Delicious Lenten dishes. What dishes can you cook and eat during Lent? Lenten menu

Orthodox Christians will celebrate the Holy Resurrection of Christ on April 28 in 2019. The holiday is preceded by Lent, which in 2018 begins on March 11 and will last seven weeks.

Lent is the strictest and longest of all four multi-day fasts established by the Orthodox Church. Therefore, it can be difficult to start fasting without any preparation, and it won’t harm your health for long if you don’t know how to eat properly.

The main goal of fasting is to achieve internal qualitative changes, as well as the desire of a Christian to follow the feat of Jesus Christ, who fasted for 40 days in the desert.

Compliance with fasting today is a voluntary act and is deeply individual character. In post free time you need to devote yourself to prayers, subdue your desires for food, excluding any excesses and idleness, and strive for a more secluded lifestyle.

For seven weeks you will have to give up meat, eggs, milk, cottage cheese and other animal products. At the same time, food intake per day is limited.

Lenten menu

Fasting is primarily abstinence from rich food, and not exhaustion of the body, therefore Lenten menu should be varied and rich in vitamins.

The Lenten menu can be quite varied - during Lent you can prepare various porridges, lean pilafs, pasta, soups, cutlets, salads and so on.

Porridges - corn, buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, millet, barley, peas, beans, pearl barley and others - can be cooked in water. For example, rice porridge You can diversify by adding pumpkin, mushrooms, raisins, dried fruits or jam.

You can and should eat any vegetables - at your service are cabbage of all types, carrots, beets, radishes, potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, green beans and others that exist in nature.

It is important to eat plenty of bell peppers and fresh herbs during this period, as they are rich in many vitamins and minerals necessary to maintain health.

You can also eat any fruit that is available this season - apples, pears, bananas, oranges, and so on. You can eat jams, dried fruits, pickles, honey, nuts and spices.

© Sputnik / Alexander Imedashvili


According to church canons, you need to create a menu for Lenten cuisine according to the following principles - in the first and last (Holy) weeks of Lent, as well as on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays - dry eating.

These days it is allowed to eat fruits, vegetables, dried fruits, nuts, that is, eating exclusively raw, thermally unprocessed food and lean bread. On this day it is not even recommended to drink tea or compote.

If desired, you can prepare vegetable or fruit salads; the latter can be seasoned with honey.

Salad "Exotic"

Place the shredded cabbage in a bowl, lightly sprinkle with salt and rub with your hands so that the cabbage softens and releases juice. The juice should be drained. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater and add to the cabbage. Finely chop an onion, a couple of cloves of garlic and a few sprigs of celery. Cut fresh cucumber, apple or orange into cubes. Watering lemon juice, salt, pepper and mix all ingredients. This unusual and spicy salad will energize you for the whole day.

Days without oil

On Tuesdays and Thursdays you can eat hot food plant origin no oil. These days you can treat yourself to various cereals and soups, and you can also eat jams, pickles, herbs, and so on.

Bean soup with pasta

Boil red beans, add some pasta, finely chopped onion, garlic and a bunch of cilantro, spices to the pan and cook until tender. Then add salt and the soup is ready.

You can expand your menu these days by adding baked potatoes and other vegetables. You can also prepare lean spaghetti - boil the pasta in salted water and season it with tomato paste. These days you can drink tea and compotes.

The second dishes on the menu during Lent can also be mushroom, potato, cabbage, and carrot lean cutlets, in which eggs as a fixative can easily be replaced with semolina. On days when oil consumption is prohibited, the cutlets can be steamed.

With butter

On Saturday and Sunday (except for the last Saturday of Lent) food with the addition of vegetable oil is allowed. Here you can give free rein to your imagination and prepare various dishes - soups, salads, meatless cutlets and pilaf, and so on.

Mushroom soup

Fry finely chopped onion and garlic in a saucepan and pour boiling water over the frying. As soon as the water boils, you need to pour a handful of rice into the pan, and after 10 minutes, put the mushrooms in the pan and cook a little. Then add several cauliflower or broccoli florets, grated carrots and bell peppers (preferably red), chopped cilantro, dill and cook the soup until tender. Then add salt and start lunch.

Salad "Markitanka"

Boil potatoes and cut into cubes. Add shredded sauerkraut (preferably red), a jar canned corn, sliced green onions, parsley, cilantro, dill, celery, vegetable oil, lemon juice and mix everything well.

Fish day

During Lent, fish is allowed to be eaten only twice - on the Annunciation (April 7) and on Palm Sunday, which in 2017 falls on April 9. These days, fish can be eaten both boiled and fried, and if you are a fan Japanese cuisine- you can treat yourself to sushi.


Place a whole onion and chopped carrots in boiling salted water. Cook for five minutes over medium heat. Add potatoes and cook until tender. Very carefully, one piece at a time, add the fish (both red and white will do), without stirring, so as not to crumble. Bring to a boil over low heat, add Bay leaf, allspice and finely chopped fresh herbs, and remove - the fish will be ready.

Fish baked in foil

You can bake any fish in foil - river, sea, both in pieces and whole (if it is small in size).

Cut the fish into pieces or leave it whole, place on foil, pepper and salt. Greens, preferably oregano or tarragon, can be placed in the belly of the fish, on its carcass or pieces. Then sprinkle with lemon juice, or cover with lemon slices, seal the edges of the foil and bake until done.


Of course, the main meaning of fasting is spiritual cleansing and renunciation not only of certain foods, but also of harmful passions, evil words and affairs, bad mood and irritability. But I want variety even during Lent.

To the delight of many fasting sweet tooths, last years produce many Lenten sweets. You can also eat dark chocolate, nuts, fruit and berry preserves, jams, dried fruits, halva, natural marmalade, biscuits, and so on. The main thing is that desserts do not contain milk or its derivatives or animal fats.

Various delicacies can be prepared at home. For example, you can cook dessert salad.

Cut any fruits - apples, pears, oranges, add raisins, chopped nuts and dried apricots, and season the salad with liquid honey.

For cooking lemon ginger cookies you will need: 100 grams wheat flour; 100 grams of water; 40 grams of olive oil; 30 grams of fresh ginger; one lemon; one full tbsp honey; one tsp baking powder for dough.

Remove seeds and skin from the lemon and grind the pulp in a blender. Grate the ginger on a fine grater, mix honey with warm water(a little to dissolve). Mix 100 ml of water, sifted flour, diluted honey, baking powder, olive oil, ginger and lemon - the dough should turn out thick, its thickness can be adjusted by the amount of water, or by additionally adding flour if the dough turns out watery.

Cover the kneaded dough and leave for 10-15 minutes at room temperature. Heat the oven to 150 degrees, line a baking sheet with foil, make cookies of the desired shape from the dough and bake for 15 minutes.

The material was prepared based on open sources

Lenten dishes represent a category of foods that Orthodox Christians eat in special days fasting, when it is not allowed to eat meat, eggs, dairy products, sweets, or drink alcohol. Such a limitation in products, it would seem, should have made the table too meager. However, in reality, this is far from the case! Even from the vegetables and fruits we are familiar with, you can make a real culinary masterpiece. In general, the category of Lenten dishes is very diverse and is replete with thousands of all kinds of recipes, as you can see by studying this section of our website.

Breakfast, lunch and dinner during Lent

Lenten food, like ordinary food, can vary in purpose. This means that there are dishes for both breakfast and lunch, as well as dinner. In addition, such dishes can be quite everyday, that is, designed for every day, and they can also be festive. Therefore, even for a birthday during Lent, you can prepare a wonderful festive table. It will turn out, we assure you, very tasty. Your guests won't even notice that some products are missing!

Besides Lenten dishes very diverse in types. So, for example, you won’t have to exclude snacks, first courses, or main courses from your diet. You can even indulge in sweet treats if you prepare them wisely. And even our favorite cutlets may not leave the Lenten table if the meat is replaced with fish or, for example, lentils.

Thus, even by eliminating some foods from your diet, you can still leave it approximately the same as before fasting. And sometimes replacing some components with others makes the food more advantageous in terms of taste.

Dishes from cereals and legumes

Cereal dishes occupy important place on the fasting table. First of all, this is due to their satiety. Even the simplest porridge cooked in water can fill you up no worse than a piece of fried meat. In addition, such food will be much healthier.

Most often, the following cereals are prepared during Lent: buckwheat, rice, millet, oatmeal. As a rule, they are cooked as a side dish, and in addition they are added to all kinds of lean soups.

In addition to cereals, legumes (peas, chickpeas, lentils, beans) are widely used. In terms of their nutritional qualities, they are not inferior to meat, but their benefits are much greater, because in their composition you will not find “harmful” cholesterol, as well as growth hormones.

Dishes from vegetables, mushrooms and fruits

The main components of dishes during fasting still remain vegetables. They are used to prepare appetizers, salads, first and second courses. In addition to the fact that they are tasty and low in calories, they are also very healthy. Vegetables are rich in a variety of vitamins and minerals, as well as a variety of other substances needed by the body. Thus, vegetable dishes during Lent not only give believers the opportunity to demonstrate their humility before God, but also improve their health, which, perhaps, will be a reward for humility.

The most common vegetables to use during fasting are: eggplant, broccoli, zucchini, cabbage, potatoes, turnips, beets, pumpkin, spinach.

Mushrooms are a fairly popular ingredient in many Lenten recipes. They can be an excellent substitute for meat, and in addition, they can be widely used in preparing all kinds of dishes, just like the vegetables discussed earlier. The most commonly used are oyster mushrooms and champignons, which are available on store shelves. all year round. However, you can also use wild mushrooms if you have the opportunity.

Also in this context, one cannot fail to mention fruits. They are usually used in independent form, as a substitute for desserts. Moreover, they may be components any sweet dish.

The most common fruit in our area is apples, however, overseas fruits you can safely eat on fasting days. So you don’t have to limit yourself in consuming pineapples, bananas and other gifts of nature. In addition, they will be very useful for maintaining health!

Fish and seafood dishes

During fasting, meat can be replaced not only with plant foods. On some days, which are not particularly strict, you can eat all kinds of fish. It could be river, sea or even oceanic. It doesn't matter. As you probably know, you can cook a real masterpiece from fish! So in the event of any celebration that falls during Lent, you can please your guests and yourself with fish in any culinary preparation that you prefer.

It is also allowed to consume seafood during fasting: shrimp, squid, mussels, oysters, seaweed, etc.

Baking on fast days

Baking on fasting days, like many other dishes listed earlier, can remain on your menu. All you need is to cook it using lean dough, which does not contain milk, butter or eggs. Its base is any flour of your choice (traditional wheat, buckwheat, corn or any other). Other Ingredients: Water, baking soda, yeast, salt.

From this lean dough you can make any baked goods: pancakes, pies and pies, pizza, rolls, etc. The filling can be vegetable, fruit, mushroom or fish.


Fasting is not just a restriction in food, it is your ability to show bodily humility and spiritual humility. However, this does not mean at all that you should starve yourself and exhaust your body. Therefore, be careful when creating a Lenten menu for every day, trying to make it balanced. Remember that health comes first!

We hope that the photo recipes on our site will help you create a tasty and varied diet during Lent.

If you are fasting, this does not mean at all that you have to eat only noodles and rolls. On the contrary, this is a great chance to improve your gastronomic skills and learn how to cook something new. So today I offer you big choice wonderful Lenten dishes for every day. This can be useful not only for those who are fasting. In my recipes you will find a lot of original simple side dishes that can diversify any diet. And lenten soups after fasting can be prepared with meat.

Here you will find a real Lenten menu - salads, soups, main dishes and even baked goods. Delicious recipes for Lent and beyond.

It is clear that fasting is not a time to indulge in gluttony, but this is not a reason to indulge in laziness and eat anything. When there is a lot healthy recipes- despite the fact that the food remains simple and ordinary.

One indisputable advantage of Lenten dishes is that they are cheap, easy to prepare and easy on the body. And at the same time very interesting and tasty. All these recipes are based on the simplest products that everyone has - cabbage, carrots, potatoes, frozen vegetables, tomato paste, green peas.

For those who also want to make their dishes more dietary, you can completely replace vegetable oil with lemon juice in salads, and fry for baking in the oven without oil (you can add a little water), or stew with water.

What you will find in this article

Lenten salads

Lettuce and green pea salad

Light and tasty salad.


Lettuce leaves (lettuce packaging in pots), or can be replaced with Chinese cabbage, and ideally - Iceberg lettuce - two-thirds of a head of cabbage
half a pepper

half an onion
carrots - 1 pc.
garlic - one or two cloves
Vegetable oil (for a dietary option, you can replace it with lemon juice)
salt pepper
Cut the onion and pepper into small pieces. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater. Cut the salad. Place the peas and squeeze out the garlic. Salt, pepper, season with vegetable oil or lemon juice! You can also chop some greens here.

Cabbage salad with cucumbers and peppers

We've all tried this salad, but not everyone is familiar with the art of preparing tender, vinegary cabbage!


Cabbage - one kg,
Bell pepper- one big one

cucumbers - two pieces
sugar - one tbsp. heaped spoon
salt - one tsp. With a slide,
nine percent vinegar - one or two tbsp.
Fresh dill
vegetable oil

Slice the cabbage very thinly. To do this, you need to slide a knife along the surface of the cabbage, cutting off very thin strips.
Salt, pour in vinegar, sprinkle with sugar. Add chopped dill. Press lightly with your hands to release liquid, but not too much.
Cut the pepper into small squares. Cucumbers - into strips. Add vegetables to cabbage, add oil and stir.

Lenten soups

Lenten vegetable soup

A simple and very tasty Lenten soup!


Cabbage - one kg
Carrots - three pieces
Potatoes - five pieces
Onions - two pieces
Garlic - six cloves
vegetable oil
1. Chop 1 kg of cabbage into square pieces. Fill with two and a half liters of water and salt. Let simmer for 30 minutes on low heat.
2. Cut the potatoes into cubes.
3. Cut the carrots and onions into small pieces.
4. Fry the garlic for a couple of minutes, then add carrots and onions to it. Fry for about fifteen minutes until golden brown.
5. When the cabbage broth has cooked for 30 minutes, throw the potatoes into the pan and cook for another ten minutes.
6. After this, add the rest of the vegetables. Bring to a boil and remove from heat after five minutes.
7. Sprinkle with chopped parsley and dill. Cover with a lid for about fifteen minutes and you are ready to eat!

Lenten soup with vegetables and rice


Pepper - one piece
carrot (large) - one piece
garlic - four cloves
rice - 4 tbsp. l. with top
potatoes - three pieces
broth or water - two liters

bay leaf, dill
vegetable oil

Cut the potatoes into cubes,
put in two liters of broth or water, add salt and bring to a boil. Cook for 15 minutes when it boils.

At this time, chop the onion into rings and rings into quarters. Grate the carrots (coarsely). Cut the pepper into squares. Garlic cloves - round.

Fry the onion and carrots for about five minutes until they change color a little. Move the roast to the edges of the pan and add the bell pepper to the center.

Fry the pepper for about 5 minutes until it changes color, then stir in the onion and carrots. And again move the mass to the sides. And put chopped garlic in the middle and fry for a minute. Then stir the vegetable mixture and remove from heat.

Place the roast in the soup and also add 4 tablespoons of rice. Let it boil, cook for no more than 5 minutes.
Remove from the burner, add bay leaf and chopped dill. Do not stir yet, leave to sit for 20 minutes, covered. During this time, the rice will be perfectly cooked.

You can also season the soup with paprika.

Lenten soup with green peas

Red lentils - two hundred grams
carrots - two hundred gr
onion - one hundred gr
garlic - one or two cloves
sesame - one tbsp. with a slide
sunflower oil
Boil lentils in two and a half liters of water. Add 1 tbsp. salt.
Finely chop or grate the carrots. Chop the onion into small pieces. Fry the onions and carrots on low power while the lentils are cooking. Until golden but not brown.

When the lentils are almost ready, add the roasted vegetables. Cook for another 5 minutes. Heat the sesame seeds in a dry frying pan until they darken a little. Remove soup from heat and add sesame seeds. Let it sit for fifteen minutes.

Lenten pea soup

We all see bags of frozen Brussels sprouts in the store. But we don’t know many options on how to cook them deliciously. All I knew before was to fry it with meatballs. But here is another very tasty recipe that will diversify the Lenten menu.


Frozen packaging Brussels sprouts(four hundred gr.)
soy sauce - two tbsp. l.
mustard seeds - one tsp.
Tomato paste - one tbsp.
Garlic - three cloves

Place the cabbage in water, bring to a boil and let it simmer for fifteen minutes.
Chop the garlic and crush the mustard seeds a little.
Place the cabbage in a frying pan with hot oil, along with everything else - garlic, tomato paste, soy sauce, mustard seeds. Add 0.5 tbsp. water, cover with a lid and heat for about five minutes. No salt is required as there is soy sauce.
There is no need to salt the dish.

Rice with peas and beans

Very tasty Lenten dish

Here’s another basic recipe that not every housewife knows how to cook. Because there are tricks! But if the potatoes are fried correctly, then McDonald's fries can rest!
Peel the potatoes.
Take a thick-bottomed frying pan, such as cast iron. First, turn the hot burner to high for a couple of minutes to warm up the pan.
At this time, cut the potatoes into rounds. When the frying pan is hot, pour in the vegetable oil and place on medium heat (4 out of six). Let the oil heat up for another minute.
Place all the potatoes to fry, close the lid and leave undisturbed for ten minutes.
Attention, do not stir the potatoes! Using a spatula, carefully pry it under the fried layer of potatoes in the middle. And turn the entire layer over as much as you can. Also carefully turn the potatoes over in layers on the sides of the pan.
Again, time exactly ten minutes. And fry again under the lid. Again, carefully turn the entire layer of potatoes over.

And one more time - ten minutes, fry under the lid. Then add salt. Turn over again carefully in the same way as before. This time you can literally wait a couple of minutes, or ten if you want it browner. This is delicious!

Mushroom rice

I advise everyone to try this recipe, not just those who are fasting!


Potatoes - one and a half kg,
mushrooms, preferably fresh - two hundred gr. (you can use a pack of frozen ones)
onion - two pcs.
Boil the potatoes in salted water (you can cut them into cubes to speed up the process).
Throw out the water. Mash the puree. Let cool to room temperature.
Chop the mushrooms into small pieces. Fry for about fifteen minutes...
Divide the mashed potatoes into 8 lumps (so as not to stick, wet your hands). Make cakes from the puree. Add mushrooms. Roll the zrazy so that the filling is inside.
Sprinkle with breadcrumbs and place on a sheet that has been sprayed with oil. Place in a hot oven at 180 degrees and cook for half an hour.
You can garnish with fried onion rings. And for those who are not afraid of calories, pour each ready-made immediately with the oil in which these rings were fried.

Lenten pancakes

Yeast lean stuffed pancakes


Flour - one and a half cups,

water - two glasses,
activated yeast - one tsp.
Sugar - one tbsp.
half a spoon of salt
vegetable oil


about a glass of boiled buckwheat
onion - one pc.
dry mushrooms - a handful

Let's do yeast dough for pancakes. IN warm water dissolve yeast and sugar. Leave for fifteen minutes. Next, add salt, sift the flour, stir so that there are no lumps. Add 2 tbsp. sunflower oil. Let the dough sit for about forty minutes.

Grease the pan thin layer oils Wipe off excess with a tissue. Fry pancakes.

While the dough is resting, make the filling. Boil dry mushrooms and chop.
Fry with buckwheat, chopped onion and carrots. Or simmer in the oven.
Fill the pancakes with minced meat. You can also fry the prepared pancakes in vegetable oil until golden brown, but I don’t do this for calorie reasons. Read the step-by-step recipe for lean pancakes with photos.

Yeast-free lean pancakes with potato filling


Yeast dough (store-bought or homemade, it doesn’t matter) - one kg
Potatoes - four pcs.
onion - 1-2 pcs
salt, pepper, sunflower oil

Slice the potatoes and onions very thinly, potatoes into slices, onions into rings. Stir, pour 1 tbsp. sunflower oil, 1 tsp. salt without a slide, a little ground pepper, stir.
Divide one kilogram of dough into ten pieces. And each of them is two more, one of which is twice as large as the second.
Roll out the larger one thinly and place it on a small saucer, with the edges curled down.
We also divide the potato mixture into about ten parts. Spread one onto the dough. Now we roll a smaller circle from a small piece and place it on top of the potatoes. Fold the edges up. Turn over and roll out the cake a little again.

Then fry at low temperature for five minutes, turn over - and another five.

Famous breadsticks

Very simple brine cookies, delicious!


One glass of brine
One glass of vegetable oil,
one glass of sugar,
two packs of coconut flakes (you can also use lemon zest, dried berries, dried fruits, etc.)
two to three glasses of flour

Place butter, sugar, brine and one packet of chips in a bowl and mix. Add flour until the dough is as thick as shortbread (two to three glasses), that is, so that you can roll it out.
Roll out and sprinkle with remaining shavings.
Use cookie cutters or a glass to cut out the cookies.
Bake on a floured baking sheet at a temperature of one hundred and eighty degrees for about ten minutes.

Poppy cookies


Poppy - two hundred gr.
Brown (or regular) sugar - one tbsp.
half a teaspoon of soda
Apple vinegar- two tbsp.
salt - half tsp.
Half a glass of water
flour - one or two tbsp.
cinnamon - 1-2 tsp.
Sunflower oil - four tbsp. l.
Mix dry ingredients: sugar, poppy seeds, cinnamon, salt. Add water and sunflower oil, soda and apple cider vinegar. Knead the dough, similar to shortbread (so that it rolls out).
Cover with film and leave for one hour.
Then roll out the dough into a layer of about half a centimeter. Cut out cookies using cookie cutters or a glass. Place on baking paper or a floured baking tray. Place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for about half an hour.

Lenten Coconut Banana Cookies


Bananas - 2 pcs.
coconut flakes - two hundred and fifty gr.
Half a glass of sunflower oil
sugar (preferably brown, but regular is fine) half a glass
water and flour
Mix sugar, butter, chopped banana and beat, adding coconut and flour. Until you get a thick dough.
To prepare the dough, mix sugar and butter together, add chopped banana. Using a whisk, turn everything into a homogeneous mass, gradually adding coconut flakes and flour. The dough should not be liquid, but slightly thick, like thick sour cream.
Place small and not thick cookies on a baking sheet lined with baking paper or sprinkled with flour.
Bake at 180 degrees for twenty minutes, then minimum temperature dry until the cookies become golden.

Lenten cakes

Lenten carrot cake

Very tasty, tender, aromatic carrot cake made from simple ingredients.


One hundred and fifty grams of flour
100 grams of carrots
a handful of raisins or other dried fruits (optional)
a handful of walnuts(one hundred grams) (optional)
six tablespoons of vegetable oil
one hundred grams of sugar
bag vanilla sugar or vanillin
three teaspoons baking powder

fifty grams of flour
two tablespoons of vegetable oil
thirty grams of sugar

Make topping from the indicated products. Mix and rub with your hands until crumbly. Place in the refrigerator.

Let's make the dough. Mix flour, sugar, baking powder. Add vegetable oil and water. Beat. Three carrots on a coarse grater, put them in the dough, add raisins and chopped nuts if desired.
Baked in a small form - eighteen centimeters. Place baking paper on the bottom. Pour out the dough. Sprinkle with crumbs. Bake in a hot oven (one hundred and eighty degrees) - about one hour. Check for doneness with a match. The cake can then be sprinkled with powdered sugar.

Lenten chocolate coffee cake


one glass of sugar,
a third of a glass of sunflower oil
one third cup cocoa powder
one and a quarter cup of flour
teaspoon of soda,
teaspoon vinegar
glass of coffee (or water)


In a bowl, mix dry ingredients: flour, vanillin, sugar, cocoa, soda and salt. Add water or coffee, vegetable oil and vinegar.
Whisk everything.
Place in a hot oven at 180 degrees. Bake for about half an hour.
Grease the finished biscuit with jam or melted dark chocolate(if you find one without milk). You can also decorate with vegetable cream.

Super-healthy, super-dietary raw food (no baking) Lenten persimmon and blackcurrant cake

For a mold 18 cm.


The basis:
¾ cup (80g) walnuts
12 pcs. (100g) dates
A pinch of cardamom

(if you are afraid to make it on such a basis, then you can make shortbread lean - like brine cookies or poppy seed cookies, the recipes are given above. You can make such a cake in parallel with the cookies)

persimmon - 2 pcs
dates - 20 gr
cinnamon - 0.5 tsp.
Water - 150 ml
agar-agar or pectin 1 tsp.
frozen black currants - 100 g (or any other berry)
agar-agar 1 tsp.
Defrost the berries
Grind the walnuts in a blender. Grind the dates too. Stir with nuts, add a little cardamom, mix with a blender into a homogeneous mass. Line the bottom of the mold with parchment and spread the mixture over the bottom.

Place in the refrigerator for an hour and a half, then in the freezer.

If you are confused by such a base, then make shortbread lean dough, like in brine cookies or poppy seeds cookies, and bake the base.

Making persimmon jelly. Peel the persimmons, beat with a mixer or blender into a homogeneous puree. Add cinnamon and sugar to taste (you can use two dates instead of sugar).
1 tsp Add agar-agar to 150 ml of water. Bring to a boil with constant stirring.
Pour agar into persimmon puree. Remove the base from the freezer and pour the puree and agar on top. Place in the freezer.

Take 150 ml of juice from frozen berries, which appeared during defrosting. Add sugar, but a little, so that it is sweet and sour. Pour 1 tsp of agar with fruit drink, bring to a boil and boil for 1 minute. Remove the cake from the freezer, place the berries on top, and pour currant jelly over it.
Place in the refrigerator for three hours.

What is the characteristic of the time allotted Orthodox Church for a post? This is a time of abstinence and restrictions, a time when a person languishes his body so that the soul can be “nourished.”

The basic rule (without going into subtleties) is the absence of animal products in food. What does this include:

  1. meat,
  2. bird,
  3. butter,
  4. milk and fermented milk products (kefir, fermented baked milk, sour cream...),
  5. eggs,
  6. fish (allowed on some days).

If you limit your diet this way, you will be fasting. A real pastor of souls will tell you that even without delving into the subtleties and daily prohibitions and permissions, you follow the path of abstinence and humility of your flesh.

In fact, if you analyze “lenten” cuisine, it is 99% identical to vegetarian cuisine.

In this collection, we have collected for you recipes for lenten (or otherwise vegetarian) dishes that you can cook during fasting. And believe me - it's delicious!

At the beginning of each recipe there is an exact list of ingredients from which this dish is prepared. And here detailed process cooking with step by step instructions and nuances, you can find the link by clicking on the word “HERE”. All recipes are tried and tested. The final photo of the actually prepared dish is what you will get.

Lenten menu: delicious recipes during fasting

Recipes for Lenten dishes (main dish)

Sauteed vegetables


  1. 4-5 pcs. small eggplants;
  2. 4-5 pcs. small tomatoes;
  3. 5-6 pcs. bell pepper;
  4. 2 pcs. large carrots;
  5. ½ teaspoon ground black pepper;
  6. ½ teaspoon allspice;
  7. 1 teaspoon chopped dried basil;
  8. 100 ml vegetable oil;
  9. salt to taste.

In this cooking option, the main ingredients are eggplants. Vegetable sauté is easy to prepare and requires a short time, but in the end it turns out rich, aromatic, and most importantly - tasty dish. It will be both a good side dish and an excellent independent dish. For details about the process of preparing sautéed vegetables and photo instructions, see.



  1. 2 eggplants;
  2. spinach (can be replaced with arugula);
  3. 4 red sweet peppers;
  4. 1 clove of garlic;
  5. 2-3 tablespoons of olive oil;
  6. parsley;
  7. ground black pepper;
  8. salt.

This dish comes from Catalonia (Spain). Escalivada is not difficult to prepare, but the dish turns out wonderful! It is preferable for him to cook vegetables on the grill - then they will acquire an irreplaceable aroma, and not just bake, and your “Escalivada” will turn out really wonderful! For details about the process of preparing this dish with photo instructions, see.

Buckwheat porridge with mushrooms

Would need:

  1. 1 tbsp. buckwheat;
  2. 300 grams of mushrooms;
  3. vegetable oil;
  4. salt.

Simple and tasty - that’s the motto of this dish! The combination of these products has already been loved by many, and how could it be otherwise? It takes little time to prepare, but the end result is a delicious and aromatic meal. In addition, it is very nutritious, because buckwheat contains a lot useful substances. How to cook buckwheat porridge with mushrooms you can find out in detail.

Vegetable stew with zucchini

Would need:

  1. 300 g cabbage;
  2. 1 PC. medium sized zucchini;
  3. 1 PC. medium sized carrots;
  4. 2 onions;
  5. 500 g potatoes;
  6. 1 PC. bell pepper;
  7. vegetable oil;
  8. salt.

Typically, stews are made with meat and all the ingredients are simmered in a rich sauce or fried. This version of the stew is vegetable, without meat, and all vegetables will be stewed in own juice, so it is suitable for people who fast and vegetarians. Detailed recipe with photos you will find step by step

Pearl barley porridge with vegetables

To prepare you will need:

  1. 1 tbsp. pearl barley;
  2. 1 PC. carrots;
  3. 1 onion;
  4. 300 grams of cabbage;
  5. 150 grams of mushrooms;
  6. 2 tablespoons of Krasnodar sauce;
  7. 100 grams of refined oil.

Pearl barley porridge, like buckwheat, is a Russian national food. Together with vegetables, this porridge acquires a pleasant taste; moreover, it is good for absorption by the body and is generally very beneficial for it. And carrots and sauce add to the dish beautiful colour. To find out step by step recipe pearl barley porridge with vegetables, press .

Lenten rice dishes

Rice with frozen vegetables


  1. 1 tbsp. rice;
  2. 100 g corn;
  3. 100 g asparagus;
  4. 100 g sweet pepper (preferably red);
  5. garlic;
  6. vegetable oil;
  7. spices to taste.

Due to the frozen food, this dish is good to prepare in winter, when the choice fresh vegetables pretty sparse. But vitamins in winter period Our body needs even more, so lunch will turn out to be healthy. This rice will captivate you with its fragrant aroma and excellent taste! Click to learn the recipe step by step.

Vegetarian pilaf (with mushrooms)

You will need:

  1. 600 g long grain rice;
  2. 400 g mushrooms;
  3. 1 piece of large carrot;
  4. 200 g raisins;
  5. 2 tablespoons of tomato sauce;
  6. 2 onions;
  7. vegetable oil (that is, vegetable oil).

This recipe is just for those people who are different from the majority of people who fast and for vegetarians. The pilaf turns out crumbly and with pleasant aroma. Raisins add an unusual but pleasant sweetness and are loaded with nutrients. This dish will not leave anyone indifferent. For details about the process of preparing this dish with photo instructions, see.

Sweet pilaf

You will need:

  1. 1 tbsp. long grain rice;
  2. 70 g dried apricots;
  3. 70 g raisins;
  4. 70 g prunes;
  5. ½ tbsp. refined oil.

Most often, pilaf is prepared salty, and sweet pilaf is not typical on our tables. Kids will love this recipe variation and won't need to be coaxed into eating their lunch. In addition to this, it is healthy and nutritious. See how to cook sweet pilaf step by step.

Lent salads for every day

Salad – vegetable noodles

You will need:

  1. daikon;
  2. cucumber;
  3. carrot;
  4. Bell pepper;
  5. lemon;
  6. parsley;
  7. sesame;
  8. olive oil.

This salad looks bright and elegant, so festive table there will be a place for him too. This dish is suitable for raw foodists because all salad ingredients are used raw. You will learn how to prepare this wonderful salad step by step with photos by clicking.

salads in the post recipes with photos

Classic vinaigrette


  1. 200 grams of salad beets;
  2. ½ cup beans;
  3. 100g sauerkraut;
  4. 2 medium sized carrots;
  5. 2 pieces of small potatoes;
  6. 1 piece pickled cucumber;
  7. 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  8. salt;
  9. greenery.

Ordinary products that are always available in the house are wonderfully combined in a salad that can be prepared for a celebration or for a regular family dinner. A classic vinaigrette is not difficult to prepare, but it turns out to be a beautiful and satisfying salad. Step-by-step preparation you will recognize this salad.

Salted cabbage in Petrovsky style


  1. 2 kg cabbage;
  2. 2 pieces large heads Luke;
  3. 2 cloves of garlic;
  4. 2 pieces of large carrots;
  5. 1 glass of vegetable oil;
  6. 100 grams of vinegar;
  7. sugar;
  8. salt.

According to this recipe, the cabbage comes out delicious and crispy. Although, the shelf life of salted cabbage in Petrovsky style is somewhat shorter than ordinary sauerkraut, but, as a rule, it is eaten very quickly - it is very tasty. For details about the process of preparing this dish with photo instructions, see.

Korean carrots

What products will you need:

  1. 1 kg carrots;
  2. 6-7 large cloves of garlic;
  3. 2 level teaspoons ground coriander;
  4. ½ cup vegetable oil;
  5. 3-4 tablespoons of vinegar (9%);
  6. salt, sugar, pepper - 1 teaspoon each.

This is a recipe for simply delicious-tasting Korean carrots! Bright carrots will decorate your table, your family will be delighted, and your guests will ask for the recipe! The dish is not very spicy and aromatic. You will learn how to prepare this salad step by step.

Korean beets

What is needed for the recipe:

  1. 1 kg of dark burgundy beets (table);
  2. take 6 cloves of garlic;
  3. 1 piece white onions(average);
  4. ½ teaspoon ground black pepper;
  5. ¾ teaspoon ground red pepper;
  6. ½ teaspoon cinnamon;
  7. 1/3 teaspoon coriander;
  8. 5 pieces of cloves;
  9. 2 tablespoons vinegar;
  10. salt;
  11. vegetable oil.

A bright, spicy and aromatic salad that many people love. It can often be seen on our tables, although it was brought from distant Korea. According to this recipe, beets go well with any side dish, having a spicy and special taste. This vegetable is rich in iron - this is another reason to prepare such a salad. For details about the process of preparing this dish with photo instructions, see.

Raw food salad " Vitamin bomb»

You will need:

  1. 400 g Jerusalem artichoke;
  2. 400 g carrots;
  3. 400 g turnips;
  4. 200 g beets;
  5. greenery;
  6. olive oil for salad dressing.

In this salad, the products perfectly complement each other in taste and color. The dish turns out beautiful, in addition to this, all the ingredients have a beneficial effect on the body. The salad acquired this name due to its richness of vitamins - their amount in one serving completely replenishes the required volume for the day. You will learn how to prepare the “Vitamin Bomb” salad step by step by clicking.

Lenten recipes for an appetizer or snack

Fried pies with cabbage (very thin dough)

For lean pie dough we take:

  1. 4 tbsp. flour (with a slide);
  2. 2 standard glasses of water;
  3. 1 tablespoon sugar;
  4. 50 grams of fresh yeast;
  5. 3 tablespoons vegetable oil;
  6. 1 teaspoon salt;
  7. vegetable oil for frying.

The filling is prepared from the following products:

  1. 500 grams of fresh or sauerkraut (to your taste);
  2. 1 onion (larger);
  3. 1 piece of carrot (medium size);
  4. vegetable oil for frying;
  5. allspice.

Well, very good recipe! The pies turn out delicate and very tasty because the dough is thin and tender. Cooking does not take much time and the process is absolutely simple. And, of course, this dish is suitable for those who are fasting, since the recipe contains no animal products. You will learn how to prepare these wonderful pies step by step by clicking.

Oriental snack – hummus

You will need:

  1. 200 g chickpeas;
  2. 5 tablespoons of sesame seeds;
  3. 1 teaspoon ground coriander;
  4. 1 teaspoon of cumin seeds;
  5. 2 cloves of garlic;
  6. 2 tablespoons sesame oil;
  7. 5 tablespoons olive oil.

This snack was invented in the East. Peas are used as the base product of hummus, so the dish turns out to be quite satisfying. One sandwich with this snack will ensure you feel full for a long time. For details about the process of preparing this oriental snack with photo instructions, see.

Braised cabbage with turmeric


  1. 500 grams of cabbage;
  2. 200 grams of carrots;
  3. 3-4 onions (take medium ones);
  4. 1/3 teaspoon turmeric;
  5. Mediterranean seasoning;
  6. vegetable oil.

Such a common and uncomplicated recipe, in fact, loved by many. Only in traditional options cooking, due to long stewing, the cabbage becomes extremely soft and loses all its vitamins. According to the recipe we offer, the cabbage comes out juicy, fragrant, with a beautiful golden color, and the preparation itself will take about 30-40 minutes. Serve this dish with potatoes - it will be good combination. In addition, this cabbage is suitable as a filling for dumplings. For details about the process of preparing this dish with photo instructions, see.

Stewed cabbage with oyster mushrooms

You will need:

  1. 200 grams of oyster mushrooms;
  2. ¼ head of cabbage;
  3. 1 small carrot;
  4. 3-4 medium-sized onions;
  5. ground pepper;
  6. Bay leaf;
  7. 50 grams of tomato paste;
  8. vegetable oil for frying;
  9. salt.

It will take a little time to prepare, and besides, cooking will not be difficult at all. Stewed cabbage with oyster mushrooms is quite filling and tasty, and the unique aroma will not leave anyone indifferent. For details about the process of preparing this dish with photo instructions, see.

Sweets and desserts during Lent

Banana ice cream (raw)


  1. 2 bananas.

Yes, that’s all – 2 bananas. Despite the small list of ingredients, ice cream can actually be made even at home. And it turns out very tasty! Once you try it, you will want to cook it again and again. You can learn how to make banana ice cream step by step by clicking.

Dried fruit energy bar

You will need:

  1. 1 cup nuts;
  2. 1 cup dates;
  3. 1 cup cherries.

These dried fruit bars charge you with energy, tone the body and saturate you well. These delicious bars also have a positive effect on the body, because these dried fruits a large number of vitamins For details about the process of preparing this dish with photo instructions, see.

Apples baked in the oven with cinnamon and lemon

What we cook from:

  1. 6 apples optimal size for baking;
  2. 1 lemon;
  3. honey 2-3 spoons;
  4. cinnamon to your taste.

Apples according to this recipe turn out very juicy and tasty. The combination of these products is incomparably beneficial for the body. And the aroma that spreads leaves a lasting impression. For details about the process of preparing this dish with photo instructions, see.

Oatmeal with dried fruits

To prepare 100 grams oatmeal have to take:

  1. 100 g prunes;
  2. 100 g dried apricots;
  3. 100 g raisins;
  4. sugar;
  5. salt.

One of the healthiest breakfasts is oatmeal combined with dried fruits. And, of course, in winter, when our body needs nutrients more than usual, such a meal will be very welcome. You can cook this porridge without extra costs time and effort. Oatmeal makes porridge more tender and cooks faster, so it is preferable to use them for cooking. How to cook oatmeal with dried fruits, see step by step

Caramel Lenten charlotte with apples
  1. flour (1.5 cups);
  2. sugar (4 tbsp for caramel and 0.5 cup for dough);
  3. oil (0.5 cup);
  4. large apples (2 pcs.);
  5. baking powder (1 teaspoon);
  6. crushed cinnamon (0.5 teaspoon);
  7. water (1 tablespoon).

You won't believe it, but you can even bake an apple pie using lean ingredients. This is delicious. Detailed recipe and photos of stages. And here is the miracle Lenten pie in the photo.

Lenten apple pancakes on water

This recipe is very, very suitable for Lent, it does not contain milk, and is soft due to a small amount of applesauce.


  1. wheat and whole grain flour – 3 tablespoons + 3 tablespoons;
  2. medium sized apple;
  3. plain water – 1 glass;
  4. vegetable oil – 1 tbsp;
  5. refined sugar – 2 tablespoons;
  6. a little soda.

The recipe is incredibly simple. You probably already understood everything from the list of products, but look detailed instructions still worth it. Here is the link to step by step photos and description - .

Soon Lent, and for many people this is one of the opportunities to test themselves. After all, he is considered the most strict and important of all the others. Lenten food at this time should not include fish, meat, milk, or eggs.

Strict character

Also excluded, for example, are sweets and mayonnaise. The recipes contain ingredients only of plant origin: vegetables and fruits, cereals, mushrooms, nuts, pickles. Sometimes on holidays (Annunciation and Palm Sunday), as an exception, Lenten dishes containing fish are allowed. On many days, dry eating is practiced: bread, vegetables, fruits and water. On Tuesday and Thursday - dishes without oil. On other days, vegetable oil is recommended for cooking. You can easily find a detailed fasting schedule (what and when you can eat) in various Orthodox calendars- this is not classified information!

Vegetarianism and fasting

Lenten foods and vegetarian dishes are very different, so do not confuse them. The second does not exclude cow butter, cheese, eggs, but prohibits fish products. While Lenten food does not contain milk or eggs of any bird, but is allowed in certain days fish, caviar and all kinds of seafood.

Make it delicious!

Many people tend to consider this kind of food as something tasteless and even joyless (as far as the process of cooking itself can bring joy and pleasure). However, if you take a closer look, excluding many animal proteins from the list, we leave in it a lot of necessary and healthy products, of which certainly, with proper preparation, it should turn out to be delicious lean food. And sometimes these dishes can turn out to be tastier than regular ones, meat or dairy. We must not forget about the need for proper registration. After all, skillfully decorated food is more enjoyable to eat. You can use a variety of greens - they are usually consumed in unlimited quantities during Lent! Now let's move on to preparing the dishes.

Lenten food: recipes

Like regular table, Lenten is divided into first and second courses, various snacks and salads, drinks. Only ingredients permitted at this time are used everywhere. As already mentioned, we exclude meat, dairy products, animal fats, and eggs from the menu. Everything else can be cooked. So, let's start with the first courses.


Ingredients: three medium-sized potatoes, one pickled cucumber, one carrot, onion, half a glass of pearl barley, a handful of shredded cabbage, seasonings (as you like).

Boil pearl barley in a small saucepan. When the cereal is not yet cooked, add the diced potatoes. Meanwhile, grate the carrots and cucumber. Finely chop the onion. We fry onions and carrots in vegetable oil. Add it to the pan, then throw in the cucumber and cabbage, prepared in advance. Stir and cook for ten minutes over low heat. Before cooking, add seasonings and salt to taste. Great alternative pickle with meat broth is ready! Some may not even notice (judging by own experience) that there is no meat in the soup, this makes for a delicious lean meal. Pickle recipes may vary. For example, you can chop a lot of greens - onions, parsley and dill - and add them to the soup before serving. You can use sour cabbage instead of fresh cabbage. In our opinion, it turns out even tastier.

Lenten soup with vegetables

Ingredients: cauliflower - 300 grams, a couple of potatoes, carrots, onions, green peas (fresh or canned) - 100 grams, olive oil, seasonings.

We separate the cauliflower into inflorescences. Throw cabbage and potatoes into boiling water (cut everything except cabbage into cubes). Sauté onions in olive oil with carrots. Then add to vegetable broth. Cook everything together for another fifteen minutes. Before serving, sprinkle the soup with chopped herbs and seasonings to taste.

Rice with vegetables

A good tasty lean meal for every day is rice cooked with vegetables.

Ingredients: half a kilogram of rice, soy sauce, one eggplant, one zucchini, two carrots, one pepper, one onion.

The dish is very simple to prepare. Boil the rice until crumbly. The eggplant needs to be baked in the oven (by the way, you can also bake other vegetables - it will be tastier), cut into cubes. All other vegetables are finely chopped. Mix with rice, season with soy sauce to taste and simmer briefly in a large frying pan with a tight-fitting lid (10 minutes is enough). Serve sprinkled with sesame seeds and finely chopped green onions.

Sweet pilaf

As an option, a Lenten meal for every day is sweet pilaf with dried fruits.

Ingredients: rice - 300 grams, pitted raisins - 100 grams, dried apricots - 100 grams, pitted prunes - 100 grams, a little sugar and vegetable oil.

Boil the rice without salt. We wash all the dried fruits and fry them over low heat in vegetable oil, stirring constantly, otherwise they will burn immediately. Add cooked rice to the dish and simmer lightly, stirring (about five minutes). This dish is worthy replacement traditional pilaf with meat. You can add sauteed onion and a head of garlic; barberry and curry are suitable seasoning options for pilaf. This is how we turned out to be lean tasty food: simply lick your fingers!

Beans with vegetables in the oven

You need to take: half a kilo of large beans, a couple of sweet bell peppers, three cloves of garlic, three tomatoes, a little vegetable oil, seasonings to taste and salt.

Soak the beans in water overnight. In the morning, cook until softened. We chop all the other ingredients finely and lightly simmer in a frying pan in vegetable oil. Place the beans in a baking dish and pour the stewed vegetables on top (they have already turned into mush, having released the juices). Place in a well-heated oven for half an hour. When serving, garnish with fresh herbs and chopped green onions.

Lenten delicious food. Recipes with fish

On certain days, the consumption of fish dishes is allowed. There are a great many recipes - simple and complex - involving fish or seafood. Here are just a few of them, the most popular.

Lenten fish vinaigrette

Ingredients: fish fillet - 300 grams, three potatoes, one beet, one carrot, two pickles, onion, vegetable oil, seasonings to taste.

Boil the fillet and cool. Cut into fairly small pieces. Cook the vegetables separately, peel and cut into small cubes. Cut the cucumbers into cubes. Chop the onion. Mix everything together thoroughly and carefully. Season with olive oil. Before serving, decorate with fresh herbs.

Fish soup (ukha)

Ingredients: half a kilo of white fish, one carrot, one onion, two potatoes, vegetable oil, flour, herbs, seasonings. Some people add grains: pearl barley or millet.

We clean the fish from skin and bones (or you can immediately take ready-made fillets). Cook the fish for about thirty minutes over low heat. At the end of cooking, add seasonings to remove the smell. Coarsely grate the carrots. Sauté the onion, then add the carrots and fry some more with a little flour. Cut the potatoes into cubes. We catch the fish from the broth and strain it. We cut the fish into small pieces and send it back to the broth. We put all the other ingredients there. Cook for another fifteen minutes. If you decide to use grains, add them halfway through the soup, along with the potatoes. The soup is served garnished with herbs.


In general, as you can see, there are a lot of recipes for Lenten dishes, and many of them are really tasty. So you can eat these dishes not only during fasting. And for those who don’t want or don’t know how to cook, but who like lean food, food delivery is carried out by food establishments directly to the client’s home!

Bon appetit to all fasting people!