Datura plant. Luxury and poison: how to plant and care for datura (datura)

It's high herbaceous plant, similar to a bush - strong, stable with thick dark leaves and fragrant flowers in the form of complex original funnels, has bright look and a memorable name - Datura, the Latin name Datura (datura).

All nations call it devilish, witchcraft and magical because of its intoxicating aroma, ability to cause hallucinations and strong toxicity.

Datura grass - photo and botanical description

Datura belongs to the nightshade family. It can be either annual or perennial. Grows up to one and a half meters.

The stem is hollow inside, dense and erect, forked-branched. Often has a mild degree of woodiness.

The root is taproot and has many branches. Perennials are very large and voluminous. In annuals it is often woody to support a heavy bush.

The leaves are bright green in color, alternate, on cuttings. They often have an odor that many describe as unpleasant.

Flowers are from 5 to 25 cm, look up, have the appearance of bells. They bloom in nature for 1-2 days; in cultivated species, flowering has been extended to 2-4 days. The color is different - white, purple, red, cream. They are pollinated by nocturnal insects or independently. The smell is not strong, pleasant, smells at dusk and at night. Flowering is abundant due to the large number of flowers on the bush, lasting from early summer until winter.

The fruit is a capsule with 4 valves. Large spikes are located on the surface. Seeds are black, brown. During the season, one datura flower can produce about 50 thousand seeds. This helps Datura have a large range and easily capture new territories.

All types of datura contain alaloids, which is why they are cultivated in industrial scale. The content of alkaloid substances in the plant increases almost 3 times as living conditions improve.

The flower is widespread throughout the world - grows in the tropics and subtropics. It is believed that man, through his activities and movements, spread Datura throughout the world. On almost every continent there is a species of Datura that is characteristic of this area, so debate about the homeland of Datura continues.

IN folk descriptions Datura herb is called “mad potion”, since all parts of the plant are poisonous. Since ancient times, it has been used to eliminate enemies and rivals.

Poisoning with datura alkaloids leads to excessive stimulation of the nervous system with increased heart rate, overexcitement, meaningless laughter and pathological activity. They are replaced by apathy, hallucinations, and delusions. During sleep, vivid visions continue, often of a sexual nature.

Waking up is accompanied by a hangover and the inability to remember what happened the day before.

In case of poisoning, you should drink a lot, take sorbents, and it would be a good idea to consult a doctor.

“Devil's grass,” as Castaneda called the flower, is widely used in religious and mystical cults around the world to induce trance and zombie.

Consequences and symptoms of poisoning with Datura seeds, photo:

Types and varieties

Despite its toxicity, the plant is widely cultivated. It is grown on summer cottages and in flower beds. There are many varieties of datura that have a delicate and pleasant aroma.

In warm countries around the world, Datura is widespread as a weed, everywhere.


Datura (Datura stramonium) - in Russia it grows on soft soils along roads in the southeast, including the Saratov and Volgograd regions. Loves moisture good conditions reaches 1.5 meters. Flowering is observed in June-August.

Indian datura (Datura metel) appeared in the north of India; now this species has spread to wildlife South America and throughout Asia. The plant is widely grown commercially due to its high alkaloid content. The leaves contain large amounts of atropine. The main producers are African countries and India.

The bushes reach 5 meters. Perennial plants live no more than 3 years. The panicle has flowers of yellow, purple and white.

Indian (Datura innóxia) - grows in America - Central and South. Very similar to Indian. It has gray fibers on the leaves and stem, which is why the whole plant looks grayish. Flowers begin to droop after full bloom. Blooms until late winter.

Other types of dope:

  • Datura ceratocaula;
  • Datura ferox;
  • Datura wrightii.

Used for growing in gardens and flower beds different types daturas. Despite short term flowering, bushes remain for a long time beautiful thanks a large number buds blooming one by one.

The following varieties of datura are cultivated:

  • Datura stramonium f. inermis;
  • Datura metel Fastuosa;
  • Datura Tatul;
  • Datura metel Atrocarmina;
  • Datura metel var rubra form rubra.

Popular varieties in domestic stores are called:

  • White knight;
  • Yellow Knight;
  • Terry giant;
  • Ballerina yellow;
  • Lilac terry;
  • Terry ballerina.

Datura varieties Troubadour and Medea (see photo) are not so whimsical, are easy to plant and care for, and have smooth, simple flowers.



Datura is also used to decorate flower beds and is grown on personal plots. The plant is also suitable for decorating winter gardens; it can be grown in greenhouses and apartments. At room breeding It should be remembered that he will have to select a whole corner and plant it in a large pot.


Datura grass grows everywhere because it is easily propagated by seeds by self-sowing. Cultivated varieties are used to breed datura at home, but they are also easily bred from seeds.

The plant has long term germination, which can take 10-30 days. In the southern regions, sowing of datura can be carried out in open ground, V middle lane prepare seedlings as for eggplants and tomatoes. To plant outside, the soil temperature must reach 18°.

In mid-March you need to sow the seeds.

To do this, use the following soil composition:

  • garden soil - 3 parts;
  • humus -2;
  • sand -1.

Before sowing, the usual procedures are carried out to protect against pests and stimulate germination. The seed is treated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, a fungicide against fungi. You can also pour seeds hot water to speed up germination.

The seeds are buried 0.5 cm in moist soil, which must be covered with film or paper to provide warmth, retain moisture and enhance germination. Excess moisture is harmful to the seeds, but the seed should be moderately moist at all times.

Some people prefer to wait until the seeds hatch in water or a damp cloth before putting them into the soil. Seedlings are picked after the appearance of 2-3 true leaves.

Seedlings are planted in the ground when the threat of frost has passed, usually in late May - June. The root neck is not buried. We must not forget that Datura bushes are large - the distance between plants is 0.5-1 m.

If the temperature drops significantly, the seedlings should be covered with film and the pots should be moved indoors.

Planting Datura seeds for seedlings, video:


Propagation by cuttings is not difficult - roots appear quickly. Cuttings measuring 15-20 cm are cut from the bush, placed in water at the end of summer and wait for the roots to grow. After this they are planted in pots.

Datura overwinters indoors; at the beginning of summer it is transferred to the ground.

Growing and care

Planting and caring for dope does not require much work and can be done by any gardener, even an inexperienced one. Datura grows well on compost heaps in loose, moist soil.

Basic growing rules:

  1. Regular watering. In hot weather, water daily, in cool weather - every other day. Only in this case will flowering be abundant. For irrigation, you need hard water with excess calcium so that the ovaries form.
  2. During high humidity and the temperature drops, watering is stopped to prevent fungal infection.
  3. Withered flowers must be removed so that the dope does not waste energy on ripening seeds, but produces new buds.
  4. If seeds are needed, the first flowers should be left. To prevent the seeds from scattering from a ripe boll, it must be secured with gauze.
  5. Fertilizing is carried out once every 1-2 weeks, alternately with organic and mineral fertilizers. If the soil is severely oxidized, you can treat it with lime milk.
  6. Datura loves sunny open spaces and is not afraid of burns. With a lack of light, flowering is reduced, the bush stretches and lengthens.
  7. Old shoots, on which buds no longer form and all the flowers have withered, need to be pruned.

What to remember when growing: Datura - poisonous plant. It is dangerous for people and pets. With young children who are interested in flowers and put everything in their mouth, increased caution must be taken. Maybe it’s worth choosing other ways to decorate the area in this case.

All parts of the plant are poisonous - leaves, seeds, roots, flowers. If juice gets on your skin, wash it well with soap. The consequences of poisoning are very unpleasant.


In our latitudes, the plant cannot overwinter in open ground. If you do not want to plant seeds every year, you can keep the plant in a pot indoors. To do this, the bush is well trimmed in early autumn and transplanted into a large pot.

In winter, the plant is watered no more than once a week; there is no need to feed the dope. The recommended temperature is no more than 20°. Experienced flower growers It is recommended to carry out cuttings in April-May, planting not only the bush itself, but also young seedlings from the cuttings.

If the plant has dropped seeds, next year One should expect self-sowing seedlings.

Diseases, pests

Most pests avoid dope.

Plant under conditions high temperatures and lack of surface watering and spraying can affect:

  • spider mite;
  • whitefly

A single treatment of the bushes with a product such as Actofit or a simple soap solution is sufficient.

With high humidity, infection with a fungus can occur, which can destroy the bush. It is necessary to reduce watering, ensure that the earthen clod dries out, and treat the soil and plant with a fungicide.

Using datura in landscape design

Datura bushes of any variety have beautiful appearance due to the combination of bright lush greenery and large flowers. Abundant flowering for a long time makes the plant a real decoration of the site.

Datura is planted on the lawn and in pots that can be moved to the desired location. Curtains are decorated with seedlings of different colors to create a flower bed.

Datura looks good in the composition. Choosing the right combination different varieties plants will allow you to keep the flowerbed in a constantly blooming state.

Datura is planted next to early flowers - daffodils, tulips, which by the time the buds actively grow and open, have already faded.

It is not worth planting bushes along the path because of their toxicity. It is better to move the plant deeper into the plot or lawn.

Plants look good against the background of shrubs - lilac, hydrangea, jasmine. In front of the datura, low herbaceous flowers look good - cornflowers, marigolds, creeping grasses.

Some varieties of Datura with double, large, beautifully colored flowers can decorate vacation spots with constant flowering without any decoration.

Datura flowers, photo:

Where to buy Datura seeds?

The seeds ripen almost 2 months after the formation of the bud. Buying datura seeds is easier than growing it yourself. They are sold in seed stores, large retail networks by the beginning of the planting season.

You can order Datura seeds online in stores: First Seeds, Semenapost, and others.

The cost of 4-5 dope seeds with beautiful double flowers is 20-70 rubles.

Growing datura at home and in open ground is an interesting and easy task. The plant is dangerous only for children. A long flowering period, beautiful greenery, stable strong bushes that do not require garter, make Datura a real boon for all gardeners.

In the family Paslenovs There is a plant about which hundreds of legends are composed.

This Datura(Datura) – healing and poisonous, it fascinates with its intoxicating, delicate aroma and the splendor of large, open-to-the-sky tubular flowers.

At home, in Central America - large, loose perennial bush up to 1.5 meters high, it often grows everywhere like a weed and is not particularly decorative.

In the territory of the former CIS it has long been called dope.

Types of datura

Several types of datura are found in summer cottages and country estates.

Datura common(Datura Stramonium), popularly also called Datura blue, is beautiful with large, whole leaves, against which large funnels of white flowers look in bright contrast. Its shape with blue bells (Datura srtamium var.tatula) is interesting.

Datura Indian(Datura Innoxia) is a plant with white flowers, grayish foliage and extremely spiny fruits. It was used by Colombian and Mexican Indians as a sleep or vision-inducing drug.

Datura Indian(Datura Metel) – extremely common in countries South-East Asia. In India, this is a particularly revered, divine plant - the “flower of Shiva.” The species is distinguished by abundant white and purple blooms of stunning beauty.

Mostly, Datura- This garden plant. However, the varieties of Datura indica bred by breeders "Ballerina"(Datura Metel Ballerina) are intended for indoor gardening. Early flowering plants amaze with their amazing diversity.

They are not tall– grow only 30-40 cm, have a dense, compact crown and wonderful double flowers up to 10 cm in diameter. Their colors can be snow-white, vanilla-cream, bright yellow, soft lilac or bright purple.

Datura has not only with decorative flowering, but also with original fruits. Large boxes covered with sharp thorns, when dry, are good for flower arrangements.

Reproduction of Datura

Blue datura and other species successfully grown from seeds.Seeds ripen at the end of August. The most germinating ones are those that formed during the first flowering. It is better to put these boxes in gauze bags to prevent the seeds from scattering when the fruit is opened.

Received seeds dried and stored until spring. Sowing begins from late February to early April.

The seeds have a long shelf life; they do not lose their viability for ten years. However, they must be checked before planting.

For this seeds are poured hot water and discard the floating specimens. Those who are fit are left in warm water for 2 days.

For earlier flowering, you can add growth stimulants to the solution and place the vessel in a well-lit place. Some gardeners use a plastic bag for soaking.

There should be enough boxes or cups for sowing deep, because datura has a rapidly developing root system.

Bottom post thin layer peat The soil chosen is light but fertile. Add coarse to the mixture river sand and steamed. Upper layer the lands are sifted. You can also use ready-made ones for germination. peat tablets.

In a moistened substrate place the prepared seeds. The planting depth should not exceed 1 cm. The crops are sprinkled with earth and sprayed warm water and cover with glass. In the mini-greenhouse the temperature should be maintained at +18+20 degrees.

Datura seeds have weak growth energy. They germinate in 2 weeks, but can linger even for a month. When the first shoots appear, the box should be placed in a well-lit place.

When 2-3 true leaves of the plant appear dive. Indoor datura is placed in a pot or tub, deepened to the cotyledons.

Young sprouts need regular but not excessive watering. Plants intended for planting in open ground are hardened off within a month. When night temperatures reach +10 degrees and above, the grown seedlings can be left outside all night.

Garden datura on permanent place planted at the end of May. Choose a sunny but draft-free area.

Distance When planting datura, there should be 1 m between plants.

Datura care

For good growth And abundant flowering indoor datura must follow some rules.

Datura needs good lighting. The soil chosen is nutritious and loose. High acidity neutralized with a solution of lime milk (dilute 1 g of lime in 1 liter of water).

Water plants are needed 3-4 times a week, in the summer, in particularly hot weather - every day. In winter, once a week is enough.

When the plant is flowering feed weekly, alternating complex mineral and organic fertilizer.

in winter Datura is not fed. Datura flowers form only on new shoots, so after flowering stops, old shoots are cut off to form a crown.

Amazing datura- Queen of the night. Its flowers open at sunset and fill the garden or room with an enchanting aroma. By morning the incredible beauty fades, the plant falls asleep until the evening.

It's no coincidence that magic flower has always been held in high esteem by sorcerers and shamans. The plant contains alkaloids that can induce sleep or hallucinations.

It is used in pharmacology. You shouldn’t bring dope into small spaces or in homes with small children.

And for the most curious, we suggest you watch the video about datura

Reputed as exotic decor garden plot. Its large white flowers look beautiful in many landscape compositions and, in addition, they exude a unique aroma. But do not forget that this culture is very toxic! So that growing datura in open ground does not become a problem, it is important to choose suitable variety, do correct landing and provide the culture with competent care.

Description: varieties and varieties of datura grass

Datura is an annual shrub with shoots 1-1.5 m long in open ground. Grows more in width than in length. The plant is densely covered with green-gray foliage. The young bush in the photo resembles eggplant seedlings.

Common varieties of Datura:

  • Common - huge leaves and snow-white flowers;
  • Indian - purple-white buds;
  • Indian is a vigorously growing shrub with white petals and an unpleasant aroma.

Common Datura

With proper care, Datura forms huge bells with a delicate aroma. They wither in less than a day. Flowering begins in early summer, becomes widespread only in August, and ends in October:

  1. First, Datura forms a shoot about 30 cm long.
  2. The shoot bifurcates and releases a bud. It gradually grows to 20-25 cm.
  3. After ripening, the bud quickly opens. The flower is a bell 15-20 cm in diameter.
  4. The color of the flowers is usually white, sometimes with cream, lemon and other pastel shades.

Attention! The bud opens at dusk literally before our eyes and lives until the end of the morning cool.

Datura: planting a plant

In the climate of the middle zone, the cultivation of datura grass is limited to frosty winters. Of course, you can practice maintaining and caring for a house for 5-6 months. However, an ordinary window sill is not suitable for growing: only a spacious part of the room, with an area of ​​at least 1.5 square meters. m. Datura seedlings are planted in open ground. This happens in May.

Planting seeds for seedlings is carried out in March, but the soil is prepared in the fall. Substrate composition:

  • 40% sifted soil from the garden;
  • 40% humus;
  • 20% coarse sand.

Pre-sort the seeds: place them in a container with hot water for several hours. Floated specimens are not suitable for planting. Moisten the soil in the seedling container and slightly deepen the seeds. Support room temperature and soil moisture, cover the pot with a sheet of plain paper and wait for germination in 2-3 weeks.

Datura seeds

After they appear:

  1. Move the container to a cool, bright place.
  2. Pick the plant after a pair of true leaves have formed. Planting in a new location is done at the height of the cotyledons.
  3. In open ground, even a compost or manure heap is perfect for Datura. The main thing is to choose a well-warmed, windless place for the plant on the site.
  4. Plant seedlings at intervals of at least 1 m. The width of the hole is 50 cm, the depth is 70 cm.
  5. Place a layer of drainage on the bottom.
  6. Datura flowering occurs 20-25 days after planting.

Attention! In warm regions, planting seeds directly into open ground is allowed. Their planting depth is up to 10 cm. Datura is also sometimes grown directly in containers. In the summer they are taken out into the air and buried on the site.

Datura care

The varieties of this crop are unpretentious in matters of irrigation, fertilizer, and care. In order for the flower to grow and develop normally, keep the soil loose and moist. You can periodically add wood ash. Water the dope 3-4 r. in Week. In dry summers it is possible more often. IN winter time indoor watering is reduced to 1 r. in Week.

Advice. Use hard water for irrigation.

Only young shoots of Datura bloom. In the fall, all old ones should be pruned. In addition, this way you can form the crown of the bush. During active flowering, remove drooping buds.

Fertilizer and feeding of datura

Part of the plant care procedure is to maintain soil nutrition:

For active growth, dope needs fertilizing

  1. In spring and summer, before flowering, fertilize the datura once a week with organic matter in combination with mineral complexes (every week).
  2. In winter, the plant in the container does not need to be fed. If the soil is acidic, water it every spring with a lime solution: 1 g per 1 liter of water.

Advice. Granular mixtures for vegetables are often used as mineral fertilizer.

Plant propagation at home

In the case of datura, propagation by seeds or cuttings is used. To collect seed, remove the seed pods after the first flowers have faded. They should be placed in a dry and dark place for 2 months. Make sure that the box does not crack and the seeds do not fall into the ground. The shrub readily reproduces by self-sowing using this method.

To make cuttings, cut off part of the shoot with a couple of internodes. Further:

  • shorten all large leaves by half;
  • prepare light soil;
  • soak the cutting in a root stimulator.

Advice. Propagation by cuttings is usually carried out in September or mid-March, with spring planting Location on.

Diseases and pests of datura grass

Since the plant is poisonous, most fungal infections and insect pests simply do not take root on it. Sometimes you can find whitefly or spider mite. Preventive spraying will help get rid of these pests. Bordeaux mixture, in May or June. If signs of insect reproduction are already evident, treat the plant with a special fungicide.

Datura is very rarely attacked by pests

Externally, the datura may wither and look unhealthy and improper care. For example, when growing in a cool or too shaded place, or improper watering.

Datura: combination with other plants

Datura creeping along the ground has beautiful decorative properties. If there is support, it can weave around it, rising 1-2 m. The green corner will be pleasant to visit in evening hours or show it to your friends in the photo. Datura of different varieties is used in flower beds to replace early flowering perennials in the composition.

Everyone is accustomed to considering datura grass as a noxious weed. But in vain! This is very beautiful bush with large flowers that smell nice. We grow several varieties, the flowers of which can be completely various colors and forms. Terry giants are especially beautiful, as in the photographs below.

Therefore, I propose to take a risk and buy dope seeds. And here we will describe in detail how to plant seeds and give some tips on caring for it.

The Latin name of the Datura genus is Datura. And people call it whatever they call it: stupefying grass, stinking dope, water drunk, crazy potion.

Datura grass is a representative of the Solanaceae family, which means it is a close relative of the well-known tomatoes, eggplants and potatoes. Only her sister is the dangerous henbane. Here it is, the insidious beauty of Datura - all parts of the plant are very poisonous!

In general, Datura grass is a native of the warm climate of America and lives in Asia and Europe. She also reached the European part of Russia.

Even though this perennial, in central Russia it is grown as an annual crop. IN Lately it has become very popular among lovers of tall flowering plants. Who can be left indifferent by giant terry bells?

Seeds germinate faster!

Planting and growing datura is very easy! On the market planting material great amount seeds of all kinds. Any self-respecting company will definitely hide the treasured 3-4 seeds in a multi-colored bag.

The seeds are quite large, covered with a dense seed coat. Germination is very high - 95%, lasts up to 10 years.

One obstacle is that you usually have to wait a very long time for the first shoots, sometimes up to 30 days.

To speed up this cute miracle of nature a little, you can soak the seeds in cool water or a growth stimulant solution for a couple of days. This will help to loosen the tight shackles of the seed coat a little and give light to new green life faster.
Practitioners recommend using a ziplock bag with a small amount of water. Place the seeds there and wait until they hatch, then feel free to plant them in the ground and enjoy the seedlings.

Seedlings or straight into the ground?

In our country, it is better to plant datura as seedlings - it will bloom faster. Don’t miss the opportunity to watch how a real giant will grow from a small seed and thank you for your efforts with light and the music of huge gramophone flowers!

Suitable time for sowing seeds: March-April. Seeds are sown in open ground in May.

How to grow seedlings?

When the first shoots appear, 2-3 weeks after sowing, they will develop very quickly. Therefore, it is worth taking care of the size of the pots. It is advisable to immediately sow one seed per container in order to subsequently avoid the stage of picking seedlings.

The seeding depth is 0.5-1 cm. The soil with the planted seeds is well watered, covered with glass and placed in a warm, dark place (18 – 20 °C). Plantings must be ventilated periodically and condensation removed from the surface of the glass. The top soil layer should not be allowed to dry out. Don't forget to water!

When the first shoots appear, containers with sprouts are transferred to a well-lit room and provided with regular watering.

Hardening of seedlings

Finally, the first true leaves have appeared - it’s time to start hardening off the seedlings.
At first, 1-2 hours of walking on the fresh air. When the seedlings get a little stronger, they can be given free rein for a longer period.

After 1 month of such walks, you can leave the seedlings outside overnight. Of course, only if night temperatures do not fall below +10 °C.

When is the time spring frosts behind and the ground has warmed up sufficiently (16-20°C), the seedlings can be placed in a permanent place in the ground with a step of 20-30 cm between specimens. By the time of planting in the garden, the seedlings should reach 15 cm in height. The root collar must not be buried!

The soil. It is better to choose soil rich in organic matter. Datura grass loves loose, nutritious, well-drained soil.

Place in the garden. There are several conditions necessary for the datura to develop normally. First, sufficient space for growth. Second, a sunny or slightly shaded place is ideal. In the shade, the flowering time will shorten and the plant will become very elongated. Last thing, no strong winds! Otherwise, the plant will lean to the sides, break, and lose buds.

  • A bush with beautiful large flowers looks great as a single plant in a green lawn.
  • Perfectly complements group plantings and mixborders.
  • The plant can be used to fill voids in a flower bed formed after perennials have flowered.
  • The Datura indica species is suitable for growing in a pot or container. True, in this case, she does not grow big.

Watering. Datura grass is very demanding on water quality. Soft water and regular watering will improve the flowering of this plant.

It grows actively in spring and summer, so during this period it requires fertilizing and abundant watering, spraying the foliage. With a lack of moisture and humidity, it drops buds and leaves.

Withered flowers must be removed so that the plant does not waste energy on producing fruits, but devotes itself entirely to flowering.

Fertilizers. He responds very gratefully to feeding with organic matter (compost, litter, manure). Grows well on compost heaps. It is advisable to make mineral fertilizer 2-3 times a month.

You can find out what types of datura can be grown here and see their photographs in our page about the types of datura grass

Datura (also called datura) belongs to the Solanaceae family. It is an annual, unusually fast-growing plant with a straight, hollow inside stem, reaching a height of more than one hundred and ten centimeters. The leaves are very large, if you rub them, they begin to make noise. bad smell. Datura flower has big size(up to twelve centimeters) in diameter, consists of five pointed, fused white petals with an intoxicating sweetish odor. Flowering lasts from June to October, with flowers blooming in the evening and fading very quickly. Datura flower has spiny fruits containing small blackish grains inside.

Place of distribution

Initially, Datura grew exclusively in Mexico and Northeast America. Recently, it can be found in the central part of Russia, in Southwestern Siberia, in the vast Caucasus and in Asia. This plant usually grows in landfills, near roads, in gardens and fields.

garden flowers

If the plant is planted in the garden, the Datura flower will certainly win sympathy with its beauty and intoxicating aroma. With generous watering, Datura will reach a height of three meters. In the shade it tends upward, in a spacious sunlit place, on the contrary, it spreads, reaching a height of no more than a meter. The Indian datura flower is incredibly beautiful; its white and purple double flowers will decorate the garden until frost. Each flower blooms for only two days, but a new one blooms to replace the faded one. In the evening these fragrances spread the most delicate intoxicating fragrance. garden flowers. Datura "troubadour" can reach about seventy centimeters in height by August, while daily blooming on each bush more than ten large snow-white flowers that have a pleasant but intoxicating aroma. Despite its beauty, all components of the plant are unusually poisonous, so it should not be planted near bedroom windows, and children should also be prevented from staying near it for long periods of time. Even animals avoid the flower, but the aroma, on the contrary, attracts many insects and bees.

Datura in folk medicine

Leaves and tops are stocked for medicinal purposes. flowering plant only in sunny weather, and the seeds are collected from the fruits in the fall. Preparations containing datura leaves perfectly soothe the central nervous system, reduce the secretory function of the glandular apparatus and are excellent antispasmodics. They are used as painkillers for pain in the stomach and intestines, and treat sea and air sickness. Datura leaves are indispensable for asthmatic bronchitis and asthma. The plant is used only in the form of tincture and extract, as well as in the form of smoking powder and anti-asthma cigarettes. Datura should not be used for medicinal purposes without consulting a doctor. Poisoning is expressed by an unpleasant feeling in the throat, tension and even paralysis. First aid in such a situation should be provided immediately.