Hydrodrilling is the best way to drill a well yourself. Do-it-yourself hydraulic drill - drilling a well How to prepare drilling fluid for hydraulic drilling

The latter method is less labor-intensive and allows you to obtain high-quality water from deep aquifers. The arrangement of a water intake source is associated with losses for appearance territories. You can reduce the negative to a minimum by doing hydro-drilling of water wells with your own hands. Or, if you are not confident in your abilities, invite specialists.

Hydraulic drilling technique

The operation of hydrodrilling water wells is based on the method of destroying soil rocks with a drilling tool using liquid. Sufficient load on the drill is ensured by the weight of the rod and special drilling equipment. With their help, drilling fluid (flushing fluid) is supplied into the well, facilitating the passage of the drill through the rock.

The flushing fluid is no different complex composition. You only need to prepare water with clay impurities. Pits near the drilling site are filled with liquid, connected by trays for the free flow of liquid between them. The volume of the pits is approximately 1 cubic meter. The drilling fluid is pumped into the well by a motor pump. The pump inlet hose is lowered into the pit and the solution is pumped into the well. The solution (flushing fluid) performs three functions during drilling:

  • drill cooling;
  • polishing walls;
  • washing out cuttings from the well.
The drill string gradually sinks deeper, its length increases by attaching additional sections. When the drill reaches the required depth, the finished well is thoroughly washed with water, installed in it and “rocking” begins.

Hydro drilling equipment

Drilling water wells involves the use of a small-sized drilling rig. You will need to rent or purchase this device. When assembled, it has rather modest dimensions - approximately 1x1x3 m.

The design includes:

  • collapsible steel frame;
  • mechanical winch;
  • drill (drilling tool);
  • drive motor;
  • swivel (for sliding parts relative to the frame);
  • motor pump supplying solution;
  • drill rods connected into a column;
  • drilling fluid supply hoses;
  • Control block.
It is necessary to prepare a current source - a network alternating current or generator. Special attention focuses on the lifting capacity of the winch as a key tool for moving casing and set-up pipes.

The motor pump can be electric or gasoline. The main thing is that it can operate uninterruptedly under significant load (drilling fluid is denser than water and more viscous).

You will also need a set of casing pipes (with a reserve so as not to interrupt installation in case of shortage), a filter, tools (keys, etc.).

Where does hydro drilling begin?

Preparations for drilling operations are carried out with, on which the aquifer lies. The complexity and labor intensity of the work, as well as the amount of material for rods and casing pipes, depends on this.

One option is to contact government bodies with geodetic maps. To be sure of the quality of the water, it is worth obtaining a conclusion from the SES. It is necessary to prepare a water source for drilling fluid in advance. The volume of solution depends on the composition of the soil. One well may require from 5 to 20 m3 of flushing fluid.

Next, it’s worth preparing the site (site) and equipment. You should start by installing containers to store water. Another option is to create an improvised “reservoir”. To do this, prepare a pit, the walls of which are treated clay mortar or covered with a hydromembrane and then filled with water.

The next stage is installation of the drilling rig. This procedure is simple, but responsible. The device must be installed strictly plumb; the slightest slope will complicate installation casing pipe. Pits (2 pieces) are installed approximately one and a half meters from the proposed well.

The first acts as a filter in which the soil washed out by the solution settles. It is located closer to the drilling rig itself. The minimum dimensions of the filter pit are 0.7 x 0.7 x 0.7 m. The main pit is made larger and located a little further from the well. The pits are connected by trays (trenches) for the flow of liquid. The pump inlet hose is placed in the main pit, and a hose is laid from its outlet to the swivel. The solution flows through the latter into the well.

Do-it-yourself water well drilling technology

Workers with experience in drilling wells begin work early in the morning, because the drilling process takes a lot of time (it can take two to three days). Hydrodrilling water wells has nuances that depend on the density and composition of the soil.
Sandy soils are very hygroscopic and therefore require large amounts of water. The clay solution is mixed immediately before starting work (otherwise the water from the pit will have time to go into the soil).

The washing liquid is prepared using a mixer, in which the clay is mixed with water to approximately the consistency of kefir. Then the drilling fluid does not seep into the sand, clogging holes in the walls of the well and forming an almost airtight “vessel”.

Stop the drilling process sandy soil unacceptable! Therefore, you should carefully check the functionality of the pump, winch and other tools before hydraulic drilling. Do not hesitate to install the casing pipe. Delay may lead to a collapse, after which the drilling of the well will have to be repeated. Drilling a well with your own hands is quite simple procedure(subject to availability of equipment). From the pit, the working drilling fluid is pumped through a pump and through a swivel it reaches the working drill. The clay-water suspension strengthens the walls, polishing them. It also makes it easier for the drill to pass through the rock while simultaneously helping to cool it. The waste liquid is discharged into a pit. There, the soil, washed out by water, sinks to the bottom, and the drilling fluid flows along the tray into the main pit, from where it again enters the well.

The composition of the solution, or rather, its density depends on the characteristics of the soil!

As the well progresses, the soil may change, then the composition of the flushing fluid should be adjusted. Drilling continues until the drill reaches the aquifer. When the rod is not long enough, it is extended with new sections until the well goes into clean water. Equipment manufacturers guarantee the operation of MDUs with wells up to 50 m. However, in reality they are sufficient to drill wells deeper than 100 m. Additional flushing is carried out after reaching the desired aquifer. In this case it is produced clean water, and not a mixture with clay.

Installation of casing pipes

When the drill reaches the aquifer, flushing is carried out. Then you should carefully remove the drill rods.

If the rods are difficult to come out, wash again!

To prevent the well wall from collapsing immediately after the rods are removed, casing should be installed. Three types of pipes are used: asbestos-cement, steel and plastic. The latter are optimal choice. They are inexpensive, yet highly durable and elastic, and are not afraid of corrosion.

To improve water quality and create additional protection from dirt, filtration is necessary. Filters can be either homemade or industrial. The latter are slotted and “sprayed”.

simplest homemade filter They do this: use a grinder to cut transverse slots in the casing pipe. More high-quality cleaning can be achieved by drilling holes in the pipe and wrapping it with geofabric or a special mesh. The design of such a self-made filter is held together with clamps.

Video about drilling a well manually

The video shows the process of making a drilling rig with your own hands and the process of drilling a hole in the soil with a drill.

Sometimes the aquifer is too productive; it can quickly “wash out” the well, preventing it from working. Then a head is put on the pipe and clean water is supplied with a motor pump. maximum pressure. This makes it easy to drill through the hole. Then the column should be tightly filled with gravel and the pump should be installed.

A pump installed at the very bottom of the well quickly becomes dirty and fails.

When choosing a location for installing the pump, place it slightly below the water level, which will allow you to safely complete the work with the entire pump.

Drilling a well yourself is not difficult. The main thing is to ensure the availability of special equipment and tools. Before you make a well with your own hands, you should read the instructions for the equipment. But it will be even better if you can first participate in the work together with experienced specialists who will help you drill a well under water with their advice and practical assistance.

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A budget option for making an autonomous source of water supply is a do-it-yourself well without equipment using several existing technologies. This refers to methods that allow you to do without renting a drilling rig. However, the home craftsman will still need some equipment and tools.

Making a well without equipment with your own hands

Purpose, nuances of the device

Compared to a well, the well has smaller dimensions, allowing you to save the working space of the site. The mouth of the source is sealed much easier; precipitation and dirt do not get inside. No need to take it out a large number of soil, remove it from the construction site.

You can build a well yourself without equipment in several ways:

  • by eroding the soil with water;
  • extracting rock with a hand drill auger;

  • flushing - usually 2 - 3 buckets are pumped out very dirty water, then 1 - 2 cubes of liquid with sand follow, after which the quality returns to normal;

Advantages of the method:

  • low construction budget – purchase of a drill + production of rods with locks for extension;
  • speed of penetration - the auger is an Archimedes screw through which the soil independently moves upward.

When choosing a drill with replaceable blades, labor costs increase sharply. After several revolutions, the tool must be lifted to shake off the rock. Anyway House master can do without helpers. The disadvantages of the technology are:

  • complex vertical positioning;
  • numerous descents/ascents.

Tooling diameter hand drills limited to 40 cm; if desired, you can find 50 cm augers produced by 3–4 Russian manufacturers. This sharply limits the diameter of the casing, allowing low-power submersible pumps to be lowered into it.

Helpful advice! As soon as the drill reaches the aquifer, the soil ceases to linger on the auger and blades. Further penetration is carried out by washing, for which water is supplied to the face under pressure.

Abyssinian needle hole

There is a method for constructing a water intake source without excavating soil. A hole in the ground is made by compacting adjacent rocks by driving a small diameter pipe. That is, the working tool, after reaching the aquifer, simply becomes a casing string.

Therefore everything necessary equipment mounted on the pipe before driving:

You can make a well needle with your own hands without equipment, but it is necessary special tool- grandma. For Abyssinian well no need for a tripod, drilling auger, or flushing pump. However, impact penetration with a sledgehammer flattens top part pipes, so a different scheme is used:

  • a traveling block is attached to the very top of the pipe with clamps;
  • ropes/cables are attached to the headstock and thrown over the pulleys of the block to different sides.

After which, one or two workers simultaneously lift the headstock up to the traveling block and release the cable. The headstock hits the platform, the pipe is driven into the ground, the operation is repeated until the platform is at the ground. Then the pipe is extended, the headstock and traveling block are raised higher.

Despite the low construction budget (5 – 7 thousand rubles), the technology has some disadvantages:

  • difficulties in finding a headstock, a support platform or making these devices with your own hands;
  • polymer pipes cannot be used for impact drilling, steel pipe has fewer resources.
Helpful advice! If necessary, you can secure the headstock with clamps on the pipe, pull out the column with jacks to clean or replace the filter or check valve.

Bailer drilling

Except listed methods You can make a well with your own hands without equipment using the bailer method, which is also called percussion-rope drilling.

To do this, use the following sequence of operations:

  • tripod - 1.5 - 2 m high, mounted on the mouth, a traveling block is fixed in the upper part;
  • drilling - the bailer is lifted by a cable to the traveling block, released, falls to the ground, filled with rock, after removing the earth, the operation is repeated.

The bailer is made of a pipe, the lower edge of which is sharpened (chamfered) or has teeth to destroy the formation. There is a round plug installed inside the hinge to fit internal diameter pipes. When it hits the ground, the plug opens on a hinge; when removed, it closes under the weight of the soil that has accumulated inside.

On dense soils, after an impact, the pipe additionally rotates using levers welded or inserted into the holes. This allows you to increase productivity and reduce labor costs.

Helpful advice! The main advantage is the ability to extract the rock once it reaches the aquifer. The well is deeper, which provides a higher flow rate than with manual drilling.

The disadvantage of the technique is the need to purchase a thick-walled pipe 1 - 1.5 m long. Since the drilling efficiency depends on the weight of the tool.

Sooner or later, the owner of the property faces the question of how to ensure water supply to the house. It's good if it is possible to connect to central water supply. However, most often everyone has to independently solve the problem of water supply to their home and site.

The question of independently constructing a well on a site arises if the area has already been built up and landscaped. Hiring special equipment can lead to the loss of planted plants and destruction of the developed area. Therefore, many people prefer to carry out hydraulic drilling of a well with their own hands.

To create a well on our own, you need a small-sized drilling rig, strength and time. Hydrodrilling can be used in any soil: from clay to sandy. Rocky soil requires other methods of organizing wells.

Getting your own water source can take anywhere from a few hours to a few days. The time it will take to reach the aquifer depends only on its depth.

Required Tools

When creating a well on the site yourself, the most in a simple way is hydrodrilling - the use of water power supplied under high pressure. The advantages of this method are obvious:

  • Easy to use small drilling rig.
  • Cost-effectiveness of hydraulic drilling as a method of creating wells (the ability to rent a drilling rig rather than purchase it).
  • The ability to independently equip a well in a short time.

Hydrodrilling of wells is carried out using a small-sized drilling rig - MDU. It is a quick and easy to assemble structure that does not require much space. The principle of its operation is to wash soil to the surface under strong pressure. The MBU includes:

  • metal collapsible frame;
  • a motor that allows power to be transmitted to the drill;
  • drilling tool;
  • water pump creating the necessary pressure;
  • winch;
  • swivel (one of the parts of the working circuit that provides the necessary sliding fastening to the remaining elements);
  • drill for passing through soil, can be of two types: exploratory or flap;
  • hoses for supplying water from the pump to the swivel;
  • drill rods for forming a column;
  • MBU control unit.

Assembly of the MBU takes no more than 1 hour. Its compact dimensions allow the installation to be used even on a small patch of land. The only thing that is required is to organize pits.

Installation and use of MBU on site

Installation of the drilling rig is carried out in the following order:

The main one is being assembled metal structure according to instructions;

Technological excavations - pits - are made. They will be located 1-1.5 m from the installation and contain drilling fluid used for hydraulic drilling. When installing the MDU, two pits are prepared: the filter pit and the main pit. Next to the drilling rig there is a filter pit with a depth, width and length of up to 0.7 m, while the main pit is located a little further, communicating with the filter pit using a shallow trench. Its dimensions are approximately 1 m in both length, width and depth.

After the main pit there is a water pump. The hose from its inlet is lowered into the main pit. A supply hose extends from the outlet directly to the drilling rig.

It is connected to the swivel via a rod. It is through the swivel that drilling fluid will be fed into the well.

After processing, the drilling fluid will begin to flow from the well into the filter pit. Here the soil from the well will settle to the bottom, and the drilling fluid will flow into the main pit and can again be used during the operation of the MDR.

Note! The drilling fluid depends on the type of soil on the site. If the type of soil changes during well construction, the drilling fluid must also be changed.

Operating procedure

The hydraulic drilling process is as simple as assembly. First, drilling fluid is pumped into the hoses through a water pump. It gets through the swivel into the rods, to the engine-powered drill. The drilling fluid performs several functions: it not only acts on the drilling tool, allowing it to go into the ground in search of water, but also at the same time carries out the function of cooling parts of the installation, and also polishes the walls of the well, thereby making them stronger.

If one rod is not enough to reach the aquifer, you can add required amount barbells until reaching clean water. In this case, you should definitely rinse the water intake with clean water and then place a pump in the well to pump it further.


How drilling occurs using an MDR, see the following video:

An autonomous source is perhaps the most profitable option for solving the problem of water supply at home. Especially if the technological process of hydraulic drilling of wells is used in the construction process. After all, with the help of hydrodrilling, you can equip a well not only cheaply, but also quickly.

Therefore, in this article we will look at the nuances of this technological process, after familiarizing yourself with which you can literally create a well with your own hands.

The hydrodrilling process is based on softening the soil at the drill site with a special flushing liquid, which uses ordinary industrial water. Such tricks are used to reduce the friction force of the soil on the drill, which ultimately guarantees not only high-speed, but also energy-efficient well construction. After all, liquefied soil “drills” much easier than a compacted, super-dense horizon.

Technically it looks like this:

  • Near the drilling site, a network of pits is dug up - square depressions with dimensions one meter per meter, which are connected to each other by special trenches - trays.
  • Drilling fluid - a clay suspension composed of industrial water - is poured directly into the pits. The intake hose of the motorized pump is also lowered there.

  • The pump pressure hose is connected to the swivel, thereby ensuring constant influx fluids into the drilling zone.

As a result, the clay suspension polishes the walls of the shaft, cools the drill head and softens the soil at the drilling site.

Moreover, energy consumption in this case is minimal - the power of the motor pump cannot be compared with the characteristics of the drilling rig, and the benefits from increasing the drilling speed and reducing the degree of wear of the head are more than obvious.

Hydro drilling tools and equipment

The main working tool with which the technology we are interested in is implemented is a small-sized drilling rig (MDR), which consists of the following components:

  • Frame – a collapsible frame structure on which the engine and winch are mounted. Moreover, the frame not only “carries” the power equipment, but also “holds” the drill pipes (rods) in a vertical position.
  • The energy part is the engine that generates torque on the rod and the winch that produces the draft force.
  • A swivel is a special unit with which you can provide “sliding” fastening of the working elements of the MDU.
  • Working elements - drill rods and drilling heads (exploration or flap type).

However, hydraulic drilling of wells with a small-sized MDU installation involves the use of a number of auxiliary devices and tools, which include:

  • Set of hoses connecting swivel and pump
  • A set of fittings that ensures the assembly of a pipeline through which drilling fluid is supplied,
  • A motorized pump that ensures the injection of clay suspension into the drilling zone.
  • Set hand tools(adjustable wrench, manual clamp, transfer fork), with which the elements of the drill rod will be mounted.
  • An electric generator that powers the winch, as well as the winch itself (1-2 tons), if one is not included in the MDU design.

In addition, to equip the source itself, you will need casing pipes and a pump to pump up the well.

Do-it-yourself hydrodrilling of wells: an overview of the process

Taking into account technological features, the hydraulic drilling process can be divided into three stages:

  • The preparatory stage, during which a drilling site is selected and a certain volume of drilling fluid is accumulated.
  • The stage of drilling a well, during which a shaft of a future water supply source is formed.
  • Stage of installation of the casing frame.
  • The final stage, during which the final construction of the well occurs.

Most important step- this is the first step. First you should select appropriate place, using third-party recommendations or your own observations (see the article “How to find water for a well”).

After choosing a location, you need to stock up on 10-20 tons of drilling fluid, which can be drained into a pit and distributed among pits. An alternative to a fairly deep hole (9 tons fits in a 2x3x1.5 meter excavation) can be a container (of the same size).

Well development using drilling fluid

Well development begins with the assembly of the drilling rig. A frame is mounted on the site, to which the engine, winch and swivel are attached. Next, you need to assemble the first bend of the drill rod with the head at the lower end, pull it with a winch to the swivel and secure it in this unit.

The drill rod elements are mounted on a threaded lock (trapezoidal or conical type). The shape of the drill tip is a chisel or petals. The maximum drilling depth using MDR is 50 meters.

The next step is preparing the drilling fluid. To do this, water is poured into the pit from a pit or container into which clay is added, turning the liquid into a thick suspension that is poorly absorbed by the soil.

Upon completion of the preparatory procedures, drilling can begin. Torque from the engine is transmitted to the drill rod by a gearbox, below which there is a swivel. The drilling fluid is supplied directly to the swivel and poured into the rods.

The waste liquid enters the straight-through filter - a trench near the drilling zone, where it settles and, after that, is pumped to the nearest pit. This way you can save on the volume of drilling fluid.

Well, the drilling process itself looks like this:

  • The motor, swivel and gearbox slide along the frame on a bracket as the drill rod is driven into the ground.
  • The rotation speed of the drill is controlled from the remote control.
  • After the rod is deepened to the design mark, the bracket with the motor, swivel and gearbox is lifted up (with a winch), and a new elbow is screwed to the threaded end of the rod.

And so on until reaching the calculated drilling depth.

The rod is centered using a calibrating bracket welded onto the frame at the bottom end. The bracket has round hole, where one end of the rod is inserted. The second end fits into the swivel. And by adjusting the deviation of the frame from the vertical and horizontal, you can set the drilling angle.

Installation of casing pipes in a well - how is it done?

After reaching the aquifers, it is pumped into the well process water, with the help of which the soil at the mine shaft is softened. After the soil has softened, using a winch, the drill rod is removed from the well, gradually unwinding everything threaded connections at the junction of constituent elements.

Having completed dismantling the rod, the first casing pipe is immersed in the well, holding its end with a winch. Moreover, the walls of the first pipe are covered with perforations (cuts or holes) and wrapped in geotextile (similar to a filter membrane).

The casing frame elements are assembled into a socket equipped with a thicker wall of the pipe. Therefore, asbestos, cast iron or polymer (the most durable option) pipes with a diameter of 125 millimeters and a wall thickness of 0.7 centimeters are used as casing elements.

The joints are sealed using electric welded couplings (which is preferable) or silicone sealant.

Final stage

Upon completion of the assembly of the casing frame, they begin to pump up the well (see the article “How to pump up a well”). Finally, a pump and an adapter are connected to the pumped well, with which you can connect the source to the water supply.

That is, a tunnel is made to the casing pipe (below the freezing level of the soil), and a hole is cut in the body of the frame. A pump is inserted into the pipe, the hose of which is connected to internal part hole-mounted adapter.

Do-it-yourself hydrodrilling of wells makes it possible to minimal costs provide clean water to your country home.

The technique we are interested in is based on the destruction of soil rocks using a special drilling tool and liquid. The load on the soil is provided by the equipment for hydraulic drilling and the mass of the rods used to perform the operation. These devices are used to pump a flushing compound (called drilling fluid) into a water well. The washing liquid consists of a suspension ordinary water and clay.

Hydro drilling of a well

Near the area where drilling activities will be carried out, special pits with dimensions of about 100 by 100 cm are dug. They are connected to each other by trays. Drilling solution is supplied to the pits. Then the hose leading from the motor pump is lowered into the pit and the unit is turned on. The motor pump takes the drilling fluid and pumps it into the well under a given pressure.

As a result of this, the slag formed during drilling is washed out by the drilling compound, which simultaneously grinds the well (its surface) and cools the working tool used for the operation. When moving the drill string deep into the soil, add required quantity rods until the installation reaches the required depth. After this, water is used to flush the well and pumping equipment is installed.

Uninformed people are sure that to construct a well for suburban area The hydraulic drilling method requires bulky equipment and special knowledge. This is wrong. The procedure is carried out using MBU - a special installation. Its diameter is 100 cm and its height is approximately 300 cm. The design of the MBU includes the following working elements:

  • drilling tool;
  • metal frame (dismountable, easy to deliver to the work site);
  • control unit;
  • a part of the working circuit called a swivel, which is needed to connect structural elements into one whole using a sliding principle;
  • winch;
  • flap or exploration drill;
  • pump (water) necessary to create a given pressure value in the installation
  • engine (from which the force is supplied to the drill);
  • hose for supplying flushing fluid to the swivel;
  • column of drill rods.

MDR for drilling

Since the MBU operates on electricity, you will also need to stock up on a current converter. It will provide the installation with electricity during drilling activities. In some cases, such a converter is already built into the MBU design. Additionally you will need to purchase hand clamps, a transfer fork, a set of keys for pipe products, casing pipes and other small devices that simplify the procedure for drilling water wells.

First, we determine the number of pipes (casing) that will be required for drilling. To do this, you need to find out at what depth (approximately) the aquifer is located. Contact your neighbors who have already dug a water well, or get official certificate from a local geodetic organization.

Then solve the problem with the source where you will get water for the drilling composition. This stage should be approached responsibly. You will need a lot of liquids for manual drilling using MDR – 7–20 cubic meters(it all depends on the depth of the aquifer and specific composition soil on your site).

Usually water is poured into large tanks (barrels, plastic containers), and then use it for its intended purpose. You can save on buying tanks and dig a spacious pit with your own hands. Its walls will need to be treated with a clay solution (simple clay plus water) and boldly filled with liquid.

Large tanks for storing water from a well

The next step is to assemble a small-sized drilling unit and install it. These works are completed in 50–60 minutes. Important point! The MBU should be placed strictly horizontally. If there are even small deviations, you will not be able to install the casing pipe during the work.

Approximately 120–150 cm from the MBU, you dig out the two pits that we talked about. The first one should be located closer to the drilling structure. It will be used as a filter device. Place the second further and connect it with a tray (narrow trench) to the first.

Place the motor pump at the main pit. Lower the hose into it. Connect the pump to the MCU. Then connect the rod with the hose and swivel. The last element will allow you to easily fill a water well with drilling fluid.

Everything is ready to start work. Pros advise starting with them in the morning - if the aquifer lies deep, it will take a lot of time to drill.

The procedure for manual hydraulic drilling is simple. Its scheme is as follows:

  1. Pour water into the pit and mix the clay in it until it reaches the consistency of kefir. The operation is performed with a mixer. When drilling, such a solution will form a kind of container with smooth walls in the well.
  2. Start the motor pump. It pumps flushing fluid into the hoses, which flows to the drilling rig through the rod. Then the water goes into the first pit. In it, the liquid from the well, saturated with soil particles, is filtered (the suspensions settle to the bottom). The drilling fluid becomes clean and flows into the next pit. It can be reused for drilling.
  3. In cases where the length of the drill string is not enough to reach the water layer, install additional rods.
  4. Having reached the treasured aquifer, you supply a large volume of clean liquid into the well to thoroughly rinse it.
  5. Remove the rods and install pipes (casing).

Typically, tubular products with a cross-section of 11.6–12.5 cm with walls having a thickness of about 6 mm are used. It is allowed to install any casing pipes - plastic, asbestos-cement, steel.

Maximum duration of trouble-free use is guaranteed plastic products. They practically do not deform and do not rust at all.

It is advisable to equip casing pipes with filters. Then the water from the well will have more high quality. You can purchase ready-made filter devices. But there is more economical option– make simple filters with your own hands.

Casing pipes with filters

Use a drill to drill many small holes in the bottom of the casing. Wrap the product with geofabric, securing it with suitable clamps. The filter is ready! Believe me, such a simple design will make the water from the well much cleaner.

After installing the casing, the well is flushed again. The procedure makes it possible to wash out the aquifer, which during the drilling process was saturated with the flushing liquid. This operation is done as follows:

  • install on a pipe product;
  • Carefully secure the hose coming from the motor pump;
  • supply clean water inside the well.

All work has been completed. Lower the pump into the well and enjoy clean water.