Honey saved. Poppy, First or Honey Savior - traditions, rituals, signs

08/14/2016 08/14/2016 by Martin

Three August holidays in honor of the Savior are called Spas. They go one after another: the first, Honey - August 14, called the Savior “on the water”, the second, August 19, Yablochny - the Savior “on the mountain” and the third - Nut, the Savior “on the canvas”.

Honey Poppy

The First Savior is called Honey because on this day, August 1 according to the old style and August 14 according to the new style, a small blessing of water is performed and the collection of honey, as well as its consecration, begins. This is a holiday for beekeepers, when the first honeycombs in the hives are broken so that bees from other hives do not take all the honey. The peasants believed that on this day the bees stopped producing honey. In Rus', honey fairs began on this day. In addition, flowers and poppies, which were always present in the dishes served, were sacred.

Honey Spas is the first day of the Assumption Lent. On this day the Russian Orthodox Church celebrates the Origin (destruction) of the trees of the Cross of the Lord.

The churches remember the seven brother-martyrs of the Maccabees with their mother Solomia. It is known that in 166 BC. The Maccabean dynasty rebelled against edicts that prohibited Jewish religious practices. Probably, the connection between the poppy and the Maccabees is exclusively sound, but, nevertheless, this is one of the well-established folk traditions.

According to Ukrainian legends, it was on this holiday in 988 Prince of Kyiv Vladimir the Great baptized Rus'.

The First Spas is considered a girls' and children's holiday. Young people do not work on this day. This Spas is also called Lakomka. Those who fast are allowed to eat honey from this day forward. True, according to the ancients folk beliefs, honey, like fruits, was allowed only from Apple, Second Savior. Before that, they ate only berries and cucumbers.

According to tradition, on August 14, the so-called small blessing of water was also carried out: new wells were blessed and old ones were cleaned. The peasants went to the reservoirs in a religious procession, in last time during the year they bathed, washing away sins, protecting themselves from fever and the evil eye, and also bathed horses and livestock. Sometimes horses were sprinkled with water. The rituals were accompanied by songs and dances.

Other holiday names

The First Spas, in addition to Honey and Macabey, has other names: Wet Spas, Water Spas, Honey Festival, Bee Holiday, Medolom, Spasovka, Farewell to Summer, “Zelnaya Macabey” (Belarusian), “Makovia” (Ukrainian), Maccabeus, Makotrus .

Destruction (origin) of the trees of the Holy Cross

The Greek book of hours from 1897 says that due to illnesses and epidemics that often occurred in August, the custom was known in Constantinople since ancient times to wear the Life-Giving Tree of the Cross, on which the Son of God was crucified, onto the streets and roads in order to sanctify places and ward off diseases. From this day until the Assumption Holy Mother of God It was offered to the people for worship, which is the origin of the Holy Cross.

The relics were carried in a religious procession, which included the emperor, to the source of the Savior, located outside the city wall, and further to the Church of Hagia Sophia. The shrine was carried around the city until the feast of the Dormition of the Virgin Mary, which is celebrated at the end of the Dormition Lent - August 29.

In the Russian Church, this holiday was established by Andrei Bogolyubsky in 1164, when he won a victory over the Volga Bulgars, and the Greek Emperor Manuel over the Arabs.

According to legend, the Russian prince and the Greek emperor had the Holy Cross of the Lord, both fervently prayed to HIM, asking for help, and both with their troops had a wonderful vision: from the icons of the Savior and the Mother of God, taken to war, a light emanated, overshadowing the troops. The warriors who bravely attacked their enemies won, in memory of which a procession of the cross was established on the river.

In addition to the Carrying of the Cross, on this day the Russian Orthodox Church honors: Feast of the All-Merciful Savior and the Most Holy Theotokos; The Seven Maccabee Martyrs: Abima, Alim, Antonina, Gurias, Eusevo, Eleazar and Markellus, their teacher Eleazar and their mother Solomonia (Solomea); Hieromartyr Demetrius of Pavsky; martyrs in Perga Pamphylia: Alexander, Attius, Eucleaus, Leontius, Katun, Kindey, Cyriacus, Minsitheus and Mineon; discovery of the relics of St. Sophia of Suzdal.

People also pray to First Spas women's sins: everything is forgiven for women.

Traditions of the First Savior

On the eve of Makoviya they prepare the “Makovian flower”: a bouquet consisting of different colors and plants including mint, thyme and calendula. Each plant has its own magical meaning, and they are all together, with several poppy heads, consecrated in the church.

After this, the blessed poppy heads are kept at home for peace and well-being in the family. IN folk medicine A bouquet of dry heads is placed by the bed of those who suffer from insomnia - for a restful sleep.

In spring, blessed poppies are scattered in the garden, and girls weave dried flowers into their hair to prevent hair loss.

It is on this day that the first birds fly to warmer climes. It is not known where the concept of roses came from in Rus', but peasants believed that when roses stop blooming, a change occurs in the dew: from August 14, the dew is good and harmless. If we talk about roses, they were transferred to Russian soil during the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich in the 12th century.

The honey was consecrated in a new container that had not yet been used, where the beekeeper clean clothes put some of the honeycomb from the richest hive. It was customary to treat the poor with blessed honey; parents were also commemorated with it. Part of the honey remained in the church; the clergy, beggars and children were treated to it.

The beginning of many household works was timed to coincide with this day: they began to trim the barns, clean the threshing floor, arrange the so-called “widows’ and orphans’ help” - that is, they helped them with the housework, brought refreshments: “You are for yourself, We are for you, And Christ is the Savior “For all of us!”

The church also illuminated wreaths of ears of new grain, the first fruits of the harvest. On this day, the first sowing of winter rye was organized in the central and southern zones of Russia.

In Siberia, this day was called the day of “Solomonids - ba(v)ushka,” which was revered by pregnant women and mothers, as well as by healers and healers who mentioned her name in slander.

About tasty and healthy

The dishes on the day of the First Savior necessarily included poppy seeds and honey, pies and pies, cookies, cakes, cakes and rolls were baked. Honey gingerbread has always been especially popular in Rus'. The meal began with pancakes with poppy seeds: a poppy-honey mass and milk of poppy were ground in a special bowl, into which the pancakes were dipped. The poppy is mentioned in many proverbs and sayings, as well as in choral songs and riddles. On this day, the girls danced in circles, showering the guy with poppy seeds, pinching and tickling him.

Honey has rightfully earned the title of one of the healthiest and most delicious products. In some diets, only honey is allowed from sweets. Even medicine has never abandoned it, unlike many other folk remedies.

Honey consists of sugars: levulose, glucose, maltose and sucrose (78%), water (20%) and mineral salts. It contains useful enzymes, microelements, vitamins and is useful for children during their growth period and when they are recovering. Its bactericidal effect is similar to an antibiotic: it never even grows mold.

However, there is no need to store honey for more than a year, since over time it decreases and breaks down. useful material, and the amount of sucrose and acids increases. You must also remember that honey cannot be stored in metal containers.

According to the standards of medical treatment, for an adult the daily requirement of honey is 100g, and the maximum is 200g. This amount is distributed throughout the day and taken between meals, preferably in its pure form. Honey is very afraid of boiling water: at temperatures above 40 degrees, all vitamins and antibacterial substances are destroyed, turning the invaluable medicine into sweet water.

What to cook for Honey Spas

On this holiday, dishes and drinks are prepared from honey, pies or gingerbreads are baked, and poppy seeds are used for decoration and filling. We bring to your attention a small selection of recipes that are appropriate and can be prepared on Honey Spas.


1.5 l. water,
500 gr. honey,
5 gr. carnations,
5 gr. cinnamon,
5 gr. ginger,
5 gr. allspice,
50 gr. yeast.

Bring the water to a boil, add honey to it and bring to a boil again, constantly skimming off the foam. Then add ginger, cloves, allspice and cinnamon. Boil everything again and cool. Dissolve yeast in small quantities warm water and mix with honey infusion. Pour the finished sbiten into bottles and leave for 12 hours in a warm place. Then close the bottles tightly and leave them in the cold for 2-3 weeks to allow the sbiten to ripen.

Honey kvass

5 l. water,
800 gr. honey,
25 gr. yeast,
2 lemons.

Boil water, add honey to it and stir thoroughly. Cool the honey to a temperature of 20 ° C, add yeast, juice of 2 lemons and leave at room temperature for 10-12 hours. Cool the finished kvass in the refrigerator, pour into bottles or serve immediately.

Honey gingerbread

500 gr. honey,
500 gr. rye flour,
1 tbsp. mixtures of cinnamon, cloves, ginger and cardamom,
2 tbsp. cognac or vodka,
2 tbsp. starch,
vegetable oil.

Mix flour and spices, melt honey over low heat and bring it to a boil, add flour to it and start stirring very quickly until the dough turns white. Then add vodka or cognac, knead the dough until smooth and put it in the refrigerator for several hours. Roll out the dough, adding starch to it, cut out the gingerbread cookies using cookie cutters, place them on a greased baking sheet and, without browning, finish cooking in the oven.

Salad of carrots, soy sauce, honey and garlic

carrots - 2 pcs (large)
soy sauce - 1-2 tbsp. l.
liquid honey - 11.5 tbsp. l.
garlic - 1-2 cloves
olive oil - 1 tbsp. l.
water - 1-2 tbsp. l.

1. Grate one clove of garlic and carrots on a coarse grater, then fry in olive oil for two to three minutes.

2. Add a little soy sauce and honey to the garlic and carrots, then add a little soy sauce and honey, another clove of garlic (squeeze it through a garlic press), mix all the ingredients and cover the pan with a lid. Let it cook for another three minutes.

3. After three minutes, taste the contents of the pan, and if necessary, add a little more soy sauce, honey, garlic, plus 1-2 tbsp. l. water. Cover the pan with a lid and simmer over low heat until fully cooked.

This dish can be served as an appetizer or as a side dish for meat or fish.

Folk signs for honey spas (poppy spas)

Winter crops begin to be sown from the honey spa.
The first rescuer has everything in stock - rain, sun, and wind.
The crane flies away.
Swallows and swifts fly off to the first rescue.
Even a beggar will try honey for honey.
On the first day of the Savior, bless the wells, bathe the horses in the river, pinch the peas, prepare the threshing floor, and plow for the winter.
Collect poppies for poppy seeds.
Poppy seeds for baking need to be collected on August 14, then it will have medicinal properties.
For the first time I saved holy wells, holy crowns of bread.
The first time you save, any woman’s sin is forgiven.
If you dig a well for the first time, no one can harm it.
At the first rescue, the horses (all livestock) are bathed.
On First Spas, pinch the peas.
After the first rescue they do not enter the river
Plow this winter, this winter.
Swallows fly away three times - three times to save.
Rain on Maccabee - there are few fires.
Roses are fading, good dew is falling.
From the first rescue the dew is good.
The first time he saved the deer wet his hoof (the water was cold).
Harvesting wild raspberries and bird cherry berries begins
The bee stops carrying a honey bribe.
Wring (cut) the honeycombs.
Whatever the Maccabees believe, break the fast.
The first Savior is to stand on the water, the second Savior is to eat apples, the third Savior is to sell canvases on the green mountains.

On August 14, the Russian Orthodox Church celebrates the Origin (destruction) of the trees of the Cross of the Lord. People call the first day of the Dormition Fast the Honey Savior. IN different regions Honey Spas is also called the First Spas, Poppy Spas, Wet Spas, Spas on the Water, Gourmand, Honey Festival, Honeybreaker, Bee Festival, Farewell to Summer, Spasovka, Maccabee.

They call it Honey Spas because the honeycombs in the hives are full by mid-August, and beekeepers begin collecting honey. It was believed that if the beekeeper did not break the honeycomb, the neighboring bees would take out all the honey. According to tradition, it was allowed to eat honey consecrated by the church from this day on. Honey was eaten with bread or various dishes. Housewives baked honey gingerbreads, pancakes with poppy seeds and honey, pies, buns, buns with poppy seeds. The villagers knew that honey had special powers and was suitable for treating many diseases.

August 14 is also the day of remembrance of the seven Old Testament martyrs of the Maccabees. And, as has happened more than once in Russian history, Christian customs have uniquely overlapped with Russian customs and rituals: the day of remembrance of the Maccabees merged with the ancient Russian rite of seeing off summer and is celebrated among the people as the Macabei holiday - poppy seeds are always present in the dishes served at the festive table , which by this time matures.

Savior on the Water The Honey Savior is named in honor of the small consecration of water. In Rus' it was customary to perform a religious procession on natural bodies of water for the blessing of water. After the procession they bathed in water and bathed livestock to wash away sin and be healthier. It was also at this time that new wells were blessed and old ones were cleaned.

After the Honey Savior, we no longer swam: summer is ending, the water is blooming, the birds are falling silent, the bees are not getting ready, rooks gather in flocks and are preparing to fly away, roses are fading, the departure of the first swallows and swifts is celebrated. For the peasant it is a time of suffering, field work, haymaking, harvest. Peasants are preparing threshing floors, barns for the new harvest of bread, and arable land for winter crops. The farewell to summer begins with Spas. They say: The Savior has everything in stock: rain, buckets, and gray weather. The weather of this day is used to judge what the third Savior will be like.

Sayings and signs of Honey Savior

  • On the first day of the Savior, bless the wells, bathe the horses in the river, pinch the peas, prepare the threshing floor, and plow for the winter.
  • Plow this winter, this winter.
  • On Maccabees they collect poppies.
  • Rain on Maccabee - there are few fires.
  • Roses are fading, good dew is falling.
  • From the first rescue the dew is good.
  • The first time he saved the deer wet his hoof (the water was cold).
  • The bee stops carrying a honey bribe.
  • Wring (cut) the honeycombs.
  • Whatever the Maccabees believe, break the fast.
  • The first Savior is to stand on the water, the second Savior is to eat apples, the third Savior is to sell canvases on the green mountains.

Apple Spas

On August 19, 2017, the Russian Orthodox Church honors the Transfiguration of the Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ. The popular name of the holiday is the Great Spas or Apple Spas. Numerous events were dedicated to the celebration of the Apple Savior folk rituals. By folk signs, Apple Spas means the onset of autumn and the transformation of nature. It is generally accepted that nights after August 19th become much colder. Before the Savior, it is not allowed to eat apples or dishes made from apples. But on this day, on the contrary, apples and other fruits of the new harvest are supposed to be picked and blessed.

Depending on the region, Apple Spas is also popularly called Spas, Second Spas, Feast of First Fruits, Spas on the Mountain, Middle Spas, Pea Day, First Autumn, Autumn, Transfiguration.

Apple Spas is also called the “first autumns,” that is, welcoming autumn. It is believed that this holiday is intended to remind people of the need spiritual transformation. According to tradition, on this day they first treated relatives and friends with apples, as well as orphans and the poor, as a remembrance of their ancestors who had fallen asleep in eternal sleep, and only then ate them themselves.

In the old days, all believers certainly celebrated the Apple Savior, baked pies with apples, cooked apple jam and treated each other to it. And in the evening everyone went out into the field to celebrate the sunset with songs, and with it the summer.

Sayings and signs of the Apple Savior

  • What a second Savior, so is January.
  • What is the day on the Second Savior, such is the Intercession.
  • A dry day foreshadows a dry autumn, a wet day foretells a wet one, and a clear day foretells a harsh winter.
  • On this day they see off the sunset in the field with songs.
  • Meeting autumn - Autumn.
  • On the second Savior, apples and honey are blessed.
  • On the second day, the Savior and the beggar will eat an apple.
  • Until the second rescue, they do not eat any fruits except cucumbers.
  • Whoever wants (to fly away), and the crane to the Savior.
  • When you eat the first apple, “what is far-fetched will come true, what will come true will not pass away.”
  • The Savior has come - it’s only an hour.
  • The second Savior has arrived, take mittens in reserve.
  • On the second Spas, take the golitsa in reserve.
  • From the second saving, sow winter crops.
  • If the sowing of rye occurs during the midnight (northern) wind, then, according to a sign, the rye will come out stronger and larger in grain.
  • If, when sowing rye, a fine rain falls, like beads, then it is God who gives the news about the harvest; and if it starts to rain, then it’s better not to continue sowing, but rather turn the shafts home.

Nut Spas

August 29 is celebrated Orthodox holiday performed by the Church in honor of the Image of Christ the Savior Not Made by Hands. And people called August 29 Nut Spas. In various regions, the holiday received the same names as: Bread Savior, Savior on canvas, Savior on canvas, Canvas Savior, Crops, Additional sowings.

On Khlebny Spas they bake pies from the new bread. The ears of the new harvest were also blessed on the Savior. People said the Savior - we have plenty of bread, the Third Savior has stored up bread. From Spas, which was the border between the summer and autumn cycles of work, in some places they began sowing winter crops and digging early potatoes. The harvesting of hazelnuts also began with the third Savior. For festive table housewives prepared baked goods and other dishes with nuts. In most villages in Russia there were no events on this day. big holidays, as preparations began for the completion of summer field work before the onset of rains. But in the cities from this day the Great Day festivities begin. Fairs were held at the Third Spas, canvases and linen were traded, which is why Saps is also called Kholshchev.

On the third Spas, you notice the flight of birds, especially swallows and cranes. It is believed that swallows fly to three Spas. If the crane flies to the third Spas, then it will be frosty on Pokrov. People considered Spas to be the day of departure of storks. It was noticed that if storks began to prepare for departure a week before Spas, then the winter would be early and frosty, and the spring would be warm; if after the Savior, the autumn will be warm, the winter will be late, and the spring will be cold. The departure of storks indicated the approach of winter, and the sayings reminded us that the Savior has come - and summer is from us, Savior - take mittens in reserve.

Sayings and signs of the Nut Savior

  • The Third Savior saved bread.
  • The Third Savior is good - there will be kvass in winter.
  • The harvest for nuts is the harvest of bread for the next year.
  • There is no harvest for nuts two years in a row.
  • If the crane flies to the third Spas, then it will be frosty on Pokrov.
  • Swallows take flight.
  • Swallows fly away three times, three times the Savior.
  • As Eudokei believes, so does the third Savior.
  • First Spas - standing on the water; the second Savior - they eat apples; third Spas - they sell canvases on the green mountains.
  • To look up to Peter's days, to fence up to Ilyin, to sow to the Savior.

August is the most fertile month of summer: everything planted and sown ripens, the harvest is harvested, everything is done to ensure that the winter is comfortable. In Rus', this month has always been rich in holidays in honor of ripened harvests, fairs, and exhibitions of the best agricultural achievements. With the advent of Orthodoxy, these ancient folk celebrations were intertwined with church holidays of gratitude and praise to the Savior - Jesus Christ. And, of course, these bright, beloved holidays are part of Russian culture.

Both pagan and Orthodox

Three generous holidays, following each other, are scattered throughout August in order of priority - the first Spas, the second and the third. Accordingly - Honey, Apple, Nut. Each of these holidays has several other names associated with traditions or actions performed on that day. Honey Spas by Orthodox calendar falls on August 14 (1). On this day, events in world history took place, in honor of which holidays were established by the church. In addition, a lot of things happened at the everyday level, from which glorious traditions were formed over the centuries. For example, poppy seeds were ripening and had to be collected. You never know what needs to be done on the eve of winter!

So many reasons to celebrate

And the rite of blessing of water falls on this day, and winter crops are sown and honey is collected. Such is the milestone day of the worker. And in man’s work he has always had heavenly helpers and intercessors, in each individual territory. So, in Siberia, on the First Savior there was a festival in honor of Solomonida the grandmother, who delivered the birth of the Virgin Mary. The mythical midwife is revered as the first intercessor of mothers, pregnant women and healers, who, when giving birth, turned to her for support. Therefore, the First Savior, such a meaningful holiday, is popularly called differently - Poppy, Honey, Bee, etc.

Those who came from Constantinople

In honor of the blessing of water, the holiday is also called: Savior on Water, Wet and Water. There is also such a name - Day of Origin. The name refers to a celebration that came from Constantinople, the full name of which sounds like the Predescent of the Honest Trees Life-giving Cross The Lord's. There was always a religious procession on this day. In Constantinople, the Life-Giving Cross was taken out and carried around the city in order to sanctify and help the residents exhausted from the summer heat. The second church holiday, in fact, Savior Day, the full name of which is the celebration of the All-Merciful Savior and the Most Holy Theotokos, is dedicated to the double victory of Christian soldiers won on August 1 (old style) 1164. On this day, Andrei Bogolyubsky defeated the Volga Bulgars, the Byzantine Emperor Manuel defeated the Saracens.

One of the most famous in Tsarist Russia

Many articles note that this holiday is best known as the Savior on Water. Judging by the numerous works of art, obviously, it used to be like that. The Russian Emperor himself took part in procession to the water, plunged into the Jordan, upon leaving, kissed the cross, received the blessing of the patriarch. Then the army was consecrated. In pre-revolutionary Russia it was a major state and church holiday. The blessing of water took place throughout the country, because Holy Rus', according to legend, was baptized on this very day.

The most popular title these days

But in our time, First Spas is better known and popular as Honey. The holiday is very popular among the people, as evidenced by hundreds of sayings, sayings and proverbs in which it is mentioned.

Dozens of customs are associated with it. It goes without saying that from the day of the Savior Lakomka they began to eat honey. From that day on, we also sowed winter crops and tried peas. Raspberries were ripening in the forests, and going after them in flocks was also a ritual and tradition. And many, many other things. But the most important thing is that on this day it was necessary to clean the honeycombs filled with honey. The First Savior in August is also called Makovey Day, or simply Makovey. Dedicated to the 7 martyred brothers, it is somehow intertwined with the poppy harvest. On this day, pies are also baked with poppy seeds. But still, to a greater extent, this is a holiday of beekeepers.

Traditions and beliefs have evolved over centuries

Over many centuries, traditions have developed on how to celebrate the Honey Savior. On this day, special significance is attached to both the beekeeper himself and everything he will do, in fact, the ritual. There was a belief: if you don’t “break” honey on this day, it will disappear or it will be carried away by neighboring bees, who from that day no longer brought “honey bribes” - the day was considered a milestone. All the bees stopped making honey, not just the neighbors. From the very early morning, the beekeepers were already in the apiary and, observing traditions, began to “break out” the honeycombs from the hive. It was first necessary to select the most abundant honeycombs, filled to capacity. Part of the extracted honey was placed in clean dishes(preference was given to wooden ones) and were taken to the church for consecration.

Spas - "sweet tooth"

Beekeepers who followed all the traditions, and from that day on they had to fast, were allowed to taste the honey brought from the church. Since ancient times, this product was considered almost a panacea for all diseases. The miraculous power of consecrated honey doubled. The wish made when tasting the first spoon of blessed honey would certainly come true. For the holiday, honey pies and gingerbread were baked, intoxicated honey (mead) and non-alcoholic drinks from this product were prepared.

Beekeepers, and all people, were supposed to be as generous as possible on the First Savior in August; they were supposed to give honey, and not only to the poor. On this occasion, there were sayings indicating that any poor person on Spas would definitely have a medical bag. The beggars received their share of food from the sexton's trough, which he filled from the share allotted to the church. Nothing ended there - in the evening, groups of children arrived at the apiary with chants in which they wished health to the beekeepers, success to their business and begged for honey. The Feast of the First Savior continued for a long time.

Signs that are still valid today

This first August holiday, associated with the name of the Savior, is surrounded by dozens of signs that have evolved over centuries. Perhaps now, due to environmental changes, not all of them are true, but they all belong to the rich Russian folklore. And some have not lost their relevance today.

It has been noticed that after the Honey Savior, the water in the rivers becomes very cold, swallows and swifts fly away, roses fade, heavy dew falls, bees do not carry honey. In the distant nooks and crannies of which there are so many in Russia, at a time when the First Savior is on the threshold, they have not stopped plowing the land for winter crops (large agricultural enterprises are more guided by considerations of utility, which does not always coincide with signs), and preparing threshing floors in winter. Or maybe they also bathe the horses, since there was a belief that if this is not done on the First Spas, the animals will not survive the winter, as they will freeze. According to legend, their blood will “freeze.” Of course, in the outback, wells are blessed on this day, cleaned and new ones are dug (the sign says that then nothing can harm the well), and this is called the “rite of small blessing of water.”

What's a holiday without pies?

On this day it is customary to bake pies and gingerbreads with honey from the first flour of the new harvest. Many things need to be done on this day - pinch peas, collect honey, sow winter crops, consecrate all this in the church, including grain for winter crops, and go to bow to the old people, so that the oldest one throws the first handful into the ground. Moreover, women also had to have time to sin, because on this day absolutely everything was forgiven to them. The tradition of sowing fields on the First Savior also had such a mandatory condition - eggs were boiled according to the number of men in the village. Whoever got the most filled one had the right to throw the first seeds into the ground. This is in those areas where they did not turn to the help of elders.

Signs for all occasions

The help provided to the weak and defenseless - widows and orphans - was highly valued. Neighbors came to them with gifts and the goal of providing all possible assistance - digging up a garden or removing the same barn, preparing firewood for the winter. There is also a saying on this topic, which says that at least a pinch should be thrown into the widow’s yard. Attention was also paid to the weather. Signs said that if it rains, there will be few fires, and if the wind picks up, you need to watch your hat. If you don't follow, the hat will fall to the ground - a long journey awaits you. It was noted that if storks get ready to travel a week before the holiday, spring will be warm and winter will be early and frosty.

Spas the First (Honey) served Starting point to say goodbye to summer. Round dances and festivities ended, serious preparations for winter and a rather tough two-week Dormition Fast began.

Everyone knows Honey Spas

But most people who lived through the times when atheism was state policy are not very familiar with the intricacies of church holidays. Therefore, the question of which First Savior is not at all surprising. They know that there are three holidays of the same name, one is Apple, another is Honey, the third is Nut - and that’s good.

This especially applies to city dwellers - they cannot sow winter crops or collect honey. And you won’t even be able to watch the birds - only sparrows and crows, and the horses on the hippodromes are warm, their blood won’t freeze. Numerous fairs, which are becoming increasingly larger and more colorful every year, and crowds near churches make townspeople keep abreast of events. On Spas they are no less than on Easter. Therefore, as soon as active advertising and sale of beekeeping products begins, most people do not wonder what the first Spas is. I see - Honey.

Middle last month summer for Orthodox believers is notable for the fact that during this period it begins. On the first day of its beginning, according to tradition, many Christians celebrate the holiday of the Honey Savior, dedicated to the memory of the 7 Maccabean martyrs. What special happened on this day?

history of the holiday

According to ancient manuscripts, it was on this day in 988 that Vladimir the Great was baptized. On Honey Spas, church servants remember the Maccabean martyrs who suffered for their faith, their teacher Eleazar and mother Solomonia. In 166 BC. They were brought to the king of Syria, Antiochus, accusing them of preaching Christianity. The cruel ruler decided to force them to eat the forbidden food. Old Testament food, and when he received a refusal, he became furious and betrayed the brothers, along with their mother and teacher, to cruel torture. They cut off their toes and hands, cut out their tongues, burned them alive in hot frying pans, and tore off the skin from their heads. Six older brothers were tortured in this way. Antiochus affectionately persuaded the youngest to renounce his faith. He promised him rewards and finally asked his mother to give the last brother advice. But Solomonia turned to her son, convincing him to remain faithful to the faith and not be afraid of the tormentor. Then the king put them to death, subjecting them to even greater torture.

Honey Spas: traditions

It has long been customary on this day to sprinkle the corners of the house with wild poppy seeds so that no evil spirits could penetrate the home. The very name of the holiday - Honey Spas - is explained by the fact that from this time the bees stop collecting nectar, and the collection of honey begins. Moreover, the honeycombs that were cut off first were specially left in order to be taken to the temple for consecration. It is believed that only after this it was possible to eat the collected honey.

When the Honey Savior came, the beekeepers put on festive clothes and chose the largest hive, which had the most honey. The collected honeycombs were placed only in new dishes made of wood. In addition to honey, a bouquet of summer flowers was also taken to the temple, into which several poppy heads were woven. Some of the consecrated plants were left in the house or near the entrance to protect the home from evil spirits. And poppy heads were scattered around the barn with livestock so that witches would not steal milk at night and send diseases. Most of the bouquet was placed behind the icon. It is believed that there he emits holy energy and will help in case of illness. Few people know that the Honey Savior, whose date falls on August 14, has another name - Savior on Water. This is explained by the fact that on this day it was customary to bless wells and ponds, as well as to organize folk festivities near stakes, rivers and lakes.

Honey Spas: signs

For a long time, this day for the Slavs symbolized the beginning of farewell to summer. After it, the weather will become cooler, the days will be shorter and the nights will be longer. After this holiday, the Orthodox began sowing. It was believed that if this was done earlier, there would be a crop failure. Orthodox believe that if you take a bath on this day, your unforgivable sins will be forgiven.

It's time to talk about folk tradition this holiday and finally understand the origin of the word SAVED.Why the first of the 3 Spas - honey? What meanings does the word have? SAVED? It’s no secret that in Rus' a later, Christian, tradition superimposed on the folk one - no less GOD, Original and filled with deep meanings...

ATTENTION!!! The information is unique!

So! What do we “officially” know about the word? SAVED And Honey Spas from open sources?

Saved is a church holiday dedicated to the harvest, and Honey Spas timed to coincide with the beginning of honey collection in apiaries, since the honeycombs in the hives are already full by mid-August (and after August 14, the bees supposedly begin to make "wrong honey"…)."Saved"- this is the popular name for the calendar church holiday " Origin(wearing) honest tree of the Life-giving Cross of the Lord" To Honey Spas during small blessing of water in addition to honey they consecrated healing herbs and poppy (hence the other names Honey Spas - Spas on the Water, Wet Spas, Makovei). According to tradition, it was allowed to eat honey consecrated by the church from this day on.

SPAS is " Christ the Savior". And the title national holidays"Spas" is an abbreviation for " Savior».

But is everything so simple with the Spasov tradition? What MORE the origin of the word is known for certain SAVED? What other “secret” meanings are there that shed light on history? Russian root word?

A comprehensive answer to this and other questions is given by Institute of Russian Language (Yasna-Center). Namely:

And in the next article we will talk about Yablochny Spas and the feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord. And about why Apple is a “culture-bearing” word in Russian culture!