Classes for indoor plants on Wed. Wildlife corner in kindergarten: how to choose the right indoor plants? General principles for selecting indoor plants in preschool educational institutions

Summary of GCD in middle group: World of indoor plants

Antonova Maria Vasilievna
Description: I offer the outline directly educational activities for children 4-5 years old. During the lesson, children's knowledge of indoor plants is consolidated. This material will be of interest to kindergarten teachers.
Target: expanding and consolidating children’s ideas about indoor plants;
- Clarify children’s ideas about the structure, needs of indoor plants, and their benefits to humans.
- Improve the ability to distinguish indoor plants appearance and description.
- Cultivate caring attitude towards plants, kindness, responsiveness.

Preliminary work:

Care indoor plants in a corner of nature;
Examination of the folder “Indoor Plants”;
Conversation "The World of Indoor Plants";
Didactic game “Which plant is gone?”;
Didactic game “Where is the puppy hiding?”
Material: An envelope with a letter, indoor plants, pictures of indoor plants, flowers with a task, cards about the needs of plants, an empty envelope, a “magic bag” with plant care items, a matryoshka doll, an envelope with plant parts. Children in the morning find an envelope at the entrance to the group. When all the children arrive, the teacher reads the letter to the children
"Hello guys. Thumbelina is writing to you. I decided to turn to you for help. In our fairy-tale country of Elves there was a strong hurricane that carried away five magical flowers - helpers. If you find them and complete all the tasks written on the petals of these flowers, then our country will be, as before, bright and fabulously beautiful. Hope for your help. Thumbelina."

Educator:- Well, guys, what are we going to do? (I lead the children to agree to help Thumbelina - find their flowers).
Children look for flowers in the group and find the first flower with the task.
1 task
Educator:- Guys, guess the riddle:
-They live next to us in pots with a tray,
They love earth and water, air and sun.
Educator:- That's right, why do people need indoor plants?
Children:- For air purification, beauty, comfort, health.
Educator:- You can also play with indoor plants. Let's play with our plants and matryoshka.
Game “Where is the nesting doll hiding?”
(Children close their eyes, and the teacher hides a small nesting doll behind any indoor plant, and the children must guess and name the plant).

The children continue to look for flowers in the group. Find the second flower with the task.
2 task
Game “Recognize the plant by description.”
The teacher reads a card - a description of the plant, and the children guess and name the houseplant.

Children find the third flower with the task.
3 task
Game "Magic Bag".
Children recognize an object by touch and determine what it is for.
(Water can, brush, cloth, spray bottle, loosening stick).

Educator:- Guys, I suggest you relax.
Physical education
There are houses stand on your toes, stretch your arms up;
And there are bridges bend forward, arms back, knees straight;
There are trees straighten up, round your arms above your head;
And the bushes sit down, stretch your arms forward;
And to everyone's surprise stand up, arms to the sides, body turns,
In the room the plants [i]shoulders are raised;
We can't live without them hands on the belt, turning the head to the right and left;
Because we are friends! spread your arms to the sides, clasp your body with your hands).
Repeat 2-3 times.
The children continue to look for flowers and find a fourth flower with a task.
4 task
Game “Assemble a plant from parts.”
In the envelope of plant parts, the child makes up a plant from parts and explains which part of the plant is needed for what.

Children find the fifth flower with the task.
Task 5
Game “What does a plant need to live and grow?”

In the envelope there are cards - diagrams. Children arrange cards and explain what conditions are necessary for the growth of indoor plants.

Educator:- Guys, let's count the flowers we found. (children count flowers)
Educator: So we fulfilled Thumbelina’s request. But what is their secret of these flowers?
(children turn reverse side, on which the rules for caring for plants are written.)
Educator:- Guys, I suggest you put flowers in an envelope and send them to Thumbelina, in the land of the Elves.
Children put flowers in an envelope and take the letter to the post office.
This lesson is the final one. During it I clarified what knowledge the children received during school year on the topic "Indoor Plants". I was pleased with the results. I will continue to work on this topic in the senior group.

Lesson plan for the middle group


  1. Consolidating basic ideas about indoor plants: a plant has a stem and leaves; leaves are green; the plant is planted in a pot with soil and drainage; consolidate knowledge of the names of indoor plants; be able to distinguish indoor plants from garden ones.
  2. Strengthening the ability to care for indoor plants: watering, loosening the soil in a pot, wiping the leaves; do everything as necessary; Show the children the algorithm for planting a houseplant.
  3. Fostering independence, goodwill, and a desire to help.



Chukhlovina E.A.

Lesson plan for the middle group

"Houseplant for Masha"


  1. Consolidating basic ideas about indoor plants: a plant has a stem and leaves; leaves are green; the plant is planted in a pot with soil and drainage; consolidate knowledge of the names of indoor plants; be able to distinguish indoor plants from garden ones.
  2. Strengthening the ability to care for indoor plants: watering, loosening the soil in a pot, wiping the leaves; do everything as necessary; Show the children the algorithm for planting a houseplant.
  3. Fostering independence, goodwill, and a desire to help.

Dictionary : indoor plant, garden flowers, ficus, begonia, reo, crinum, clivia, sansevieria, drainage, watering can, rake, flowering plant, decorative foliage plant.

Preliminary work: conversations about indoor plants; caring for indoor plants: watering, loosening the soil in a pot, wiping the leaves; planting a houseplant.

Equipment :

  1. A parcel box (there are stickers with cartoon characters on the box), which contains a photograph of a houseplant with a question mark in a flower pot.
  2. Indoor plants: ficus, begonia, reo, crinum, clivia, sansevieria.
  3. Tools for caring for indoor plants: watering can, sponges for wiping, rakes and sticks for loosening, hand cloth.
  4. The shoot is the crinum bulb.
  5. Pot, drainage, soil.
  6. Houseplant passports.
  7. Stickers for making recommendations.
  8. Didactic game “Indoor and garden plants” (cards depicting indoor plants and garden flowers, flower pot, fence-flower bed).

Progress of the lesson

  1. Package

Children are included in the group. On the table there is a package box from Masha (there are stickers with cartoon characters on the box), which contains a photograph of a houseplant with a question mark in a flower pot.

Educator: Guys, look, we have received a package. Who do you think this package is from? (from Masha) Do you want to see what's in it? But to find out what's in the box, you need to solve riddles.

  1. No arms, no legs, but moves,

Breathes but doesn't speak

It eats, but has no mouth.(Plant)

  1. They grow on windows and bring joy to people.(Indoor plant)

Educator: Guys, have you guessed what's in the package? (indoor plant)

Children open the box, and there is not a living houseplant, but a photograph of a houseplant with a question mark in a flower pot.

Educator : Why did Masha send us a photo in a flower pot? (she doesn’t have plants or doesn’t know how to care for them). Masha really wants to give a gift to her friend Bear - to plant a houseplant, but she doesn’t know how to do it. Do you want to help Masha? How can we help Masha? (we will send Masha a living indoor plant and describe how to care for it)

  1. Didactic game

Educator: Guys, what plants do you know besides indoor plants? (garden) Can you tell them apart? On the table you see cards with pictures of indoor plants and garden flowers. They need to be distributed as follows: place indoor plants next to the flower pot, garden flowers - next to the flower bed.

  1. Conversation about indoor plants

Children go to a corner of nature.

Educator: Children, look how many indoor plants there are in our group. What do you think these plants are for? (To make it beautiful.) What else are indoor plants used for? (Plants purify the air.) It’s right that it should be beautiful - a person decorates his home with indoor plants. But they not only delight us with their beauty, but also clean the air from dust and dirt. Many indoor plants smell good.

Guys, you already know that every plant has its own name. What names of indoor plants do you know? (Children name the plants of the corner of nature and show them.)

Guys, what should you do to ensure that your indoor plant is always beautiful and doesn’t wilt? (care for a houseplant) Let's tell you how we care for plants.

  1. Labor activity

Educator: Guys, determine if there are plants in our corner of nature that need care? You want to tidy up our indoor plants: wipe and remove dried leaves, loosen the soil, water the plants. (Children perform actions according to the needs of plants).

Educator: Guys, Masha doesn’t know how to care for plants. Do you want to help Masha? You and I will draw up a passport for your indoor plant and tell Masha how to care for it. But Masha doesn’t have a houseplant, what will she take care of? What plant do you want to give to Masha?

The teacher offers to plant a plant and send it to Masha in a parcel (a specially prepared crinum onion).

  1. Conversation about the plant

Children look at the krinum.

Educator: What shape are crinum leaves? What color are the leaves? (Leaves at the crinum oval shape, bright green).

Guys, is crinum a flowering plant or an ornamental deciduous one? Do you remember what color the krinum flowers are? (our plant has white flowers).

Where are the roots of crinum? Why do you think a plant needs roots? (The roots of the plant are in the ground. Due to the root, the plant does not fall and holds firmly in the ground. The root also feeds the plant. When we water the soil in a pot, the root absorbs water, and it rises up the stem to the leaves and flowers.) Crinum grows from an onion.

Guys, what should you do to prevent the plant from withering? (it must be watered).

Guys, when we planted the krinum, we still had an onion. Do you want to imprison her and send her to Masha?

  1. Planting a plant

Educator: What does it take to plant a plant? (flower pot, soil, drainage, water for irrigation).

Children participate in planting the plant.

Educator: Take a flower pot. What should we put in the pot first? (We will pour stones into the flower pot - this is drainage.) What is it for? (Drainage is needed in order to improve air access to the roots, so that the roots do not rot when watering) What do we do next? (After this we fill in the soil, leaving a hole for the bulb.) After we have poured in the soil, what's next? (We plant the bulb in the ground and sprinkle it.) We have planted the plant, is there anything else that needs to be done? (Immediately after planting, the plant needs to be watered so that it grows better.) The car gift is ready!

— consolidate students’ knowledge about indoor plants;
— continue to develop students’ interest in indoor plants;
— consolidate students’ knowledge about the basic needs of indoor plants;
- strengthen your skills in caring for indoor plants;
- develop memory and thinking;
— cultivate a love for plants and a desire to care for them.

Preliminary work: classes, experiments, observations on the project plan, reading fiction, solving riddles, didactic games, caring for indoor plants.

Materials: game “What do plants need to grow”, indoor plants, tools for caring for plants, aprons, tape recorder, computer.

Organizing time.

Game "Kind Palms".

Guys, show your palms and rub them together. What do you feel? (Warm). This is the warmth of your kind hands, give it to your friends.
Hello sun! Hello world! Hello my good neighbor!

Children sit on chairs.

— Guys, we received an email today. Look at the screen, who do you think it's from? (From Dunno)
- Let's see what it says there. Dunno has prepared many different tasks and games for you. Are you ready to complete his tasks and play games with him?

So, the first task is a riddle. Listen carefully.
The air is purified and comfort is created. They turn green on the windows and bloom in winter. (Houseplants)

- Well done! Why are these plants called indoor plants? (Children's assumptions).
— What do you think the purpose of indoor plants is? (Children's assumptions).
— It’s right that people decorate their home with indoor plants to make it beautiful. But they not only delight us with their beauty and create comfort, but also cleanse the air of dust. Many plants smell good.
- Let's see what else Dunno has prepared for us. This is the game "Fourth Wheel". Attention to the screen.
- Well done! We completed this task.

- Let's look at the next task - “Guess by the description.”

Vanek stands wet, and there is a light in his curls. (Balsam)

Green with thorns. Looks like a hedgehog. (Cactus)

The crane's nose brought us perfume. (Geranium)

What kind of tail started to grow: Not in a pond, not in a river -

On the window by the stove. (Sansevieria)

A leaf with a hump, a groove, has thorns, but does not know how to wound.

But he heals us every day and hour. (Aloe).

- Which interesting plant. What do you know about aloe?

The child talks about aloe.

- Well done! The fourth task is the game “What do plants need to grow.”
Children must choose a card that shows what plants need to grow and bloom well. Explain what it means.
— Poets have written a lot about indoor plants beautiful poems. Now the guys will read them to us.

Children read poetry.

- Well done! Now it's time for us to rest.

Physical education minute.

Flowers rose in pots on the window and reached for the sun. The leaves will turn towards the sun, the flowers will turn, the buds will unfold, they will drown in the sun.

Games "What will happen if..."

— What happens if the plant is not placed? (Children's guesses)
— What happens if the plant is placed in a cold place? (Children's answers)
- what happens if you take care of the plant? (Children's guesses)

Practical part.

- Now I suggest you go to the tables. Look how much there is beautiful flowers.
- Look at the plants and tell me how they are similar to each other. (Children's assumptions).
— That’s right, all plants have leaves, roots and stems.
— How do plants differ from each other? (Children's assumptions).
— That’s right, plants differ from each other in the shape and size of the leaves, and the length of the stem.
— All plants differ from each other in appearance, and they also need to be cared for differently.

Let's remember how to care for plants:

1. Water for watering plants should be room temperature. It needs to be prepared in advance.
2. If the plants have large shiny leaves, you will need soft fabric. It needs to be moistened with water and wiped the surface of the leaves on both sides.
3. If plants have leaves small size, they can be sprayed with a spray bottle.
4. Plants with velvety leaves, covered with fluff, are cleaned with a soft brush.
5. Loosen upper layer soil is needed the next day after watering. You need to loosen carefully, near the walls of the pot, so as not to damage the roots.

- Well done! We remembered all the rules. Each of you has your own plant that you will care for. Think about what kind of care your plant needs and get to work. (Music sounds).
— In order for plants to grow well, you need to talk to them. What can we wish for our plants? (Children's statements).
- Well done! You have worked hard and now our plants will delight us with their beauty.

Bottom line. Did you like the games that Dunno prepared for you? What did you like most?

  • Botkova Larisa Aleksandrovna, teacher of the highest qualification category
  • Petrova Olesya Aleksandrovna, teacher of the 1st qualification category
  • Rudneva Olga Nikolaevna, teacher of the 1st qualification category

MBDOU kindergarten 40 Kiselevsk, Kemerovo region

Educational area: "Cognitive Development"

Integration of areas: “Social and communicative development” , "Speech development" .

Goal: expanding children's understanding of indoor plants, their benefits and structure.


  1. Expand children's knowledge about indoor plants, consolidate the idea that a plant is Living being. Introduce children to a new indoor plant - geranium, celebrating it characteristics. Strengthen the ability to recognize familiar plants and name their parts (root, stem, leaf, flower) using models.
  2. Replenish and activate children's vocabulary based on in-depth knowledge. Expand lexicon: geranium, dry and wet soil, moisture.
  3. Cultivate interest in research activities; teach you to think and draw conclusions. Encourage the desire to care for indoor plants, treat them with love and tenderness.


Children enter the group, the teacher reads a poem:

Let's take a slow walk through the garden
And hello, say, to every flower.
I have to bend over the flowers
Not to tear or cut them,

And in order to see their kind faces
And show them a kind face.

Guys, now we will remember what you talked about with Nina Petrovna at the last meeting...

Watching a video clip "Plants are our friends" .


Guys, what do you think, in our group room who cleans the air from dust and dirt?

Children's answer: indoor plants (Music plays and slide 1 appears on the screen "A Flower Blooms" ) .

Educator. Right! In a group, in a house, in living spaces, indoor plants purify the air.

Why are these plants called indoor plants?

(Because they grow in rooms, living spaces.)

And why do we need indoor plants?

(For beauty, they create coziness in our home. A person decorates his home with indoor plants).


Guys, you know, today I came into our group and saw this flower on the window. Who do you think could have given it to us? (children's answers)

And I gave it to our group "Teremok" Spring asked to take care of him and look after him. And then it will bring us a lot of joy. Guys, what time of year is it now? In spring, nature comes to life, and so do our indoor plants after their winter rest.

Guys, do you know the name of this houseplant? (No.)

Educator. This houseplant is called "Geranium" (Slide 2 – geranium), or pelargonium. And they also call him "Crane Nose" , because the flower column sometimes grows into a long one "beak" , very similar to the beak of a crane. Now it will be easier for you to remember the name of this plant. Let's take a closer look at it. What does geranium have? (Slide 3. "Structure of geranium" )

Children's answers: root, leaves, stem, flowers (if the plant blooms).

Educator (summarizes children's answers)- That's right, geraniums have a stem, leaves, and roots. (flowers).

Educator. What shape are geranium leaves? What color are the leaves? (Children's answers).

Educator (summarizes children's answers). – Geranium leaves are round in shape, bright green in color, the leaf can also have a brown circle at the edge or with a white border.

What color are geranium flowers? (Children's answers).


– Geranium flowers can be different colors: white, pink, red, crimson. Flowers are collected in inflorescences, like umbrellas. (Slide 4)


– Where are the roots of geranium? Why do you think a plant needs roots? (Children's answers).

Educator (summarizes children's answers)

-The roots of the plant are in the ground. Due to the root, the plant does not fall and stays firmly in the ground. The root also feeds the plant. When we water the soil in a pot, the root absorbs water and it rises up the stem to the leaves and flowers (Accompanies the story with a show). To prevent the plant from withering, it needs to be watered.

So we met a new plant.


– Guys, tell me what you remember about geranium. (Children's answers).

Guys, tell me, where are the indoor plants in our group?

In a corner of nature.


Let's introduce geranium to our plants in a corner of nature. In the meantime, our flowers greet each other, I invite you to a physical session "Flowers" .

I ask you, flower:
Pick up your paper
Get out on the path
Tap your foot.

Shake your head
Greet the sun in the morning.
Tilt the stem slightly
Here is a charger for the flower.

Now wash yourself with dew,
Shake yourself off and calm down.
Finally everyone is ready
Celebrate the day in all its glory.

(Children perform movements in accordance with the text).


– I invite the children to go to a corner of nature.

Guys, look, our geranium has already made friends with plants in this corner of nature.

What indoor plants are found in our corner of nature? (violet, balsam, aloe, pike tail...). Children talk about plants.


- Guys, what does each plant have? (root, stem, leaves)

How do you think plants differ from each other? (shape of leaves, size, some have flowers, others don’t).

Well done! And now we will play a game "Structure of a flower" .

(The teacher hands out cards to the children with images of a root, stem, leaves, flower). Children take turns laying out cards on a flannelgraph and naming a part of the plant.

- Guys, try to guess my riddle:

“There are no arms, no legs, but it moves.
There is no nose, but he breathes.
There is no mouth, but he drinks and eats.” (Plant)

That's right, it's a plant! How does a plant move since it has no legs? (grows, turns towards the light)

How does a plant breathe? (through leaves, roots)

How does the plant feed? Just like us? (roots)

That's right guys, it is the roots that feed the plant.

Where is food for the plant stored? (in the ground, soil)

Plants' nutrition is contained in the soil in which they grow. And if you pull a plant out of the ground and leave it like that, it will die.

Plants move, breathe, eat. This means that we can say about them that they are living beings just like you and me.


Now we are going to play a game "What do plants need to grow" . (Slide 5).

Let's select from these drawings - diagrams only what is needed for the life of our plants.

Watering can! That's right, we water the plants with a watering can.

Sun! Without sunlight, plants do not grow in heat.

Plants need soil, air, and water. In order for plants to be beautiful, grow and bloom well, they need to be fed with special fertilizers. And they definitely need good care, our care and love. And they will thank us with clean air.

We will talk about how to properly care for plants in the next lesson. And now I invite you to once again admire the plants in our corner of nature.

Summary of the lesson “Indoor plants” in the middle group

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 9" city ​​of Kanash, Chuvash Republic

Abstract organized educational activities

By educational field "Cognitive Development"

on the topic:

« Houseplants»

Middle group

Compiled by:

Yakovleva I. N., teacher

Program content:

Educational objectives:

Expand children's knowledge about indoor plants, their names (violet, ficus, geranium, consolidate the idea that plant- these are living beings.

Introduce children to new things indoor plant(chlorophytum, and how to care for it (spraying with a spray gun).

Strengthen the ability to recognize people you know plants, name their parts (root, stem, leaf, flower, using models.

Replenish and activate children's vocabulary based on deepening knowledge.

Educational tasks:

Encourage the desire to care for indoor plants, treat them with love and tenderness.

Developmental tasks:

Develop observation and visual perception.

Develop the ability to paint over a drawing with colored pencils.

Previous work: observation, examination indoor plants in a group, conversations about meaning indoor plants.

Vocabulary work:

Expand vocabulary stock: geranium, violet, ficus, chlorophytum, dry and wet soil, moisture.

Material and equipment:

for children: wet cloths, brushes, sprayer, loosening sticks, aprons, colored pencils.

for the teacher: scheme- models: stem, root, leaf, flower; watering can with water.

Methodical techniques:

Game - reading a riddle.

visual - use indoor plants, cards.

verbal – teacher’s questions, children’s answers, instructions, generalizations.

Progress of the lesson.

Calm music turns on "Waltz of the Flowers".

The teacher invites the children to the table where the houseplants.

V-l. Guys, today we found ourselves in a fairy-tale corner indoor flowers. Why these plants are called indoor plants?

Children. Because they grow in the room, in room.

V-l. What are the names of the flowers that are on the table?

Children, with the help of the teacher, answer and show geranium, violet, ficus.

V-l. Today I want to introduce you to something new indoor plant, which is called chlorophytum. (The teacher shows this indoor plant) . Guys, let's look at what parts it consists of indoor plant?

Examination of a diagram of the structure of a flower on 1 easel (root, stem, leaf, flower).

Children. Root, stem, leaves.

V-l. What are they needed for? houseplants?

Children. For beauty, they purify the air.

V-l. Guys, what should I do to houseplants grew well, bloomed and made us happy?

Children. Water, wipe, loosen, spray.

V-l. Now we will build a diagram of what is needed for growth indoor plant. (The children and the teacher come up to the 2nd easel. Nearby on the table are Images: a pot of soil, a sprout, a watering can, a stick for loosening, a rag, a sun). Children come up and glue pictures with magnets onto the easel.

V-l. Well done guys, you completed the task.

V-l. In the meantime, our flowers communicate with each other, I invite you to play a game


Music turns on "Waltz of the Flowers".

(Children stand in a circle near the flowers laid out on the rug. They raise the flowers high above their heads and sway, the sun sets, the flowers are placed on the rug)

Flowers grew in the garden (children squat, stand up slowly and sway)

Unprecedented beauty

How wonderful

How beautiful

Suddenly a breeze blew (run on tiptoes in circles)

Our flower is spinning (circle around themselves)

The breeze will tear them off (stand swaying)

And will return them to earth (children squat)

Children collect flowers in a bouquet.

(after the game the teacher invites the children to the table)

V-l. Grew flowers, and so that they do not wither and grow beautiful, you need to take care of them.

(Children put on aprons. The teacher takes the children to table No. 1 where there are ficus trees.

V-l. Guys, look, the ficus leaves are dusty. What care do ficus trees need?

Children. Wipe the leaves with a damp cloth.

V-l. That's right guys. Place a leaf on your palm plants and with an important cloth, carefully wipe from the stem to the end of the leaf (the teacher shows the children)

The teacher leads the children to table No. 2, where there are violets.

V-l. What flowers are on this table? (children's answers). Guys, please carefully touch the violet leaves, what do they feel like? (answers children: soft, fluffy, shaggy, and who guessed how to care for a violet.

Children's answers. That's right, we will carefully sweep away the dust from the leaves with a brush, since violet leaves are afraid of water. They may rot.

The teacher leads the children to table No. 3, where there is chlorophytum.

V-l. Guys, what is the name of the new one? indoor plant whom we met today? (children's answers).

V-l. That's right, chlorophytum. Look, the leaves of chlorophytum are long and thin. It is impossible to wipe them and sweep away dust with a brush. How should you care for them? Guys, chlorophytum leaves need to be sprayed (teacher demonstration).

The teacher leads the children to table No. 4, where there are geraniums.

V-l. What are these called? indoor flowers? (children's answers). Guys, look, the geranium leaves are clean. Please touch the earth, what is it like? (answers children: dry, hard). What care do they need?

Children: It is necessary to water and loosen.

V-l. True, but you need to loosen carefully without damaging the roots plants.

V-l. Now the guys will be divided into couples: one pair will care for the ficus, the other for the violets, the third for the chlorophytum, the fourth for the geranium.

(Children start working after putting on aprons).

V-l. Well done guys, everyone coped with the care tasks indoor plants(children take off their aprons).

V-l. Now let's sit down at the table. There are leaves on your tables. What is written on them (children's answers). These flowers are completely unpainted; you need to color them.

V-l. Well done guys, everyone turned out beautiful indoor flowers.

Bottom line classes:

V-l: What did we do today? For what? How did we work? What new have we learned? Well done boys! Thanks everyone, that's it for us class is over.

Publications on the topic:

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