Replanting Kalanchoe. Reproduction and care at home

Kalanchoe kalandiva is one of the most common types of Kalanchoe. The plant has long and firmly established itself on windowsills. modern apartments. Low maintenance requirements, successful adaptation to home conditions and long flowering delight the owners and ensure the appearance of new fans. At favorable conditions You can enjoy the sight of opening buds for more than six months.

  • 1 Description of the plant
  • 2 Types grown at home
  • 3 Recommendations for ensuring the correct microclimate
  • 4 Planting and transplanting procedure
  • 5 Important nuances plant care
  • 6 What problems might a grower encounter?
  • 7 How does a plant propagate at home?

Description of the plant

Kalanchoe kalandiva (also known as Kalanchoe kalandiva mini) is one of the varieties of Kalanchoe Blossfeld, bred through selective breeding. The hybrid differs from its “parent” in its compactness and abundance of flowering. The bush, 25–30 cm high, is literally strewn with bright double buds.

Kalanchoe calandiva - a popular indoor plant

The plant is a succulent (capable of storing water and nutrients in fleshy stems and leaves). Multiple shoots are erect, bare. Sheet plates dark green, fleshy, glossy, ovoid. The average length is 4–6 cm, arranged oppositely, the edges are slightly jagged.

The leaves of Kalanchoe calandiva are dense and fleshy - in them the plant stores a supply of moisture and nutrients

Inflorescences in the form of a shield. The flowers are small (1–1.5 cm in diameter), double, with petals of bright colors. The peculiarity of the species is long flowering (up to 8 months).

During the flowering period, Kalanchoe Kalandiva resembles a bright ball, the double flowers are so densely located

Video: what Kalanchoe kalandiva looks like

Types grown at home

Most often, Kalanchoe calandiva is found on sale with the additive in the name “mini” or “mix”. The first means the compactness of the plant (the height of the bush is no more than 15 cm). The second is not a variety or a separate species, this is a mixture of 3-5 plants with petals of different shades. The most common are white and pink, but scarlet, yellow, peach and lilac look even more spectacular.

Kalanchoe calandiva comes in a stunning variety of vibrant colors; the hardest thing is to make a choice

Kalanchoe calandiva - exceptional unpretentious plant. But in order to bloom on next year, it needs “rest”. That's why optimal conditions for periods of active vegetation and dormancy differ significantly.

Table: optimal conditions in different seasons

Season Lighting Temperature Humidity
Spring Summer Bright diffused light. East or west windows. Kalanchoe needs 9 hours of daylight. In cloudy weather, additional lighting with fluorescent or phytolamps is necessary. 18–30oC. The range is quite wide, which once again confirms the undemanding nature of the plant. Doesn't matter. Does not require additional spraying (except for heat above 35°C). From time to time it is useful for the plant to give it a warm shower. This sanitary procedure is also effective preventative measure against diseases and pests.
Autumn winter Light partial shade. Complete darkness is undesirable. The temperature at which flower buds form for the next season is 14–16°C. Normal air humidity, characteristic of modern apartments, is suitable. It is advisable to remove the pot away from working radiators.

Planting and transplanting procedure

Kalanchoe kalandiva (young plants up to 3 years old) is replanted annually, in early spring. For adults, one procedure every 3-4 years is enough. During flowering and “rest” it is not disturbed.

For each subsequent transplant, you need to take a pot 1–2 cm wider than the previous one. Optimal size for an adult plant - a container with a diameter of 12 to 18 cm.

Suitable soil

The substrate sold in stores for cacti and succulents is quite suitable. But experienced flower growers They prefer to prepare the soil themselves. Special requirements Kalanchoe does not show kalandiva to it. Only neutral acidity and good aeration are important.

  • universal soil and coarse river sand (4:1);
  • leaf humus, sand, peat, turf and leaf soil(equally).

A drainage layer at least 1–2 cm thick is required at the bottom of the pot.

For Kalanchoe calandiva, purchased substrate for cacti and succulents is perfect

Step-by-step instructions for transplantation

  • Water the Kalanchoe generously, wait 10–15 minutes and remove the plant from the pot along with a lump of earth on the roots.
  • Place it in a new pot on drainage, sprinkled with fresh soil (layer 3–5 cm thick). Add soil around the edges, compacting it a little.
  • Water the plant moderately and put it in partial shade for 3-4 days. Then return it to its original place and care for it as usual.
  • The top layer of soil can be mulched with pebbles or small wood chips. This will retain moisture and also protect the soil from mold.
  • After shopping kalanchoe Calandiva needs immediate replanting unless the plant is blooming. Universal store-bought soil is not suitable for succulents. You should remove the flower from the pot and wash the roots to completely get rid of the “wrong” soil. And only then place it in a new substrate.

    Kalanchoe calandiva is transplanted using the transshipment method without destroying the earthen ball

    Important nuances of plant care

    How to care for Kalanchoe kalandiva? Unpretentiousness does not mean that you can completely forget about the flower. Even the most can't stand this undemanding plants. Kalanchoe calandiva can survive most of the gardener's unintentional mistakes. The exception is frequent and/or too much watering, which provokes the development of rot. It is this aspect that needs to be paid attention to Special attention when caring for Kalanchoe kalandiva.


    Water the Kalanchoe with settled water room temperature about once a week. If it is very hot outside - every 3-4 days. The next watering is needed when upper layer the soil will dry to a depth of 2 cm.

    Over-wetting the soil can lead to rapid rotting. In fact, this is the only way to definitely destroy the plant.

    In winter, watering is reduced to once every 12–15 days. Pay attention to the condition of the leaves. If they are limp to the touch, lose tone, or are covered with wrinkles, the plant needs to be watered immediately.

    Kalanchoe kalandiva is watered once a week during the active growing season.

    Fertilizer application

    To feed Kalanchoe, you need to use ready-made fertilizer for cacti and succulents. Natural organics are absolutely not suitable. The nitrogen it contains will encourage the plant to intensively grow green mass and not bloom (there will be no strength left for this).

    The fertilizer is prepared according to the instructions. Water the soil with the solution 1–2 times a month during the active growing season. During "rest" feeding is not needed.

    Fertilizer for cacti and succulents is suitable for feeding Kalanchoe calandiva.

    Video: how to care for Kalanchoe kalandiva at home

    Flowering time: how to make a plant bloom?

    At proper care Kalanchoe Kalandiva pleases its owners lush flowering, which lasts from the end of winter until at least July. Sometimes it stretches until autumn.

    To do this, it is necessary to provide Kalanchoe kalandiva with a period of rest with low temperature, moderate watering and lighting. It is under such conditions that the plant lays flower buds. In November, the bush is pinched, after which buds should appear. If you did not wait for flowering in winter, the procedure must be repeated in March.

    Kalanchoe kalandiva blooms for more than six months

    Some gardeners consider Kalanchoe calandiva a “disposable” plant that can only be thrown away after flowering. Indeed, it is gradually drying up. However, in this case, the petioles (tops of the shoots) should be rooted, from which new plants will emerge. With proper care they will bloom next winter.

    Rest period

    When flowering ends, Kalanchoe kalandiva begins a dormant period. It lasts approximately 1.5–2 months. At this time, you need to limit watering and ensure a low temperature (14–16 ° C), placing the pot in partial shade. You can, for example, put it under the table or on a shelf in the back of the room.

    At the end of the dormant period, the plant is returned to its usual place, fertilizing is resumed and watering is increased.


    Kalanchoe kalandiva grows very quickly and within a year can form a bush up to 30 cm in height and diameter. Therefore, the plant requires pruning. Young specimens should be pinched (remove 1–2 top sheets from each branch) immediately as they begin to grow. As necessary, during the active growing season, the tops of some shoots are cut off again until a bush of the desired shape is formed.

    Pinching the top of Kalanchoe kalandiva will allow you to form a lush bush

    During flowering, the bushes are not touched, and after it ends, all flower stalks are cut off at the very base. This will encourage new shoots to grow.

    For Kalanchoe trimmings you need to use sharp, disinfected tools - a knife or a stationery blade. Leaves and stems should not be broken off. Also, don’t get carried away - you can remove a maximum of a quarter of the volume of green mass at a time.

    Pruning Kalanchoe calandiva stimulates the appearance of new shoots with flower buds

    You can form Kalanchoe on a trunk (one trunk). Then it will remind miniature tree. To do this, choose the strongest stem and remove all the stems extending from it. side shoots without touching the apical ones. When the trunk reaches the height required by the owner, you need to pinch the top and allow the side shoots to develop. The lower 5–15 cm remain bare, all growth on them is cut off.

    What problems might a grower encounter?

    Kalanchoe calandiva, like any other plant, reacts negatively to errors in care. First of all, external decorativeness suffers. The most unequivocal sign that something does not suit him is the absence of flowering. In addition to the grower himself, the plant can be harmed by pathogenic fungi, bacteria and insects.

    Yellowness of Kalanchoe calandiva leaves means lack of light or moisture

    If measures were not taken on time, the plant affected by root rot can only be thrown away

    Powdery mildew develops especially quickly when high humidity and cold drafts

    Aphids are one of the most “universal” pests indoor plants; She won’t disdain Kalanchoe either

    Video: possible problems when growing Kalanchoe

    How does a plant propagate at home?

    Propagation of Kalanchoe calandiva is carried out by stem or leaf cuttings. Since it branches intensively, there is a deficiency planting material is guaranteed not to occur. The main thing is to choose an absolutely healthy plant.

  • Use a sharp, disinfected knife to cut off top part a shoot about 5 cm long or a separate leaf. Treat the “wounds” with crushed chalk, activated carbon, cinnamon.
  • Dry the cuttings for 3-4 hours in the open air.
  • Prepare a container with wet sand. Sprinkle the sections with any powdered root formation stimulator (Zircon, Kornevin).
  • Plant the cuttings, deepening them to about 2 cm. Instead of soil, you can use water or a weak solution of Epin, potassium humate (2–3 ml per liter of water). Then the cutting is placed in a glass, removing lower leaves, the fluid is changed every 2 days.

    To root, Kalanchoe cuttings need to be buried 2 cm into the ground.

  • Place containers in plastic bags, tie them tightly, creating a greenhouse. It is ventilated daily for 5–10 minutes. Provide a temperature of about 25°C and bright diffused light. As the substrate dries, moisten it with a spray bottle.
  • Roots form within a week. Wait another 10–12 days and transplant the plants into small pots with soil suitable for Kalanchoe calandiva. Further care ordinary.
  • Cuttings of Kalanchoe calandiva produce roots very quickly

    Kalanchoe propagation by leaves follows the same pattern. They are cut off, the petiole is removed, and the “wound” is allowed to dry for 2–3 hours. Then they are placed vertically in the soil, buried 2 cm. However, the cuttings produce roots quickly, and leaves more slowly (the process can take 3–4 weeks).

    Kalanchoe can also be propagated by seeds, but this method is not very common at home. Due to the fact that the plant is a hybrid, it is difficult to preserve varietal characteristics, especially the fullness and shade of the petals.

    Video: propagation of Kalanchoe at home

    Any gardener, even a beginner, can grow Kalanchoe kalandiva on a windowsill. This plant is reasonably considered to be very easy to care for. Having received just a little attention from the owner, it will delight him for six months or even more with bright and abundant flowering, invariably lifting his spirits.

    Kalanchoe has won the love of flower growers not only due to its originality. Unpretentiousness also played an important role, because varieties of this succulent are suitable for growing by novice gardeners and those who simply cannot spend a lot of time caring for their home jungle.

    However, for all its undemanding nature, Kalanchoe requires minimal attention, which consists of proper watering, organizing daylight hours and replanting. Changing the soil and pot helps prevent depletion of the bush and will only benefit it. To avoid mistakes during the transplantation process, you need to familiarize yourself with the basic rules and features of the process.

    Kalanchoe transplantation may be required in the following cases:

    • The plant was recently purchased. Blooming Kalanchoe, which are sold in stores, go through the forcing stage and are planted in a substrate where the amount of nutrients is stored for 2-3 months. Often a bush arrives at a grower’s house almost depleted, so successful adaptation to new conditions will require replanting;
    • Kalanchoe has bloomed. Flowering takes a lot from the plant vitality, therefore, updating the substrate will only benefit it, saturating it with the necessary macro- and microelements;
    • Roots extend from drainage holes. This situation indicates that root system filled all the free space of the pot and braided the earthen ball. In cramped conditions, the roots cannot develop normally, they bend, as a result of which the nutrition of the bush is disrupted;
    • Low quality land. If it begins to appear on the substrate white coating, mold, it has become very compacted, it is recommended to urgently replant the Kalanchoe, since the bush will wither in such soil;
    • Possible diseases. If the Kalanchoe root system begins to rot, the plant withers, drops leaves, or other signs of disease appear, an unscheduled replanting will help.

    Frequency of transplants

    Since young specimens (up to 4 years old) grow and stretch towards the light very quickly, they need to be replanted annually, increasing the volume of the pot. In mature bushes, growth slows down, so they do not need to be replanted as often. In general, the procedure is carried out approximately once every 2-3 years, depending on the condition of the root system.

    It is ideal to replant Kalanchoe in the spring, when juices are actively moving along its trunk. Many gardeners change the soil in April after flowering ends. However, some bushes this month still delight with bright buds, so it is best to postpone manipulations until the inflorescences dry. If you disturb flowering bush, he may not be able to cope with the resulting stress and will begin to get sick. The same applies to purchased Kalanchoes - before the end of budding, it is recommended to create suitable lighting, temperature and watering for the plant, and postpone replanting to a later date.

    The right substrate for Kalanchoe

    Kalanchoe is sold in a peat-coconut substrate, but at home the plant will be much more comfortable in nutritious and loose soil. If you transplant the bush into similar soil, the adaptation of the bush will be faster and with less stress.

    The ideal soil for Kalanchoe allows water and air to pass through well, does not cake and does not contain pests or fungal spores. It is the substrate components that could potentially be contaminated (peat, sand, soil different composition), must be disinfected. To do this, the mixture is placed in the oven or microwave and steamed for half an hour at a temperature of 100 degrees Celsius.

    If you decide to use a purchased substrate as the basis for the soil, both universal soil and a special composition for succulent plants will be suitable for this. They are diluted with a small amount river sand, which acts as a leavening agent.

    You can prepare the soil for replanting yourself by mixing the following components:

    • 4 parts of peat or substrate with a high content;
    • 2 parts of turf land;
    • 1 part river sand.

    Another scheme for the earth mixture is also suitable:

    • 1 part river sand;
    • 1 part purified peat;
    • 4 parts of turf land;
    • 2 parts leaf soil;
    • 2 tablespoons crushed charcoal.

    It is mandatory for Kalanchoe to have a drainage layer that prevents rotting of the root system. For this thin layer Expanded clay, small pieces of red brick, pebbles or crushed stone are placed on the bottom of the pot.

    How to choose a suitable pot

    Pot size – important condition for the proper development of Kalanchoe. Containers of small diameter (12-18 cm) are used, and the size of each subsequent pot for replanting exceeds the size of the previous one by about 2 cm. This trick helps to achieve frequent and abundant flowering a bush that grows in moderately cramped conditions and does not spend much time and effort growing foliage and roots.

    The use of bulk pots is highly undesirable - it is easy to fill a large container with Kalanchoe. Too moist soil negatively affects the health of the plant, the roots begin to rot and disappear. If you do not intervene in time, you can ruin a once-flowering bush. Drainage holes – required condition For successful cultivation Kalanchoe, since with their help excess moisture is removed into the pan.

    As for the material, it is advisable to give preference here natural materials: glazed clay or ceramics. They retain all the pores that allow the Kalanchoe to “breathe”. In addition, in such a pot, excess moisture will be removed naturally.

    However, planting Kalanchoe in plastic pots not contraindicated. Of course this one synthetic material does not allow air to pass through like ceramics, but the root system of the bush will also be quite comfortable in it. The main thing is that the container is stable and not deformed.

    Instructions for replanting Kalanchoe at home

    Before directly transplanting the Kalanchoe, you need to carefully examine it, paying great attention to the leaves and roots. To do this, the plant is removed from the old pot and if there is any suspicion of rot or other diseases, the soil is carefully removed from the root system. If the roots look healthy, there is no need to violate the integrity of the earthen coma - a simple transfer is carried out into a large container.

    A diseased Kalanchoe requires the removal of all suspicious root processes, dry and damaged leaves. The cut areas should be sprinkled with crushed activated or charcoal for the prevention of rot.

    Transplantation at home is carried out in several stages:

    1. A layer of drainage is placed at the bottom of another pot, which is covered with 2-3 centimeters of prepared fresh soil on top.
    2. The plant is placed in the center of the container, the roots need to be straightened and covered with substrate.
    3. All voids in the pot are filled, and it is recommended to periodically compact the soil a little.
    4. The soil level should be 1.5-2 cm below the edges of the pot, and the root collar should be at ground level; you should not bury it - this can cause rotting of the Kalanchoe stem.
    5. If the transplanted bush is unstable, the soil near the stem is compacted more strongly, and the trunk itself is tied to a peg until it takes root.
    6. The soil must be mulched - for this it is covered with a thin layer of crushed shells or pebbles. This technique will help reduce moisture evaporation and prevent the development of mold.

    Care after transplant

    During the first 2 weeks after transplantation, Kalanchoe needs the conditions necessary for recovery. To do this, the bush needs to provide proper watering, lighting and air humidity.

    Since Kalanchoe is a succulent, when transplanting it into wet ground There is no need to re-water. Excess water can negatively affect the health of the root system. They begin to moisten the soil 2-3 days after completing the work. in small portions and moderately, allowing the soil to dry out a little.

    Dry air that affects Kalanchoe after transplantation can cause yellowing of the foliage. To prevent the bush from losing its decorative appearance, water is sprayed next to it 1-2 times a day from a spray bottle.

    All plants growing on the globe are beautiful. Residents of the tropics South America, Africa and Asia, for example, are accustomed to Kalanchoe in the same way as in Russia they are accustomed to dandelion.

    But we can also grow Kalanchoe in our apartments and admire it all year round. Kalanchoe belongs to the group of decorative deciduous plants, which are pleasing to the eye during the flowering period and look decorative during the dormant period.

    Russian amateur flower growers love Kalanchoe for its unpretentiousness and unpretentiousness to growing conditions. The plant does not require excessive attention and painstaking care.

    Contrary to numerous rumors and speculations, Kalanchoe blooms beautifully at home.

    How to successfully buy Kalanchoe?

    Today, Kalanchoe of the German breeder is widespread in Russia. These are compact plants with inflorescences of different colors: yellow, red, pink, white, orange and even with purple and lilac shades.

    To buy a quality plant, you should pay attention to the plant stems and flowers. There should be no cut branches or faded buds on the bush. This is a guarantee that the plant was brought not so long ago and will flourish for a long time. It is better to purchase Kalanchoe at the beginning of flowering, which occurs at the end of winter.

    How to care for your home Kalanchoe?

    Having brought Kalanchoe home, you need to find a place for it, understanding that the plant loves natural sunlight. Later, in autumn and winter period, take care of illumination with a special lamp for plants. This will position the plant to set large buds and bloom for a long time.

    During the flowering period, caring for Kalanchoe boils down to uniform watering, without over-drying the earthen clod, and timely removal of faded shoots. Removing faded buds prevents the plant from expending additional energy on setting seeds and ensures long-term flowering.

    Admire Kalanchoe flowering at home it can be from 3 to 6 months. Kalanchoe usually fades by May, maybe a little earlier.

    How to water Kalanchoe correctly?

    In summer - occasionally, only when the top layer of soil has dried well. Pour enough water into the pot to wet the top layer so that in just a few seconds the entire field of soil in the pot is lightly covered with water.

    In winter - much less often than in summer. At the beginning of spring, cut off all flower stalks and place the plant on a dark windowsill. Keep it there for 3 weeks, then water it the same way as in winter.

    How to replant Kalanchoe after purchase and is it worth it?

    A flowering plant is not replanted or even transshipped immediately after purchase. Patiently wait for full prosperity and transplant into new soil. Whether it’s the case if, within a couple of days after purchase, you decide to move the plant to a new pot or you think that something is wrong with the plant... It’s quite suitable for these purposes soil soil for succulents. After transplantation, after waiting a few days, the plant is trimmed. All summer, Kalanchoe usually rests and grows green mass. If possible, it is transferred to a cool place, with a temperature no higher than 18 ° C, and left alone.

    For good tillering, Kalanchoe is often pinched and care is taken to ensure that the plants do not stretch out and lose their decorative properties.

    How to propagate Kalanchoe flowers?

    For propagation, cuttings cut after planting are used, but not all of them are suitable for 100% rooting. Select branches that were cut closer to the trunk of the plant so that the lower part of the cutting is mature, that is, lignified. Such cuttings with a mature lower part of the shoot take root better than immature apical shoots. Cuttings are cut from 10 to 20 cm long at an angle, placed in a container with moist soil, and covered with any transparent material. Water the greenhouse with cuttings very sparingly, better method spraying.

    Rooting occurs quickly. After 2-3 weeks, the cuttings will begin to grow and begin to grow greenery. By the end of winter you will have neat bushes ready for flowering.

    How to feed Kalanchoe?

    Feed Kalanchoe moderately, preferably with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers with a small amount of nitrogen. This allows you to achieve good flowering and compactness of the bush.

    There are two feeding methods to choose from. Twice a season: after flowering, replanting and pruning, and before setting buds. Or they feed constantly, throughout the season, but in limited doses, with each watering.

    Subtleties of lighting for re-blooming

    Kalanchoe, of course, is an unpretentious plant, but if you don’t pay attention to it at all, it will never bloom again. But it is quite possible to make Kalanchoe bloom.

    First way– annual rejuvenation of the plant.

    Rejuvenation is pruning. Every spring, after the Kalanchoe has flourished, it is immediately pruned and cuttings are taken. This creates new young plants that will lay flowering buds faster than older plants.

    How to prune Kalanchoe after flowering correctly?

    All flower stalks must be removed. Shoots that begin to grow are pinched. New shoots that have grown from the pinching site are pinched again at the level of three pairs of leaves. And so on until November.

    Second way– set up a lighting mode suitable for the bookmark flower buds Kalanchoe.

    After flowering, the plant is allowed to rest, while its growth is monitored. Pinch the shoots, otherwise it will not be compact, but will grow into a shapeless bush. Closer to winter, the plant begins to reduce daylight hours. For complete bud formation, it requires 8-9 hours of daylight.

    In greenhouses this is easy to do - adjust the lighting. But at home you will have to try. For a month, cover the plant with a cap made of any light-proof material. lightweight material: paper, fabric stretched over a frame. You can find a light, opaque container that is suitable in size, and carefully cover the plant.

    Since preparation for flowering occurs in winter, when there is insufficient natural light, you can use illumination with phytolamps. For example, from 9 am to 6 pm there is active lamp illumination. After 18 hours - cover with a lightproof cap. They open it in the morning and remember to repeat this process for about two months.
    Usually both methods are combined - pinching and limiting light.

    Diligence and attentiveness will yield results and bring joy from contemplating blooming Kalanchoes.

    Many novice gardeners are wondering how to properly transplant Kalanchoe. So that after replanting the plant does not disappear, but rather increases in growth, and also pleases with lush flowering. There are a number of recommendations regarding transplanting Kalanchoe.

    How to replant Kalanchoe - choosing a pot

    Replanting Kalanchoe should be approached responsibly. First you need to choose the right pot for this flower, because the growth and flowering of the plant will depend on which pot you choose. When choosing a pot, it is worth considering the variety and grade of the flower.

    • The optimal pot size for Kalanchoe is 12-18 cm.
    • When transplanting from one pot to another, you must choose a container 2 cm wider than the previous one.
    • The wrong choice of pot can lead to the growth of greenery, failure to flower, or death of the plant. If you transplanted the plant into a wide pot, the plant will certainly begin to grow in width, and you can forget about flowering. This situation can only be saved by replanting the shoots of this plant in this pot.
    • You should pay special attention to the material from which the pot is made. Ceramic pots are ideal for this purpose. They allow the plant to breathe, thereby removing excess moisture naturally.
    • Before transplanting, you must thoroughly rinse the pot.

    How to replant Kalanchoe - choosing soil

    There are many varieties of Kalanchoe. They are not picky when choosing soil. When purchased, the plant is placed in a temporary transport pot, which is filled with coconut fibers and peat impurities. At home, it needs to be transplanted into another pot and the soil balanced. Kalanchoe prefers loose, acidic soil. Soil acidity can be achieved by adding ground dolomite or lime to the soil. Also, suitable soil can be purchased at specialized flower shops, and at home you can add one-fourth of sand to it. You can prepare the soil for planting Kalanchoe yourself, namely:

    • 4 parts peat soil;
    • 2 parts of garden soil;
    • 1 part sand.

    You can add 1 part of crushed expanded clay or brick, as well as ground coal, to the prepared composition. This is necessary to create soil structure. The prepared soil must be warmed or steamed before planting, so that pests or fungal infections died. Don't forget about drainage. It is important for the proper development of the flower. At the bottom of the pot you need to pour crushed expanded clay or brick 2-3 cm thick.

    How to replant Kalanchoe - procedure

    To ensure that the Kalanchoe does not get sick after transplantation, but grows and enjoys flowering, it is necessary:

    • before planting, carefully examine the roots of the plant to ensure that there is no rot, blackening, or mold that needs to be removed;
    • treat the pot for planting against pests or infections;
    • Pour drainage into the bottom of the pot and sprinkle it with prepared soil;
    • remove the plant from the old pot, while carefully keeping the earthen lump on the roots;
    • move the Kalanchoe to a new pot;
    • add the missing soil to the pot and compact it;
    • mulch the surface of the soil in the new pot with pebbles or other material.

    • From time to time it is necessary to replant the Kalanchoe into another pot, because with proper care the plant grows, children appear and it does not receive the proper amount of nutrients.
    • Before transplanting, the plant must be watered abundantly so as not to damage the root system when removed.
    • Mulching reduces the frequency of watering because it retains moisture and also reduces the possibility of mold growth.
    • It is recommended to plant out the new rosettes that have appeared so that the plant receives useful material in proper quantity.
    • It is not recommended to replant Kalanchoe during the flowering period, because the plant may experience severe stress, thereby shedding its buds.

    Transplanting Kalanchoe does not require a lot of effort and a lot of time, but it is necessary. It promotes fast, healthy growth and lush flowering!

    To ensure proper development and growth of Kalanchoe, the flower must be regularly and promptly transplanted into another pot. The transplant technology is simple and does not require special knowledge and skills. Following the recommendations exactly, even a novice gardener can handle it. If the replanting procedure is carried out correctly and carefully, the plant will not suffer, but, on the contrary, will increase in growth and delight with abundant flowering.

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      Description of the plant and popular varieties

      Indoor kalanchoe plant(Kalanchoe) belongs to the Tolstyankov family. It is not special decorative qualities, has fleshy large leaves in which moisture actively accumulates. The plant is grown for healing properties And beautiful flowering small variegated flowers, collected in umbrellas or panicles. Of the variety of Kalanchoe varieties, several species are most often bred.

      Kalanchoe Kalandiva is a small compact bush with a thick stem and neat fleshy leaves with velvety or smooth surface. This variety is not found in natural conditions, since it was obtained as a result breeding work. Under favorable conditions, Kalandiva blooms for a long time with small flowers collected in lush inflorescences the most varied colors. Kalandiva is propagated by leaves.

      Madagascar is considered the birthplace of Kalanchoe Degremona. This variety is a succulent with a strong, straight stem with a woody area at the base. Degremona differs from other varieties of Kalanchoe in that on the fleshy dark green leaves of an elongated shape, small new plants are formed at the edges, which are called children. This variety blooms with large pinkish-purple bell-shaped flowers. This variety can be propagated by leaves.

      Kalanchoe Blossfeld is the second most popular after Kalandiva. This plant is different small in size and ease of care. Kalanchoe Blossfeld juice is medicinal and has anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effects. To propagate this variety of Kalanchoe, shoots and cuttings are used.

      Kalanchoe mix was obtained as a result of breeding activities from the Kalandiva variety. Unlike its predecessor Kalandiva, the mix has a longer flowering period. The bushes of this variety can grow up to 25 cm in height, have short, weakly branching stems with dark green large ovoid leaves. For propagation, the leaf method is used.

      When is Kalanchoe replanted?

      In flower shops, plants are displayed in the most advantageous form for successful sale and attracting new customers. For Kalanchoe, this is the flowering time when replanting cannot be done. Therefore, if purchased flowering plant, you must wait with the procedure until the plant fades. You cannot leave a succulent in a store-bought pot after purchasing it. Plants are sold in special transport soil, which is not suitable for indoor growing colors. Therefore, for proper development and active growth, Kalanchoe must be transplanted into suitable soil.

      Further replanting Kalanchoe carried out as needed depending on the condition of the plant. For example, if

      • the soil is too dense and does not allow moisture to reach the roots;
      • the roots come out of the drainage holes of the pot;
      • the plant began to wither, the leaves turn yellow and fall off.

      Before transplanting, the plant must be inspected, faded inflorescences, diseased and dried shoots, and excess leaves are removed.

      It is best to replant in the spring, after the Kalanchoe has faded. For normal development of the succulent and intensive flowering, replanting is performed annually.

      Choosing a pot

      From the right choice The growth and flowering of the plant largely depends on the pot, so this issue must be approached responsibly, taking into account the characteristics of the variety. To plant Kalanchoe, select a container with a diameter of 12 to 18 cm. When transplanting a bush from one pot to another, you must choose a new one so that it is 2 cm larger in diameter than the previous one. Too large a difference in size will cause the Kalanchoe to grow in width, and this will certainly delay flowering indefinitely. In this case, only simultaneous planting of several plants in one pot will help.

      It is important to choose pots from suitable material. Ceramic containers are suitable for Kalanchoe. This natural material has microscopic pores through which air will penetrate to the root system. Before use, wash the new pot in soapy solution.

      Soil preparation

      Kalanchoes are unpretentious in the choice of soil, but it is better to plant them in loose and acidic soil. Ideal option will be a special soil mixture for succulents, purchased at a flower shop. If it is not possible to purchase such soil, prepare the soil yourself by mixing 4 parts peat soil with 2 parts garden soil and 1 part sand. Additionally, you can add 1 part of brick chips to this mixture to create a looser structure. To destroy pests, the prepared soil must be heated in the oven or steamed.

      A drainage layer of expanded clay or broken bricks with a thickness of at least 2 cm must be placed at the bottom of the pot.


      After preparing a suitable pot and soil, you can begin replanting the plant at home. Step-by-step transplantation is performed as follows:

      1. 1. Place a layer of drainage on the bottom of the pot and sprinkle it with a small amount of prepared soil.
      2. 2. Water the flower in an old pot to make it easier and more convenient to remove.
      3. 3. Carefully pull out the Kalanchoe, clean the root system from the soil and inspect it. If damaged or rotten roots are found, they should be removed. In adult Kalanchoe with a developed root system, the earthen ball is not removed, but the plant is replanted along with it.
      4. 4. The bush needs to be planted in a new pot, straighten the roots and sprinkle them with soil.
      5. 5. Holding the plant exactly in the center, add soil so that it does not reach the edge of the pot by 2 cm. Lightly press the soil near the stem and water the plant.

      Care after transplant

      Immediately after transplantation, watering should be plentiful so that moisture penetrates to the drainage layer. IN further plant It is necessary to irrigate moderately, only when the top layer of soil dries out. Even in the hot summer, Kalanchoe is watered no more than twice a week to prevent the root system from rotting. Plants with smooth leaves can be misted on cool days.

      The temperature in the room where the transplanted Kalanchoe is located should be moderate: from +18 to +25 degrees in the warm season. In winter, the air temperature is allowed to drop to 20 degrees. If it drops below +10 degrees, the plant may die.

      During the period of budding or flowering, you can feed Kalanchoe with fertilizers for succulents or mixtures that stimulate the process. In winter, fertilizing is carried out only as a last resort, if the plant is severely depleted and needs minerals.