We offer you wastewater treatment from oils. Restoring the body using structured tap water Filter element for separating water from oil

It is much more pleasant to observe a rainbow in the sky after rain than on the surface of water raised from a well. The source may be contaminated by oil or other petroleum products that have entered the water. How to get rid of them?

These beautiful stains are a sign of the presence of oil in the well, making the water undrinkable.

Reasons for oil getting into the well

The most common cause of water contamination is pump depressurization. Some models have a chamber containing up to 200 milliliters of oil. It is necessary to cool the elements, lubricate parts and extend the service life of the mechanism.

The cause of oil getting into well water may be depressurization of the pump.

It’s worse when the reason for the ingress of oil, gasoline, diesel fuel or other petroleum products is a leak from gas stations or car washes. Substances could penetrate into the soil along with melt water or as a result of intentional draining. It will be difficult to cope with such pollution.

It’s easier if oil or other substance gets into the well by accident. For example, you clumsily dropped a bottle with remaining oil, or it spilled next to a well and entered the source through cracks in the walls.

What not to do?

So, an oil film has formed on the surface of the water, and you don’t know what to do. The first thing that comes to mind is to use detergent, which can attract and neutralize oil. Do not do this under any circumstances. Washing powder and dishwashing detergents (for example, Fairy) contain surfactants - they will further spoil the water and make it unfit for consumption.

The second thing that might come to mind is to pump water out of the well. No water - no oil. Also a mistake. When pumping water, oil will settle on the drains of the well and its bottom, which will also aggravate the problem.

The third misconception is that the oil is not dangerous and will go away on its own. If the problem is not addressed immediately, the oil will contaminate the surface of the well. In this case, you will have to pump out the water and the entire well.

If oil has formed on the surface of the water, do not use it under any circumstances. household chemicals and do not pump out all the water from the well.

How to clean oil from a well?

Remember the main rule: if there are traces of oil in well water, then such water cannot be used for drinking or watering plants. If contamination is detected, you must immediately stop using the liquid. If you have identified the source of contamination, then, if possible, it must be eliminated promptly (for example, remove a jar that accidentally fell into the well with residual oil).

Folk way: Small amounts of oil can be easily collected with sawdust. To do this, the surface of the well must be covered with dry sawdust. Wait a few minutes and collect them.

The well cleaning algorithm is as follows:

Collect oil from the surface of the water using absorbents that attract contaminants (if you don't have special means, then even plain paper will do) / you can also use a small pump that pumps out dirt from the surface; - pump out the water one meter from the level of contamination;

Wash the walls with water under high pressure(constantly pumping out liquid); - clean the bottom of the well and replace the bottom filter;

If water contamination is caused by a gas station or car wash, then seal the seams in the well rings.

If there was heavy pollution well, the cleaning procedure must be repeated 2-3 times.

Cleaning Wastewater removal of oil-containing impurities, depending on the composition and concentration of impurities, is carried out by settling, processing in hydrocyclones, flotation and filtration. When settling, oil particles with a density lower than the density of water float up according to the same laws as the sedimentation of heavy particles. The settling process is carried out in settling tanks, as well as in oil traps with a low concentration of mechanical contaminants. The design of oil traps is similar to the design of a horizontal flow-through settling tank (see, Fig. 46). With an average residence time of wastewater in the oil trap of two hours, its movement speed is 0.003-0.008 m/s. As a result of settling, the oil products contained in the water float to the surface, from where they are removed by an oil collecting device (Fig. 53). To calculate oil traps, it is necessary to know the rate of floating of oil products, which is determined by formula (10), and the wastewater flow rate. Then the calculation comes down to determining the geometric dimensions of the trap and the settling time of the wastewater.

To purify concentrated oil-containing wastewater from engineering enterprises, for example, wastewater from metal-cutting machines, wastewater treatment with special reagents that promote the coagulation of contaminants in emulsions is widely used. The reagents used are Na 2 CO 3, H 2 SO 4, NaCl, A1 2 (SO 4) 3, a mixture of NaCl and A1 2 (SO 4) 3, etc.

In table Table 28 shows the efficiency of oil removal from wastewater from the Chelyabinsk Pipe Rolling Plant in settling tanks without treatment and with treatment with reagents. The oil concentration at the entrance to the settling tank varied from 0.05 to 0.63 kg/m 3 .

Wastewater is purified from oil impurities with high viscosity and high density in hydrocyclones, the operating principle and characteristics of which are described in § 22.

Purification of wastewater from oil impurities by flotation involves intensifying the process of floating of oil products and fats while enveloping their particles with air bubbles supplied to the wastewater. This process is based on the molecular adhesion of oil particles and bubbles of finely dispersed air in water. The formation of particle-air bubble aggregates depends on the intensity of their collisions with each other, the chemical interaction of substances in the water, excess air pressure in wastewater, etc.

Depending on the method of formation of air bubbles, several types of flotation are distinguished: pressure, pneumatic, foam, chemical, biological, electroflotation, etc.

Pressure flotation units are most widely used in wastewater treatment systems (Fig. 54). Contaminated wastewater through pipe 1 enters the receiving tank 2, from where it is supplied to the saturator 6 through the suction pipe 3 using pump 5. Through pipe 4, wastewater enters compressed air with a flow rate of at least 3% of the volumetric flow rate of wastewater. In the saturator, water and air are mixed. This process takes place at an excess pressure of 30-50 Pa, the residence time of the liquid in the saturator is 2-3 minutes. From the saturator, a mixture of water and air is removed through a pipe and through nozzles 8 is directed to the flotation chamber 7, in which the “oil impurity - air particles” aggregates float to the surface of the chamber. To remove oil products, a foam collector 9 is provided, and purified wastewater is removed through pipe 10. The efficiency of wastewater purification from oil impurities in such installations reaches 0.85-0.95.

In pneumatic flotation installations, water is saturated with air due to the ejection of air supplied through an ejector. The froth flotation process consists of intensifying the process of floating of oil impurities as a result of enveloping them in foam formed by the introduction of flotation foaming reagents. During chemical flotation, the process of formation of air bubbles occurs as a result of the chemical interaction of special reagents with wastewater. During vibration flotation, air bubbles are released from water under the influence of vibration loads. Biological flotation is based on the separation of air bubbles from wastewater as a result of its interaction with a biologically active mass. However, all these types of flotation are still very rarely used in wastewater treatment practice due to their technical complexity.

In recent years, the electroflotation method has been introduced into industry. The advantages of this method are that the electrochemical redox processes occurring during electroflotation provide additional neutralization of wastewater. In addition, the use of aluminum or iron electrodes causes the transition of aluminum or iron ions into solution, which contributes to the coagulation of the smallest particles of contaminants contained in wastewater.

Purification of wastewater from oil-containing impurities by filtration - The final stage cleaning. This is explained by the fact that the concentration of oil products in wastewater at the outlet of settling tanks or hydrocyclones is 0.05 ÷ 2 kg/m 3 and significantly exceeds the permissible concentrations of oil products in reservoirs.

Adsorption of oils (as well as any petroleum products) on the surface of the filter material occurs due to the forces of intermolecular interaction and ionic bonds. A significant influence on the process of deposition of oil products on the filter material is electrical phenomena, occurring at the quartz-interface water environment, associated with the occurrence of an electrical potential difference on this surface and the formation of a double electrical layer. The adsorption process of oil products is also affected by surfactants contained in wastewater. Surfactant anions are oriented bonded to the quartz surface through metal cations, usually located on the quartz surface. As a result, the quartz particle becomes hydrophobic, which promotes the deposition of oil films on it. The oil adsorption process is also affected by the interaction of oil droplets with oxygen dissolved in water, resulting in the formation of oil oxides, the adsorption capacity of which is significantly higher than that of oil droplets. In addition to the indicated physicochemical factors, the deposition process is affected by the speed and direction of filtration. At increased speeds of approach of oil droplets to the surface of the filter material, the intensity of adsorption decreases. Studies of filtering processes for wastewater containing oil impurities have shown that quartz sand is the best filter material. The use of reagents increases the cleaning efficiency, but the cost increases significantly treatment facilities and the process of their operation becomes more complicated. The resulting sediment requires additional devices for its processing.

As filter materials except quartz sand dolomite, expanded clay, and glauconite are used. The efficiency of wastewater purification from oil-containing impurities increases significantly with the addition of fibrous materials(asbestos and asbestos-cement production waste).

The listed filter materials are characterized by a number of disadvantages: low filtration speed and complexity of the regeneration process. These disadvantages are eliminated when using foamed polyurethane as a filter material. Polyurethane foams, having a high oil-absorbing capacity, provide a cleaning efficiency of up to 0.97-0.99 at a filtration speed of up to 0.01 m/s; the polyurethane foam nozzle is easily regenerated by mechanically squeezing out oil products.

In Fig. 55 shows a diagram of a polyurethane filter for purifying wastewater from oil impurities. Waste water through pipeline 1 enters distribution chamber 2 and through control valve 3 and water distribution windows 4 is supplied to filter 5 filled with polyurethane foam 6. Having passed through layers of filter material, waste water is cleared of oil and suspended solids and is discharged through a mesh bottom 13 through pipeline 14 To maintain a constant level of purified water, the filter is equipped with a chamber 12 with a control valve 11. Regeneration of polyurethane foam particles is carried out by a special device installed on a mobile cart 10, which allows the entire volume of the filter to be regenerated. The oil-saturated polyurethane foam particles are fed by a chain elevator 7 to the squeezing drums 8 and, having been freed from oily and suspended substances, are fed back into the filter. The squeezed-out contaminants are taken away through a collection chute 9 for further processing. In table 29 shows the characteristics of the polyurethane filter.

So what to do? Where to begin ?

From the water! From drinking pure structured water, which restores the rheological properties of not only blood, lymph, but in general body fluids. Restoring the hydrodynamics of the body as a whole. Only in this way, i.e. By activating the hydrodynamics of all levels of the body, you can start the process of general cleansing of the body. Not in parts - intestines, liver, joints, etc. - but in general. In fact, water becomes our first and most amazingly effective medicine. Every cell of the body is washed, every cell begins to breathe freely, and the energy of the cell increases. And, as a result, the overall health of the body begins. It is worth noting that the process of detoxification and cleansing of the body will take place in the sequence and hierarchy that nature itself set. We can only support and strengthen this process, trying not to disrupt its logic...

It must be clean, i.e. filtered water. It should not be boiled, because... after boiling, its biochemical and biophysical properties change sharply in a direction unfavorable for us.

In nature, water has a very specific structure. This is liquid crystal. And, like any crystal, it has the ability to remember and record information about many processes occurring in nature. In essence, natural, structured water carries information about life itself, about its movement, and carries a certain energy-information matrix that regulates the ratios of substances necessary for the development of life. That is why it is desirable that drinking water retains this structure. Boiling destroys the liquid crystalline structure of water. We have about 5 liters of blood, 2 liters of lymph, about 35-40 liters of intra- and intercellular fluid in our body. That is why, in order to restore the necessary and sufficient level of endoecological purity, 2-2.5 liters of water per day are needed.

So, from tomorrow and as long as you are alive, you begin to drink pure, unboiled, unheated, room temperature, preferably structured water. This could be melt water infused with silicon. This can be ordinary water, passed through a water purifying filter, which is based on a track membrane, which at present allows you to obtain drinking water that is almost ideal for the body, and structured at that. These are filters from the FTM series. I report them not for the sake of advertising, but for the sake of truth. These are the safest, most unpretentious and stable devices, operating in the field, in villages, country houses, in expeditionary conditions and in urban life.

You need to drink water in sips, several sips, fractionally, and not in one gulp. With this method of drinking, water very quickly passes into the intestines and disperses throughout the body. A “dropper” effect occurs. The uniqueness of this effect is that even if a person is predisposed for one reason or another to edema, it does not occur. And the usual swelling associated with heart or kidney failure, as a rule, disappears after a few days.

If edema already exists, in order to help the body cope with it, you need to stop using it for a while. table salt, because sodium retains water in the body. As a rule, a week is enough to dramatically improve the situation with existing swelling.

An additional means of helping with swelling, at first, can be tea made from the herb parsley. 1 tablespoon of finely chopped fresh parsley, or 1 teaspoon of dry, is brewed with a glass of boiling water, infused for 7-10 minutes and drunk in warm sips. Parsley has a mild diuretic and bactericidal effect. It increases urination and at the same time sanitizes the urinary tract. And this is important in case of liquid stagnation. 1-2 glasses of this tea per day is enough. In the morning - before breakfast and around 18-19 pm.

Every day you need to drink clean structured water.

  • With a weight of 60 kg and above - 2.5-3 liters per day.
  • Weight over 40 kg - 2-2.5 liters per day.
  • Weight over 30 kg - 1.5-2 liters per day.
  • Weight over 20 kg - 1-1.5 liters per day.
  • Weight over 10 kg - 0.5 liters per day.

You need to drink fractionally, in sips. 3-5 sips, preferably at intervals of 1-2 minutes.

The first and inescapable element is water. Completion and preparation of the course begins with the fact that we change the drinking regime. The main task is to “soak” the body before starting subsequent techniques. Modern city dwellers have almost forgotten what water is. But in this pure, amazing crystal lies our whole life. Seventy percent of our body is water.

Water is an absolutely amazing tool for influencing the system of internal self-regulation. Why? Because with the help of water we re-form the body’s fluids. It is necessary to drink 2.5 liters of water - half the amount of blood that is in our body. Blood changes throughout the day, which means that by giving clean water all the time, we begin to keep the blood itself, that is, the plasma of life, in order. Does this change the reaction of the defense system? Certainly! She becomes better, stronger, more active, she herself begins to work, to heal us. The question of how long you should drink water should not arise at all. We can live without food for 40 days, and many people, for the sake of prevention, for the sake of maintaining health, carry out forty-day fasts, and without water we can live for a maximum of a week, and then after 3 days a catastrophic situation will arise for the body. Children under 13 years old need 1.5-2 liters, small children - up to 1.5 liters, young man 17-18 years old - 2-2.5 liters of water per day. At a more mature age, we should reach 3 liters, because over the years our body, unfortunately, dries out and becomes dehydrated.

The second element is nutrition. When you change your drinking and eating habits, the gastrointestinal tract begins to work completely differently, its motility changes, forcing the food bolus to move through the esophagus and intestines. Peeled elastic connective fibers They are starting to make our biochemical laboratory work normally.

The third element is another very important mechanism that ensures our health and longevity - hyperthermia, or hyperthermal baths, which will help restore the normal activity of the peripheral vascular system, the importance of preserving which Dr. A. Zalmanov wrote in his time. Preservation of the peripheral vascular system, capillary system, microcirculatory system is health, because as long as these vessels under the skin, in the fingertips, are alive and healthy, everything will be fine. Every cell of our body, of any organ, will be alive, healthy and strong if the conductor through which blood flows to this cell, carrying with it oxygen, nutrition, strength and energy, micro- and macroelements, vitamins, is alive, healthy and clean. proteins, carbohydrates. If this thinnest vessel is intact, let’s go through it, the cell will be healthy, it will live wonderfully, eat well, breathe wonderfully and give away everything that it does not need. That is why in our program the use of baths is given a significant place.

The fourth element is controlled self-regulation. This tool helps us manage healing processes in our psyche, which is extremely important, since all physiological, biochemical, and biological processes are controlled by the central nervous system. Our brain develops according to its own program, controls us according to its own program, and all the errors that we have accumulated, unfortunately, are superimposed on this program. Changing this program, changing the mental inner “I” or mental climate and mental internal connections between our systems and organs is a very interesting moment.

There are other elements too.

How can you start helping yourself before a person decides to take his health seriously according to your system?

Water is a tool for restoring our health.

Start drinking water. Water is the first technological tool for restoring our health. This is why clean, structured water is necessary. Water is a fantastic thing, because all processes in our body necessarily take place with the participation of pure structured water, which, unfortunately, modern man stopped drinking.

Any person, regardless of his condition, regardless of his illness, needs to drink at least six to eight glasses every day clean water, necessarily, which is confirmed by a huge number of clinical studies. This applies to cancer, and oncology, and oncological problems, and benign tumors and problems related to the activity of our heart, and coronary disease heart disease, and angina pectoris, and cardioneurosis and osteochondrosis and various joint problems. That is, the systemic nature of the connective tissue problem turns out to be closely dependent on the amount of water you and I drink. Even stress and depression at first, oddly enough, can be corrected by drinking water alone.

That is, in fact, the simplest, simplest medicine you can say is ours, which deals entirely with the problems of the body, is clean water and nothing more. I emphasize, clean water!

Since, unfortunately, the modern world practically does not give us such an opportunity today, every home, every family should have a water purifying system.

By starting to drink clean water, we free our capillaries and small vessels, restore microcirculation in our body, cleanse the cell membrane, restore the intracellular structure of this water, and we thereby restore the internal energy-informational environment.

Even with just one drink of structured water, problems associated with cardiovascular system. After all, we unload the microvascular, peripheral part of our blood circulation, restore the effectiveness of capillaries, and deliver to each cell sufficient quantity oxygen and nutrition, i.e. we restore the normal life of a living cell. In this way, we rejuvenate and restore the entire body.

Modern city dwellers have almost forgotten what water is. There is no sweetness in this drink, no acidity, no alcohol to excite you, no caffeine to spur you on. But in this pure, amazing crystal lies our whole life. Have we forgotten that water is the cradle of all biological life on Earth? That water was the first place in which we were born, the first protoplasm? Those creatures whose descendants we are came out of the water onto the shore. Seventy percent of our body is water.

Water is an absolutely amazing tool for influencing the system of internal self-regulation. Why? Because with the help of water we re-form the body’s fluids. You and I, our body, tissues, organs are like the continents, islands of the Earth, this ball floating in the World Ocean. In the same way, our organs, tissues, everything that we have, float in the liquid space of our body, the basis of which is water. And it certainly must be clean. Indeed, even in their composition, human blood and lymph are very close to the water of the World Ocean.

It is necessary to drink 2.5 liters of water - half the amount of blood that is in our body. Blood changes throughout the day, which means that by giving clean water all the time, we begin to keep the blood itself, that is, the plasma of life, in order. Does this change the reaction of the defense system? Certainly! She becomes better, stronger, more active, she herself begins to work, to heal us into those very intermediate states that I said at the beginning.

In his book “Water, or Hydrotherapy. A remedy for treating diseases and maintaining health” S. Kneipp says that water cures all curable diseases, for any use of water in treatment is aimed at removing the root of the disease. Thanks to this, it is possible to dissolve painful substances in the blood, remove dissolved substances, restore the flow of blood along its course, strengthen a weakened organism, that is, make it capable of activity.

It seems to me that this work of priest Sebastian Kneipp is invaluable. And although the book was written in the seventeenth century, in fact, this is a fantastic guide to hydrotherapy, even for today's level. And I am not afraid to say this, despite the fact that I have already heard accusations that I am throwing medicine back three hundred years. Nothing like this. Medicine is an amazing art. An art that must preserve the traditions of each person who left their mark in the history of the amazing art of healing - medicine.

Today big number people began to study the effect of water on human body. It turned out that dehydration - dry mouth, morning thirst, coated tongue, etc. - shows that the body began to want to drink several years ago. These are signs of certain disease processes. There is no need to wait for this. Therefore, I strongly advise you to spend at least one day every two weeks only on the water.

The second point is nutrition. Research by Russian scientists, doctors, and biologists has shown that partial starvation is not a diet. Some quantitative, rather than qualitative, malnutrition leads to the fact that we begin to delay the development of processes associated with the dying and aging of our body, i.e., the creation of conditions in which the roots of our diseases nest and form. That is why we will so need sauerkraut and green wet salad from raw vegetable paste, which we will talk about in more detail in the corresponding section. We will also need nutritional supplements.

What are food additives, for example, “Polyfit-M”, “Fitomix 40”, “Litolysin”? Like this a brief description of: Only on these supplements alone can a person live. On days of hunger, I take two or three spoons of Polyfit-M, no more. I can no longer eat anything at all, because it contains everything that my body needs and is sufficient for life and providing the required amount of minerals, biological complexes, enzymes, coenzymes, amino acids, vitamins.

By slightly reducing the food load for the body, we create conditions under which our protective system finally, it throws its strength not on “fighting” with a huge amount of toxins, the remnants of metabolic processes inside us, in order to “throw out” this dirt from us, but on the disease itself and on the changes in the conditions that formed it.

Therefore, we must distribute our meals so that every day we feel a little hungry. This state alone will give you an incredible amount of strength and literally in 2-3 weeks will begin to make you healthy.

The quantitative (rather than qualitative) deficiency of our nutrition leads to the fact that our internal “master” begins to restore nutritional ballast within himself. Anyone, even the thinnest person, great amount absolutely unnecessary “reserves” for him. Why do joints creak, the spine not bend, knees and elbows crack? Because deposits that the body does not need are found in connective tissue, i.e. joints, bones, joint capsules, veins, ligaments, which support our organs, with the help of which muscles are attached to the bones. They need to be cleaned. And this purity can be achieved with clean water and change quantitative level nutrition.

When you change your drinking and eating habits, the gastrointestinal tract begins to work completely differently, its motility changes, forcing the food bolus to move through the esophagus and intestines. Purified elastic connective fibers begin to make our biochemical laboratory work normally.

A healthy gastrointestinal tract is the entire biochemical cycle of our body, our energy. It is there that substances and complexes are created, which are then converted into energy, which gives us the opportunity to live, gives us warmth, vision, provides uninterrupted operation our heart for decades at a rate of at least 60 beats per minute. Energy is needed for the functioning of our lungs, for the movement of blood through the vessels. The basis of this energy is in the gastrointestinal tract, so it is very important to ensure its normal functioning.

If there is nutrition, then there will be normal blood, if the vessels freely pass blood to each cell, then each cell will be healthy. This means the body will be healthy.

So, the tool with which connective tissue and the gastrointestinal tract begin to work is water + nutrition + nutritional supplements.

And such an amazing fourth tool for working with the self-regulation system is hyperthermia, or hyperthermal baths. I was very lucky in this life, because I became acquainted with hyperthermia, or hyperthermal baths, about 12 years ago thanks to the books of Dr. Alexander Solomonovich Zalmanov, who at one time, perhaps, was one of the first in the world to truly approach what today called naturopathic or natural medicine. It was he who learned to restore 70-80% of the health of a very, very sick person who is in a situation in the border zone, when one step there - and that’s it, non-existence.

Hyperthermal baths ( turpentine baths) is a sharp weapon that today can help even with HIV infection. And I have wonderful examples this. About four years ago, she came to our program “Help Yourself”, where she worked very good band doctors, three people came with a referral from the Institute of Immunology, patients with AIDS. We started working with them. These people, thank God, are still alive and have no signs of illness. Yes, they have a certain level of viral load, and they have not yet been taken off the register, but they are healthy. They get sick less and less frequently than healthy people.

The third tool you need to know about is sorbents. These are substances that take on our internal dirt and remove it from us. But you must know how to use the third tool, because it is double-edged. On the one hand, it helps, cleanses, removes poisons from us, but, on the other hand, it impoverishes us, deprives us of our vital base, which is material. This database even has a name - the periodic table. Almost everything that is on the periodic table is necessary for humans. This periodic table exists in every cell of our body. Especially in what is called the conduction system, the nervous system, the central nervous system of our body.

Our ill health is not only due to the fact that our intestines do not work well. If the intestines do not work well, dysbacteriosis occurs, which means that a state of immunodeficiency will certainly arise. And the state of immunodeficiency is essentially not much different from chronic HIV.

In a state of immunodeficiency, we have no strength, a syndrome arises chronic fatigue, all possible illnesses are “attached” to us - from the flu to the most terrible ones, and our body cannot resist them. This is a typical picture for a person with dysbiosis. Dysbacteriosis is the main intestinal disease. If there is no dysbacteriosis, if everything is in order with the microflora, there will be no colitis, gastritis, gastroduodenitis, ulcers, gallbladder diseases, cholecystitis, pancreatic diseases.

In other words, the “workshop” in which our health is forged is the gastrointestinal tract.

The gastrointestinal tract and vascular system are “to blame” for all disorders except heart attacks, strokes, arrhythmias, genetic disorders, and natural disorders.

The heart and lungs will be healthy only when the gastrointestinal tract and vascular system are healthy, especially the peripheral part that supplies the most distant parts of our body: legs, fingertips, skin, subcutaneous tissue. The main central arteries and veins will ensure this process until the end of life.

Thus, we come to another very important mechanism that ensures our health and longevity - the functioning of the peripheral vascular system, the importance of preserving which Dr. A. Zalmanov wrote in his time.

Preservation of the peripheral vascular system, capillary system, microcirculatory system is health, because as long as these vessels under the skin, in the fingertips, are alive and healthy, everything will be fine. Every cell of our body, any organ - pancreas, prostate, uterus, liver, thyroid gland, lungs - will be alive, healthy and strong if the conductor through which blood carrying with it is supplied to this cell is alive, healthy and clean. oxygen, nutrition, strength and energy, micro- and macroelements, vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates. If this thinnest vessel is intact, let’s go through it, the cell will be healthy, it will live wonderfully, eat well, breathe wonderfully and give away everything that it does not need. The cell has a shell, and in it there are pores through which food enters the cell, and pores of a different size through which the dirt remaining after biochemistry is removed. This is how we must make self-regulation mechanisms work.

The fifth tool is the state of our psyche, because all physiological, biochemical, biological processes are controlled by the central nervous system. Our brain develops according to its own program, controls us according to its own program, and all the errors that we have accumulated, unfortunately, are superimposed on this program. Changing this program, changing the mental inner “I” or mental climate and mental internal connections between our systems and organs is a very interesting moment.

We offer site visitors this information, sent to us by the author (contacts are at the end of the article).

We offer unconventional methods of restoring the human body using ordinary tap structured water.

Links from the book "The Secret Code of Water": in the 1990s, a number of Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, Kazakh, and Armenian scientific teams developed methods for structuring water and recording the most various technologies, the common feature of which was the direct or indirect use of the properties of torsion fields. The resulting waters had stable healing properties mineral waters, remaining, from the point of view of classical chemistry, simple drinking water. However, the retail price of 1 liter of water structured in this way can currently reach up to $100.

How to reduce the cost of structured water and give it quality healing water ? This issue was taken up by our Center CRSG - Center for the Development of Creative Genius. We have created SV-Time Synchronizers, the operation of which is based on the work of torsion fields. Moreover, we have learned to transfer these torsion fields to any material media.

For ease of use, we took regular CDs and simply put regular tap water on them. A three-liter jar is ready for use in 15 minutes; the discs can also be placed near the bathtub, or under it, and while the water is being collected, the water is structured. Moreover, this disk works forever, without time limits.

The results we got are simply stunning. In six months, a 45-year-old woman, simply taking 1 glass a day, was cured of uterine fibroids and ovarian cysts. She suffered for 6 years, was constantly treated and was under the supervision of a doctor. Using one distillate, which is structured on disks, a 50-year-old man, while on a voyage in the equator zone, was cured of hypertension in 130 days. A 4.5-year-old child was diagnosed with adenoids, an operation was required, in 5 days, with the help of taking baths and drinking water, he stopped snoring at night, his sleep was restored, they forgot about the adenoids. A purulent sore throat in a 14-year-old girl was cured in 4 days, just drinking water and taking a bath. In children, drinking our water increases creative potential, activity, interest in learning and knowledge. Children and adults stopped getting sick only by taking our structured water. Also, discs -sv restore harmony in family relationships, develop male and female sensuality, relieve chronic fatigue syndrome, stress, special discs have been created to increase mental abilities, enhance concentration, correct the behavior of restless children, as well as to restore all systems and organs of the body. And many many others.

Sts were also created for athletes so as not to get tired during training and competitions, and to quickly restore the body after heavy loads. “Easy-foot” insoles have been created so as not to get tired during long hikes. With the help of St., we learned to remove heavy metals from the body and restore the lymphatic system. And all this is ordinary tap water, structured on St. None spring water it won't replace it. By taking this water, we noticed that we stopped accumulating static electricity, despite the fact that we wear synthetic clothes.

Our center also conducted an experiment to increase fish catch. The experiment was carried out in the Mauritania zone, the husband of an employee of our center was given St., he also took structured water. The principle of the formation of a leader fish and the principle of energy-informational traces were involved here. As a result, the catch was 158%, which is a record catch in the entire history of the trawl fleet. 3 foreign vessels and 3 Russian vessels were fishing nearby. In one day, the ship (a large freezing trawler) on which the saints were located brought on board 50 tons of fish; ships that were on a parallel course caught up to 8 tons of fish.

We confirm all these facts using the GDV compact device of Professor K.G. Korotkov, who received a gold medal in Tomsk. The pioneer in the discovery of the aura in Russia was Professor K. Korotkov, working at the St. Petersburg Institute of Precision Mechanics and Optics. What kind of device is this, what is the principle of the device: we take information about the physical fields distributed around the fingers. When an electromagnetic pulse is applied to a finger, under its influence the body releases a stream of photons and electrons, which we register with an optical system and analyze on a computer. And from this picture, in 10 - 15 minutes we get all the information about a person: his psyche, body, state of organs.

We approached many authorities in Murmansk with our technologies, but the bureaucratic world is still unshakable. We hope that our structured, ingenious water will make its way into life and help many people increase their life potential and restore health, because everyone knows that water wears away stones. We wish you good luck in your basic research. We are interested in your feedback and opinions, cooperation is possible.


In our Center for the Development of Creative Genius, SV - Time Synchronizers have been created, which are structured by the method of transferring and modeling natural torsion fields.
With the help of these SVs, we conducted an experiment on plant breeding using the art of socionics and bioenergy information science.

On this moment, socionics is not a science, and for the most part is the art of applying theoretical developments in observing, analyzing and interpreting behavior real people. Many psychologists do not recognize socionics as scientific discipline, although some universities introduce corresponding special courses and publish journals. In addition, socionics is included in some textbooks for universities and teaching aids in psychology. In socionics, all people, without exception, are divided into: logicians and ethicists, intuitives and sensorics, extroverts and introverts, rationals and irrationals. The socionic type determines the ways of obtaining and processing information, a person’s capabilities when interacting with the surrounding reality and in particular in relationships with people, his strengths and weak sides. In total, socionics considers 16 types of information metabolism (socionic types).

Socionic quadra

Sociotypes that are in identical, dual, mirror and activation relationships with each other form a quadra. All types of quadra completely overlap the main personal aspects, making communication within the quadra as comfortable and non-conflict as possible.

1 quadra "alpha" Don Quixote, Dumas, Hugo, Robespierre (innovators)
2 quadra "beta" Hamlet, Maxim Gorky, Zhukov, Yesenin (conservatives)
3 quadra "gamma" Jack London, Dreiser, Napoleon, Balzac (reformers, speakers0
4 quadra "delta" Stirlitz, Dostoevsky, Huxley, Gaben (pragmatists, humanists)

We have reviewed socionic types from the point of view of chakra structures.

It literally almost buried us. Using Professor Korotkov’s GDV compact device, we observed a sharp drop in energy in the area of ​​the immune system, nervous system, cerebral. The chakras were very small, and the field looked like a “feathered hedgehog.” Such a sharp drop in energy was observed among everyone who was in this room.

What I would like to note is that such selection is not the creation of genetically modified products, but the identification of the totality of those qualities of products that are most necessary for people. If anyone remembers, bread in Siberia and in many other cities of Russia could be preserved for a long time, was delicious, golden in color, filled with strength. Nowadays, bread is sour, there is no energy in it, put a glass of milk or water next to the bread, it will take away the last energy. And taste this milk or water. Russia is a country with great potential; it deserves high-quality, energy-rich bread, as well as other healthy, energy-rich products.

President of the Center for the Development of Creative Genius and its scientific director
Valery Gennadievich. Oshchepkov,
Contact Information - [email protected]
Murmansk, phone: 8921-274-74-33 Alla

LONGEVITY.RU. Tested for myself. Membrane water filter

Here we will look at no less simple, but more economical way obtaining structured water using a filter fine cleaning water on a track membrane, which simultaneously filters and structures the water passed through it.

The track membrane is an invention of Russian scientists from the world-famous Institute of Nuclear Research in Dubna. It is the fine water filters that are used by the UN and the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent to provide high-quality drinking water to the population of those regions that have suffered from environmental disasters and man-made accidents. A fine filter on a track membrane has been used more than once to obtain safe drinking water literally from wastewater and puddles.

Here it is worth mentioning the fact that the track membrane was initially developed for the artificial kidney apparatus, and only then found wide application as a fine water purification filter.

So what is a filter for purifying and structuring water on a track membrane under the sonorous name “Snowflake”? This is what we will find out now. So...

1 – The Snezhinka fine water filter kit includes: a filter element (membrane filter) located between two plastic covers; drain tube with a lock for fixation; a foam cloth for washing the track membrane and operating instructions for a filter for purifying and structuring water with a warranty.

2 – The “Snezhinka” fine water filter in disassembled form consists of: a non-separable filter element with a tube attached to the fitting with a lock for fixing and two plastic covers.

1 – Track membrane of a fine water purification filter, essentially reminiscent of a fine mosquito net installed on windows to protect against flies, mosquitoes, small midges, bees and other larger flying and crawling creatures. The mesh also protects against falling leaves, poplar fluff, dirt and dust. Freely passing air with aromas dissolved in it, the mesh traps light debris, dust, dirt and all potential carriers of infections that can significantly harm a healthy, and even more so a weakened, human body.

2 – A fine water filter on a track membrane, just like a mosquito net, having microscopic holes with a diameter of 0.4 microns with a density of up to 300-400 million per 1 square centimeter, allows only water molecules with useful microelements dissolved in them to pass through. And all the unwanted impurities in the form of lead, mercury, strontium, heavy metals, radionuclides, chlorine compounds, 2- and 3-valent iron are 80-100% unable to pass through the smallest pores of the track membrane...
All bacteria (Escherichia coli, Vibrio cholera, plague strain, botulism bacillus, tuberculosis bacillus, etc.) are 100% retained on the surface of the filter element and washed off from it plain water, because they, just like flies, through a mosquito net, are not able to pass through the microscopic holes of the track membrane of the fine water filter.

Water before the filter and water after the filter!

(Photos of microscopic images of the structure of water are provided by the manufacturer)

1 – The first photo shows that before passing through the track membranes, the water had a broken structure.

2 – In the second photo we see a completely different picture, showing that the water, having passed through the filter, was structured in a certain way and its structure took the shape of a snowflake.

Video material about a filter on track membranes

Find out where and how a fine water purification filter is made, what it is, and what benefits it brings to a living organism.

Preparing to use a membrane water filter

Before using the filter on a track membrane, it must be prepared for initial use. To do this, perform the following steps:

1 - Place a drain tube with a lock onto the fitting, first immersing one end in hot water for a few seconds in order to apply less effort when connecting.

3 - Wipe the surface of the filter element on both sides under running water warm water using wiping material (foam rubber). If you don’t have warm water at hand, you can get by with cold water, or in extreme cases, don’t wipe at all. In the latter case, it is better not to use the first 2-3 liters of water passed through the filter.

4 - After washing, replace the covers.

Practical application of a fine water filter

1 – Take a saucepan or other container, for example, a glass jar.

2 – Fill it with untreated water (tap or any other).

3 – Place a fine water filter into it, as shown in the photo or diagram.

4 – By lightly suctioning the free end of the tube, we accelerate the flow of water into the inside of the membrane filter.

5 – Lower the free end of the tube into a container for clean water, for example a food bottle.

6 – We use filtered water for drinking, preparing first or third courses.

This method of obtaining pure structured water turned out to be more economical due to the fact that a fine water filter, unlike a conventional filter with a replaceable cassette, can operate for several years and does not require replacement of the filter element. And this is already a significant saving. If, with proper use of a membrane filter, it can last for several years, then you can make a simple calculation: one cassette of a regular filter for a family of three is designed for one month of use and costs an average of 220-250 rubles. We multiply this amount by 12 months and get approximately 2640-3000 rubles per year. And the cost of a fine water purification filter, which in addition also structures it, is approximately 990 rubles. Obviously, after less than six months of use, it will fully pay for itself compared to a conventional household filter, and then it will save your finances, because you don’t need to change the filter element; it can last two to three years or more if used correctly.

And as in one of the TV advertisements: “If over time you find that your TV has lost its former brightness, just wipe the dust off the screen.” So in our case, I think it would be appropriate to say: “If over time you find that your filter’s performance has decreased, simply wash off the accumulated dirt from the filter element.”

If the water that you want to pass through the filter is more or less clean, then before washing, you will be able to use the filter much longer than if it had, for example, a yellowish color and a characteristic reserve. In the latter case, the filter for fine water purification should be washed more often. But in any case, you will understand this during the filtering process.

The result of using a fine water filter

1 – Condition of the membrane filter before use.

2 – Condition of the filter after filtering tap water for a month.

The result speaks for itself - this dirt could get into our body.

I think that every sensible visitor to the site will draw the appropriate conclusions for himself: what water to use and how to purify it from harmful impurities and pathogenic bacteria...

The advantages of a membrane filter for fine water purification, in my opinion, are:

  • Purification of impurities and simultaneous structuring of water;

  • Mobility - the ability to take it out of town, on vacation, on business trips, travel, etc.;

  • No need for a fixed connection;

  • Possibility of using any available containers (plastic bottles, pots, jars, etc.);

  • Lack of replaceable cassettes (the filter element is easily washed under running water);
  • Low final cost compared to conventional filters.

The only disadvantages, in my opinion, are:

  • Low productivity (about 10 liters per day).

Since the structure of water passed through a fine filter is practically close to the cellular structure, which in turn leads to a reduction in the body’s energy costs for its structuring, this circumstance contributes to faster and better absorption of water into our body and saturation of cellular structures with it.

The advantages of structured water, as is known, are the following properties:

  • Structured water boils faster than regular water from a water supply system;

  • Structured water practically does not form scale on the walls of a container, for example, a kettle, which indicates the absence in its structure of impurities that enter the body with normal water. tap water and, together with free radicals, form, for example, stones in the kidneys and bile ducts, as well as other harmful compounds;

  • Structured water is absorbed faster and with better quality by our body, which, as is known, consists largely of cellular water;

  • Structured water is a universal solvent due to its regular cluster structure;

  • Plants watered with structured water are distinguished by active growth and greater splendor than those watered, even with settled water (tested on indoor plants). Another example is the active growth of plants after rain, and not after artificial watering, because rainwater is a natural structured liquid.

The only disadvantages include:

  • No flaws.

Attention! Here is a simple and cheap, and therefore more affordable way obtaining structured water at home is a method in which water passed through a fine filter is purified and structured at the same time.

Other information confirming the practical application of the tips will be posted as the material is ready.