Exquisite Japanese bonsai: maple in miniature. Japanese maple: varieties, care, use in garden design

(Acer Ginnala)

The Ginnala maple is a small deciduous tree or large shrub. It grows quickly, is winter-hardy, light-loving, loses its decorative effect when planted in shaded areas, and tolerates replanting and city conditions well. Gives abundant growth. Prefers fertile soil. Photophilous. Frost-resistant. Withstands haircuts very well. Beautiful ornamental plant, suitable for group and single plantings, creating bright hedges, landscaping the banks of reservoirs, and edge plantings. Looks good in combination with snowberry, dogwood, sucker, against the background coniferous species.

(Acer palmatum)

Fan maple is a shrub or small tree with very elegant carved leaves. It grows slowly. Demanding on soil fertility. Photophilous. Demanding on soil and air moisture. In frosty winters, without shelter it can freeze. By the brightness and grace of the leaves in spring and autumn time can successfully compete with the most exquisite flowers. Used in group and single plantings in protected corners of squares and parks, near paths.

(Acer palmatum Atropurpureum)

Maple palmate Atropurpureum is a bright large shrub or small tree. The leaves are initially bright red, later turning dark red. Slow growing. With age, it grows faster in width than in height. Demanding on soil fertility. Photophilous. Demanding on soil and air moisture. In frosty winters, without shelter it can freeze. Used in group and single plantings in protected corners of squares and parks, near paths.

(Acer palmatum Bloodgood)

Bloodgood maple is a shrub or small tree of very beautiful shape, up to 3-4 m high. It grows slowly. Requires fertile humus, sufficiently moist soils. Sun-loving, but tolerates partially shaded planting sites. Demanding on moisture. Frost resistance is average. It is advisable to cover for the winter, especially young specimens. Very decorative variety for small gardens and container plantings.

(Acer palmatum Dissectum)

Maple palmate Dissectum is a shrub with filigree, cut leaves. It grows slowly. Requires fertile humus, sufficiently moist soils. Sun-loving, but tolerates partially shaded planting sites. Demanding on moisture. Frost resistance is average. It is advisable to cover it for the winter. Looks great in group and single plantings.

(Acer rubrum)

Red maple is a large deciduous tree with a fast growth rate. It is not picky about soils and does not tolerate stagnant water. Has high frost resistance. Decorative with a thick, strong crown, deeply notched foliage, large acorns, and autumn coloring of the leaves. Excellent in alley plantings, as a tapeworm and in large decorative groups.

(Acer rubrum Red Sunset)

Red Sunset Red Maple is a small, fast-growing tree with a conical, regular crown that becomes more rounded and well-branched with age. Prefers moist soils, but also grows in dry soils; it does not tolerate compacted soils. Photophilous, frost-hardy. Suffering from the heat. This plant is impossible not to notice in the fall; its foliage takes on a fiery color. Used in single and alley plantings.

(Acer pseudoplatanus brilliantissimum)

False sycamore maple Brilliantissimum is a medium-sized tree with a round-conical crown. It has very decorative foliage: golden yellow when emerging, then light yellow with a pinkish tint, and finally dark green in late summer and autumn. Refers to rocks that improve soil. Gives a lot of nectar, a good honey plant. Prefers fertile, moderately moist soil. Does not tolerate salinity. Sun-loving. Young shoots may freeze slightly, but recover quickly. A valuable variety for urban plantings and small gardens.

(Acer platanoides)

Norway maple is the most common species for gardening construction in Russia. Big sizes, beautiful dense crown, slender trunk, very ornamental foliage - the most valuable qualities. It is quite demanding regarding soil fertility and moisture. Shade-tolerant. Does not tolerate stagnant moisture and salinity. Winter-hardy. Used in single and alley plantings, large decorative groups. The colorful autumn outfit of the Norway maple stands out in contrast against the background of conifers.

(Acer platanoides Deborah)

Norway maple Deborah is a medium-sized tree characterized by a dense, rounded crown and bright reddish-purple leaves in the spring that change color to bronze-green in the summer and become yellow-orange or bronze in the fall. Light-loving, but grows well in partial shade. Drought resistant. Does not tolerate stagnant water. Winter-hardy. In harsh winters, young shoots may be damaged. Prefers fertile, well-drained soil. Good resistance to air pollution, so grows well in urban environments. Used for single and group plantings, creating alleys and tree and shrub groups.

(Acer platanoides Drummondii)

Norway maple Drummondi has surprisingly delicate leaves bordered by a white, uneven stripe. Even in the shadows, it illuminates and enlarges the space, making it airy and light. The growth rate is quite fast. Photophilous. Shade-tolerant, but in shady places loses its decorative effect. Does not tolerate drought. It is winter-hardy, but in severe winters, annual shoots may freeze. Used as a standart, in groups, alleys. Tolerates urban conditions well.

(Acer platanoides Crimson Sentry)

Norway maple Crimson Sentry is a columnar tree with bright purple leaves that can become a true decoration of any garden. It is the most compact of all red Norway maples. It is not picky about the soil, it can grow even on heavy clays, but it prefers fertile, loose, sufficiently moist soil. Light-loving, but can also grow in partial shade. Does not tolerate stagnant moisture and salinity. Frost-resistant. Ideal for creating bright and large spots in tree and shrub compositions.

(Acer platanoides Royal Red)

Norway maple Royal Red is a low deciduous tree with a pyramidal crown. The leaves are large and red. The variety is widely used in landscape compositions. Demanding on soil fertility. Does not tolerate salinity and suffers from soil compaction. Light-loving, but tolerates partial shade. Demanding on soil moisture, does not tolerate drought or stagnant water. It has high frost resistance, but in severe winters, annual shoots may freeze. It is used in single and group plantings, large tree and shrub compositions.

(Acer platanoides Faassens Black)

Norway maple Fassens Black is a large deciduous tree with a spectacular crown. Leaves range from light red to purple-violet. At a young age it grows quickly, but over time growth slows down. Tolerates all fertile soils, from slightly acidic to alkaline, but suffers on too wet swampy peatlands. Light-loving, in the shade the decorative effect of the leaves is lost. Does not tolerate stagnant moisture. Has high frost resistance. It is used in single and group plantings, large tree and shrub compositions.

(Acer campestre Nanum)

Field maple Nanum is a slow-growing tree with a dense spherical crown. Most often grown in standard form. The leaves are rich green, turning yellow in autumn. Does not tolerate stagnant moisture and salinity. Frost-resistant. It is highly resistant to diseases and pests. It tolerates urban conditions well and does not lose leaves even in dry, hot summers. Recommended for urban landscaping, planting on streets, squares, small gardens.

(Acer saccharinum)

Silver maple is a large tree with graceful carved leaves. Blooms before the leaves bloom. The growth rate is fast. Prefers fertile, well-drained soils. Shade-tolerant, but better development reaches in sunny places. Tolerates short-term soil drought and temporary flooding. Has high winter hardiness. Beautiful crown shape throughout the growing season. Particularly beautiful during the autumn coloring of the leaves. Used in single and group plantings.

(Acer tataricum)

Tatarian maple is a large shrub or small tree. Grows moderately quickly. Tolerates soil salinity. Drought resistant. Frost-resistant. Tolerates haircuts well. Resistant to urban conditions. Used in single and group plantings, hedges and as undergrowth.

(Acer freemanii Autumn Blaze)

Freeman Maple Autumn Blaze is a hybrid of red and silver maples with an oval crown in orange-red and red tones. Doesn't bloom. The growth rate is fast. Prefers moist and fertile soils, but is generally not demanding. Can withstand temporary flooding and excess moisture. Resistant to urban conditions. Shade-tolerant, frost-resistant. Resistant to diseases and pests. Used in parks, squares, individual gardens as a fast-growing shady tree. Very beautiful during leaf fall with its fiery leaves.

(Acer negundo Flamingo)

Ash-leaved maple Flamingo is a tree or shrub with a wide crown and brittle branches that grows quickly. It tolerates shaping and cutting well. Flamingo is a low form with elegant leaves: green, with pinkish-white edges and stripes. Not demanding, prefers well-moistened and drained soils. Photophilous. Not demanding on moisture. Frost-resistant. Used in single plantings, decorative groups, and hedges.

if you love unusual trees and want to see them in your garden, consider Japanese red maple as one of the options. The high decorative value of this crop is undeniable, especially in autumn, when carved leaves acquire a fiery red color. Compact trees are grown like tapeworms, because their crown looks truly luxurious. Japanese red maple can decorate any corner of the garden, terrace, or greenhouse, because these trees, due to their compact size, can be grown in large portable tubs. We invite you to get acquainted with this culture right now. We will give you a story about caring for red maple and planting it in our conditions.

Features of Japanese maple

If you decide to grow Japanese maple in your garden, you should know what some of the features of this culture are. Firstly, a tree growing in natural conditions in Japan and Korea, loves warmth. In winter, it can withstand temperatures of at least 20 degrees below zero. This means that growing difficulties may arise if you live in middle lane, where in winter the thermometer sometimes drops below -25-28 degrees. In this regard, it is worth thinking about how exactly you will grow Japanese maple - in a tub, which can be moved to a cool room for the winter, or in the garden, where you will have to take care of covering the tree for the winter?

The second requirement for successful cultivation crops are fertile soil. If the soil on your site is poor, you will have to artificially enrich it both before planting and later. Japanese red maple needs plenty nutrients. Perhaps these are two requirements that need to be taken into account if you want to plant this luxurious tree. We will consider the remaining features of planting and care further.

This is a red maple (photo)

Planting red maple

So where do you start when planting a Japanese red maple? Of course, with the purchase of a seedling. It is best to purchase it from nurseries. It is advisable that the seedling be in a container with soil, then its roots will not be damaged during transportation and transplantation.

On the site, find a place located where there is most sunlight. It is desirable that it be protected from the wind as much as possible, and that no other trees or shrubs grow nearby, within a radius of 2-3 meters.

As already mentioned, you need to prepare suitable soil for planting Japanese maple. To do this, dig a hole, the size of which in all respects is twice the size of the root system of the purchased seedling. The soil must be breathable, nutritious, slightly acidic or neutral. Thoroughly mix the soil from the hole with compost and peat, and if necessary, if it is clayey, add sand. Pour a third of the soil mixture into the hole.

Carefully remove the seedling along with a lump of earth from the container and place it in the hole. “Popular about health” draws attention to the fact that you should not push a young maple into the ground more than necessary. Place the seedling at the same level at which it grew in the container. Cover it up soil mixture, trying to fill all the voids. Use your hands to compact the soil well, forming a circle around the trunk. Water it, maybe even in two stages, so that the substrate sinks a little along with the water. Immediately mulch the soil surface with peat. Now it will be useful for readers to learn about the features of caring for Japanese red maple.

More photos of red maple

How to Care for Japanese Red Maple?

This culture does not require special attention. The tree needs watering in dry times, and it is advisable to spray young seedlings warm water, but not at noon, but better in the evening, when the sun is not so aggressive. Fertilizing is very important for Japanese red maple. In the spring, when the snow has completely melted and the soil has warmed up a little, the tree trunk circle is sprinkled with granulated mineral fertilizers, after which they water and loosen the soil near the tree trunk.

Mulching with peat and humus will not only help protect the roots from unfavorable conditions, but will also provide long-lasting nutrition. In the middle zone, trees, especially young ones, need to be protected from the winter cold. You can use, for example, garden fleece, which has a soft structure and retains heat well. In areas where the frosts in winter are not so severe, down to -18 degrees, the tree does not need shelter, but snowfall can pose a threat to the crown. It is advisable to clear snow build-ups from branches after heavy snow falls.

The most dangerous are thaws with rain, alternating with frosts. In such conditions, the crown becomes overgrown with ice, which means there is a risk that the branches will not withstand the load and will break. This crop does not need pruning, unless it makes sense to cut off shoots that have suffered from frost in winter. The formation of the crown of the Japanese red maple occurs naturally, and over time the tree acquires a unique and refined silhouette.

As you can see, there is nothing special or complicated about caring for and planting Japanese maple. The main thing is to provide it with a nutritious environment and protect it from the cold in winter. If you grow this tree in a tub, then simply move it to a cool room for the winter. The rest of the gardener’s actions are standard - watering, loosening the tree trunk, mulching the soil and fertilizing in spring and autumn.

Many people in modern world find time to maintain their garden. In it they grow vegetables, fruits, flowers and many others exotic plants. Exactly to last category refers to Japanese maple. We will teach you how to choose it correctly. Let's talk about the landing rules and various types decorative tree.

General characteristics

Today there are about 100 types of wood. The plant is easy to recognize by the following criteria:

  • bush or tree with foliage;
  • height can be from 2 to 10 meters depending on the variety;
  • leaves small size bright shade;
  • acceptable colors: green, yellow, fiery red, pink;
  • the leaf shape resembles a palm tree;
  • During flowering, small flowers are formed.

Japanese maple is suitable for people who love the autumn mood and its wild colors. There are many varieties of this tree; some important varieties are worth mentioning separately.

To the store

We will bring you the most unique and amazingly beautiful trees that you will find in a store or nursery.

  1. "Aconitifolium" . From spring to late summer the foliage is bright green. In autumn, the shade of the tree is yellow-orange. The shape of the leaves resembles deep lobes.
  2. "Aureum" . This is a variety of finger maple. The crown has a bright yellow tint. The shape of the leaves resembles finely cut lobes. Among these representatives there are trees with colored bark.
  3. "Atropurpurreum" . The leaf shape is the same as the previous variety. Preferably differs from all other types in its color scheme. Throughout the season, the crown changes from bright red to black-purple.
  4. "Dissectum" . The leaves have a semicircular, flattened shape. Their color is most often a red-purple hue.

On this variety ornamental trees don't end. You can choose a plant according to your taste preferences, which will harmoniously fit into the landscape of your garden plot.

Why is it needed?

Japanese maple, planting and caring for which is simple, beautiful and looks ideal in the following places:

  • pond;
  • rock garden;
  • lawn near the house or terrace;
  • front garden

Professional garden designers grow trees on the roofs of buildings. You can beautifully and originally plant it in separate wooden barrels or tubs. If you are a fan of the bonsai style, then Japanese maple seedlings are used to create plant compositions. Let's move on to the next important step.


The procedure is simple, but requires special knowledge. Planting a Japanese maple requires necessary materials. To do this, prepare:

  • tree seedlings;
  • compost;
  • peat.

Landing is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  1. Dig a hole. It should be twice as deep and wide as the root of the tree.
  2. If you bought a ready-made cutting of a plant, then free it from the pot. Unravel the roots and loosen the soil before planting.
  3. Add pre-prepared compost and peat to the hole.
  4. Bury the plant.
  5. Make a hole around the bush that is required for convenient watering.
  6. Moisten the tree thoroughly so that the roots quickly take root in the new soil.
  7. The following spring, after planting, add a layer of mulch under the tree. It should consist of soil with rotten leaves.
  8. If the summer is too hot, the bush will need to be watered more often.

In order for the plant to take root well and quickly, you need to prepare right place.

Where to plant?

Japanese maple will develop in ideal location, which must meet the following indicators:

  1. If you plant finger variety, then prepare a shadow for him. For everyone else, the sunny side is suitable.
  2. The soil must be permeable. If there is no supply to the tree required quantity moisture, the leaves will turn brown.
  3. The place where the maple is to grow should not be treated with lime. After contact with the substance, the leaves of the bush begin to fall off.

Now you know where and how to plant Japanese maple. Care is the next stage of growing an ornamental plant.

We take care of it correctly

Basic plant care includes the following items, the implementation of which is mandatory:

  1. Although the tree loves well-moistened soil, it should not be constantly damp. This can cause the roots to rot.
  2. If your area is small, no problem. The bush can take root on any plot of land, the lighting of which may not be suitable for the variety.
  3. Maples are not afraid of drafts.
  4. The tree must be pruned every spring. This procedure in the first years of the plant’s life will help it gain correct form. In the subsequent period, you can simply remove dry and diseased branches.
  5. Once a month you need to carry out additional watering. About 15 liters of water per root.
  6. In August, it is recommended to stop all feeding.

Remember! Additional watering in no way replaces the on-demand moistening.

The quality of the tree will directly depend on the seed material.

How to buy?

If you decide to add a touch of brightness and originality to your garden, then you should choose Japanese maple. Its seeds can be purchased in specialized stores or ordered from a catalog. In this case, no one can guarantee that yours will grow. It is better to make a purchase in nurseries and purchase ready-made seedlings. To do this, you are provided with the following recommendations:

  1. Examine the plant. It must be healthy. It is better if the bush is sold in a pot or container.
  2. Make a purchase in early spring or in the fall so that the plant can be planted immediately.
  3. Don't buy a tree in summer. It is not recommended to plant it during this period, because the plant does not take root well due to drought.

Few people know, but Japanese maple can be grown not only in open ground. Home conditions are ideal for this.

indoor tree

At home they grow a special dwarf variety. Japanese maple on the windowsill renders positive impact for an apartment. Namely:

  • humidifies the air;
  • increases the amount of oxygen in your apartment;
  • From spring to autumn it will delight with its flowering.

Despite the fact that the plant is easy to plant and care for, it is constantly attacked by various pests, for example:

  • whitefly;
  • spider mite;

For the treatment and prevention of diseases, use this solution: dissolve 1 mg of decis in a liter of water. Mix the mixture thoroughly and spray your dwarf Japanese maple with it.

Room care

The procedure should include the following points:

  • thorough watering from spring to late autumn;
  • V winter time It is better to reduce the moisture content of the plant in a pot by half;
  • it is allowed to fertilize the tree with complex preparations;
  • Every two years, replant the plant in a larger container.

You have become acquainted with outdoor and indoor Japanese maple. Now you can grow in your garden decorative decoration, which you can care for according to all recommendations.

  • Japanese red maple
  • Japanese maple planting and care
  • Japanese maple seeds
  • Japanese maple fan
  • Japanese maple photo
  • buy Japanese maple

Leaves are perhaps the most underrated feature of plants. But it is the leaves of the Japanese maple that are the keys to the successful design of your garden.

Japanese maple (Acer japonicum) and palm maple (Acer palmatum) - highly decorative and shrubs (in cultivation) native to Japan and Korea. These two types, as well as a variety of the second -fan maple (Acer palmatum Dissectum) - creategroup Japanese maples. Miniature maple varieties grow well in Japan, but they can be easily grown in our climate. The most resistant is the green-leaved maple and its varieties with red leaves - "Atropurpureum" and "Bloodgood".

Japanese maples grow very slowly and usually reach several meters in height. In Japan, the largest tree at the age of 100 years reaches 10 meters in height and 40 centimeters in trunk diameter. UsuallyJapanese maple And palm maple grow up to 8 m, andfan maple – no more than 2-3 m in height.

When200 years ago These plants began to be imported from Japan, which had been growing there for centuries, and European botanists were stunned by their incredible diversity. Europeans originally dubbed them with the Latin name -Acer polymorphum . And from this group, perhaps the Japanese maple was one of the first to be brought to our region. This type of maple has almostround leaves , most of them are up to 15 cm long and consist of 7-, 9-, 11-, 13 feather-like lobes. They are very reminiscent of a human palm. Due to the shape of the leaves, this maple has another name -hauchiwa-Kaede . Highlight four main varieties Japanese maples: - typical Japanese maple A. japonicum, in which the lobes are connected almost together and the leaf seems solid.Other maples: A. japonicum ‘Aconitifolium’, A. japonicum ‘Dissectum’, A. japonicum ‘Vitifolium’.

Japanese maplelooks very impressive duringflowering in May. His flowers red or yellow-green in color, large, up to 15 mm in diameter. But the most impressive tree is in the fall, whenleaves acquire a charming color. Under straight lines sun rays the leaves turn red and purple, shaded by bright orange and red flowers. They look stunning!

The best varieties: Japanese maple Senkaki (Acer palmatum ‘Senkaki’ or ‘Sango-kaku’), MapleGarnet (Acer Palmatum ‘Garnet’, Acer palmatum var. dissectum ‘Garnet’), MapleKatsura (Acer Palmatum ‘Katsura’, Acer palmatum var. dissectum ‘Katsura’), MapleButterfly (Acer Palmatum ‘Butterfly’, Acer palmatum var. dissectum ‘Butterfly’).

Japanese maple Senkaki is an attractive and compact tree, popular variety, which lovers of Japanese maples will definitely appreciate.Tree height - up to two meters, suitable for growing in large pots and containers.Leaves lobed, the leaf usually has five lobes; in autumn the color turns orange and bright.

Japanese maple Senkaki (photo):

Maple Garnet - an incredibly beautiful maple tree, you can look at it endlessly, especially in the autumn season. Averageheight maple - four meters. The main highlight is the unusual spreading crown, as well as the color of the leaves in the autumn months, they become carmine red.

Maple Garnet (photo):

Every gardener can grow a very beautiful Japanese maple. You just need to choose the right place to plant it and also spend a little time caring for it.

Landing.Be sure to choose the right planting location. It would be ideal for themplace sunny or partially shaded, protected from the winds. They tolerate some shade but look best when grown in full sun. Yes, these treesdo not like transfers Once you have planted Japanese maples, they should not be replanted because it is very easy to damage their delicate roots.

Japanese maples frost resistant. Relativelysoil requirements , then they should not be planted in wet soils. Japanese maples are sensitive plants.The soil must contain a high proportion of humus and haveweak acid reaction . If the soil is sandy, then it needs to be enriched with fertile garden soil. Due to the fact that the roots of these plants grow close to the ground, the place where they are planted needs to be well leveled. This way you can createheat insulating layer , which will fulfill its protective function both in winter and in summer. It is also necessary to cover young maple seedlingsin winter , since these plants may suffer from frost. Also, in early spring, shelter will contribute to not too fastthe development of their kidneys.

Japanese maple perfect for . And all thanks to himcompact growth . But for the winter, plants in tubs should be moved to a frost-free room. It grows slowly and is also very picturesque. Besides thatJapanese mapleeasy to grow, it will provide you with a lot of joy in summer and autumn with its beautiful leaves, which change color with the onset of cold weather. Expect a fireworks display of fiery red, brown, yellow and orange leaves.

Care.After planting, a young maple mustneeds feeding . The first feeding is a month after planting, then feed once every four weeks. Suitablecomplex fertilizers and compost. After winter period Necessarilyremove frozen branches. Gardeners do not recommend trimming the crowns of the tree, because the Japanese maple is a joyexactly its natural beauty. Also, don't forgetmulch the soil before the start of the winter season.In hot weather be sure to watch the soil, mapledoesn't like dry soil . Sometimes the leaves of the plant are also sprayed; this is done in hot weather. Maple pest -gall mite . Watch the leaves carefully, if you see something suspicious, it’s better to immediatelyremove the leaf.

Many varieties of mapleseeds fall in the autumn, but there are varieties whose seeds can be collected in the summer. The seeds are medium in size, most often Brown, people often call them “helicopters”, because they fall to the ground very slowly, and at the same time rotate. There are some difficulties when growing maple from seeds. It all depends on the chosen variety. The easiest to grow maples are those that drop their seeds in the spring or summer.

After youcollected seeds , they need to be placedin the cold. It is best to place the seeds in a sealed bag (Ziploc lunch bags) before doing this. Collected seeds put in the refrigerator. Each variety has its owntemperature , best option- 3-5 degrees Celsius. Constantlycheck bag with seeds, there should be no condensation or excess moisture on it. Seeds are obtained after 120 days. Seeds of some varieties can be planted after 90 days of cold.Sprouted seeds can be planted in small containers only when a second tier of leaves appears on the small sprout. Now you canplant a tree into the ground.

Fan maple is a marvelous decoration of every garden or park. It is an excellent compact tree that impresses with the beauty of its leaves. Fan maple is one of the varieties of Japanese maple, because historicalMotherland tree - Japan, and also grows naturally in China and Korea. The tree is very compact,height - about eight meters.Crown very unusual, thick, spherical. Sometimes it has several trunks.Leaves Fan maple trees are very beautiful and large, with an average length of 12 centimeters and a width of four centimeters. The leaf is divided into lobes.Blooms mainly in spring, small flowers collected in inflorescences, appear laterwinged fruits.

Use in garden design.Japanese maple will look very good in a private garden, as well as in city parks. Its interesting and very bright leaves attract attention. You can make itmain focus on its territory, because in autumn it is very difficult not to notice this tree. Japanese maple combines very effectively with large stones or boulders and even with small pebbles, which can be scattered near the root of the tree. The crown provides shade, so you can plant it near a treefern or other shade-tolerant plants. Landscape designers with good taste will be able to create very unusual compositions usingmaple and conifers , as well as combining maples and flowering shrubs ← Share with friends!

The Land of the Rising Sun gave the world Japanese maples, incredible in their diversity and beauty. Once you see them, you will certainly want to complement the garden picture with a watercolor touch of exquisite oriental beauty. Moreover, planting and caring for maple will not cause much trouble.

Types and varieties

The genus of maples today has more than a hundred species and thousands of varieties. The category of Japanese representatives includes 2 deciduous species:

Attention! Japanese maples are found in natural conditions on the territory of the Sakhalin region, and due to their scarcity they are listed in the Red Book.

The most attractive varieties for the garden are:

  • A. japonicum aconitifolium (monkshood) is a tree-like shrub that is decorated with large, deeply dissected leaves in fiery orange, burgundy and yellow shades;

A. japonicum aconitifolium

  • A. japonicum vitifolium (grape-leaved) - characterized by slow growth and picturesque rounded fan-shaped foliage, turning bright crimson in autumn;

A. japonicum vitifolium

  • A. palmatum sangokaku (maple with coral bark) - in addition to decorative deeply cut leaves with a pink border, it surprises with its spectacular coral-red bark;

A. palmatum sangokaku

  • A. palmatum Garnet is a small graceful tree with lacy leaves and low hanging branches. The thin-lobed leaves vary in hue from deep red to dark purple, transitioning to deep crimson;

A. palmatum Garnet

  • A. palmatum Katsura is a compact variety that produces purple-red flowers in early spring. Leaves in spring period yellowish with a richer brick edging. At the height of summer, the maple changes color to an unremarkable green, and by autumn it turns orange;

A. palmatum Katsura

  • A. palmatum Butterfly - sports 5-lobed silver-green foliage that sometimes curls flirtatiously. In spring you can notice pinkish touches, and in autumn the place of the silvery shade is taken by rich purple.

A. palmatum Butterfly

Growing in open ground

In order for a truly spectacular, handsome maple to grow on your site, you need to choose the right seedling in garden center. It is best if the young plant is in a container with a protected root system. In addition, the chances of the seedling to take root in a new place will increase, because it will be planted together with the “native” soil. The best time The seasons for planting trees are spring and autumn.

The soil in the area where the young maple will be planted must be fertile, without stagnant water. If you are not sure whether there is stagnation of water, then it is better to use drainage when planting.

Advice. In order for all the beauty of the foliage to fully manifest itself, it is better to plant Japanese maple in a sunny place.

When growing, it is necessary to take into account the fact that maple can withstand frosts down to - 20°C. At lower temperatures, the tree will need shelter. In this case, you should choose low-growing varieties maple.

In spring and autumn periods the plant needs mulching. In the spring, before this procedure, you should apply a slow-release fertilizer to the tree trunk. The next one will be a layer of peat, and then the mulch itself (chips or bark). Mulching helps retain moisture and protect roots. young plant from freezing.

Attention! Maples do not tolerate fast-acting strong fertilizers.

Pests and diseases

At proper care Japanese maples do not get sick and are not afraid of pests. But if the tree is weakened, then the following problems are possible:

  1. Infection with gall aphids. Visually, you can notice red swellings on the leaves. Moreover, the aphid colony itself is located on the underside of the leaf. The affected areas must be removed, and to combat it, use one of the specific drugs or use folk recipes (soap solution, For example).
  2. Maple weevil. This pest prefers Norway maple, but will not disdain Japanese maple. Bugs gnaw leaves and apical shoots, which significantly reduces the decorative value of the plant.
  3. Whitefly. Damages young shoots and leaves. The tree not only loses its attractiveness due to the loss of leaf mass and drying out of the shoots, but also generally slows down its growth.
  4. Fungal diseases. The most common of this group of diseases occurs powdery mildew. The mycelium of the fungus is disrupted physiological processes plants, which leads to drying and falling leaves. In general, the culture’s resistance to unfavorable conditions decreases environment. But don't despair - when correct methods treatment, Japanese exotic quickly recovers.

Having given preference to decorate your site Japanese maple, you can't go wrong with your choice. On gloomy autumn days, this spectacular plant will delight you and your guests with its picturesque outfit.