Types of radiator connections. How to properly connect a heating radiator: choosing a circuit

If we talk about what comfort in the home primarily depends on, then one of the primary factors will be warmth. It is this that “breathes life” into any building, regardless of whether we are talking about a luxurious house with several floors or small apartment in an old building. What provides warmth? Naturally, a well-designed heating system. Moreover, in modern conditions it must be not only effective, but also economical, and such a balance is not at all easy to achieve. Although, in principle, nothing is impossible, so on the pages of our website we consistently tell you how to create excellent heating in your home. This time our topic is heating radiator connection diagrams. This is one of the most important moments when installing a heating system, which can be implemented in several ways.

What types of heating systems are there?

In order to understand how to connect a heating radiator, you need to clearly understand what system it will be integrated into. Even if all the work is carried out by craftsmen from a specialized company, the owner of the house still needs to know what heating scheme will be implemented in his home.

Single pipe heating

It is based on the supply of water to radiators installed in a multi-story building (usually high-rise buildings). This connection of a heating radiator is the simplest.

However, while installation is accessible, such a scheme has one serious drawback - it is impossible to regulate the heat supply. None special devices such a system does not provide. Therefore, the heat transfer corresponds to the design norm established by the project.

Two-pipe heating

When considering options for connecting heating radiators, it is naturally worth paying attention to the two-pipe heating system. Its operation is based on the supply of hot coolant through one pipe, and the discharge of cooled water in the opposite direction through the second pipe. Implemented here parallel connection heating devices. The advantage of this connection is the uniform heating of all batteries. In addition, the intensity of heat transfer can be adjusted by a valve that is mounted in front of the radiator.

Important! Correct connection of heating radiators implies compliance with the requirements of the main normative document– SNiP 3.05.01-85.

Choosing a radiator installation location: what is the importance?

Regardless of whether the heating radiators are connected in series or in parallel, the functional purpose of these devices is not only to heat the room. By means of batteries, a certain protection (screen) is created from the penetration of cold from the outside. This is precisely what explains the location of the batteries under the window sills. With this distribution of radiators in places of greatest heat loss, that is, in the area window openings an effective thermal curtain is created.

Before considering ways to connect heating radiators, it is necessary to draw up a diagram of the location of these devices. It is important to determine the correct installation distances radiators, which will ensure their maximum heat transfer. So, the heating batteries are absolutely correctly positioned if:

  • lowered from the bottom of the window sill by 100 mm;
  • are located at a distance of 120 mm from the floor;
  • spaced from the wall at a distance of 20 mm.

Coolant circulation methods

As you know, water, and usually it is what is poured into heating system, or naturally. The first option involves using a special water pump that pushes water through the system. Naturally, this element is included in the general heating scheme. And in most cases it is installed either near the heating boiler, or is already a structural element of it.

A natural circulation system is very relevant in places where there are frequent power outages. The circuit does not include a pump, and the heating boiler itself is non-volatile. Water moves through the system due to the fact that the heated column of water displaces the cold coolant. How the connection of radiators will be implemented under such circumstances depends on many factors, including the need to take into account the characteristics of the heating main and its length.

Any of the four connection methods can be implemented if there is a circulation pump in the heating system

Connecting pipes to the radiator from below is one of the best solutions in plumbing installation, providing high level aesthetics of heating devices. There are, however, a number of rules, the observance of which will ensure the correct operation of the entire hydraulic system and facilitate the connection process.

Which radiators are designed for bottom connection?

It is not without reason that the diagonal radiator connection scheme is considered the most effective. This is how maximum heat removal, uniform distribution of coolant and optimal temperature gradient are ensured, promoting intense convection. Even with the lower supply of pipes to the radiator using one of mandatory requirements It is considered to ensure the flow of water diagonally from the upper edge to the opposite lower edge. But not all radiators have a device that allows you to achieve such a distribution of coolant.

Design of a panel radiator with bottom connection

Most common type heating devices, in which the required conditions are provided for by the design, these are steel panel radiators. Another type can be called sectional radiators with bottom connection, although only the first two sections have fundamental differences in their structure, all the rest are the most common. Both of the mentioned types of heaters have a pair of pipes located in the bottom part, that is, oriented towards the floor. In both cases, the specificity of the device is such that the supply pipe is connected directly to the channel through which the coolant is directed to top part labyrinth

Sectional radiator with bottom connection

It is also possible to retrofit conventional sectional radiators for the purpose of connecting them with the lower side supply. For this purpose, special fittings are used, due to which the configuration of the circulation channels changes. The lower connection can be double-sided; in this case, on the supply side, instead of a fitting, a valve is screwed in, the end of which rests against the nipple of the first section and shuts it off, while the outlet is directed strictly upward.

It is also possible one-way connection, which requires the installation of a valve with a tubular probe designed for the outflow of cooled coolant.

The described range of fittings can be used for most models of sectional bimetallic and aluminum radiators. The exceptions include such exotic representatives of the world of heating devices as the Rifar Monolit, which do not have nipples, although in their model range There are modifications for lower pipe supply. IN plumbing practice There are also examples of bottom connection of cast iron radiators, although the possibility of such installation is always determined individually depending on the model.

In which heating systems is bottom supply used?

It is obvious that the supply of coolant from the bottom up is unnatural, because it is directed against the action of gravity. For this reason, the bottom connection of radiators cannot be carried out in open systems heating with natural circulation. But this is far from the only limitation.

Even with a two-way bottom connection, where the return pipe is connected according to standard scheme, a special valve is installed on the supply. Its throughput is lower than that of a conventional fitting with a screwed-in fitting, so the coefficient of local resistance of the radiator in this case will be at least twice as high as the nominal one. This forces the use circulation pumps with more intense pressure and radically revise the hydraulic calculation procedure.

With a one-way bottom connection, even more difficulties arise. Firstly, the local hydrodynamic resistance of the radiator increases even more, because now two opposing channels pass through one outlet with a fairly small conditional passage. In addition, there are difficulties with installing shut-off and control valves. High-quality bottom connection units for radiators with a built-in thermostatic head are a rarity on the domestic market. Most of The range is represented by Chinese-made products that do not provide sufficient flexibility and precision of adjustment. Another nuance lies in the method of regulating coolant flow: instead of a rod that limits the throughput, most injection units have a built-in bypass, which radically changes the balancing method. At the same time, installing an injection unit with a separate throttle and thermostatic head is often unacceptable due to lack of free space, and if such a configuration is still possible, it will be extremely cumbersome and inconvenient to manage.

It can be said that the most in the best possible way For lower connection of radiators, two-pipe systems with passing traffic coolant or radial isolation. Due to a significant reduction bandwidth there are no obvious reasons to abandon thin radiators PEX pipes with tension fittings that look much more elegant than other power systems. Not the most good idea will use a bottom connection for single-pipe circuits; in this option, it is quite difficult to balance the system and ensure its stable operation.

Pipe supply to the radiator

Of course, the use of cross-linked polyethylene in the heating junction is not at all necessary, although it is preferable for reasons of reliability and aesthetics. You should definitely stop using steel pipes. The reason for this is simple: traditionally, when connecting from below, the pipes go into the floor and run either under the covering or along the ceiling of the lower floor. If the heating pipeline passes through the ceiling, the passage needs to be lined, which does not have the best effect on appearance floor covering. Otherwise, the choice of material for decoupling the system is quite free; polypropylene, the aforementioned PEX, and even copper can be used.

Separately, it is worth touching on the topic of use pipe insulation. There are three positions on this issue:

At the time of installation of the wiring, the installation position of the radiators must be known exactly. The height may vary, but horizontal movement is generally not acceptable. This is due to the fact that the rotary fitting is not located on the surface, that is, only a straight section protrudes above the coating and is connected to the radiator outlet. You can deviate from this rule only if lower side connection units are used; in this case, the pipe outlets are located at a distance of about 100-120 mm from the end of the radiator liner.

Fittings and consumables

The installation of radiators with bottom connections does not imply any particular complexity, but this requires preparing in advance all the necessary fittings, fittings and packaging. Depending on the type of radiator, the list may differ.

For radiators whose bottom connection is provided by the design, a set of adapters corresponding to the pipe material is required. As a rule, these are straight press fittings or sleeves for soldering; when using polypropylene, it is recommended to install threaded “American” ones. In such cases, control valves are extremely rarely installed directly under the radiator; its optimal location is on distribution manifold. The situation is exactly the same when installing injection units.

With a lateral lower pipe supply, it is possible to install thermostatic and control valves on the radiator. In this case, all fittings are installed on the “metal” part, that is, they are packaged on threaded connections with fittings or threaded fittings of the lower connection valves. In any case, each radiator is equipped with two shut-off ball valves to allow the radiator to be removed without stopping the system. You will also need one or two radiator plugs and a Mayevsky tap. Sealing of threaded connections is traditionally done with tow and Unipak sealing paste.

Installation rules

Before connecting the radiator to the system, it is assembled in a lying state with the installation of all fittings. Ultimately, only two straight press fittings or union nut connections should remain: on the supply and return lines.

The lower connection valve replaces the radiator liner. Its sealing occurs in the standard way for this unit - using an o-ring seal. It is advisable to mark the position on the valve nut through hole on the shank so that after twisting it is positioned strictly vertically. Seals can be used to adjust the position different thicknesses and adjust the degree of tightening.

The injection unit is connected in a similar way, but quite often it does not have a nut that replaces the fitting. With a one-sided bottom connection, the outlet with reverse side it is plugged with a plug, like one of the upper ones, and a Mayevsky tap is installed in the remaining one. The further assembly scheme is simple: all the necessary shut-off and control equipment is packed onto the threaded fittings of the valve, injection unit or lower outlets onto tow with sealing paste. Ultimately, the radiator assembly is installed in place and secured using a wall or floor method fastening, then it is connected to the system.

Connecting heating radiators

When building a house or just when major renovation In a private estate or apartment, the installation of heating radiators should be done after elements such as doors and windows have already been installed. In this case, you must determine in advance which connection of heating radiators you will use, and in addition, of course, prepare necessary materials and tools.

How to properly connect a heating battery? The process of installing the radiator itself does not take much time and effort. First of all, you need to install the battery mounts. Their number and location directly depends on the number of radiator sections. Next, we connect the pipes, install the radiator itself and connect everything. Let's look at an example of how to connect a heating radiator using polypropylene pipes.

Heating system options

The most common and popular are single-pipe and two-pipe heating systems. Let's take a closer look at each of them and the correct connection of heating batteries in each case.

The single-pipe heating system is used today mainly for multi-storey buildings.

The hot coolant spreads through the pipes from top to bottom, evenly distributed throughout all heating devices. Such a system is quite easy to install and requires a relatively small amount of materials. But at the same time, it also has a number of disadvantages:

  • there is no possibility of adjusting the degree of heating of individual radiators;
  • on the lower floors the temperature of the batteries can be significantly lower than on the upper floors, since the coolant reaches them already cooled down;
  • in the event of a breakdown on any floor, the entire riser is switched off;
  • It is quite difficult to disconnect from the system to install autonomous heating.

A two-pipe heating system is most often used to create heating in private houses and cottages. It involves connecting two pipes to the radiator at once: one carries hot coolant to the battery, and the other drains cooled water. It is important to take into account that all radiators in a two-pipe system are connected only in parallel.

A two-pipe heating system has several significant advantages. First of all, the temperature of all radiators will always be equal, no matter how far from the boiler they are installed.

In addition, with this type of system, it is possible to adjust the degree of heating of each individual radiator - this allows you to create the maximum comfortable temperature in every room.

A heating system of this type includes the following elements:

  • radiator with a valve at the top and a plug at the bottom;
  • radiator plugs;
  • valve with thermostat;
  • bypass;
  • shank;
  • stopcock;
  • couplings and locknuts;
  • heating pipes (metal, polypropylene).

It should be noted that the same set of components, with the exception of a valve with a thermostat and a bypass, is suitable for installing a one-pipe heating system.

Types of connection of pipes and radiators

Connecting heating batteries can be:

  • lateral - this connection of the battery to the heating system is the most common. With this type of connection, the pipe with the hot coolant is supplied to the upper branch pipe, and the return pipe is connected to the lower one. That is, both pipes are located on the same side of the radiator. This connection of heating batteries is the most productive - it results in the least heat loss. However, you should not use such a connection for heating radiators, the number of sections of which is more than 15.
  • diagonal connection heating batteries – used for fairly long batteries. With this type, the pipe with the hot coolant is connected to the upper radiator pipe on one side, and the cooled coolant outflow pipe is connected to the lower pipe on the other side. This connection of the heating radiator allows the coolant to spread throughout the radiator as evenly as possible. It is important to consider that if you choose a diagonal connection of heating radiators to each other, but the hot water supply is through the lower pipe, and the outflow is through the upper, the efficiency of the system will decrease by about 10%.
  • bottom connection heating radiators. It is used only when the heating pipes are hidden under the floor. The efficiency of radiators connected in this way is approximately 10% lower than those connected by the side method.

Types of radiators for piping

Before you start creating a heating system and before connecting the radiators, you need to determine what types of radiators you want to use. Today there is great amount types of batteries. They may differ in:

  • material;
  • the principle of how to connect a heating battery;
  • wall mounting method.

Today the most common are the following types radiators:

  • – are a relatively thin panel of flat steel plates. How to properly connect a heating radiator of this type? Radiators of this type are connected from the side or bottom.

Steel panel batteries

  • sectional radiators. Lightweight sectional model made of aluminum (there are also bimetallic radiators of this type). How to properly connect the heating batteries in this case? Such batteries can be connected in several sections or one at a time. For such radiators, it is best to use polypropylene pipes, the connection type is lateral.

About connecting bimetal in the article: Connecting bimetallic heating radiators.

It is noteworthy that in Lately in apartments with central heating they are increasingly installing bimetallic batteries, abandoning cast iron. The reason for this change is due to a number of reasons. First of all, cast iron radiators are heavier and bulkier. In addition, due to poor-quality water used as a coolant in the heating system, sediment, sand and rust appear in such radiators quite quickly - and these factors significantly contribute to a decrease in the heat transfer of radiators. WITH bimetallic radiators no such problems arise.

For a private home, you can choose panel radiators. They can be either aluminum or steel - it all depends on the customer’s wishes.

The main thing is to comply with all rules during installation. It is important to remember that if you have a copper pipeline, then you can connect both steel and aluminum radiators. And if the pipeline is made of ordinary pipes, only aluminum batteries are allowed to be installed.

What is needed to connect radiators

Creating a heating system is enough difficult process. Meanwhile, by following all the rules and a clear sequence of work, even a beginner can handle it. How to connect a heating battery correctly? The main thing is attention. For high-quality installation and connecting radiators, some components are required. In particular:

  • adapters with right and left threads (fittings);
  • tools for high-quality screwing of adapters;
  • plugs, manual air vent, key for bleeding air, adapters;
  • shut-off valves, Ball Valves, valves;
  • pipes.

Tying with polypropylene pipes - implementation principle

Recently, polypropylene pipes have become increasingly popular. Of course, the correct connection of heating radiators and piping can be done with any other pipes, but most professionals still recommend choosing these.

For piping, it is most rational to use polypropylene corner ball valves - they are much easier to install, and their cost is relatively low.

Tying with polypropylene pipes is carried out as follows:

  • a coupling with a union nut is inserted into the multiflex, connecting to any output;
  • Pipes are fixed to the wall using pre-attached brackets. It is important that they do not touch the wall, but are 2-3 cm from its surface.

The advantage of polypropylene pipes is that they can be laid in the wall itself, and the edge of the pipe required for piping is brought out in close proximity to the radiator. A variety of fasteners can be used to secure batteries. Most often, professionals use a pin connection for this purpose that is fixed to the wall surface. If you want to hang radiators, use regular brackets for this. A small clarification - panel batteries are (mostly) sold complete with fasteners. But for sectional radiators, the mount must be purchased separately

We already practically know how to properly connect a heating radiator. The taps are connected as follows:

  • initially the crane must be disassembled;
  • a fitting with a union nut is screwed into the radiator;
  • Using a special wrench, tighten the nut.

For high-quality implementation of something so simple, and at the same time, it is enough important action you will need to use a special wrench - without it you will not be able to tighten the “American” properly.

In addition to this key, during installation and piping of radiators, as well as during how to connect two heating batteries, you will also need:

  • seals;
  • a set of keys;
  • tow;
  • thread paste;
  • threads for carving.

Features of radiator installation

When installing heating radiators and when connecting the heating radiator, the requirements specified in SNiP should be strictly observed. In particular, this applies to maintaining the required distance between the radiator and the wall, floor and window sill:

  • the distance from the top of the radiator to the window sill must be at least 10 cm. If the specified gap is lower, this may impede the movement of heat flow - thus, the room will not warm up as well;
  • the distance from the bottom of the radiator to the floor should be at least 12 cm. If it is less, there is a risk of a significant increase in the temperature difference by different heights premises;
  • the distance from the rear wall of the radiator to the wall must be at least 2 cm. Otherwise, the heat transfer of the radiator will be impaired.

It is also important to take into account that the installation method and how to properly connect heating radiators also affect the quality of heating the room. So, possible options for installing radiators:

  • V open form under the window sill – maximum efficiency of the heating system – 96%-97%;
  • in an open form in a niche – the efficiency is slightly lower – 93%;
  • in a partially closed form – there is a decrease in efficiency to 88%;
  • completely closed – heating efficiency is only 75%-80%.

Piping a heating radiator and how to properly connect a radiator can be done using different types of pipes. The main thing is strict compliance with all specified requirements and rules. If the radiator connection is made without errors, the heating system will not require repairs for many years. Now we know how best to connect heating radiators - but it’s even better to ask professionals about this.

Depending on the layout, area of ​​the apartment, method of coolant supply and other parameters, methods of connecting heating devices may vary. Moreover, these differences are quite significant and significantly affect the final heat transfer of the entire system. If installation is unsuccessful, thermal energy leaks can reach up to 30 percent, and the consumer will ultimately pay for heat that they do not receive. That is why you should not rely on the advice of neighbors and acquaintances in the matter of providing heat to your home; it is advisable to independently understand all the nuances of such work or entrust it to specialists.

Factors affecting the efficiency of a heating system

Before you begin designing your system, purchasing batteries, and the necessary Supplies, you need to consider the nuances that will significantly influence the choice of a particular solution and will help you connect the radiators correctly.

  1. 1. Number and location of risers from the main line central heating.
  2. 2. Location, size and number of heating devices in the apartment.
  3. 3. Connection method, which will determine the final number of pipes and fittings purchased during installation.

The variety of radiators, usually aluminum, differing in many parameters, makes even a sophisticated buyer confused. Therefore, in the matter of choice, it is necessary to adhere to some fundamental rules. Firstly, the connection method will depend on what kind of coolant supply circuit is used in the owner’s house. If each riser has only one pipe, then the connection will definitely be one-pipe. If there are two pipelines available, then the owner can, if desired, make a connection using both one-pipe and two-pipe schemes.

The second thing you need to pay attention to is the location of the holes in the radiator. The vast majority of used devices have their side arrangement. If it is planned to implement a certain design solution, which can be visually damaged by the less aesthetically pleasing terminals on the side of the heater, then it would be rational to purchase batteries with a bottom connection. In this case, the pipelines can be hidden under the floor or routed along floor covering, minimizing unwanted visual effect.

When planning the number and size of radiators, you need to take into account that the weighted average rate of heat transfer from them according to current rules must be at least 100 W per square meter premises. In the northern regions, where the temperature environment in the cold season it drops to minus 40 degrees, it is necessary to double this figure. Thermal energy generation various types batteries is indicated in the product documentation.

When marking places for mounting devices, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. 1. The main locations are under the windows, in the corners of the room that overlook external corner throughout the house, in closets, in hallways.
  2. 2. The distance from the wall to the heating device is at least 3 cm. Otherwise, the flow warm air from back side the batteries will be delayed, which will reduce the heating efficiency.
  3. 3. The distance from the floor to the device is 6 cm or more. This will ensure the timely entry of cold air during its convection in the room.
  4. 4. A gap of at least 5 cm must be left to the window sill.
  5. 5. For the best effect, it is advisable to place a heat-reflecting material behind the heating device - isospan, penofol or their equivalent.
  6. 6. Radiators must be placed at the bottom of the window opening so that the axis passing through the middle of the window coincides with the middle of the device.

By following these rules, you can achieve maximum thermal efficiency of the heating system of the entire apartment, which will ensure comfortable living at any time of the year.

Single-pipe scheme

It is the most common in communal houses due to significant savings in consumables and ease of installation. However, this connection option has several serious drawbacks, and the choice of this particular scheme is recommended only if there is only one pipeline in the apartment’s riser, which does not allow connecting the heating radiators otherwise.

A single-pipe scheme involves alternate supply of hot coolant from one radiator to another, which is why the main disadvantage of such a system is a gradual decrease in temperature with distance from the supply riser. That is, hot water coming from the central heating system, entering the first radiator and heating it, cools down. And the second battery is supplied with a temperature insufficient for full heating. Therefore, it is recommended to choose this method for small rooms with one or two radiators with no more than 8 sections.

The second disadvantage of the single-pipe scheme is the impossibility of installing temperature control devices for each battery. When the coolant supply to one device is reduced, its intensity will decrease throughout the entire line. For this reason, it is advisable to use such a scheme in communal buildings with apartments with small rooms with one radiator, and the lower the floor, the greater the number of sections it should have, since when the coolant moves from bottom to top it cools down. In this case, the total length of the pipeline should not exceed 30 meters and have no more than five radiators.

A one-pipe system can be implemented using a side, bottom or diagonal connection method. If there is one radiator on the line, the connection will be one-way side or bottom. In this case, it is recommended to use a bypass - a jumper between the supply and discharge pipes and taps for repairing or replacing the battery in the event of a malfunction. If there are two or more heating devices in the main line, it is advisable to choose diagonal pattern, when the supply pipeline is connected to the upper side input of the battery, and the output pipe is connected to the lower one on the opposite side of the device. The outlet pipe is then connected to the top terminal of the next battery, and so on.

Two-pipe type heating scheme

A connection method with two pipelines allows you to better realize the possibilities of central heating in an apartment. In this case, 2 pipes are used to supply and remove coolant. Thanks to this, hot water enters the heating devices at the same time and at an equal temperature, so all batteries heat up equally, regardless of location and number of sections. Despite the slightly higher consumption of materials compared to a single-pipe, it has a number of clear advantages:

  1. 1. Equal heating of all heating devices in the apartment.
  2. 2. Possibility of adjusting the temperature of each individual device.
  3. 3. Simple repair or replacement of the radiator in case of breakdown.
  4. 4. Smaller pipe diameter compared to single-pipe wiring, which reduces the cost difference to almost zero.

Similar to the one-pipe connection method described above, the two-pipe system is also implemented in several ways - diagonally, sideways (one-sided) or bottom way. The diagonal connection is considered the most effective, in which heat loss is minimal; it is when installing in this way that manufacturers test their products for heat transfer.

Lateral one-way connection

Used when connecting one heating device to the heating system riser. Then the server hot water the pipe is connected to the upper opening of the radiator, and the outlet pipe (return) is connected to the lower one on the same side. The scheme is widely used in apartment buildings large and medium-rise buildings, when the coolant is supplied vertically through several risers in each room. In this case, it is also necessary to use a bypass and shut-off valves for safe operation the entire riser in case of battery replacement.

It is worth noting that one-sided side connection effective only with a short length of the heating device; the number of sections should not exceed 10-12. Otherwise, the hot coolant inside the radiator will move along the shortest path and the side of the battery opposite the connection will not warm up well. This also applies to single-pipe scheme connections.

Diagonal connection method with a two-pipe scheme

This type of connection is the most rational. Heat loss in this case is minimal, and the battery is heated evenly across all sections, so you can use radiators with a large number of them. It must be remembered that the more sections in the device, the larger diameter there must be supply and discharge pipes.

Depending on the specific situation, diagonal wiring is implemented in two ways:

  1. 1. Hot water is supplied to the upper hole of the radiator on one side and, having passed through all sections of the heating device, is discharged from the lower hole on the opposite side.
  2. 2. The coolant enters through the lower inlet and exits through the upper inlet, on the opposite side.

Diagonal method connections can be made in any apartment with supply and discharge pipelines in the riser, but you must remember that according to the law there is a limit on the number of sections of heating devices, and their excessive increase may entail a fine, dismantling and bringing them into compliance with the standards.

Features of the bottom connection

The bottom connection, also called the saddle connection, is characterized by the lowest heat transfer coefficient and is used only when clearly necessary, usually to hide pipelines under the floor. Depending on the design features The radiators used are distinguished:

In practice, the effectiveness of even the most quality system heating becomes outdated over time. For this reason, the owner of the house often faces the problem of replacing some of its individual components.

Changing a heating radiator is very easy: you just need to follow step by step instructions, at least understand a little about the specifics of this area and have the appropriate tool.

Types of heating systems

Modern methods of connecting a heating radiator are exclusively important nuances in matters of provision home warmth. In construction practice, the two most common types of heating systems are single-pipe and two-pipe.
It is precisely which one appears that determines the scheme by which the radiator will be integrated.

By the way, even if you do not connect the battery yourself, but with the help of professionals from a specialized company, you should still be aware of what kind of heating system was installed for you. For clarity, let's consider each of these types in more detail.

Single pipe heating

This type works on the principle of supplying water to modern radiator usually integrated into the apartment high-rise building, that is, in a high-rise building. This heating battery connection is considered the most accessible and simplest type.

But this system also has its drawbacks: taking into account such seemingly simple installation work, single pipe system does not imply the possibility of independent regulation of the supplied heat. That is, this type of heating does not provide any additional devices that can provide the homeowner with such a service. In view of this, heat transfer in the apartment is supplied in accordance with what was initially laid down.

Two-pipe heating

The operation of this system is based on the movement of hot coolant through the first pipe, while through the second pipe in the opposite direction - the already cooled liquid is removed. In this type of heat supply, there is a parallel method of connecting heating devices.

Characteristic two-pipe system– methodical uniformity of heating of all its components. Plus, the owner of such heating has the opportunity to independently regulate the heat in the apartment using a specific valve mounted near the radiator itself.

Read a detailed review on our website.

Advice: Pay attention to the document regulating the norms correct connection heating radiators. Its name: SNiP 3.05.01-85.

Radiator integration location

Whether you have a serial connection of heating batteries or a more complicated parallel connection, in any case, remember that heat supply is not the only function of these units. An additional bonus of such devices is that radiators provide good protection from the “cold” intrusion of winds and drafts.

Therefore, it is not surprising that it is under the window sills that these life-saving devices find their home. Heating radiators can provide excellent thermal curtain, especially in the localization of window openings.

Advice: Do not mount two radiators close to each other - this is fraught with loss of expensive heat: the density of the hot air flow will decrease significantly, which will entail a sharp drop in the efficiency of the heat supply itself.

Before use specific type connections, draw up a schematic plan on which you clearly and visually indicate the locations of the devices, and make correct calculations of the installation distance.

Radiators are positioned correctly in the following cases:

  • devices are located at a distance of 100 mm from the bottom line of the window sill;
  • distance to floor – 120 mm;
  • distance to walls – 20 mm.

We connect radiators to different water circulation systems

The coolant in heating, which is usually plain water, circulates in the system in two ways - forced or natural.

Forced operation of the coolant is carried out thanks to a water pump pushing water through the pipe. Of course, such a pumping device is an element general scheme heating. Installation of such a unit is either carried out directly next to the heating equipment - a boiler, for example, or is initially included in its “original” package. you will find out in a separate article.

1. Single-pipe sequential heating system with natural circulation
2. Two-pipe parallel heating system with natural circulation

Another system that has natural circulation, is very effective and efficient in places where power surges most often occur. In the indicated scheme of such circulation there is no pumping device, but there is a place for a non-volatile boiler. The movement of liquid through the system is carried out due to the displacement of a cooled coolant by a hot stream of water.

Factors to consider when implementing radiator connections:

  • specifics of the laid heating main;
  • its length and so on.

Heating radiator connection diagrams

Any of the radiator connection diagrams listed below is quite capable of being implemented in a heating system with a “forced” approach, that is, in the presence of a pump:

Due to the universal design of this design, the coolant fills the radiator evenly, which, of course, contributes to the maximum degree of heat transfer. The cross circuit significantly increases the efficiency of the system: heat losses are reduced by up to 2%!