How to grow sage in the garden (personal experience). We grow sage in the country

Sage is one of those plants that we often grow in our country house. You can buy sage seeds at any gardening store, as well as at the market. This is a perennial herbaceous plant that many amateur gardeners like to grow in their country houses. It is quite suitable for cultivation in central Russia and more northern regions, only its lifespan in these places is one year, because it cannot withstand winter.

The most frequent “guest” at Russian dachas is clary sage, which got its name because of its characteristic aroma.

Originally it is a southern culture. How to grow wild and cultivated plant widespread in Mediterranean countries. However, with proper care and correct landing It is possible to quite successfully grow sage in Russia.

There is certainly value in planting and growing sage. The main thing is to choose the variety of seeds, most suitable for cultivation in a specific region. IN central region We grow sage in the country without any problems.

Healing properties of sage

This is famous medicinal plant. Many tributaries grow it in their gardens precisely because of its medicinal properties. plant seeds in the garden or vegetable garden, undoubtedly worth it to those who keep bees. If you plant it in your home apiary, the healing and taste properties of honey will immediately improve. This plant is a honey plant, and bees readily collect pollen from its flowers.

Growing this plant is undoubtedly worth doing for those who are interested in home cooking and are partial to spices. Some varieties, such as clary sage, are used in many national cuisines for preparing seasonings for dishes made from domestic animal meat, game and fish.

The plant is widely used in folk medicine. The inflorescences of this plant, as well as the leaves, are used to produce medicinal raw materials. Collect it for harvesting for future use It is best to use medicinal raw materials in the summer, on a fine sunny day without rain. It is also widely used to treat a wide variety of diseases. This medicinal plant has the following medicinal properties:

  • Effectively relieves inflammation;
  • Strengthens the immune system and helps in the treatment of acute respiratory diseases;
  • Included in herbal preparations for external use that improve skin well-being;
  • Contains natural antioxidants.

Also widely used in the cosmetics industry. Extract from flowers and leaves is included in many creams and restorative masks for the face, body, and hair.

Perennial sage: description

Sage is a plant that is usually grown from seeds. Planting is carried out in the spring, because in Russian conditions Middle zone it lives only until late autumn. In winter, he will most likely die from frost.

In the conditions of the Russian Central Zone, wild sage does not occur in nature because it cannot withstand the cold and snowy winter. However, almost all amateur gardeners visually imagine what this medicinal plant looks like. It can be easily recognized by the following characteristic features:

  • Large inflorescences in the form of an elongated panicle, each panicle contains several flowers of approximately the same size;
  • Flowers can be red, blue or purple. In Russia, the most common varieties are those with blue or purple inflorescences;
  • The plant has oval leaves correct form rich dark green or light green color, depending on the variety;
  • The stem is hard and elastic, and the leaves, on the contrary, are soft and tender to the touch.

It has a pronounced spicy aroma, so using the plant as a spice or medicine can cause an allergic reaction.

Planted in a summer cottage, it can look very impressive. A whole clearing planted with soft blue or purple sage looks beautiful. Main - choose a place for him where he often looks sunlight. Under the hot sun, this southern plant will grow and develop intensively.

The plant is often grown in flower beds and front gardens near private houses. If the winter is mild, he may well survive and bloom successfully on next year. However, if the sage survives the winter under the snow, there is a high probability that in early spring When the snow melts, there is a high probability that the plant will die from unexpected night frosts.

How to grow perennial sage: planting features

Before planting this unique flower in the garden, you need to purchase suitable seeds. It is best to choose clary sage seeds. Before planting seeds in the ground, it is advisable to fertilize the soil with manure, compost or humus. Any option will do.

Attention: any manure should be diluted with water before use. It is advisable to plant seeds in well lit corner of the garden or vegetable garden. When landing, you must keep the following in mind:

After planting, you need to water it on time and feed it periodically. The growth and development of sage has a beneficial effect nitrogen fertilizers. You can plant sage in the place where peas grew last year, since peas tend to enrich the soil with nitrogen.

How to grow perennial sage: care features

Special attention should be given watering. The flower does not like humidity; it is accustomed to the dry and warm climate of Mediterranean countries. However, if it is rarely watered, its leaves will become Brown color, become deformed and become rigid.

If sage is grown as a perennial plant, it needs to be renewed regularly. Renewal of shoots occurs due to pruning. After pruning, it begins to grow much faster. Pruning can be done at any time, as needed.

Sage grows well in warm, dry climates. However, it does not tolerate severe drought well. He loves sunshine and grows much worse in the shade. It is best to plant it in a sunny clearing, away from spreading trees. fruit and berry trees.

If a novice gardener plans to grow sage to make spices or medicinal raw materials, it makes sense to plant large area. When harvesting, you should also take care in advance of collecting seeds for planting next season. The best seeds for planting - seeds from your garden. Firstly, this much better price because there are very few seeds in a store-bought bag. Secondly, a plant grown from purchased seeds may not match the bright picture on the package, but a gardener who uses his own seeds is reliably insured against such surprises. If you properly care for sage, it will bloom for a long time and amicably. The main thing is that the summer should be dry and sunny, without rain or fog.

Sage, which is grown in Russian dachas, is a cultivated variety of a southern wild plant. It rarely survives the Russian winter, however, many gardeners are ready to come to terms with this and plant it on their plots every year. This is a plant not only amazingly beautiful, but also has great practical benefits. Growing sage is a fun activity. By planting it on your plot, you can provide yourself with healing medicinal herbs for all diseases for the whole winter. And gourmets will certainly appreciate the spicy taste of dishes prepared with clary sage spices.

Sage, or Salvia (Salvia) is a genus of perennial herbaceous plants and shrubs of the Lamiaceae family. Representatives of this genus are distributed throughout the globe: in Europe, Asia, Africa, and America. There are about 900 species and subspecies of sage. Some beautiful and medicinal species of this plant (silver sage, common sage, meadow sage, brilliant sage, clary sage, etc.) are used as ornamental and medicinal plants.
This is what I want to write about clary sage, because... it grows in my garden.

Features of clary sage

Clary sage(Salvia sclarea) I have been growing on my plot for eight years. Clary sage is native to the Mediterranean; in nature it grows in the Crimea, the Caucasus and Central Asia.
Clary sage is a perennial plant, a subshrub (as they say in most sources), so initially I was so determined about my sage. But as it grew, I noticed that my clary sage did not bloom in the first year of planting or sowing; it only forms a basal rosette of large, pubescent, slightly “corrugated” (wrinkled) leaves. But the next year the young plant blooms.

In the fall, faded plants produce seeds (which even in Siberia have time to ripen), then they die and the cycle repeats. This is how biennials behave. This means that clary sage is not only a perennial plant. And indeed it is. The fact is that the offspring of the same plant (note, the same plant!) can contain biennials (the majority of them), annuals and a few perennials.

How north region growing this plant, the better, of course, is to grow annual or biennial clary sage, because perennial sage may freeze out. But, if there were no critical sub-zero temperatures in winter, then two-year-old sage does not die, but can continue to grow and bloom for another couple of seasons.

I'll tell you about how clary sage appeared in my garden.
I wanted to breed this plant because... I read a lot about its medicinal properties and unusual aroma, and for me this plant was a mystery...

Indeed, clary sage is an unusual and mysterious plant. At least because during flowering it emits a crazy aroma. Just a fabulous smell, in which, as it seems to me, all the best and mysterious aromas of the world are mixed!

And so, when I came across a clary sage seedling at my grandmother’s market, I immediately bought it without hesitation. It was a small plant, with two small, seemingly corrugated leaves. Grandma insisted that it was clary sage.
I brought a sage seedling home in a bag that was closed; and when I opened it at home, I smelled a pungent cat smell. I was very surprised and thought that it was my grandmother’s cats who tried...
But when the bowl with the plant stood open, the cat smell disappeared. That's when I realized it was the smell of musk. .

Growing Clary Sage

The clary sage planted in the garden grew larger over the summer. Then it overwintered safely, and bloomed the next summer.

I have noticed that depending on the season, my clary sage can grow from 60-70 cm to a significant height of 1.2-1.5 m.
The branched taproot of this large plant penetrates to a depth of up to 2 m. Therefore, sage does not tolerate transplantation well, gets sick for a long time and may die. It is better to replant sage in the first year of life and at the very beginning of growth, i.e. at the beginning of summer.

Clary sage is considered relatively heat-loving plant. But in my Siberia, two-year-old sage overwinters without shelter, and there are no losses.
The frost resistance of clary sage, like any biennial or perennial plant, depends on how well it has time to ripen by autumn. Also, sage does not like the alternation of winter thaws with frosts.

Clary sage is undemanding to soil and drought-resistant. But in order for its flowering to be abundant and the fragrance of the flowers to be stronger, - of course, garden soil must be fertile, and during drought there must be sufficient watering of the plant.
The aroma of sage flowers is influenced by the choice of a sunny location. The hotter the summer, the more essential oil accumulates in, and the stronger the aroma!
On appearance Clary sage is also affected by dense plantings and improperly harvested areas around them. All this affects the growth and flowering of the plant, and, therefore, the intensity of its aroma.

Flowering and fruiting of clary sage

In the second year, clary sage grows a powerful peduncle (up to 1.5 m high) with long spike-shaped inflorescences covered with pale pink flowers and bracts.
Clary sage blooms very beautifully. If you look at the mass, at the curtain flowering plants, it was as if a delicate white-pink-lilac cloud was hovering on their tops. And what an amazing aroma there is there at this time... you can go crazy from it!

The smell of clary sage flowers is difficult to convey; his essential oil has a complex chemical composition, creating a unique healing bouquet. Fragrance connoisseurs say that clary sage flowers emit a fragrance reminiscent of a mixture of odors, and.

Clary sage seeds ripen well in September. It happens, and the next year its seedlings can be found in any corner of the garden where the land is cultivated.
Clary sage seedlings do not appear early in the spring, but already at the end of May or beginning of June, because Clary sage is a heat-loving plant. Its seeds begin to germinate at a temperature of +8...+10 degrees. But at the same time, young sage, which has a rosette of 10-12 pairs of leaves, can withstand subzero temperatures. This is such a mysterious plant!

In smart books they write that clary sage has something else that many, many plants do not have. These are inhibitors - substances that inhibit plant growth. Root system clary sage releases essential oils into the soil, which slow down, or even prevent, the development of plants planted in the place where the sage grew. And even the seedlings of the same sage, which sprouted here after harvesting the sage bushes, cannot develop normally in this place - they grow oppressed, or even die. But I haven’t noticed anything like that on my sage yet. Moreover, my bush grew in one place for six years. Its seeds fell nearby in the fall and sprouted in the spring; Of these, I left several plants for propagation. And in the sixth year, the sage bush was much more powerful (up to one and a half meters), and the flowering was more abundant than in previous years. Maybe the summer was favorable for him.

Pests and diseases of clary sage

Clary sage in the garden is affected and harmful insects, and diseases. It is damaged by sage cutworm, sage weevil and other pests. It seems to me that they do not disdain it, despite the essential oils secreted by the plant, because... For the last couple of years I have been observing characteristic holes in the leaves of clary sage.

This plant has a common disease with - they are affected white rot. It leads to partial or complete death of sage in the second year of life. Therefore, do not plant these plants next to each other, sow them away from each other.

Clary sage can be affected by leaf spot. But my sage bushes have never gotten sick (and I hope they never will).

Medicinal uses of clary sage

Clary sage has medicinal raw materials fragrant inflorescences from which essential oil is extracted. The stems and leaves of this plant contain several times less oil.

Apply essential oil to your pillow or wrist. You can use an aroma lamp or aroma medallions - this is very convenient.
But first you need to check the aroma of clary sage essential oil for individual tolerance. When applied to the skin, it causes a burning sensation and redness for 3-5 minutes - this is a natural reaction.

Clary sage essential oil is considered a good anti-inflammatory and healing agent, as well as a relaxing, soothing, antibacterial, antiseptic, tonic, antioxidant, and expectorant. It relieves inflammation in the throat and restores a hoarse voice.

Clary sage oil is used for the prevention of acute respiratory infections, in aromatherapy: for seasonal depression, chronic fatigue, nervousness, fear.
The aroma of clary sage essential oil provides relief from headaches and migraines associated with hormonal problems.

It is believed that clary sage essential oil goes well with the following oils: bergamot, cardamom, lavender, grapefruit, coriander, frankincense, sandalwood, rose, cypress.

Sage preparations and essential oil have a venotonic effect; they are included in preparations for hemorrhoids, varicose veins and circulatory disorders. Clary sage essential oil is used for acne, pustular diseases, hair loss, oily skin of the face and scalp. It restores hair strength and growth, reduces excessive sebum production (especially on the scalp).

The scent of clary sage oil can be used as a repellent as it repels mosquitoes and is an antidote to insect bites.

Clary sage is used in dentistry and in the complex treatment of psoriasis. Traditional medicine uses this plant for kidney stones and headaches.

Dry clary sage inflorescences are added to various herbal teas. An infusion of inflorescences for external use is prepared at the rate of: two tablespoons of raw material per glass of boiling water; leave until cooled. The resulting infusion is used to wipe problematic facial skin, rubbed into the scalp for oily hair.

There are also contraindications for the use of clary sage essential oil. First of all, it is not recommended to use it during pregnancy and breastfeeding (it inhibits lactation).
Use with caution in high-grade hypertension.
It should not be used while taking iron-containing medications. Contraindications also include cancer and mastopathy.
Because clary sage essential oil relaxes, concentration is reduced, which is why it should not be used when driving a car.
Clary sage oil is believed to enhance the effects of alcoholic beverages, so it should not be used while drinking alcohol. Remember, headaches may occur when using essential oil in large doses.

Various uses of clary sage

Clary sage oil is used in the perfume industry - as a fragrance and odor fixer in the manufacture of perfumes, colognes, creams, pastes, shampoos, lotions.

Clary sage is used in the production of beer and wine, in the confectionery industry (as a flavoring for jams), in Food Industry(for flavoring cheeses and tea).

In the tobacco industry, clary sage is used to flavor expensive tobacco, for which leaves and inflorescences are usually used. Collection of fragrant leaves can begin as soon as the plant blooms.

Clary sage seed oil has high technical properties. It is used in ceramic and porcelain production, for the production of high-quality drying oil.

Clary sage in garden design

Clary sage is very decorative, so it is used in gardening on the website
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Sage can be grown not only as decorative culture, but also use it for practical purposes, for example, in cooking or in treatment. In this article you will find information about planting and caring for sage, look at a photo of the plant, and learn how to harvest and use the crop to your advantage.

Sage is one of the most aromatic herbs, thanks to which it found its use in cooking. This plant is a perennial and belongs to the Lamiaceae family. The distinctive characteristics of the culture are a bitter taste and a rich tart odor. During the flowering season, sage produces quite attractive small inflorescences in bright blue, purple, light blue, pink, red or white. The second name of the culture is “salvia”, which is translated from Latin as “healthy”. The plant is known to many for its medicinal properties, thanks to which in medicine it ranks alongside chamomile and calendula.

Among the many varieties of sage, heat-loving and cold-resistant species can be distinguished. The former are grown in gardens only as annuals. Description of some popular varieties we'll look at it next.

Cold-resistant varieties of salvia include the following varieties:

  1. The most common type of crop is sage, which has been used for medicinal and culinary purposes since the time of the Roman Empire. This plant loves well-lit areas and well-drained soil. Medicinal sage is propagated mainly by seeds, which are planted in the ground immediately after the end of frost. The culture is unpretentious in care, and during the flowering period, stems can be collected from it, which will subsequently be used for medicinal or culinary purposes.
  2. Salvia sylvestris is another cold-hardy sage variety that features beautiful blue and purple flowers. This species became the basis for the creation of interesting hybrids, the inflorescences of which are colored pink and even white.
  3. Salvia oakberry is a frost-resistant crop that is easy to care for. Its flowers are colored predominantly in purple or lilac shades.
  4. Meadow sage blooms in the first summer months, covered with buds of white, pink or lilac shades.
  5. Whorled sage is highly decorative and has good cold tolerance. Its inflorescences are colored deep purple; the budding period begins in July and ends in mid-autumn.
  6. Salvia Transylvanica was cultivated in Russia. Feels good in shaded areas and blooms with soft lilac buds from June to September.
  7. Blue sage is another cold-hardy species. During the flowering period it produces small light blue petals.
  8. Salvia japonica, as the name suggests, comes from Japan. This is a late-blooming variety that produces its first inflorescences in August and completely fades by October. This crop grows well in moist soil and easily tolerates light shade.
  9. From South America swamp sage came to us, distinguished by tall stems and large carved leaves. Its flowering period lasts from mid-summer to mid-autumn. The plant loves good light, the inflorescences are colored light blue.

Heat-loving sage varieties are grown in gardens as annuals. Let us describe the most popular heat-loving species of salvia:

  1. Sparkling sage is quite common in Russian gardens due to its high decorative value. The flowering period of the crop begins in mid-summer and ends in late autumn. As for the buds, they have a wide color palette and can even be represented in shades of orange and red. Sparkling sage grows well in moderately moist soil.
  2. Salvia red is native to South America and loves hot climates and high humidity. It begins to bloom in late summer with inflorescences painted in white, pink or red shades.
  3. Salvia angustifolia has silvery foliage and small purple flowers. This variety is an early flowering variety; its budding period occurs in May-June. This type of culture is used for culinary purposes.
  4. Salvia mealy is decorated with bright blue flowers, which pleases the eye from summer to early autumn.
  5. Salvia myrtle came to us from hot Mexico. Its distinctive feature is a very pleasant aroma, reminiscent of black currant. Moreover, this plant’s foliage itself smells if you rub it a little in your hands. Sage of this variety blooms with beautiful red inflorescences from summer until frost.
  6. Salvia slender reaches a height of 1 meter and is considered a tall species compared to other varieties. Flowers on this plant appear in August and are red in color. The foliage has a pleasant fruity aroma, thanks to which this species is used in cooking.
  7. Salvia discolored is native to Mexico, and distinguishing feature culture – unusual shade flowers and their shape. The petals of the buds are painted dark blue, almost black, and the inflorescences themselves are half hidden in the cups.
  8. Clary sage is a perennial crop and in warm climates it really is, but in cold latitudes it is preferable to grow it as annual plant. Salvia nutmeg petals are colored soft lilac, light blue or pink. The budding period occurs in spring and summer. This variety has a rich pleasant aroma Therefore, the culture is processed into essential oil and used in the perfume industry.
  9. Another heat-loving Mexican variety is salvia opene, blooming from July to October with deep blue buds. It propagates well by seeds and is grown as a perennial in warm climates.
  10. Salvia montana was cultivated not very long ago, around the 1980s in Texas. Distinctive feature varieties are beautiful rich red flowers and a wide lush bush. This variety tolerates drought well; the flowering period lasts from July to October.

Features of planting sage

Salvia can be propagated in several ways: by seed sowing, divisions or cuttings. The most common method is seed propagation, while bushes grown from divisions and cuttings turn out weak and quickly die.

Seeds for seedlings begin to be sown in early April, planting the grains in the soil to a depth of 1.5 cm. After planting, the soil is constantly moistened with a spray bottle and care is taken that it does not dry out. The container with seedlings is kept in a warm, wind-free place where the ambient temperature is maintained at 20-25 °C. Under these conditions, the first shoots begin to emerge in the third week.

After the seedlings appear, they are picked, waiting until 2 true leaves grow on the stems. Young shoots are hidden from straight sun rays. Transfer plants to permanent place at the end of May or early summer. Until this time, if there is such a need, the sprouts are transplanted several times into deeper containers with soil.

It is best to place sage in open sunny areas located on flat or slightly elevated terrain. It is advisable that there are no highways nearby.

When growing sage, it is important to take into account the composition of the soil and its moisture content. This culture prefers moderately moist and well-drained soil, saturated nutrients and having a neutral or slightly alkaline environment. Preparation for planting salvia involves digging up the soil, removing all weeds and applying nitrogen fertilizers. It would also be useful to add a small amount of rotted manure, compost and fine sand.

The holes in which the sage will be planted must be thoroughly moistened and 1 tsp added to each of them. ammophos or superphosphate. It is better to transfer the seedlings themselves to a permanent place of growth on the 40th day, when 3-5 true leaves appear on the stems. In the first 4 weeks, salvia is regularly watered, the ground around the bushes is loosened, and weeds must be removed.

Sage care

Sage is relatively undemanding in care and does not require regular fertilizing with fertilizers. At the end of the flowering season, the soil around the plants can be mulched with compost, and you need to use quite a lot of it. The compost should completely cover the rosette of leaves for the winter, so that in the next season many young shoots will grow in its place.

In the first 2 weeks after planting salvia, it should be hidden from direct sunlight, creating partial shade using some kind of canopy. Regular irrigation will also not harm young sage, but it should be done by spraying rather than watering. Perennial varieties It is advisable to cover salvias for the winter, especially in the first year after planting.

Another important procedure is pruning sage, since bushes without regular renewal age very quickly. Pruning is carried out in the fall or spring, but not during the flowering period of the bushes. If you neglect trimming, the salvia stems will stretch and shed their foliage, causing the crop to lose its decorative appearance.

The best way to prevent diseases is to follow the rules of crop rotation. In this case, this means that the same plant after it has withered cannot be planted in the same place earlier than after 5 years. This rule is easy for owners of large areas to adhere to, and in small areas pests can be controlled with the help of special preparations, a wide range of which is available in specialized stores.

Collection and storage of sage

You can collect sage leaves several times during its flowering period. In the first year after planting, it is advisable to remove only lower leaves, in all subsequent years you can collect both all the leaves and the upper parts of the shoots. After harvesting, it is laid out to dry, after removing browned and dried leaves, as well as too coarse sections of stems.

Salvia is dried under open air, in a shaded and well-ventilated place. If the weather does not allow you to dry the plants outside, you can do this in an oven preheated to a temperature of 50-60 °C. When dried, raw materials can be stored for no more than 2 years by placing them in glass containers and placing them in a cool and dry place.

Use of salvia in medicine and cooking

Sage leaf extract has an analgesic and diuretic effect on the body. Salvia is also known for its anti-inflammatory properties, so it is used to treat acne and other skin lesions accompanied by redness and swelling.

Salvia leaves contain many useful components, among which are essential oils, tannins, vitamins B1, C, and P. Medicines that contain sage are used to treat rheumatism and arthritis. One more useful property The plant is its ability to dilate blood vessels and increase blood pressure.

The aromatic essential oil of salvia helps with stress and neurosis. Tea made from dried leaves and stems of the plant also has a relaxing effect. This decoction can treat redness of the throat due to acute respiratory infections and sore throat.

Sage has hemostatic properties and is used in gynecology to slow down bleeding. The presence of natural phytoestrogens in the plant allows it to be used to alleviate the condition of women experiencing menopause. This herb is also used to stop lactation, stimulate sexual activity, enhance male potency, treatment of female infertility.

Sage has also found its application in such areas as cosmetology. Conditioner balms with this component help accelerate hair growth and strengthen it. The anti-inflammatory properties of salvia make it possible to use the culture to treat skin redness.

Dried sage herb is used as a spice in fish, meat, and poultry dishes. It is combined with rosemary, thyme, pepper, and garlic. Fresh leaves can also be included in dishes, especially when it comes to Mediterranean cuisine.

Sage: planting and care. Video

Oak sage, or salvia, is a herbaceous shrub that can be annual or perennial plant. On summer cottages Perennial shrubs are often found.

Different varieties of sage are used in landscape design, create amazing compositions. It is also popular in folk medicine and cooking. For these purposes, the leaves of the plant are prepared - collected and dried in a dark room.

Did you know? There is a version that the name of the salvia plant comes from Latin word salvare, which means "to save".

Oak sage is grown in gardens and summer cottages; planting and caring for the plant is not at all difficult. It is necessary to follow the growing recommendations, and then no difficulties will arise.

Oak sage: description

Oak sage is spicy plant family Lamiaceae. It has a grassy stem and narrow lanceolate leaves. Sage flowers are collected in spike-shaped inflorescences and have a blue or lilac color.

Oak sage description:

  • height – 35-90 cm;
  • lower stem leaves – 3.5-10 cm long and 1.5-3 cm wide;
  • inflorescences are simple, have 1-2 pairs of lateral branches that exceed the axis of the inflorescence;
  • flowers are collected in 4-6 pieces into false whorls of flowers, located on the stem at a distance of 1.5 cm;
  • Sage fruit is trihedral-spherical dark brown nuts.

The shrub branches strongly, at the bottom the stem becomes woody, and at the top it remains a herbaceous plant. Therefore in winter time the upper part of the stem may freeze, but is quickly restored in the spring.

Where is the best place to plant oak sage, choosing a place for the plant

Oak sage naturally grows in forests and on hillsides. But it is also possible to grow it as a cultivated plant. To know how to grow sage in the garden, you need knowledge about environment, in which he can develop safely. It is necessary to choose the right place for the plant and soil.

How to choose a place for sage

To grow sage, you need to know how to plant the plant and where it can be done. Oak sage loves light, so the place should be well lit. Also, the area should warm up well.

If you choose the right place in the garden for sage, it will take root well and quickly grow over an area of ​​several square meters. When planting a plant, it is worth considering that it is growing and needs to be left in reserve. Usually it is 50-60 cm to the next plant.

What soil does sage prefer?

Since sage was originally wild plant, he does not have special requirements to the soil. The only thing is that it is important not to be close groundwater. And so for the plant to grow, ordinary garden soil or soil mixtures for indoor flowers are suitable. When planting in open ground, you must first dig up the area in the fall and fertilize it with humus, compost or phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. mineral fertilizers. Growing sage from seeds is best done in soil with normal acidity– 5.5-6.5 pH.

Important! In overly fertile soil, sage develops well, or rather, its stems and leaves develop well. And flowering occurs very inexpressively - the flowers will be small and the buds will open poorly.

Features of planting oak sage

Salvia can be propagated in several ways:

  • air layering;
  • cuttings;
  • dividing the bush;
  • seeds.

Oak sage is often propagated by growing from seeds. This method can be realized by sowing seeds directly into open ground or growing seedlings at home. Since sage grows slowly when sown in open ground and therefore blooms late, it is often pre-grown as seedlings.

How to grow a new plant - by dividing a bush, sowing sage directly into the ground and how to sow sage as seedlings - you can choose by studying all the methods and finding the most suitable one for each particular case. Each of them has its own characteristics.

Rules for growing oak sage from seeds

In oak sage, seeds are planted for seedlings at the end of winter or in March. Planting in open ground is carried out in autumn or spring.

Often the seed method of propagation of oak sage is used. This is due to some difficulties in growing by dividing the bush. Propagation by seed is possible for all types of salvia.

Seedling method

Oak sage is most often propagated by seedlings; seedlings are planted in February-March. This method– the most used, since when planted directly in open ground the plant grows slowly and blooms late.

To plant seeds for seedlings, you will need a container that must be filled with nutritious, light soil. Seeds are placed on the soil and lightly sprinkled with soil. After this, the soil must be moistened and covered with film.

When several leaves bloom, the seedlings are picked. Since the period when to plant sage for seedlings is This is the very beginning of spring; seedlings become quite strong before summer. 2-2.5 months after sowing the seeds, the seedlings can be planted in open ground.

Before planting seedlings in open ground, they can be hardened off - from mid-April, take the pots with seedlings outside for a short time.

Important! Seedlings should receive sufficient quantity moisture. For this purpose, you can purchase a substrate with hydro granules for seed germination. This will help ensure an even supply of moisture to each seedling.

How to plant seeds directly in the ground

Salvia seeds are sown directly into the soil before winter or early spring. You can sow seeds from March to June.

How to plant oak sage with seeds directly into the ground:

  • the soil is prepared and sprinkled with calcined sand, after which the seeds are laid on top;
  • the laid out seeds are sprinkled with sand, moistened and covered with polyethylene;
  • During the growing period, you need to monitor the humidity of the substrate.
The duration of growth of oak sage is 17-23 days at a temperature of 22-24 °C. After the embryonic leaves appear and open, the film must be removed.

Reproduction of oak sage by dividing the bush

Oak sage can be propagated by dividing the bush only in the southern regions. This procedure can be performed at the end of August. The bush is carefully dug up and part of the root is separated. The separated portion can be used to plant a new individual sage bush.

Did you know? Salvia leaves are brewed and drunk as tea. This drink is useful for the prevention of colds, and is also useful during the cold itself.

Features of caring for oak sage

Oak sage requires some care. In fact, this is moderate watering and moderate lighting. Drafts and cold temperatures should be avoided. These rules apply to plant care at home and in open ground.

How to water a plant

Any type of salvia does not tolerate stagnant moisture in the soil, so you should not overdo it with watering. To a young plant Spraying will be useful. We can say that the plant does not need watering, only if the flowers become sluggish, this serves as a signal for the need to water the salvia.

Features of feeding oak sage

Every spring, oak sage needs feeding. Nitrogen fertilizers are suitable for this. Later you can add phosphorus and potassium fertilizers. At the end of the season, mulching will be useful. Garden compost great for this.