Thickness of façade putty. Types and features of applying façade putty for exterior work

Facade finishing putty for exterior use is a special solution, it widely used in construction for application to pre-treated walls. The material must be applied in a small layer, its thickness can be from two to five millimeters.

It is first necessary to plaster the walls on which the finishing façade putty will be applied. During repair work you will need about one kilogram of this material.


You can note a large number of advantages of such finishing material, thanks to which Facade putty is in great demand in the market. Let's look at some of them:

  • To work with this type of putty, it is not necessary to purchase any tools or devices for this. You only need special repair tools . ABOUT neither can be made of metal, plastic or artificial rubber. The width of the tool is selected individually;
  • After application is completed, the material dries in a fairly short period of time. In addition, cracks or other defects do not form after putty;
  • using this material, the master can create a surface of any kind, after which the wall is sanded. For example, it could be a well-known abrasive or sandpaper;

  • main advantage facade plaster is that it is one hundred percent environmentally friendly pure material, it does not pose any threat to human life, and there is no specific odor in the composition.


Nowadays, manufacturers on the market offer a wide range of products; as a rule, facade putty is divided into the following types:

  • silicone;

  • silicate;

  • universal;

  • acrylic.

May vary. It all depends on the manufacturer, the volume of material and some features of the putty.

An experienced specialist in this matter already knows which company is best suited for him, however, what to do if the master is still completely new and does not know how to choose the right putty? We bring to your attention a description of the most common brands of putty.


Cement facade putty knauf multifinish 25 kg is gray in color and contains: polymer additives and fillers. Putty knauf Excellent for leveling the surface, suitable for rooms with high levels of moisture, and also eliminates minor defects on the wall.

The principle of application is quite simple; to do this, apply the putty with a special spatula and then smooth it. If cracks or depressions may appear in any place on the surface, putty must be applied there. using reinforcing mesh.

The façade and finishing putty of prospectors deserves special attention.

The material has White color, the texture of the putty is smooth. The manufacturer has released several varieties of this putty. Each of them is designed to perform a specific type construction work.

The main advantages of the material are that under any conditions the putty perfectly performs its functions and serves throughout for long years , and also eliminates surface defects and improves the quality of the coating.

It is worth noting another putty material - Ceresit CT-225, which also deserves attention.

This facade putty is versatile; it can be used for painting and for any finishing.

The material is very easy and convenient to apply; over time, the putty is not damaged and does not form cracks. In addition, the mixture has high technical properties that will allow you to serve for a long time material.

But it is also worth remembering that not all putty can be used for construction work, even if it is a luxury putty material.

The Vetonit mixture can be used for indoor work, but not outside, since the material does not tolerate moisture and will crack immediately.

Judging by these characteristics, we can conclude that the presented putty cannot be used for finishing in the bathtub and other rooms where there is a high level of moisture.

Products must match the type of work you do. Therefore, when choosing, it is necessary to take into account the following features:

  • if the facade was previously treated with mineral putty material, then it is necessary to paint it;
  • acrylic is best used for treating surfaces that have low level airtightness;
  • The most popular are silicone and silicate putty. These can also include combined.

Silicate and silicone facade finishing putty have some features, for example: first of all you need handle special glue insulation located outside the walls. This is done in order to fix the reinforcing mesh. Then level the surface using the priming method over the entire area.

Usually such work is done using a roller or painting. And then a layer of putty is applied with a spatula and rubbed over.

There are many ways to apply finishing putty to walls, and one of them is to use a plaster called Bark Beetle.

Its composition is designed in such a way that the result can be a very unusual texture. In most cases, it resembles wood that has been attacked by woodworms - these are beetles that devour wood.

That is why the plaster is called “Bark Beetle”.

Advantages of the material:

  • resistant to high temperatures in the sun;
  • tolerates well not only high temperature, but also low, and also resistant to the environment;
  • the cost is quite high compared to similar materials, however, the plaster looks very interesting and tasteful.

To protect the building from high moisture, you can treat its base with this plaster. For example, the following case can be cited: very often storm drain can't cope with a huge amount water and this damages the building itself.

What features of the putty material should be noted:

  • before you are going to apply putty to the wall, you must treat it with a primer and let the material dry for some time;
  • The finishing putty should in no case be mixed with other materials: glue, paint, etc.;
  • after treatment it is recommended cover the facade with a special film. Because the putty is still wet and does not tolerate moisture and possible precipitation. In this case, all the work done will be meaningless;
  • If the surface is very hot from the sun before installation, then it is better to wait a while and let the wall cool down to achieve desired effect and the putty applied evenly.

For more information on how to apply bark beetle, watch the video:


According to their intended purpose, putties are divided into the following types.

It is used for the purpose of premature leveling of the entire area on which installation will take place. Between the start and finishing putty There is one significant difference.

The starting mixture dries out in just a few minutes and in the future it will be almost impossible to correct any defects or irregularities.

Finishing putty under the wallpaper is used at the end of the work to fix the result and level the surface. This putty is applied only after the previous layer of putty has dried well. about how long it takes for the putty to dry.

If you carry out additional processing, you can end up with an improved wall, smooth and without the slightest damage.

Their composition is as follows.

Used for repairs indoors for painting or outside. about finishing putty for painting. Material suitable for finishing rooms that differ high level humidity.


Allowed apply exclusively to completely dry apartments. If gypsum putty will be used for rooms where high humidity, the material will begin to crack instantly.

Acrylic putty is used for the purpose perfect alignment walls about acrylic wood putty.

Also, putties can also be divided into the following types:

  • ready, which are sold in stores;

  • dry-shaped, in powder form.

The advantage of the first type of putty is that after opening the package, the master can immediately start working.

Finishing putties can also be divided into further subgroups.

Latex acrylate mixture is one of the most popular on the market.

This putty is used for almost all materials; it adheres well, does not crack and lasts for many years.

N Please note that it is quite expensive. Typically, purchased packages contain twenty-five kilograms of putty.


Oil-adhesive putty material has been used for a long time. However, this method of application has not lost its properties today.

The material is distinguished by its high density, and therefore the weight becomes much greater. The mixture is best suited for finishing indoor floors.

If you let the putty harden for some time, the layer becomes very durable and of high quality. In stores, one unit package contains five hundred grams of putty.

Putty, which contains PVA, is usually used for finishing those surfaces in which there is a risk of fungus or other bacteria.

You can purchase the mixture at a hardware store in the form of a small bottle.

Facade treatment

The façade processing process consists of several stages. Let's look at them:

  • First of all, the master must carefully and Carefully treat the walls with primer material. This is done so that the wall surface can adhere well to other materials;

  • installation of insulation. Here you can use different materials, for example, polystyrene foam or polystyrene foam. The latter has improved fixation;
  • Before applying the finish, it is necessary to treat the insulation with a primer mixture.

Surface application

During construction work, special attention should be paid to preparing the putty mixture. Because the quality of the work done ultimately depends on it. It is important to take into account the recommendations indicated on the packaging of the material.

  • If dry putty is used in the work, it must be diluted in water. about how to dilute putty;
  • further to you you will need a special mixer, designed for installation and with its help you can stir the mixture to the desired consistency;

  • then leave the solution for five minutes, this is done so that the material infuses. Then beat the mixture again;
  • Now the putty is ready for its purpose and you can safely get to work.

If you are using a purchased mixture, then also carry out the above-described manipulations before using it. If you have liquid putty, apply it using a spatula.

After the mixture has completely dried, you can check its readiness and begin treating the wall with a diamond mesh.


In this article, we familiarized ourselves with all the features of putty, its types and methods of application. Using façade finishing putty, you can give your home a “second wind” and make it appearance more attractive.

In addition, your home will have some uniqueness and originality compared to others. To apply putty to the surface, you just need to know a few rules and follow the instructions on the package.

If you are not completely confident that you can carry out such repairs efficiently and quickly, then it is better to use the help of highly qualified specialists in this field.

Puttying walls is an integral stage of both internal and external finishing work, because it is this process that allows you to level the surface as efficiently as possible and prepare the base of the walls of the house for finishing. Unlike putty, intended for indoor repairs, more serious requirements are put forward for the external appearance of this material, since high and low temperatures, humidity and, of course, frost are characteristic of our climatic zone, directly affect the walls of the building. Therefore, this article will be devoted to the consideration of the features of putty for external work and the technology of its application.

Purpose of putty for exterior use

Putty - This is a special mixture with which various types of defects are eliminated, seams, chips, small and more significant cracks and roughness in order to create the most even surface of a wall built using materials such as brick, concrete, foam concrete, gypsum, stone and any others.

As a rule, putty for exterior use includes components such as cement, special mineral and modifying additives, as well as plasticizers. So how exactly do these ingredients give necessary properties material intended for outdoor use. To the undeniable benefits putties can be classified as:

  • environmentally friendly material and safety for human health;
  • durability to various weather conditions in the form of high and low temperatures, their sudden changes, as well as precipitation;
  • absence of unpleasant and uncomfortable odors;
  • resistance to influence ultraviolet rays and surface fading;
  • enough high plasticity rates;
  • The vapor permeability characteristic of the material allows the walls of the house to breathe;
  • possibility of subsequent painting or purchasing ready-made color finishing mixtures.

Putty for external work is usually divided into two categories, namely starting and finishing. The first consists of coarse-grained components and is intended for rough surface finishing. Due to the fact that the cost of this material is much less than finishing putty, it is recommended to level the walls as accurately as possible using it. In addition, higher adhesion rates contribute to better adhesion to materials such as brick, concrete, limestone, etc.

Finishing putty, having fine-grained structure, it is applied for final processing surface and eliminating small irregularities that were not hidden by the starting layer. It has higher strength indicators and, if necessary, a wide range of colors. On the construction market, putty is presented both in dry form and in ready-made form, which does not require prior dilution with water.

Types of putty for exterior use, their advantages and disadvantages

Depending on the production technology and the components of the mixture, there are the following types façade putty:

Preparatory work before puttingtying external walls

First of all, you need to choose the right day with favorable weather conditions. The best option for working with this material it is considered air temperature condition within 5−25° C and humidity not higher than 70−80%. The wet layer of putty applied to the wall should not come into contact with direct sunlight, a humid environment, or low temperatures.

Tools And materials You won’t need too much, but still the list of preliminary targeted purchases should consist of the following items:

  • capacity in which the solution will be mixed;
  • for convenience, you can use drill with mixer attachment for mixing the solution;
  • respirator and mask necessary in the process of grinding the surface of some types of putty;
  • roller or brush for applying the primer mixture;
  • metal spatulas, the width of which, as a rule, ranges from 450 to 600 mm;
  • grater or diamond mesh for grinding the surface;
  • primer deep penetration;
  • starting and finishing putty.

Preparatory work includes cleaning the surface from various contaminants, poorly adhering layers old decoration, as well as deletion greasy stains, possible traces of fungus and other types of dirt.

Features of the process of filling external walls

Applying putty to the wall does not present any particular difficulty, but at the same time it is a rather delicate job, the approach to which should be based on patience, accuracy and attentiveness. After all the above have been carried out preparatory work you can begin the process of filling the walls, which is divided into the following steps:

This completes the filling of the external walls of the house. The most important rules that must be followed include, firstly, the complete drying of each layer of putty, and secondly, maintaining proportions when mixing the solution. Everything else depends on your desire, skills and financial capabilities.

Video of wall putty

The construction of houses, cottages, and various buildings is not complete without leveling mixtures, which are used to prepare all surfaces before the finishing coating. For exterior finishing work, façade putties are used. In this article we will talk about the types of these finishing materials, their pros and cons, and also provide information to popular manufacturers of these products.

Why do you need façade putty?

Facade putty is a paste-like material intended for leveling the surface of various materials(concrete, foam blocks, gas blocks, brick, stone, gypsum boards and others). It is used to smooth out cracks, roughness and prepare the base before performing façade finishing work.

According to consistency they are divided into:

  • starting;
  • finishing.

Starter putties have a coarse-grained structure and are used for lower surface finishing. They are adhesive, durable, easy to process, making them good at correcting surface unevenness. The thickness of the applied layer is 2−20 mm.

Finishing putties have a finely dispersed structure and provide an even, smooth surface before execution decorative finishing. They are not as strong compared to starter putties. The layer is applied with a thickness not exceeding 4 mm.

The industry also produces universal materials, which combine the properties of starting and finishing putties. They are very rarely used for outside work.

Finishing materials must have the following qualities:

  • elasticity;
  • vapor permeability;
  • frost resistance;
  • moisture resistance.


For exterior finishing work, putties containing cement or polymer base. Facade cement putties are resistant to low temperatures and moisture. For the production of starting cement putties they use quartz sand. The composition of finishing cement includes: marble dust (microcalcite); quartz ground sand (marshallite). To improve technical characteristics, chemical additives are introduced into them.


  • resistant to moisture and temperature changes;
  • unpretentious and inexpensive.


  • shrink;
  • there is a possibility of cracks appearing.

The basis of polymer putties are polymer binders, divided into two groups:

  • acrylic;
  • latex.

Acrylic - can be either leveling or finishing, intended for external and interior work. Thanks to the acrylic material, which is their main component, these materials are plastic, moisture resistant and do not peel off. They are used to protect concrete, foam concrete, and plastered surfaces. Allowable thickness applied layer 1−3 mm. The surface on which acrylic putty is applied must be primed.


  • elasticity;
  • high strength;
  • moisture resistance;
  • easy to handle.


  • the need for puttying in two stages for deep surface damage;
  • Grinding work must be carried out in a respirator.

Latex - made on the basis of latex. They are also leveling and finishing and are used for finishing the facades of houses and interior spaces. They are produced in the form of ready-made pastes, odorless and emitting harmful substances.


  • durability;
  • plastic;
  • does not form cracks when drying.


  • high price.

Table: comparison of materials for wall decoration

The cost of 1 kg of mixture is approximate.

NameBinding baseApplying permissible layer (mm)Consumption rate per 1 m 2 with a layer of 1 mm (kg)Shelf life of the mixture in closed and open containersDrying periodCost of 1 kg (in rubles)
Plitonite Kp (in the form of a dry mixture)Polymer-adhesive3 0,9−1 7 days / 20 minutes6 hours28
Plitonite Kf (in the form of a dry mixture)Cement5 1−1,1 4 hours6 hours22 (gray) 34 (white)
Facade (in the form of a dry mixture)Cement1−6 1,25−1,6 2 hours4 days22
Bolars Finish SuperPolymer0,2−2 1 24 hours2 days27
Glims Finish-R (as a dry mix)White cement and polymer1−10 1,2 4 hours24 hours33
Glims Finish-F (as a dry mix)White cement and polymer1−10 1,2 4 hours24 hours34
Parade Classic S50Acrylic dispersion1 1,8 Not limited2−6 days283
Knauf Multi-Finish ready-to-use pasteCementsolid alignment 1−3; partial 5 mm1,2 3 hours3 days at +10 o C or 24 hours at +20 o C19−21
Founds Bassilk T-30 (in the form of a dry mixture)Cement1−8 1,2−1,4 3 hoursN/A22
Ceresit CT 127 in the form of a dry mixture)Polymer powders and mineral fillers3 1,2−1,3 24 hours / 3 hours24 hoursN/A

How to choose the right one

Very high demands are placed on façade putties. The most important criterion is resistance to various atmospheric influences. When choosing a finishing material, you need to pay attention to the filler (its fraction) in the material, which determines the evenness of the surface being treated. What is she fewer topics, the surface will be smoother. Cement putties have a coarse grain fraction, although they are more in demand. Best qualities ready-made paste putties have. Quality materials must:

  • maintain its plasticity for a long time, that is, have high “vitality”;
  • be easy to use;
  • set quickly and do not crack;
  • be compatible with the paints and varnishes used.

Popular manufacturers

Ceresit putty S.T. 29 (starter) has a gypsum base and is used for leveling concrete, cement, lime, brick external and internal surfaces of buildings.

Work with putty must be carried out at positive temperatures from 5 to 32 degrees and used within 50 minutes. Complete hardening occurs in 10-16 hours. The permissible layer thickness is 20 mm. The solution consumption is 7.2 kg per m 2, the layer thickness is 4 mm. This option is frost-resistant and durable.

Putty with a gypsum base Ceresit C. T. 225 (finish) is used for decorative finishing. Apply to the pre-primed surface of the starting layer putty. Brick or concrete surface Before applying the putty, moisten it. The solution is used within 1 hour from the moment of preparation. Maximum layer thickness 5 mm. Chemicals with astringent properties should not be added to the composition. For 1 m² with a 1 mm layer, 1.8 kg of mixture is consumed. The putty has high strength.

Putty Kreisel 662 (universal) cement-lime type, having high adhesion to various types surfaces and is intended for use in internal and external works. It is not recommended to apply the solution with a layer thickness of less than 3 mm, as it is subject to shrinkage.

SCANMIX TT putty (starter) cement-based. It has high water resistance and frost resistance, intended for finishing interior and exterior work. The solution is used to level concrete, brick walls, fill and seal joints and cracks. Apply to a dry, clean surface; the layer thickness can be 4−20 mm. Complete hardening occurs within a day. It is recommended to paint the surface after 48 hours. The putty is subject to shrinkage.

SCANMIX LH STANDART putty (finishing) has a polymer base and is used for different types surfaces. It has high adhesion, does not shrink, and is also water-resistant and durable. Polymerizes throughout the day. Consumption 1.5 kg per m 2, layer thickness is 3 mm.

Application technology: we carry out the work ourselves

Facade putty can be applied to the surface in two ways:

  • manual;
  • mechanical.

Application mechanically carried out under high pressure using a special unit. This method has disadvantages:

  • high requirements for putty consistency;
  • uneven application of layers.

Therefore, in most cases they prefer to apply putty manually.

Before applying the solution, it is necessary to check the surface and clean it from dirt, dust, and grease stains. To strengthen the adhesion of the layers, prevent mold and fungal growth, the surface is primed with a special solution. Then you need to prepare the mixture for applying it to the surface. If a dry mixture is selected, it must be prepared according to the instructions on the package, and the purchased ready-made mixture is thoroughly mixed. The putty is suitable for application from the moment of its preparation from 30 minutes to 3 hours. First, the putty is applied to the depressions, cracks and leveled. If the putty is applied in several layers, then each layer must be primed.

In this article we talked about façade putties, which are used for finishing residential buildings and buildings. Houses where such materials are used with subsequent decorative finishing protect them from atmospheric influences and have an attractive appearance that pleases not only their owners, but also passers-by.

Facade putty is often used for exterior finishing brick or stone masonry. This is due to the fact that it cannot be laid perfectly evenly. Putty intended for finishing the facade has not only a decorative function, it protects against the effects of precipitation and minor physical impact. What features of this finishing material can be highlighted?

Facade putty used for exterior work is a finely dispersed material, but it may contain fractions of different sizes. All solutions differ in their consistency and functions. The following types of mixtures are distinguished:

  • Basic. It is also called the starting one. This external putty widely used for leveling surfaces.
  • Finish. It is represented by a mixture with smaller fractions compared to the previous composition. The finished putty has a liquid structure. It is widely used for final leveling surface, which is necessary for further decorative finishing of the facade. Although it has low strength characteristics, it is excellently sandable and flexible for finishing.

  • Universal. This putty combines the advantages of starting and finishing mixtures. But it is not used for façade putty.

  • Decorative. This composition for external walls is often used for finishing stucco and textured decorative elements.

  • Wood putty. It is used to protect walls from precipitation by wooden coverings. As a result, the surface becomes particularly smooth.

Facade putty for external use is moisture-resistant, elastic and frost-resistant. You can apply a layer of paint or decorative plaster. The treated surface can also be finished with mosaics, ceramic tiles or enamel.

Features of choice

Increased demands are placed on façade putties. Weather resistance is the main criterion that applies to them. Choosing specific composition, the filler material must be taken into account. The evenness of the treated coating depends on it. The smaller the putty fraction, the smoother the surface will be.

Cement compositions have a more granular and coarser fraction. The best properties have paste-like ready-made compositions.

High-quality mixtures have the following features:

  • do not crack and set quickly;
  • easy to use;
  • retain their plasticity for a long time;
  • can be combined with the paints and varnishes used.

Related article: Features of oil putty (technical characteristics)

Cement facade mixture is characterized by increased resistance to low temperatures and moisture. It has high strength, so it does not crack during application. For its production, quartz sand is used, which is crushed to 0.5-0.6 mm. It may include marble dust, ground quartz sand or limestone flour with granules up to 0.2 mm in size.

Cement putty may include chemical additives to improve technical parameters. Concerning color range, beige, gray and yellowish shades are used. White cement-based putty is not currently available because it requires expensive bleaches.

Polymer putty for facades can be made on an acrylic or latex base. Latex compounds are not used for finishing facades. But this putty is suitable for finishing indoor walls. Acrylic facade mixture can be used both as the main and as finishing for external walls. It does not need to be diluted with water, and the coating is 2 mm thick.

On the video: what types of putties are there.

Making the mixture

Modern manufacturers supply all putties in two forms - as a dry powder or a ready-made mixture. The already prepared Knauf mixture is supplied in closed plastic buckets. Volma needs dilution and is supplied in paper bags of various sizes. In the second case, you will have to use water to prepare the composition. It is important to strictly follow the manufacturer's recommendations in order to obtain the optimal mixture thickness.

To mix the putty, use a drill with a special attachment. When the consistency becomes creamy, it should sit for several minutes.

Prepare small portion, sufficient for quick application to a specific area of ​​the wall. Mixtures of most brands, like Knauf, retain their optimal properties up to 3 hours. Then they harden, after which they cannot be used.

Related article: Selection and use of putty for drywall joints

If you cannot decide on the amount of putty mixture, start with a small portion. This way you can determine your productivity in terms of consumption and application area per hour per square meter treated surface.

Application technique

TO finishing works should begin after the shrinkage of the foundation is completed. Average this process ends one year after completion of construction work. For facade works a suitable putty must be used. This process will require some effort and a little experience.

To apply a high-quality layer of Knauf, you will need at least 2 layers. Even experienced master You won’t get by with just one layer of putty. Work must be carried out at temperatures from +5 to +20 degrees. The maximum air humidity is no more than 80%.

To perform the work, a ready-made or dry mixture intended for finishing the facade is suitable. When using putty, it is important to follow the sequence of actions:

1. First of all, it is important to clean the coating from oil stains, dirt, dust and old finishing layers. If there are places on the surface with cracked plaster, it will have to be removed.

2. It is necessary to apply a deep penetration primer. It is important to note that it must be completely dry before next stage work.

4. After the first layer of concrete has dried, the surface is additionally primed. This improves adhesion to the next layer. On average, the mixture consumption is 11-15 liters per square meter. m. surface, and the layer thickness is about 4 mm.

5. Finishing putty allows you to repair individual defects - cracks, depressions and dents. It is applied thin layer, and wait for complete drying.

After completing the putty work, the stage of plastering the wall follows. Do not apply plaster for external work on a heated surface. It is important that the coating obtained using putty is not exposed to direct Sun rays and drops of rain.

Almost any construction project cannot be performed perfectly. And in order to give the building a perfect and finished look, it is necessary to carry out external work using facade putty. Using it, you can prepare the surface for decorative covering.

Often this material is called a little differently - putty, but both of these concepts are equivalent. Putty for external use has several purposes:

  • Leveling the surface for finishing.
  • Protection of the facade from the harmful effects of the environment.
  • Strengthening materials.

Currently, putty can be purchased at any hardware store. It is sold in two types:

  1. Ready mixture. Located in special containers, volume may vary significantly. Very convenient for unscheduled work, or if long transportation is not required. Has restrictions on storage time. Can be used gradually after opening the container. Afraid of frost.
  2. Dry mixture. It is used for large-scale work, as it costs much less. Can be transported and stored long time. Cannot be stored in damp areas.

Types of putties for facade work

Mixtures for facade work differ based on their tasks. The following groups are distinguished:

  1. Main. Consists of large fractions. Used for initial application. It smooths out minor irregularities and differences. With its help, cracks and chips are repaired. Well suited for objects that were built from bricks and foam blocks. Very durable, does not react with chemicals. Can be applied in a layer of up to two centimeters. The solution for work should have the consistency of sour cream. In a more liquid state, the material consumption increases, it takes longer to dry, and the desired result cannot be obtained.
  2. . Consists of a fine fraction. Apply to the prepared surface. Serves exclusively for minor leveling. Hides small cracks. The application thickness does not exceed 3-4 mm. The solution is prepared in a more liquid form than for the main (starting) one. In both cases, an acrylic mixture works well.
  3. Putty for decoration. Serves to create textured elements on the surface.
  4. Putty for wooden structures. Protects objects made of wood or wood cladding from climate impacts.

Facade putties vary in technical specifications. Each of them plays its role in protecting the building. Correct application and alternation makes the object durable.

This material must have the following qualities:

  • resistance to high humidity and frost;
  • elasticity, with slight shrinkage no cracks should appear;
  • must have pores that allow the surface to “breathe”.

Types of putty based on the base

Putties have different composition. But it all depends on the component that is the main one. It is he who gives her the qualities that are necessary. That's just besides positive qualities, there are also negative ones. The development of technology has made it possible to create new types of materials, for example, acrylic putties. So, other polymer putties appeared. They began to possess a large number positive qualities, but have not yet become available. Below is a table that clearly shows the types of mixtures.

Putty/type Positive properties Negative properties
Facade putty – cement It is resistant to humidity (waterproof). Not afraid of frost (frost-resistant). Durable. Special care not required. The cost is low. Cracks may appear as the building shrinks. Shrinks when dry
Putty for facade work – acrylic Durable and moisture resistant (water resistant). Not subject to destruction due to shrinkage of the building. Does not require certain conditions for application. Light application layer. Not suitable for leveling large imperfections.
Facade putty – latex Very plastic and durable, does not crack during shrinkage. Easy to apply. The cost is quite high.

The most commonly used putties are two types: cement-based and acrylic base. The first is chosen because of its satisfactory characteristics and low price. The second because of its positive qualities, which are far superior to the first.

Cement-based putties

Having good strength, this material does not form cracks after drying. The composition for initial work includes sand, which is pre-crushed. The final composition includes:

  • finely ground limestone;
  • ground quartz sand;
  • microcalcite.

The modern composition contains special chemical additives that improve its characteristics. This putty has different shades. There was a white cement putty available, but it was no longer available.

When choosing such a material, you need to be guided by the following aspects:

  • what brand of cement is used;
  • what is the compressive strength?
  • how it interacts with the material that will serve as the basis;
  • Excellent for concrete work.

Acrylic based putties

Such putties include the addition of special polymers. They can be used for all types of facade finishing. Such mixtures are already ready for use; they do not need to be further diluted with water. If desired, they can be tinted, but to do this you need to make sure correct selection color scheme Apply in thin layers.

Such mixtures have many advantages:

  • long service life, this is ensured by the addition of chemical elements;
  • they are not afraid of shrinkage of the building, they do not form cracks, but adapt to changes;
  • short drying time;
  • no pungent odors or discharge.

But these putties also have their drawbacks. They react with some materials. Therefore, you need to carefully monitor what surfaces they can be used for.

How to prepare the solution

If ready-made mixtures While you can use them almost immediately, you’ll have to tinker a little with dry ones. Although the process of preparing the solution itself is not that complicated. The whole point is that the powdered putty needs to be diluted with water and mixed. The kneading must be thorough; for this it is better to use a drill with a special attachment. Each solution has its own mixing time. It is indicated on the packaging. It is best to follow the instructions, then you can be sure that the mixture will turn out to be the desired consistency.

The amount of solution is prepared based on the volume of work. If there is excess leftover, it will not be possible to save it. The norm can be determined based on the data that the manufacturer must place on the packaging.

Work order

It is better to begin all work when the building has completely settled. This is the only way to avoid unwanted cracks. This should be especially borne in mind when using cement façade putty. If the surface has large unevenness, you will have to apply several layers. The drying time depends on the putty used. The acrylic mixture dries faster. Weather conditions also need to be taken into account.

Sequence of work:

  1. The walls are cleaned of dirt.
  2. The surface is primed.
  3. Large defects are repaired separately.
  4. Puttying of the facade begins. Apply required quantity layers. Each layer must dry completely.
  5. The last layer after application is sanded.

Choice required putty for the facade depends on the work performed. All parameters must be taken into account to achieve the desired result. It is very important to follow the instructions, then you can be sure that the treated surface will perform the functions required of it.