How to make slime from glue and gouache. Chewing gum for hands or a hand ghost - how to make slime yourself

What's happened slime or "handgam"(handgum) what is it also called? The name comes from the words “hand” - hand and “gum” - chewing gum.

There are several ways to make slime at home. They differ mainly in the ingredients that are used to prepare homemade slime.

If you follow all the rules and have a strong desire, handgaming at home is possible do it in 5 minutes.

Click on one of the links below to go to the advice you need.

We need:

PVA glue, white, it is advisable to look at the expiration date and choose one that was made relatively recently.

Borax (sodium tetraborate), 4% solution or Borax powder - can be found at a pharmacy (no prescription needed) or at a chemical store.

Food coloring - you can gouache, beet juice(for red slime) or brilliant green (for green slime).

A container (jar, any plastic container) and a stick (spatula) for mixing.

You can use a little water.

You may need a measuring spoon.

Step 1.

Fill a glass (or any container convenient for you) with PVA glue (100g or 200g), after shaking the jar of glue.

* How more glue, the bigger your homemade slime.

Step 2.

Add a little dye to the container with glue (the main thing here is not to overdo it, otherwise your hands will get dirty). Mix thoroughly until a homogeneous mass of the desired color is achieved.

Step 3.

Add borax solution little by little (1-2 bottles). You don’t have to spare the borax, otherwise the slime will turn out liquid and will stick to everything.

If you use 100g of glue, then 1 bottle of sodium tetraborate will be enough. Mix the whole mass thoroughly. The result is a jelly-like, thick mass.

* If you have borax in powder form, take 1 tablespoon and dissolve it in a container with a glass of water room temperature.

Step 4.

Carefully transfer the mixture to a napkin to get rid of excess moisture. By the way, it is better to keep such a toy on paper, so it will collect less lint.

Place the mixture in a bag and knead (like plasticine) for about 5 minutes. We take it out.


Below is a video on how to make slime at home:

We make homemade slime without boron (sodium tetraborate) - from glue and starch.

Step 1.

Measure 1/3 cup of liquid starch and pour it into a small bag, where we also add a little dye.

Step 2.

Immediately add a quarter cup of glue and mix thoroughly until a thick mass is formed. There may be some liquid left in the bag. Just take the “homemade” slime out of the bag and you can enjoy it.

Of course, such a slime cannot be compared to a store-bought one, since guar gum will be extremely difficult to obtain.

How to make slime from water and starch

This method is the simplest and least expensive, but it does not give the expected result.

By mixing starch and water in equal proportions, you can get homemade slime, which does not have a very pleasant consistency.

You can add more starch to make the slime thicker. Also add dye and mix thoroughly.

  • You can experiment with slime colors and even make a whole family of homemade slimes. Also you can use various sparkles, small stars, etc.

  • Can be used essential oil to give the handgam an interesting smell.

  • If you want the slime to retain its properties and last longer, you need it store in a sealed container and in a cool place. Also, it is desirable do not put slime on the carpet or other surface to which small lint can easily stick.

  • If the slime starts to dry out, place it in a container with warm water.

  • This toy is NOT toxic or poisonous, although of course you should not eat it and you should wash your hands after playing.

  • It is also worth noting that some try to make slime using soda instead of borax or starch, but in this case the result will be a rather solid mass. So don't waste your time on this.

  • Remember that the life of such a toy is extremely short (about a week), so stock up on materials for making slime at home, as this activity is contagious!

This toy first appeared in 1976 and was made by Mattel.

The movie brought enormous popularity to the toy. "Ghostbusters"(1984), namely one of its main characters is a ghost named Lizun.

Handgam can play the role of a means for hand massage, as well as for development of fine motor skills.

The slime that is sold in the store (aka "Smart Plasticine") is the result of a mixture of: 65% dimethylsiloxane, 17% silica, 9% Thixatrol ST (castor oil derivatives), 4% polydimethylsiloxane, 1% decamethylcyclopentasiloxane, 1% glycerin and 1 % titanium dioxide.

If your child is tired of playing with his old toys and asks for a new one, you don’t have to immediately run to the store to please your baby. After all, there is a great toy that will keep him busy and help him develop his motor skills. Such a toy is slime - it is a jelly-like substance that can entertain both you and your child, and most importantly, you can make slime with your own hands at home from various materials. Methods for its manufacture great amount, and in this article we will tell you 10 ideas on how you can make slime with your own hands from scrap materials at home.

Slime without sodium tetraborate with detergent

If you don’t have time to run to the pharmacy, but you need to make a slime right now, then this manufacturing option is suitable for you. This option slime by appearance and to the touch it is as similar as possible to the purchased one. But since this slime contains detergent in its composition, you need to wash your hands after use.

You will need:

  • Dishwashing liquid
  • Mixing container
  • Hand cream
  • Dye


  1. First, mix dishwashing detergent and baking soda in a 1:2 ratio. Mix thoroughly.
  2. Now add hand cream and mix. The amount of glue must be determined during the mixing process.
  3. And add dye.
  4. When all the ingredients are thoroughly mixed, the mass should have a slightly liquid consistency.
  5. Place our not-quite-ready slime in a bag and put it in the refrigerator for 4 hours.
  6. After the time has passed, take out the slime.

Nail polish slime

Another version of slime, which is made from ingredients that every housewife has. It turns out to be bright in color and the shade practically does not change during the preparation of the slime. Let's see how to make such a bright and simple slime with your own hands.

You will need:

  • Colored nail polish
  • PVA glue
  • Mixing container
  • Sodium tetraborate


  1. First, we connect two components: glue and nail polish. Mix thoroughly.
  2. Now add water at room temperature in the proportion of 1 part glue and 1 part water. Mix.
  3. Now you need to gradually add sodium tetraborate, stirring our mixture. We do not add immediately in order to see what consistency we get, softer or harder.
  4. When you mix everything thoroughly, you will see that the slime itself forms into one mass. The slime is ready!

Slime made from titanium glue

The simplest slime in composition can be made from regular glue titanium and water. It turns out plastic, but looks like a dense viscous mass. It is good to use for very young children, since its density does not allow it to tear under the slightest load. Now let's see how to make the simplest slime.

You will need:

  • Glue "Titan"
  • Paints
  • Mixing container


  1. Pour glue into a container and mix with dye.
  2. Now add water to the mass in a ratio of approximately 1:1.
  3. Stir the solution until our slime stops sticking to your hands.
  4. Lizun is ready!
  5. For clear example you can watch the video instructions.

Edible slime made from Nutella

If you want to please your child with more than just an original toy, then you can make an edible slime. It is made from regular Nutella and marshmallows. But to do it you need a lot of patience. So, let's get started.

You will need:

  • Nutella pasta
  • Marshmallow marshmallow
  • Mixing container


  1. Calculate your portion by calculating the ingredients. For 1 tablespoon of Nutella you need 2 marshmallows.
  2. We need to melt the marshmallows in the microwave, stirring, you will get a mass similar to shaving cream or foam.
  3. Now mix the marshmallows with Nutella, mix thoroughly. It will take a long time to stir, but the result will please you. And the main thing is that such a toy can be eaten.

How to make edible slime

Another option edible slime- this is to make it from chewing candies mamba or frutela. This slime is not durable, as it hardens when it cools. But you can eat it and it has a pleasant aroma.

You will need:

  • Frutela or mamba candies
  • Powdered sugar
  • Water bath


  1. Remove all the candy from the packaging.
  2. Place in a container and place on water bath. Melt all the candies while stirring.
  3. When the mixture has cooled slightly, transfer it to a container in which you previously poured powdered sugar.
  4. Roll the mixture in powder until our slime stops sticking to your hands.
  5. Now you can give your child our edible toy.

Video on how to make slime from frutela

Jumping slime

If you want to make not just a slime, but also a jumper. This slime is very interesting to play with, and the ingredients included in it are found in almost every home. Let's see Full description with step-by-step instructions.

You will need:

  • Silicate glue
  • Sodium tetraborate
  • Dye
  • Glitter


  1. Pour glue and a little dye and glitter into the container.
  2. Next, add sodium tetraborate and mix thoroughly until our mass thickens.
  3. Now you can try your slime.

Transparent slime

If you don’t have any dyes on hand, or you just want to make a transparent slime, then this recipe is for you. It can be made very simply and quickly, so let's start making slime with our own hands.

You will need:

  • Silicate glue 125 ml.
  • Water 250 ml.
  • Sodium tetraborate


  1. Pour glue and water into a bowl and mix thoroughly.
  2. Dissolve sodium tetraborate in 125 ml. water and pour into the mixture with glue.
  3. Mix the mixture thoroughly until the mass curdles and a slime forms.
  4. Now you can give it to your child or play with this entertaining toy yourself.

Magnetic slime

If you need an unusual slime, then you can make it magnetic. To do this you will need regular iron filings and a magnet. So let's get started with the process of making our slime.

You will need:

  • PVA glue
  • Boric acid
  • Iron filings
  • Magnet


  1. Mix the glue boric acid and iron filings.
  2. Stir for a long time until the consistency becomes similar to slime.
  3. Now you can play with this slime using a magnet.

Slime without sodium tetraborate

I would like to offer you another option for making slime without the use of sodium tetraborate. This recipe uses only 3 ingredients, and one of them is ordinary dye. Let's see how to make slime with your own hands.

Slime is a rather funny substance that many children enjoy playing with. Everyone is familiar with this toy, and now there is no problem purchasing it, however, it is more interesting to make a slime yourself. Now let's look at how to make multi-colored slime from a wide variety of simple materials at home. You will learn all the intricacies of slime production and get the necessary advice.

Although calling the slime a full-fledged toy somehow defies the tongue. The majority of adult Americans had the same opinion when this something called “Slime” first appeared on store shelves. This happened in 1976.

However, everything changed after the release of the animated series “Ghostbusters” on TV, created as a continuation of the film of the same name. In this funny cartoon, one of the main characters was a funny and not at all scary ghost named Lizun.

It was then that they remembered the “toy”. A real boom in slime sales began all over the world. But gradually he faded away. For some time, colorful slimes could not be found in every store, but the paradox of this toy is that some children grow up, have children of their own and they also want to play with slime - and again the boom in sales of slimes all over the world is what , which has not happened for the last 10-15 years. However, the slimes sold are not always safe for children; they may be poorly made and therefore not only stick to the hands, but are then difficult to wash off. A real, high-quality slime does not leave marks on your hands or clothes.

How to make slime at home

Therefore, many parents have a question: how to make slime? The recipe is not complicated at all. And to work you need completely ordinary ingredients that can be found in almost every home.

How to make slime at home? Just. There are many ways to make slime. For example, you can use the simple and popular recipes given below, or watch a video on how to make slime.

From starch and water

This is perhaps the simplest answer to the question of how to make slime at home. It is also popular because the resulting toy will be absolutely safe for the child. And it’s very interesting - when you crush this slime in your hands, it’s hard, but as soon as you unclench your palm, it spreads.

It consists only of:

  1. water – 200 ml;
  2. starch – 200 g.

All you need to do is mix the ingredients. Now the toy is ready. This manufacturing method, in essence, answers the question of how to make slime from water. True, such a slime will turn out to be quite primitive. Also, it won't be bright, just a whitish gray.

To add color to the toy, but maintain safety, you can add any natural food coloring to the resulting mixture. However, this will be discussed a little later, at the very end. of this material. And one more nuance. A slime made of starch and water is completely incapable of jumping. So if this is a critical function, then you need to look for other options for its manufacture.

From glue and starch

More interesting option starch slime is obtained by using glue during the manufacturing process. However, for this you need starch, which is used to starch linen.

And how to make slime from PVA glue? Easily! For this you will need:

  • liquid starch used for washing – 70 ml;
  • glue, exclusively PVA – 25 g;
  • any dye;
  • tight package.

Glue for slime should be taken only white, made not very long ago. So it will not be superfluous to look at the manufacturing date on the packaging.

Now about starch. If you don’t have liquid starch, you can use regular starch. You can make it “liquid” by diluting the product with water in the proportion of 1 part starch to 2 parts water. In order to make a toy, you need to pour starch into a bag, add a little dye and pour in PVA.

First, shake the bottle of glue thoroughly. When all the ingredients are in the bag, tie it and shake the contents thoroughly until a clot forms. This, in fact, is slime. All that's left is to drain excess liquid, blot the newly made toy with a napkin and you can give it to the child.

Many parents, when making slime for the first time, add too much starch (then the slime turns out too hard) or use glue (then the toy sticks to the palms). In this case, the entire procedure must be repeated, adjusting the dosages of the ingredients.

The slime obtained in this way should be stored in a closed container. You can play with it for about a week. Well, then you'll have to make a new one.

After familiarizing yourself with the simplest slimes, you can move on to more “advanced” ones. This toy is almost identical to its store-bought counterpart. And not only in consistency, but also in composition. At production sites, slimes are made from borax (sodium tetraborate) with the addition of the polysaccharide guar gum and some other chemical materials.

How to make slime from sodium tetraborate?

Not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. In order to make almost factory-made slime at home you will need:

  • borax – half a teaspoon;
  • silicate glue (aka stationery) – 30 g;
  • food dyes (preferably green and yellow);
  • water – approximately 225-250 ml.

First you need to take two bowls or jars with wide necks. Dilute borax in one of them warm water. You will need one cup of liquid (approximately 150 ml).

It is necessary to achieve complete dissolution of the powder. In the second, mix glue with half a cup (75 ml) of warm water and add dyes.

The optimal combination is 5 drops of yellow and 2 drops of green. Mix the mixture in the second container very thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is formed.

To avoid unnecessary questions, it is worth recalling that this “recipe” uses office glue, i.e. This is a way to make slime without PVA glue.

All that remains is to carefully pour the borax solution from the first into the second container. As a result chemical reaction The mixture will begin to thicken before your eyes, turning into a viscous mass. So we got a classic slime. Well, if something is not clear in this description, then you can always watch a video on how to make slime.

Of course, when giving a toy to a child, you need to warn him (or better yet, watch) so that he does not put it in his mouth. This slime, however, like all similar substances, must be stored in a closed container. Although this slime is as close as possible in composition to store-bought slime, it is no better or worse than those made at home by other methods. So below we will present several more options on how to make slime without tetraborate.

From baking soda and dishwashing liquid

Borax, of course, is not available in every home. So it’s worth returning to the answer to the question “How to make slime without sodium tetraborate?”, that is, to what is in any kitchen or bathroom.

For example, soda and dishwashing liquid are available to any housewife. The next slime will be made from them.

For it you will need:

  • soda;
  • dishwashing liquid (any);
  • water.

The process of making slime from soda is incredibly simple. Again, mix all three ingredients in one container, and give the result to your beloved child. There are no specific dosages here.

If the mixture turns out to be too liquid, you just need to add soda or detergent. You don’t have to add dye to this slime. It already turns out to be a pleasant greenish tint.

Although you can give the toy a different color. It all depends on the imagination and desires of the parents. But you shouldn’t put such a toy in your mouth, so while the child is fiddling with the new slime, adults should carefully watch him. There are several more ways to make slime without glue and sodium.

From various detergents

It's time to talk about how to make slime from shampoo or how to make slime from detergent. This method of making slime is also very simple. But the method of storing such a toy is radically different from the previous ones.

Between games, the slime will have to be put in the refrigerator. After playing with it, the baby’s hands need to be washed thoroughly. Well, you can’t lick such a slime either. Otherwise: slime, just like slime.

So, how to make slime without sodium:

  • shampoo;
  • shower gel (you can use dishwashing detergent).

To make a toy, you need to mix the above ingredients in equal quantities and place the container with the preparation in the refrigerator overnight. In the morning, the child can already enjoy a small gift.

This toy “lives” for about a month. However, if debris sticks to this slime, it is better to get rid of it and make a new one. Keep this type The slime needs to be in the refrigerator.

From liquid washing powder

There are no disclaimers in the title. Laundry detergent in powder form, as well as various gels and liquid soap Not suitable for this recipe.

So if liquid washing powder is found in the house, then you can get started.

In general, for such a slime you will have to acquire the following ingredients:

  • PVA glue – 1/4 cup;
  • liquid washing powder - 2 tablespoons;
  • dye;
  • rubber gloves (for kneading plastic mass).

Pour glue into the container and add dye. Mix everything thoroughly until a uniform color is obtained. Then add two tablespoons of liquid washing powder and start mixing. Gradually the mass will become sticky and will resemble the consistency of construction putty. If the resulting solution seems too thick, then you can add a little more “powder” to it. This must be done a little at a time, drop by drop, until the desired thickness is achieved.

On next stage You'll just need gloves. The resulting mass should be removed from the container and begin to knead, approximately the same way as dough is kneaded. This process will remove excess drops of liquid washing powder from the future toy. You need to knead the workpiece until it feels like soft rubber to the touch.

The finished slime can be placed in the refrigerator for half an hour. By the way, it should be stored there in a closed container.

As was said at the beginning, this method is not the answer to the question: how to make slime from soap. This hygiene product is not useful in this case.

How to make slime from flour

This version of homemade slime is suitable for very young children. And this is another way to make slime without glue. This toy consists only of flour, water and dyes. Of course, in this case, you need to use only food dyes, but more on them later. Let's return to the slime.

For this slime you will need:

  • flour – 2 cups;
  • water (hot and cold) – half a glass each;
  • food colorings.

Since flour is a fairly volatile product, before making such slime it is better to put an apron on over your clothes and you can get started. Pour two cups of flour into a large bowl. By the way, it is better to sift it through a sieve first, so it will knead better.

Then pour cold water into the flour first, and then hot. One more nuance: the water should be hot, but it should not be boiling water. After this, the resulting mixture must be thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous mass is formed, without lumps.

When this is achieved, you can add dye and mix again. The finished mass should be sticky. All that remains is to put it in the refrigerator for a few hours, after which you can give it to your baby for fun.

How to make slime from toothpaste

No matter what they say, and no matter how anyone encourages you to watch how to make slime from toothpaste, it is not recommended to do this. Perhaps something will work out, but practice shows that this senseless waste time. And those who tell how to make slime from paste most often give a strange warning: “Not everyone can make such a slime.”

Take thick shampoo and pour about 2 tablespoons into a plate. Choose a shampoo with a thick consistency. Add a small amount of toothpaste. Opaque toothpaste (white or colored) will work the best way, but you can also try striped pasta. Take half a teaspoon of toothpaste. Colgate is the toothpaste that works best, but you can try other types of toothpaste.

Mix everything, if it turns out too liquid, add more toothpaste, if, on the contrary, it is too thick, add shampoo. Now put the mixture in the freezer for 1 hour, then take it out and knead it with your fingers until the mixture looks like slime. The mixture should freeze almost to ice, but it should still be possible to knead it with your hands. So you can try making slime from toothpaste, you just have to experiment with shampoo and toothpaste.

Magnetic, glowing slime

This slime can no longer be called simple. Children simply adore him. This toy glows in the dark and “runs” after a magnet. It looks really funny. However, to make such a slime you will need a little more ingredients:

  • borax – 1/2 teaspoon;
  • glue – 30 g;
  • dye (glow in the dark paint);
  • iron oxide;
  • water – 1.5 cups;
  • neodymium magnet.

At first, everything is done in the same way as in the case of making a regular slime from borax. In separate containers, thoroughly mix borax with a glass of water, and in the second - glue with half a glass of water.

At this stage, you need to add luminous paint to the glue already mixed with liquid. Then carefully pour in the borax solution. You need to pour it slowly, stirring the mixture constantly. It is not necessary to pour out the entire borax solution. This must be done until the mixture reaches the required consistency.

After this, the finished mass must be laid out on a flat surface and leveled. Pour iron oxide into the center and knead like dough until the finished slime acquires an even gray color. The toy is ready to fulfill its direct duties. If you bring a magnet to it, the slime will be drawn to it.

Well, in the dark it will, of course, glow slightly.

Above are the simplest ways to make slime at home. There are others, for example: slime made from plasticine and glue. They can be easily found by searching for “watch how to make slimes.”

In addition, no one forbids you to dream up a little and give the toy new qualities. For example, smell. To do this, you can add to any of the above recipes aroma oils. A toy made in this way will smell pleasant, which means it will add even more pleasure to the baby.

Any slime should be stored in a cool place and always in a buried container. This will prevent the toy from drying out quickly. Also, the “lifespan” of a slime is greatly influenced by the place where it is played.

On a carpet or other fleecy surface, the toy will quickly collect all the dust and numerous hairs. Drying slime can be placed in warm water for a while. This will extend the life of the toy.

Under parental control

The building material of most slimes are, although not toxic, but still far from inedible substances. So it is advisable for parents not only to think about how to make slime with their own hands, but also to monitor the child while playing with slime. Well, you can explain to older children that they should not lick or chew the slime, and that after playing they should wash their hands thoroughly.

It is not clear why, but children play with pleasure with this incomprehensible toy nicknamed Lizun. But, unfortunately, even if all storage conditions are met, slimes do not “live” for very long, usually no more than a week. To keep your baby from getting upset, it’s better to stock up necessary ingredients provide your child with a new fun substance in advance and if necessary.

And in order not to remember how to make slime at home, you can also make a video of the manufacturing process. If you post it online, it will be a good help for other parents.

And finally, about flowers. Here is an unplowed field for imagination. Lizunov can be made in all colors of the rainbow. Some craftsmen, with skill and experience, manage to make them in two or even three colors. And in order not to harm your beloved child, it is advisable to use only natural food colors when making toys. Especially when it comes to slime made from flour - for the youngest children. And making paint is not much more difficult than answering the question “How to make slimes?”

Slime paints and more...

In fact, natural dye can be made from almost any vegetable or fruit. Moreover, the color of the dye will correspond to the color of the product. Moreover, jam, herbs and even seasonings have good coloring qualities.

Red dye

The easiest way to use beet juice as a red dye. Although juices or jams made from fruits such as raspberries, strawberries, and cranberries are also suitable. True, fruit paint will be quite expensive. So beets are the best option.

To obtain the dye, you need to grate 1 root vegetable, put it in a saucepan with water, add half a teaspoon citric acid and cook for about an hour. When ready, strain the broth. The dye is ready.

Orange dye

Here the product option suggests itself. Of course, carrots. Good Orange color It will work if you grate the carrots and simmer for 5-10 minutes in a frying pan in melted butter. During this time, the oil should acquire the desired shade. All that remains is to cool the mixture and squeeze the oil through cheesecloth. By the way, oil and carrots should be taken in equal quantities.

Yellow dye

The easiest way to get yellow- This is to dilute turmeric in warm water. But you can get such paint from lemon. To do this, just grate the zest on the finest grater and squeeze out the juice.

Green dye

And for this dye you will have to stock up on spinach. It needs to be rubbed through a sieve or crushed in a blender, and then boiled in a small amount of water (about 30 minutes). Strain the resulting mixture.

Violet dye

Paint purple can be obtained from elderberries, you need to boil it - and strain the broth, this broth is an excellent natural purple dye.

There are enough colors for a homemade slime. If you want to get other shades, then you can mix a couple of dyes from the above.

In conclusion, a few words about storing dyes. After all, if the production of slimes is put on stream, then they also need to be prepared for future use. Natural food colors last only a few days. However, if you add sugar to them, place them in a tightly closed jar and put them in the refrigerator, then the “lifetime” of the paint can be increased to two weeks.


Happy child 27.12.2017

Dear readers, the toy industry offers our children a huge amount of different fun. But what’s interesting is that most often they are not interested in super-complicated “miracles of technology”, but in the simplest and most uncomplicated toys, such as slime. But you can not only buy such a toy in a store, but also make it yourself at home. And today, together with the presenter of the column, Anna Kutyavina, we will talk about how to make slime at home. I give the floor to Anya.

Hello, dear readers of Irina’s blog! Today I would like to talk about a very original toy for children - slime. Slime was first released by Mattel in 1976. The main component of the toy was guar gum. Slime (the name of the slime on English language) was green in color and was sold in a small plastic jar. Afterwards, many other companies launched its release, and slime became widespread throughout the world.

Once upon a time in our country it was impossible to get slimes, but now they are sold everywhere in large quantities and the most different types. However, it is always interesting not only to receive ready-made option toys, but also try to make it yourself. And slime is interesting precisely because there is a mass in various ways and recipes that can be used to make it at home. These are the ones we will look at today.

What is slime and why is it interesting?

Lizun is interesting, first of all, for its properties. This material is similar to slime, but at the same time it is easy to collect and does not spill. If you leave the slime, it spreads over the surface; if you press sharply on it, it immediately thickens.

Children often simply adore this simple toy, as it interestingly sticks to everything, spreads into a puddle, and returns to its previous shape in their hands. Slime does not harm the health of children, but it is better to avoid getting the jelly on the mucous membranes.

How to make slime

And now let's figure out how to make slime with your own hands. The main components of the toy are polysaccharide and borax. But other polymers can be used instead of polysaccharide. What is especially interesting is that it is quite possible to make slime at home using improvised materials. Here are several options for making slime.

Slime recipe made from water, shampoo, PVA glue and dye

This is one of the most economical options how to make slime at home. Preparation takes only 5 minutes. Everything can be mixed in a regular bag, it’s convenient, and you don’t need to wash anything after cooking.


  • shampoo (any) – 100 ml;
  • fresh PVA glue – a small amount, depends on the consistency of the shampoo;
  • dye.

Pour the shampoo into a bowl and color it with dye. Add glue until the consistency of a thick lump.

You can also make a transparent slime. You just need to take colorless shampoo and not add dye.

This shampoo slime looks good, does not fall apart and does not stick to your hands.
Slime made from PVA glue must be stored in a closed container, because the glue dries quickly.

To make the toy more natural, you can consider the option of making slime without PVA glue.

Slime recipe without PVA glue


  • warm water – 100 ml;
  • food starch – 100 g;
  • dye - any natural one.

Mix warm water with food starch, add dye.

This slime will not look as beautiful as store-bought slime, but it is completely safe. If a piece is accidentally swallowed, nothing bad will happen; the child will just need to be offered a couple of glasses of water.

Recipe for slime made from water, glue, dye and sodium tetraborate


  • water and PVA glue – 1:1;
  • dye - a drop;
  • sodium tetraborate – 0.5 cups.

Mix equal amounts of water and PVA glue and mix thoroughly.
Add a little dye. Then pour in sodium tetraborate and mix slowly. Once the mixture begins to resemble jelly, the sodium tetraborate slime is ready.

We also offer a video that shows the process of creating slime from glue and sodium tetraborate.

Slime recipe made from shaving foam, borax, PVA glue and water


  • borax – 1/2 tbsp. l. + a little more;
  • warm water – 50 ml;
  • shaving foam, glue - according to consistency.

Dilute borax in warm water, add shaving foam, mix thoroughly, then add glue and mix again until the mixture begins to thicken little by little. Add a little more borax and mix well again. Then we knead it in our hands for a few minutes, and the slime is ready.

It is soft, does not stick to your hands, it can be stretched, crushed, rolled into balls, and also sculpted from it.

Watch also the video on how to make slime from shaving foam.

Nail polish slime recipe

You can also make your own slime at home from... nail polish. Making such a slime is as easy as making a slime without PVA and sodium tetraborate, without Persil.


  • nail polish;
  • office glue;
  • sodium tetraborate.

Mix all ingredients to a homogeneous jelly.

Clear slime recipe

You can add glitter or mother-of-pearl to the mixture, then the slime will be unusual and very beautiful.


  • borax or sodium tetraborate – 25 g;
  • polyvinyl alcohol – 100 g.

Pour alcohol into a bowl and stir a little. Pour in borax and beat very quickly until the slime becomes thick.

You can do a lot of fun with this slime. It can be stretched, torn and rolled up again. And also - throw it on the wall and watch it slowly slide off it.

Magnetic slime recipe

This unusual slime is interesting because it is attracted by a magnet.


  • borax – 1/2 tsp,
  • water – 2 glasses;
  • PVA glue – 30 g;
  • iron oxide - a pinch;
  • dye - you can take phosphorus paint, then the slime will glow in the dark.

Mix a glass of water and borax in one bowl. Mix the mixture thoroughly until the powder is completely dissolved in water. In a second bowl, mix a glass of water and glue. Add phosphorus paint or another dye.

Carefully pour the first solution into the second, stirring constantly. As soon as the mixture becomes thick, you need to stop pouring the first solution and mix the whole mass well.

Distribute the finished mass on the table, pour iron oxide into the middle. Mix the mixture thoroughly until it becomes a uniform color.

How to make slime without glue and sodium tetraborate

The addition of these two components makes the slime toxic, and playing with it is not very useful. But there are ways to make a toy without sodium tetraborate and PVA glue. After all, slime brings a lot of pleasure to any child, why limit him in the game?

Of course, you can buy slime in many children's stores. But it’s quite possible to figure out how to make slime with your own hands without sodium tetraborate, without chemicals at all. Making such a simple toy is quite possible.

Recipe for slime made from soda, dishwashing detergent and dye


  • dishwashing liquid;
  • soda;
  • dye.

Pour dishwashing liquid into a container. How thick the slime will be depends on the amount of soda, so add the soda gradually, constantly stirring the mass. If the mixture is too thick, dilute it with water or detergent. Add food coloring or a little gouache.

Corn starch slime


  • corn starch – 2 cups;
  • warm water – 1 glass;
  • food coloring.

Pour water into a container and add starch in small portions until you get the desired consistency. If you want a stickier slime, add more water.

This slime should be stored in a bag in the refrigerator for a maximum of 5 days.

Recipe for slime made from plasticine, gelatin and water

This slime will also not last long, but it is good for developing fine motor skills.


  • plasticine – 100 g;
  • gelatin – 2 packs;
  • cold water – 50 ml.

Dissolve gelatin in water and leave for 1 hour. Bring the resulting liquid to a boil and cool. In another bowl, mix plasticine with water until thick. Add the cooled gelatin liquid there, mix well wooden stick. Place in the refrigerator to harden.

You can watch how to make slime from shaving foam in this video.

How to make slime from flour

This is a fairly safe way for children to make slime. Even kids can play like this, especially if you use natural dyes.


  • flour – 2 cups;
  • cold water – ¼ cup;
  • hot water – ¼ cup;
  • dye.

Pour the sifted flour into a bowl. Pour in cold water. Then pour in hot water, but not boiling water. Mix the mixture well. You need to make sure that all the lumps dissolve.

Add a few drops of dye. Mix the mixture thoroughly again. It should be sticky.

Place the mixture in the refrigerator for several hours.

Nutella slime recipe

You can play with this slime and then enjoy eating it with tea.


  • marshmallows or chewing marshmallows – 100 g;
  • Nutella chocolate spread.

Melt the marshmallows in a water bath until a viscous and sticky mass is obtained. Then add chocolate paste in small portions. When the composition is mixed a little, you need to take it in your hands and knead it for about 5 minutes until it becomes uniform in color and consistency.

Another video recipe on how to make slime from toothpaste.

How to care for slime

In order for your child to enjoy his favorite toy longer, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • store the slime in tetra bags or closed containers that do not allow drying and dust;
  • wash the slime without soap;
  • do not leave it on fleecy surfaces (carpets, fur, blankets), so it will collect particles on itself;
  • if the slime no longer stretches well, add a few drops of vinegar or a little glycerin to it;
  • do not put on a shelf where there is dust. If the toy becomes dirty, it is better to throw it away;
  • After playing with slime, you should not touch your eyes with your hands. If a rash appears, the slime should be thrown away;
  • do not leave the toy near the fireplace or on the windowsill - the heat will render it unusable;
  • At night, the slime should be put in the refrigerator with water at the bottom of the jar. In the morning it will become larger;
  • Do not put in the freezer and do not give to children under 3 years of age.

So we have discussed the main tips on how to make slime at home. So if your child is tired of toys and wants something new, choose your own recipe and make a fun toy with your child. Happy games and a wonderful mood to you!

Parents go to great lengths to satisfy their child’s desires. And the more often we make concessions, the more our children’s desires and needs grow. Children's store windows offer a wide range of products. From transformers to cute Barbies, from interactive cars to children's bicycles.

Nowadays it is difficult not to find a suitable toy, and it is more difficult to pay for it. For example, the slimy to the touch, often bright green mass has today won the attention of children and is very popular among children.

Making slime at home

Slime, or handgam, is not a cheap toy for many parents. Some parents were deterred by the content of sodium tetraborate elements in this toy when purchasing it. However, such entertainment can be done with your own hands at home, showing a little imagination and knowing the principle by which children’s favorite handgam is made.

Moreover, today we will tell you what ingredients you can get by without using harmful substances.

Required Components

To create a character from the animated series "Ghostbusters" you need very little. So, what can you make slime from? We will list some commonly used ingredients to make the toy.

In order to give your child pleasure and make slime with your own hands, the following components are often used:

  • Ordinary water.
  • Soda.
  • Starch.
  • Gouache.
  • Shaving foam.
  • Toothpaste.
  • Detergents.
  • PVA glue
  • Plasticine.

Since you will be making the toy yourself, you will be able to control the process. When creating slime at home, you can set the shape, choose the color and size you like.

Slime made from water and shampoo

Let's try to make a slime with you using water and shampoo. Using these components will allow you to make slime with your own hands. By making a toy with your child, you will get a lot of pleasure from working together, and later you will mind your own business while your child makes his pet.

Take PVA glue, pour some water at room temperature into a bowl, add shampoo in equal proportions. In order to give color to our slime, you need to use ordinary dye. This role can be played by ordinary brilliant green or gouache.

Plasticine handgam

The best recipes for making slime are recipes without sodium tetraborate solution. The use of improvised materials, plasticine or paper, often inspires the trust of parents; moreover, children are familiar with crafts based on these materials.

One of the simplest ways to create slime is using plasticine. Moreover, the toy your child loves so much can be made without glue and sodium tetraborate.

To make plasticine slime, you need the following components:

  • Gelatin -1 p.
  • Plasticine.
  • Water.
  • Plastic cup or glass.
  • Metal container.
  • Spoon for stirring.

Stir the gelatin packet into cold water, leave the container alone for a while to completely dissolve the gelatin. Bring the resulting mixture to a boil. Knead the plasticine of the color you like in your hands.

IN plastic container add water and mix with plasticine. Add gelatin to the resulting homogeneous mass and mix with a spoon. The resulting slime can be played with immediately after it has cooled down. This method is the simplest and contains components familiar to the baby. When using this recipe to make slime, you can easily do without adding harmful substances included in the toy.

Soda slime

Our kids, like their parents, love paper crafts, but in this case we must disappoint you. The composition of the slime does not contain paper base. But don't worry about this. There is an exit. We will try to describe the recipe, in which we will tell you how you can make slime at home, using only soda.

You may doubt it, but this mass, not pleasant to the touch and incomprehensible to adults, contains precisely this component. By offering this kind of entertainment to your baby, you will get a lot of free time.

To do this you will need the following components:

  • PVA glue -50g.
  • Water -100g.
  • Soda 1 tbsp.
  • Gouache.
  • Wand.
  • Capacity.

Mix water with glue to obtain the desired viscosity of the toy. It's better to do this in plastic dishes. Feel free to add dye to the resulting mixture. Make the next solution based on water and soda. Combine the two solutions and mix with a stick to obtain a homogeneous mass. Here's a slime for you! It will bring a lot of positive emotions to your baby.

Starch slime

One of best recipes in creating slime is a recipe using starch. To make colored transparent slime with your own hands, you only need two components: water and starch. The most commonly used starch is made from potato or corn-based starch.

Making slime together will bring great pleasure to your child and will take a little time. Let's get started? Mix the two components in equal proportions and add dye. Ordinary brilliant green can act as a dye.

Most Internet pages are filled with photographs of homemade slimes. By showing a little imagination and desire, you can choose the handgam you like and have a great time in mutual creativity with your child. And we continue to offer you new options for creating a cartoon character. Let's find out how to increase your cub's size.

Lizun is growing up

Doing crafts with children is useful and educational. Making slime with children is doubly educational and interesting. It is interesting for a child to watch the process of creating a toy, and if you give the slime a name, then your mutual friend will become the object of adoration for children.

Invite your child to raise a slime. How it's done? Very simple. Place your pet in a glass of water and place it in the refrigerator. In the morning, be sure to ask how much your child has grown new friend, invite your child to see how the pet feels.

By focusing the child's attention in this direction, you are guaranteed a daily report on the activities and viability of the new settler. The baby will watch with great interest how his pet grows and changes.

Making slime without adding sodium tetraborate

This recipe is extremely simple. It does not include substances harmful to the baby, and turns the process of creating slime without adding sodium tetraborate into a fun, entertaining adventure.

To make a child's dream come true, you need to stock up on: gouache, PVA glue, a container, and a mixing stick. And one more component that will help us in production. Oddly enough, this is an ordinary detergent; you can add an ordinary gel concentrate.

Add to container required amount glue. The more glue you add, the stronger your slime will be. Mix glue with gouache of the color you like. Did you choose red? Amazing! Take a mixing stick and add the required amount of coloring. Mixing thoroughly, add paints as necessary to give the future slime the most saturated color.

With thorough stirring, the mass will thicken right before your eyes. Place the toy on the child’s hand, give it a shape, make eyes and a mouth. The composition of the selected ingredients is simple, but their components will make the toy soft and elastic, and it will not stick to the child’s hands.

Transparent slime without sodium tetraborate

The recipe we offer is simple and contains only two ingredients. Pour water into a plastic bowl and add a little office glue, mix the mixture.

If you want your slime to be colored, use paints or ordinary brilliant green. If you prefer to make it completely transparent, do without these components.

Colored slime made from liquid soap and toothpaste

Do-it-yourself colored and transparent slimes are one of the best toys child. Kids can twirl an incomprehensible mass in their hands for hours and get real pleasure from it. Let's give them this opportunity and try to make colored and transparent slimes with you at home using liquid soap.

Add liquid soap and a teaspoon of starch to a glass container. Then cover the selected container with a lid and shake thoroughly in your hands. The mass gradually begins to thicken.

Then, in a separate plastic bowl, add regular toothpaste. Add the possessed glass container to the toothpaste. And mix thoroughly. Your colored slime is ready. This recipe clearly shows how to make slime without glue. The slime recipe is simple, but so many emotions!

Toothpaste slime. Let's heat it up!

This slime recipe is unique in its simplicity, and is in a simple way in making toys, however, it requires the attention of an adult. To create it you need two tubes of gel paste.

Activities with a child are a guarantee good relations. Fantasy is limitless. By making toys with your baby, you will return to childhood and feel the joy and delight of the result. Don't be afraid to experiment. At first, I will help you with photo instructions that tell you how to make slime with your own hands. Give your baby pleasure and return to childhood. I wish you success!

Photo instructions on how to make slime