How to clean kitchen facades made of PVC film. How to clean glossy kitchen facades? The main causes of contamination in glossy kitchens

The beauty of a glossy set is quite difficult to maintain. All defects are visible on a smooth surface. You need to be especially careful when choosing cleaning products for such a kitchen.

The façade cleaning algorithm depends on the chosen product:

  • Sprays, liquids. Apply the cleaning composition to the surface using a sprayer or a foam sponge (soft side). Then the set is wiped with a dry cloth.
  • Wet wipes. Use independently and do not require additional materials.
  • Bar soap. Grate into warm water to form a paste. Use a sponge or rag to pass over surfaces. Then remove the paste with a damp sponge and wipe dry with a clean napkin (several times if necessary). Regular washing can be done with a soapy solution, while the sponge is wrung out well.
  • Mustard. Natural mustard paste is applied to the facades. After 3-5 minutes, wash off with a slightly damp sponge in several passes. You can prepare the pasta yourself. In this case, mustard powder must be thoroughly mixed with water until completely dissolved.
  • Dishwashing gels, liquid soap . Not a large number of beat with water until foam appears. Foam is used to cover dirty areas. After 10 minutes, remove the product with the same sponge, wipe with a clean damp cloth, then dry.
  • Steam. Heat up the iron or steamer. Pass over the stains without touching the headset cover. The treatment is completed when the dirt becomes soft. Next, they are removed with a rag and the façade is wiped dry.

Polish completes the main cleaning. It is applied with a piece of cloth, rubbed until shine appears and streaks disappear.

Cleaning products for glossy furniture

Aggressive detergents leave scratches, stains, and kill the shine of glossy coatings. The composition should be soft but effective.


From specialized products glossy kitchen set will calmly bear:

  • Glass washer (windows, mirrors). Suitable for automobile and home use. Such compositions cope well with stains, hand marks, steam, and light grease.
  • Cif for glass and shiny surfaces. Available in spray form, it gently removes dirt and grease from smooth countertops and side panels.
  • HG interior cleaner. Designed for removing grease, fingerprints, dust, stains from MDF, PVC, paint, plastic.
  • EcoWoo kitchen product. It has soft composition, but it’s great to clean the gloss without streaks or unpleasant odors.
  • Universal liquid for glossy coatings. Available in bottles and sprays. Can be used on any furniture, including the facades of the culinary space. Removes dirt, stubborn grease, refreshes color, protects against scratches.
  • Dishwashing gel. Any without abrasive particles in the composition. Works great on pieces of stuck food and stains from spilled liquids. Liquid soap works the same way.
  • Wet wipes. Universal, for hands, intimate hygiene, cleaning cars and furniture. All of them have delicate impregnation and suitable softness of the fabric itself. It is convenient to carry out quick cleaning and washing of individual areas.
  • Household microfiber cloths. Removes dust and spilled liquids well. Reusable, inexpensive.
  • Polish (solution, paste, gel). Adds finishing touches to cleaning. Restores shine, creates a protective film (from scratches, dirt, fingerprints), works as an antistatic agent.

Any item should not contain chlorine, alcohol, powder and solid particles, nitroglycerin, synthetic resins and acetone. Of the polishes, the preferred varieties are those without wax or with a minimal amount of it. When heated, this component becomes sticky, which has the opposite effect.


It is possible to wash a kitchen set made of glossy material without a visit to a hardware store. In any home you will find:

  • Bar soap. Household and tar grades work best, but you can use children's toiletries. The main guideline in choosing is the absence of scrubbing, coloring and aromatic additives. Soap can remove even stubborn stains.
  • Mustard. It removes grease perfectly, eliminates dried-on pieces of food, and adds shine. Mustard without foreign flavoring additives is suitable.
  • Iron with steam (clothes steamer). It is not advisable to use it constantly so as not to load the gloss with excess moisture. But it works well when other products have failed to soften old stuck food and accumulated fat. Extreme case method.

These options are especially useful for people with allergies to household cleaners.

Caring for a glossy set

Glossy kitchens are often made from MDF-type fiberboards. The body is finished with plastic, film, acrylic or paint. Due to this, beauty is created with brilliance and gloss. The method of care is selected depending on the type of external coating.

Material Peculiarities How to clean
1. Plastic (plastic sheets)
  • cheapness;
  • waterproof,
  • resistance to soaking;
  • strength, resistance to fractures;
  • fades quickly;
  • scratches easily.
  • soap solution;
  • gel products;
  • wet wipes;
  • mustard paste;
  • steam (moderately so as not to melt).
2. Paint and varnish compositions
  • shine better than others;
  • easy to change color;
  • stains are easy to clean;
  • Over time, paint chips may appear;
  • average scratch resistance.
  • liquid products;
  • glass cleaning sprays;
  • soap solution;
  • mustard paste;
  • wet wipes.
3. PVC film
  • economical in price;
  • retain brightness for a long time;
  • easy to update;
  • non-waterproof, quickly swell from moisture and steam.
  • gel products;
  • dry and wet wipes;
  • soap solution and liquid products ONLY with a well-wrung out sponge.
4. Acrylic sheets
  • the most unpretentious in care;
  • easily scratched;
  • moderately water resistant.
  • all types of funds. Steam with care.

Taking into account the features of your kitchen will extend the life of the set.

Caring for a glossy kitchen facade begins from the moment it is installed in its rightful place.

  • It is necessary to foresee the location of the headset in such a way that straight lines Sun rays did not hit the surface. This trick will prolong the brightness of the color.
  • If the apartment is humid, it is better to purchase painted and acrylic options. PVC swells quickly, and plastic absorbs mold spores for a long time and is more susceptible to fungal growth.
  • In unsuitable conditions, when you still want gloss, you can arrange a mixed version. Dress only the upper cabinets in shiny materials. Parts that are actively in contact with moisture (countertop/walls/bottom drawers) should be chosen from a more unpretentious material.

In regular cleaning, it is enough to observe a few nuances:

  • Keep dry. After washing, dry surfaces thoroughly. Make sure that during cooking liquids do not enter in large quantities and do not remain for a long time. Wring out sponges and rags well.
  • Use products with a low content of active substances. Make weak or medium solutions, dilute concentrates with water.
  • Choose gentle sponges and rags. Microfiber, soft foam rubber, flannel are suitable. Metal, abrasive hard foam, coarse fibers, brushes, scrapers are excluded.
  • Clean regularly. Wipe surfaces after each cooking so that marks, stains, and dirt do not have time to harden.
  • Forget about powder cleaners.
  • Ventilate the kitchen. Free air circulation will remove excess steam and moisture.

The main secret of a beautiful gloss in the kitchen is proper care. If treated with care, the set will retain its shine for a long time and will delight you with its appearance. The more often the necessary cleaning is carried out, the less work is required from the owner.

Kitchen furniture made from MDF allows you to kill several birds with one stone - its cost is lower than furniture made from solid wood, the material is quite durable, and the variety of colors will appeal to picky housewives. Well, in order for your favorite headset to please the eye for many years, you need to remember once and for all a few simple rules for its maintenance.

What kills MDF

In store windows, the shiny surfaces of any, even the cheapest, headset attracts the eye. But it often happens that after a couple of years of use, not a trace remains of its former shine and beauty. And even if the price of the furniture is not too high compared to its solid wood counterpart, this is still no reason to treat it carelessly.

There are several ways to ruin MDF headsets:

  • use cleaning agents containing alkalis, acids, and solvents. Although MDF is protected by several layers or enamel or PVC film, this coating will quickly lose its original appearance when exposed to certain types of household chemicals;
  • use abrasive cleaning products - it will damage appearance, on a glossy, shiny surface, scratches will look especially sloppy;

Even wipe the surface MDF is better with a soft cloth, we immediately exclude scrapers and brushes (even with soft bristles) from our arsenal.

  • MDF is not 100% protected from moisture. If water gets on the headset, but immediately blot it and wipe the surface dry, then nothing bad will happen. It is much worse if moisture gets into hard to reach places, for example, between the kitchen wall and the back wall of the furniture. Over time, the material will swell and it will be impossible to restore its former shape;
  • Even an accidental blow of moderate force can leave a mark on the surface. If the shape of the MDF kitchen set does not fit perfectly into kitchen space, then marks will most likely appear on the interfering part in the future.

Friends and enemies of MDF

Before purchasing a batch of cleaning products, we will decide what will suit us and what will not.

You should immediately exclude:

  • any alcohol-based cleaning products;

The exception to this rule is ethyl alcohol, it will not harm protective covering MDF set.

  • Cleaning old stains with steam works well, but in the case of MDF it is better to forget about the steam cleaner. Even if the coating is not damaged externally, peeling of the film and other problems may occur in this area in the future;

  • such folk remedies as vegetable oil, toothpaste, soda(The last 2 are abrasives, so we exclude them). You can make a good cleaning product with your own hands, but this requires special care, oh “ folk medicine"a little lower;
  • all substances containing acids, alkalis, sodium and chlorine. Usually on the packaging the manufacturer indicates the area of ​​application of the cleaning product; if the list does not include MDF furniture, then it is better not to take risks.

As for household chemicals, furniture cleaning products are quite suitable; their composition is most often neutral, there are no abrasive particles, so the set will remain intact. If small scratches do occur, polish can help.

Subtleties of caring for MDF

Of course, this material will not last forever, but at least you can maintain its appearance throughout its entire service life. It is enough just to follow the basic rules of care and cleaning, depending on the type of surface finish.

Veneered coating

By gluing veneer valuable species outwardly, such a set cannot be distinguished from its solid wood counterpart. The veneer, of course, is protected by a layer of varnish, but since it is glued to MDF, this imposes certain restrictions on the use of furniture, for example, it cannot be placed near heating devices.

When it comes to the question of how to wash a kitchen set made of MDF with veneer, there are not many options. It is best to limit yourself to just a weak soap solution and not allow heavy pollution surfaces.

Cleaning the veneer surface should be done in the following order:

  • first wipe the surface with a damp cloth, this will remove particles of dust and dirt;
  • then you can use suitable remedy, for example, for cleaning (if you don’t have a special composition for MDF on hand). The scheme is the same - apply it to a rag and carefully wipe the set. The direction of movement is strictly along the veneer fibers, this will reduce the risk of scratches to a minimum.
  • To ensure that no streaks remain on the varnished surface, wipe it dry with a clean cloth.

When choosing a polish, you need to pay attention to its composition. For example, silicone will provide shine and resistance to moisture, wax will prevent dust from settling, and products will oil based will help hide minor scratches.

Film-coated MDF

In the question of how to clean a kitchen set made of MDF with a film coating in addition to already transferred funds those that are intended to work with natural wood. Any polishes, care products containing oils, waxes will only worsen the appearance of the film and may even cause local change film shade and swelling.

Various ethyl alcohol-based liquids are suitable for cleaning products. Window products containing ethanol perform well.

Alcohols have a negative effect on film coating.
Therefore, when cleaning the headset, there is no need to leave the product on the surface for a long time; apply it and immediately wipe it dry.

Traditional medicine - effective means for cleaning MDF

Sometimes the question of how to clean grease from an MDF kitchen unit turns into real torture. Imagine that you don’t have a suitable cleaning product at hand, but there are already greasy stains on your headset. If you leave them, this can lead to problems with cleaning in the future, and the gloss of the coating may suffer.

But there are many folk recipes to combat grease in the kitchen:

  • Vinegar mixed with regular vodka in a 1:1 ratio turns into a powerful cleaning agent. Usually it is enough to simply wipe the surface and the grease is gone;

  • Another option for a homemade solution is a mixture of lemon juice, vinegar and a small amount of alcohol (optional lemon juice can be replaced with finely chopped zest);
  • When it comes to cleaning a kitchen set made of glossy MDF, it is better to refrain from using strong products. One option is to make a “light” version of a standard cleaner. It is enough to mix lemon juice with water and add just a little strong cleaning agent, there will be no harm to the glossy surface, and a pleasant smell and cleanliness are guaranteed;
  • ordinary soap solution copes with most contaminants;
  • Pure lemon juice will also work. You can directly walk over the grease stains with a slice and after 20-30 minutes wipe the furniture dry;

  • In the question of how to clean an MDF kitchen set, even clay mixed with vinegar (in the state of a liquid slurry) can be used. The product is, of course, exotic, but effective and suitable for combating old fat stains. The mixture is simply applied to the stain and after half an hour is carefully removed, the gloss is not affected.

Some recommend using it to clean old greasy stains soda, mustard, salt, but in the case of MDF this option is not suitable. In this case, the instructions require intensively rubbing the area of ​​contamination, and since soda, salt, and mustard powder are abrasives, at least the tarnishing of the film is guaranteed.

You can only use salt, mustard, and soda on a fresh grease stain, and then only so that the bulk of the fat is absorbed into the soda/salt/mustard. Then we carefully brush it off the headset and continue using standard methods.


A kitchen set should always be pleasing to the eye; unfortunately, grease and other traditional kitchen contaminants can quickly deprive the set of its attractiveness. But it’s easy to cope with this problem - just don’t run the kitchen and clean it regularly kitchen furniture.

The video in this article shows a couple of tricks for cleaning kitchen fronts.

Glossy furniture in the kitchen creates a feeling of open space and pleases the eye with its shine. But it is in this room that the furniture often gets dirty and covered with a coating of grease. At the same time, smooth, shiny surfaces require special treatment. Cleaning them is not so difficult if you know how to wash a glossy kitchen set. Not all means are suitable for him. The choice largely depends on the way furniture manufacturers created the gloss on it.

The main causes of contamination in glossy kitchens

Dirt and stains are especially visible on the glossy surface

In a room where food is constantly being prepared, factors are added that increase the formation of dirty marks on furniture surfaces:

  • elevated temperature;
  • humidity;
  • fumes from food being cooked on the stove;
  • touching fingers;
  • accidental contact of products on the surface and walls of furniture.

This leads to the appearance of individual spots and a uniform greasy film on the shiny surface.

If you do not wash a glossy kitchen from dirt in time, under their influence the shine will disappear and the coating will become dull. A network of small cracks forms on it.

It is difficult to clean damaged smooth furniture, and it is often impossible to restore it to its original appearance.

Types of glossy coatings and their properties

Before cleaning the glossy surface of a kitchen unit, it is useful to know the capabilities of the material from which it is made. The choice of detergent and the method of working with it will depend on this.

When buying glossy kitchen furniture, it is important to choose the right shade of the coating. On a smooth, dark-colored surface, small stains and fingerprints are most noticeable. Bright hues hide these defects.

The furniture itself is made from chipboard or more modern MDF, created by gluing small wood fractions under pressure. But the glossy coating is applied separately on top of the slabs themselves in different ways.

Plastic sheets

The glossy surface of plastic sheets is the easiest to clean

All external surfaces of furniture are covered with decorative plastic of various shades. This coating has a bright color, is resistant to mechanical stress and is completely waterproof. It is easiest to clean a glossy kitchen protected with plastic gloss.

But it also has its drawbacks:

  • It fades and loses color when exposed to sunlight and when treated with chemically active substances;
  • Sheets can peel off from furniture boards at high temperatures and high humidity;
  • Scratches and dents formed on it are almost impossible to retouch.

Treating plastic sheets with wax-containing compounds creates a sticky layer that attracts dust. It is impossible to wash off such plaque by simply wiping.

Painting and varnishing

Furniture boards are treated with moisture-resistant compounds desired color. And to give a glossy effect, several layers of varnish are applied over the paint. This coating will shine the brightest. But the technology for its creation is labor-intensive, which is why the cost of painted furniture is high.

Soft varnish is easily scratched, but chips and minor damage can be restored by polishing the problem area.

PVC film

VVC film is the least resistant to damage

A glossy shiny surface is formed when it is glued under vacuum press. This a budget option gives good results, but is also the least resistant to maintenance.

It is necessary to wash off stains on kitchen furniture with applied film in a gentle manner and without a large amount of moisture. Under its influence, the film coating warps and peels off from the surface of the slab.

PVC does not withstand high and low temperatures. Does not tolerate prolonged exposure to sunlight.

The advantage of polyvinyl chloride is that, if necessary, you can easily re-glue a damaged area of ​​furniture.

Acrylic coating

Sheets of this polymer material are glued to furniture boards, forming a smooth, shiny surface. The application method is no different from gluing conventional plastic. But acrylic itself has advantages. It is resistant to moisture and does not fade under sunlight.

Scrub off dirty stains that have formed on polymer coating, you can use any cleaning products recommended for glossy surfaces.

The acrylic layer also has the advantage of varnished products - minor scratches and damage on it are eliminated by decorative polishing.

Rules for caring for any glossy kitchen facades

The glossy surface must be wiped dry after washing.

Regardless of the type shiny coating and how to apply it, there is general recommendations guidelines that should be followed when cleaning such furniture. Shiny facades, like no other, require daily care. Removing old stains always carries the risk of damaging the gloss so much that it loses its shine. Therefore, minimal cleaning of the entire kitchen unit should be carried out frequently.

Glossy kitchen facades should be treated with water as rarely as possible. Moisture is the main enemy of such surfaces. Even plastic sheets, if you frequently try to tidy them up using a lot of water, will peel off over time. furniture board. For PVC film coverings, wet cleaning is strictly prohibited.

After treating glossy furniture with any detergent, it must be wiped dry with a soft cloth. Moisture on smooth surface, leaves streaks when it dries naturally. On ordinary furniture they are almost invisible, but on a glossy finish they will be clearly visible.

When washing particularly dirty areas and during final polishing, do not use force. You need to apply light pressure, otherwise you can not only wipe off a layer of dirt, but also damage the glossy coating itself.

Compliance with universal rules does not depend on the choice of product or method for cleaning glossy furniture.


To cleanly and safely wash any glossy kitchen set, you must also follow a certain sequence:

  1. Wipe the entire surface with a dry cloth to remove dust and a layer of grease.
  2. Apply the selected detergent to the contaminated area, avoiding over-wetting it.
  3. Clean furniture from dirt by wiping it with soft rags or sponges.
  4. Wash off any remaining detergent with a damp cloth.
  5. Wipe the treated area dry with a soft cloth.
  6. If necessary, apply polish and polish.

The cleaning procedure does not depend on the method by which the glossy surface was created. You always need to act the same way, but use different means.

Choosing Safe Tools

Glossy kitchens should not be washed with the hard side of the sponge.

The glossy layer on kitchen furniture is easily damaged mechanically. Therefore, when cleaning it and treating it with polishing compounds, you cannot use any tools with a hard surface or an abrasive effect. Brushes with hard bristles are not acceptable. thick fabric or sponges with a hard side designed for mechanical scrubbing of dirt.

It is better not to use melamine sponges for acrylic or varnish surfaces.

For wiping glossy furniture facades apply:

  • Rags made of flannel or flannel. Suitable for both constant care of a glossy kitchen and for washing away dirt on its surfaces.
  • Soft foam sponges. For cleaning already dirty facades with effective detergents. But even they are not recommended for daily preventive wiping.
  • Microfiber cloths A. Safe, suitable for use at any stage of cleaning and polishing glossy furniture.
  • Wet wipes. The right tool for preventive treatment of kitchen facades. They can remove fresh traces of fat on small area surfaces.

Since it is advisable to wipe glossy kitchen furniture as often as possible, the choice of tool is no less important than the detergent. Sometimes it is enough just to lightly treat the smooth surface with something damp.

Constantly using the wrong tool will cause small scratches to cover the entire shiny layer and it will lose its beauty.

Selection of household chemicals for glossy facades

The delicacy of the varnish surface requires not only careful selection of tools, but also the refusal to use a number of common detergents. Some of them, despite their effectiveness in combating dirt, are completely unsuitable for cleaning gloss.

Prohibited drugs

The full list is quite extensive. But we can distinguish the main categories, the use of which should be abandoned when washing shiny facades:

  • Any powder detergents– Pemolux, Comet and the like. They will definitely scratch the smooth shiny layer.
  • Acidic gels and liquids, intended for cleaning sanitary ware and ceramic products. Their use will inevitably lead to clouding of paint and even plastic facades.
  • Technical solvents– acetone, white spirit, gasoline and ammonia compounds. They can not only damage the glossy finish, but also discolor it.
  • Kitchen appliance cleaners– electrical and gas stoves, hobs, microwave ovens.

Although aggressive preparations are considered effective, completely avoiding them will preserve the shine of a glossy kitchen.

Suitable means

Window and mirror cleaners are suitable for glossy surfaces

Despite the strict conditions when choosing detergent compositions, you can find a variety of cleaners suitable for shiny surfaces in stores.

  • Specialized means. They must have an indication on the packaging - “for glossy coatings”.
  • Dishwashing liquids. Before applying to the contaminated area, they must be mixed with warm water. It is better to wipe with a sponge wrung out until damp.
  • Cleaning products for windows, mirrors and glass surfaces. But before purchasing, you need to make sure that they do not contain any acids.
  • Polishes for shine and application protective film on a glossy façade. They are also used to remove minor scratches on paint and acrylic coatings.

The form of the chosen product is important. Using gels instead of liquid preparations will allow you to avoid the risk of over-wetting the glossy coating. Sprays make it possible to apply required quantity liquid and can be easily washed off after cleaning.

Home Remedies

Unfortunately, most folk remedies not applicable for processing glossy facades. Even soda, a universal and harmless cleaning agent, can damage the shiny layer. Not only can it not be used to clean gloss, but it can also not be added to other cleaning compositions.

Soap solution - universal remedy for cleaning glossy furniture

But there is still some choice of funds available on the farm:

  • Soap solution. Bar soap, grated or cut into small shavings, dissolves in warm water. A soft sponge is moistened in this composition and cleaned with it. problem areas. This method is suitable for removing grease stains and for regular wiping for preventive purposes.
  • Mustard. Either a natural product or its powder, diluted with water to form a paste, is suitable. Used as a gel product - applied to the contaminated area in a thin layer. After waiting for a few minutes, wash off with a damp sponge.
  • Hydrogen peroxide. Its 3% solution removes grease and old dirt, and also has an antibacterial and disinfectant effect.

Popular folk cleaners are vinegar and lemon acid– not recommended for glossy coatings.

Problematic means and methods

There are options for cleaning glossy surfaces, which must be used with caution. Despite their effectiveness, they can harm the shiny layer, and if handled improperly, they can completely ruin it.

  • Steam cleaning. Using steam generators you can remove complex stains, but their use is very risky for gloss. It is advisable to use only as a last resort when other means do not help. Not suitable for film coatings.
  • Alcohol-containing solutions. With a high concentration, you can bring the glossy layer to cloudiness. But even a small amount of alcohol or vodka in the cleaner leaves stains on a shiny surface. After use, careful polishing is required.

Before you decide to treat with steam or alcohol, you need to test their effect on a small, inconspicuous area of ​​the kitchen façade.

Daily care and prevention

To maintain the pleasant shine of glossy kitchen facades, it is necessary to prevent serious pollution on a surface. Any stains and greasy streaks that appear must be removed immediately, preventing them from penetrating into the shiny layer. But even if there are no visible traces of dirt, it is recommended to clean the entire façade with a damp cloth after cooking. It is also helpful to regularly wipe surfaces with a light soap solution.

But you need to take care of any glossy kitchen furniture, not only by keeping it clean. Other conditions that destroy delicate coatings must also be addressed. Place glossy cabinets and shelves away from kitchen stove hardly possible. But it’s worth placing them so that a direct line rarely falls on them. sunlight. It is useful to use blinds or curtains to protect against it.
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The glossy set in the kitchen looks very beautiful. But such furniture quickly becomes dirty: traces of water drops, hands and other unpleasant moments remain on the surfaces. Therefore, it needs to be looked after, and this has to be done with enviable frequency. Hence the frequently asked questions: how can you wash a glossy kitchen set, and what products are prohibited from using. In this article we will try to cover the question in detail.

Let's start with the fact that glossy facades are four materials that cover MFD or chipboard boards. These materials include: plastic, paint, PVC film and acrylic coating. Let's take a closer look at each material and determine the better the glossy surface is washed.

Plastic facades

Such facades belong to the category of budget kitchen decoration due to the fact that the basis of the facade is chipboards, which are covered on top with inexpensive plastic sheet. The gluing process itself is based on high blood pressure and high temperature. Some manufacturers offer this type of facades made from MDF. They are more expensive, but at the same time their performance characteristics increase.

Plastic is a fragile material, so scratches form on its surface even from a light touch with a sharp object. And plastic cannot be repaired. So such kitchen fronts should be treated with caution. No detergents with abrasive substances are used, only gels or liquids are used.

One of best options in this case, glass cleaning liquid. It is sprayed onto the glossy surface and immediately wiped with a rag, removing all dirt and traces. After that, you need to wipe it dry with a special cloth for glass, which is sold in a hardware store.

Some household detergents contain chlorine, acids and alkalis. Be careful with them, because plastic loses color under the influence of active substances. Therefore, it is recommended to apply the selected product in the corner of the facade or on the edge and see what happens to the glossy facade. If nothing has changed, then feel free to use it to wash your kitchen furniture.

PVC film

Another budget option. The technology for applying film to facades is quite simple. This is vacuum pressing under the influence of high temperature. Like a plastic façade, a film façade cannot be washed with products that contain abrasive substances. Also, you cannot use a large amount of water, because under its influence the film peels off from the base. This does not happen right away, but 10-12 cleaning operations, and glossy kitchen spoiled. You will have to re-glue the film, and this is another financial expense.

Painted facades

This is a more expensive version of a glossy kitchen set. It's all about the complex technology of applying paint and protective layers. In fact, this is a simple enamel painting, which is then covered with several layers of colorless varnish. This is where the gloss comes from. Appeared on their surface minor defects can be repaired. Although experts recommend treating even them with care, because deep scratches difficult to fix.

You can wash glossy painted kitchen facades in the same way as plastic ones. The main task is not to damage the surface of the glossy facade.

Acrylic facades

The most expensive option for glossy kitchen sets. Acrylic plastic is applied to the base by pressing using adhesive composition. It is easy to clean; the main thing is not to use gels or liquids with aggressive ingredients or abrasive particles. A cleaning agent is applied to the surface, dirt is removed, and then wiped dry.

There is one universal detergent that is used for all of the listed kitchen finishes. This is an aqueous solution laundry soap. It must be planed in warm water, stirred until a homogeneous composition, and applied to the glossy surface of the façade of the kitchen unit with a sponge or cloth. In places where complex dirt is present, you need to rub harder. In other areas, traces from water and hands are easily removed - there is no need to apply pressure on them. After this, moisture is removed from the facades with a dry cloth. And at the very end, you need to polish the gloss with a glass rag.

How to properly care for the gloss of your kitchen

Caring for a glossy kitchen includes not only proper washing of its facades. It is important to take precautions that will help increase the service life of facades:

  • Place furniture so that it is not exposed to direct sunlight. Under their influence, the color of the finish changes.
  • Try to use as little water as possible during the cleaning process. There is a possibility that the cladding will peel off from the base.
  • Do not use detergents that contain: alcohol, nitroglycerin, turpentine, acetone, solvents, synthetic resins and other aggressive substances.
  • Do not use a steam cleaner. Hot saturated steam- the cause of peeling of the finishing material.
  • Do not wash your glossy kitchen façade with polishing wax.
  • Use clean rags and sponges.
  • Wipe the facades every day after preparing food. Don't put off cleaning activities for too long.

Caring for glossy kitchen facades is not the most difficult process. The main thing is to take into account all the recommendations described above, although they are all just advice. No perfect solution How to care for glossy kitchen furniture. Therefore, every housewife is looking for her own option, which, in her opinion, is simple.

Modern detergents are also used for washing. But, as practice shows, not all housewives trust them. Moreover, there is a cheap but high-quality alternative in the form of laundry soap. Although with household drugs everything is simpler, and they are not so expensive. Shampoos are even used as a detergent; with their help, glossy kitchen facades are washed very well. So don't neglect them.

You can use special rags from the brand “ White cat" They already contain detergents that help get rid of simple stains. They just need to wipe the entire area of ​​the facades, leaving no uncleaned areas. The effect is guaranteed. These wipes are more expensive, but the difference in cleaning is noticeable.

What to wash and how to clean kitchen fronts MDF set

Often, the choice of materials for kitchen facades, as well as the type of their finishing, depends on one question, quite simple at first glance: how to clean the kitchen unit and how difficult it is to do it? This is why buyers are confused by white sets that look luxurious in the photo. And even more so, many doubt whether they will be the same in reality after several cleanings, whether the gloss applied to them will be scratched?

No matter how strong they are modern solutions, caring for them requires attention and accuracy, because most products designed to remove fat contain either abrasive substances or aggressive solvents. Both of them can lead to damage to the finishing layer of facades. Almost all materials can be scratched, even if the damage is not visible to the naked eye.

Aggressive components corrode film and paint on plastic MDF coating and glossy varnish, there are quite a lot of photo examples of such an effect on the Internet. To extend the life of kitchen furniture, namely its facades, you should carefully study the composition of the purchased detergents. But one can rather prefer simple ways care of the headset.

It is worth paying attention to gentle products especially if you have shiny white facades, on which any stains and scratches are more visible than on the surface of any other color.

The best remedy for dirt and grease on kitchen facades is regular maintenance

Regardless of finishing characteristics MDF facades, any of them cannot withstand frequent washing with aggressive preparations: the appearance deteriorates; Moisture and even more grease get into scratches and damage. As a result, the facades of the set lose their luster, gradually deteriorating and subsequently requiring repair or replacement.

Experienced housewives have long concluded that no the best remedy than regular dish detergent.

To wash the facades of kitchen furniture with dishwashing detergent, it should be diluted a little in water, obtaining enough foam for a soft surface treatment. This method is applicable to any coating, since it does not destroy the material or scratch it.

You can use the usual detergent for any kitchen quite often, so it is better to wash contaminated surfaces immediately after preparing food.

In order to clean furniture from frozen drops of grease, you first need to apply foam to the contaminated areas of the facades for a while, and then, preferably with the hard side of a new sponge, wash the kitchen. If the doors of the set are covered with gloss, then you should not put much effort into pressing the sponge on the surface - even it may leave barely noticeable scratches. But matte furniture should be washed just as carefully.

If the set is not washed for a long time at all, then the layer of dirt and grease will be difficult to remove using simple remedy. To care for kitchen furniture in this case, you will have to purchase a special household chemicals, but you need to choose pastes or gels whose composition is applicable to everyone specific type facades.

Most often, the difficulty is in maintaining a modular kitchen, since the space between the individual elements quickly becomes dirty. But the solution will be special linings at the joints, which will prevent grease and moisture from getting between the two adjacent parts of the modular set.

Universal gentle products for the care of kitchen furniture

Of course, you have to wash the kitchen regularly, so at all times housewives chose the most gentle means to ensure that the furniture served long time. During the existence of wooden modular and modern headsets many methods have been tried.

They tried to wash the previously common white sets with soda and mustard. Today, baking soda is not suitable for use on MDF cabinets as it is a fairly harsh abrasive. And you can make a paste from mustard to remove fat. To do this, mix mustard with water to obtain a paste. Apply the mixture to the stains and wash off after a while with warm water, without making any effort so as not to scratch the facades.

Among folk remedies There are other ways to care modular kitchen and regular headsets:

  • You can wash glossy white and any other facades with vodka or alcohol, diluting it 1:1 with water;
  • 1 tbsp. l. ammonia dilute in a liter of water and spray on contaminated surfaces, leave for a few minutes, and then wipe. But this product should be used carefully on glossy surfaces, because streaks may remain;
  • If you mix lemon zest (or its juice) with vinegar and a small amount of alcohol, you get effective remedy to remove grease, which will not harm even an inexpensive modular glossy kitchen. This composition can also be used to wash white surfaces.
As you can see in the photo, there are a lot of products, but many are very similar in composition.

Although any modular kitchen, not just a white glossy one, is somewhat difficult to maintain, the facades can be kept clean using regular or apple cider vinegar mixed with vodka. This solution can be used to regularly wipe surfaces, and dirt will not have time to accumulate on them. And the kitchen will shine like new.

For general cleaning, you can use the most effective means - a blow with hot steam. To do this, use both special steam cleaners and regular irons with vertical steam function.

We hope that our tips will be useful to you, and that your kitchen will be indistinguishable from new models from manufacturers’ photo catalogs!