How to heat a private house. What is the most economical heating in a private house?

To begin with, I would like to note that the most efficient gas heating system today is. If for some reason it is not possible to install it (for example, there is no gas main at the dacha), give preference to electric heaters. Next, we will look at the most economical electric heating systems for private houses and apartments.

Why electric heaters?

You will immediately ask yourself why classic water or stove heating of rooms is not considered? The answer is simple - this is due to the fact that installation work and maintenance for about the same money will be reduced to a minimum.

Now we will provide several reasons why it is obvious that the best and most economical heating system for a private home is electric.

  1. Electric heaters are silent, do not require additional resources (coal, firewood, liquid fuel) and do not pollute the atmosphere. This means that in a private house there is no need to have space in the utility room for fuel, make a chimney, and also remove soot every year. All you need to do is connect the system to the network and enjoy the warmth.
  2. Installing an entire electric heating system does not require a huge upfront cash investment. For example, installation of a water heating main is carried out once. A project is created, all pipes, radiators, a boiler, as well as additional automation are purchased. You will not be able to complete part of the work (for example, in one room), and if you have money, you will not be able to complete the project over time, and if you succeed, many problems will arise. It will be necessary to drain the water, cut into the finished highway, etc. In the case of electric heaters, everything is much simpler. You can install equipment in each room separately as you earn money. At the end of spring, buy convectors for the bedroom, later - for the kitchen, bathroom, etc.
  3. Today there are many ways. Of course, this option requires considerable expenses, but rest assured, over time they will pay for themselves. Installation of economical and also solar panels on the roof of the house.
  4. installation of a boiler or even a convector can be done with your own hands, significantly saving money on calling a specialist.

As you can see, electric heating in a private home really outperforms alternative options, so installing such a system is quite profitable.

We bring to your attention a video example of creating a cheap and at the same time effective autonomous system:

Homemade economical electric battery heating system

Heating system options

So, let's look at existing equipment that will make electric heating in the house economical and cheap.

Using the boiler

, which will heat the water in the system home heating, warming up the room, is the first, least effective option. Of course, on the Internet you can see a bunch of information that talks about economical boilers that can reduce consumption by up to 80%, but all this is nonsense. The only option to reduce costs is to install thermostats and various automation systems, which will turn on only when the temperature in the room drops, as well as at certain times of the day. All other talk about new product designs or reduced power is just a publicity stunt. If you buy a small-power boiler, it will take more time to heat the water for heating the house, so that’s what it will do.

Using IR Panels

A smarter solution and most likely the most profitable one. The fact is that these products do not heat the air in the room, but certain objects (floor, walls, closet), from which heat is subsequently transferred. If in the previous version the hot air will rise to the ceiling and immediately cool down, then in this case the heat is directed to the floor, which is more reasonable (people do not walk on the ceiling).

This diagram shows the efficiency of an economical heating system for a private home:

You see everything for yourself, so there is nothing more to prove. It should only be noted that IR devices can work more efficiently if you add thermostats to them. One regulator is enough to control three heaters in the system economical heating private house. We talked about this in a separate article.

Using convectors

Many manufacturers convince us that an electric convector effectively heats a room and at the same time consumes a small amount of electricity. The issue is of course controversial, because, in fact, the principle of operation of the products is similar to the option with radiators (the air rises upward). The advantage of convectors is that their installation and connection are not difficult. In addition, heating of the heating element takes about one minute, which is undoubtedly faster than in the case of water radiators.

Other advantages of electric convectors include:

  • low cost (from 2 to 10 thousand rubles);
  • fire safety (which is especially important when);
  • you can gradually increase the heating system (one convector for a room is not enough, buy another one and connect it to the network without any problems);
  • attractive appearance;
  • trouble-free operation during power surges (also important in the private sector);
  • compact sizes.

Application of heated floors

We analyzed reviews from customers who used this option and saw that most people were satisfied with the purchase. The main thing is to additionally install a temperature regulator in order to make economical electric heating in the house with your own hands.

Installation of heated floors

Another modern and effective way to economically heat a home is the use of electric heating mats. They are placed under the floor covering and heat the room through the floor. As a result warm air rises up, completely warming the room. It is better to install a heated floor system in combination with an additional heating source, for example, IR panels.

Speaking about the heating mats themselves, I would like to highlight the products of the EKF company. You can choose heating mats exactly to suit your conditions - ready-made kits vary in size and power. EKF thermomats can be controlled mechanically or electronic thermostat, with which it is possible to program on/off for a week. In addition, I would like to highlight the complete shielding of current-carrying conductors, which ensures uniform heating of the floor surface. You can find out more about EKF heating mats by clicking on the link:

Which option is better to avoid?

We talked about cheap and effective systems for economical heating of a private home, but we would also like to point out the most expensive options that should be avoided. The top of the ranking is occupied by oil radiators. They are known to everyone for having high power, so when working in winter you can see a noticeable increase in electricity consumption.

Not only do these products have high power, but their heating efficiency is also very weak. For example, an IR panel of the same dimensions and the same power will make the house warmer faster, so it is better to give preference to it.

In addition, an infrared heater is installed on the ceiling or wall, thereby not occupying free space, which cannot be said about electric radiators.

Another not recommended option is fan heaters. These devices not only burn oxygen, but also “drive away dust” and are also noisy. The effectiveness of their use is not very high, because... between the ceiling and floor, the temperature may differ by several degrees, despite the fact that the power of the products is high (from 1.5 kW).

How to increase efficiency and reduce costs?

Simply buying an economical electric heater and installing it in a country house is only half the battle. At the same time, it is far from a fact that as a result of the work you will be able to verify the significant efficiency of the economical heating system made. The reason for this may be poor thermal insulation of the room. All kinds of cracks, gaps in windows and even the lack of insulation on the walls contribute to the rapid cooling of the room. It has been proven more than once that when high-quality insulation walls and ceilings, heating efficiency can increase up to 80%, although this figure usually reaches 40%.

Another important nuance is the use of automation. For example, if no one is at home all day (everyone is working), then there is no point in heating the rooms. It would be more correct to install a controller that will turn on the heaters an hour or two before your arrival. This time will be enough to completely heat the premises.

– starting from solid fuel boilers for home heating and ending with heat pumps. Most homeowners believe that heating the house gas boiler profitable, but FORUMHOUSE users They know that under certain conditions this is far from the most optimal solution.

Due to the constant rise in energy prices and the high cost of connection, many developers are concerned about the following issues.

  • Is there an alternative to main gas;
  • What features might it have? different systems heating;
  • How to calculate the price of a particular type of fuel;
  • Is it profitable to use solid fuel heating systems?
  • How to heat your house with electricity and not go broke;
  • Can a home heat pump replace traditional heating systems.

And experts and users of our forum will help you find answers to these questions!

Basic criteria for choosing a heating system

Construction experience suggests that autonomous heating of a private house is selected taking into account many factors: the degree of availability of a particular type of fuel, estimated monthly heating costs, climatic conditions of living and heat loss of the building.

Heat the house in temperate climate- this is one task, and completely different requirements are placed on the heating system in regions with an even colder climate than in Moscow, and a heating season of many months.

The efficiency of a home heating system depends not onlyon the thermal characteristics of the fuel and the efficiency of the boiler, but also on design features home and the degree of its heat loss.

A poorly insulated home will negate the work of the most highly efficient heating system!

Therefore, the choice of heating system and boiler equipment must begin at the design stage of your future home. Any experienced developer will agree with the statement that there are no trifles here, and any mistake or omission can lead to expensive alterations.

First of all, let's look at .

Alexander KhadynskyHead of heating systems"My Fireplace" company

The choice of heating system, first of all, depends on what communications are connected to the house. If the main gas is already connected, then the choice of fuel usually ends there, because on this moment heating the house using mains gas is recognized as the best solution.

It is also worth considering the convenience of operating the heating system for different modes of residence: daily, weekend, one-time visits. Only after weighing all the pros and cons can you choose the best option.

In the absence of main gas, it is possible to heat a house using a so-called gas holder - a sealed container buried on the site and requiring periodic refueling.

The advantages of liquefied gas, as well as main gas, are clean exhaust, the ability to install compact chimneys and small boilers for heating the home.

With all its advantages, this system autonomous heating home has a number of disadvantages.

Anatoly Gurin General Director of the company "DoM Engineering Systems"

The main disadvantages of a gas tank include: expensive installation, inconvenient refueling, obtaining permits, and the need for periodic maintenance by highly qualified personnel. In addition, the gas tank takes up a lot of space on the site.

Igor Larin Head of Boiler Equipment Department, WIRBEL

The choice of fuel, and therefore boiler equipment, depends on the degree of its availability in a particular region. If the house has mains natural gas, then the choice is obvious in its favor; if not, then it is necessary to evaluate the cost and availability of other types of heating fuel in the area, and install the equipment based on this.

How to replace gas

The advantages of gas are well known, but all of them are offset by the extremely high price of its supply. Let's consider the alternatives.

Liquid fuel

Diesel heating requires the installation of expensive and complex equipment.

It is necessary to find a place to install a container for fuel. Diesel fuel has a peculiar and not pleasant smell for everyone. Also, due to the constant rise in prices for hydrocarbon fuels, heating with diesel fuel is one of the most expensive ways to heat a home. Among the main advantages for this type of home heating heating are: high degree automation of boiler operation and widespread use diesel fuel.


Electric boilers are easy to use, environmentally friendly, safe and silent.

Alexander Khadynsky

However, with low initial costs for purchasing equipment, heating with electricity is very expensive, and in the event of power outages, you can be left without heating or without hot water. Also, an electric boiler for heating a house will need to be installed with separate wiring, and if its power exceeds 9 kW, a three-phase network of 380 V will be required.

In addition to electric boilers, there are heating devices such as electric convectors And infrared emitters.

The advantages of heating with electric convectors and infrared emitters include minimal initial costs and ease of installation of the equipment. You do not have to arrange a boiler room or install heating pipes. It would seem that you took the device out of the box, plugged it in and use it. But, as practice shows, not everything is so simple.

Oleg Dunaev Civil Engineer

A well-insulated house can be successfully heated with an electric convector only if there is sufficient electrical power.

  • high equipment efficiency;
  • ease of installation;
  • presentable appearance;
  • safety of use;
  • Possibility of programming energy-saving modes.

The disadvantages include:

  • additional costs for high-quality wiring;
  • increased requirements for the quality of power supply elements.

Unlike an electric boiler, installing a convector or any model of IR emitter does not require the laying of pipes and the presence of coolant, as a result, ineffective energy costs for heating water (coolant), the boiler and pipes are reduced, and heat loss is reduced.

Here are the main criteria for choosing such a heating system.

Oleg Dunaev :

– We choose this: the power of one convector is up to 1.5 kW (more - the plugs melt and the relay contacts burn out).

The programmer has its own power supply (the settings are saved when the power is turned off). For 10 sq.m. area requires approximately 1 kW of convector power.

Electricity – 380V, 3 phases, permitted power – minimum 15 kW. Wiring cross-section – 3x2.5 sq. mm. We lay dedicated converter lines and connect no more than three convectors to one line.

It is best to hang a wall-mounted electric convector under a window about 15 cm from the floor.

Electric heating is one of the most expensive ways to heat a home. It would seem that, cheap heating electricity is a myth. However, a user of our forum Alexander Fedortsov(nickname on the forum Skeptic ) using his own example refutes this statement.

Skeptic Forumhouse user

I independently built a well-insulated frame house on a USHP foundation. First, according to the project for heating a house with an area of ​​186 sq.m. a solid fuel boiler was assumed. After thinking a little, I decided that I didn’t want to become a fireman at all, but rather use the night tariff and heat water in a reliable homemade heat accumulator with a volume of 1.7 cubic meters.

Water heated overnight electric heating elements up to 50 C, allows you to successfully heat a house in the winter months with a water heated floor system. You can monitor the temperature using a homemade regulator.

Alexander Fedortsov

I placed the floor heating unit in the boiler room on a sheet of 35-density foam plastic with a thickness of 10 cm. The heat accumulator is well insulated - 20 cm stone wool on the tank lid, on the walls - 15 cm. I can say that heating costs for December amounted to 1.5 thousand rubles. In January, they earned no more than 2 thousand rubles.T

Solid fuel

Firewood, coal, fuel briquettes.

Alexander Khadynsky

Boiler on solid fuel(coal, firewood) requires constant attention, practically turning its owner into a stoker. Such structures can be used in places where neither gas nor electricity are supplied. They are the most accessible and inexpensive. When using solid fuel boilers, it is especially important to observe fire safety measures.

Igor Larin

The degree of autonomy of solid fuel boilers can be increased by using a buffer tank - a heat accumulator - in the system. Thanks to the TA, heat accumulates and the number of loads in the boiler decreases.

Average working time solid fuel boiler on one bookmark is a minimum of 3 hours, a maximum of 12 or more hours. The thermostat controls the air supply to the combustion chamber, and overheating protection is provided by a special valve and overheat protection heat exchanger.

When using solid fuel, there is no need to communicate with supply companies and obtain permits for installing the boiler. Everything is regulated by SNiPs, which must be adhered to during installation. heating equipment. Manufacturers' fire safety recommendations should also be followed.

As reserve system heating in case of a power outage, it makes sense to install a multi-fuel boiler or combine several heating devices.

Alexander Khadynsky

An additional boiler is often used to increase the degree of automation of a solid fuel boiler; an electric boiler or fireplace with a water circuit is connected to the circuit.

Autonomous heating in a private house through combined boiler rooms is an expensive option. These types of boilers combine three types of boilers - solid fuel, electric with a gas or diesel burner and are the most expensive of household boilers. In case of a power outage, it is better to connect the source uninterruptible power supply, which will allow equipment to continue operating for up to 48 hours during a power outage.

Igor Larin

It is possible and even necessary to combine different devices for heating a room, especially in regions where fuel shortages are possible.

Practical systems are those that combine solid fuel boilers with wood-burning fireplaces, that is, the system includes an additional heat generator (fireplace) that maintains or accelerates the heating of the system.

The benefit of using multi-fuel boilers is the ability to combine two types of fuel in one equipment. In a boiler with two fireboxes, you can burn solid fuel (wood, coal, briquettes) in one, and install a burner (diesel or pellet) in the other. Thus, the homeowner, depending on the situation, can choose the type of heating that is convenient for him.

Anatoly Gurin :

– The undoubted advantages of pellet heating include: autonomy, its low cost compared to electricity and diesel fuel with propane. Among the disadvantages, it can be noted that it is necessary to find a place to store pellets.

And low-quality pellets due to incomplete combustion reduce the efficiency of the boiler.

The boiler itself requires weekly attention, because... it is necessary to clean the burner and add pellets.

The continuous operation time of the boiler can be significantly increased by installing an additional pellet hopper.

In recent years, they have become increasingly popular alternative systems heating houses built on the basis heat pump etc. (see diagram).

Anatoly Gurin

–The principle of operation is simple: a heat pump transfers warm air from the street into the house. The easiest way to think of a heat pump is like a refrigerator: the freezer is in the ground, and the radiator is in the house.

Experience in using such a heating system shows that by spending only 1 kW of electricity, we receive 5 kW of heat.

Despite the fact that such a heating system has been known for decades, many are stopped by the high initial costs required for its installation.

A heating system is a long-term investment in your home, and lower initial costs are offset later by high fuel and boiler maintenance fees.

Benefits of using a heat pump:

  • low, 5 times less than when heating a house with electricity;
  • when air circulates from the street into the house, there are no exhaust emissions;
  • the system does not require maintenance;
  • autonomy: the heat pump requires only electricity, and in the event of a power outage, the heat pump can easily be powered from a gas generator.

How to understand what is more profitable to heat a house

The price of heating consists of the cost of fuel. There is no universal fuel that is equally suitable for every region or home. Therefore, it is necessary to make calculations based on the specific situation.

Igor Larin

When choosing fuel, you cannot be guided only by short-term benefits; you must focus on the long term.

There is no gas and there never will be, but there are wood processing enterprises around, and accordingly, pellet manufacturers will appear (or already exist). In this case effective solution will install a solid fuel boiler, which can later be made into a pellet one (by installing a pellet burner in the lower door).

A situation may also arise when gas must be supplied in 1-2 years. During this time, you can install a solid fuel boiler and then install a gas burner in it.

Anatoly Gurin

You need to choose the most cheap fuel in the region. It will be most profitable for them to heat the house. For an objective calculation, it is best to create a summary table in which to display the types available sources heat, their costs during construction, operating costs and service life.

In the long term, it is important to take into account such a factor as the convenience of using the heat source. Experience shows that no matter how cheap the fuel is, its low price can be overshadowed by the minimum degree of autonomy of the boiler and the increased degree of attention to the operation of this equipment.

Alexander Khadynsky

It is necessary to carry out brief analysis the most likely methods of heating with one type of fuel or another.

Knowing the power of the boiler, you can calculate the cost of heating costs per month. Approximate calculation– 1 kW is needed to heat 10 sq.m. (provided that the distance from the floor to the ceiling is up to - 3 m), you need to additionally take a reserve of 15-20% necessary for preparing hot water.

On average, boiler equipment operates about 10 hours a day. Heating season in middle lane Russia lasts 7-8 months a year, the rest of the time the boiler works to prepare hot water and maintain it in the house minimum temperature+8C.


Electricity: To obtain thermal energy of 1 kW/hour, approximately 1 kW/hour of electricity is consumed.

Solid fuel: To obtain 1 kW/hour of thermal energy, approximately 0.4 kg/hour of firewood is consumed.

Diesel fuel: To obtain 1 kW/hour of thermal energy, approximately 0.1 liter of diesel fuel is consumed.

Gas: To obtain thermal energy of 1 kW/hour, approximately 0.1 kg of liquefied gas is consumed.

In the long term, we need to take into account rising fuel prices based on trends recent years, and the payback period for the initial investment.

Thus, the choice of a heating system consists of a whole range of measures and engineering solutions that require a balanced approach and careful analysis of each specific situation.

Watch videos about the unusual layout of the heating system and how to independently organize efficient and cheap heating with electricity in your home.

Today, undoubtedly, the most accessible, effective and economical option heating of residential buildings is . For apartment buildings, in the private sector, in places where there is a centralized gas supply, gas becomes the main type of fuel. However, when the heating season is in full swing, situations often arise when the allotted limits for gas consumption are quickly exhausted. What to do in such cases? How to save gas in a private home, thereby reducing heating costs? The only way out in such situations is to have auxiliary heat sources on hand.

What are the best heating alternatives to gas? How much something costs and what effect is achieved in this case is a problem with several unknowns that we have to solve.

There is no gas - we are considering all possible heating methods

Increased financial costs for heating a residential building during the cold period, excessive consumption of blue fuel, a frequent and familiar situation for many owners of private houses. Let's try to find the best way out of this situation together. The main condition that is relevant in this case is that it is not inferior in its technological parameters to gas water heating that is familiar to us.

Having assessed all technical capabilities various options heating, let’s take a closer look at each of them.

The most proven and old way heating a residential building - . In rural areas, in the private sector, you can still find houses where there is a traditional stove not just as an element of ethnic decor, but as an important component home life. Most common are combination stoves, which act as a heat source and serve for cooking. Having a stove in the house will save gas, especially if there is an abundance of firewood and its quantity is not limited.

If there is such a stove in the house, the question is alternative option heating the house, solved. Despite the existing disadvantages that are typical for stove heating. When the house is warm at relatively low costs, few people pay attention to the soot and soot present in the room. The only aspect that remains in attention is the fire safety of stove heating.

Important! The oven needs constant cleaning. The optimal operating mode depends on the condition of the chimney. Good draft allows you to avoid the accumulation of combustion products hazardous to health, and access fresh air guarantees an acceptable level of CO 2 in the room.

Other no less convenient option If there is no gas, use liquid fuel heating systems. The main type of fuel in this case is diesel fuel. Less common are boiler models that run on rapeseed oil or kerosene. Heating a private house in this case will be effective, given the high efficiency of liquid fuel boilers. Heating residential premises with diesel fuel is used quite rarely. The reason for this is the difficulty of storing large volumes of diesel fuel and the high fire hazard of such heating systems. And who would like the constant smell of diesel fuel in the house, eternal dirt and soot?

Using solid fuel in cases where gas needs to be saved is the best option. In our country, neither firewood, nor coal, nor peat are unusual, so using them as fuel is convenient, rational and efficient, from an economic point of view. We have already talked about the home stove, but the option remains to install solid fuel or universal boilers. It's up to you to decide which is more profitable or coal. It all depends on the availability of each type of fuel in a particular region.

Modern technologies have stepped forward, providing consumers with a wide choice of equipment models that, through the combustion of solid fuel, have high heat transfer. Solid fuel pyrolysis boilers have a fairly high efficiency, about 80%, are equipped with automation, and do not require constant human presence and frequent loading of fuel. Solid fuel is still the most cheap way heating It is up to you to evaluate the existing disadvantages of such heating options, especially when there is a question of quickly and effectively replacing the missing gas.

Combined, multi-fuel boilers, offered today by many firms and companies, have a high cost. Due to objective reasons, such equipment has not yet found its niche in the consumer market, taking into account the financial capabilities of the population.

Important! Before you take up the calculator and do calculations without gas, you need to eliminate the confusion between volumes measured in cubic meters. meters and fuel mass, measured in kilograms. It is better to measure all types of fuel, except electricity, in kilograms, since the calorific value of the fuel is related to weight.

It is appropriate here to conduct an unbiased analysis of the efficiency of using different types of fuel. The table below will give you a clear idea of ​​what type of fuel is most efficient today, and the cheaper it is to heat a house.

These tables allow you to carry out simple calculations yourself by substituting the current cost of fuel.

The cost of thermal energy obtained by using each type of fuel is calculated as follows:

We roughly divide the cost of fuel in your region by the specific calorific value of the fuel. We divide the data from the second column by the parameters indicated in the third column. In the fifth column we enter the data from the calculation:

  • to heat a private house of 100 m2 during the heating season, 5 kW/h will be required;
  • 24, the number of hours in a day;
  • We take into account the duration of the heating period - 180 days (6 months).

As a result, we get: 5 x 24 x 180 = 21600 kW/h.

As can be seen from the table, the data for all types of fuel used in our homes are the same. This indicates approximately the same efficiency of the proposed heating options. The only amendment possible is when it comes to different sizes buildings. The household intensity of use of heating devices and the thermal efficiency of a private home play a significant role. The calculated value of 5 kW/h is typical for a well-insulated modern materials buildings. The duration of the heating season may also vary depending on the climate of the region.

Let us multiply the cost of 1 kW/h of thermal energy in each individual case by the total number of kilowatt hours, and obtain the cost of each type of fuel. We divide the obtained figures by the theoretical value of the efficiency of equipment for burning each type of fuel, we obtain the actual efficiency parameters and the answer - the more profitable it is to heat buildings without gas.

Electricity is a worthy replacement for gas due to its absence

Economical, efficient heating a private home or dacha should be more focused on preserving familiar living conditions. The level of comfort determines the choice alternative way heating, besides today technologies provide ample opportunities for maneuver. The availability of electricity will allow you to achieve gas savings in the cold season. It is not without reason that many owners of country houses and country cottages, due to the lack of technical capabilities for connecting to the gas main, prefer electric heating systems.

Compared to other heating devices, electric heating devices have almost 100% efficiency. An electric boiler is easy to maintain and inexpensive. In this case, there is no need for exhaust hood and chimney equipment. Electricity remains the most affordable alternative today gas heating, if we take into account efficiency and ease of maintenance.

In addition to installing an electric boiler for a water heating system in the house, not large area convectors, heat guns and infrared emitters. The installation of heated floors in a private home is becoming a fashionable phenomenon today. The technology is quite new, however, it has already proven its effectiveness. The variety of heat sources offered gives you the opportunity to make a choice as to how best to heat your home.

On a note: In the event that a heated floor is your main source of heating residential premises, the power of the equipment should be 150-180 W per m2 of living space. Warm floors must have an area of ​​at least 70-80% of total area the building itself. Otherwise, the expected heating effect will be negligible.

When heating a private home using other methods, you can achieve even higher economic indicators. Without gas, economical and uninterruptible source You can obtain thermal energy in your area using a heat pump. The operating principle of the equipment is based on the difference in temperature, deep in the soil and on the surface. With the help of a heat pump, which really costs a lot of money, you can provide yourself with an almost eternal source of heat in a country house. The effectiveness of this system is confirmed by simple calculations. Indicator successful work heat pump is the heat conversion coefficient (COR).

Eg. When a heat pump consumes 1 kW of electricity necessary to ensure the operation of the entire system (Htn), the heat conversion coefficient (COP) is 3.0, which means:

Rtn x COP = 3 kW Rp energy output. Savings and efficiency this method heating is more than obvious.

There is no clear answer to the question: is it more profitable to heat? a private house gas or other types of fuel does not exist. In each individual case, the presence of the most various factors, among which not the least are the economic and technical capabilities of the consumer.

Instead of gas for heating, you can use almost any fuel. Another thing is how fully you can heat own house in cold weather, create for yourself comfortable conditions accommodation. When faced with such a situation, the choice is yours. How to save money and make your heating costs optimal depends on you, on your attitude to the very fact of saving energy and technical capabilities.

Most economical way heating a private house - autonomous system, working on natural gas. But often, by objective reasons, this opportunity is not available everywhere. In relative second place in terms of the cost of thermal energy are solid fuel boilers or heating from a fireplace/stove with a closed firebox (if the house is small), but given the need to store fuel and the complexity of maintenance, not everyone likes this heating method. Storing liquefied gas requires expensive containers. Liquid fuel, in addition to difficulties with storage, is characterized by expensive equipment and poor environmental characteristics. Electric heating in a private home does not have all these disadvantages. Except for one thing – the high cost of energy. Although in this case there are opportunities to reduce the load on family budget. What features does heating a house with electricity have? We’ll look at the most economical way to heat a house using energy in our article.

Electric heaters do not require chimneys and can be installed anywhere Source

Which heaters are not suitable for the heating system

Sometimes you have to read unfair criticism of certain types of heating devices. They are criticized not for real shortcomings, but for imaginary ones. Although at the end of the criticism the conclusions are completely correct - these devices can only be used as auxiliary heaters, and built economical system They cannot be used for heating.

Video description

In our video we’ll talk about heating in a private country house. Our guest is the author and presenter of the Teplo-Voda channel Vladimir Sukhorukov:

Oil radiator

Considered uneconomical - critics argue that it should not be used as a heating device due to high energy consumption and low output. But it is this type of device that has one of the highest efficiency - about 98%. That is, it converts almost all electrical energy into heat (the law of conservation of energy has not yet been canceled), and those minor losses of 2% are due to the resistance of the internal walls of the radiator to the coolant. Yes, it is inertial - it takes a long time to warm up, but it also takes a long time to cool down.

Another drawback is that it takes a long time to warm up the room.

But this is a property of all batteries, including water heating, in which the main method of heat transfer is natural convection, but it proceeds slowly.

The main disadvantage is the “rough” power control and the use of mechanical thermostats. And such inaccurate control of temperature conditions makes an oil radiator ineffective when trying to optimize the cost of heating with electricity in a private home. And yet, he has quite heat housing when operating at full power, which is dangerous if there are small children in the house.

There are models of oil radiators that can be hung on the wall Source

Fan heater

It is often written about a fan heater that it burns oxygen. But “oxygen combustion” is nothing more than an oxidation (combustion) process, and the maximum that can burn at a fairly low temperature of the coil is organic dust in the air. Therefore, it is incorrect to talk about burning oxygen (after all, it’s not wood that burns) since this insignificant volume must be replenished as a result of mandatory ventilation of the room.

The efficiency of such a device is slightly lower than that of an oil radiator (part of the electricity is spent on operating the fan), but it is not very different, considering that the power of the fan motor itself is small (about 50 W out of a total of 1 or 2 kW). The advantage is that the room warms up very quickly. Disadvantages are a constant noise level (albeit insignificant) and dust transfer throughout the room. And the main drawback of these household appliances is manual power adjustment and the illusory possibility of creating an automated heating system based on fan heaters

A fan heater is the most compact heating device, and it is great for heating a small area Source

Therefore, it is necessary to emphasize once again that the main reason why some types of electric heaters are not suitable for heating a home is not the efficiency (almost all of them are above 95%), but the impossibility of automating system control. It is this factor that does not allow optimizing the operation of the heating system, and without this it is impossible to heat a house with electricity cheaply.

Efficient methods of heating with electricity

Heating with electricity in a private house has main advantages over all others - they are simple and precise methods control and regulation of the operation of all components and elements. Even the sensors and display of information about operating modes are more accurate than those of equipment using other types of energy carriers.

Individual electric heating of a private house has three options for heating systems:

  • autonomous water heating systems based on electric boilers:
  • use of infrared ceramic heaters;
  • electric convectors with electronic thermostats.

All these systems can be adapted into the " smart House", and be controlled remotely.

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Differences between gas and electric heating in the video:

Heating with electric boiler

This is a classic diagram of an autonomous heating system. There are two options for heating the coolant - indirect and direct.

Electric boilers indirect heating There are two types: heating elements and induction.

The design and principle of operation of heating element boilers are quite simple - there is a heating coil enclosed in a sealed metal shell with a dielectric heat-conducting filler, the heat from the spiral through the filler is transferred to the surface of the heating element shell, with which the heating system coolant is in contact.

This is what the “filling” of a 9 kW heating element boiler looks like, which, despite its compact size, is capable of heating a house of 100 m2 Source

Induction boilers appeared for household systems heating is relatively recent. Their operating principle lies in the property of metals to heat up under the influence of an alternating magnetic field. The heating element itself is an inductive coil with a ferromagnetic alloy core, through the “secondary winding” of which the coolant passes.

Scheme of work induction heater Source

The peculiarity of direct heating electric boilers is that water not only acts as a coolant, but is also part of the electrical circuit - it passes through alternating current between the electrodes. Hence the name of the boilers - electrode.

Each type of boiler has its own disadvantages. Heating elements form scale, which leads to a decrease in the useful power and service life of the boiler. Induction ones are quite expensive, bulky and have “stepped” power adjustment. Electrode systems have strict restrictions on the quality and composition of water, which must have a certain specific electrical resistance alternating current.

Cascade of four electrode boilers for heating big house Source

Well, the main disadvantage of heating a country house with an electric boiler is the presence of the coolant itself and the “bulky” circulation system of pipes and radiators. Setting up such a system is costly, and the efficiency compared to direct electric heaters may be lower if circulation pumps are used.

Infrared heaters

There are several types of heaters that use radiation (radiation) to transfer thermal energy. This transmission method is considered the most effective for heating a room - objects standing in the way are heated first infrared radiation, and then from them, due to secondary convection, the air is heated.

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Clearly about infrared heaters on video:

There are three fundamentally different types of infrared heaters:

    reflectors in which the filament coil is enclosed in a quartz glass bulb;

    panel – in ceramic monolithic slab The heating element is “soldered”;

    film - with carbon coating on a polymer film.

Heating a house with electricity of the first type refers to heaters operating in the short-wave range of infrared radiation.

Such devices can be used as an additional heater, but not as a basic element of the heating system of a private house with electricity.

Disadvantages - the lowest efficiency (due to the visible part of the radiation), lack of precise temperature control and high case temperature.

The second type of device operates in the soft long-wave range. Maximum temperature ceramic panel does not exceed 90°C, but on the body it is even lower. There are two types of control - mechanical and electronic thermostat. The first option involves manual control and its accuracy is low. By using electronic thermostats You can set the temperature with an accuracy of 1°C.

Infrared panel so safe that it can be hung on wooden walls Source

Film heaters are the most efficient. They are usually used as part of underfloor heating, but in principle they can be mounted in walls or on the ceiling. But it is the installation as part of the floor covering that most closely corresponds to the correct and uniform heating of the room. Operation is controlled automatically using a temperature sensor-thermostat pair.

If there is not enough space on the floor, then the film heater can be mounted on any free surface Source


In appearance, convectors are very similar to ceramic panel heaters, but inside the metal case there is an “open” heating element enclosed inside a plate radiator. The fundamental difference is in the heating method - cold air enters the case through the bottom row of holes, comes into contact with the radiator, heats up and exits through the top row of holes.

The convector housing not only serves as protection for the heating element, but also increases the speed of the upward flow. Due to this, with the same power, the room is heated faster than from a water heating battery.

The stylish convector panel looks great in modern interior Source

Like ceramic panel heaters, there are two types of thermostats - mechanical and electronic. And it is the electronic control of the work that ensures the accuracy of adjustment and the ability to work in several modes:

  • individual, with manual control, used for heating a separate room;
  • group, operation of several devices under the control of one (common) thermostat, which ensures uniform heating of a large area or the same heating mode for several rooms;
  • intelligent, control by remote control, connect to GSM module and control using standard commands from a remote terminal (mobile communications, Internet), connection to a router and control via local network and/or the Internet.

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What is better to choose: an electric boiler or an electric convector - see clearly in the video:

An example of a real system with an intelligent control circuit for electric heating at home

NOBO, a leading European manufacturer of convectors, produces two compatible systems for “smart” control of electrical appliances. Including " warm floors"(through a thermostat) and any other household appliances that are connected to the network (through a panel, a “break” in the circuit or turning on/off sockets). To do this, they produce special thermostats, socket receivers and hidden-mounted relay receivers.

Using such a system, you can monitor and manage the operation of up to 100 devices or group zones. And 700 series thermostats provide 4 operating modes for convectors: comfortable, economical, non-freezing (air temperature 7°C) and “off”. According to the manufacturer, the flexibility of such a control system for convectors and heated floors allows you to save up to 25% on electric heating at home.

One of two multizone control schemes electrical system Source

As a result, how to optimize electric heating

In addition to the competent selection of heating equipment, an effective and optimal (from a cost point of view) electric heating system is possible only with comprehensive insulation of the house - from the base to the roof. Otherwise, the cost of heating a ventilated house will be significantly higher, even despite the high efficiency of the heater itself, and heating a house with electricity is unlikely to be cheap.

Efficient home heating system.

The costs of maintaining a home for private homeowners are already quite high. That is why the question of what is cheaper to heat a house is so popular, the answer to which will save your budget.

Why is it profitable to heat your home yourself?

In terms of heating, the owners country houses luckier than city residents. After all, cottage owners can turn on the heating in their home at any time of the year, since they do not depend on centralized system heating. Other advantages and benefits include:

  • the ability to turn on the heating in the house at those moments when it is necessary.
  • the ability to adjust the temperature to the desired level.
  • the ability to independently select heating options (solid fuel, electricity, gas).

However, here the main question arises - how to heat a house economically and what heating method is considered the most profitable? This is what we have to figure out.

What is the best way to heat a house - how to decide?

To understand how to heat a house inexpensively, you need to answer several important questions:

  • Will you live in the house full time or only for a few seasons a year?
  • Is the quality of heating more important to you? financial side question?
  • How much can you spend on equipping all the necessary systems?

Important: no one will give a universal answer to the question of how to heat a house economically. It all depends on various factors: prices for energy resources and fuel, costs of purchasing and installing equipment and a number of other factors. However, once you familiarize yourself with the heating options, making a choice will be much easier.

Stove heating and its features

The stove is considered the most profitable heating method.

When considering options for how it is profitable to heat a private house, one cannot fail to mention stove heating, which has not lost its relevance over many years. Installing a stove in a house is a difficult job, so it should only be trusted to professional specialists. However correct installation oven is a guarantee of its long-term operation.

The stove is heated with wood or coal, and therefore you should stock up on “fuel” in advance so that it lasts for a long time. Dry logs of hard woods, such as beech and oak, provide a lot of heat. Damp pine also burns normally, but it will provide little heat in the house.

The main thing to remember is that the stove requires maintenance. So, you cannot do without cleaning the chimney and constantly removing ash.

To keep the rooms always warm, you need to constantly add firewood, while observing all necessary measures security. Otherwise, a fire cannot be avoided.

To reduce the risk of fire hazards, it is better to line the floor near the stove with iron, but parquet board or linoleum is not recommended. If a spark hits such a floor covering, a fire may occur.

Heating with a fireplace: is it profitable?

Fireplace heating is similar to stove heating, but has some differences: it will not be possible to heat a house effectively in this way. A fireplace is most often installed only for beauty, since its heat is enough to warm up the room where it is installed.

We can’t talk about savings here either. If you are wondering what is more profitable to heat your house, we can safely say that it is not with the help of a fireplace. Despite the fact that the fireplace runs on wood or coal, it consumes a lot of “fuel” but produces almost no heat. Thus, it should be installed only in conjunction with some other type of heating equipment - so to speak, for the soul.

Water heating system

A water heating system will allow you to heat your house profitably.

Today they are increasingly saying that a fairly popular method is to heat a house efficiently using a water heating system. However, here we should immediately make a reservation - the heating bill itself may be small, but you will have to spend money on installing equipment, laying pipes, installing batteries, a tank and a pump. In addition, the cost of heating directly depends on the equipment.

To do this, you need to understand how the system works. So, there must be a boiler with the function of heating water, which then goes through pipes and enters. After some time, the water cools down and goes back to the boiler, where it is heated again. This system works in a vicious circle. In some cases, you cannot do without a special pump when supplying liquid on a forced basis.

Many people are interested in how it is more economical to heat a house with a water heating system, because it is known that it can work on various energy sources. That is why equipment is usually divided into:

  • electric boilers;
  • gas equipment;
  • solid fuel boilers.

When answering the question of how to heat a house economically, it is worth focusing on gas and solid fuel boilers, since the cost of “fuel” in this case is quite acceptable. Electric boilers can be quite expensive due to the cost of electricity.

Using heaters for heating

Modern heaters are very efficient and safe method heating rooms. Especially if people live in the house not all the time, but several seasons a year. The most advantageous option is the use of oil radiators, which store heat for a long time and consume a small amount of energy.

Thus, to determine which type of heating is best for you, you must first study all the available options, weighing their advantages and disadvantages, the economic costs of installation and operation. Don’t forget to choose a heating option based on the time you spend in the country house. After all, if you live at the dacha only in the summer, a fireplace with a stove will be enough, but if you live there in the winter, without quality system heating is indispensable.