The volume of the pot has increased. Which pot to plant a money tree in?

Crassula belongs to succulents that grow in arid regions, which is reflected in the structure of the root system and the ability to accumulate water in the fleshy sheet plates. This feature directly influences the choice of pot for money tree. Depending on the varietal and species, the plant must be planted in a suitable container, which allows it to develop and grow without affecting negative influence.

Features of the structure of the root system

In the Crassula's natural habitat, heavy rainfall rarely occurs. The plant receives the main amount of moisture from dew and short rains. The main task is to have time to absorb the maximum volume of liquid within short term, since water dries out quickly due to dry air and elevated temperatures environment. For this reason, the money tree develops a massive above-ground mass that retains the moisture obtained with such difficulty as much as possible.

The root system is superficial and branched. There is no point in forming a long tap root for the fat plant, since in the absence of precipitation and growing on rocky soils, it still won’t reach groundwater. Many thin roots quickly absorb occasional raindrops.

fibrous root system, growing in breadth, allows the money tree to stay on the surface of the earth in strong winds. In addition, such a structure occupies large space and prevents weeds from growing nearby, absorbing from the soil nutrients.

Choosing a container for planting

After purchasing a plant from a flower shop or when growing it in one container for a long time, you need to transplant the money tree into new soil. Right choice containers for crassula are one of the conditions for creating a favorable microclimate. It is undesirable to leave a large layer of soil mixture below the root system, especially if it is made up of garden soil. It is also important to consider the space for the drainage layer. In addition, by pouring expanded clay, you can adjust the height of the nutrient soil, which will allow you to use even a deep pot when replanting. The root collar of the Crassula should not be buried, so when transferring it is recommended to place it at the same level.

Basic parameters for choosing a suitable pot for a money tree:

How to determine the volume of the pot

The plant must stand stably in the new container, the root system must be completely contained. A container that is too large or too tight will cause rot, which sometimes becomes noticeable too late. The size of the pot for Crassula is selected 2 fingers larger than the previous one. In this case, it is advisable to focus on a lump of earth so that no more than 2-3 cm of fresh substrate surrounds the bottom and sides. If the container is deep, it is recommended to cover the excess volume with a drainage layer.

In a new pot, the money tree should feel good and not fall over on its side, so the diameter should be selected approximately equal to the width of the green crown. Crassula should be planted with care so as not to break the fragile above-ground part. The configuration and size of the container depend on the age and variety of the plant. It is better to first place the young seedling in a small container. As you get older, you will need a larger pot.

It is advisable not to replant an adult plant; it is enough to change a small part of the top soil. Optimal height 20-30 cm to the root neck of the money tree.

Preferred shape and material of manufacture

The stability of the massive green part will be ensured by the correct configuration of the container. It is allowed to use a pot in the form of a bowl or a low jug. A wide and low container maintains balance well and prevents the money tree from tipping over. It is advisable to take into account the appearance of the plant so that the container emphasizes the decorative nature of the crop. Crassula looks good in a wooden or terracotta pot; red and green are chosen to attract money to the house.

If desired, the appearance of the flower container can be changed by placing it in a flowerpot. In this case, it is recommended to place twigs or pebbles at the bottom (between two containers) so that the liquid released after watering flows freely. When planting a crop, choose a light, drained, but nutritious substrate.

A young money tree seedling can be planted in a shallow plastic cup. The plant grows quite slowly, so too frequent replanting will not be required. Next, when choosing a pot for the fat plant, it is recommended to use ceramics or unfired clay. The heaviness of this type of material also contributes to stability. In addition, such products allow air to pass through and absorb excess moisture, which prevents the root system from rotting and the development of fungal diseases.

It is necessary to choose the right flower pot when growing a money tree at home. In addition to aesthetic properties, a suitable container is characterized by reliability, environmental friendliness, massiveness, and porous material. The root system of this crop is superficial, fibrous; after the earthen clod there should not be a large volume of soil mixture left to avoid rotting. If desired, you can use a deep pot and fill the excess space with expanded clay or other drainage.

And amateur flower growers manage to plant their green friends in whatever they can. In addition to classic pots, plants grow in basins, and in teapots with broken spouts, and in buckets, and in coconuts, and even in old vinyl records. There is no limit to creativity. The main thing to remember is that its future life and healthy appearance depend on the container in which you place your plant. Of course, the choice of the shape and size of the pot will be influenced by the type of plant, the type of root system, and its age. These are the main factors that will dictate your criteria for selecting material, size and shape. But there are also some nuances:

Maja Dumat /

  • if the roots of the plant have not completely entwined the earthen ball, then you can leave the old pot, you just need to replace the soil in it;
  • if you have to transplant a sprout or baby multiple times, use ordinary plastic cups;
  • if you replant fast-growing plants every year, then add no more than 2 cm in height and diameter;
  • when you replant adult and large plants every 4-5 years, choose a pot 5-6 cm larger in order to provide a good drainage layer and nutrition;
  • if you want to restrain the growth of an already mature plant, replant it in the original pot, pruning the root system;
  • if the plant’s root system is deep (palm trees, dracaenas, ficus), choose a very high pot;
  • when the root system is superficial (calathea, aglaonema, bromeliads), you need to choose a shallow pot, you can use a regular one (when the diameter is equal to the height);
  • if the roots grow superficially and widely, as in ferns and sansevierias, the capacity may not be high, but wide;
  • For most bulbs, cacti and succulents, pots should be narrow and shallow;
  • choosing a pot for large vertical plant, remember that its height should be 1/4 or 1/3 of the height of the plant itself to ensure its stability.

John Lillis /

You also need to know some features individual species, without taking them into account, you can harm the plant itself and your wallet. There are plants that general recommendations won't fit.

For example, if you plant it in a round-shaped pot, and even one with curved edges, then when replanting you will have to break the pot to get the plant out. Zamioculcas nodules grow powerfully and occupy the entire space, resting against the walls. For this plant, pots should be chosen only in a trapezoidal shape, slightly widening towards the top.

James Saper /

Representatives of the Araceae family ( anthurium, spathiphyllum, aglaonema) feel great and bloom only in tight pots, when the roots of the plant completely entwine the earthen ball.

Joe deSousa /

For orchids - epiphytes, such as Wanda For example, it is extremely important to select transparent glass or plastic pots. Their root system participates in the process of photosynthesis as actively as the leaves, which is why it is very important that the pot is transparent. If you have chosen a ceramic pot, in addition to drainage holes at the bottom, it must also have side holes for orchid roots.


There are plants, for example, that grow to impressive large sizes, but the root system is small and superficial. Wide, shallow bowls with a drainage hole are suitable for this. And if you want to give the plant stability, then the bowl with nolina can be placed in a larger pot, and heavy stones can be placed at the bottom.

Mike Atkinson /

Collect all possible information about your plants, share your experience and learn from others. Ask sales consultants all your questions. And having chosen a suitable pot for replanting the plant, you don’t have to worry about the further well-being of the flower and enjoy its good health. appearance.

Transplanting a money tree is necessary procedure when caring for this plant. Like anyone indoor flower, Crassula grows in a limited volume of soil, which is quickly depleted. And so that the plant receives necessary nutrition, it is not enough to feed it with fertilizers. For proper development and maintenance decorative look it needs to be periodically replanted in fresh nutrient soil. Let's look at how to properly transplant a money tree (crassula) at home into another pot.

Reasons for replanting a plant

Reasons for transplanting a money tree may include:

  • Insufficient volume of soil for the growing root system of the plant;
  • Soil depletion;
  • Diseases of the root system.

In young plants, the root system grows quite quickly. Soon she feels cramped in the old potty. Sometimes the roots may even emerge through drainage holes or through the surface of the soil. If you take such a tree out of the pot, you will see that the roots are tightly entwined with an earthen ball. In this case, it is necessary to transplant into a larger container so that there is room for the growth and development of roots.

The growth of the root system at a young age occurs intensively, so the plant must be replanted often. With age, the rate of root growth slows down. The tree will no longer be cramped in the pot. But replanting is still necessary, since the soil in the pot is gradually depleted and no longer provides the plant with sufficient nutrition.

Succulents, which include the money tree, do not require very fertile soil. They grow well in depleted soils. Therefore, it is not necessary to replant an adult money tree every year. But this procedure must be carried out, otherwise the plant gradually slows down its growth, sheds its leaves and loses its decorative effect.

In case of diseases of the root system, the money tree requires an emergency transplant. In this case, the roots are inspected to detect and remove diseased parts. If during a normal transplant it is recommended to replant the plant, then during an emergency transplant the soil is changed completely.

Scheduled transplant time

Let's consider when you can and should replant a money tree. Typically, a planned transplant of Crassula is carried out in the spring. This is done immediately after wintering, while the tree has not yet begun to grow. As for emergency transplantation due to damage to the roots, it can be done at any time. In this case, you cannot wait until spring; you need to save the plant as soon as possible.

Adult fatworts after 3 years are replanted every 3-4 years. This regime is necessary so that the plant receives from the soil nutrients sufficient for its intensive growth. The money tree should not be replanted less than once every 4 years, since lack of nutrition usually affects its appearance.

Soil for money tree

You can purchase a soil mixture for replanting a money tree at a flower shop or make it yourself. This plant needs loose soil. Water should not stagnate in it. It is also necessary to monitor the acidity of the soil. Acidic soils are not suitable for Crassula; it grows well in a neutral and slightly alkaline soil mixture.

Typically, the money tree is replanted in succulent potting mix. It is quite loose and light, but rich minerals for plant development. The tree grows well in specialized soils for palm trees.

This unpretentious plant can be planted even in a lightweight universal soil mixture, but peat should not be present in its composition. Peat additives significantly increase the acidity of the soil, which is harmful for this succulent.

Mixing soil for a money tree with your own hands is not difficult. You need to take the following components:

  • Sod land - 1 part;
  • Leaf soil - 3 parts;
  • Sand – 1 part.

It is useful to add a little ash to the soil for Crassula to enrich its mineral composition.

Money tree pot

Now let's consider which pot to transplant the money tree into. When choosing a pot for a money tree, the following parameters are important:

  • Material;
  • Form;
  • Size.

Money trees do best in simple clay pots. Clay is a breathable material. Air passes through it, and excess moisture evaporates through the walls of the pot. For all succulents, including money trees, clay pots are preferred. Moisture does not stagnate in them, which means the roots do not rot. It is better not to transplant the fat plant into plastic pots, as there is a high probability of developing root rot.

You should not choose a deep pot for the money tree, since the root system of this plant is superficial. The depth of the pot should be no more than its diameter.

The size of the money tree pot should match the size of its root system. There may be 1-1.5 cm left from the walls of the pot to the roots. You cannot transplant the plant into a very large pot, since the soil that is not reclaimed by the roots will quickly turn sour. When transplanted regularly, the fat plant is planted in a pot whose diameter is 1-2 cm larger than the previous one.

Preparing the plant for transplantation

Before you start transplanting a money tree, you need to prepare:

  • Container for transplantation;
  • Soil mixture;
  • Plant.

The container for transplantation must be of the recommended size and shape, and also be made of red clay or other ceramic material. Used pots should be washed thoroughly with soap and water hot water. It is recommended to soak new clay pots in warm water for 1 day so that they do not dry out the soil during the first time after transplantation.

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Soil for a money tree can be purchased and mixed yourself. Typically, soil mixtures are sold already processed; they are free of pests, fungi and pathogenic bacteria. This soil can be immediately used for replanting. But if it has a characteristic mushroom smell, treatment is necessary. It is also necessary to cultivate the soil mixed with your own hands.

Before transplanting, the soil is steamed at a temperature of 80°C for 0.5-1 hour. To do this, it is placed in a metal tray, moistened, covered with foil and placed in the oven. After steaming, when the soil has cooled, it is ready for use. Sometimes the soil is calcined metal sheets, but with such heating it loses some nutritional properties. Therefore, soil treatment by steaming is preferable.

Preparing the plant consists of watering it in a timely manner to ensure the necessary moisture in the earthen clod. When transplanting, the soil should not crumble; the lump of earth should remain moist. The plant is well watered. After 3-4 days, when the soil dries a little, the flower is ready for replanting.

The process of replanting a money tree

Before starting a planned transplant, you need to lay a drainage layer on the bottom of the new pot. Its thickness should be at least 2 cm. Expanded clay, pebbles or broken brick. If the drainage holes in the pot are large enough, they can be covered with shards or large flat stones. Then a layer of prepared soil is poured over the drainage layer so that the pot is ¼ full. The soil layer is necessary to ensure that the plant's roots do not touch the drainage and have room to grow.

After this, you need to carefully remove the plant from the old pot. Sometimes the roots entangle the earthen ball and grow to the walls of the pot. In this case, it will not be possible to remove the plant without damaging the roots. But you should always exercise utmost caution. To make the earthen lump easier to separate from the old container, you can gently knock on the outside of the pot.

The money tree is taken by the trunk near the ground, turned over and removed from the old pot. If the earthen ball is completely removed and has not crumbled, then the roots of the tree are practically undamaged. But if it starts to fall apart, you need to hold it with your hand. It is recommended to replant the tree only by transshipment, preserving the bulk of the old clod of earth. In this case, the stress from replanting and damage to the roots will be minimized.

The fat plant removed from the old container is carefully placed in the center of the new pot. Since the new container is slightly wider than the previous one, about 1 cm of free space remains between the pot and the earthen lump. It is filled with fresh soil. In order for the gap to be filled completely, soil is poured into it in small portions, carefully compacting it with a thin stick or pencil.

The soil should not be compacted too much, as this can accidentally damage the root system. If during the replanting process there are unfilled areas in the soil, they will gradually disappear during watering. If the soil settles too much some time after transplanting, you can add the required amount later at any time.

After filling the gap with soil, pour it on top of the old earthen ball. thin layer new soil. But you should not bury the tree too deep into the ground. This can cause rotting of the root collar and trunk. It must be remembered that the root collar must be at ground level. That's why upper layer fresh soil can have a thickness of no more than 1 cm.

Mature money trees have a fairly massive crown. Sometimes after transplantation, when the soil has not yet compacted, such plants are not very stable and may bend or even fall over time. To prevent this from happening, you can tie the trunk of the plant to a peg installed in flower pot. A tied plant is less decorative. But it should be remembered that the roots of the tree grow quickly, and the earth becomes compacted. Once the tree has gained stability, the garter can be removed.

Replanting a diseased plant is carried out in the same way. But the old soil is completely removed and the roots are examined. If it is not possible to remove the old soil without damaging the roots, it is soaked in water room temperature. Diseased parts of the roots are cut off, and the sections are covered with crushed activated carbon to prevent further rotting. After this, the plant is transplanted into a new pot with fresh soil.

Caring for the plant immediately after transplantation

After completing the transplantation process, you should not water the plant for several days. During this time, damage to the roots will have time to heal. Otherwise, if water gets on the damaged roots, rotting will occur, leading to the death of the plant.

The transplanted money tree is placed in partial shade for 2 weeks. If you don't do this, it may reset significant part leaf mass and lose its decorative appearance for a long time.

2 weeks after transplantation, the tree can already be moved to a more illuminated place and gradually begin to accustom it to sunlight. This plant requires bright but diffuse lighting. In partial shade, the flower will stretch out and grow weak and thin shoots. However, exposing the flower to direct sun is not recommended. Its leaves may be damaged by direct sun rays and fall.

After transplantation, the fat plant slows down its growth for some time. It is better to limit watering during this time, watering very rarely so that the top layer of soil is dry almost all the time. Once the plant resumes vigorous growth, watering can be gradually increased.

The transplanted plant should not be sprayed with water. Getting into the axils of the leaves, water can cause rotting of the shoots and stems. It is recommended to carefully wipe the leaves with a damp sponge to remove dust.

Common mistakes during transplantation

Crassula is an unpretentious plant that is easy to care for. However, when transplanting it, problems may arise, the causes of which are mistakes made by inexperienced gardeners. Here are some of them:

  • The money tree does not grow; its trunk becomes soft near the root. This is a manifestation of root rot, caused by watering the plant immediately after transplantation. Also, the roots can rot due to the wrong shape and size of the pot.
  • The plant begins to lose leaves, and then some shoots darken and fall off. This is the decay of shoots, which can be caused by spraying the tree after replanting or keeping it in a very humid atmosphere at low temperatures.
  • The tree loses its leaf mass after transplantation. Possible reason This is when the sun hits the leaves of a plant that has not yet adapted to new conditions.
  • The tree does not grow, the leaves turn yellow and fall off gradually. This may occur due to incorrectly selected soil. In soils that are too heavy, when oxygen access to the roots is difficult, the plant feels unwell and its growth is slowed down. When transplanted into acidic soil, the money tree gradually loses its green mass and dies.

Now you know when it is better to replant a money tree and how to do it correctly.

Choosing a pot


At seed propagation In the first year of life, adenium develops a central root; it is quite long, so the seedlings are planted in deep dishes, shaped like a plastic cup. By the way, you can go into it too. At the age of a young plant, the roots in the ground begin to grow in breadth, becoming thick and fleshy. Then the pot is already selected as standard, i.e. not high and not low. If you prefer “bonsai” cultivation of adenium (which exposes the caudex roots), then in this case the so-called bonsai bowl, wide and low, is ideal.


Excessive volume of the pot leads to slower drying of the soil, i.e. stagnation of water, which can negatively affect the root system of adenium.
Therefore, the diameter of the pot is selected based on the diameter of the caudex/pericaudex roots at the widest part.

If this is a seedling, then the approximate distance from the wide part of the caudex to the wall of the pot should be 2-3 cm.
If this young plant, then 3-4 cm.
If this mature plant, then 4-7 cm.


It is better to choose a clay pot without glaze or a plastic one. Both options have their own disadvantages and advantages. Let us consider the most important ones in more detail from the point of view of adenium management.

Unglazed clay pot.

The biggest plus is water and breathability. This pot is also called “breathing”. Less chance of flooding the plant.
Harmful salts are released through the walls.
Sustainability. The likelihood of large plants tipping over is reduced due to the weight of the pot. True, there is also a natural counterweight in the form of a caudex.

Over time, the pores on the walls become clogged with small particles of the substrate, which is where the air permeability of the pot ends.
Clay is a good conductor of cold, so if your windows are drafty, the pot may become too cold during the winter months and the adenium will overcool the roots. This can lead to the death of the flower.
Clay is a good conductor of heat, so under certain conditions summer overheating can occur. You shouldn’t be too afraid of this, because intense evaporation cools the pot, but it’s still better to keep in mind.
Over time, the roots of many plants grow into the porous walls of the pot. This makes replanting the plant very difficult and definitely leads to some damage to the roots. I can’t say whether this is true for adenium roots, because... I only use plastic myself.
The same release of salts, which is good from the plant’s point of view, is not good at all from an aesthetic point of view. White spots of calcium do not decorate the pot.

Plastic pot.

Plastic does not cool in winter and does not heat up in summer, unless, of course, it is light. The safety of roots relative to temperature changes is a tangible advantage.
The roots do not stick to the walls and are easily removed during transplantation.
Calcium salts do not accumulate on the walls, but are partially washed out through the drainage hole, which does not affect the appearance of the pot.
Another undeniable advantage of plastic is its price.

From plastic pots moisture evaporates more slowly, you need to be more careful when watering.
Plastic is lightweight, so a young plant with a not yet very developed caudex may be unstable. This is unlikely to threaten adult plants, because... Their main weight falls on the lower part. So for large specimens, the lightness of the pot is rather an advantage - it is easier to drag the plant.
Brown plastic can become very hot in the sun due to light. So it definitely doesn’t belong on a south window.

In general, when choosing a color it is preferable bright hues, however, it may happen that you are one of those who do not recognize any other color for the pot other than brown. Well, then take it, but to be safe, prefer clay - in the summer it heats up less. Just in case, I remind you that ceramics can become too cold in winter. Don't let this happen.

As for glazed ceramics, it combines all the main disadvantages of the first and second options: glazing makes the pot waterproof, ceramics are susceptible to temperature changes. What is its dignity? Undoubtedly in beauty. So, if you really want to, use ceramic pots, but be prepared for all the troubles associated with it.

We can summarize it like this:

If you are one of the gardeners who can flood a plant from too much care, i.e. to pourers, it is better to use unglazed clay. Then there is a chance that excess moisture will have time to evaporate through the walls and will not harm the plant.
if it is easy for you to control watering and if you would rather dry out the plant than flood it, i.e. you are a dryer, optimal choice will become light plastic. It does not react to temperature changes; roots do not “stick” to its walls.
If you can control watering and the problem of temperature fluctuations is not relevant for you, use any pot, even poured ceramics.

The main question that arises when replanting a houseplant is which pot is suitable for it? On the one hand, we try to select dishes for home flowers that best suit their appearance. On the other hand, the plant should feel comfortable in it. In some cases, it is quite difficult to find a compromise, but, nevertheless, it is quite possible.

1. Pot size

This option is the easiest to understand. The pot shouldn't be too big. When replanting a plant, we select dishes for it that are 1-2 cm larger than the previous pot. If the new pot is too large, the soil will sour and deteriorate before the plant's roots completely entwine it. Some flowers with a weak root system will never need large pots (for example, cacti, Saintpaulias).

For large plants, a large pot will not only be a good container for their powerful root systems, but will also provide stability for powerful trunks and huge leaves.

Pots of the same diameter are often different in height. Based on this feature, we also choose dishes in accordance with the structure of the root system of our plant. Of course, you can shake the flower out of the pot and see how its roots are arranged. But it is better to familiarize yourself with the characteristics of this species in advance in the reference book. Medium height pots are suitable for most plants. However, many large species - palms and dracaenas - have a very deep root system, so they require very tall pots. Calatheas, bromeliads, and aglaonemas have a superficial root system, so they need a shallow pot. Sometimes it is a wide pot that stimulates the appearance of children in those plants that grow in breadth. There are plants that, despite their impressive size, have a rather small root system. In this case, there is a temptation to plant them in a large pot to give them stability and a more harmonious appearance. However, it is better not to use too large dishes, but to place heavy stones in a small pot or place the pot in a large, heavy pot.

Also, do not forget that by transplanting a plant into a large pot, we provide it with the opportunity for further growth. If our flower has reached an unprecedented height, and we no longer want to further increase its size, it is better to cut the roots when replanting and plant the plant in an old pot.

2. Shape

It's no secret that most often pots have a cylindrical shape with a narrowed base. This form is most convenient for replanting and allows you to shake out the plant without any problems. Plastic pots sometimes have the same width at the top and bottom.

Nowadays, square pots are often used for cacti; they are attractive because they allow you to compactly place a large number of plants nearby.

The only type of cookware that is best not to use is a pot that resembles a ball: with pot-bellied walls and narrowed edges. Although this form is very attractive in appearance, replanting a plant from such a pot will be very problematic, because the roots will grow very quickly in the wide inner part and it will be very difficult to get them out without injuring them.

When choosing the shape of a pot, you must also be guided by the features of the interior. Naturally, in classic interior Pots with complex decorations are appropriate, and for the minimalist style, laconic pots of the same width without any special frills are suitable.

The pot should also match the shape of the plant itself. If the plant has a strict shape, then the pot should have the same features. For a spreading plant would be better suited more refined tableware, decorated in various ways, for example, patterned relief walls.

3. Color

This sign is completely indifferent to the growth of the flower and is selected by us solely according to our own taste.

First of all, it must be combined with the interior of our room. In a strict, laconic interior, pots should be monochrome, without patterns. However, they may well be bright to create a splash of color if the room is dominated by very light pale tones.

Of course, our tastes are different, but I adhere to the point of view that the color of all pots in the room should be the same, because, if there is a large number of plants, and each of them has a pot of its own color, this will create excessive diversity and will look tasteless, especially if other interior items are brightly colored. A pot with a catchy pattern can look comical against the background of the same colorful wallpaper.

Of course, the color of the pot should ideally match the color of the plant itself. A light, monochromatic pot will suit almost any species. Monochrome coloring of dishes is especially necessary for beautiful flowering plants, because... the design on the pot can distract attention from the flowers. Another option is that the pattern on the pot can resemble the flowering of the plant itself (as in our picture).

At the same time, if the plant fades very quickly, in order to decorate its undecorative appearance in the off-season, a bright pot will be very appropriate. A bright pot with a pattern is also suitable for decorative foliage plants. However, the main rule when choosing dishes: the plant itself should never be lost against its background. Of course, sometimes a pot is so beautiful that it can be a real work of art. However, it should complement the flower, and not overwhelm it with its brightness and originality.

4. Pot material

Nowadays, new materials are being used to make flower utensils. However, most plant growers continue to use long-proven clay And ceramic pots. Such dishes have a number of advantages. One of them is that clay pots are quite heavy and provide stability to large plants. In addition, these are the kind of pots that should be chosen by a gardener who likes to water his plants abundantly, because... The porous walls of the pottery allow the roots to breathe and the moisture evaporates very quickly. You will have to moisten the soil in such pots often. In addition, if you place this pot in an outer container with wet peat, moisture will easily penetrate through its walls.

At the same time, the permeability of the walls of a ceramic pot is not always beneficial. For example, hard water can cause unsightly limescale to form on the surface. It can only be removed using metal brush. In winter, the roots in such pots heat up very quickly near the heating radiators, and then cool just as quickly as the moisture evaporates.

Before use, it is better to soak new clay and ceramic pots for a day to remove harmful substances. In addition, if the walls of the pot are wet, they will not absorb moisture from the soil.

The more common and more effective glazed ceramic tableware. Its walls do not allow air to pass through and retain moisture well. Similar qualities are inherent plastic pots. On the one hand, plants in such containers need to be watered much less frequently, which is, of course, convenient. However, root rotting due to excessive moisture in such pots is more likely. The disadvantage of plastic utensils is their low weight and low stability.

Finally, plastic pots are not very pretty. However, if there are a lot of plants, from a design point of view it is easiest to place them in identical plastic pots white. White pots will look especially good against the background of the same window sill. In this case, the main attention will be drawn to the plants; it will seem that they are growing straight from the windowsill.

However, from my own experience I can say that the main disadvantage of white plastic pots is that they quickly lose their attractive appearance. After about 2-3 years, the plastic turns yellow, becomes covered with unsightly spots, and it is almost impossible to clean such pots. True, given the low cost of plastic utensils, they can be changed quite often. However, some gardeners note that new plastic pots sometimes contain harmful substances that accumulate in them during the production of plastic. Such dishes have unpleasant smell, and it is better to plant not very valuable plants in them. However, I have not yet noticed any harmful effects of plastic on flower growth.

Interestingly, plant roots develop differently in plastic and clay pots. IN pottery the roots tend to the outer layers of the soil, and when replanting it seems that they have completely filled the pot, although in fact the inner layers of the soil may remain empty. In a plastic pot, root development is more uniform.

Currently, it is becoming increasingly common glass dishes. It resembles plastic in its qualities, because... glass also does not allow moisture and air to pass through well. It is worth noting that transparent glass can become covered with algae in the light and in this case it looks less attractive.

To grow orchids with photosynthetic green roots, it is best for beginning gardeners to use transparent plastic pots. However, if you absolutely do not like their appearance, you can place such a pot in a glass or bright glazed pot.

The ones that sometimes appear look very unusual metal pots. However, such dishes will not be useful for plants, because... metal heats up quickly in the sun and cools just as quickly in the cold. All this harms the roots.

The most necessary property The key to any pot is to have a drainage hole, or even better, several. Sometimes, when growing young flowers that grow very quickly in size, you can use ugly clay or plastic pots, which you won’t mind breaking or cutting with a knife when replanting.

5. Pots

If it is completely impossible to choose attractive dishes in which the plant would be happy, we want to buy a pot of an unusual shape, but we understand that the flower will not grow in it, there is always a simple way out: you can use a flowerpot. A beautiful pot, which is categorically unacceptable for a plant, can be used as an outer container, and an ugly one, but more suitable for growth, can be inserted inside. In this case, we can do just fine without a saucer - the water will flow into the outer pot. Additionally, the outdoor planter can be filled with wet sphagnum moss to increase humidity.

The great thing is that the flowerpot can be made of absolutely any material and even the most unsuitable shape for the plant, for example, with edges curved inward. Sometimes the appearance of a flowerpot can be completely unexpected, such as in our picture above. Hanging planter with chains or plastic sticks attached to it - the best option for growing hanging plants. The main thing is that the flowerpot matches the appearance of the plant and is harmoniously combined with its shape and size.