Mint for drying flowers or leaves. Description of dried mint with photos, types, composition and calorie content; benefit and harm; how to use the product; how to dry, store and brew correctly

Often used in cooking, everyday life and medicine peppermint and lemon balm (lemon balm). Delicious teas, various drinks and essential oils are prepared from the plant. Having learned how to properly collect, dry and preserve lemon balm and mint, you can provide your family with healthy herbs for the fall and winter. If you don't follow everything necessary requirements, the plant will lose its extraordinary aroma and healing properties.

Beneficial features

Mint is widely used for its medicinal properties. Many doctors agree that it helps with various diseases:

  • Tea has a diuretic effect.
  • Decoctions will remove excess salt from the body.
  • Melissa infusions prevent sudden vomiting and nausea.
  • A couple of leaves added to black tea will calm your nerves.
  • Part large quantity anti-inflammatory ointments include peppermint. Its infusions are used for headaches.
  • Wild mint is effective for flatulence and intestinal disorders. It is also used against rheumatism and tuberculosis.
  • To get rid of split ends or treat damaged hair, use essential oil from peppermint extract.

Mint harvest time

The best time to collect this herb is June. Flowering has not yet begun this month, so all the essential oils are concentrated in the stems and leaves of the plant. After the rain, as soon as the sun appears, the mint leaves steam and emit a pleasant aroma.

It is important to adhere to certain time limits for collecting lemon balm. The stems are cut when the inflorescences begin to bloom. And collecting leaves before the formation of flowers. During drought, harvesting is done after watering and the plant has completely dried.

The ideal time of day for collection is evening or morning. It is during these intervals that mint foliage is fresher and juicier.

You should not collect greens in the following cases:

  1. 1. After the formation of inflorescences (stems and leaves lose their medicinal and taste qualities).
  2. 2. In hot weather (such mint will not have beneficial properties).
  3. 3. After just rain (such raw materials will quickly deteriorate and become unusable).
  4. 4. Before buds form ( required quantity nutrients are not yet concentrated, and most of will be lost during the drying process).

Pre-preparation of mint and lemon balm

Before you start drying mint, you need to do some preparation of the freshly collected herb:

  1. 1. Run the branches under cold running water.
  2. 2. Spread into paper towels so that the moisture of the glass.
  3. 3. Place on the cloth (in one layer) until the leaves and stems are completely dry.
  4. 4. Finally, separate the damaged branches and leave only the good ones.

Natural drying

Bouquets of 3-4 branches are hung with their heads down in a ventilated room. Direct rays of the sun should not fall on the greenery. They can be tied with a thick thread and placed so that there is space between the bundles. The workpiece will be ready in 7 days, provided that the weather outside is sunny and dry.

It is important that the room temperature is maintained at least +20 degrees. Otherwise, the mint leaves will become moldy and will not dry properly.

For rural residents, the method of hanging greenery over a Russian stove is suitable. You can wrap the bouquets in thin paper to preserve the original color of the plant. After drying, the concentration of medicinal properties will remain in the leaves. Drying is complete when they begin to easily break off from the stems. Next, the separated leaves are crushed and removed for further storage.


If it is not possible to use in a natural way because of high humidity, a microwave can easily handle this.

Mint leaves are stacked thin layer(one at a time) per paper. The timer is set to 10 seconds. After this time, the readiness of the lemon balm is checked. Thus, the procedure is repeated the required number of times until the grass is completely dry. The advantage is that the plants retain their vibrant green hue.

In the oven

With this method of preparation, the mint will retain its color, aroma, and healing properties. But it takes more time.

The oven heats up to the lowest temperature (not exceeding +60 degrees). After this, turn off the oven and place a baking sheet with raw materials in it, laid out on parchment in one layer. It is worth checking periodically to ensure that the sheets are not deformed. Dry for about 20 minutes.

Any spice plants, which includes mint, I want to preserve them so that they can be used in winter period. As a rule, drying is chosen for these purposes.

Drying itself represents the cessation of biochemical processes occurring in plant cells. This harvesting method is good because it prevents the development of mold and various microorganisms in the raw material. However, under the influence of cellular enzymes during the drying process, the taste and aromatic properties of plants can be significantly reduced. To avoid this, herbs such as mint must be dried properly.

How to dry mint: preparation and collection of raw materials

Mint is harvested due to unique properties this plant. It is not only an excellent spice that can be added to tea or food, but also a cure for many diseases.

Proper drying of mint cannot be carried out without proper collection according to all the rules. The fact is that the concentration of aromatic and other useful substances in a plant differs in different times year and at different periods of its existence.

If you want to dry the stems, the most favorable time for this will be the period of full flowering. If you need to prepare leaves, then collect these parts of the plant before flowering begins. However, you need to wait until the inflorescences begin to form on the mint stems. The main thing is not to collect leaves from young mint for drying. They will not retain the aroma when dried, will not bring much benefit, and will also dry out greatly.

Mint should be collected only in dry weather, otherwise it may turn brown after drying.

We also read:

  • Peppermint: contraindications
  • How to harvest herbs?

How to dry mint at home?

Just like when picking, when drying mint you need to follow several rules. This plant can be easily prepared at home.

  • Once you have cut the plant stems, remove them from sunlight. The sun has an adverse effect on mint. Typically this leads to healing herb loses its essential oils, and, accordingly, loses its benefits.
  • To dry, the stems of collected mint should be combined into sparse bunches. Each of the formed bundles must be tied up and placed in a suspended state in a covered area that will be properly ventilated. Good for this a balcony will do, attic or veranda. This method of drying will prevent the plant from rotting and will promote good drying.
  • If you want to prepare mint leaves separately from the stems, dry them in a dark place. Leaves should be placed on paper or a cloth. Of course, it should be taken into account that the paper or fabric on which the raw materials are dried must be clean. During harvesting, mint leaves must be turned over occasionally.
  • In addition to the sun, when drying mint it is necessary to protect it from dampness. Otherwise, your future aromatic seasoning and natural medicine will rot.

The readiness of the product can be checked as follows: take the dried mint in your hands. If the leaves or stems crumble when slightly rubbed between your fingers, the spice is ready.

How to dry mint for the winter?

To With To preserve dried mint during the winter, it is recommended to grind it. Place the resulting product in a jar for storage. The container must have a tight-fitting lid. However, the plant can also be stored in its entirety. To do this, prepare thin linen bags and place dried mint there.

Many people try to dry mint at home using an electric dryer or oven. In principle, this method can be considered acceptable. Of course, this way you will achieve results faster. But you should always remember that such drying practically does not preserve the mint aroma. Therefore, it is still better to use natural harvesting methods medicinal plant for the winter.

Eating mint helps with heartburn and flatulence. To do this, you need to prepare from the plant medicinal tea. If you add a little honey to this infusion, you get excellent remedy which helps with angina pectoris. You can also take baths with the addition of mint decoction. This procedure may be useful if skin inflammation occurs. Needless to say, mint-based drinks have an amazing taste, and products for external use delight with a fresh and subtle aroma.

Preparing mint for the winter is quite simple. It is necessary to follow some rules for collecting and drying the plant. Keep spicy herb recommended in tightly closed containers or bags made of natural fabric. Besides the wonderful taste qualities, mint has healing properties, which make it indispensable in many recipes traditional medicine and herbal medicine.

Mint tea is an aromatic and tasty drink that has many beneficial properties. In order to enjoy it at any time of the year, and preserve it to the maximum useful composition, it is important to know how to properly collect and dry mint at home.

The oven must be at the optimal temperature (65º - 100º). This is necessary so as not to dry out the mint leaves. In addition, it is advisable to cover the baking sheet with parchment. On average, the process will take you 15-20 minutes.

Processing mint in an electric dryer should take place in stages:

  1. Lay out the leaves in one layer. Thanks to this, the plant will dry evenly.
  2. Choose the smallest temperature regime. In order for the mint to dry, you can use a minimum of heat.
  3. Monitor the condition of dried leaves. It is important to check the mint every few minutes. This way, you will prevent it from fading and maintain its natural green color.

Product storage rules

In order for mint to retain its beneficial substances after drying, you must follow a few simple recommendations:

  1. Choose suitable storage containers. A small glass jar or plastic containers with tight-fitting lids are best suited for this.
  2. Try to keep the leaves intact. If you decide to crush the mint or grind it into powder, do so before using. This way, you can preserve the aroma and beneficial composition of the product.
  3. Check the mint periodically for moisture. If there is a need to dry the plant again, then use the same method that you used previously.
  4. Observe shelf life. The optimal storage period for dried mint at home is 1 year. After this, its basic properties are lost.

By following these tips, you can brew aromatic and tasty mint tea, as well as enrich your body useful substances.

Mint is a very aromatic and pleasant-tasting seasoning that is great for making soups, sautés, bread, pastries, desserts and tea. It calms, saturates the human body with useful substances and gives pleasant taste sensations. Drinks based on aromatic greens will help calm your nerves, strengthen your immune system and lift your spirits. Any variety of green plant is suitable for making dishes. This article will talk about how to dry mint at home.
To enjoy the aromatic seasoning throughout the year, you can prepare it for future use. You need to know that only mature plants are suitable for drying. Young mint will quickly lose its spicy aroma and beneficial features.
First of all, this spicy herb is an indispensable component of an aromatic herbal drink. Therefore, you need to know how to properly dry mint for tea. Mint leaves are collected before flowering, but with inflorescences. To dry the stems with leaves, the plant is collected after flowering, when the highest content is observed. essential oil in them. You can also dry fragrant flowers, which contain a lot of useful elements. It is important to harvest mint in dry weather, usually in August. Cut off one third of the stem length.
Ideal option for preparation is mint grown independently on garden plot. Greens collected from fields and meadows are also good. The main thing is to collect mint away from major highways.
In this photo recipe we will show you how to dry mint in an electric dryer.

Taste Info How to dry...


  • mint sprigs;
  • electric dryer;
  • linen thread;
  • kitchen napkin.

How to make dried mint at home

We choose high-quality, fresh mint and rinse it thoroughly under running water. Place the greens on a linen napkin to remove excess moisture.

We divide the leaves into small bunches and tie each one with linen thread.

Place the greens on the rack of an electric dryer. If you have a dryer with large holes, so that the dry mint does not fall through them, place a sheet of parchment previously perforated with a toothpick or needle.

After the leaves have reduced in size and dried well, put the grass in a clean box and close it carefully.

Note to the owner:

  • Mint can be frozen by first wrapping the bunches in cling film (frozen mint is suitable for decorating and making cocktails).
  • To dry mint, you can also use the oven (on the “Convection” mode) and dry it at a low temperature.
  • To prevent mint leaves from becoming frayed during the drying process, it is recommended to tie the sprigs with linen thread. You can dry several herbs at once: raspberry, cherry and currant leaves. The result will be an interesting and tasty collection.
  • If natural drying is planned, that is, without the use of special household appliances, it is necessary to provide shade to the greenery. Drying under the rays of the sun is strictly forbidden, as this will lose all the healing properties of the plant. Optimal temperature drying should not exceed 30 degrees, otherwise the heat will “kill” medicinal properties and the smell of the plant. Normal drying will take a week.
  • To store dried mint, it is recommended to use glass jars with tight-fitting lids or cotton, linen bags. It is advisable not to put mint in plastic bags.
  • Shelf life. Dried leaves can be stored for up to two years.

To know how to dry mint at home, just follow the rules described above.
Dried mint is an excellent seasoning for vegetable, fruit, meat salads, soups and broths. You can grind it into powder or add pieces of leaves, the latter option is more preferable. Mint is even added to dairy products: cheeses and cottage cheese. And, of course, this spicy herb is the main ingredient in the preparation of healing herbal drinks.

Mint is a true storehouse of beneficial elements, and the unique aroma of this plant has turned it into a popular tea additive. However, contrary to popular belief, mint can be used not only as an additive to tea. So, in Ancient Rome They rubbed mint on student tables because it was believed that the mint aroma activated brain activity. Currently, mint is used in cooking as a seasoning for dishes. In Europe, aromatic leaves are used to add flavor to sauces and marinades. In the summer heat, drinks with a sprig of mint (for example) will perfectly quench your thirst and give you a boost of energy. It is also used in the pharmaceutical industry, perfumery and confectionery.

At times when it is impossible to get fresh mint, you can use dried leaves of the plant. If drying was carried out taking into account all the recommendations, then the leaves will retain the beneficial properties of this plant and the aroma for which it has gained such popularity. Today you will learn how to preserve the most valuable properties of mint even in its dried leaves.

Preparing raw materials for drying

If you decide to dry mint for the winter, then you need to take care of this at the beginning of summer. Optimal time For harvesting this plant, June-July is considered. Only branches of a fully blossomed plant should be cut, since the aromatic properties of mint are fully manifested only in them. The branches you cut must be completely dry, otherwise they will turn brown after drying. After cutting, the raw materials should be immediately removed from the sun, because under the influence sun rays Essential oils will evaporate from the mint.

How to dry mint to preserve all its properties and aroma

You can dry both individual leaves and twigs. If you decide to dry mint sprigs, they should be collected in large bunches, tied and hung in a well-ventilated, covered area. It is also necessary to dry the mint in separate leaves in a shaded place, placing them on paper or a clean rag; the leaves should be turned over from time to time.

Dried mint leaves can be ground into powder and placed in tightly sealed jars. Mint should be stored in a cool place away from light. If you want to preserve the whole mint leaves, you can do this by putting them in a cotton, well-breathing bag; storing them in any other way can lead to the leaves becoming frozen and unsuitable for consumption.

Is it possible to dry mint in the oven?

Many people will now wonder whether it is possible to dry mint in the oven, because it is much easier and faster? This method of drying plant leaves takes place. Nevertheless, it is better not to resort to it, since mint dried in this way loses its aromatic bouquet almost completely.