Caring for myrtle at home. Myrtle - home care, transplantation and propagation How to understand that the myrtle pot is small

Myrtle- this is very interesting plant, part of the corresponding Myrtaceae family. It grows in Mediterranean countries with subtropical climatic conditions. In fact, the name itself has Greek origin and comes from the word “incense.” This name is explained by the fact that the leaves and flowers of this plant present essential oils , which emit a very pleasant and soothing aroma.

Externally myrtle is a beautiful small tree with elongated and pointed leaves arranged oppositely. The leaves are bright green in color and their petioles are short.

How to water?

When caring for myrtle, it is very important to ensure regular watering: we must not forget that the plant comes from the subtropics, and therefore loves moisture very much. Along with watering, the tree should be sprayed daily. If the soil is not sufficiently moistened, the plant will begin to turn yellow and dry out.

Both spraying and watering should be carried out exclusively with settled water.

IN winter period The watering rules change somewhat: it is necessary to switch to a moderate regime, i.e. one watering per week. There is also no need for spraying (unless the tree is left in a warm room).


It is best to place myrtle on the south side of the house. In principle, myrtle will grow on the eastern side and even on the western side. But it is in this place, on the southern windows, that the plant will feel as comfortable as possible and will be able to bloom. At the same time, keep in mind that at midday, especially in summer, the tree should be somewhat shaded. To do this, use a screen or curtain.

Temperature and humidity

When choosing a temperature regime, you should again take into account the natural habitat of the plant. For this reason in the summer optimal temperature– this is about 22-24 degrees. It will be useful to take the tree out into the garden or onto the balcony. If you keep myrtle in your apartment all the time, do not forget to ventilate the room.

In winter, it is necessary to reduce the temperature to 10 degrees.

With all this, it is necessary to ensure an appropriate level of humidity: in summer it should be quite high.

A little about feeding

When caring for myrtle, you can safely use complex fertilizers intended for flowering indoor plants. In summer, the optimal frequency of feeding is weekly. In winter, this can be done monthly.

Transplanting myrtle

Myrtle is a slow-growing plant, and therefore it is not recommended to replant it too often. At the same time, all young trees should be replanted annually, increasing the volume of the pot. Adult plants can be in one pot for about 3-4 years.
Most optimal time for replanting - the winter period, when the tree is dormant.

The entire transplant process looks like this:

  • It is first recommended to dry the earthen ball, for which you do not water for several days. This will make it easier to remove the plant;
  • Then you simply need to turn over the old pot with the plant and carefully pull out the tree, holding it by the base of the trunk;
  • The roots of the plant need to be treated with some kind of stimulant, which will improve the survival rate of myrtle;
  • The new pot is filled with expanded clay. We should not forget about drainage;
  • Then the substrate is prepared. By the way, both during the initial landing and subsequently best option the substrate is peat and turf soil (30% each), as well as humus and river or sifted sand (20% each);
  • The finished substrate is poured onto the bottom of the pot;
  • The plant is installed in a new pot, covered with substrate, leveled;
  • After replanting, water the myrtle thoroughly until water seeps out of the drainage hole;

After all stages, the tree is transferred to a shaded place.

Myrtle propagation

There are two ways to propagate myrtle:

  • Cuttings;
  • Seeds.

Propagation by cuttings will occur if the soil temperature reaches 25 degrees. This is an extremely important condition.

Propagation is carried out using apical cuttings.

  • A cutting that has reached a length of 7-9 cm must be cut from a side shoot. You can also use a shorter cutting (5-7 cm), but in this case it is necessary to cut it from the main, but not flowering, shoot. The lower leaves must be removed, and the formed cut must be processed using Kornevin.
  • The next step is planting cuttings. A mixture of sand and peat is ideal for this purpose. The cuttings are placed in this mixture and covered with a loose film on top. The rooting process occurs at room temperature. The result appears after approximately 2-3 weeks.

    After the allotted time has passed, the cuttings can already be planted in separate containers.

Another propagation option is using seeds. This method has a significant drawback: the seeds take a long time to germinate. But many are already familiar with such difficulties and may try to grow myrtle this way. To propagate by seeds, you need to prepare a substrate consisting of peat and sand. It is also recommended to sprinkle the mixture with a little soil. The substrate and soil on top are covered with plastic film.

For successful germination, it is important to meet two conditions:

  • Provide diffused light;
  • Monitor the temperature, which should be maintained at 21 degrees.

It is equally important to form a crown with this method of reproduction:

You need to pinch the sprout at a certain height. Flowering of young plants should be expected in the second or third year.

Those who want to get myrtle flowers should know that to do this they should not cut the plant in spring period. In general, it is better to postpone pruning until flowering has ended.

The flowering period is the beginning and middle of summer, June-July. In order for the flowers to turn out beautiful, two rules must be followed:

  • Provide proper care for the tree;
  • Organize permanent access fresh air for a plant.

Inadequate care will lead to the development of diseases, and in this case there will be no need to talk about flowering. Flowering is also not observed when myrtle is kept indoors, where the air is predominantly stagnant.

The flowers themselves on the tree in question are arranged like this:

  • Or singly in leaf axils;
  • Or being collected in brushes.

There are usually 4-6 petals, but the flowers themselves are simple and double. The main part of the flowers is located in the upper part of the plant, since that is where the best illumination is.

Diseases and pests of myrtle, methods of combating them

To begin with, we note that any special diseases or serious problems not observed in myrtle. But individual ailments can still sometimes occur.

For example, in conditions of poorly drained soil, a tree may develop root rot. Some problems may arise due to non-compliance with key care rules: insufficient lighting, poor watering. It is important to always take into account the fact that myrtle is a very fastidious plant, and therefore each condition for its care must be observed as precisely as possible.

Also, the tree is often attacked by insects: these can be thrips, scale insects, spider mites, and aphids. For this reason, you need to carefully monitor the condition of the plant and, if there are any negative signs, carefully inspect it for the presence of insects. This requirement is especially relevant in relation to old plants.

If pests are still found, then it is necessary to purchase the appropriate drug to combat them. This product must be used in strict accordance with the instructions.

Frequently Asked Questions on Growing Myrtle

Those who grow myrtle often have certain questions. We will look at the most common of them, and also try to give extremely detailed answers.

  • Myrtle not growing?

The lack of tree growth can be associated with various factors. Here you need to, firstly, take into account that myrtle, in principle, does not grow too quickly. In addition, one should not expect active growth from it in the very first stages of development. For the rest, try to provide high-quality care and feed the plant well.

  • Myrtle not blooming?

The tree will not bloom in several cases. So, if you pruned the plant in the spring, then you should forget about flowering this year. There will be no flowers even when the myrtle is kept in a poorly ventilated room.

  • Are myrtle leaves withering?

In winter, myrtle may be left without leaves if its temperature is too high for a dormant period. A similar picture can be observed if the basic rules relating to watering the plant, spraying it and feeding it are not followed. Thus, the leaves of a tree can wilt when water stagnates in the pan. Or, on the contrary, it can happen if the soil dries out excessively between waterings. Among other things, the cause of leaf wilting can be excess sunlight. Therefore, when the first signs of myrtle wilting are detected, it is important to transfer it to a place protected from exposure. sun rays place, adjust watering and start spraying more often.

  • Is it poisonous?

Myrtle leaves are slightly poisonous. Long-term exposure to substances contained in the leaves can cause nausea and headaches in the most sensitive people.

Video on caring for myrtle at home

Thus, when caring for myrtle, it is important to understand that this plant does not accept any deviations from the key rules of caring for it. We must not forget about the frequency and abundance of watering, spraying, and fertilizing. It is necessary to provide the plant with a flow of fresh air. Finally, it needs to be replanted periodically. If you follow all the advice and take into account all the nuances, you will be able to fully enjoy the beauty of this unusual tree.

For lovers of light and natural aromas, myrtle is best suited: it helps improve indoor air, improve the atmosphere, and its leaves are used as medicine. In addition, it is grown to create a bonsai style tree. And among the variety of varieties, you can choose ones that are suitable for both beginners and experienced gardeners: care is not difficult, but you should still remember some features.

Myrtle - plant features

Myrtle is native to the Mediterranean, but it also grows in North Africa (in Europe it freezes after the first frost). Depending on the variety heat-loving plant in the form of an evergreen shrub in these parts reaches a height of 3.5 m, due to which it is grown as garden culture in tubs or open ground. The bush is even pruned to give the crown the desired shape.

A bright representative of the family is the common myrtle. It is a shrub up to 2 m high with dark green leathery leaves and small white or pink fragrant flowers. The fruits are edible black berries on which the calyx of the flower is attached.

After flowering, dark round or elliptical fruits with seeds are formed on myrtle.

There are many varieties of plants in the myrtle family. Interestingly, eucalyptus is also included in it. However, only a few varieties are suitable for home use. Caring for them is simple, but they need to create acceptable conditions, for example, high air humidity, ventilation and regular watering.

Indoor varieties

Despite the modest diversity suitable varieties, the choice of myrtle for the home is however even more limited due to supply. The optimal solution is not to purchase it in stores, but to grow cuttings from plants that have taken root with friends. If you have a choice, it is better to pay attention to the varieties described below. They differ in the shape and size of leaves, flowers, fruits, and are also considered the most unpretentious and compact varieties:

  1. Alhambra - dense, leathery leaves, white fruits and flowers.
  2. Microphylla - bonsai with small leaves.
  3. Flora Pleno - distinguished by fluffy, double flowers.
  4. Tarentina is a fast-growing tree with small leaves and abundant flowering(for example, Tarentina Granada, Tarentina Variegada, etc.).
  5. Boetica is a slow-growing tree, its trunk curls over time and is a rich shade of cinnamon.

It is noteworthy that all of the listed varieties belong to the common myrtle species.

Photo gallery: domestic species of myrtle

Myrtle Alhambra is distinguished by its abundant flowering and fragrant fruits.
The easiest variety to find on sale is Microphylla Double flowers - perhaps the only thing that distinguishes Flore Pleno from other varieties
Myrtle Tarentina Variegada is decorated with elegant leaves with a white edge. Myrtle Boethica has large leaves, larger than those of other species (6–7 cm, while the standard is 1–2 cm), with a pointed end

According to experts, any variety of common myrtle is suitable for bonsai.

Myrtle lends itself well to shaping, making it relatively easy to grow in bonsai style.

But the most original trees will come from the Boethica variety and the dwarf Microphylla: their crown and trunk are easy to form due to the slow growth and pliability of the shoots.

Planting and transplanting

It is best to replant an adult myrtle once every 3–4 years, and young plants are replanted annually in the spring. When transplanting myrtle, you should not bury the root collar of the plant: this can lead to various diseases or rot. Be sure to place it on the bottom of the pot good layer drainage

General rules for replanting myrtle:

  1. Plants up to 3 years old are replanted every year in a pot 2–3 cm wider (enough to accommodate the root system) than the previous one; the roots are not cleared of soil, they are reloaded and a little fresh soil is added. And also the container for replanting can be selected based on the size of the plant crown: the volume of the pot should be half the volume of the plant crown.
  2. Plants after 3 years are replanted as they grow, when the roots completely entangle the soil.
  3. Transplantation is done in the spring, before flowering begins.
  4. Young myrtle can be replanted after flowering.
  5. Every year, adult plants change upper layer soil that is not entangled with roots, cutting it off carefully with a knife and filling in a fresh portion. During this procedure root system do not process it and try not to touch it at all.
  6. Myrtle has sensitive and delicate roots, so they cannot be injured during transplantation.
  7. It is better to choose a ceramic and light pot so that the leaves do not get burned when its edges are heated.

If the above rules apply to both adults and the younger generation, then the below requirements are only suitable for trees older than 3 years:

  1. Prepare the soil.
  2. Free the root system from some of the old soil, leaving a small lump to fill more than half of the new soil into the pot.
  3. Plant in a new pot. To avoid damaging the roots, you can wash them in warm water.
  4. The plant is not deepened; to do this, a mark of the old ground level is made on the trunk.
  5. Fill the voids with new soil.
  6. Leave the plant alone for several days.
  7. Watering is permissible after 7–15 days.
  8. Start fertilizing myrtle no earlier than 1 month after transplantation.

Young myrtle trees are replanted in the same way, but leaving more soil on the roots and choosing soil with a different composition: a mixture of peat and coarse sand

For adult plants, purchase slightly acidic ready-made soil or mix:

  • peat;
  • turf land;
  • coarse sand.

Myrtle is recommended for slightly acidic soil Ph 6–6.5, all universal purchased soils have such acidity. The main thing is that the soil is loose and allows water to pass through well. Water should not stagnate. Be sure to have good drainage at the bottom. It is necessary to settle the water for irrigation and spraying; if it is very hard, it can be acidified.


Expanded clay is usually used as drainage, but perlite, which can be mixed into the soil, is considered more effective. Before use, the soil is sterilized and treated with fungicidal substances to avoid fungal infections.

Caring for myrtle

Caring for myrtle differs little from standard. It is important to remember that he loves warmth during periods of activity, moisture and fresh air.

Table: conditions for keeping myrtle depending on the season

Watering and fertilizing

When the myrtle grows and blooms, it is watered abundantly with settled water at room temperature. Chlorine is destructive to delicate roots; even short contact with it will lead to dire consequences. The frequency of watering depends on many factors, but its necessity is determined by the condition of the soil: it is not allowed to dry out completely. However, excessive watering guarantees acidification of the soil and rotting of the roots: the tree will shed its leaves and stop developing.

Spraying (or periodic showering) will help cope with drooping leaves and restore their elasticity and bright color. These procedures also prevent many diseases and pests. Spray myrtle during the active period every day or several times a day. To facilitate care and ensure suitable air humidity, which should be high, place an air humidifier in the room or put expanded clay in the tray of the pot and water it with water. Spraying provides a short-term improvement in conditions: as soon as the moisture evaporates from the leaves, the myrtle will feel its lack.

Humidity can be raised by placing a pot with a plant on a tray with wet expanded clay, just make sure that the bottom of the pot does not touch the expanded clay - that is, place the pot on a tray, and then place them on a tray with wet expanded clay. Also, after transplanting, you should keep the plant under a transparent bag. You need to make a hole in it to allow fresh air to enter, and make sure that mold does not form.


The room in which myrtle grows is regularly ventilated, taking the plant itself to another room, where it will be protected from hypothermia.

This plant needs fresh air, but it is afraid of drafts and extreme cold.

Myrtle grows in direct sunlight. However, during the midday heat in the warm season, he is provided with protection, especially when he is on an open balcony.

Fertilizers help the tree grow, but they are used with caution. If you add a little humus to the soil when replanting, then you can forget about ready-made compounds until summer. In other cases, myrtle is fed with complex fertilizers in the spring, and after flowering begins and until its end with nitrogen fertilizers. This plant also accepts feeding of roots or leaves in the form of spraying.

Flowering and fruiting period

Myrtle usually blooms in late spring or early summer. This period lasts about 2 months. With its beginning, the volume of watering and the frequency of spraying are increased.

In order for fruits to appear, insects are needed, but at home pollination in this way is almost impossible, so this is done manually using a brush

With active pruning and crown formation, the myrtle trunk does not bloom. If the appearance of the crown does not bother you, then you can speed up and intensify this process: then stop pruning and apply nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers.

For intensive flowering, myrtle is planted in a tight pot so that it does not waste energy on the growth of shoots and the development of the root system.

Rest period

Myrtle needs a period of rest in winter to gain strength for the next season of rapid growth and intense flowering. If in the summer and warm spring for him the best place- balcony, loggia, outdoor garden, then in winter mature plant feels better at a temperature of 6–12 o C and without additional lighting. If the myrtle is left to overwinter in warm room with normal lighting, it is regularly sprayed, but watering is still reduced.

During the dormant period, which lasts from December to the end of February, watering is significantly reduced to 1-2 times a month and any fertilizing is excluded. The plant is prepared gradually for the dormant period: they begin to reduce the temperature in the room in advance and reduce the volume and frequency of watering.

But these rules do not apply to plants that are less than 3 years old: in winter they are kept in a warm and well-lit room with additional lighting.

Formation of the trunk and crown

To keep the shape of myrtle beautiful, it is periodically pruned. The procedure and methods for forming a trunk or crown depend on the variety, but this is always done in early spring or after flowering has ended.

In summer it is permissible to remove a few extra branches. If you do not trim the myrtle crown, it takes on a pyramidal shape.

The shoots can be bent and tied, entangling soft wire, but with caution

Pinching is relevant in spring and in young plants during the period of activity. This will make the crown wider, so it is better to cut young branches quite short.

Video: forming a tree

Bonsai at home

Many people are fond of this extraordinary activity, and myrtle is perfect for forming bonsai. It is advisable to choose slow-growing and dwarf varieties(eg Boethica or Microphylla). To form the crown, pinching is carried out regularly upper leaves, cut off unnecessary branches, preventing flowering. It is then that the crown will be lush and dense, and its shape will be compact and consistent with the given one.

Thus, the barrel of the Boetica can be directed in different directions: it is pliable, but you should not squeeze it, because there will be creases

A myrtle bonsai pot should be flat and wide, with low walls. To avoid drying out of the soil and add decorativeness, moss is placed on the top layer of soil or mulched.

A mismatched pot can create obstacles to the normal functioning of the root system, which will lead to the rapid death of the tree

Errors in care

When growing myrtle, there are different problems, often associated with improper plant maintenance. Below are the most common reasons the “unhealthy appearance” of your plant.

Table: improper care: problems and their solutions

Often you have to resort to emergency resuscitation of a plant (in particular, a dried one):

  1. Carefully remove the plant.
  2. Immerse its roots in settled warm water for several hours.
  3. Place the myrtle in the pot.
  4. Cover with film.
  5. Ventilate at least once a day, preventing the soil from souring.
  6. Add complex fertilizers for ornamental foliage plants.

When the myrtle recovers, the film must be removed. Next, you should review the conditions of its detention.

Diseases and pests, methods of treatment

Myrtle also becomes vulnerable to pests if conditions are violated.

Table: list of main pests and diseases, measures to combat them

Disease or pest Signs Treatment
  1. The plant is withering.
  2. The base of the stem rots.
Cannot be treated.
  1. Leaves fall.
  2. A cobweb is formed.
Treatment with acaricide (Fitoverm, Actellik, Sunmite).
  1. The leaves turn yellow and curl.
  2. Stopping growth.
  1. Rinse off pests with a stream of water.
  2. Hardening in cold air (take it out onto the balcony or loggia for 30 minutes at a temperature of 10–15 degrees, sheltering from the wind).
Sticky leaves.
  1. Wash away pests.
  2. Treatment with soap solution.
  1. The leaves curl up, as do the stems.
  2. Light green or brownish insects appear, usually not exceeding 5–7 mm.
  1. Wash off the pest in the shower.
  2. Treat with insecticide (Doctor Foley, Aktara, Aktellik).
  3. Cut off damaged parts.

Photo gallery: signs of affected plants

When attacked by scale insects, the sticky liquid (the so-called honeydew) serves as an excellent haven for the development of sooty fungus. Leaf aphids quickly weaken young plants by sucking out their cell sap. One of the main signs of the presence of whiteflies is the presence sticky coating- honey dew When a plant becomes infected with a fungus, it is most often the best way out isolating the affected plant or destroying it. The presence of spider mites is indicated by the presence of small white dots on the leaves (mainly on the underside) and the presence of a thin cobweb entwining the plants (or parts thereof)

Myrtle propagation

Myrtle is propagated mainly by cuttings; propagation by seeds is undesirable: plants lose varietal characteristics(crushing leaves and flowers). In addition, cuttings are more reliable way: seeds lose their ability to germinate very quickly.


Propagation by cuttings should be carried out no more than twice a year: first in winter (January-February), and then you should focus on spring or mid-summer (July). For quick rooting, you can use stimulants.

To prevent moisture evaporation, leaves are removed from the bottom of the cuttings and the remaining ones are shortened.

Stages of propagation by cuttings:

As a rule, plants grown from cuttings bloom only in the second or third year.

Propagation by seeds

A myrtle tree obtained from seeds will delight you with flowers no earlier than after 4 years.

In addition, it is worth considering that seeds have a tendency to decrease germination after one year of storage.

How to grow myrtle from seeds:

Myrtle grown from seeds grows slowly.

Seed stratification

Few people subject plant seeds to stratification, although this is often required. So what is this “beast”?

Stratification is the preparation of a plant embryo for future germination without loss: keeping the plant in a humid environment at a low temperature and further planting in a relatively warm ground. Without pre-cooling, the seed may simply rot in the ground.

Typically, such seed preparation is carried out as follows:

  1. Soak the seeds in warm water for 24 hours.
  2. Prepare a container with damp cotton or paper swabs, onto which the seeds are placed.
  3. The seeds in this form are placed in the refrigerator; the temperature should be within 1–5 o C.
  4. Keep for 1.5–2 months in this condition.

To increase efficiency, add Zircon to the water for initial soaking (1 drop per 300 ml of water). This solution must be infused for at least 16 hours. It is suitable for use only for 3 days at an air temperature of 18–25 o C.

Before soaking the seeds, shake the container with the Zircon solution.

Possible problems during germination

Often, when growing plants from seeds, a number of “what to do if” questions arise:

  • seeds do not germinate;
  • abundant condensation has caused mold to form;
  • sprouts wither, etc.

For example, seeds may not germinate for several reasons: unviable old seed, excessively deep sowing, cold, oversaturated soil, etc. If in the first case you are absolutely helpless, then the second and third are up to you: take into account the specifics of planting myrtle seeds and do not forget about drainage and ventilation of the greenhouse.

If mold has formed under the glass, take immediate action:

  1. Reduce watering by about 30%.
  2. Mulch the soil with minerals.
  3. Treat seedlings, soil and glass with fungicidal substances.

Perhaps the situation is aggravated by acidified soil. Then chalk is added to the soil at the rate of about 50 g per 1 kg of land (it can also be replaced with wood ash in the same proportions).

In any case, try to follow the care recommendations to avoid problematic “what to do” in the future.

Exported to Europe several centuries ago, myrtle has taken root well in homes and feels great. Today there are about a hundred species of myrtle trees, of which common myrtle and all its varieties are suitable for growing at home. To beautiful plants with such an amazing and rich history pleasing to the eye, you should pay a little attention to them: easy care with abundant watering.

Myrtle – evergreen, grown as a shrub and as a small tree. The myrtle tree is very popular as a gift for the bride, symbolizing a successful marriage. This plant is not that easy to care for, but it is worth it.

General information

Myrtle has long been valued for its medicinal properties– flowers and foliage contain essential oils, and if the leaves and fruits are dried, they can be used as spices. For example, cloves are a product obtained from one of the myrtle species.

During the cold season, for prevention, they use essential oils, spreading their scent throughout the room or simply placing the plant on the windowsill, for example, in a children's room. Research has also shown that myrtle can reduce allergic reactions in children.

Myrtaceae also include plants that are valuable in their characteristics, such as tea tree, eucalyptus and clove tree.

Types and varieties

(Myrtus communis) or it is also called “ communis " (aka " indoor ") is the most common type in home gardening. This species is characterized by a short, well-branched trunk, which is covered with exfoliating reddish-brown bark.

The leaves are green, oval, shiny and have pleasant aroma. The flowers are white (sometimes with a faint pink tint) with protruding stamens. Blooms in the summer season. The fruits are black berries with a reddish tint.

There are many varieties of this myrtle species:

  • - a compact shrub that has many fruits, smaller in size than the mother’s.

  • Myrtle variety Alhambra - has white fruits and dense foliage.

  • (Variegata) stands out among others with its variegated foliage.

  • Myrtle "La Clape" – has purple berries.

  • Among them there is also a dwarf form - myrtle "Microphylla" .

This is a miniature copy of a tree, a very popular plant, of great value among gardeners; its leaves contain essential oils used in medicine and cosmetology. The price of such a tree is not small.

The shape of such a tree can be varied, the trunk twists and bends during the growth process, and thanks to periodic pruning of the shoots, the crown shape can be formed as desired.

- occurs both in the form of a bush and in the form of a tree with brown peeling bark. Leaves are matte, dark green, white flowers bloom in July or August. The fruits are dark red and edible.

(Myrtus chequen) - a tree with glossy leaves and slightly wrinkled edges.

(Myrtus ralfii) - this bush is distinguished by pink and red flowers edible berries. The leaves have a white or cream edge.

Myrtle Boetica

A large-leaved species, the leaves are larger than those of other species (6-7 cm, while the standard is 1-2 cm), with a pointed end. This myrtle grows very slowly. The trunk has interesting feature– it twists, and as it grows, interesting shapes are formed. The flowers are white and large, and the berries are oblong and black.

(Cassandra or bog myrtle ) – evergreen shrub, which grows exclusively in swamps, from which it gets its name. It reaches a height of one meter. Young shoots and leaves contain poison that is dangerous for animals (goats and sheep).

If you crush a leaf of such a plant, you will notice a pronounced lemon aroma. In some countries, such leaves are used as a seasoning. Leaf dimensions: length 10 cm and width 1-4 cm. It blooms with white flowers at first, and then darken to a cream and slightly yellow hue.

Myrtle care at home

Myrtle is a plant that needs to create a climate with high humidity, so spraying required condition for healthy and lush growth. Never forget about watering, but also do not overwater, the plant is very sensitive and can get sick. Water only with soft, settled water.

But myrtle is not afraid of drafts, so you can safely leave it on the windowsill, where the window is always open for ventilation. With the air flow, beneficial phytoncides will spread throughout the apartment, destroying pathogenic microbes.

The temperature must be controlled within 18-24°C. In the summer, it is advisable to place the myrtle outside or on a balcony and shade it a little so that the rays of the particularly scorching sun do not fall.

Pruning myrtle

As for pruning, myrtle tolerates it well, not to mention the fact that thanks to this, it is possible to give the crown a different desired shape, creating various compositions. Pruning and replanting are carried out in the spring, no more than once every two years.

Transplanting myrtle

When replanting, use the transshipment method, choosing a pot slightly larger than the previous one. The soil for myrtle is simple, with good drainage. The substrate is prepared from equal parts turf land, peat and sand.

It would be useful to add a little charcoal and organic compost. Any pruned varieties must be additionally fed; for this, any fertilizer for indoor plants (complex mineral) without chlorine is suitable. Young plant It begins to bloom only in the fourth or fifth year after planting.

Myrtle care in winter

IN winter time Myrtle has a dormant period, during which watering is reduced (the soil is only slightly moistened, preventing it from drying out) and the plant is moved to a cooler (8-10°C) but bright place.

If this is not done, the leaves will drop. Although this is not a big danger, since in the spring new, young leaves will begin to appear.

Propagation of myrtle by cuttings

If the main task during propagation is the preservation of maternal (varietal) characteristics, then cuttings are considered the ideal propagation method.

Cuttings are taken from a healthy plant; they should not be very young, but in a semi-lignified form. For better rooting, the cut is treated with a special growth stimulator (for example, root) and stuck into the prepared soil at an angle (45-55°). The substrate is constantly checked for moisture.

Myrtle from seeds at home

The seed method is less effective, but it is also used. At the beginning of spring, the prepared substrate (one part peat and one part sand) is poured into boxes (soil thickness 8-10 cm), sown with myrtle seeds, sprinkled with the same mixture of soil (3-4 cm thick), moistened and covered with glass. The temperature is controlled around 20°C.

Periodically, the glass is opened to ventilate and moisten the soil, as necessary. The glass can be turned over or wiped to remove excess condensation.

In a couple of weeks, the first seedlings will begin to appear, when there are too many of them, thinning is carried out, and after at least three leaves appear on the seedlings, they are transplanted into separate pots with the same substrate composition. A month later, young plants are fed with low concentration nitrogen fertilizer.

Diseases and pests

If, on the contrary, there is constant excessive watering, then in this case rotting of the roots and damage by putrefactive bacteria and fungal infections are inevitable, and this is already serious. Dealing with such problems is not easy and most often the death of the plant is observed.

  • If the leaves become dull, turn yellow, and the edges curl , then this indicates an excess of lighting.
  • If the stems become too elongated and the leaves become too small - This a clear sign lack of lighting.
  • Myrtle doesn't bloom – if pruning is carried out too often or if too much is trimmed at one time, and also if the room is poorly ventilated.
  • Leaves dry up and fall off – if this happens in winter, it means that the air is too dry and the temperature is too high (for example, when people work in the room heating devices). The plant needs a cooler room and a little moisture (just a little!). Also, leaves can wither when water stagnates in the pan or from sunburn(direct sunlight).

The myrtle tree is native to the Mediterranean. In nature it reaches 3-5 meters in height. At home, this tree is from 50 cm to 1 meter. Myrtle is an amazing plant, it is fragrant, blooms with white flowers, and the fruits are dark green berries.

Translated from ancient Greek, the word myrtle means balm or myrrh. Ever since Ancient Greece and in Rome, myrtle remained a symbol of beauty and youth. It is valued not only for its decorative effect, but also for its antibacterial properties. The scent of myrtle will reduce the number of germs by at least 80%.

An infusion of myrtle leaves is good for refreshing the skin, and wine infused with berries is a real elixir. Myrtle is very favorable for the climate in a children's room. But myrtle will require constant attention, good care, and love.

The myrtle tree responds well to pruning, loves well-lit sunny places, fresh air, and will feel great in the summer on the balcony and in the garden.

Pay attention to the inadmissibility of drying out the soil in pots. Excess water is also harmful to the plant. The myrtle tree, native to the subtropics, will require a humid climate, so it is good to spray the leaves with warm water from time to time.

Myrtle - home care in winter

In winter, indoor myrtle needs peace. To do this, water it less and place it in a cooler place with a temperature of up to 10 degrees.

In winter, it is better not to spray the plant, otherwise the myrtle may shed its foliage. Shedding of leaves can also occur at elevated room temperatures. In spring, the myrtle will turn green again as before.

Myrtle is also interesting because its crown can be decoratively shaped into a ball, cylinder or any other shape. The only downside will be a reduction in its flowering period.

How to care for a myrtle tree at an early age

During the initial period of myrtle development, the plant should be carefully pinched. In spring, young myrtle seedlings need to be replanted. Pay attention to the planting process - do not bury the base of the trunk. After some time, when the myrtle grows up, it is replanted at intervals of 2-3 years.

How to propagate myrtle at home

Myrtle easily propagates in both spring and summer. Propagation methods such as seeds and cuttings are suitable for this. For planting, take non-lignified cuttings measuring from 6 to 10 cm and plant them in soil made from a mixture of peat and sand to a depth of 2 cm.

In order for the cuttings to take root well, they are placed in a bright place at room temperature of about + 20 degrees. It is necessary to make a micro-greenhouse and cover it with a jar to maintain soil moisture. Roots will begin to develop after two to three weeks. Ventilation is required.

Myrtle propagation by seeds.

Myrtle seeds are sown in a shallow container with a greenhouse effect. When the seeds germinate and the first leaves appear, the sprouts are carefully transplanted into small pots one at a time.

If the myrtle tree is grown from seeds, then the plant will bloom in five years. Myrtle blooms within 3 years when propagated by cuttings.

What soil is suitable for myrtle?

To grow a myrtle tree at home, we recommend soil that consists of a mixture of turf soil, humus and sand in a 1:1:1 ratio. When purchasing ready-made soil, soil for palm trees is best suited

Main plant pests: spider mite, aphids and scale insects.

  • Myrtle loves sunlight, but quite tolerant of light shading.
  • There is not enough lighting - a loss of decorative effect is possible, the myrtle becomes weakened.
  • Myrtle loves a warm shower and regular spraying with soft water.
  • For an adult plant, it is preferable to change the top layer of soil in the pot, while adding the necessary complex fertilizers.

Myrtle tree - unique plant, will create a healthy atmosphere and mental comfort for the owners in the house. Its essential oils are successfully used not only in medicine, but also in cosmetology and cooking.


The myrtle plant can be confidently classified as one of the plants that is increasingly popular among lovers of not just beautiful, but useful exotic florals. Azaleas, orchids, bougainvilleas are of course good, but flower growers, fed up with the decorativeness of plants, are increasingly paying attention to species that can not only decorate a house with their presence, but also create a special microclimate around them.
All parts of myrtle contain bactericidal phytoncides that can be released into the air, thereby blocking the causative agents of colds in the room. Healing volatile essential oils strengthen the human immune system, have a beneficial effect on increasing tone, relieving stress and increasing performance throughout the day. Maintaining myrtle only at first glance seems like a difficult task; in fact, this plant is quite unpretentious and if you already had woody or shrubby forms, caring for myrtle will not be difficult.

A little history

Myrtle (Myrtus - from Latin) belongs to the narrow family of Myrtaceae of the order Myrtaceae. The myrtle flower is an evergreen plant native to Mediterranean countries with a warm subtropical climate. It is believed that its name has more ancient roots and comes from the Greek μύρτος, which is consonant with the derivative word μυρρα - “aroma”, “incense”. This name perfectly characterizes the ability of myrtle to smell with an easily perceptible aroma emanating from the leaves and flowers.
Until our times, the first mentions of this plant came from ancient legends, where myrtle is a wonderful embodiment of a dazzling nymph named Myrsina. Ancient sources also claim that a myrtle wreath was a decoration on the head of the goddess Aphrodite.
Many centuries later, during the Renaissance, myrtle acquired a new meaning, symbolizing eternal love and relationship fidelity. Myrtle has not lost its symbol of love to this day. A sprig of myrtle grown in court gardens can be found in wedding bouquets British royalty. Many brides have already adopted this symbol and are happy to include flowers and myrtle leaves in the wedding decorations of their weddings.
In addition to its ability to decorate and fill homes with fragrance, myrtle can form the basis for cosmetic procedures. Since ancient times, it has been used as a skin cleanser and tonic. Women note that after using it, the skin becomes smoother and more elastic, and a healthy, attractive glow appears.

Content temperature

Myrtle comes from hot countries with a year-round humid climate. During the summer months the temperature should be +22°C - +24°C. Strong and healthy plants will not be harmed by a summer stay at glassed balcony or loggias. With the arrival of cool nights, it is recommended to bring myrtle indoors. Since myrtle needs an influx of fresh air, it is necessary to ventilate the room from time to time, protecting the plant from piercing drafts. With the onset of winter, the room temperature should gradually decrease: the optimal limit is +8°C - +10°C.


Home myrtle grows well on south-facing windows. However, do not forget about the roast midday sun, since it is at this time that myrtle burns easily. For light protection, you can create diffused light using a mesh screen or gauze. On windows with a different orientation, provided there is additional winter lighting, the plant will grow well, but flowering can only be observed on sunny windows.


Since myrtle is a moisture-loving plant, it must be watered regularly as the top layer of the earth clod dries out. Daily spraying will also have a beneficial effect on the color and freshness of the green part of the plant. Water should only be taken at room temperature, standing for at least two days.
If the soil is too dry, the myrtle will begin to fade; dehydrated leaves, as a rule, quickly turn yellow and fall off, harming the decorative appearance of the flower. In winter, when the temperature drops significantly, myrtle does not need frequent spraying and watering. Usually the plant is watered once a week, strictly monitoring the moisture content of the top layer of soil.

Top dressing

Myrtle is not particularly picky when it comes to fertilizing. It is usually fertilized with complex fertilizers for flowering crops. During the period of active growth, myrtle is watered with liquid fertilizers once a week; during the flowering period, many plant lovers either stop feeding or reduce it by half. With the arrival of winter, the myrtle suspends all its life processes and accepts feeding well no more than once a month.

The soil

Myrtle grows well at home in specialized soil for indoor plants. The most common universal primer will do. To make it most suitable for subtropical myrtle, it is necessary to add up to 20% of coarse river sand to the mixture.

Reproduction in shifts

The soil for sowing myrtle seeds is mainly prepared independently from sand and peat (1:1). Instead of sand, you can use vermiculite in the same ratio. Before sowing, moisten the soil with a spray bottle (with the addition of a fungicide), distribute the seeds evenly and sprinkle thin layer land. It is advisable that during seed germination the temperature environment was between +18°C and +20°C. The soil should be constantly moist, but not waterlogged; for these purposes, you can use a light greenhouse with holes for air circulation. The greenhouse is ventilated daily, so we can regulate the humidity, preventing the young shoots from rotting.
The first seedlings sprout within 1-2 weeks. After two true leaves appear, myrtle can be planted in separate small pots. The soil is taken universal. Like any other plants, myrtle does not tolerate diving and temporarily suspends life processes, but when proper care the flower begins to grow again, actively increasing its green mass. Indoor myrtle grown from seeds will bloom its first flowers only five years after hatching.

Myrtle cuttings

Myrtle propagation by cuttings occurs in a short period of time in winter in January - February and with the onset of summer in July. They take mostly semi-lignified branches from the lower and middle parts of the crown, which are then divided into segments 5-8 cm long. The lower part of the leaves is torn off from the cuttings, the upper part is cut exactly in half. It is recommended to treat cuttings with growth stimulants before planting. Rooting can be done both in separate small pots and large boxes. The top of the plant must be covered with a greenhouse, not forgetting to ventilate the rooting flowers daily. Typically, full rooting occurs 3-4 weeks after planting. The first flowering will occur a little earlier than the seed propagation method, it will be approximately 3-4 years after cuttings.

Planting and pruning

An important part in caring for myrtle is proper planting and replanting the plant into a new pot. Spring is excellent for manipulating the myrtle root system, since at this time any trauma is restored much easier, without causing much harm to the plant. It is important to ensure that there is expanded clay filler at the bottom of the pot to prevent waterlogging and rot.
Since myrtle flowers grow slowly, replanting is carried out as needed, once every 3-4 years. Young plants are transplanted annually into slightly larger pots.
Pruning myrtle is not necessary, but with its help you can stimulate the growth of side shoots and form a beautiful crown. By gradually trimming young shoots and removing excess leaves, the gardener is able to create unique shapes and aesthetics that suit the tastes of the household.
Pruning is very important element caring for myrtle at home. By trimming the shoots and pinching off the leaves, a beautiful crown of the plant is formed.

Difficulties in growing

With a lack of light, the myrtle stems become significantly elongated and the leaves become small and faded. Too intense lighting with overheating contributes to the gradual yellowing and death of foliage. The rapid shedding of all foliage at the same time can symbolize a lack of light coupled with high ambient temperatures. Over-drying and over-moistening also have a negative impact on appearance and plant health. In this case, careful systematic watering is resumed, young shoots are cut in half. At relatively good care myrtle can send out new shoots in 2-3 weeks.
It is recommended to immerse a very dry plant in a bowl of water for a couple of hours. room temperature. The waterlogged plant is removed from the pot together with a lump of earth and dried a little on newspaper. Transfer to new soil can also bring some results, but in most cases neglected myrtle cannot be saved.
As for pests, young plants usually do not suffer from them. Old myrtles can be attacked by pests in winter if the room temperature is too high. Pesticides can handle problems, but are better suited biological agents plant protection.

Myrtle - indoor plant, capable of giving any interior a special zest and unique style. Be sure that all the guests who once visit your home will not be able to pass by the myrtle, since its subtle aroma will not be able to hide the plant incognito for long. Admiration and praise will often be heard in your home, so be patient and get ready to give advice on its care and cultivation!