Bamboo from Ikea. Unusual bamboo plant: grow at home

In the section on the question How to care for bamboo? At home. Bamboo from IKEA - DRACAENA is now growing, lives in a beaker with water given by the author Polina Furtseva the best answer is It’s not difficult to make friends with dracaena: it appearance will show you what your pet is missing.
You may be frightened by the yellowing leaves at the bottom of the trunk, which the dracaena gradually sheds - this is a slow natural process in the life of a flower. The foliage remains only at the top, and the trunk becomes bare. And here brown tips and the edges of the leaves will already signal trouble. Test the dracaena's habitat for dry air, strong drafts or infrequent watering: the soil at the roots should never dry out, and all dracaenas should be sprayed regularly. For the same reason, there may also appear brown spots over the entire surface of the sheet. But at the same time, readers of MirSovetov need to remember that in winter time Watering is reduced slightly, otherwise the plant may die. The optimal watering regime is once a week, twice in the summer. Severe waterlogging of the soil is also detrimental, since it leads to stagnation of water in the roots.
Based on practice, if the apartment is not too dry, then dracaena will feel great even without frequent spraying. Except that in the summer heat a shower definitely wouldn’t hurt. Although the leaves must be either sprayed or wiped to remove dust. Dracaenas are one of the lovers of a little shade, and from exposure to bright sun dry spots on the leaves can occur: the leaves simply burn. However, if the sun does not shine on your windows all day, then most likely the dracaena will be cozy there.
My two trees stood in different rooms. One was on a window with enough light, and the other was on a window with blinds, which were regularly opened completely in the morning, but, nevertheless, the shadow remained. Both of them grew up perfectly with equal treatment and even allowed side shoots. But only after a while did I notice how sharply they differed: the one in the light had a powerful crown and wide, strong leaves, while the one in the shade had much narrower foliage and looked frail, and not too thick. There was also a difference in the pale color. So it’s still not worth putting dracaena in a dark corner of the room. Unless the whole room is completely flooded with light.
Temperature can also harm the plant: the threshold is +12°C in winter. A large decrease can cause the death of dracaena. The fact that it is freezing will be indicated by soft curled leaves and, moreover, with brown edges. Quite suitable plastic window, even on cold winter nights the tree will not have to be removed from the windowsill.

Bamboo spirals can often be found in bouquets. But, unlike other cut flowers, this unique one does not wither at all, but continues to grow and gives roots in the water, thereby hinting at its desire to stay in your home. And, if you haven’t grown indoor bamboo at home yet, it’s time to try!

Indoor bamboo (photo)

In fact, what we call domestic bamboo has nothing to do with real bamboo! In nature, bamboo grows in enormous sizes - up to 38 meters in height. It is a valuable crop, used in construction, furniture making, musical instruments, weapons. By the way, it is even eaten! Bamboo prefers tropical forests and is not grown at home, because it has no miniature “relatives”.

lucky bamboo

The indoor bamboo that is familiar to us is actually dracaena, or more precisely, its variety - Dracaena sanderian. The Dracaena class contains from 40 to 150 species. The habitat of palm trees is in African countries, South America, South-East Asia. Other varieties are in this article. The name "dracaena" translates to "female dragon", probably due to its predatory appearance! But energy value flower, on the contrary, positive and kind.

Do you know that...

Dracaena is called the “tree of happiness.” An ancient Aztec legend tells of a certain warrior who fell in love with the daughter of a high priest. The girl's strict father agreed to give up his daughter only on one condition - if leaves appeared on the dry stick he stuck in the ground within 5 days! The young man in love hopefully watered the lifeless stick and on the fifth day it came to life.

The curl of the dracaena variety Sandera, or Sanderiana, is sold in stores, called “lucky bamboo” for its similarity with its tropical counterpart: it really looks like its miniature copy. Therefore, scientists for a long time could not find a place for this species, either recognizing its relationship with bamboo, or classifying it as an agave. As a result, dracaenaceae were recognized as its relatives.

The spiral shape of Dracaena Sander is not hers at all natural feature! This original plant obtained by placing a still small sprout in a figured cone, and when it grows up and takes the desired shape, releasing it. IN natural conditions decorative bamboo will grow evenly and form a lush bush with short leaves on the top. However, you can try to give it the desired shape yourself by directing another small handle around a stick or post. Young plants, until their trunk becomes woody, are quite flexible and amenable to shaping.

Over time, the stem of an adult dracaena becomes woody and forms “constrictions”, which are dormant buds. At home, dracaena - bamboo grows up to 70-100 cm in height. It looks best in group plantings.

How to care for indoor bamboo grown on water and in soil

For a long time now, indoor flowers have become an integral part of interiors. But at the same time, such prevalence has bypassed evergreen decorative bamboo. Although this particular representative of the flora is capable of introducing a creative and unusual element into the home environment. In suitable conditions, this wonderful exotic will grow long time. Therefore, those who prefer unusual plants for their homes need to know what care the plant requires at home.

Indoor bamboo is a representative of the Dracaena species, and belongs to unpretentious plants. Growing indoor bamboo can be done both in ordinary soil and in water.

Description of the plant

Such bamboo is used in the interior as an individual element, or in group flower arrangements. This one is especially popular indoor flower among fans of the art of Feng Shui. And therefore, in addition to the scientific name - Dracaena Sandera, such a plant is called “the flower of happiness, good luck and prosperity.” This indoor plant consists of green (sometimes with a straw-colored) stems that can be either bare or leafy. The leaves growing at the top of the stems are lanceolate and deep green in color. And caring for amazing indoor bamboo, growing in water or soil, will not be difficult if you create an optimal environment for its growth. And this article will tell you how to care for such a “green pet” at home. And also how its reproduction is carried out.

Basic care rules

Caring for plants growing in residential and office premises bamboo is based on where the plant is grown - in water or substrate. But there are also basic provisions that determine the location of the flower at home.

When planning to grow indoor bamboo, it is worth clearing the window sill of the east or west window for it. In this case, it is desirable that the flow of light onto the plant is blocked by a light curtain. Thus, the “green pet” will have enough light, and ultraviolet radiation will not harm it.

If you are guided by the teachings of Feng Shui when choosing a place at home to keep bamboo, then it is better to place the flower in the south-eastern part of the room. However, do not forget that indoor bamboo with a lack of light will develop poorly and lose leaves, which will significantly affect its decorative properties. Therefore, caring for this representative of the flora must begin with the right choice places.

The temperature regime also does not depend on the environment in which it is grown. Therefore, it is better to keep such a plant at a temperature of +18 to +25 degrees. Indoor bamboo can easily withstand increased temperatures, especially on hot summer days, up to +30 degrees. Bamboo stems are not demanding of moisture. However, try to regularly wipe the leaves from dust.

Further care must be carried out based on the environment in which it is kept. So, there are only two ways to grow. And caring for the plant in both cases is not difficult. Let's look at each of them in detail.

Grow bamboo stems by placing them in water

Indoor bamboo will feel good in water if you don’t forget to change it regularly. As mentioned earlier, this ornamental culture not whimsical. It is enough to take the time to change the water in the container with bamboo once a week to provide it with optimal conditions.

Bamboo whose roots are constantly in water will develop quickly and harmoniously. In such conditions, this indoor plant can reach a height of 80-200 cm. This will help create your own tropical corner in the room if you take good care of the green guest.

Plant feeding should be carried out approximately once every 2-3 months, combining the procedure with watering. Special fertilizers are used for these purposes. As a rule, fertilizing is done by adding mineral fertilizers into the water when it is changed for fresh water. Do not forget that if you do not care for bamboo in this way and do not feed the plant, then it will soon turn yellow and may even lose all its foliage.

Bamboo growing in water can be combined into groups. That is, several stems can be tied with a beautiful ribbon and placed in one pot or glass. Of course, if they are small, such a container can be placed on the windowsill. If you have mature stems that reach a height that does not allow them to be placed on the windowsill, plant them in a deep vase or bucket. As a rule, such vessels with bamboo are placed at home on the floor near the window.

When caring for representatives of this evergreen crop, do not forget that plain water doesn't suit them. For watering or as a permanent growing medium, use only soft, settled water. Melt water is best suited. It’s not difficult to make this kind of water yourself, just fill it with regular water plastic bottle and place it in the freezer for a couple of days. After which, it is thawed to room temperature and used.

We grow bamboo stems planted in the ground

Dracaena Sandera grows better and faster in soil, unlike when grown in water. And it's easier to care for. This is explained by the fact that moisture does not stagnate in the soil for a long time. In turn, this is considered favorable and simplifies care in general. It is not necessary to select a specific soil. It is enough to purchase a regular substrate for indoor plants at your nearest flower shop.

Caring for bamboo whose stems grow in the ground is much easier. Initially because there is no need to constantly change the water. You just need to water regularly and not allow the soil to dry out. Bamboo, which was recently transferred to the ground from water, needs special attention and watering. In winter and during cold periods, it is better to water the plant moderately, avoiding stagnation of moisture in the soil.

Excess moisture in the soil can cause mold to grow. And this disease is the first enemy of such a houseplant as bamboo.

Bamboo growing at home in the ground also needs fertilizer, as does the one whose stems are in water. Feeding is carried out periodically. As a rule, fertilizers for other representatives of dracaenas are used for such procedures.

Reproduction methods

Indoor bamboo can be propagated using one of the following options:

  • with the help of offspring;
  • apical shoots;
  • cuttings;
  • sometimes by sowing seeds.
  • It is almost impossible to grow such a plant from seeds at home. The process of seed germination itself is complex, as well as how to care for the seedlings in the future. Propagation of such a plant by the first two methods - shoots and suckers - is not considered very simple.

    Therefore, the most accessible and simplest method for lovers of indoor exotic plants is cuttings. It is best to propagate using cuttings in the spring. At this time, young shoots appear on adult stems, which subsequently become planting material.

    For rooting cuttings, it is recommended to use the same soil intended for planting Dracaenas. It is necessary to choose a spacious pot as a container for planting, despite the fact that the young shoots are small. Because indoor bamboo grows quickly not only in the visible area, but also in the invisible (roots in a pot).

    The easiest way to reproduce is to combine it with transplantation. Like cuttings, replanting must be done in the spring. As a rule, the need for it occurs once every 2 years. At the same time, at first, both young cuttings and newly transplanted plants need to be looked after more carefully. In addition to watering and wiping the foliage, you should definitely add loosening the soil. This way, you can increase the access of fresh air to the roots, and the plant will take root faster.

    As can be seen from the article, growing both in water and in ordinary soil, indoor bamboo is unpretentious. This is not only a spectacular plant, but also a grateful one that can quickly respond to complete care. And, if you take proper care of the rapidly growing bamboo, you can soon turn your home into a real tropical corner.

  • In a pot with soil;
  • In hydrogel.
  • Indoor bamboo. Care and reproduction

    The second, rather unusual method for traditional plant growing, is planting and caring for bamboo in water. To do this, take a vessel with clean, filtered water, add pebbles to the bottom, and plant the plant. Drainage should not exceed the level of the plant's root system. The only condition for caring for bamboo in water is frequent replacement and topping up.

    Indoor bamboo: care and propagation

    To grow Sander bamboo, you can use seeds or cuttings. It is best to plant the plant in March, when natural forcing begins. To propagate indoor bamboo, the seeds are soaked in water until complete germination. Then they are planted in soil, which includes:

    Indoor bamboo can also be propagated by cuttings. To do this, you need to pinch off the shoot and put it in water. In 3-4 weeks it will have roots, which means it will be possible to plant the plant in soil, water or hydrogel.

  • Once every 3 months, feed the plant with a special fertilizer for dracaenas;
  • Water bamboo only with settled water, the temperature of which is 18-20 degrees;
  • Also, the plant does not like cold air. Therefore, to prevent the leaves of indoor bamboo from turning yellow, when ventilating, remove it from drafts. If brown or yellowish spots appear on the leaves, it means that the bamboo does not have enough moisture.
  • Caring for a houseplant, Sander bamboo, does not require special, complex procedures, but if you create comfortable conditions for it, the plant will delight you with its original appearance.

    You can twist the plant yourself:

    Bend the young shoots that have not yet become woody as you need them and secure them with wire. After a few weeks, the fasteners can be removed, and the stem will secure and take shape.

    What does bamboo mean according to Feng Shui?

  • 3 stems - joy and peace;
  • 7 stems - health and longevity;
  • 20 stems - love and family happiness;
  • 21 stems - well-being in all areas of life.
  • To avoid causing trouble, compositions with 4 stems should be avoided. It is considered unfavorable according to Feng Shui.

    It is also customary to “plant” animal figures on the bamboo of happiness: a dog, an elephant, a panda or a frog. They are believed to have a beneficial effect on the energy of the plant.

    Trimming and propagating bamboo in water

    Trimmed shoots can be used as cuttings to propagate the plant. Removed shoots are placed in a jar of water until roots appear. Cuts near the plant stem should be lubricated with liquid wax to prevent rotting in water.

    If the plant does not sprout well, then you should pinch or cut off part of the trunk and then new green leaves will appear on the sides.

    Two ways to grow indoor bamboo

    Homemade bamboo is evergreen, ornamental plant, with which you can bring a little exoticism of China into the interior. In fact, with genuine bamboo growing in nature, the indoor flower has no related roots. In apartments, everyone is accustomed to seeing Sander's dracaena, which, thanks to its amazing resemblance to an Asian shrub, received its name. To grow indoor bamboo, caring for it will require a lot of time and effort, but the result obtained will exceed all expectations.

    Features of caring for bamboo at home

    Dracaena is native to tropical and subtropical regions of Asia, Africa and South America. The plant can reach a height of more than 1 m, the leaves are bright green, slightly twisted, no more than 20 cm long. The longitudinal stripes on the trunk - dormant buds - give the flower a resemblance to real bamboo.


    Caring for home bamboo does not require too bright lighting; the flower tolerates partial shade quite well, and scorching sun rays can cause leaf burns. The best location is in rooms facing east; bamboo should not be placed on the windowsill; it is better to place it near the window on a special stand or cabinet. This way he will not only feel more comfortable, but will also decorate the interior.

    Air temperature

    The temperature range at which it is recommended to grow the plant is quite wide. Homemade bamboo will feel great in rooms with air temperatures from +17 °C to +28 °C. The flower does not have a pronounced dormant period, so there is no need to change the growing conditions in winter.

    Attention! The plant should be protected from drafts, especially in winter when ventilating the premises.

    Air humidity

    An indoor bamboo plant will require a special microclimate, similar to its usual tropics. Regular moisturizing air is the key to a beautiful and strong flower. Spraying is not recommended; moisture accumulation on the stems can lead to their rotting. It is better to place a decorative wide container filled with water and river pebbles next to the pot. Dust particles from the leaves and trunk can be removed using a damp cotton pad or fine-pored sponge.

    Watering homemade bamboo

    The flower prefers a moist environment, so frequent and abundant watering is necessary. You need to ensure that the soil never dries out and always remains slightly moist. IN winter period the plant will require less moisture, so watering can be reduced slightly, but continue to focus on the condition of the substrate.

    Only melt or rain water is needed, which makes caring for indoor bamboo somewhat more difficult. Experienced flower growers It is recommended to “cook” melt water using the freezing method. Pour into a plastic bottle tap water and put it in the freezer. Afterwards, defrost the resulting ice at room temperature.

    Soil composition for growing home bamboo

    The soil should be loose, well permeable to water, however, compositions containing a large number of peat The best option is garden soil mixed with sand:

  • garden soil - 3 parts,
  • medium-grained sand – 1 part.
  • To grow home bamboo you need good drainage, it should occupy at least 25% of the total volume of the pot. You can use broken bricks, clay shards or medium-fraction expanded clay.

    Fertilizer application

    When growing bamboo at home, caring for it should include regular feeding. The plant responds well to minerals, especially to the content of microelements such as nitrogen and phosphorus in the soil, for this reason you should purchase a special composition for dracaenas. The fertilizer contains all the necessary substances in the right quantity, a suitable composition can be found in the “Flower Happiness” line.

    Frequency of fertilizing: during the active growth phase every 20 days, from October to March - once every 2–3 months.

    Important! If the leaves turn yellow, this is a signal that the flower may be lacking nutrients.

    Planting and replanting indoor bamboo

    The root system of the flower grows quite quickly, so it is recommended to replant young specimens annually. With each transplant you should select a new pot. larger diameter. The container should be deep enough and moderately wide, there should be at least 5 cm from the stems to the edge of the pot. You need to pour a little earthen mixture onto the drainage layer, then plant the plant, distribute the remaining mixture evenly around the bamboo, lightly compact and moisten. After planting, the flower especially needs moist soil, so special attention will need to be paid to watering.

    Growing indoor bamboo in water

    Instead of soil, bamboo is successfully grown in a container of water. In such conditions, the flower will feel much better, in addition, the gardener will be able to create intricate compositions that decorate the interior.

    Bamboo will look most beautiful in a glass vase in the form of a cube or cylinder. Decorative stones or shells can be placed at the bottom, but before placing them in the container, they should be thoroughly disinfected by pouring boiling water over them.

    So that bacteria do not develop in the vase, giving the water bad smell, it is recommended to periodically add charcoal. Not only does it have a slight disinfectant effect, but it will also benefit the plant. The water for caring for indoor bamboo should be taken exactly the same as for watering - melt or rain, and change it in the vase every week. Rare water changes can lead to the formation of mold on the root system of the flower.

    Peculiarities of propagation of home bamboo

    Most easy way for propagation - rooting of shoots. The resulting shoot can be placed in a glass of water and wait for the root system to appear, or immediately rooted in the ground. To grow young bamboo, you can use peat and sand mixed in equal parts, the container must contain drainage holes providing good soil aeration. For successful rooting Dracaena should be kept in a well-lit room and watered abundantly and often.

    Diseases and pests of indoor bamboo

    Serious diseases rarely affect the plant; most often, deterioration in appearance is caused by poor care for homemade bamboo. Yellowing of stems and leaves usually occurs in the following cases:

  • lack of nutrients
  • water for irrigation is too hard or chlorinated,
  • heavy soil composition or lack of drainage.
  • Dry leaves should be cut off immediately, after 5-6 hours, after the cut areas have dried, they can be treated with powder charcoal. Leave the coal on the plant for a couple of hours, then remove it and cover the cut with soft wax.

    Sometimes you may notice that the stems of the plant begin to dry out. Most often this happens due to too bright lighting; you should move the flower to another place and observe it.

    Pests also try to avoid bamboo, but in dry and hot weather they can be seen on the leaves spider mites or thrips. To combat them, modern chemicals, for example, “Fitoverm”, or folk remedies.

    Homemade bamboo can not only become a wonderful interior decoration, but also an excellent gift. The plant is believed to bring happiness, luck and prosperity, and is also a symbol of perseverance and masculinity.

    Video of caring for bamboo at home

    Bamboo care at home

    Bamboo is a tall evergreen deciduous plant of the family Poaceae and Poaceae, one of the most unpretentious plants. Cereals are rarely affected by diseases and pests. Bamboo is a giant grass and has a reputation for being the easiest to grow. fast growing crop. Thanks to its natural high adaptive properties, bamboo easily adapts to any climatic conditions, temperature changes and soil conditions. In this section, bamboo care at home we will look at general principles on caring for bamboo at home, which you may encounter. And these care tips for growing bamboo at home will help keep your bamboo healthy, growing quickly and happily.

    Fertilizer: Fertilize bamboo with nitrogen fertilizers. Bamboo loves nitrogen fertilizers, most types of bamboo have two growing seasons per year, the stems grow very quickly, reaching final growth within a few weeks to two months, and the nutrient requirements for rapid development are very high. Fertilize in spring and summer, 4-3-2 (4- nitrogen 3- phosphorus 2- potassium, these are the main elements necessary for the health of all plants), these numbers do not have to be exact, the main thing is that the nitrogen fertilizers are high enough. As natural source nitrogen for bamboo, and this is the most effective fertilizer compost or horse, cow, chicken manure. You can also fertilize with general lawn fertilizer, but it is not as effective as organic fertilizer animal dung. Bamboo has two main developmental phases per season. The first time you need to fertilize is in early spring; in March, bamboo accumulates energy to produce new shoots. The second time should be fertilized in mid-summer, as the rhizomes begin to expand. IN autumn time need to be fertilized with less nitrogen 2-4-4 fertilizers. Reducing nitrogen fertilizers in the fall and increasing phosphorus and potassium will slow down the bamboo's growing season, and will make the bamboo better prepared for the winter. Phosphorus, as opposed to nitrogen, shortens the growing season, and potassium helps improve general condition In bamboo, and indeed in all plants, the cells thicken and the plants become more drought-resistant and frost-resistant. Wood ash is an excellent fertilizer; it is rich in phosphorus and potassium and many other microelements in an easily accessible form, but there is no nitrogen in the ash at all. Do not fertilize in winter.

    Watering – Bamboo is a moisture-loving plant. Watering two or three times a week is usually enough. Bamboo moisture-loving plants. If bamboo is watered infrequently, but abundantly, the roots grow deeper in search of moisture and nutrients, the bamboo will be more winter-hardy. Bamboo will be able to receive water and nutrients even when it freezes upper layer soil, since moisture and nutrition are needed to maintain the green mass of leaves evergreens need to all year round. It is necessary to water abundantly, since the most active zone of bamboo roots is at a depth of 20-30 cm and abundant watering should ensure at least moistening of at least this layer of soil. Frequent and insignificant watering not only does not benefit all plants, but is even harmful; frequent and superficial watering provokes the growth of superficial roots, the roots stop growing deeper, where there is more moisture and minerals, which is especially detrimental in winter. In winter, and especially in the early years, bamboo roots must be protected (with pine bark, leaves, peat, straw, a layer of at least 5-10 cm).

    If you notice that bamboo leaves are rolling, this is a natural process used by bamboo to protect themselves from loss of moisture during drought and frost, but when the leaves roll, the tips dry out, the leaves become faded in color and lose their decorative appeal, the bamboo is dehydrated and does not receive enough sufficient quantity moisture. Water abundantly as soon as possible; dehydration during the hot season can damage not only the above-ground part of the bamboo, but also the roots, which is tantamount to the death of the plant; water more often. Set up a watering schedule; due to lack of moisture in plants, reproductive organs are formed and formed abnormally, the plant slows down, and leaves develop poorly. A thick layer of mulch will help avoid this. And as a gardener, by studying the soil and leaves, you need to correctly adjust the frequency of watering.

    Haircut and pruning - Haircut and pruning can be done throughout the year except in winter. All types of bamboos enjoy pruning and pruning, as well as cutting back weaker canes so that new stems receive more light and strength. It is advisable to compost all organic residues. Bamboo stems usually live up to ten years, but may begin to wither and lose their decorative appeal sooner. Removing old stems on a regular basis in running bamboo is essential to maintaining, promoting health, and achieving higher growth of young stems. The more old stems that compete for nutrients and light with the younger stems, the overall attractiveness of the bamboo grove will decrease. Old and weak stems should be removed at soil level. It is recommended to remove old and weak stems at least once a year. When growing giant bamboo for timber, greater growth can be promoted by removing more of the weaker stems in the grove, up to 30-40% of the stems. Removing weak stems will provide space, nutrients, and more sunlight necessary for growing bamboo to gigantic sizes. Pruning and thinning will do wonders for the healthy rapid growth and appearance of the bamboo. Also, in shrubby types of bamboo, old stems must be removed.

    Bamboo care at home: bamboo Phyllostachys aureosulcata ‘Aureocaulis’ thin lower shoots should be removed.

    Indoor bamboo: care, reproduction, diseases

    Bamboo room care Although it does not require painstaking work, it looks deplorable without proper molding. This plant came to us from the vastness of Asia; today there are about 80 species of this beauty, which cannot be classified as either shrubs or trees - they are completely separate unique creations, striking in their beauty.

    What else is special about indoor bamboo (as Dracaena Sandera is commonly called)? Care must be organized correctly so that the handsome man always has decorative look. It also captivates with its foliage and unusual trunk, which can be shaped independently. Not a single plant, not even Monstera or Guzmania, can boast such advantages.

    Homemade bamboo: how to care for and propagate in room conditions? This question often arises among those who decide to grow this extraordinary creature at home. We will analyze in detail what problems you will encounter and how to quickly eliminate them.

    Main factors of care

  • In summer, watering should be plentiful, but in winter it should be significantly reduced.
  • The air should not be allowed to dry out.
  • The soil for rooting is taken “For dracaenaceae”; a spacious pot is needed. Young shoots require a lot of light, excellent watering and fertilizing every two weeks - these are the main criteria for rapid growth.

    The video tells about growing bamboo (Dracaena sandera).

      Replant into a new pot

      Bamboo, which is quite easy to care for at home, requires regular replanting once every two years. For this purpose, you need to take a larger pot each time, since this beauty grows quickly. Adult plants can be replanted once every 3 years, but young plants need to change the pot annually. Soil mixture in this case, it should be of the following composition: two parts of turfy, clayey soil, one part of peat and one part of humus.

      After transplantation during the growing season, it is necessary to organize fertilizing with organic, complex fertilizers. When replanting, care must be taken; the rhizome must not be damaged.

      Diseases, growing problems

      How to care for bamboo and prevent irreparable incidents? Here it is important to immediately determine what specific problems or illnesses may arise. Most often they are associated with non-compliance with growing rules, although spontaneous attacks by pests are also possible.

      Among the main diseases it is necessary to note the following:

    • The appearance of small dark spots on the leaves indicates the presence of fungal disease. In this case, it is necessary to treat the trunk and foliage with fungicides, and ventilate the room more often.
    • Caring for bamboo at home is not that difficult. The main thing is to pay enough attention to the green pet, when replanting and propagating, follow all the recommendations shared by experts.

      How to grow bamboo at home

      Many housewives have a large number of indoor flowers at home, which they love and cherish. Each housewife chooses flowers, focusing on some features. For someone the most important role aesthetic beauty plays a role, for some - growing conditions. This is due to the fact that some plant lovers have absolutely no time to care for their pets, so they try to choose completely unpretentious species.

      Among all the variety, you may be attracted by homemade bamboo, which is really worthy of attention.

      This wonderful plant looks very beautiful in indoor arrangements, in greenhouses or just on a windowsill.

      If you decide to grow this wonderful plant, then you need to know how to care for bamboo, a talisman of happiness, at home.

      For bamboo, humidity and warmth play an important role, because it is a tropical plant, which is why it prefers warmth and regular precipitation, which at home is replaced by watering and spraying.

      It is important to choose the right location for this plant, where there will be a moderate amount of both light and shadow. Immediately after purchasing a plant, fertilizer should not be used, since it is usually required in stores.

      Watering is adjusted according to the local climate. If the soil in the pot dries out very quickly, then it is necessary to water it as often as possible. If the humidity is moderate, then you should not water every day. It also depends on the type of bamboo itself. It doesn’t hurt to observe the plant’s reaction to watering. If you overwater the plant, the leaves will begin to droop, and if you don’t water it enough, the leaves will curl.

      Bamboo can also be grown at home in water or in a special gel, but there are some peculiarities. If you decide to grow bamboo in water, then first you need to buy special mineral fertilizers that are carriers useful substances, which contribute to the proper development of this type of dracaena.

      Propagation of the plant of happiness

      Bamboo propagation is a fairly popular topic, as this flower is popular. Usually the division method is used, when the stem is cut into several parts. You can cover the cuts with soft wax. Do not use hot wax as it can burn the plant. Thanks to the wax, the stem does not dry out.

      Bamboo for good luck

      It is also recommended to place the plant in certain areas of the house. Placing bamboo in the south will bring you fame, in the east it will bring you love, and placing bamboo in the southeast will bring you increased income.

      This plant will be a wonderful gift for your family and friends. If you wish your loved ones happiness and good luck, then give this flower, which will bring prosperity to their lives. Of course, if you don’t explain how to properly care for this plant, and it disappears from them, then no magical miracles will obviously happen. That is why it is important to follow a bamboo care regimen, and then the plant of happiness will make your life happy.

      Bamboo: subtleties of care and propagation at home

      Bamboo is one of the exotic plants, which quickly won the recognition of owners of apartments, houses, offices and restaurants. The flower is used not only as a source of oxygen, but also as a fashion item modern interior. Its popularity is growing every day due to its variegated greenery, unpretentiousness of the plant, and the ability to create original compositions. Let's look at the key features of how to care for it yourself.

      Read below:

      Bamboo - characteristics and varieties

      Bamboo is tropical plant, which is characterized by a permanent green color. Asia is considered the birthplace of the indoor flower. Externally, the plant looks like a bare stem, at the end of which shoots develop.

      Important: this unique plant, which blooms only once. As a rule, flowering occurs in the 30th year of life, and after the flowers fall off, the plant dies.

      The color of the flower can vary from rich green to muted straw. In its shape, bamboo can have a straight stem and more interesting twisted shapes. The intensity of the color of the stem and leaves directly depends on external factors and illumination.

      Advice: the light must be diffused, otherwise the leaves of the plant turn yellow and the appearance loses its attractiveness.

      Plant varieties:

    • bluish – bamboo at home grows up to 40 cm;
    • variegated – reaches a length of 1 meter;
      • Muriel - the plant exceeds 2 meters in length.

      Where to place the plant - follow Feng Shui

      Choice right place is a key parameter in successful content. It is not recommended to place the flower on the windowsill, because direct sunlight is extremely destructive to it. The plant should be located in places where light and shadow are harmoniously combined, providing it with the most comfortable conditions.

      Bamboo loves Fresh air, therefore, there must be microclimate circulation in the room. It is recommended to use ventilation, but it should be noted that frequent drafts are also not desirable for the flower.

      Tip: this heat-loving plant, so it must be placed in rooms with appropriate temperature conditions. In rooms where the temperature drops below 17 degrees, the plant may die.

      If you follow the direction of Feng Shui, then the plant should be placed in the southeastern part of the apartment or house. However, if there is not enough lighting there, then it is better to put aside the interior wisdom and turn to more suitable rooms. If you want to improve the well-being of a specific area of ​​your life, then, for example, to attract love into your home, it should be placed in the bedroom. To make your financial affairs go uphill, you can put a flower in your office.

      The number of stems also indicates well-being in a particular area of ​​life. 3 stems are a symbol of good luck in business, 5 will bring happiness in personal life, 7 guarantee good health and success. If you want to have a quality impact on all aspects of life, then it is recommended to focus on growing 21 stems.

      The magical properties of the plant are complemented by corresponding attributes in the form of a three-legged toad and a special vase with images of sacred oriental culture animals. It is not recommended to place the toad high, because the symbol of wealth is afraid of heights and can frighten away good luck.

      Temperature depending on the time of year

      The temperature preferences of the plant change depending on the time of year. Bamboo feeds on moisture and high temperatures influence him just as destructively as low ones. During the hot period, the plant needs less light; the priority is to maintain the temperature regime, which should not exceed 35 degrees.

      The optimal temperature for a flower is 25-27 degrees. If the room is too hot, then the plant should be moved to a cool room without windows - to the bathroom.

      In winter, the air temperature should not fall below 17 degrees. Temperature discomfort can be compensated by the abundance of light, so for the winter bamboo at home is often moved to the windowsill. At this time, the rays do not burn the stems and leaves, creating comfortable conditions for growth.

      How to water correctly

      Bamboo needs careful watering; the health of the plant and its appearance depend on it. In the cold season, the green pet needs moderate watering; with the onset of summer, it is necessary to provide abundant watering. We are talking about caring for the plant in the ground. If it is grown in water, then it is necessary to change the water at least once a week.

      Yellowed leaves indicate that care does not meet the necessary criteria and watering needs to be increased. If you choose bamboo as a houseplant, no misting is required. The flower is not afraid of dry air; it does not harm the plant. However, regular wiping with a damp cloth is necessary.

      At home, the flower needs mineral nutrition. This requirement is not mandatory, but it significantly accelerates the growth and development of the flower, and the color also becomes more saturated and contrasting.

      For irrigation, special melt water is used. To do this, the liquid must be placed in a bottle, let it brew without a lid for several days, after which the water is sent to the refrigerator for 3 days. After defrosting, you can water.

      Tip: Melt water forms sediment. It must be drained before watering.

      Transplantation and drainage - subtleties of home care

      If you have a rough idea of ​​how to care for bamboo, then regularly replanting the plant will not cause any unnecessary difficulties. The procedure must be carried out annually, preferably in spring period. If we are talking about large plant species, then replanting is carried out every 2-3 years.

      In this case, it is necessary to choose the right pot for transplantation. It is recommended to give preference to wide and voluminous models. The roots of the plant should not come into contact with the walls of the pot. The ideal distance is 5-7 cm. When replanting, it is necessary to change not only the pot, but also the soil, because over time it loses properties beneficial to the plant.

      When the flower has reached 4 years of age, the frequency of replanting is significantly reduced. It is recommended to carry out the procedure once every 3 years. The soil for replanting should consist of two parts - clay and humus.

      An equally important parameter for plant health is drainage. It is recommended to choose a layer of 2-3 cm. Specialized stores offer a wide selection of the required substrate.

      What diseases can affect the plant

      Despite its unpretentiousness and ease of care, bamboo can be susceptible to several diseases:

    • fungal diseases - the presence of a fungus can be recognized by the leaves; as a rule, the symptoms of the fungus are black specks and specks. To treat a flower, it is necessary to treat it with fungicides. As a preventative measure, it is recommended to avoid high humidity and not neglect regular ventilation;
    • vitamin deficiency - slow plant growth and yellow leaves are signs of a lack of nutrients. In order to correct the situation, it is necessary to fertilize the soil and water more intensively;
    • excessive cooling - darkening of the leaves and stem indicates that the plant is in an unacceptable temperature temperature conditions. In order to warm the flower, it must be moved to a more warm room or artificially increase the temperature.
    • Planting methods: growing in water

      In places where bamboo grows in natural environment, the soil is characterized by high humidity, so the plant can be planted in water. With this type of planting, water quality and regular replacement are taken seriously. If the liquid stagnates, the accumulated bacteria and microorganisms can lead to rotting of the roots.

      In aquatic conditions, the plant grows more intensively, and its leaves have a more saturated color. Before planting, the roots must be inspected for damage. If the root system has grown too much, it must be cut out. In this case, it is necessary to remove no more than a third of the roots, otherwise the plant will be sick for a long time.

      To plant, bamboo must be placed in a special vase and secured root system. This can be done using decorative stones; it is advisable to boil them first. The water needs to be changed about once a week. If sediment forms in the water or the liquid has a questionable odor, the replacement frequency should be increased.

      An important aspect is feeding the plant, because there are very few natural minerals in the water. The recommended frequency of feeding is once every 3-4 months. It is necessary to add fertilizers during the period when water is being replaced.

      Growing in soil

      Planting requires special soil, which consists of clay turf and humus. Soil for indoor plants is also suitable.

      The ease of maintenance lies in the fact that there is no need to change the water and monitor its condition. All you need is regular watering and making sure the soil doesn’t dry out. Special attention It is worth paying attention to a plant that is transplanted from water to soil, then it will require more abundant watering for the first 2-3 months.

      For better care, it is necessary to make holes in the pot that will remove excess moisture from the soil. A drainage layer should be placed at the bottom. Plant nutrition is provided at your discretion. The recommended frequency of fertilizing for a potted plant is once every few months.

      For irrigation, water that has settled is used. If there is low humidity in the room, it is necessary to water daily. If it is increased, then watering should be reduced to once every 2-3 days.

      Advice: alternative way plantings - hydrogel. This method of maintenance is very simple; you just need to make sure that the roots do not become chapped or dry out.

      Reproduction at home


    • offspring;
    • shoots from the tops;
    • sowing seeds.
    • Growing bamboo from seeds yourself is quite difficult. Particularly difficult is caring for seedlings. Reproduction by offspring and shoots will be no less problematic. The most common method is cuttings. It is recommended to carry out propagation in the spring, when young shoots form on the stem, which constitute planting material.

      For planting, you should use the same soil as for adult bamboo. In this case, you should choose a fairly spacious pot, despite the miniature size of the shoots. This is necessary because the flower grows quite quickly not only in the upper part, but also in terms of the root system.

      Reproduction is recommended to be combined with transplantation. The procedure must be carried out once every few years. The leaves of the flower must be wiped regularly and provided with abundant watering. Another necessary aspect of care is loosening the soil. This ensures abundant oxygen supply.

      Material updated 06/22/2017

      Ask a Question Need advice on housekeeping?

    Everyone has heard about bamboo. Still would! This plant can reach truly gigantic heights, while its growth rate reaches one meter per day.

    What does indoor bamboo look like?

    Wild bamboo lives in the tropics and subtropics. In Russia it grows only on the Kuril Islands and Sakhalin. It is especially common in China and surrounding countries.

    The young sprouts of this tree once saved more than one generation from starvation. In addition to food, this plant is used as a building material, furniture is assembled from it, and decorative elements are made from it.

    You can grow a tree on your own summer cottage, however, for this you need to have a great desire, since this plant cannot withstand frost above 20 degrees below zero. Therefore, it is best to have such a plant at home; it will fit well into the overall flower arrangement, despite the fact that it blooms once in a lifetime.

    It is worth noting that the indoor version belongs to the Dracaena family, but its appearance is no different from real bamboo, except for its small stature. Because of this, it is called dwarf; its height reaches up to 2 meters, which is really small compared to the growth of its wild relative (up to 30 meters). By the way, this plant is also called decorative flower happiness.

    There is an opinion that bamboo brings joy to the home, health and wealth. Then how to care for this bamboo at home or " a piece of happiness“It’s quite simple; even those who have no particular interest in growing indoor flowers, but who are not averse to landscaping the house, can cope with this task.

    The appearance of the domestic tree is identical to the wild one. It has stems with nodes and internodes. In place of the nodules, narrow leaves diverge in different directions. The stem itself is hollow and very strong. As it grows, it can be bent as you please, creating weird shape. It is interesting to know that the wild relative has a very powerful trunk, the wood of which is stronger than the oak itself.

    How to care for bamboo at home? Very simple. To do this you need to know these things:

    • lighting;
    • watering;
    • recharge;
    • reproduction.

    How does a tree feel in the sun: lighting

    Despite the “domestication”, this guest came to us from warm regions, so it is necessary to choose sunny areas in the house for him. However, it is necessary to ensure that the tree is not exposed to direct sunlight, which can burn the tender leaves.

    The best option would be a place on the south or east side of the house. The main thing is to ensure that the plant is not exposed to sunlight. Perhaps it would be better to move it from the windowsill to a shelf suspended from the wall, which is perpendicular to the window.

    In any case, it is necessary to monitor the condition of your beloved pet and care for it. If there is excessive lighting, its leaves begin to become covered with burns, and if there is not enough light, then the bamboo leaves will hold up.

    How to care for decorative bamboo in water: watering

    As mentioned above, the “piece of happiness” came to us from afar, from the southern wet regions, so it is impossible to do without abundant watering. The plant must be watered frequently, especially in the summer season. In winter, watering should be reduced to once a week.

    Just like with lighting, it is necessary to control watering, paying attention to the plant itself. dark leaves mean increased humidity, while yellow ones twisted into a tube indicate that there is not enough moisture.

    In addition to the main watering, you must not forget to spray the leaves with a spray bottle, because the upper part of the plant also needs moisture. It would also be a good idea to place a glass of water near the pot, especially if there is insufficient air humidity in the house.

    How to care for bamboo from Ikea and more: propagation, replanting and feeding

    Here are some rules on how to care for decorative bamboo.

    It is best to replant the plant in the spring. Since, in fact, home bamboo is a dracaena, the soil must be selected appropriately: for a dracaena or a palm tree. Young plant It is necessary to replant often, choosing a looser pot each time. For an adult specimen, it is enough to change the soil every three years. Don't forget about drainage! These tips will help those who want to know how to care for potted decorative bamboo.

    If the plant lives in water and not in a pot, then it must be changed twice a week. Otherwise, due to stagnant water, troubles may begin and the flower will die.

    This plant needs to be fed at home once every two weeks, less often in winter. If you purchase this indoor flower in a store, for example in Ikea, do not forget to check with the seller when last time the soil was fertilized.

    Bamboo can be propagated in several ways:

    • plant seeds;
    • divide the rhizome;
    • cuttings.

    As practice shows, the first method is very difficult; it is best to choose the second or third. The same as for transplantation, the most best time Spring is considered to be the time for breeding. When dividing the rhizome, you must be as careful as possible so as not to damage the roots of the main plant. In addition, this method is only available for adult plants.