Maiden grapes and their cultivation for decorative landscaping. Propagation of virgin grapes by cuttings

The plant, which has captivated landscape designers and owners of suburban areas, attracts attention with the color of its crown. Decorative grapes delight with their greenery in spring and summer, and in the fall with a colorful play of all shades of red. Maiden variety used for landscaping gazebos and house facades that resemble cozy cottages Victorian era.

Directions for use

Perennial vine - Parthenocissus attracts attention with its rapid growth, ability to take root in any climatic conditions, in sunny areas and in shade. The plant is used for decorative and practical purposes:

  • design of a garden space, residential building, administrative facility or fence;
  • park landscaping, creation of alleys and galleries;
  • reducing dust levels, eliminating noise effects and creating uniform humidity in the area;
  • implementation of a landscape project.

At the right approach to the choice of variety, propagation and proper care, the culture will please bizarre shapes, rich color palette.

How to choose decorative types?

Independently creating a landscape on a site in various climatic zones requires the selection of wear-resistant, disease-resistant berry vines. To eliminate the risk of surface contamination with chemicals from pests and diseases, and freezing of the vine, it is better to focus on resistant species:

  • Isabella - Concord, Isabella, Russian, Lydia;
  • Michurinsky - Buiture, Korinka Michurin, Metallic;
  • Far Eastern - Taiga Emerald, Amirkhan, Alpha;
  • new selection varieties– Crystal, Pythos, Shaten;
  • interspecific hybrids or Amur varieties.

These varieties can be cultivated in low temperatures and are able to withstand frost, fungi and insect pests.

Preparation of cuttings

Reproduction of decorative grapevine occurs using shoots and cuttings. The material takes root in spring and autumn period, but the technique is effective when proper preparation seedlings.

Cuttings in spring

During spring preparation planting material Last year's shoots with lignification of the trunk are used. Good rooting will be ensured by sections with the rudiments of the root system in the form of outgrowths. The lash is cut into shanks of 2-4 knots each and does not require treatment with root growth stimulants.

Registration of seedlings in summer

Cuttings are prepared in July, when the nodes of last year's vine have produced side shoots. If there is lignification of the base, 1 knot is sufficient for hammer-shaped chibouks. The proximity of the nodes provides for the formation of planting material with 2-3 nodes.

Specifics of rooting

You have already learned how to propagate grapes, now it is worth considering the methods of rooting the material. Decorative varieties have good survival rate in aquatic environment and soil.

How to root chibuki in water?

Rapid rooting occurs when Parthenocissus is in a container of water. Long time the material cannot be maintained because there is a risk of the root system dying. Only soaking for a short time (24 hours) before planting is allowed.

Rules for rooting in the ground

Upon separation seat Along paths and borders, cuttings are rooted in the ground. Over the course of 2-3 years, the plant will practically not grow in height, but the roots will deepen by 1 m.
Experts advise setting up a growing bed for cuttings. Having chosen this method, you will need to disassemble root system and a vine for replanting permanent place.

Container rooting

For the initial planting of decorative grape varieties, pots with a diameter of 12-15 cm are used. The soil is first prepared by mixing peat and sand in a ratio of 1:4. Spring chibouks are deepened to the level of the lower node, and summer ones - along the line of last year's wood.
Container planting involves organizing support and watering. Pots with vines remain in a shady, windless place until the next planting season. Care consists of regular moisturizing soil and root system.

Transplanting container cuttings into open ground

The process of transferring a plant to a permanent place is carried out from spring (April) to autumn (August). Maximum term keeping the culture in pots – 2 winters. Containers are not buried during the wintering period, since the root system is frost-resistant. The seedlings are placed in windless places, wrapped in dry leaves and covered.

Other growing methods

The liana successfully reproduces using root suckers, layering and seeds. If you follow the work technology, the crop will quickly grow on the site.

Vegetation by root suckers

During its development and growth, the vine produces shoots that take root in the ground. The offspring must be carefully removed and transplanted into holes 70 cm - 1 m deep. It is not recommended to cover the root collar with soil.

Planting seeds

The grains extracted from the fruit are subject to stratification: they are placed in a damp cloth for a day, and then buried 1 cm into the soil poured into a peat container. Hardening of the material can be carried out in the refrigerator, but provided that temperature regime do not drop to + 5 degrees. The germination of seeds when stored in a dry room is not lost for 12 months.

Reproduction using layering

To select the material, use a vine with buds and plant it in a ditch 5 cm deep. The wavy side is located in the ground, and the dense side rises above the planting site. The whip is fixed paper clip and be sure to water it.
The resulting seedlings are placed in open ground in summer or spring.

Landing activities

Final transplant decorative grapes carried out taking into account its light and heat tolerance. You should not ignore other nuances of growing:

  • placing seedlings only on the southern sides, in rare cases - on the east and west without shading;
  • proper preparation of planting holes. The pits are prepared 3-6 months before moving the seedling into the ground. This ensures compaction of the soil and eliminates the risk of shrinkage;
  • using a fertile mixture - turf and humus in a ratio of 1:4 to fill the bottom of the hole.

Features of molding decorative vines

Decor decorative bush carried out over several years. Correct measures are carried out according to the following algorithm:

  1. During the first year (autumn or spring), strong shoots are planted.
  2. In the second year, a strong shoot is selected and removed to the level of 3-5 buds. The material grown from the remaining buds is again trimmed to 2 upper shoots. The vine must be directed vertically (tied), and then the mustaches and stepsons are carefully removed.
  3. In the third year, all the buds on the lower trunk are removed, and no more than 2 are left on the upper one.
  4. For the fourth season, they work with tiers, leaving 1 to 4 buds on each. Depending on the growth line of the crop, vertical shoots are formed from the upper buds, and from them fruit sleeves are formed.
  5. In the 5th year of growth, they begin to form fruit sleeves. The vine is pruned in such a way that a fruit shoot appears on the upper eye, and a new shoot on the lower one.

During the rest of the development period, molding trimming of the sleeves is carried out. For good growth of grapes, the number of fruit branches is increased.

Specifics of caring activities

Caring for decorative grapes is carried out comprehensively. The main procedure is molding and sanitary trimming and the following list of activities:

  • application of fertilizers. Nitrogen supplements are indicated in spring. In summer, nitroammophoska is added (50 g per 1 square meter), and after rooting of the shoots - complex mineral fertilizers(200 g per 1 square meter);
  • watering. The plant is watered abundantly to good development roots and crown formation;
  • loosening, weeding and mulching.
  • covering annual shoots with dry straw or leaves for the winter.

The liana develops quickly in gentle conditions, but after wintering the shoots are distributed on the support. Pest control involves preventive measures– spraying plants with chemicals.

Advantages of decorative grapes

A plant that creates incredible Beautiful design plot, attracts gardeners and florists due to its advantages:

  • attractive original appearance;
  • rapid survival on all types of soils;
  • active growth (up to 3 m per year);
  • shading the site and protecting buildings from wind, sun, dust and precipitation;
  • easy reproduction.

Active division is an insignificant disadvantage that can be used to your advantage by creating spectacular landscape compositions.
The ornamental grape variety is valuable for its good resistance to disease and resistance to pests. With proper cultivation, the vine will serve as an organic addition to landscape gardening assemblages and recreational areas.


Maiden grapesornamental plant, which can decorate personal plot in a matter of months. Under the cover of green ivy (as it is also called), all the buildings look very impressive and fabulous. Caring for and growing a liana is not at all difficult; girlish grapes will reciprocate any attention.

Maiden grape variety - main characteristic features

The first question that involuntarily arises: why are these grapes called maiden grapes? It's simple: the flowers of this plant do not need to be fertilized with pollen in order to eventually form seeds. That is why its second name is virgin ivy.

Maiden grapes are in great demand in the market, you will find different varieties, total which reaches 15.V summer period time leaves delight the eye with their rich green, but in the fall they become incredibly colorful - bright yellow and red. This plant can reach a length of 30 meters! In 1 year, vines grow by about 3 meters.

Growing more and more every year, virgin ivy creates a dense green cover that cleans the air well and can hide any imperfections in a building or home.

Due to the fact that ivy has disc-shaped suction cups, there is no need to attach it to the wall - it will do it itself! This plant quite easily climbs up any flat surface and grows along it. It is worth noting that in winter, virgin grapes can withstand quite low temperatures up to -25 °C.

Planting girlish grapes - methods of propagation

Care and cultivation begin with correct landing plants when the girl's grapes receive a permanent habitat. Propagation of virgin grapes can occur in three ways: seeds, layering and cuttings. Anyone can handle the landing.

During planting, the distance between seedlings should be at least 1 meter. The plant is placed in specially prepared tubs or dug holes, the size of which should be 50 by 50 cm. The soil should not be dry; it is better to fertilize it first. As a rule, a fairly strong plant grows from one cutting, so you should not put several in one hole or tub.

When to plant girlish grapes? It's best to do this in early spring on the south side of the room or fence. After planting the cutting, it should be watered thoroughly. While the plant is small, you need to provide it with a support in the form of a wire or stick - this will help the vine to begin intensive upward growth.

Care and cultivation - girlish grapes in all their glory

The rules for caring for virgin grapes are quite simple, since this plant does not require special care. virgin ivy it is unpretentious, and taking care of it consists of timely watering and trimming dry vines. But still, in order for the plant to please with its splendor and beauty, it is worth monitoring its growth more closely.

Maiden grape is a decorative growing species of grape from the genus Parthenocissus. It grows in the form of vines, entwining gazebos, fences, trees and other structures. It received such an unusual name due to its peculiarity: to form seeds it does not need fertilization by pollen, a kind of “immaculate conception”. It is also called “virgin ivy”.

General information

Its shoots can spread over distances of up to 20 m. Therefore, you should carefully ensure that the wildly growing shoots do not cover the windows (creating darkness in the rooms), do not rise too high, climbing under the tiles or slates, thereby destroying them, and do not allow vines to get into the gutter, clogging it.

To do this, it is worth trimming excess shoots in time. You should also take into account that grapes have very dense roots, so do not plant other crops near them, it will be difficult for them to break through these shoots. It should also be noted that after winter, while everything around begins to turn green, the “maiden” grapes are in no hurry to come to life.

Maiden grapes bloom in summer (July), but very modestly. But the flowers are fragrant and attract bees and bumblebees.

Varieties and types

Maiden grape ivy-shaped (triostrum) has decorative garden varieties, which are in demand due to their unusual leaf configuration and color (not only in autumn). For example, ivy grapes of the “purple” variety have dark purple leaves, and the “golden” variety has yellow spots on green leaves.

- the most common variety, has small smooth leaves with three pointed ends. In autumn they become orange-red in color.

Or five-leaved has dark green leaves, consisting of 5 leaflets, egg-shaped with pointed ends, in the summer, and in the fall it acquires a reddish or burgundy tint. There are also small clusters of small, dark, inedible berries.

This species tolerates severe frosts well even without special shelter. Not picky about the choice of soil and location (sunny or shady area). It grows very quickly (up to 3 m per year). Dense foliage protects the walls of the house from overheating, dust, wind and rain, thereby reducing dampness inside the house and near the foundation.

Maiden grapes "STAR SHOWERS" or variegated - Very decorative variety, has an unusual white-green leaf color that changes with prolonged cold weather.

("Yellow Wall" ) – in autumn the leaves turn from green to yellow.

Girl grape variety "Red Wall (Troki)" - has a glossy leaf surface, turning purple-red in autumn.

Maiden grapes "Henry" , it does not tolerate frost, so it can be grown in an apartment. Its young shoots have a tetrahedral cross-section, and the leaves consist of 5-7 individual leaflets.

Maiden grapes planting and care

The grapes do not require a special place for planting, but the color of the foliage may depend on the lighting. If you plant it on the south side, then in the fall the foliage will acquire a bright and attractive crimson palette, and on the north side the foliage will remain green and without clusters of berries.

In illuminated areas, the plant grows faster and has larger foliage. The liana takes root both in spring and autumn, but experts advise choosing autumn (September-October).

Soil for virgin grapes

To begin with, a week before planting, the soil at the planting site must be dug up. Then a hole 50-60 cm deep is dug and drainage is laid at the bottom (for example, broken brick) and covered with a layer of sand (20 cm).

After which the substrate is prepared: two parts leaf soil, two parts compost and part sand.

Watering girl's grapes

Ornamental grapes require moderate watering. It will be quite enough three to four times a season, using at least 10 liters of water per bush.

If the summer turns out to be very hot, then the amount of watering is increased, the main thing is that the soil does not dry out.

Virgin grape fertilizers

Fertilizers can be applied at the beginning of summer (they are fed with nitroammophoska along with irrigation water), and during active growth, complex fertilizers can be applied.

Periodically it is necessary to remove weeds, loosen the soil and mulch the area around the ivy. Mulching is carried out at the beginning of summer using peat, humus or compost (6 cm layer). In autumn, the layer is renewed by burying the old one in the ground.

Pruning virgin grapes

Pruning is carried out in the spring (during the dormant period), frozen, dried, weakened or damaged shoots and leaves are removed, and branches that have gone beyond the designated area are shortened (they close windows, climb under the roof, etc.).

Maiden grapes preparation for winter

Most types of virgin grapes do not need shelter for the winter; they are quite frost-resistant, even if some of them freeze slightly, they will quickly recover, thanks to the dormant buds.

Propagation of virgin grapes by cuttings

Preparing the place: dig a hole the right size under the cutting, away from other plants, due to the growth of the root system. Mix the soil from this hole with compost, sand and fertilizer (two handfuls).

Then lay drainage at the bottom, add a little of the resulting substrate on top, place the cutting at a slight angle and cover with the remaining soil. Now you need to water the grapes well and form a hole so that precipitation (rain water) is retained in it.

For young plant you need to form a support to make it easier for it to grow upward, then you can remove it. If the grapes grow near the house, then support is not needed; they will crawl along the wall, clinging to the rough surface. Cuttings are cut at any time of the year, choosing shoots with at least five healthy buds.

Maiden grapes propagation by layering

For this method, a long lash is inserted, which is planted in waves (a part in the ground, another above the ground, the next one again in the ground, and so on) into a groove no more than 5 cm deep. The part that is in the ground must be secured with a hairpin or paper clip. Then water thoroughly.

There is another way: a shorter layer is selected and a whip is laid out in the same shallow moistened groove, the top rises 10-15 cm above the ground (if it does not hold on itself, then place a support).

Growing virgin grapes from seeds

Grapes are propagated by seeds in spring or autumn, planted in loose soil no deeper than 1 cm. To increase the germination rate, the seeds are pre-soaked.

When landing in spring period, the seeds are soaked in cold water(3-5 hours), thereby hardening them, then placed in moist soil and refrigerated for several days.

Reproduction by root suckers

The root system formed by the shoots of vines is very branched. Root shoots are quite easily separated and planted in a new place. The main thing is that the root collar should be above the surface of the earth, and not covered.

Diseases and pests

This ornamental plant rarely gets sick and only because of violations of the rules of care: abundant watering or, on the contrary, drying out of the soil, as well as a lack of fertilizers. Sometimes pests also look at the grapes; insecticides will help in the fight against them.

Maiden grapes: benefit or harm

There are many different opinions about this ornamental grape. Some people think that it causes harm: it clogs drains, prevents other plants from growing, it crawls along the wall, overgrowing windows, and makes its way onto roofs and destroys tiles and slate roof. But all this can be avoided if you trim unnecessary ends in a timely manner.

In fact, the benefits are much greater: with the help of vines you can disguise old and unremarkable buildings and structures, create hedges instead of boring fences, and also decorate arches and gazebos. In addition, dense foliage can protect against wind and cold.

Most varieties can delight with bright colors in the fall, attracting and pleasing to the eye. There is a myth that mold forms under a dense carpet of ivy due to dampness. In fact, everything is wrong; grapes absorb moisture.

Maiden grape tincture

IN folk medicine There is one known recipe for an infusion of virgin grape branches, which is used by cancer patients to resolve tumors, as a hemostatic agent.

Preparing the infusion : take 10 g of crushed, dried branches, pour into a glass bowl, pour 300 ml of boiling water, then put on water bath for 7-8 minutes. Set aside and let it brew and cool.

Now you can strain through a sieve or cheesecloth and add a little water (to return the original volume). Take 100 ml during various bleedings 3-4 times a day.

This decorative liana does not have any tasty fruits or any luxurious flowers - its main advantage, which can be used to decorate your dacha, is the ability to use it to decorate unsightly places on the site, create shade, plant trees on a fence or hedge, or simply close a veranda or attic from the rain . In autumn, girlish grapes turn into beautiful red tones, reminiscent of rowan leaves before leaf fall. It will remain in this form until the winter, therefore, when preparing your dacha for the winter period, you will enjoy this beauty before the snow falls, which will allow you to at least to some extent minimize the consequences of autumn depression.

The main disadvantage of this plant is also its main advantage - its reproduction can truly take on catastrophic proportions with improper care and lack of timely pruning. Therefore, if you big garden on the site and you are experiencing difficulties in cleaning up fallen leaves, think carefully before planting it - the work will increase significantly. Otherwise, girlish grapes are very unpretentious in care.

Most plants of the Vine family are tendril-bearing vines, the tendrils of which are modified inflorescences and play the role of suckers that help the plant climb walls and other vertical supports.

Along with the decorative effect of foliage and berries, which is especially evident in autumn, grapes have a positive effect on the microclimate and air condition, performing the function of noise, dust and gas protection and having phytoncidal properties. For example, five-leafed maiden grape suppresses the development of pathogenic coccal microorganisms. Also, this grape significantly protects buildings from summer overheating and helps reduce indoor dampness.

Maiden grapes - planting and care.

Most types of tree vines do not require particularly fertile soils, but they do not like very dry and depleted soils and tolerate slight salinity. Vigorous plants are planted in holes measuring 50x50x50 cm filled with fertile, well-drained soil. It is best to plant seedlings in early spring at a distance of 50-70 centimeters.

Caring for girlish grapes involves installing supports, gartering and feeding. These are drought- and frost-resistant vines, but during prolonged drought, watering is required, as the plants lose their decorative properties.

To improve growth, fertilizing should be carried out 2 times during the season - in spring or early summer, 40-50 g of nitroammophoska are added per 1 m2, and during the period of active growth - 100-200 grams of the drug "Kemira Universal". In addition, the plant needs periodic loosening, removal of weeds, as well as pruning, which involves removing dry and excess branches. If necessary, virgin grapes should be trimmed to limit their volume.

Species of the genus Maiden grape are of interest for vertical gardening of high walls of gazebos, pergolas, fences, etc. They form a beautiful mosaic of leaves that turn red before the onset of winter.

Varieties and types of virgin grapes

Maiden grape (Parthenocissus tricuspidata Siebold).

Homeland - Korea, Japan, Primorsky Territory. This vine is able to climb smooth walls thanks to strong branched tendrils that expand into disks and serve as suction cups. The leaves are very decorative, with a glossy surface, capable of creating a dense green carpet. The plant loves light, it is recommended to grow on walls with southern exposure. It is propagated mainly by seeds, which are sown in the fall, since long-term stratification is necessary.

In culture, the form "Vich" ("Veitchii") is often found, differing from the main species in simple, coarse, large leaves. This plant is widely used in vertical gardening European countries. In autumn, grape leaves turn a delightful shade of bright red. Propagated by woody and green cuttings. It is not recommended to propagate by seeds, as splitting occurs. Planted young plants grow slowly in the first year and require watering and fertilizing, but subsequently the growth per year reaches 2-2.5 m.

Five-leafed maiden grape (Parthenocissus qyinqiefolia).

Homeland – North America, Mexico. A climbing woody vine that climbs onto supports with tendrils. The lashes reach a length of 20 meters. The leaves are palmately compound (of five leaflets), dark green, shiny, with a pointed apex and a wedge-shaped base. The most decorative form of five-leaf girlish grape is “Engelmanii”. This plant has tendrils with 8-12 short branches and well-defined suckers. The leaves consist of 5 broadly lanceolate dark green leaflets up to 12 cm long and up to 3 cm wide. Leaf petioles are reddish, up to 15 cm long. Autumn color is carmine-violet. Grows quickly, annual growth is 0.5-1 m.


The most simple ways propagation of virgin grapes - cuttings and layering.

If you want to create an original green screen in your garden, decorate a gazebo or summer veranda girlish grapes, you need to get planting material.

Cuttings in soil

You can propagate virgin grapes by cuttings, placing them rooted in the soil. The cuttings are planted in loose soil at an angle and watered regularly. Rooting usually takes 1-2 months.

Cuttings in water

Sometimes in spring or summer it’s enough to cut off a few branches with a couple of well-ripened leaves and just put them in a glass of water room temperature. In this case, the cutting is cut 2-3 cm below the leaf. After some time, the cuttings will give life to the still tiny young roots. If you fail, you should not despair and will have to repeat everything from the very beginning. It is useful to regularly spray the leaves of not yet rooted or weak plants with a spray bottle.

Propagation of virgin grapes by layering

Maiden grapes also reproduce well by layering. To do this, in the spring, one- and two-year-old plant branches are bent to the soil surface and fixed by pinning the plant nodes more rigidly, for example, with steel wire with a diameter of 3 mm and sprinkling a little soil. It is only necessary to water the cuttings from time to time. The next year, early in the spring, the plants are divided, and the roots of the new plant are carefully dug up and planted in a new place.


Do not use cuttings with upper dormant buds for propagation.

Autumn care

All preparation for the harsh winter period comes down to collecting fruits, if necessary for additional sowing of new plants. In autumn, after the first frost, all the foliage falls off large plants. It must be raked and removed in a timely manner, otherwise dampness will remain under the walls, which is undesirable.

Winter shelter for maiden grapes

From year to year, when growing plants, their winter hardiness increases. However, in the first winter, young plants, especially those propagated by cuttings, should be covered with snow or some other available materials. In the future, virgin grapes will be more resistant to winter period and special shelters are not required.

Maiden grapes are used exclusively for decorative purposes, to add vibrant, bright color to the architectural landscape and allow you to hide a lot from prying eyes.

This is an ornamental deciduous vine that can reach a length of up to 30 meters and has dark blue small berries that are inedible for humans.

The name of the grape comes from the Greek parthenos - virgin, and kisses - ivy, which characterizes the way it reproduces and grows.

Maiden grapes: propagation

Maiden grapes can be propagated in several ways: layerings, woody cuttings and seeds.

Propagation by layering is best done in autumn or spring. To do this, it is necessary to plant young vines in the ground, and when they take root, dig them up and plant them in the right place. Gardeners call this method “snake”, since the cuttings are spread along the ground like a snake, and small depressions are made along its entire length into which it is convenient for it to take root.

If you decide to take cuttings, then they must be cut in early spring, before the movement of juice in the plant begins. Viable cuttings should have at least 4-6 buds. They need to be planted in such a way that half of them are underground and the other half are above ground. And, of course, don’t forget to water them.

Grow with seeds

All these methods are good if you already have 1-2 year old grapes or have someone to borrow cuttings or offshoots from, but you can also grow them yourself. For example, using seeds, but it takes longer. It is best to prepare the seeds in the fall; you need to clear them of pulp and immediately sow them in the prepared soil.

With this sowing, sprouts will appear no earlier than June next year, but if you have much less time, then you can sow the seeds in the spring. Only before sowing, 1.5-2 months before, do the seeds need to be stratified (soaking the seeds in damp sand or peat substrate at a slightly above-zero temperature).

You should start sowing in April, and after 3-4 weeks you will already get young shoots.

Let's get to the main point: landing

First, let's prepare the ground

The soil must be thoroughly dug up before planting. The hole should be dug at least 50-50-50, but the depth may vary depending on the root system. Be sure to put drainage at the bottom of the hole, in the form of a mixture of sand and small pebbles. We also fill it with fertilizers (you can put peat compost or wood ash, the volume of a 1 liter jar).

If you are using peat compost and good drainage, then for several years after planting you can forget about feeding the grapes.

Soil preparation depends on the location where you decide to plant your grapes. It can be planted in tubs on your balcony, but the depth of the tubs should be at least 40 cm.

To decorate vertical surfaces, do not forget to place vertical supports for young shoots so that they have something to cling to as they grow.

The main thing is to be on time and choose the right place

Like any grape, virgin grape prefers well-lit places, but unlike fruit grape, it can develop on any side (south, north...) and it is not afraid of shadow. It’s just that in the shade its leaves will be smaller, and they will not change color until the first frost.

It is better to grow the plant in well-drained soils, and it can be planted several times a year.

In this case, there is no such recommendation when it is better to plant grapes, because we do not have the goal of harvesting berries. However, remember that it is best to plant seedlings either before 11 am or after 18 pm. This will prevent the plant from burning out.

As for the time of year, it can be planted both in April - May and in September - October.

After you plant the seedling, do not forget to water it with at least 1 bucket of water.

As you can see, planting virgin grapes is not a difficult task at all, but now the most important thing is: how to care for such grapes, set the direction of growth and the shape you need.

We cut it correctly

Pruning can be both sanitary and harvesting, if the goal is to propagate grapes. It must be carried out as the plant grows, starting from the first year. Dried leaves and weak shoots can be removed with pruning shears; this is enough to control the density and shape of the grapes. The basic sanitary rule is to place the cut above a healthy kidney.

Watering is very important

In a normal, non-dry summer, natural precipitation is sufficient for these grapes. If it is noticeable that the soil begins to dry out, additional watering is necessary. Under these conditions, it is enough to water the grapes 3-4 times per season in a volume of 10 liters per plant.

We fight diseases and pests

A huge advantage of virgin grapes is that they are practically not susceptible to diseases and pest attacks. Only occasionally can a plant be attacked by aphids, but it is quite easy to fight them.

First, try washing off the pest with a strong stream of water; if this does not help, then treat the grapes with a solution laundry soap and alcohol with a ratio of 3:1. Also, do not forget about the fight against weeds, which can weaken the root system. This can be done manually by simultaneously loosening the soil near the roots.

Varieties of virgin grapes

The most common types of this grape are: five-leaf, or Virginia grape; tripointed or ivy-shaped, as well as the most popular - tripointed Vicha.

The height of Virginia vines reaches a length of up to 20 meters. In summer it pleases the eye with a beautiful green color, and in autumn it acquires a red-purple hue. Its leaves have a pointed tip and are supported by long stalks. In mid-summer, the grapes bloom with small white flowers, and closer to autumn, small, dark blue berries appear.

Every year the grape vine grows 2-2.5 meters in height and is practically not susceptible to pests; with the help of tendrils and suction cups it quickly clings to the surface.

Tripointed maiden grape comes from the country Great Wall and the Rising Sun. The shape of its leaves is usually three-layered; this variety is very frost-resistant. In summer it has green color, and in the fall it is painted in burgundy tones, and some subspecies have golden-yellow splashes.

One of the most popular varieties- tripointed Vichi. Leaves small size, smooth, and in the fall they delight the eye with a bright orange color that gives way to green. If you create for a variety favorable conditions, then in a year, its vine can grow up to 4 meters. In addition to the suction cups with which grapes are attached to surfaces, they have insurance in the form of an adhesive substance, which additionally helps them stay level. Now you need to choose what exactly you want to decorate.