The roof frame is iron or wood. Metal roof rafters - design and installation features

What beautiful roofs modern houses! Even a non-specialist can see that they are made of a variety of materials, and that they have a variety of shapes and colors can be seen with the naked eye. When the roof of a house is being erected, a properly constructed frame for the roof is very important. If it is built with defects, incorrectly calculated, or the wrong material is used, the roof will “sink” very soon. After all, the frame bears a huge load, and its task is to withstand it, to make the roof a reliable and durable protection for our home.

The task of erecting a frame is quite difficult, but not impossible; even a novice master should not panic. The design of the roof of the houses is being chosen, and their offer is huge, you need to decide and boldly get to work.

If the house is not very large, and the person has prepared well theoretically and calculated everything correctly, he will be able to build the frame for the roof alone, without helpers, with his own hands.

This is a very good option in terms of big savings that would have been spent on labor costs. In addition, a person is confident in the quality of the work he does independently; who can do better than for himself? In this case, you can be confident in the good quality of the frame and not expect not the most pleasant surprises from the roof in the future.

Let's try to tell you how to make a high-quality roof frame yourself, what tools you will need, what materials are best to use. We will try to ensure that both the tools and materials are the simplest and most common.

Roofs come in the most different designs, more or less difficult to implement. Can be called hip roofs, broken, single-pitched. We will consider a gable roof, it is the most common. In addition, having mastered the technology of building a certain type of frame, it will be easy to move on to another, taking into account, of course, some of its features.

Choosing the type of rafter system

There are different rafter systems, but this is what you need to decide first, choose which one will be used. All these systems consist of two rafter legs. At the top of the frame they are connected to each other. At the bottom they are also connected, for this there is a bottom tie. This screed can be the basis for attic floor. As in any business, there are some nuances here.

Rafter systems can be layered or hanging. In the construction of a private house, both one and the other systems are possible.

How to choose a system for constructing a frame?

Choice rafter system depends primarily on what kind of house is being built and its size. A hanging system is installed if the distance between two load-bearing walls is not very large, no more than 6 meters, that is, the house is small. With this system, if the building is large, the rafters may sag under their own weight, since their legs rest on the side walls and nothing more.

IN big house you need to use a layered system, it is much more reliable. In this case, the house must have an internal load-bearing wall in the center. Another support is installed on it, which will prevent the rafters from sagging.

Choosing materials for the frame

Let's see what we need to purchase in order to build a frame ourselves pitched roof.

The rafters are made of wood. This is the most important element in the construction of the frame. Need edged board(50x150 mm), you will also need timber (150x150 mm).

The most good wood coniferous, especially if it was harvested in winter. It’s great if the resin hasn’t been drained from it first. Resin serves as a natural antiseptic and will extend the life of wood for many years. It is important how the tree was stored before sale and how dry it was. In general, already at this stage you need to be very careful in order to buy quality material. It is necessary to carefully inspect the wood so that in no case are there woodworms or their traces, there are no cracks or other defects.

In general, only high-quality material is purchased, the rest is mercilessly rejected as unsuitable for constructing a frame for the roof of a house.

Should know that wooden frames are not the only ones in nature. Roof frames made of metal channels are also possible, or reinforced concrete are possible. The roof with such frames is very heavy, it is impossible to build it yourself. That is, only a wooden frame is suitable for DIY work, which is what is being considered.

The roof frame consists of rafters, purlins, racks, attic floors, counter battens and sheathing. Each element has its own task and purpose.

The attic space can be an ordinary attic, a warehouse for unnecessary things, or it can be thought of as an attic, additional area Houses. So, if this is a simple attic, 50x150mm boards are suitable for the attic floor. For an attic, it is clear that the flooring must be much stronger; a board cannot be used here. You need timber 150x150 mm. It gives quite sufficient strength. Place it directly on the Mauerlat.

The timber for the sheathing must be strictly straight. You need to keep an eye on this when purchasing it. The slightest error will significantly complicate roofing. So this condition of straightness of the beam is important.

Lathing and counter-lattice can be made not only from timber. A material such as a perforated galvanized iron profile is also perfect.

In addition to the materials actually used for the rafters, both sheathing, ceilings, some other things are needed.

  1. To attach the support beam, called the Mauerlat, you need threaded metal studs.
  2. The rafter legs are attached to the mauerlat using staples and brackets, therefore, they are also needed.
  3. The rafters also need to be connected to each other. This is done using various fasteners, such as wood screws, studs of different diameters - 8 and 10 mm.
  4. You need galvanized nails.

The tools for the job are quite common - these are hammers of different sizes, you will need different ones, and a drill to drill holes. You need a grinder or a saw to cut the rafters to size and give them the required shape. Needed carpenter's ax, planes. All this is often found in a man’s toolbox at home. So there is no need for new acquisitions, everything is simple.

A measuring tool is a must. These are a level, a plumb line and a tape measure. In the construction of the roof frame, everything must be very precise, no “by eye”.

Frame wood protection

All wooden parts of the future frame must be protected from possible fire and rotting. This must be done before starting construction, erecting rafters, and so on.

There are two compositions that must be used to process all the details of the future building - rafters, sheathing and others. It is an antipyretic and antiseptic.

The first substance significantly reduces the flammable properties of wood, which dramatically reduces the possibility of fire.

Secondly, it kills bacteria, which prevents putrefactive processes from developing in the wood.

To apply the compositions, it is recommended to use a brush; it gives a better result than a spray. The sprayer does not provide deep impregnation. Each composition is applied in layers, let the layer dry, after which the next one is applied.

Please note! Some protective compounds are toxic to one degree or another. It's better to work outside. If indoors, it should be well ventilated. Goggles and a respirator are required, that is, personal protective equipment.

Protection of the roof frame is possible even after its construction.

Sometimes protection from fire and bacteria is carried out after the construction of the frame. It's worse, but possible. It is clear that the brush is used to process wood in an already built structure. You need to pay very close attention to the places where the beams are connected; they need to be impregnated especially carefully.

So, with the chosen type of rafter system, purchased and prepared material, you can begin construction directly.

Installing the Mauerlat

The wooden beam that is laid on the load-bearing walls of the house and which will serve as a support for the frame of the future roof is called Mauerlat by builders. It transmits and distributes the loads arising from the weight of the roof, from external influences (wind, snow, rain), onto the supporting structures of the house. Roof only frame house or for a house made of timber, a mauerlat is not needed, where the upper wall beam plays its role. In other systems, the Mauerlat is necessary; it is the basis of the rafter system.

It is recommended to use timber for the Mauerlat. It can be 100x150, 150x150 is also possible. On the inside of the building, they try to lay the mauerlat “flush” with the surface of the house, and on the outside, a brick barrier is erected at the level of the mauerlat. A concrete pavement is laid around the perimeter of the building. After it dries, roofing material is laid on it in several layers. This is to ensure waterproofing. In addition, roofing felt will prevent moisture from concrete from getting into the wood.

Most often, the Mauerlat is laid using the following technology:

  1. Metal studs with a diameter of more than 10 mm are installed in the concrete. The studs can be installed when the blind area is dry. To do this, you will need to drill holes in the concrete and secure the installed studs with fresh mortar. It is better to foresee this in advance and install the studs in the newly poured blind area. Of course, this method is more profitable, we will save time, we will save labor.
  2. Solid timber for the Mauerlat it is laid along the blind area, the locations of the already installed studs are marked on it. Holes are drilled along these marks. The diameter of the drill must match the diameter of the studs. After this, the Mauerlat is put on the studs. The studs should stick out from the timber by 15 centimeters.
  3. The Mauerlat is secured to the studs with nuts. Wide washers must be placed under the nuts. They save the wood from damage when tightening the nut.

Please note! If you have the skills of a welder and a welding machine, you can do without studs, saving on them. Their role is perfectly played by reinforcing bars, and the nuts are welded to these bars.

There is another simpler way of laying the Mauerlat, which makes the work easier. In this case, not timber is used, but two layers of boards.

  1. The boards of the first row are laid around the perimeter of the building. They are fastened with countersunk anchor screws and a metal sleeve. You need a hammer drill to drill holes in concrete or brick. The board is pre-drilled with a drill.
  2. The boards of the second row are laid on the first. The joints of the boards should not match. In the corners, the boards are laid “in a bandage”.
  3. The rows are connected using large (100mm) nails.

The main relief of such installation is the simpler lifting of the material, the boards are lighter than the beams. The strength of such a structure does not suffer much compared to a timber structure. She is enough. Especially if the house is frame.

Installation of rafters

The next stage after the Mauerlat is the installation of rafters. It is recommended to carry out all processing of rafter beams on the ground. This is especially true for single masters. On the ground it is more convenient to give the rafters right size, using a template, give the desired shape, make the grooves and holes necessary for fastening. Next, the rafters (their parts) rise to the top, and work on fastening them can begin.

Let's look at how a roof with a hanging rafter system is built and its technology.

to install rafter legs, grooves are cut in the Mauerlat. The distance between the rafter legs is determined individually at the stage of thinking through the project, but it is not less than 1.5 meters. Anything less is impossible, the structure will be insufficiently strong.

Please note! When planning roof insulation, the distance between the rafters must be linked to the amount of insulation. This will help save time on cutting the latter, since entire sheets of it will be laid.

The rafters are installed with end sides roofs, that is, from the gables. When the rafters are installed at the ends, a cord is pulled from ridge to ridge. They are guided by it when installing the remaining rafters - intermediate ones.

The rafter legs are inserted into the grooves and fixed. For this, complex fasteners are used. The steel bracket will limit the transverse movement, and the brackets will limit the longitudinal movement. This bracket secures the rafter to the mauerlat.

The rafters must extend beyond the perimeter of the house; this must be remembered when installing them. The overhang (or overhang) of the rafters is considered normal by 40 centimeters. This overhang will protect the walls of the building from rain, from water flowing abundantly down the roof of the house. This overhang of the rafters is necessary; it can also be increased by adding a thin board, which is called a “filly”. The “filly” is attached to the rafters with nails, using a spacer - a piece of board.

Please note! “Filly” makes it possible to make the structure of the roof frame lighter and cheaper. This is in no way a defect or shortcoming. In addition, this makes it easier to repair the overhang. You can replace a “filly”, two “fillies” - it’s still easier than changing the rafter beam.

  1. The lower parts of the rafters are fixed with strapping. This strapping is used as a base for the attic floor. Mauerlat is a support for the beams of this harness.
  2. If the length of the rafter beam is insufficient, it is increased. Two beams are laid overlay, and the overlap must be at least a meter, otherwise the strength will be low. The bars are fixed with pins. Their diameter is at least 8 mm.
  3. The rafters are connected to each other by pins. Holes are pre-drilled for them. To prevent the rafters from rotating and to be firmly fixed, they are connected with two studs at once.
  4. If the roof is no more than 6 meters wide, hanging rafters connected by a cross beam. It's called a puff and is shaped like the letter "A". Tightenings are made from boards 50x100 or 50x150, they are attached to the rafters with self-tapping screws. Sometimes tie-ins of three 30x100 boards are installed; they are placed on both sides of the rafters.
  5. At the top of the rafter trusses, they are fixed with a longitudinal ridge beam, sometimes with a ridge board.
  6. To strengthen rafter assembly on top, sometimes connecting the ridge beam with a tie. For this, a piece of board is used. This is especially necessary when there is a large distance between the rafters. With such a connection there will be no deflection of the tightening.

These operations are repeated for all rafter pairs. When this difficult work is completed, the rafters are installed, you can begin the sheathing.


From type roofing material and the raftering of the roof will depend on the type of sheathing - whether it will be solid or thinned. For laying soft and rolled roofing materials, a continuous sheathing is required. For its manufacture, fairly thick (at least 10mm) moisture-resistant plywood or OSB boards. The sheets are stuffed onto the rafters through a counter-batten.

If thinned sheathing is being erected, beams or boards are placed onto the rafters for the roof with your own hands. The board can be unedged if strict economy is necessary. The size of the roofing material determines the distance between the boards or beams.

Fill the thinned sheathing from top to bottom. The first rows from the ridge are filled without a gap. This is done for greater strength.

After this work is completed, the roof is insulated and waterproofing is installed. Roofing work can begin.

Of course, the process of building a frame for a roof cannot be called simple matter. But if you approach the matter seriously, weigh everything, study it, think it through, success will certainly come.

Any type of construction first of all needs reliable and high-quality load-bearing structures, which include the foundation, house frame and load-bearing roof frame. It is these building elements and their arrangement that are responsible for the final quality and reliability of the entire house construction. Among the described elements Special attention it is worth paying attention to the load-bearing frame of the roof, with the help of which you can perform the utmost quality roof Houses.

The frame of the house and the roof are an important element in the construction of any building. However, the roof experiences the greatest loads (snow, rain, wind), so it must be of high quality and reliable.

Types of frame structures

It’s worth recalling right away that the roof frame can have several basic types, which depend on the features of the roof structure:

  • frame construction rafter type, which is made of lumber and is ideal for pitched roofing systems of houses;
  • metal roofing frame made of beams and intended for industrial-type houses;
  • a concrete-type frame made of special slabs and used in the construction of flat roofing systems for houses.

Roof frames made of lumber are most often used in the construction of private houses and the organization of gable roofing systems. The other two types of frame structures are of no interest to private construction, which makes them irrelevant in this article.

Rafter frame system and its types

Before the beginning construction work related to the organization frame system houses, you need to choose the right type and structure of the truss type structure. All load bearing capacity Such a frame system of houses is transferred to roof trusses, which are most often called simply rafters. To organize a roof truss they use wooden beam, the cross-section of which should not be less than 150x50 millimeters. It is on these trusses that the roof sheathing system is further attached.

In such cases, a layered system with a finished central load-bearing wall or support-type metal columns is required. It is this feature that will allow you to organize a high-quality roof frame that will not sag over time under its own weight, as well as the weight of the roofing material.

Optimal building materials for the frame

In the case when the master decides to make the roof frame his own with my own hands, he needs to understand the basic elements construction process, as well as know the availability of all the required tools and building materials that may be required for this task. So, to organize a high-quality and extremely reliable frame roofing system with your own hands you will need:

To build a house, you must choose high-quality lumber that is free from damage - cracks, knots, blue stains and stains.

  • wooden beam with a cross section of 15x5 centimeters, which will be used for the construction of roof trusses;
  • wooden beam 10x10 centimeters, which will be needed to make the Mauerlat;
  • boards for the sheathing system, which is selected depending on the roofing material used;
  • various Consumables, which are needed for attaching the Mauerlat and the entire rafter system.

From construction tools the master will need a hammer, saw, electric drill, tape measure, ax and plumb line. In other words, no tools special purpose For of this type construction with your own hands is not required, which makes the construction process extremely simple and economical. Special attention should be paid to the acquisition of extremely quality wood, which is the key to the quality and durability of everything load-bearing frame roofs.

All lumber must be treated with special impregnations, which affect the durability and quality of the supporting frame, the construction of which was described above. As a rule, such substances protect the tree from rotting, as well as from harmful insects, capable of ruining wood in an extremely short time.

In other words, processing the lumber used with your own hands is an integral part of the construction process. Profile roofing frames made of metal require the use of completely different materials and tools, but the use of such structures in private construction can be considered irrelevant.

Correct installation of the power plate

It is worth recalling that the Mauerlat is the main supporting structure not only of the future frame, but also of the entire roof as a whole. It is this element of construction that takes on all roofing loads with its own hands, evenly distributing such loads onto the load-bearing walls of the house.

This allows you to increase the service life of the entire building, because in the absence of such timber, the roof load will destroy the walls in certain places. It is safe to say that the Mauerlat is the main supporting element of all known rafter systems.

This support element is not required only in the construction of wooden houses, in which the final row of logs or beams is used as a mauerlat. The described support element must be mounted level with internal part load-bearing walls, which will simplify Finishing work internal type.

WITH outside The Mauerlat must be covered with brickwork or a strip of metal, which will protect the lumber from exposure environment. The top row of brick or block masonry needs quality concrete blind area, which is covered with several dense layers of roofing material or bitumen solution.

Roofing material is needed so that all the moisture present in the walls stops in front of the support beam, which may suffer from excess moisture, as evidenced by its design. The simplest and most reliable way of attaching a support beam to the walls of a house can be considered the use of unique metal studs, which will connect the mauerlat and load-bearing walls.

Holes of the required diameter are drilled in the masonry, into which prepared metal pins made of simple steel reinforcement are lowered. By attaching the prepared support beam to such studs, you can mark the places for drilling holes.

The length of the studs should be such that after installing the Mauerlat, the reinforcement protrudes beyond the beam by at least 1.5 centimeters. At the ends of the reinforcement it is necessary to make threads, which will be required for the final fastening of the support beam with your own hands using extremely wide washers and nuts. This process of attaching the support beam can be simplified and done using a simple welding machine, which is used to weld a metal rod or washer to bars.

Rafter type system

The organization of the rafter system is next step construction of a load-bearing frame for the roof of a house. To make roof trusses with your own hands, you need to prepare dry lumber that will not succumb to deformation during operation.

The truss consists of two rafter legs and a lower tie, which is attached to the legs using bolts or anchor elements, which can be easily done only with your own hands. Each finished truss must be installed and secured to a support beam, which is extremely easy to make.

To do this, in the Mauerlat you need to do required quantity grooves correct size, into which the rafters will be inserted, which are not difficult to assemble. Step between roof trusses depends on the final size of the roof structure of the house, but most often such a step should be taken no more than 1 m. In some roofing structures It may be necessary to use vertical rafters. As a rule, this only applies to those roofs whose height exceeds three meters.

The timber lathing system is the ideal bonding element frame structure, but before organizing such a system, it is necessary to take care of the stability of the installed rafters. To do this, they are secured in their upper part using ridge beam, and a temporary strapping is made along the lower part, which is dismantled after organizing the sheathing system. The sheathing can safely be considered extremely important element frame structure of the roof of the house, because the reliability of fastening of the roofing material depends on this element.

The pitch of the sheathing depends on the angle of inclination of the roof and the material with which it will subsequently be covered.

The rafter system is divided into two main types: continuous and intermediate, and right choice depends only on the choice of the roofing material itself. All sheet and dense roofing materials require intermediate sheathing, which is performed with a certain step between the boards or bars.

All roofing materials of soft or roll type require a continuous type of sheathing, which is necessary for high-quality installation and use of the material. Eg, soft tiles cannot be mounted on an intermediate sheathing, because this will result in sagging and damage to the roofing material.

Materials such as slate, metal tiles or galvanized sheets can be mounted on an intermediate sheathing, the pitch between the elements of which depends on the roofing material used. For example, metal tiles require fastening in certain places, which indicates correct location elements of the lathing system. It is best to make calculations before organizing the sheathing that will allow you to organize correct design the entire frame.

Processing lumber with additional compounds

As mentioned above, any lumber must be protected from moisture, insects and fire. To do this, it is worth using solutions such as an antiseptic and an antipyretic. The second composition allows you to increase protective qualities wood, which are associated with resistance to high temperatures. Antiseptics can protect wood from moisture, rot and harmful insects.

All lumber is processed before installation, which allows the entire surface of the board or beam to be processed. This is how you can count on increasing the service life of the wooden load-bearing frame of the roof of the house.

According to statistics, every second homeowner built his own home. According to their reviews, self-construction Roofs are one of the most difficult stages for non-professional builders. Therefore, it is very important to approach this stage with a complete understanding of all the nuances of the process. To understand how to make a roof with your own hands, you need to study the device, installation technology, work order and features of fastening all components of the structure.

Types of roofs

First you need to decide on the form. To date, the most popular types are:

Features of forms

Covering the roof with one single slope will save nerves and materials, since structurally this is the simplest option. If you make such a frame yourself, the labor intensity of the work will be minimal and the installation speed will be high. But this form has a drawback - there is no possibility of arranging a full-fledged attic or attic, since the under-roof space is too low.

A gable roof is installed much more often. It is a little more difficult to manufacture, but allows you to get more space. Compared to the hipped one, it has less complexity and mass, but it will be necessary to make triangular pediments at the ends of the building.

Gable - the most popular form

Before you begin to independently construct a roof with four slopes, you will need to seriously prepare. This system has more elements compared to the previous two. In addition, it is not possible to make full-fledged windows in the attic, since the roof structure does not have gables and installation is difficult or cannot be avoided.

The hipped roof is complex in design, but savings are achieved due to the absence of gables

For the attic excellent option there will be a combined design with . In this case, in the lower part the roof has a greater slope than in the upper section. This assembly allows you to raise the ceiling in the room and make the constructed house more comfortable.

Broken line - not the most “architectural”, but very effective in terms of space used


Before starting work, you need to make a design calculation. It makes no sense to calculate the cross sections of all elements. In most cases they can be accepted constructively:

  • Mauerlat - 150x150 mm;
  • racks - 100x150 or 100x100 mm depending on the cross-section of the rafters;
  • struts - 100x150 or 50x150 mm, taking into account ease of connection with the rafters;
  • puffs - 50x150 mm on both sides;
  • purlins - 100x150 or 150x50 mm;
  • overlays with thickness from 32 to 50 mm.

Calculations are usually performed only for rafter and slope legs. It is necessary to select the height and width of the section. The parameters depend on:

  • material roofing;
  • snow area;
  • pitch of rafters (selected so that it is convenient to lay insulation, for mineral wool there should be 58 cm of clearance between the elements);
  • span.

You can select the cross-section of the rafters using general recommendations. But in this case it is recommended to make a small reserve.

The calculation is usually performed for rafter legs

If you don’t want to delve into the intricacies of calculations, you can use special ones.

If you are planning to do warm roof, then the height of the cross-section of the legs is selected taking into account the thickness of the insulation. It must be mounted so that it does not protrude higher load-bearing beams. You also need to take into account that for mineral wool a ventilation gap of 2-4 cm is made between it and the coating. If the height of the rafters is not enough for this, provision is made for installing a counter-lattice (counter battens).

Step-by-step instructions for performing the work

The sequence of stages of roof construction is as follows:

  1. taking measurements of the building box (dimensions may slightly differ from the design ones);
  2. preparation of materials and tools, treatment of wood with antiseptic;
  3. fastening the Mauerlat to the wall;
  4. installation of a ridge crossbar, if needed (for layered rafters);
  5. frame installation;
  6. strengthening the roof using racks, struts and tie-downs;
  7. waterproofing;
  8. sheathing;
  9. providing ventilation;
  10. installation of drips;
  11. installation of coating.

Fastening the Mauerlat

In order for the roof to be securely fastened, you need to ensure that it is securely connected to the wall of the building. If a wooden house is being built, then the Mauerlat is not required - this element is the upper crown made of timber or logs. In this case, fastening to the wall is carried out using special “floating” fasteners. They are sold ready-made, most often called sleds. This type of roof arrangement allows the entire structure to shift slightly as the walls shrink without destruction or deformation.

“Sliding” mount in wooden house

A similar situation arises with a frame house. In this case, the Mauerlat will be the top frame of the walls. It is attached to the frame posts with a gash using angles, staples or nails.

Methods of attaching rafters to the frame in frame house

The roof structure made of brick, concrete blocks or concrete involves fastening through a Mauerlat. In this case, there are several ways.

There are four ways to place the Mauerlat on the wall:

The Mauerlat can be secured to brackets. In this case, wooden blocks are placed into the masonry from the inside. They should be located at a distance of 4 rows from the edge. One side of the bracket is attached to the mauerlat, and the other to the same block in the masonry. The method can also be considered simple. It is not recommended for large buildings with high loads.

Fastening the Mauerlat to brackets. Antiseptic wooden blocks are provided in the masonry of the wall with a pitch of 1-1.5 m

When installing the roof yourself, fastening can be done through studs or anchor bolts with a diameter of 10-12 mm. The fasteners are laid in the masonry. The Mauerlat is temporarily placed on the sawn-off edge and lightly hit with a hammer. After this, indentations remain on the beam at the fastening points. You need to make holes for the studs along them. After this, the beam is put on the fasteners and the nuts are tightened. The method is ideal for walls made of lightweight concrete with a monolithic reinforced belt.

Fastening the rafters to the mauerlat

In houses made of brick or stone, it is more reasonable to perform it using rigid fastening of the rafters to the mauerlat. In this case, you can use both a layered and hanging system. The design involves two methods:

  • with notch;
  • without cutting.

In the first case, the rafters are cut with a slope so that they are tightly adjacent to the mauerlat. To remove the cornice, fillies are provided. They are attached to the leg with an overlap of at least 1 m. Rigid fixation of the assembly should be done using self-tapping screws, nails or staples. But more reliable assembled frame will work if you use metal corners with holes for self-tapping screws for fixation.

The method without cutting often does not involve the use of fillies. In this case, the beams themselves provide the frame extension. This option is simpler than the previous one, since it does not require high precision. It is suitable for beginners. In this case, stop bars or boards are used to ensure a tight fit to the Mauerlat. Rigid fixation, as in the previous case, is performed metal corners on both sides.

Attaching rafters to the wall

The completed frame must be secured to the frame of the building - this will prevent a strong gust of wind from tearing off the roof. To do this, the rule is to use a twist of two wires with a diameter of 4 mm. They are wrapped around the leg where it rests on the mauerlat, and then the wire is attached to the wall with an anchor or ruff about 4-5 rows before the cut. The element must be laid in the masonry in advance.

Wind protection

For wooden house you can simplify the task. You can assemble the frame using staples. This option will speed up the process. But it is important to remember that this method is only suitable if the walls are made of wood.

Strengthening the system

How to strengthen the frame for spans of more than 6 meters? It is necessary to reduce the free span of the rafters. For this purpose, struts and racks are used. Reinforcement must be done taking into account the layout; it is important that these elements do not interfere with people’s stay and fit harmoniously into the interior.

The struts are usually placed at an angle of 45 or 60 degrees to the horizontal plane. The racks cannot be supported on the floor span. They can be installed on underlying walls or beams and trusses thrown between walls.

Tightening is necessary to reduce the thrust. Because of it, the rafters can simply move apart. This is especially true for systems with hanging beams. To assemble the frame, use two ties, which are attached on both sides of the rafters. Fixation is carried out using screws, nails or studs.

At the top point, the rafters rest on an intermediate or ridge girder. Depending on the chosen system, location and width of the span, it is made of timber with a cross-section from 50x100 to 100x200 mm. Fastening is carried out on connecting metal plates, bolts or nails.


Before starting work at this stage, it is necessary to lay waterproofing material. Builders recommend using a vapor diffusion moisture-proof membrane. It costs more than polyethylene film, but guarantees more reliable protection. Owning your own home is not a reason to save money.

The roof requires fastening of the sheathing. The type depends on the selected roofing material. For metal, a sparse sheathing of boards 32-40 mm thick will be sufficient. Under bitumen shingles you need a continuous sheathing made of 25-32 mm boards or moisture-resistant plywood.

Ventilation of the under-roof space

Before proceeding with the roofing stage, it is worth considering the ventilation of the under-roof space. This will protect structures from mold, mildew and destruction.

Proper ventilation under the roof will protect the structure from the appearance of fungus

For ventilation it is necessary to provide:

  • air flow through the cornice (the cornice is hemmed with a sparse board or special perforated soffits);
  • air movement under the coating (there should be a gap of 2-3 cm between the insulation and the roof);
  • air outlet in the area of ​​the ridge (for this, a ridge and/or point aerator is installed on the roof).

Roof covering

The type of roof is selected for aesthetic and economic reasons. It is also worth studying manufacturers' offers and finding out permissible slope. For example, it is not recommended to lay bitumen shingles on a slope of more than 45°.

Seam roofing is a lightweight fireproof and durable covering

The flooring material must provide reliable waterproofing. Its installation is carried out in strict accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. There are five most common types of coverage: roof insulation.

Filimonov Evgeniy

Reading time: 8 minutes


How to build a roof for a frame house, choice of material. Staged work, roof insulation. Roof installation technology, types of frame house roofs.

The roof of a frame house has great importance under construction. After all, protection from external conditions aggressive environment.

This article highlights the design features of the roof. What you need to do before you take on the roof installation job. What types of roofs frame houses, the required slope of the slopes. How to choose the right material for a reliable roof, the correct installation of rafters: pitch, length, section. Competent creation of sheathing and counter-lattice. How to install the roof of a frame house.

What you need to decide before building the roof. How to choose the right roof configuration. Required amount stingrays The correct installation of the crossbar, how to connect the rafters in the ridge. Correct fastening of the rafters to the mauerlat and fastening of the crossbar to the rafters.

What is the essence of the structure of the roof and roof of a frame house. How to build gable roof frame house. Construction technology hip roof. How to perform competent installation of an attic (broken) roof of a frame house.

Advantages of frame houses and roof insulation, hanging layer system technology.

The roof structure of a frame house is one of the simplest, so its independent construction will not take much effort and time.

This article will help you if difficulties arise during the work process. In it we will look at the features of roof installation, we will give practical recommendations on the choice of material, design elements, and compliance necessary standards and requirements during the work process.

Before starting construction, you need to decide:

  • With roof type and slope angle
  • Type of roofing material
  • Length, cross-section of rafters and distance between them
  • Length, pitch and cross-section of sheathing and counter-lattice elements
  • Type of insulation

Type of roofs of frame houses

Roofs are:

  • Flat
  • Pitched (with one, two or more slopes)
  • Attic (with two and four slopes)
  • Pincer, conical, multi-pinion, etc.

The choice of roof is made not only based on the conditions of its appearance. Important to consider functionality designs. Main advantages and disadvantages of roofs different types are given below.

Frame house with flat roof

Flat roofs are not popular in private construction. Their construction does not cause difficulties, but the shortcomings cover everything. They require careful care. After rain, water remains on the roofs, and in winter you have to remove the snow yourself. This increases the likelihood of moisture penetrating into the room. On houses with a pitched roof, you can use the attic as an additional room.

But during installation flat roof you can save a lot on building materials and sunbathe on it in the summer.

During installation, it is necessary to maintain a slope angle of 2-3 degrees relative to the horizon.

Multi-slope and pitched roof frame house

The slope angle of the slopes starts from 10 degrees. The number of slopes is from 1 to 4.
Pitched roofs are very popular and are used everywhere. In spring, snow does not stay on them for a long time, water calmly flows down the gutters, and a lot of additional space appears in the form of attic space, where you can arrange an additional room.

The load on the structure is also reduced, and with it the possibility of leaks.

Mansard roof

It can be semi-hip (double slope with two small slopes) and hip (four slope). This type of roof is also widely used.

The advantages are as follows: extra bed under the roof, possibility of installing windows, unique appearance at home, low load on the structure in winter. Disadvantages - high costs for materials, heating, a lot of snow on window structures in winter, faster destruction truss structures due to insufficient ventilation.

Multi-gable roof

The multi-gable roof is considered one of the most popular. It differs from others in the large number of slopes and the presence of valleys. Installed if the house has a complex layout.

Advantages - the design can withstand significant loads, it becomes possible to equip an additional room, and a unique appearance. Disadvantages: high consumption of material, leaving a lot of waste, difficulty in DIY installation, and high financial costs.

Conical roofs

A conical roof is installed when the building is made in the shape of a circle. In Russia, few people build such roofs.

Advantages: interesting appearance, ease of maintenance. Disadvantages: complexity of calculations and installation.

We suggest choosing a roof with two slopes. In this case, it will be possible to significantly reduce the cost of materials and maintenance, while the appearance of the structure will not be affected.

It is worth understanding that the more slopes, the more beautiful the roof, but also more expensive. But if you are not used to saving and want the best, then install a roof of any type.

During the construction of any structure, its load-bearing parts are subject to special requirements strength. The main load-bearing elements are the foundation, walls and roof. In this article we will talk about how to properly make a roof frame, what installation methods are used today and how you can save on construction work.

There are several types of roof frames, the choice of which depends on the type of roof, the nature of the covering and the purpose of the building.

Roof frames are:

  • wooden - a rafter system that is used to create pitched roofs in residential construction. The most common type;
  • metal - a metal roof frame is used mainly for industrial construction, since installation is very expensive and involves large volumes and areas;
  • reinforced concrete – flat roof, the supporting base of which is made of reinforced concrete slabs.

In this article we will not dwell in detail on metal frames roofs, since it is almost impossible to do such work with your own hands. This type is not suitable for housing construction, so we will tell you about all the intricacies of construction wooden frames.

Types of rafter system

Before you begin building your own roof frame, you need to determine what type of rafter system you will use. The main purpose of the rafters of any pitched roof is to be a support. Rafters or rafter legs are wooden beams with a section of 150x50 mm. The sheathing and roofing are laid on top of the beams.

Distinguish the following types roof frames depending on the connection of the rafters:

  • layered;
  • hanging.

For private construction, both of these types can be used, the only difference between them is that a mauerlat is used to support the rafters in a hanging system. The Mauerlat is a longitudinal beam 100x100 mm. If you use layered rafters, they top part will rest on the central load-bearing wall, and not connect to each other.

To select one of these types of systems, it is necessary to take into account the planning and structural characteristics of the building. For example, if the distance between the load-bearing walls to support the rafters is 6 meters or less, it is more advisable to use hanging frame roofs. For spans between supporting walls with a distance of more than 6 meters, it is better to use a layered system with the construction of an additional “intermediate” wall in the center of the building. This way the rafters will not sag over large spans. But this condition applies only to wooden frames; for metal spans, they can remain without an additional wall.

Installation features

To answer the question “How to build a roof frame?”, You need to understand the theory of installation.

Roof installation can be done in two ways:

  1. Ready-made trusses are a system of reinforced rafters using tie-downs, racks and struts. First, the entire non-existent structure, consisting of the same type of elements, is assembled, and then it is installed on the roof of the building box. The whole process takes a minimum of time, but the involvement of lifting equipment is required, and, therefore, the costs will be quite high. It is advisable to install ready-made trusses for roofs with large overhangs and without supports.
  2. Assembling the frame on the roof is more affordable and budget method, but its implementation requires more time. The assembly takes place in stages, but you can completely do it on your own. We will describe how to assemble the roof frame in more detail below.

In the process of designing a roof frame scheme, the following important factors must be taken into account:

  1. The structure must withstand loads varying degrees, including the dead weight of the roof and all elements, the weight of snow in winter time, wind pressure, falling leaves, etc.
  2. Choose a roofing covering that is as waterproof as possible, especially if you live in an area with a humid climate.
  3. Insulate the roof with minimal heat loss. To do this, it is necessary to ensure complete waterproofing and vapor barrier, and also consider a ventilation system for the roof space.
  4. The attic space must be ventilated. This will prevent damage load-bearing elements structures, thereby increasing the service life of the building.

Selection of materials

If you want to know how to make a roof frame with your own hands, first you need to get tools and materials.

To complete the work you will need the following:

  • timber 150x50 mm for rafters;
  • 100x100 mm timber for the mauerlat (for this purpose it is better to buy winter-harvested coniferous wood without any visible flaws);
  • slats 40x40 mm for sheathing;
  • fastening pins for fixing the Mauerlat;
  • studs 8 mm and 10 mm for rafters;
  • staples;
  • brackets;
  • wood screws;
  • hammer;
  • plane;
  • drill;
  • saw;
  • level;
  • roulette;
  • gloves;
  • wood antiseptics;
  • flame retardants.

Treating wooden structural elements with antiseptics and fire retardants extends the service life of the entire building and also reduces the flammability of wood, minimizing the risk of ignition.

Helpful advice: gas guns greatly simplify and speed up installation. In this video, the roof frame is made easily and quickly using modern technology. If the construction is one-time, it makes sense to rent such a gun.

To make a frame from metal profile You will need completely different tools, but since the weight of the materials and the complexity of the execution do not allow you to do such work yourself, it is most appropriate to start building wooden frames.

Gable roof frame

When you have purchased everything necessary materials, prepared tools, processed wooden elements protective compounds, you can begin installation. The construction of a gable roof frame should begin with laying the Mauerlat. This beam will distribute and transfer the load from the rafters to load-bearing walls. As a rule, the Mauerlat is laid on concrete base By inside load-bearing wall.

To prevent the wood from drawing out all the moisture from the concrete and then preventing it from crumbling, several layers of roofing material should be laid under the beams. WITH outer wall need to do brickwork to the level of the Mauerlat, and it, in turn, is attached to the concrete with nuts and studs.

Rafter system

After erecting and strengthening the base, you can build the roof frame, that is, install the rafters.

Installation of rafters consists of several stages:

Design features

How to make a roof frame is more or less clear, but in order for the results of your work to continue to please you for many years, you need to take into account some nuances during construction.

  1. Remember that the installation pitch of the rafters and the choice of cross-section are interrelated quantities. The smaller the cross-section of the load-bearing beams, the smaller the step. This is useful if the dimensions of the timber do not correspond to the load.
  2. Rafters can be free or loaded (support floor beams).
  3. Connections of all components and fastenings must be as reliable as possible. For added rigidity, use reinforcement pads.
  4. There are several ways to attach the rafters to the mauerlat. Notches provide a more rigid fixation, and special sliding fastenings are ideal for log houses.
  5. To protect the outer walls, blind areas and foundation, the roof must extend beyond the box by at least 40 cm, and it is better to protect the end parts of the rafters with a frontal (wind) board.
  6. If you use hanging rafters, be aware of the load they put on the walls, so secure the rafter legs with a tie. This can be either a beam or a floor beam.
  7. Choose the pitch of the sheathing in accordance with the nature of the roofing. Different types coatings have their own application ranges depending on the degree of slope of the slope.

Construction Features gable roof, as well as tips on how to make a roof frame in the video materials below: