Resource opportunities for the development of Chinese industries. Heavy industry in China

At the time of the proclamation of the republic, China was a backward agrarian country. Over the following years, a large diversified industry was created in China. Along with the traditionally developed industries (textile, coal, etc.), new industries have emerged such as oil production and refining, chemical, aviation, space, and electronics.

By total number industrial enterprises China ranks first in the world in the number of people employed, and in terms of its fleet of metal-cutting machines.

Currently, heavy industry employs about 60% of all people employed in industry and produces 50% of gross industrial output (i.e., there are disproportions between groups A and B).

Fuel and energy industry.

Based on its own reserves, the majority of coking coal. China ranks 3rd and 2nd in the world in terms of iron reserves and production, respectively. But the ores are poor 30% iron. The largest basin is the Anshan basin. Of the alloying metals, there are large reserves of tungsten (1/4 of world production) and manganese.

The country produces 66 million tons of steel and 52 million tons. rolled products, but there is a shortage of high-grade steel and rolled products.

In total, there are more than 1,000 metallurgical enterprises in China (“a consequence of the Great Leap Forward”), but only 14 have a capacity of more than 1 million tons. Large enterprises(with the exception of Baoshan) are located in ore mining areas and.

The PRC has large reserves of raw materials for development, incl. aluminum, copper, tin ores, mercury, antimony, gold, rare earth elements. The main centers of non-ferrous metallurgy are confined to developed areas (as they require energy, complex equipment and technology).

Mechanical engineering in China meets the country's needs by approximately 75%. Videotapes are exported Appliances, equipment for light agricultural machinery, small hydroelectric power stations. But the structure of the industry is dominated by small enterprises.

The machine tool industry is one of the most developed in the world (every year about 1 million machine tools, including CNC ones).

The production of automobiles is growing rapidly (the main centers are Changchun and Shiyan), but mainly trucks are produced. But the country produces more than 30 million bicycles a year.

It is represented by the production of equipment for power plants and electrical equipment in most coastal centers of the country. In terms of electronics production volumes, China has taken first place in the world (up to 30 million televisions, tape recorders, watches, computers, communications equipment). The newest industries gravitate towards coastal areas.

The production of equipment for the clothing and textile industries is well developed.

Mechanical engineering is aimed at satisfying peasant farms. China is reducing the production of large tractors and increasing the production of mini tractors. They are mainly produced by small enterprises in agricultural areas.

In general, mechanical engineering is developed in the coastal zone (over 60%), mainly in large cities.

Fertilizer production stands out in particular (3rd place in the world).

New industry - industry polymer materials, the centers of which coincide with the centers of petrochemistry.

China is one of the few countries where synthetic and natural rubber is produced. Dyes and medicines are widely produced. Eastern China retains its leading role in the production of chemical products.

Light industry develops up to 25% of exports. The most important sub-sector is textile (Shanghai,). Silk production (Lower, Shanghai, Sichuan). The wool industry has historically developed in Shanghai and is now moving closer to the pastoral areas.

The PRC includes more than 40 industries, among which the leading one is the processing of grains and oilseeds. The production of meat products, sugar and canning industries is gradually expanding. The tobacco industry occupies a prominent place.

China- an industrial-agrarian country with high rates of economic development. In terms of GDP and industrial production China has reached 2nd place in the world, second only to the USA, and ranks 1st in the world in terms of agricultural production. However, in per capita terms, China is inferior to many countries in the world in all respects.

Industry of China characterized by a complex industry structure. Developed mining industry: China ranks 1st in the world in mining coal(2.2 billion tons), tin ores, tungsten, molybdenum and phosphorites, 2nd place in the production of iron ores.

The basis of the country's industry is heavy industry.

Fuel and energy complex based mainly on coal. In terms of electricity production, China has taken third place in the world after the USA and Japan. Approximately 3/4 of electricity is produced by thermal power plants. Hydropower is being intensively developed: the world's largest hydroelectric power station, Sanxia (Three Gorges), with a capacity of 18 million kWh, is being built on the Yangtze River. Nuclear energy begins to develop.

China has a developed metallurgy. China ranks first in the world in the production of ferrous metals (more than 420 million tons). The main metallurgical centers of China are located in the northeast (Anshan, Shenyang), in the north (Beijing, Baotou, Tianjin) and in the south (Wuhan). Non-ferrous metallurgy is developed (Shenyang, Shanghai, Kunming, Guiyang, Zhengzhou).

Enterprises produce a wide range of products machine-building complex. China has developed transport engineering (Changchun, Wuhan, Dalian, Nanjing, Shanghai, Guangzhou), heavy engineering (Shenyang), machine tool industry (Beijing, Shenyang and Shanghai), electrical engineering and electronics industry (Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong). China has taken 1st place in the world in the production of watches, televisions, radios and washing machines, 2nd place in the production of cameras and metalworking machines, and 3rd place in the world in the production of cars and ships. However, Chinese mechanical engineering products are of low quality.

The huge scale of production stands out chemical industry, in the structure of which the main chemistry is distinguished: China ranks 1st in the world in the production of nitrogen fertilizers (24 million tons), and 2nd in the world in the production of phosphate fertilizers (8 million tons) and sulfuric acid. The chemistry of organic synthesis and polymer chemistry are developing rapidly: in 2005, China took first place in the world in the production of chemical fibers. Well developed household chemicals and pharmaceuticals. Main centers chemical industry China are confined to areas of coal, oil and metallurgical centers: Shenyang, Beijing, Changchun, Shanghai, Wuhan, etc. Material from the site

One of the traditional and leading industries of China is light, especially textile. China is firmly ranked 1st in the world in the production of cotton and wool fabrics, and 3rd in the world in the production of silk. The sewing, knitting, leather, footwear and other labor-intensive industries have received great development.

China is an industrial-agrarian country. Its GDP is 415.7 billion US. dollars. Industry accounts for 42.3% of GDP, agriculture - 24.2%.

A program for the modernization of science and technology, industry, Agriculture, defense.

On modern stage development ratio between severe and is 52% and 48%. Light industry develops mainly in small and medium-sized enterprises.

The "face" of China is now defined by heavy industry, which mainly relies on domestic resources. In terms of total industrial production, China ranks fourth or fifth in the world.

The basis of China's fuel and energy complex is formed by the industry, which produces over 1 billion tons of coal per year. Coal mining is carried out in many basins, the largest of which are in the north and northeast of China. There are also oil fields there - Daqing. There is oil in 22 provinces, but most of it is produced in the north and northeast of the country.

Electricity production is 3/4 based on thermal power plants, but large hydropower construction is also underway in the upper reaches, as well as in the middle reaches of the river. (11 hydroelectric power stations) and r. Yellow River (15 hydroelectric power stations), hydroelectric power stations account for 20% of electricity. There is one nuclear power plant in operation in the country and several more are under construction.

The basis of the metallurgical complex of China is formed by the plants full cycle, focusing on their own coal basins and imported raw materials. China ranks second in steel production (88 million tons) after. There are five metallurgical bases in China: northeastern (Anypan, Fushun, Fuxin, Dalian), in Northern China (Tianjin), Northern China(Baotou), lower reaches of the river. Yangtze (Baoshan, Shanghai), middle reaches of the river. Yangtze (Wuhan).

The centers of non-ferrous metallurgy are Fushun, Shanghai, Shenyang. Of the 60 types of non-ferrous metal ores that are mined in the country, 50 are exported to China.

It is not specialized, but universal enterprises that predominate. They gravitate towards major cities And seaports, To metallurgical bases. The country fully provides itself with equipment for the coke and chemical industry, forging and pressing, machine tools, and locomotives. Centers: Shanghai, Beijing, Dalian.

Shipbuilding is located in the port cities of Shanghai, Dalian, Qingdao and in the river port of Wuhan, etc. Car production is in Hubei, Jilin, Beijing, tractors are produced in Shanghai. IN Lately The production of consumer electronics and electrical equipment products has gained great development in the country.

China is a diversified industry, despite the recent rapid growth of organic synthesis chemistry, basic chemistry remains the main industry. The chemical industry produces mineral fertilizers- in the provinces of Sichuan, Jiansu, etc. Recently, the production of plastics and synthetic resins and fibers has increased - Shanghai, Baoding.

The textile industry is the main light industry in China. The production and processing of textile raw materials are clearly zoned: in the north - wool, flax, hemp, in the south - silk, ramie, jute, kenaf. China ranks first in the world in the production of clothing from cotton fabrics.

Food industry China consists of 40 sub-sectors: flour and cereals, sugar, fish, meat, canning, tobacco, tea, etc. They are evenly distributed. Paper production is also developed in China.

China's industry is undoubtedly one of the most developed - the country ranks first in the world in terms of the total number of industrial enterprises and the number of workers employed in them. Since the beginning of the 21st century, China has been the world's industrial superpower.
The main centers of Chinese industry are Jiangsu, Shanghai, Liaoning, Shandong, Guangdong, Zhejian. The basis of the country's economy is heavy industry.
Chinese industry began to develop as rapidly as it does now after the proclamation of the People's Republic of China in 1949 and the transition from a traditional agricultural economy to an industrial one. Since 1979, the Chinese government has sought greater openness as foreign investment is required to modernize and further develop production. Measures are also being taken to attract foreign investors, such as tax incentives and legislative permission for foreign companies to create holdings in China.

Fuel and energy complex

The basis of China's electric power industry is coal; more than 1 billion tons of it are mined in the country every year. The largest coal basins are located in the north and northeast of China, with a total of about 100 large mining centers and over ten thousand smaller mines.
75% of energy in China is generated by thermal power plants. However, recently hydropower has been developing, which in the long term will have a positive impact on the country’s ecology. The main source of hydroelectric power is the Yangtze River.

Oil production

China is the world's fourth largest oil producer and is also an active exporter. The most oil-rich areas are the north, northeast and northwest; production is also developed in the shelf zones of the Yellow and South China Seas. Despite such a high level of production, China remains one of the world's leading importers of oil; according to forecasts, the share of imported oil will only increase in the future, being one of the problems of the Chinese economy.

Metallurgy of China.

China ranks first in the world in the production of ferrous metals. The country has its own reserves of iron ore, on which the industry is based, but they are not rich, as they contain only about 30% iron. There are also reserves of coking coal and alloying metals, which are important raw materials for ferrous metallurgy. The centers of black China are Anshan, Shenyang, Beijing, Baotou, Tianjin, Wuhan.
Non-ferrous metallurgy is also developed, since quite rich reserves of copper, antimony, tin ores and other rarer non-ferrous metals have been discovered in the country. Thus, Chinese reserves of manganese and molybdenum have global significance. Enterprises in this industry require high level technology development, therefore located in developed areas.

Mechanical engineering of China.

Mechanical engineering in China is one of the most developed and important branches of specialization. Machine-building enterprises are located mainly near large trading hubs, such as ports, as well as in large industrial centers and close to raw material bases. Currently, the country's position as the largest producer on the world market engineering products are only getting stronger.
The Chinese machine tool industry is one of the most developed in the world - about 1 million machines are exported annually, including very high-tech equipment with automatic systems management.

Automotive industry

Relatively recently, only since the 1990s, the Chinese automobile industry has been rapidly developing. Since 2009, China has been the most major manufacturer cars in the world and produces twice as much as the second and third (USA and Japan) combined. Local brands, such as BYD, Lifan, Geely, Chery, Great Wall and many lesser-known brands, are very numerous and account for approximately half of all cars sold. The rest are produced at joint enterprises with large foreign concerns. The vast majority of cars produced are used domestically and are not exported. The country is giving high priority to the development of more environmentally friendly cars and electric vehicles, which allows for further growth of the industry.


Shipbuilding, like many other strategically important industries, is under state control in China. The state shipbuilding corporation is called CSSC, it includes more than 20 shipyards, 67 factories and 30 research institutes. Chinese shipbuilding is mainly export-oriented due to large production volumes and cheap prices. work force This industry is very economically profitable.
In China, there is a great need for passenger air transport, so the country is going to develop this area. The country has its own giant state company AVIC, which is also involved in developments in military aviation and weapons.
Since 2003, China has been the world's third space superpower: the country has produced and launched spaceships, including manned ones. In terms of the number of launches, China is second only to Russia, surpassing the United States. Chinese space program very ambitious and includes goals such as exploration outer space, using it for peaceful purposes and protecting China's national interests.

Electronics industry in China.

The vast majority of all electronics and mobile equipment in the world is produced in China, including such well-known brands as Apple, Dell, HP. In China there are not only enterprises for assembling equipment, but also for its development. The country also has its own electronics manufacturers, but in terms of productivity they are, as a rule, much inferior to foreign ones, although their quality is not as low as is commonly believed. Today, there are Chinese manufacturers of high-quality smartphones that are well-known on the world market, such as Lenovo, ZTE, Xiaomi, Meizu. The production of copies and fakes of world brands is also widely developed.

Chemical industry of China.

Currently, China's chemical industry is actively developing and the country is becoming a world leader. The chemical industry has developed many branches, in particular, the production of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers, the chemistry of organic synthesis and polymers. The developed mining and chemical industry provides these industries with raw materials. The growth rate of chemical production is increasing from year to year, which secures China the title of one of the world leaders in this industry. The domestic market is also expanding, as chemical products are needed for all Chinese industries, such as mechanical engineering and packaging. Because of this, demand exceeds supply, and there is a shortage of chemical products in the domestic market, which leads to an expansion of the share of foreign corporations, more scientifically and technologically advanced than local ones, in China's chemical industry.

Chinese forest industry

China is one of the largest consumers of wood in the world, which is why the country faces a very acute problem of shortage of forest resources. The state policy on forest protection is very active, since due to the high volumes of industrial production, the ecology and air quality in particular in the country big problems. It consists of increasing the area of ​​new forest plantations and banning logging in many areas. Thus, in the area of ​​the Yangtze River, after a severe flood in 1998, tree cutting was prohibited for 50 years. The plans include a complete cessation of cutting down China's natural forests and the harvesting of wood grown on special plantations. In the meantime, China is forced to import huge volumes of wood from abroad. In turn, the country is the largest exporter wood products, such as furniture and toys. Paper production, which has been the country’s specialization since ancient times, is also developed.

Light industry of China.

Light industry in China is also very developed, its main industries being food and textiles.
The textile industry is represented by enterprises producing wool, flax and hemp in the north of China and silk and jute in the south. China ranks first in the world in the export of clothing made from cotton fabrics; the country has production facilities of many international companies. As in the electrical industry, counterfeit and fake branded items are widespread. Chinese light industry plays a very important role in the country's economy and is one of the largest in terms of production volumes. This development is due to the availability of basic production factors: China is very rich in cheap labor resources, the production of fabrics, both natural cotton and synthetic fibers. One of China’s advantages over other exporters in the industry is the availability foreign investment and favorable economic conditions for them.

Food industry

Most of China's food industry enterprises are located in the southwest of the country. This industry is also very developed - China has been fully meeting its food needs since the 1980s, despite the huge size of its domestic market. Today the country is major exporter seafood and fish, as well as fruits and vegetables. The tea industry has been historically developed - since the 19th century, China has not lost its status as one of the main suppliers of tea. Tea industry enterprises are located mainly historically, since the collected raw materials must be immediately processed, which is done in already built factories.

Features of China's industry

China's industry is an important and very dynamically developing sector of the global economic space. China's industrial potential contributes about 50% of the country's gross domestic product.

At the beginning of the 21st century, China becomes the first global industrial superpower in terms of industrial production. China is a space and nuclear power.

If we consider the number of factories, China ranks first in the world ranking. Today in Chinese People's Republic 360 industries are represented. Along with traditionally developed industries, such as textiles and coal, new industries are emerging.

The oil, chemical, pharmaceutical, aviation and space, automotive and electronic industries have developed. IN last years More than 370,000 new industrial enterprises were built in China.

The bulk of factories and factories in China are located in major industrial central parts states, including the eastern and coastal provinces. China's industry is developing largely with the help of foreign investment. Foreign aid concluded in tax holidays, preferential import tariffs, simplified rules for hiring and dismissing foreign employees.


Note 1

The leading role in China is played by light industry, which includes textile and food industry. This industry accounts for more than 20% of all Chinese industrial products.

The textile industry includes more than 20,000 enterprises. The food industry operates through more than 65,000 enterprises, most of which are concentrated in the southwestern part of the state.

Since the mid-eighties, society has been provided with food, which includes, first of all, fruits, fish, and seafood. Most of products are exported, while the food market is represented by the CIS countries, mainly the Far Eastern regions of the Russian Federation.

In addition, the leading agricultural export is cotton. A larger number of Chinese enterprises involved in the processing of cotton and livestock products are located in the northwestern part of the state; factories and plants in the paper and sugar industries are concentrated mainly in the northeast of the Republic of China.

Note 2

The Chinese economy is characterized by a global trend of declining share of agricultural products in the state's gross domestic product. If we consider the mining industry, China is the world leader in the production of coal, iron, lead-zinc, manganese, tungsten ores, and wood.

China has concentrated 37% of the world's reserves of rare earth metals, which are represented by molybdenum, antimony and vanadium. Thus, during the course of large investments at the end of the 20th century, the extraction of this type of mineral accounted for 95% of world production.

China's oil industry accounts for approximately 16% of foreign exchange earnings. China produces mainly sweet oil and about 1/5 of heavy oil. The main volume of production occurs in the northeastern and northwestern region of the state; approximately 15% of the oil is produced from the Bohai Gulf in the Yellow Sea, as well as in the South China Sea.

There are about 30 oil production enterprises in the state, with a total reserve of about 64 billion tons. China, after the United States, is the world's second-largest consumer of crude oil and is also a net importer. Net oil imports are projected to reach up to 60%.

The main oil suppliers for China are Saudi Arabia, Iran, Russia, etc.

Gas production in China consists of the extraction of natural combustible gas and associated oil fields. Efforts are being made to increase production growth to enhance the role of natural gas in general structure energy consumption of the state. Natural gas mined on the shelf of the South China Sea.

The main problems of the industry are the gap between the main areas of production and consumption. To solve the issue of shortage of combustible gas, port complexes were created for the acceptance and regasification of imported liquefied natural gas.

When it comes to the use of flammable gases from coal mines, China is second only to the United States in this area.

In the industrial sector, the main source of energy is coal, primarily in the production of steel. The main problem in meeting domestic demand for energy resources through coal is the dispersion of its deposits throughout the state.

Development of industrial sectors

China's growing industry is oil refining and metallurgy. Mechanical engineering is developing rapidly, including:

  • general, heavy, power machine tool building,
  • production of industrial equipment,
  • shipbuilding in the transport sector,
  • automotive, aviation, space and electronics industries.

China's position has been strengthened as a leading engineering power and precisely because of the rise specific gravity in global trade of products in these industries.

The aerospace industry is represented by the aviation and space industries.

Aviation Industry Company of China is a state-owned industrial giant with hundreds of thousands of employees and large interests in related industrial sectors. There is also a great need in the passenger aircraft industry, which is promising industry China.

In 2003, China became a space superpower, ranking third in the world. The Chinese independently carry out manned flights; since 2010, they are second only to Russia and carry out more space launches than the United States.

China becomes the third country to send a Lunokhod to the moon, which also returned from earth to the moon.

China is developing in the field high technology, electronics industry and military-industrial complex.