socialist enterprises and individual workers to achieve higher than average actual labor productivity.

The production rate is a fundamental indicator, the basis for planned enterprise management. It determines the number of units of production (or the number of operations performed) that must be done (or completed) per unit of time. The calculation of the production rate is done for 1 or a group of workers with appropriate qualifications, with rational or more optimal use equipment, taking into account the progressive methods of work used in all this.

For mass and large-scale production, characterized by accounting for the labor of special workers engaged in preliminary and final work, the standard time for producing a unit of product is equal to the standard piece-calculation time. For piece, serial and small-scale production, when the same worker does the main, preliminary and final work, these time standards will be different.

When calculating the production rate, which expresses the desired result of workers’ activities, we use natural characteristics: pieces, meters, kilograms. The production rate (Nvyr) is the personal division of the duration of one work shift (Wcm) by the time spent on producing a unit of product (Wsht).

For mass production, the production rate will be equal to:

Nvyr = Vcm / Vsht.

If the production is serial or single, then the value Vshtk is used as a divisor in the above formula - the time standard determined by the calculation method when calculating the cost of a unit of production.

In this case, the production rate is calculated using the formula:

Nvyr = Vcm / Vshtk.

In those industries where the preliminary step is calculated and standardized separately for each work shift, the production rate should be calculated using the formula:

Nvyr = (Vcm – Vpz)/ Tcm, where Vpz is the time spent on preparatory and final work.

The formula for calculating the production rate in cases of using automatic and instrumental equipment will be slightly different:

Nvyr = No*Nvm, where No is the maintenance rate, Nvm is the equipment production rate, which is equal to:

Nvm = Nvm theory * Kpv. Here Nvm theor is the theoretical production rate of the equipment used, Kpv is the coefficient of useful labor time per shift.

In the case of using repetitive hardware processes, the production rate is equal to:

Nvyr = (Vsm – Vob – V ex) * VP * No/Vop, where Vob is the time spent on servicing the equipment, Votl is the standard time for personal needs of personnel, VP is the products produced in one period, Vot is the duration of this period .

P = S / Nvyr, or
P = Vsht * C, where C is the rate for this category of work.

Developing a solution

In modern terms management It is becoming more and more natural that the existing management system does not meet the needs of the enterprise as operating system. The existing vertical connections have not yet been completely replaced by horizontal ones, on which, in fact, the Western system of adoption is based management decisions. Currently, Russian enterprises in the management system do not use the principles of organizing effective management, so increasing the efficiency of management decision-making in modern economic conditions is a burning and timely topic.

In order to increase the efficiency of the management system at an enterprise, two tasks need to be considered:

1. Justification of the need to create within the enterprise as an operating system a criterion for increasing the “creativity” of not only low and middle level managers, but also ordinary employees by providing them with some capabilities in the decision-making process. Their proposals for improving the system as a whole and other decisions on individual production, monetary and management issues can become the basis for the operating strategy developed by the enterprise.
2. Efficiency decisions taken it is unrealistic to evaluate without introducing mathematical tools and software.

One of the ways of decision making is the development of decisions in the “man-machine” dialogue, which is a repeated alternation of heuristic (performed by a person) and formalized (performed by a computer) steps.

In the process of the “man-machine” dialogue, solutions are jointly constructed during the configuration of the production situation (a method of sequential optimization) with the gradual introduction of essential facts, i.e., the solution method is not established in advance, but in the process of calculation on a computer.

IN modern systems Decision support (DSS) provides an effective connection (symbiosis) between a person and a computer, which involves the introduction of stronger properties of each participant in this process.

Expert systems are the software basis of DSS.

An expert system is a program aimed at solving poorly formalized problems in certain subject areas at the level of expert specialists.

When operating expert systems:

Guesses are put forward and tested;
- new data and knowledge are generated;
- requests for entering new data are generated;
- conclusions and advice are formed.

Poorly formalized problems have the following features:

Cannot be specified solely in numerical form;
- goals cannot be represented in the definitions of a precisely defined motivated function;
- does not exist exact method problem solving;
- the initial data is incomplete and diverse.

The knowledge base stores so-called rules, which are understood as logical and algorithmic expressions (operations).

An inference engine is a program that forms a sequence of logical and computational operations into a method on the basis of which the result is obtained.

The clarification subsystem forms a route, i.e. a method in the form of a set of rules that allows the decision maker to understand how the result was obtained.

The knowledge acquisition subsystem provides dialogue with professionals, selection and formalization of knowledge.

The subsystem for interaction with the object may be missing, as well as the object itself.

There are various forms of communication between the decision maker and the ES:

Introduction of tabular language.
- Dialogue in the form of a menu.
- Dialogue in natural language.

The last form of communication involves highest level ES is still rare.

To use natural language, you need a rather complicated analyzer program that does the following functions:

Lexical analysis;
- parsing;
- semantic analysis.

In modern ES, communication with the decision maker is carried out using tabular language (statement of the problem) and menus (clarification of the problem during its implementation).

The effective implementation of the “man-machine” dialogue implies the fulfillment of the following criteria:

Ease of communication (person access to the machine);
- a person’s mental readiness to communicate with a computer;
- sufficient level of machine intelligence.

It is also impossible to evaluate the effectiveness of decisions made without introducing mathematical tools and software.

For example, decision tree analysis. Currently, there are several programs that make it possible not only to construct a decision tree, but also to analyze it.

Decision trees are a graphical tool for analyzing decisions in risk criteria. The hierarchical structure of the “classification tree” is one of its more fundamental parameters. The “tree trunk” is a problem or situation that requires a solution. The “top of the tree” are the goals or values ​​that govern the decision maker.

Decision trees are created for use in models in which a sequence of decisions are made, each of which leads to a certain result. The decision tree determines the best strategy - a sequence of decisions that should be made when certain random events occur. In the process of constructing and analyzing production, financial and management situations, the stages of specifically creating the structure of the model, determining the probability values ​​of probable output results, determining the utility values ​​of probable output results and evaluating alternatives, as well as choosing a strategy, are distinguished. At the same time, it must be emphasized that the more fundamental step in the implementation process is decision tree analysis, specifically the final step of evaluating alternatives. It is important to realize that decision analysis does not imply a 100% impartial analysis of decision-making models. Many nuances of decision analysis require personal judgment - this relates to the structure of the model, the determination of probability values ​​and utilities. Almost all complex models that reflect real-world situations simply do not have enough empirical data to fully analyze them. But practice indicates that even in such cases, analysis using decision trees brings undeniable benefits.

Product development

An indicator that determines the amount of products produced per unit of time is called output. Output characterizes the effectiveness of labor. Natural (t, m, m3, pcs., etc.) and cost characteristics are used as measures of the quantity of products produced.

Varieties of product production characteristics:

I. Depending on the level of the economic system for which the indicator is calculated, production is distinguished:
- personal (personal output of individual workers);
- local (production at the level of a workshop, enterprise, industry);
- public (at the level of the national economy as a whole); it is determined by dividing the state income produced for any period by the number of people employed in material production.

II. Depending on the unit of measurement of working time, the characteristics of hourly, daily and monthly (quarterly, annual) output are used. These characteristics make it possible to assess labor productivity, taking into account the nature of the use of working time.

Nch = M× S× Ksp,

where M is the number of jobs.

The number of cleaners can be determined by the area of ​​the premises assigned to them, wardrobe attendants - by the number of people served, etc.

Labor Resource Fund in man-days or man-hours (Frt) can be determined by multiplying the average payroll workers (Chsp) for the average duration of the working period in days or hours (Trv):

F rt= Ch sl× T rv

Duration of working hours in (T rv ) in the planning period can be determined by the following formula:

T rv= (T k− T in− T prz− T o− T b− T u− T g− T pr) × P cm− (T km+ T p+ T s)

where Tk is the quantity calendar days per year; TV – number of days off per year; Tprz – quantity holidays per year;

T0 – duration of the next and additional holidays, days; TB – absence from work due to illness and childbirth, days; Tu – duration study holidays, days;

Tg – time to perform state and public duties, days;

Tpr – other absences permitted by law, days; Psm – duration of the work shift, hours;

Tkm – loss of working time due to a reduction in the working day for nursing mothers, hours;

Tp – loss of working time due to a reduction in the working day for adolescents, hours;

Тс – loss of working time due to shortened working hours on holidays, h.

5.3. Labor productivity. Production and labor intensity

Labor productivity characterizes the efficiency and effectiveness of labor inputs and is determined by the quantity of products produced per unit of working time, or labor inputs per unit of output produced or work performed.

There is a distinction between the productivity of living and the productivity of social (aggregate) labor. The productivity of living labor is determined by the expenditure of working time in each individual production, and the productivity of social (aggregate) labor is determined by the expenditure of living and embodied (past) labor.

Productivity of social (aggregate) labor in relation to everything national economy calculated as national income per person employed in material production sectors.

At enterprises, labor productivity is defined as the cost-effectiveness of only human labor and is calculated through indicators of output and labor intensity of products, between which there is an inverse relationship.

Output (B) is the amount of products produced per unit of working time or per one average employee or worker for a certain period (hour, shift, month, quarter, year). It is calculated as the ratio of the volume of produced products (VP) to the working time spent on the production of these products (T) or to the average number of employees (H):

B = OP / T or B = OP / H.

Hourly (Vch) and daily (Vdn) output per worker is determined similarly:

In h=OP month/T hour; In days = OP month / T days,

where OP month is the volume of production for the month (quarter, year); T hour, T day - the number of man-hours, man-days (working time),

worked by all workers per month (quarter, year).

When calculating hourly output, man-hours worked do not include intra-shift downtime, so it most accurately characterizes the level of productivity of human labor.

When calculating daily output, the processed man-days do not include all-day downtime and absenteeism.

The volume of production can be expressed in natural, cost and labor units of measurement. Accordingly, there are three methods for determining production: natural (conditionally natural), cost and according to normal working hours.

Annual labor productivity (annual output per worker) is the main planning and accounting indicator for enterprises.

Labor intensity (Tr) represents the cost of living labor to produce a unit of output. It establishes a direct relationship between production volume and labor costs and is determined by the formula:

T r = T / OP,

where T is the time spent on the production of all products, standard hours, man-hours;

OP – volume of products produced in physical terms. There are technological complexity, maintenance complexity

production, production labor intensity, production management labor intensity and total labor intensity.

Technological complexity(Ttechn) reflects the labor costs of the main production piece workers (Tsd) and time workers (Tpov):

T tech = T sd + T rev

Labor intensity of production maintenance (T serv ) is a set of costs of auxiliary work shops of the main production (T remember ) and all workers in auxiliary workshops and services (repair, energy, etc.) engaged in servicing production (T vsp):

T obs = T aux + T aux

Production labor intensity(Tpr) includes labor costs of all work

side effects, both main and auxiliary:

T pr= T techn+ T obsl

Labor intensity of management(Tu) represents the labor costs of employees (managers, specialists and actual employees) employed both in the main and auxiliary shops (Tsl.pr) and in general plant services of the enterprise (Tsl.zav):

T y = T sl. pr+ T sl. manager

Included full labor intensity(Tfull) reflects the labor costs of all categories of industrial production personnel of the enterprise:

T full = T techn+ T obsl+ T u

IN Depending on the nature and purpose of labor costs, each of the indicated indicators of labor intensity can bedesign, promising, norm-

logical, planned and actual.

5.4. Labor productivity planning. Marginal productivity of labor

An increase in labor productivity is manifested in the fact that the share of living labor in manufactured products decreases, and the share of past labor increases, while absolute value the cost of living and embodied labor per unit of production is reduced. The change in labor productivity (index Ipt) for a certain period in terms of output (B) or labor intensity (T) can be determined using the following formulas:

I pt= B 0 / B beat I pt= T b/ T 0

PT = (V 0 /V b )× 100or PT = (T b /T 0 )× 100PT = [(V 0 − V b ) /V b ]× 100or PT = [(T b − T 0 ) /T 0 ]× 100

where В0 and Вб – production output in the reporting and base periods in the corresponding units of measurement;

Т0 and Тb – labor intensity of products in the reporting and base periods, standard hours or man-hours;

PT – labor productivity growth rate, %; PT – increase in labor productivity, %.

Labor productivity planning for sections, workshops, and workplaces is carried out according to the formulas listed above. In general, for the enterprise, labor productivity planning is carried out according to the main technical and economic factors in the following order:

the savings in the number of employees from the development and implementation of each measure to increase labor productivity (Ei) are determined;

the total savings in the number of employees (EH) obtained under the influence of all technical and economic factors and measures

the increase in labor productivity (LP) at the enterprise (in the workshop, on the site) is calculated, achieved under the influence of all factors and measures according to the formula:

PT = E h × 100 /(H r − E h ),

Labor productivity is characterized as one of the basic indicators that reflect the real performance of the company’s personnel.

Being a relative indicator, labor productivity allows you to compare the effectiveness of different groups of employees in production process and plan numerical values ​​for subsequent periods.

Labor productivity concept

Labor productivity characterizes the effectiveness of labor costs per unit of time. For example, it shows how many products a worker will produce in an hour.

In an enterprise, productivity is determined in two basic indicators:

  • production;
  • labor intensity.

They are the most appropriate when assessing the degree of efficiency of labor costs per unit of time. Increased productivity leads to increased production volumes and cost savings. wages.

Calculation algorithm

In essence, labor productivity reflects the ratio of the volume of goods produced and/or sold to the number of employees.

Indicators of the number of employees are based on payroll data. Each employee is counted only once per working day.

Labor costs and time spent on the production of products are also taken into account in the reporting documentation.


Indicators of labor productivity at an enterprise include output, labor intensity and labor productivity index.

Output(B) determines the volume of production per unit of paid working time by one payroll employee. The indicator can be found depending on two factors - time spent and the average number of employees.



Labor intensity(Tr) expresses the amount of labor required by one worker to produce a unit of product. The labor intensity indicator is the inverse of the output indicator.

Calculation depending on the time spent:


Calculation depending on the average number of personnel:


  • B – output;
  • Tr – labor intensity;
  • Q – production volume in natural units (pieces);
  • T – the cost of paid working time for the production of this product;
  • H – average number of personnel.

There are more detailed method performance calculation:

PT = (Q*(1 – K p)) / (T 1 *H),

  • where PT is labor productivity;
  • K p – downtime ratio;
  • T 1 – employee labor costs.

If it is necessary to calculate the labor productivity of one employee, then the value of the average number of employees will be equal to one. Annual output per employee not only characterizes the performance of an individual, but also allows you to draw up a plan for the next period.

When calculating output, hours worked do not include downtime.

The volume of products sold can be expressed in any units - pieces, monetary or labor units.

Formula for calculating labor productivity

Based on the calculation of performance indicators of employees at the enterprise, it is calculated labor productivity index.

This indicator reflects the rate of productivity growth and is found as follows:

by production: ΔPT= [(V o - V b)/V b ]*100%

by labor intensity: ΔPT=[(Tr o - Tr b)/Tr b ]*100%

  • where В о – production output in the reporting period;
  • B – production output in the base period;
  • T r o – labor intensity of products in the reporting period;
  • Тр b – labor intensity of products in the base period;
  • PT - labor productivity index as a percentage.

The change in productivity can be found through the planned savings in personnel using the following formula:

ΔPT=[E h /(H r -E h)]*100%,

  • where E h – planned personnel savings;
  • H r – the number of workers (employees involved in the production process).

Index average labor productivity necessary in case large number manufactured products with different labor intensity.

Formula for calculating average labor productivity:

Vsr=ΣQ i *K i,

  • where Avr – average labor productivity;
  • Q i is the volume of each type of product produced;
  • K i is the labor intensity coefficient of each type of product produced.

To determine this coefficient, a position with minimal labor intensity is selected. It is equal to one.

To find coefficients for other types of products, the labor intensity of each is divided by the minimum labor intensity.

For calculation labor productivity per employee the following formula is used:

PT = (Q*(1 – K p)) / T 1.

To calculate labor productivity indicators, enterprise balance sheet data is used, in particular, the volume of products produced. This indicator is reflected in the second section of the documentation in line 2130.

The formula for calculating labor productivity by balance is as follows:

PT = (line 2130*(1 – K p)) / (T 1 *H).


The calculated indicators allow us to carry out comprehensive analysis labor productivity at the enterprise.

Output and labor intensity evaluate the actual work of personnel; based on the results of the analysis, it is possible to identify resources for development and productivity growth, as well as for saving working time and reducing the number of employees.

The performance index reflects the change in performance in the current period compared to the previous one. It is extremely important for assessing performance.

The level of productivity depends not only on the competence and ability of workers, but also on the level of material equipment, financial flows and other factors.

In general, labor productivity needs to be constantly improved. This can be achieved through the introduction of new equipment, employee training and competent organization production.

Video - how you can use new technologies to increase productivity:

Discussion (12)

    How to calculate the average number of employees in the planning year if labor productivity increased by 9%. The number of workers in the reporting year was 280 people and the cost of marketable products in the reporting year was 650 billion rubles?

    Two teams of workers process the same type of parts. The daily production of parts by individual workers is characterized by the following data

    Worker number (1st team) Daily output of worker 1st team, pcs. Worker number (2nd team) Daily output of worker 2nd team, pcs.

    Determine the average daily number of parts processed by one worker of each team and in total for two teams. Do you need a solution, can you help?

    Hope. Try to focus on determining labor productivity not as it was drummed into us in institutions, but according to K. Marx: “Labor productivity is the minimum cost of living labor with a maximum production of product” and understand why we in the Union had giant workshops and an exorbitant number of workers, and capitalists automated lines and a minimum of workers in the production of equal volumes of product.

    Labor productivity and its growth in any enterprise is the basis for the growth of the wage fund and, accordingly, the growth of wages for specific employees.

    Labor productivity indicators are very important for proper business management. With the help of them, not only the efficiency of using labor is analyzed, but also the level of mechanization and automation of labor. There will be no productivity with ancient tools and equipment.

    Large companies, where there is an economist, or even an entire economic department, usually bother with such calculations. For small businesses, in practice everything is simpler. For example: I know what minimum income I should have for a month so as not to go into negative territory. Anything higher is already my profit. My personal opinion, no matter how much or how you count, there will be no more money. Work better, sell more - and there will be something to count.

    As I understand it, a person is taken into account only as labor force and the cost of this labor. But various force majeure situations are not included in the formula. As usual, in the absence of people, overall productivity should not drop in any way, that is, the remaining workers must do all the work of the absent workers. In general, workers have many shortcomings; they need to pay bonuses, taxes, vacations and much more. Therefore, the installation of robots and machines is perfect option for production.

    Knowledge of theory is, of course, good... But in reality, I was faced with the fact that not a single business plan has yet ended as positively as planned... Well, at least for me. There is always an action of some indefinite force that confuses all the cards. In any case, one thing is clear - if there is a sales market, and a good market that will not let you down and will pay for goods (or services) on time, then you can build a business... If the sales market is not established, at least count it. My business is based on sales of parts and accessories. There are no problems with suppliers - they are always ready to supply goods - both immediately and to order, but customers the right quantity It is not always available, since these are not essential products. Plus competition.))) Plus periodic crises...))) How to calculate all this?

    In fact, it is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. When I was studying at the university economic specialty, we were literally forced to learn indicators of labor productivity, so that it would jump off our teeth. But we didn’t really strive for this. But now I have to admit that it’s in vain. After I was lucky enough to open my own workshop for sewing and repairing clothes, I just came across such important indicators labor productivity, such as output and labor intensity. There were a lot of orders, there were 2 workers. There were difficulties with the task of orders, so I had to plan the work, calculate these indicators in order to get the result I needed, i.e. so that my workers complete at least 2 orders a day, working 8 hours. We also had to motivate employees to improve the speed and quality of work. For example, for every 3 completed orders for sewing products, give bonuses, then the speed of work will increase. This is all I have been able to do for now, but I am sure that there are other ways that can help in this case and in this moment I'm looking for ways to solve this problem.

    In fact, there is a huge pile of all kinds of calculations and you can count them endlessly. But I always go from the opposite. From the result that I need. If I want to receive, say, 1,000 rubles of profit per day from a retail outlet, then the goods must be sold for 9,000 rubles; if on average per hour (from experience) the seller sells for 700 rubles, then I have to work 11,000/700 = 12.9 hours. Actually from 8 am to 9 pm. To reduce this time, you come up with different “promotions” and increase hourly revenue, as a result, for me, the seller’s productivity can amount to up to 100 rubles in revenue per hour. I’m working on her promotion.

Note. Problem texts taken from the forum.


In the third quarter, production output per employee amounted to 5,000 rubles per person. In the fourth quarter, the company plans to produce products worth 15 million rubles. and at the same time reduce the number of employees by 80 people. Determine the output per worker in the fourth quarter and the planned increase in labor productivity (%).In the third quarter, the production volume per worker amounted to 5,000 rubles per person. In the fourth quarter, the enterprise plans to release products worth 15 million rubles. and immediately reduce the number of workers by 80 people. Calculate the increase in productivity per worker in the fourth quarter and the planned increase in worker productivity (%).

A comment.
The difference between economists and accountants and other numbers crunchers is that economists try to understand the essence of the process with which they work.

Let's start with output per person per quarter. Divide by three, we get 1,667 rubles per month. Let's subtract VAT, at least 5% of the profit, take into account that the share of wages usually does not exceed 30% and we get 400 rubles of wages per person! And this comes with accruals! It immediately becomes clear that this task does not have any normal semantic economic content.

Now let's look at the second sentence. In it we learn about the company's plans for production and reduction. For some reason, the author is confident that the development of the third quarter should be the basis for the development of the fourth. What if the enterprise stood for a month or two? Doesn’t the author of the problem realize that the number of working days (and, accordingly, the amount of working time) in the third and fourth quarters is different? That is, even if we have an automatic plant, then output will still vary!

Where we have a simple conclusion: for a specialist in enterprise economics this problem has no solution!

And further. An increase in labor productivity is ensured not by the stroke of a pen, but by organizational and technical measures. And only on the basis of this data can we carry out staff reductions and determine the results that we can get. Here everything is turned upside down. But we need an “A” from the teacher...

Let's determine the planned number. To do this (for some reason) let’s take the fact of the third quarter (see comment)

15,000,000 / 5,000 = 3,000 people

Now we can “reduce with the stroke of a pen” 80 people
3,000 - 80 = 2,920 people

And we will define the “new” productivity. Apparently, the author of this problem will go to the podium and address the team with a fiery speech... Everyone will immediately begin to “work better.”

15,000,000 / 2,920 = 5,136.99 rubles per person

Well, let’s divide it into a “base period”
5 136,99 / 5 000 * 100% - 100% = 2,74%

Answer: output will be 5,136.99 rubles, labor productivity growth will be 2.74%


The average number of working days per year is 246, the average working day is 7.95 hours. During the year, marketable products were produced for 18,500 thousand UAH. The average number of industrial production personnel per year is 900 people, including workers - 780 people. Determine the average annual, average daily and average hourly output per employee and per worker.The average number of working days per river is 246, the average number of working days is 7.95 years. The region produced 18,500 thousand UAH worth of commercial products. The number of industrial and manufacturing personnel in the average country is 900 people, including 780 workers. Calculate the average, average day and average annual production per worker and one worker.

A comment.
From the point of view of economics or the opportunity to learn something, the task is not of interest. Training on the ability to press buttons on a calculator.

However, if you are even the slightest bit of an economist, you have to wonder: What kind of enterprise is this that produces products worth 1713 UAH? per month per person?(18,500,000 / 900 / 12 ≈ 1,713). If you subtract materials, taxes, electricity, gas from this amount, how much will be left for wages? The teacher should have thought about this issue.

Let's present the solution in the form of a completed table.

The answer, as we see, is given in the table, but the numbers, by their economic essence, are complete nonsense....

The efficiency of using personnel in an enterprise is characterized by labor productivity indicators. Labor productivity is an economic category that expresses the degree of fruitfulness expedient activities people for the production of material and spiritual goods. Labor productivity is determined by the amount of products (volume of work) produced by an employee per unit of time (hour, shift, quarter, year) or the amount of time spent on producing a unit of product (performing a specific job).

Average annual output per worker


Workers: H = Labor intensity: (Annual working hours * Standards fulfillment rate). 2. Hardware: N = Number of units * Number of workers per this area* Load factor.

Analysis of qualification level The number of employees by specialty is compared with the standard.

Product productivity and labor intensity: methods for their determination

Average daily output where T days are the man-days actually worked in the reporting period.

Average monthly (quarterly, annual or for any period from the beginning of the year) worker (employee) Bt = V /Chsr.R Chsr.r – average number of workers (employees) in the reporting period Methods for determining output are classified depending on the unit of measurement of production volume: cost (according to the cost indicators of produced or products sold) – when an enterprise produces heterogeneous products.

Key indicators and formula for calculating labor productivity

Labor productivity characterizes the effectiveness of labor costs per unit of time.

For example, it shows how many products it will produce in an hour. At an enterprise, productivity is determined through two basic indicators: They are the most appropriate when assessing the degree of efficiency of labor costs per unit of time.

Increased productivity leads to increased production and wage savings.

Hourly output per worker, Daily output per worker, Annual output per worker

Based on the data given below, it is necessary to calculate such indicators as sentry of one, daytime one And annual output per worker:

- production volume in the reporting year – 20,000 thousand dollars;

- average annual number of workers is 1100 people;

In one year, the company’s employees worked:

1720 thousand man-hours;

340 thousand man-days.

A) Hourly output= Production volume / Man-hours worked

Hourly output of one = 20,000,000 / 1,720,000 = $11.63

B) Daily output= Production volume / Man-days worked

Daily output = 20,000,000 / 340,000 = $58.82

IN) Annual output per worker= Volume of production / Average annual number of workers

Annual one worker = 20,000,000 / 1100 = $18,181.82

Output per 1 employee: formula, standards and calculations

As quantitative indicators of productivity, natural and cost indicators are used, such as: tons, meters, cubic meters, pieces, etc.

Labor productivity is characterized by production. Output is calculated per main worker, per worker and one employed person. IN different cases calculations will be carried out differently.

For one main - the number of products produced is divided by the number of main ones.

Labor productivity analysis

The growth of labor productivity depends on many factors such as technological progress, modernization of production, improvement of professional training and their economic and social interest, etc.

The essence of labor productivity is characterized through the analysis of two main approaches to the use labor resources and strength: extensive and intensive approaches.