Black mulberry. Black mulberry: characteristics of varieties, properties of berries and growing tips

The mulberry, also known as the mulberry, is a deciduous tree that is fruit-bearing, succulent, and has fleshy berries. The tree got its name because silkworms love its leaves, which, by the way, are their main food. Well, the wood of this tree is used in production musical instruments and wine barrels.

However, the most popular product of the tree are these same berries. They have a lot of useful properties and can help cope with many ailments, ranging from mild colds to heart defects. Read below to learn how to take advantage of all the beneficial properties of the plant.

Chemical composition

Mulberries are 85 percent water. They contain ash, fats, carbohydrates, and dietary fiber. The caloric value of the plant's berries is 50 calories per 100 grams.

These berries are unusually rich in all kinds of beneficial substances. Thus, the fruit contains vitamin A, B vitamins, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin K and the incredibly rare vitamin PP. As for useful minerals and trace elements, then in the berry you can find potassium, calcium, iron, sodium, phosphorus, manganese, selenium, zinc and other substances.

The berries of different types of mulberries differ slightly in composition. So, in black mulberry more iron and organic acids, while white has more carbohydrates.

Medicinal properties of mulberry

Due to its composition, mulberry has a number of beneficial properties. So, due to the high content of iron and B vitamins, it stimulates hemoglobin production and general hematopoietic function of the body. The berry also helps strengthening the heart and blood vessels, and it is often used in the treatment of atherosclerosis, arrhythmia, tachycardia and heart defects.

Do not forget about the choleretic, diuretic and mild laxative effects of the fruit. Moreover, if you use unripe berries, due to the abundance of tannins contained in them, you can achieve the opposite effect, which will undoubtedly be useful for diarrhea. In addition, mulberries stimulate the activity of the pancreas and stimulate digestion. Mulberries can also be used for bronchitis, acute respiratory infections and asthma. Fruits are also beneficial for brain activity and help with nervous tension, depression and insomnia.

In addition to berries, the bark of roots and leaves of the tree are used. The leaves of the tree are often used to combat diabetes, as well as prostatitis. In turn, the bark can lower blood pressure and speed up the recovery of damaged tissue.

Use in folk medicine

Considering the unique composition of mulberry and all its beneficial properties, traditional medicine simply could not ignore mulberry berries. Juices, syrups, decoctions, infusions, tinctures and even healing ointments are prepared from the plant. Moreover, not only berries are used, but also bark and even tree leaves. Below are several recipes from each part of the tree.

Fruit juice and syrup

Mulberry syrup or mulberry doshab is a national Caucasian dish. Tasty and incredibly healthy, this dish is an excellent immunomodulator, helps with bronchitis and other inflammatory diseases respiratory tract. In addition, this syrup stimulates the production of blood and red cells, and also helps with stress and nervous tension.

Preparation of syrup:

  1. We sort and wash the mulberries under running water;
  2. Pour the fruits into a saucepan and mash them so that they release juice and do not burn;
  3. Place the pan on low heat and cook the berries for half an hour;
  4. After thirty minutes, remove the pan from the heat and strain the juice through cheesecloth or a sieve;
  5. If you wanted to extract mulberry juice, you can stop at this step;
  6. In order to obtain the syrup, cook it over low heat until it has reduced to one third of its volume.

The classic version of this recipe does not involve the use of sugar, since the berries are quite sweet on their own. However, if you want to speed up the process, you can add a little sugar. With sugar, the resulting syrup does not have to be boiled for a long time. The main thing is not to overdo it with the amount of sugar, otherwise the syrup will turn out very cloying. You should never add more than half a kilogram of sugar per kilogram of mulberries.

Leaf decoction

A decoction of mulberry leaves is an effective expectorant and diuretic. In addition, it can be used to disinfect wounds and cuts, as well as to relieve swelling. You can prepare the decoction according to the following recipe:

  1. Collect, wash and thoroughly chop the leaves mulberry tree;
  2. Dry the leaves, then take a dessert spoon of the raw material and fill it with half a liter of water;
  3. Bring the water to a boil, then let the broth brew for half an hour;
  4. Strain the broth and consume it in the amount of fifty grams before meals;
  5. For disinfection and scarring of wounds, we use the decoction externally.

Bark decoction

Mulberry bark decoction is a traditional Chinese recipe. This medicine is used to treat diabetes, kidney failure and hypertension. In addition, it is useful for potency and increases sexual desire. The decoction is prepared as follows:

  1. Take three grams of dry and crushed mulberry roots;
  2. Pour a glass of boiling water over them and boil for twenty minutes over low heat;
  3. Next, you should let the broth brew for an hour and add the evaporated water;
  4. We take the decoction one-third of a glass three times a day.

Fruit infusion

An infusion of mulberry berries is a tasty and incredibly healthy remedy. It is often used to treat acute respiratory diseases and makes an excellent laxative. In addition, the infusion of the fruit is valued for its mild sedative effect. Recipe:

  1. Take four hundred grams of berries, wash them thoroughly and sort them
  2. Grind the fruits into a paste
  3. Add two cups of crushed mulberry leaves to the pulp and mix thoroughly
  4. Pour the mixture into a glass of boiling water
  5. Let the mixture sit for five hours.
  6. We take two to three spoons before meals.

Leaf infusion

An infusion of mulberry leaves has powerful expectorant and mucolytic properties and is indispensable in the treatment of acute respiratory diseases such as sore throat, bronchitis and even asthma. The remedy from the leaves also has antipyretic properties and a mild calming effect. To prepare the infusion, follow the following recipe:

  • Take a bunch of mulberry leaves, wash, chop and dry them;
  • Pour two tablespoons of dried and crushed raw materials into a liter of boiling water;
  • Cover the drink with a lid and let it brew for an hour;
  • We drink one glass of infusion, three times a day, half an hour before meals.

In addition, an infusion of leaves can be used as drops for conjunctivitis and as a rejuvenating compress for the skin around the eyes. You can also use this product to rinse your hair after washing or as a facial tonic.

Infusion of bark

Medicine from mulberry bark has a lot of beneficial properties and is incredibly effective remedy to thin the blood. In addition, the infusion helps with bronchitis, bronchial asthma and acute respiratory diseases. Below is a recipe for such an infusion:

  • Take 50 grams of dried bark;
  • Fill it with a liter cold water and insist for an hour;
  • After an hour, put the product on low heat and heat for fifteen minutes, without bringing to a boil;
  • Let the infusion cool, then strain;
  • We take one glass, three times a day, for five days. We repeat the course three times, with a break of three days.

Mulberry tincture is truly universal remedy and can cure many ailments. Thus, it normalizes metabolism, helps with intestinal diseases, and also cleanses the liver and kidneys of sand and toxins. In addition, tincture from mulberry fruits will help normalize sugar levels in diabetes, strengthen cardiovascular system and even help improve vision. It helps a lot with sore throats and can even remove worms. You can prepare this truly miraculous remedy by following the recipe:

  1. We take four hundred grams of berries, wash them thoroughly and sort them;
  2. Grind the fruits into a paste;
  3. Take a glass of water and add two hundred grams of sugar into it;
  4. Boil the sweet water until all the sugar has dissolved;
  5. Cool the resulting syrup and mix it with crushed berries;
  6. Add half a liter of vodka to the mixture and mix thoroughly;
  7. Pour into a suitable glass container and seal it tightly;
  8. Place the bottle with the future tincture in a dark, cool place. Once every few days you should shake the contents of the bottle so that the beneficial substances are more evenly distributed in the mixture;
  9. In a month the tincture will be ready for use.

The resulting tincture has a spicy aroma and taste and is not very strong, about 30 degrees. This drink can be stored for three years.


Mulberry ointment is an excellent remedy for treating all kinds of diseases and skin damage. It is able to cope with not too severe burns and suppuration, and also significantly increases the speed of regeneration from cuts. As for skin diseases, such an ointment is often used for dermatitis and eczema.

You can prepare mulberry ointment according to the following recipe:

  1. Take dried mulberry roots and grind them in a coffee grinder;
  2. Pour two tablespoons of the resulting raw material vegetable oil in the amount of 100 milliliters;
  3. Mix the mixture thoroughly until it becomes homogeneous;
  4. Let the mixture sit in the refrigerator overnight;
  5. We treat the affected areas of the skin 4-5 times a day.

Use during pregnancy

Mulberries are an excellent source of nutrients for pregnant women. Moreover, due to its composition, mulberry has a very beneficial effect on the growth and development of the fetus. However, despite all their beneficial properties, you should not overuse berries. This is primarily due to the diuretic properties of the plant. And increased urination, as is known, puts a strain on the kidneys, which is extremely undesirable during pregnancy. The daily norm of this berry is about 300 grams.

It is also important to note that the fruits must be well processed before consumption to avoid infection. It is best to pour boiling water over them before eating. Also, it is advisable to consume only fresh berries raw. If they sit in the refrigerator for at least one day, they will lose most its beneficial properties. It would be best to cook compote from them, or use one of the recipes indicated in this article.

Pregnant women should never eat unripe fruits. This can lead to upset, bloating, constipation and even poisoning.


Fortunately, mulberry and preparations based on it have almost no contraindications. Only people with individual intolerance to the components of the berry and a tendency to allergies should beware of it. The berry is a fairly powerful allergen. However, this does not mean that you can just sit down and eat a bucket of berries. Sweet and juicy berries are a natural laxative and can cause serious stomach upset. Especially if you take them on an empty stomach or drink them cold water.

Diabetics and hypertensive patients need to monitor the amount of berries consumed. When you overeat mulberries, your blood sugar rises very sharply and your blood pressure increases. Welcome preliminary consultation consult your doctor before consuming the berry and drugs based on it.

Black mulberry belongs to the trees of the Mulberry family, its foliage is simple oval in shape with jagged edges, and its berries are very fleshy and dark in color. The plant is quite common, and you can see it in different territories, from the Kuril Islands to European countries. Persia is considered its homeland, where this tree with sweet and useful fruits was distributed to the countries of Asia, America, and Europe.

By the way, in Europe, two types of mulberry are most often cultivated: black and white. The latter is grown to feed silkworms.

Black mulberry tree: description of leaves, berries and wood

Black mulberry has leaves that are coarser than its “relative”. The fruits of this tree are indispensable in cooking. Wood is also used, which has high elasticity and strength. It is used in different types carpentry, as well as for the production of musical instruments.

According to some external characteristics Black mulberry differs significantly in its description from its “white” counterparts:

  • the color of the bark and young shoots is much darker;
  • the foliage is larger and tougher.

The mulberry tree is quite large and can grow up to 15 m in height, but when correct pruning it is possible to maintain a neat shape or even give it the appearance of a coppice bush.

In the first years, the development of the plant is active, but gradually slows down.

The color is very small and barely noticeable among the dense foliage of the tree; pollination occurs with the help of the wind. The berries of black mulberry, depending on the variety, can be quite large. They are dark, complex in shape, reminiscent of the structure of raspberries or blackberries. The berry is sweet, fleshy and juicy, and has very small seeds. Ripening occurs unevenly, so harvesting can be done from June until August.

Even though warm Persia is considered the plant’s birthplace, black mulberry also grows in the Moscow region, where the climate is quite harsh. The tree withstands frost and produces good yields. The plant can easily tolerate long-term drought, is not too demanding on soils and can grow quickly even in saline soils. Often, plantings of these trees can be found in rather harsh regional zones of Russia, where winter frosts can reach -30 degrees. New varieties that were bred by breeders acquired such resistance. Therefore, many varieties, including those described below, of black mulberry planted in the Moscow region do not require a specific approach to cultivation and care.

Description of black mulberry varieties and their characteristics

Breeders have developed many varieties of black mulberry. Below are the main characteristics of some varieties common in the middle regions that produce high yields, with a description of their characteristics.

Plodovaya-4 – this variety is different small in size crowns, but at the same time high productivity. The berries are large - up to 4 cm in length, black in color, sweet in taste, but have light refreshing notes. The fruits are quite elastic, so they are resistant to transportation over long distances.

Black mulberry with the variety name Black Baroness was obtained as a result of the work of domestic breeders. The berries are distinguished by their large sizes and sweet taste, when ripe they become almost black in color. The peak of fruit harvesting occurs in July, and up to 100 kg of harvest can be harvested from one tree. Black Baroness tolerates severe frosts and takes root in any soil.

Shelly is known by many gardeners as one of the most productive and at the same time good decorative mulberry varieties. It bears fruits up to 5.5 cm in length, and peak yield occurs at the end of July. The berry is characterized by a dense consistency and retains for a long time fresh look after harvest.

The mulberry tree of the Black Prince variety produces large, glossy dark berries reaching 5 cm in length. It has many advantages, which include both ease of care and high yields. Able to withstand prolonged drought, not susceptible low temperatures, rarely succumbs to disease. The fruits are quite elastic and can withstand transportation.

Khargut begins to bear fruit in the third year, the berries are very large, reaching 5.5 cm in length, fleshy and black. The taste of the fruit juice is reminiscent of Cahors wine. This black mulberry, based on the description of this variety, is ideal for winemaking. The plant is quite resistant to diseases and unfavorable growing conditions.

Many varieties of black mulberry are grown specifically for harvesting. good harvests berries, but there are also those that are used as ornamental plants. These include weeping mulberry, pyramidal mulberry, spherical mulberry, golden mulberry, Tatarian mulberry, etc.

Look at the black mulberry decorative varieties in the photo: with the correct formation of the crown you can get very interesting and unusual trees:

Photo gallery

The choice of variety largely depends on what exactly you want to get from the mulberries on your site: aesthetic beauty or a good harvest.

Principles of mulberry care

If you decide to plant black mulberry on a site, the cultivation of which does not require significant investments or knowledge in gardening, then remember the basic simple principles of caring for it:

Even though many varieties of this plant are not very demanding on watering and can withstand long droughts, watering is still necessary, especially in the first half of summer. Timely moistening of the soil from April to July with the addition of mineral and organic fertilizers will help the tree gain strength, give a good juicy harvest and withstand severe frosts.

An adult mulberry tree of some varieties can be very tall and bulky, so in order for the plant not only to produce a rich harvest, but also to look aesthetically beautiful on your site, it is necessary to carry out sanitary and decorative pruning in early spring. If you want to get a tree no higher than 2 m, then the formation takes place with a trunk of 0.5-1.5 m.

This is the main thing that should be followed when planting black mulberry and caring for it when growing trees. Most often, shoots or green cuttings from an adult tree are taken for planting on a site. This method gives a very high survival rate, while maintaining all the characteristics of the mother variety.

Among the usual garden crops in many areas you can find black mulberry - useful plant with tasty and juicy fruits. It is this type of plant that enjoys well-deserved popularity among gardeners, since the tree has high decorative qualities, and the berries stand out for their sweetness and unique chemical composition.

Varieties and their descriptions

As for the classification of the Tutov genus, to which the mulberry belongs, this moment There are more than two hundred types of crops, but about 17 varieties are more popular for cultivation in private gardens, including black mulberry. And this plant has several dozen varieties that are grown all over the world. Iran is considered the birthplace of the black mulberry, where the fruits of the tree were actively consumed.

The berries are notable for their high taste characteristics, which, as practice shows, are several times superior to the similar qualities of white mulberry fruits. Since the south is considered the homeland of mulberries, the plant is a heat-loving crop, however, among the wide selection of varieties, there are many frost-resistant ones.

As for the transportability of the crop, not all fruits of the plant have very good keeping quality, which is why they cannot withstand transportation over long distances.

Among the most popular varieties of black berries, the following crops should be highlighted.

  • "Black Prince". The plant is self-fertile and resistant to frost; in addition, the berries of this variety stand out from other representatives due to their satisfactory keeping quality, which makes it possible to transport useful black mulberries for subsequent sale in other regions. The culture is quite unpretentious in terms of care, drought-resistant, ripe berries have a honey aftertaste.
  • "Ukrainian-6". Harvest This variety of black mulberry can also be transported. This plant valued by gardeners not only for taste qualities berries, but also thanks decorative features culture.
  • Mulberry "Istanbul". This variety belongs to the large-fruited species; in addition, the tree itself in adulthood can reach a height of 5-7 meters. The crop acquires the ability to bear fruit only 3-4 years after planting; mulberries tolerate low temperatures well, so the variety is often cultivated in the Moscow region.
  • "Black Baroness". The crop is distinguished by its early fruiting and large berries; the size of the fruits can reach 4 centimeters; the appearance of the berries is very similar to blackberries. The plant is undemanding in terms of care and tolerates drought well.

"Black Prince"

"Black Baroness"

  • "Hartut". Popular variety black mulberry, used for country garden plantings. Ripe berries can grow up to 5 centimeters in length. The harvest is often used for processing into juices.
  • "Shelley #150." The crop was bred by a Ukrainian breeder; the berries of this plant are very large and tasty. In addition, plants of this variety are distinguished by fairly high yields. In some cases, a leaf from the “Shelley No. 150” mulberry can grow up to half a meter.
  • "Plodovaya-4". The plant bears fruit with berries, the size of which is about 4-5 centimeters; the tree itself, as a rule, grows to a height of five meters. Mulberry tolerates negative temperatures air, is very often used for industrial cultivation even in the regions of Siberia.
  • "Galicia-1". The culture is the result of the work of Ukrainian breeders. The popularity of the variety is due to the very large berries that the tree bears, usually their size is about 7-8 centimeters. In addition, the taste of the fruit has an amazing berry freshness.
  • "Ostryakovskaya". It bears fruit with large berries, the variety is a winter-hardy crop, the yield is stable, the fruits have minimal sourness in taste. The plant reaches 6 meters in height.

"Shelley #150"


Difference from white

Despite the fact that white and black mulberries belong to the same family, the cultures have a number of fundamental differences.

  • First of all, this concerns external differences that relate to the color of the bark and shoots of the tree. In the black species, the color of the trunk and branches will be much richer and darker.
  • The foliage of the black variety is larger and tougher.
  • Adult crops can reach a height of fifteen meters.
  • It is noteworthy that black mulberry tends to develop rapidly in the first years after rooting, however, over time, growth stops.
  • Dark mulberry blooms with inconspicuous inflorescences, which are barely noticeable in the thick green mass.
  • The ripening of black berries is quite extended over time, so the harvest lasts from June to August.
  • Black berries have found application not only in Food Industry, but also as a natural dye. Vinegar and sugar are obtained from the fruits.
  • Mulberries can be used to prepare soft and alcoholic drinks; unlike white berries, the fruits give the drink a very beautiful color.

Beneficial properties and harm

The main advantage of mulberry is its chemical composition; the presence of a large amount of potassium is considered particularly outstanding, which is important when there is a deficiency of this microelement. As for the presence of vitamins, black mulberry contains:

Among the available microelements one can note manganese, iron and zinc, as well as a group of macroelements, which include calcium, sodium and phosphorus, which is important when there is a deficiency of important substances in the body. At the expense of the rich chemical composition The berries are considered to be medicinal, so their use is indicated for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Unripe fruits, which have astringent properties, will help get rid of heartburn, and ripe mulberries act as a natural antioxidant and mild diuretic. Berries that are overripe folk medicine used as a laxative.

Black mulberry is indicated for consumption during the recovery period after undergoing surgical interventions or great physical stress. Due to the presence of B vitamins in the complex, the berry is indicated for normalizing work nervous system, which has a beneficial effect on the quality of sleep and the ability to withstand stressful situations. Micro- and macroelements normalize hematopoiesis and also increase hemoglobin levels.

Due to its low-calorie composition, mulberry is recommended for inclusion in the diet menu - one hundred grams of fresh product contains no more than 52 kcal.

It has been found that regular consumption of mulberries helps reduce swelling and normalize the functioning of the heart muscle and kidneys. Black mulberry bark is used in folk medicine as an anthelmintic, and a decoction of the root of the culture is indicated in the treatment of wet cough.

The juice of fresh fruits of the plant treats gastritis and peptic ulcers. oral cavity, for example, stomatitis. In addition, complex compositions based on mulberry bark are used for compresses in the treatment of skin ailments, as well as burns and ulcers. However, the benefits of berries may in some cases be completely reverse effect for the human body. This applies to situations where low-quality fruits that were grown in unfavorable environmental conditions are used for food.

You should also refrain from drinking mulberry juice together with other berry drinks, since such a composition can cause fermentation processes in the gastrointestinal tract. Unfortunately, in some cases, fruits can cause allergic reactions, so introduction to berries should be gradual. There are a number of restrictions regarding the consumption of mulberries in hot weather by people who suffer from hypertension, since the fruits can cause an increase in blood pressure. Due to the presence of sugars, of which ripe mulberries contain about 20%, this berry is contraindicated for diabetics.


Since most mulberry varieties are dioecious plants, rooting berry tree in the garden should be done in pairs so that trees with female and male flowers. But among the available varieties of black mulberry there are also self-fertile species that pollinate well naturally.

The plant quickly adapts to the planting site; in addition, several varieties of berries can be grown on one tree at once. In nature there are trees whose height reaches 30-35 meters, but in private planting conditions such crops are unlikely to be appropriate, so crown formation is mandatory. The tree usually lives about two to three hundred years, and begins to bear fruit 3-5 years after rooting.

To obtain a stable and tasty harvest, mulberries should be planted in appropriate soil. For such a crop, loose loam or sandy loam soil is preferable. In sandy soil, mulberry will form additional roots for a more reliable anchorage; the crop develops well in saline soil. Experienced gardeners It is recommended to plant young seedlings in early spring or autumn. At the beginning of the year, it is better to root the trees in April; if the plant is planted in the fall, then it is better to plan the work for the end of September or October.

Before planting a mulberry tree, it is necessary to properly prepare holes for rooting; it is better to carry out this work in advance so that the earth can stand. The optimal depth of the hole will be 70-80 centimeters, however, in terms of size, you should rely on the size of the root system of the seedling. The bottom of the hole needs to be fertilized with complex mineral composition, which will increase the likelihood of rapid adaptation of the plant in the garden. The technology for planting mulberries is no different from similar work with other garden crops– the seedling is located in the middle of the hole, straightens root system, after which the plant is covered with earth.

However, the young culture needs additional strengthening, so it is necessary to place a peg in the hole for subsequent garter. For cultivating mulberries in own garden planting material can be grown with your own hands or purchased at a specialized nursery. Reproduction of a mulberry tree is possible in two ways - by cuttings or by seed method. The last option is quite time-consuming, since the gardener’s first priority is to undergo mandatory stratification with the planting material. After which the hardened seeds are sown in a greenhouse with the arrival of spring. Rooted in open ground perhaps only in a few years.

Cuttings take root in only 15-20% of cases; fifteen-centimeter shoots are selected to obtain the material, after which all foliage is removed from them, and the branches themselves are kept in water for about 10 hours. The next step is a recess planting material in a special soil mixture, constantly maintaining 95% air humidity and temperatures in the range of +23 +30 C.

Mulberry fruits, shaped like blackberries, are extremely useful and are used as a natural antiseptic.

Mulberry in medicine: benefits and contraindications of fruits

Mulberry- a genus of deciduous trees of the mulberry family. In culture for more than 3000 years. People breed them for their leaves - the main food of silkworms and how fruit crop. There are about 10 species in the genus, but three are most often used. The berries are a cluster of juicy grains with skin, pulp and small grains.

There are many types, shapes and varieties, among which black, white and red mulberries stand out for their fruits. All species are fast-growing deciduous dioecious plants, distinguished by a variety of leaf shapes, which, even on one branch, can be three-, five-fingered or whole heart-shaped.

All parts of the mulberry tree contain milky sap, which is released when the plant tissue is injured. The fruits resemble berries or, in some cases, contain seeds, in others they are seedless.

As you can see in the photo, mulberry berries have the shape of drupes and reach 2-3 cm:

The fruits are juicy, sweet, have pleasant aroma. The first fruits begin to ripen in mid-July. The main ripening period occurs at the end of July - beginning of August.

The first to use mulberry in medicine was the medieval Persian scientist, physician and philosopher Abu Ali ibn Sina - Avicenna, who was one of the first to draw attention to the benefits of using this plant.

All parts of the tree are used for treatment - roots, bark, leaves and fruits. This plant is an excellent natural antiseptic and can be used as an anti-inflammatory, expectorant, diuretic, diaphoretic, and astringent.

It is used in the production of sugar, citric acid and vinegar. In folk medicine it is unique plant can bring tangible benefits in the treatment of many diseases. The berries, when fully ripe, are an excellent laxative and are suitable for constipation. Green fruits are used for diarrhea. Juice, diluted boiled water, used for rinsing the mouth for throat diseases. An infusion of mulberry bark and berries is effective for acute respiratory infections, bronchitis, and bronchial asthma.

As a diuretic, decoctions of the bark and roots are used for hypertension. The leaves are infused and taken in infusions for fever to reduce the temperature. It is recommended to consume berries in large quantities with heart disease and myocardial dystrophy. A healing powder is made from the bark; if it is mixed with oil, you get a remedy for healing wounds, cuts, and ulcers. This ointment quickly eliminates bruises.

Eating it helps in the treatment of prostatitis and impotence, with uterine bleeding and to alleviate menopausal syndrome.

The main contraindication for mulberries is individual intolerance. Excessive consumption of this berry can cause side effects. digestive system. In addition, people suffering from diabetes or hypertension should consult a doctor before consuming berries.

Black and white mulberry: photo and description

There are about 24 species of mulberries native to Eastern and South-East Asia, on the Sunda Islands, in India, in the southern part North America, partly in Africa and southern Europe. There are 2 common types of mulberries in culture - white and black mulberries.

They are grown for their fruits and leaves for feeding silkworms. To feed the silkworm, white, silkworm and multi-stemmed mulberries are cultivated, and black mulberries are also cultivated to produce fruits.

White mulberry can have not only white, but also pink, yellow and even black fruits - this variety got its name thanks to light color tree bark.

White mulberry is native to Asia Minor and East Asia. This is a fast-growing, tall, long-lived tree with a dense spherical or spreading crown. The leaves on one tree grow in various configurations; in summer they are dark green and yellow in autumn. The berries of this type of mulberry deserve a special description - they have a surprisingly sugary taste.

It is unpretentious to soil and growing conditions - it grows successfully in city conditions, and its long roots help stabilize slopes and ravines. At a young age, it easily tolerates transplantation. This species can withstand significant frosts (up to -30 degrees), and when young branches freeze after pruning, they quickly grow back and restore fruiting.

Grown by gardeners and how ornamental plant: there are many garden forms with a weeping, pyramidal, spherical, multi-stemmed, dwarf crown and a variety of leaves. Decorative forms are propagated by grafting and vegetative methods.

Pay attention to the photo - white mulberry is used for single, group planting and for creating a dense hedge, as it tolerates regular trimming well.

Black mulberry originally from Iran and Afghanistan. In nature and in hot countries, it is a large tree up to 15 m high. The wide spreading crown is covered large leaves. The shiny black fruits are very juicy and tasty, sweet and sour.

Summer green deciduous tree with a low, very wide and spreading crown. The tree is usually much larger in width than in height. The trunk is often twisted, curved or crooked. The bark is dark brown or orange-brown, fissured. The leaves are 7-18 cm long and about 8 cm wide, broadly oval and heart-shaped, with a short slender apex, deeply notched at the base, irregularly crenate, serrate-crenate or slightly lobed along the edges; on the upper side they are rough, pubescent, light green to bright green, on the lower side they are light green, with soft pubescence.

The plant is monoecious. Men's earrings are short and thick, pale green. Female inflorescences are even shorter. Fruits do not develop from carpels, but from elements of the floral integument. Blooms in May-June.

Below are descriptions of black and white mulberry varieties.

Black Baroness. Deciduous dioecious tree with a moderately dense spherical crown. The flowers are dioecious, collected in spikes. The leaves are simple, 3-5 lobed or entire. The fruit is a large one-dimensional edible, juicy, sugary complex drupe of thick black color. The taste is very sweet and pleasant, almost without acid. The aroma is insignificant. Fruiting is abundant and regular, the berries ripen in June-July. Productivity is high. Transportability of berries is satisfactory. The shelf life of fresh berries without spoilage is 6-12 hours. The variety is unpretentious to soil and living conditions. Withstands frosts of -30°C and above.

Dark-skinned girl- a variety of white mulberry. A large deciduous tree with a dense spreading crown. Productivity is high. The fruits are almost black, up to 3.5 cm in length and 1.2 cm in diameter, juicy, sweet, ripen in June-July. Transportability is good. When describing this variety of mulberry, it is especially worth noting the frost resistance, drought resistance and unpretentiousness of the trees.

Black mulberry Istanbul. One of the most large-fruited varieties mulberries. The tree is tall, up to 7 m high. The crown is dense, spherical. It begins to bear fruit in the 4th year.

Look at the photo - this black mulberry has small flowers, collected in spike-shaped inflorescences:

Leaves are ovoid. Blooms at the end of April. Ripe fruits almost black in color, large 3 cm in length. The ripening period is long from the second ten days of July to August - the third ten days.

Unpretentious to soil and living conditions. Withstands frosts down to -30°C

Planting and caring for mulberries in spring and autumn

The plant is easy to grow, its unpretentiousness allows it to be planted on any soil. The plant loves moderate watering and mulching of the soil. The tree tolerates pruning well, which results in the crown becoming denser and more spherical in shape. In winter, no shelter is required - it can withstand frost well. In summer it can easily withstand drought. Propagated by cuttings, seeds or separating offspring from the mother plant.

There are two main planting methods: seedlings and seeds.

For planting and subsequent care of mulberries, use sunny place, the soil should be loose to make it easier to make furrows. These furrows need to be well watered; it is advisable to add fertilizer for fruit and berry crops to the water.

Sow seeds as rarely as possible - this will make it easier to plant the seedlings. It is necessary to sow the seeds at a depth of 3–5 cm; after sowing, water them thoroughly and mulch them so that the soil does not dry out. When planting in the fall, take care of insulation so that the seeds do not freeze.

After the seedlings sprout, they need to be watered and weeded periodically. Seedlings can be fed with fertilizers to better growth. At proper care Mulberry seedlings will be strong and large by autumn. They will need to be seated - the distance should be from 3 to 5 meters.

Seedlings should be planted in early spring in the sunniest place. After digging a hole, add compost or nutrient soil to it, pour in plenty of water with fertilizer diluted in it for better rooting of seedlings, and cover with soil. Water and mulch the soil around the seedling again.

Caring for mulberries in spring, summer and autumn consists of weeding and watering. Seedlings can also be planted in the fall, but this must be done a month and a half before frost. To prevent the tree from growing too large and looking well-groomed, its crown must be periodically trimmed and shaped.

Pruning mulberry trees (with video)

Mulberries should be pruned only during the period of complete dormancy from early to mid-winter. In older trees, however, intensive sap flow may already occur at this time; A red-hot poker is traditionally used to cauterize wounds.

Prune old trees only when necessary - remove infected and damaged branches in the summer. Juice is also released through wounds in the roots; do not cut them off when planting.

Later, pruning of a properly formed tree can be kept to an absolute minimum.

U young tree clear branches from the trunk to a height of 1.5 m so that the spreading branches of an adult plant do not fall to the ground.

Unwanted shoots on the developing trunk are shortened in the first year, and completely removed in the second year.

To form structurally durable wood try to keep the main shoot to a height of about 6 m, if necessary tie it up and remove competing leaders, otherwise allow the crown to develop naturally.

To make harvesting easier, low-growing compact trees can be formed.

Trim the apical shoot directly above the top 3-4 powerful side shoots, at a height of 1-1.5 meters. Form a skeleton of 8-10 branches, like a low-standard apple tree.

Then allow the crown to develop naturally, keeping pruning to a minimum. Unwanted shoots must be quickly plucked or trimmed.

Young trees are easy to form. Seedlings slowly form side shoots, so pruning them to clean the trunk may only be necessary after 3-4 years, as with some ornamental standard trees.

Once the trunk is formed, allow the crown to develop naturally or, to form a more compact tree, prune the top and upper side branches, like a low-bole tree, this year and next.

Watch the mulberry pruning video to better understand how this procedure is performed:

Mulberry grafting rules

If for some reason the plant produces low-quality fruits, or you want to grow several varieties on one tree at once, then the grafting procedure will help you.

The first step is to ensure that the cuttings are prepared in advance. Annual shoots are cut from the upper part of the crown of the fruit tree from the well-lit side in early spring or at the end of winter, when there are no longer severe frosts. Store them in a damp, cool place, wrapped in a damp cloth. It is very important that the cuttings are prepared correctly and are not frozen.

Most often, mulberry grafting is done in the spring, in early or mid-April. The period of spring grafting begins with the beginning of bud break on the tree and lasts until the end of flowering. At this time, the circulation of sap in the tree trunk reaches its peak, which means there is a high probability of fusion of the scion and rootstock.

Vaccination in the summer is also welcome; it can be repeated after an unsuccessful procedure in the spring. For summer grafting by budding, shoots of the current year are used, rather than prepared in advance. To do this, you should choose vegetative shoots: elongated, fruitful and with large leaves. It is also important that the buds on them are well developed.

It is very important to follow the rules for mulberry grafting:

  • The work must be done with clean and well-sharpened tools to ensure high-quality cuts the first time.
  • The cut areas quickly oxidize, so the work must be done quickly enough.
  • After the procedure, the wounds must be treated with a special putty - garden varnish or oil paint.

Mulberries in the open

If you look at this tree from afar, in the same perspective as in the photograph above, then you can hardly say that it is fruit-bearing, much less berry-bearing. The photo shows a black - fruit tree from the mulberry family.

This type of mulberry is the closest relative of the famous “silk tree” white mulberry. Differences between species in the taste of berries and leaves. The berries are tastier and more aromatic, which is very pleasant for people, and the leaves are more tender and softer in white mulberry varieties, which is more to the liking of the silkworm.

Biological characteristics of the plant

Black mulberry is a tall deciduous tree. IN warm conditions In the Russian South, it can grow to a height of over 30 meters, so in culture its growth must be regulated by timely shortening pruning.

The leaves of black mulberry are very large, up to twenty-five centimeters in length and fifteen in diameter.

Comparative size of mulberry leaf

The fruit of the mulberry is a multi-drupe berry, reaching a length of three, and in some varieties, more than four centimeters. On next photo Black mulberry berries are shown against the background of a centimeter ruler, so you can really estimate their size. Berries ripen unevenly depending on the amount they receive sunlight from June to August. Planting mulberry plants in different parts garden, you can subsequently enjoy the taste of berries almost all summer long.

The berries are eaten fresh, dried, and prepared into compotes, jams, jelly and other homemade sweet preparations. Mulberry fruits are also used as food coloring. It must be said that the calorie content of black mulberry is low, only 43 kilocalories per hundred grams of berries.

Sizes of black mulberries

An interesting feature of the plants is the presence of three types of flowers. On one tree there are both separate male and female, and bisexual flowers.

Health tree

Let's move on to the story about the benefits of black mulberry. It turns out that all parts of the plant are used for medicinal purposes.


Medicinal properties Black mulberry berries differ depending on their degree of ripeness. In their unripe form, mulberries are an excellent astringent, which allows them to be used for diarrhea, and when overripe, they are already used for constipation. Ripe fruits are a diuretic used for renal edema. Mulberry berries also help with some diseases of the genital area in both men and women.


Decoctions of fresh leaves are used as an antipyretic and analgesic. In addition, fresh leaf juice is an excellent quencher. toothache. Beneficial features black mulberry leaves are also recognized by official medicine; preparations from them are prescribed for diabetes mellitus in its initial stage.

If you want to have soft and silky hair, then a decoction of mulberry leaves will help you with this.


A decoction of mulberry roots is used for bronchial asthma and cold coughs; it is useful for hypertension and other diseases of the heart muscle. Fresh mulberry root juice is used to treat worms.


The bark of small twigs is used for kidney diseases. Mulberry bark powder is used to treat wounds and burns.

Mulberry varieties

When talking about varieties of black or white mulberries, you need to remember that the differences between the species lie not in the color of the berries, but in the color of the bark of mature trees; in the black variety it is darker. Meanwhile, it may have black berries, but varieties of black mulberry that would bear light fruits have not yet been developed.

Black Prince

A variety with pronounced large shiny black berries that reach a size of five (!) centimeters. Mulberry variety “Black Prince” is undemanding to growing conditions; it tolerates both summer heat and winter cold equally well. This mulberry variety is recommended for cultivation in risky farming areas, including Siberia and the Moscow region.


Very productive variety with purple-black large tasty sweet and sour berries, up to five centimeters in size. The tree of the “Nadezhda” variety blooms in May, and fruiting begins in July. The variety is winter-hardy and drought-resistant. The first fruiting of self-fertile black mulberry occurs already in the second year of cultivation. “Nadezhda” grows up to ten meters in height.

Large berries "Nadezhda"

Shelley #150

The variety is distinguished by the size of not only its berries, which reach five and a half centimeters, but also its leaves. The sheet "Shelley No. 150" reaches half a meter in length. Interestingly, the variety was bred from a random seedling by breeder Prokazin. In terms of large-fruitedness, it surpasses all varieties cultivated in the post-Soviet space.

Berries "Shelley No. 150"

Black mulberry propagation

Sapling of the variety “Black Prince”

Mulberry trees should be planted at a distance of at least six meters from each other or other large plants, such as apple or pear. Planting is done either in the spring before the buds open, or in the fall a month before the onset of frost, so that the seedling has time to take root before winter.

Another feature of planting black mulberry is its unpretentiousness to growing conditions, including soil conditions. That is, there is no need to add nutrients specifically when planting.

Advice! If manure, compost or other additional nutrition is added to the mulberry planting hole, the tree may become fatty and poorly prepared for winter.


When growing mulberries, all the most important activities must be carried out in the first seasons after planting. At this time, watering is carried out during dry periods, and most importantly, formative pruning. Depends on her future view your tree. If you do not trim the mulberry on time, it can reach the height of a three-story house, which will further lead to inconvenience in handling the tree. And in conditions middle zone In Russia and Siberia, this, among other things, can lead to freezing of branches.

You should start feeding the tree only from the third year of cultivation, and then only if external manifestations of deficiency are visible. nutrients. Excessive fertilization reduces fertility and frost resistance and leads to rapid vegetative growth.

Berry picking

The collection of mulberry berries is carried out by shaking, after laying some fabric or non-woven material. This process is very well demonstrated in the video presented.