Dill grown at home from seeds. How to Grow Dill on a Windowsill for Lush, Lush Greens

The sight of fresh greenery on the windowsill improves your mood and helps you survive the dull winter season. Dill or others spices, grown indoors, will not only delight you with their appearance, but will also become a vitamin supplement to your diet.

When grown in open ground dill is unpretentious, but when cultivated indoors, everything should be provided the necessary conditions to obtain fragrant greens.

Choosing a dill variety for growing in an apartment

When growing celery or parsley, flowering should be expected in the second year of growth. The situation with dill is different: it can bloom in the first year, giving practically no greenery. Successful Harvest directly depends on the selected variety.

There are dozens that grow well in open ground. For growing on a windowsill, you should choose those that produce green mass abundantly and for as long as possible.

Among them:

  • Beam
  • Asparagus bouquet
  • Kibray
  • Superducat
  • Abundant-leaved

They form a dense bush and feel good on the windowsill. Pinch actively growing shoots to encourage branching.

How to plant dill on a windowsill with seeds

Dill is difficult to germinate, like all other umbrella crops. The seeds contain essential oils that slow down hatching.

Pre-sowing seed treatment

Seeds must be treated before planting, otherwise, even with abundant watering, seedlings can take 2-3 weeks to appear. Soak the seeds in warm water or a growth stimulant solution for a day: the germination rate of the seeds is almost 100%, they will germinate in 3-4 days.

Container preparation

For this, choose a wide pot or container that has drainage holes. Place a drainage layer (a mixture of stone chips and expanded clay) 1.5-2.5 cm thick at the bottom.


The soil needs to be loose, fertile, neutral. You can use a universal substrate for growing seedlings or vegetables. A soil mixture is suitable: garden soil, humus, sand, peat in equal proportions.

How to sow

Moisten the soil. Plant the seeds to a depth of 1 cm, keep a distance of about 2-3 cm. Sprinkle peat on top, press down a little. As seedlings appear, thin out, leaving gaps of 7-10 cm so that the plants do not suffer from lack of space, lighting and nutrition.

How to sow dill on a windowsill, watch the video:

So that there is always greenery

After cutting, dill greens are practically not formed again. To obtain a regular harvest, re-sow after 10-14 days. Thus, on the windowsill there will always be dill with herbs about 10 cm long, ready for cutting.

How to care for dill on the windowsill

Lighting and backlighting

Lighting is required to be bright, but not directly exposed to sun rays. Place on windows facing east or west. When grown in the period March-August, the plant creates lush bushes - there is enough natural light.

Most often, dill is grown indoors in winter, so without additional lighting not enough. Hang the phytolamp at a height of 50-60 cm above the home plantation, it gives the necessary spectrum; you can use fluorescent lamps. The length of daylight hours should be 13-15 hours. This is especially important at the stage of development and strengthening of seedlings.

If you do not provide sufficient lighting, the shoots will grow thin and weakened.

Watering and air temperature

  • The air indoors is warmer and drier than in an outdoor garden bed: in addition to lighting, it is necessary to ensure optimal temperature conditions and humidification. The ideal temperature range for the plant is 16–22 °C; even when the temperature drops to +8 °C, dill does not lose viability.
  • High air temperatures combined with insufficient watering only lead to the release of flower stalks, and the leaves practically do not appear.
  • Follow the rule: the higher the air temperature, the more often and more abundantly you should water.
  • If the air temperature is cool, excess moisture will lead to rotting of the root system.
  • as the top layer of soil dries. Add water in small portions so that a crust does not form on the soil surface.
  • Insufficient watering is indicated by lethargy and discoloration of shoots.
  • If the temperature is above 25°C, spray regularly.
  • For watering and spraying, use soft water (melt, rain, tap water, standing for at least 24 hours).

Top dressing

Make sure you have enough nutrients. Every 2 weeks add complex mineral fertilizers for greens, the nitrogen content should be low so that the greens do not accumulate nitrates.

It happens that even if all the necessary conditions are met, at the stage of appearance of 2 leaves, the growth rate slows down - do not be alarmed, the period of growth inhibition will last about a week.

Another video about growing dill on a windowsill:

Dill is a spicy green crop. It is cultivated both on industrial plantations and in garden plots. It is indispensable for canning, for preparing fresh snacks and salads, it is well stored in the freezer, and does not lose its properties during the drying process. Dill seed extract is used in medicine; preparations with dill and its close relative, fennel, relieve intestinal colic even in infants.

Planting dill seeds is not difficult; it is much more difficult to choose a place and prepare loose, fertile soil. This annual herbaceous plant comes from the arid regions of Asia, where it grows under the scorching sun and often in the absence of moisture.

What conditions are needed for growing?

For dill does not have special significance soil type. It does equally well in sandy and loamy soils. However, the seeds are poorly fixed and difficult to germinate on infertile soils. sandy soils. Light and medium loams are most suitable. Soil acidity also matters. Dill does not grow well at a pH below 6.3.

To obtain good quality greens, plants need regular watering and fertilizing with mineral fertilizers. Seeds and young plants tolerate frosts down to -3...-5 o C. This feature of dill makes it possible to do winter sowings.

Important! To keep plants from getting sick, they need a lot sunlight and warmth.

Optimal temperature air for green growth occurs at an average daily temperature of 16-20 o C.

How to grow dill in open ground?

Neighborhood with other cultures

Dill is generally compatible with many vegetable crops. It is believed that only celery is not suitable for it as a predecessor and neighbor. If you want to get seeds from the bushes, the plant should not be planted next to fennel, since the two crops freely pollinate each other.

Dill feels good next to,. However, you should take into account the proportions of areas when planting vegetable crops together and do not plant it in the root nutrition zone of the main crop.

Important! When planting dill together with other vegetables, take into account competition in terms of nutritional area!

When should you plant dill?

Young greens are ready for consumption within 25-30 days after sowing, so they can be sown throughout the entire growing season, from early spring to winter sowing in October.

Planting in spring begins in April, when the average daily air temperature is 14-16 o C. On average, such conditions begin on April 20. Dill sown at this time will produce well-formed seeds already in July, when the time comes for pickling and canning cucumbers and tomatoes. For an uninterrupted supply of fresh herbs to the table, it is recommended that dill be planted in open ground by conveyor belt at intervals of 10-14 days.

Soil for planting

The soil for planting dill should be prepared in advance. If spring planting is planned, then the beds need to be prepared in the fall. The range of soil preparation works includes:

  • cleaning the bed from the remains of the previous crop;
  • adding organic matter in the form of humus and mineral fertilizers, including potassium and phosphorus;
  • deep digging of all components.

In winter, it is good to retain snow in the garden bed; this will help preserve the accumulation of more moisture in the soil, which is so necessary for dill seeds during the germination period.

The range of soil preparation work in spring includes:

  • easy loosening and leveling of the bed;
  • cutting furrows 1.5-2 cm deep.

If little moisture has accumulated over the winter, the bed should initially be well watered with a hose or watering can.

Manure is not applied directly to the dill bed. It’s good if the previous crop was cabbage, potatoes or peppers. In this case, manure was applied under them and its effect will continue for the plants. If the soil on the site is clayey and heavy, then it is advisable to add river sand. This measure will promote better seed germination.

Important! Fresh manure cannot be added to dill!

Choosing the best variety

When choosing a variety, important indicators are the timing of stem formation, as well as the length of the leaves, and therefore the volume of greenery produced. According to the timing of stem formation, the following varieties and hybrids of dill are distinguished:

  • early;
  • average;
  • late.

In early varieties, an umbrella forms on the stem after the formation of leaves (twigs) in an amount of 4 to 6. In medium varieties, from 6 to 10 branches should form, and in late varieties, the formation of an umbrella takes much longer when equal amount leaves. Among the entire set of varieties, there is a variety with constant growth - Grenadier.

Early group of varieties: Gribovsky, Dalniy, Umbrella, Redut. They are suitable for growing on a windowsill at home, especially the Gribovsky variety.

The group of mid-season varieties includes Kibray, Alligator, Max, Richelieu, Moravan.

Late group of varieties: Superducat OE, Salyut, Kutuzovsky, Uzory. Distinctive feature varieties of this group - the formation of a spreading bush with elongated leaves that give axillary branches, which is why the bushes look very lush. These varieties and hybrid forms are called bush varieties. They have some growing features:

  • require more fertile soil;
  • The planting scheme for them is increased to 25 cm due to thinning.

Planting dill in open ground

As soon as the soil is ready or the order in the planting conveyor is complete, they begin planting the seeds. Beds are suitable for dill different types: simple, tall boxes, geometric, mobile.

Good way - joint landing dill and parsley in alternating rows.

Planting by seeds

In order to speed up the germination of seeds, they are soaked in warm water or wrapped in a damp cloth. A jar of soaked seeds can be left in the bathroom on a heated towel rail for 2-3 days. Water should be added in a jar or on a cloth because the rate of evaporation is high.

Attention! Seeds with sprouts should never be dried!

Sowing of seeds is carried out to a depth of 1.5-2 cm. The dill planting pattern after thinning should be 10x20 cm, and for bush varieties 25x25 cm. When sowing, seed consumption is 1-2 g/m2.

Watch the video! How to grow fluffy dill

Planting seedlings

The method of planting dill seedlings allows you to get fresh herbs at the end of April. The timing of planting seeds is the first to second ten days of March. For sowing, cells measuring 4x4 or 5x5 cm are used; plastic greenhouses with a transparent lid are suitable, but in this case the seedlings will be more difficult to take root, since it is possible that the lump of earth at the root will be damaged during transplantation. The seedlings are transferred to open ground under temporary greenhouses on April 15-20.

Dill care

Basic measures for caring for dill:

  • timely watering;
  • fertilizers;
  • loosening the soil;
  • weeding as needed.

Dill bushes from which greens are already taken for cutting should be watered every other day. The next day after watering, the soil between the rows is loosened. To grow greenery, dill is fed with nitrogen fertilizers every 10-14 days. Fast acting fertilizer for green crops- ammonium nitrate. The number of feedings is no more than two during the period of growing greens.

Attention! To prevent dill greens from accumulating nitrates, the amount of nitrogen fertilizing should not exceed twice per season.

As flower stalks form and seeds ripen, the greens become unsuitable for cutting, fibrous and not juicy. It is recommended to leave several plants on the site to collect seeds at the end of summer, add them to conservation and use them for medicinal purposes.

Diseases and pests

A feature of dill plants is their strong susceptibility to powdery mildew. Various varieties are more or less susceptible to this fungal disease. The main control measure is prevention. Complex preventive measures includes:

  • choosing a sunny place for planting;
  • regular watering and loosening;
  • unthickened crops;
  • maintaining crop rotation.

Fungicides can only be used on plants that are grown for seeds. If cutting is carried out less than once a week, then the bed can be treated with 1% copper sulfate. Among biological preparations, Alirin B is suitable. If blackening of the shoots is noticed, then the plants are affected by another fungal disease - Phoma.

Among the pests, bugs and some types of aphids can settle on dill. To combat them, mechanical removal should be used and the pests should be washed off with a strong stream of water.

Greenhouse cultivation of dill

Dill can be grown in a greenhouse throughout the year. An average daily air temperature of at least 16 o C is enough for it. From the end of September to the end of March, dill needs lighting. At large area In greenhouses, it is better to choose sodium lamps for lighting. For small areas, the industry now produces blue-red LED lamps.

Reference! For additional lighting, it is enough for artificial light to be turned on for 2-3 hours in the morning and 3-4 hours in the evening.

Potentially, the yield of dill in a greenhouse is higher than in open ground. It is necessary to maintain high soil fertility and add new soil before each sowing. However, with high air humidity in the greenhouse, the development of powdery mildew.

Watch the video! Growing dill in a greenhouse in the fall. Cleaning by thinning

Winter sowing

Sowing dill before winter is carried out in mid-October, before stable snow cover falls. It is better that the seeds do not have time to germinate. In early spring, as soon as the snow melts, these seeds will quickly germinate and produce greenery faster than when sown in the spring.

If the sprouts have sprouted, the bed should be covered with leaves or straw; the greenery will safely survive the winter and quickly begin to grow in the spring. Young branches will be especially fragrant!

How to plant dill on a windowsill?

When growing dill on a windowsill, the plants are often depressed due to lack of light and nutrients. The sprouts are thin and pale, growing very slowly and sluggishly.

Thus, growing dill on a windowsill has a number of features:

  • In autumn, winter and spring, sprouts need additional lighting;
  • The soil for growing greens must be highly fertile;
  • It is more convenient to use a container for sowing;
  • Greens on the windowsill should be fertilized more often with compounds based on vermicompost and microelements.

To more fully master the technology of growing dill, it is recommended to watch the video.


Thus, planting and caring for dill is not too burdensome. It is important to choose the right place for the garden bed and carry out all activities regularly. There will definitely be a result, and the plants will produce a lot of tasty, aromatic greens and valuable seeds. And if desired, dill will grow on the windowsill!

Watch the video! Subtleties of growing dill. How to sow dill in open ground

Dill is a perennial herb that is familiar to absolutely everyone. It is loved for its delicious spicy aroma. Find out how to grow dill in your summer cottage (secrets, tips and main nuances), and then you will always have a bunch of fragrant and fresh herbs at hand. It can be dried and frozen, and also used for salads and soups. Inflorescences and seeds are also used, mainly in the preparation of marinades for canning vegetables.

Seed preparation

Experienced gardeners and gardeners recommend soaking the seeds before planting dill. Growing dill from seedlings is also practiced; this is mandatory for bush varieties. To soak the seeds, just wrap them in a cloth and keep it moist for a couple of days until they swell. Then they need to be dried for 20 minutes in the air and sown in the prepared soil. Uniform shoots appear, as a rule, after two weeks. All this time it is necessary to maintain constant humidity. Dill seeds are not picky about temperature and begin to actively germinate already at +3 °C.

Dill sowing time

Growing dill in open ground can be done in two ways: sowing in spring or late autumn. This plant is quite cold-resistant and can tolerate frosts down to -6 ° C, so the seeds can be planted in the ground in late autumn (October-November), the timing depends on the region. The second option involves spring planting. They also start quite early, as soon as the snow melts and the soil dries out a little. Estimated dates are from mid-April to the end of May. Dill reproduces very well by self-sowing. If you don’t remove the umbrellas with seeds in the fall, then next spring, most likely, the entire garden will be strewn with fragrant greens.

Dill: planting and care in open ground

The bed for spring sowing needs to be prepared in the fall. You need to dig the ground to a depth of about 25 cm and add a bucket of humus (per square meter). In the spring, it is enough to level the bed with a rake and make grooves at a distance of 20 cm from each other, 2-3 cm deep. Seeds should be sown in them, sprinkled with a small layer of humus on top. There is no need to water until seedlings appear.

Throughout the summer, dill can be sown more than once, but at intervals of 20-25 days to obtain fresh herbs. This is exactly the period of its maturation. At this point, the plant reaches a height of about twenty centimeters. To obtain seeds you will have to wait a little longer until the umbrellas ripen. These are the basic rules for growing dill in open ground. Everything is quite simple and will not cause difficulties even for a novice gardener.

Bush dill: growing features

This variety has recently appeared on the seed market. His appearance and the growing technology is somewhat different from that of ordinary dill. If you do not follow agricultural techniques, then, of course, it will grow, but it will lose its elite qualities. The main feature of this variety is its size and strong foliage. Bush dill can grow up to one and a half meters in height, so the distance between plants should be large (25 cm). It is more demanding on soil fertility and climate, which is why it is planted in greenhouses. Growing dill in open ground is also possible, but only seedling method(sowing in mid-April - early May). It is planted in the garden when the air temperature is between 20-25 °C.

The capriciousness of bush dill is compensated by its high yield. So, 20 plants will provide you with greenery not only for the whole summer, but also for the winter.

If you practice growing dill in open ground, then it is best to remove the flower stalks, especially in central Russia, since the seeds still do not have time to ripen even in greenhouses. The plant will only waste its energy. This variety is best grown exclusively for greens.

Dill diseases

One of the main enemies of fragrant greens is powdery mildew. It can appear at any time in the form white plaque on seeds, stems and leaves. Powdery mildew most often occurs in late summer when the nights become cool. As a result, the plant loses its taste qualities and is no longer suitable for human consumption. Downy mildew may appear, which is characterized by the appearance of chlorotic spots that gradually turn yellow.

Dill can also be subject to fomosis. This fungal disease manifests itself in the form of blackening on seeds, stems, and sometimes leaves.

These diseases, in principle, can appear at any time, regardless of whether you are growing dill in open ground or in a greenhouse. Treat plants chemicals it is impossible, therefore it is only possible to use preventive measures, namely, alternating crops, timely destruction of weeds and infected specimens, as well as disinfection of dill seeds. To do this, before planting, they need to be warmed up in hot water(50 °C) for 30 minutes.

Growing dill: basic nuances

  • Thinning. This is the case when there is no need to feel sorry for the plants. In the phase of 2-3 true leaves, the seedlings must be thinned out, leaving a distance of at least 6-7 cm between neighboring bushes. This helps better development dill, it will be strong and even. For bush varieties this is generally mandatory procedure, and it can be carried out in several stages, gradually increasing the distance between plants to thirty centimeters.
  • Greens grow in about a month, so no fertilizer is required during the growing season. As a last resort, if you notice yellowing of the leaves, you can water the plants with a solution of urea or mullein.
  • Young greens can be pulled out straight from the root, but from mature plants (25 cm and above) it is better to pick off only the green leaves.
  • Choose sunny places for planting, where there is no stagnation of moisture and fertile soil. In the shade you will get pale green or almost yellow dill.

Growing dill: choosing a variety

Often, vegetable growers and summer residents do not attach importance to dill varieties, because greens are greens. And this is a completely erroneous opinion. On modern market seeds, the choice of dill varieties is very large. As a rule, they all differ in terms of ripening, and sometimes in agricultural cultivation techniques. Therefore, carefully read the labels on bags of aromatic seeds. It is worth noting the following varieties of dill.

  1. Mid-season: Anna, Gribovsky, Umbrella, Lesnogorsky, Salute, Patterns.
  2. Late ripening: Alligator, Borey, Superducat.
  3. Bush varieties: Buyan, Bouquet, Sultan.

Harvesting and drying of crops

Greens are collected for drying or freezing 25-30 days after shoots appear. At this point, the plant has grown to 15-20 cm in height. Before freezing, greens should be washed and drained. Then the dill must be chopped and packaged in bags or containers. You can also dry it. This should be done not in the sun, but in the shade, in a well-ventilated area. Store dried dill in jars with tight-fitting lids or paper bags, the same goes for seeds.

Be sure to plant fragrant dill in your garden! Planting and care in open ground will not require much time and effort. But as a result, you will get not only tasty, but also very healthy spicy greens, and the seeds are perfect for use in pickling and pickling vegetables, in addition, they have medicinal properties.


Successfully growing dill in a greenhouse at any time of the year

The presence of a greenhouse on the site opens up opportunities for the gardener ample opportunities: in the spring you can grow seedlings of flowers and vegetables in it, in the summer - cucumbers, peppers, tomatoes and eggplants, and growing dill, parsley or any other greens in a greenhouse is possible almost all year round.

What conditions are necessary to grow dill in a greenhouse?

Even in the harsh Siberian climate, the first fresh greens in the greenhouse can be obtained by the end of March, the main thing is to follow the basic rules:

  • Maintain a sowing depth of up to one and a half centimeters;
  • sow greens twice a month to ensure constant new shoots;
  • do not forget to enrich the soil with essential microelements;
  • Be sure to loosen and water the soil;
  • Plant ready-made greenery seedlings in greenhouse soil, not seeds.

Subject to the above rules, it is also possible successful cultivation dill in a greenhouse in winter, if in addition you take care of additional lighting, since such a light-loving crop as dill definitely needs a long daylight hours. Video about the tricks of growing dill

Dill is a long-maturing plant, and its cultivation in greenhouse conditions It may take more than two months, but as a result you can get two kilograms of lush greens from each square meter, and the taste of homemade dill will be much brighter than store-bought or dill grown on a windowsill.

Like any other greens, dill is not demanding on the soil - it is also suitable ordinary land, both sandy and clayey. But, if it is important for you to receive greens in large quantities, it is worth fertilizing the soil with humus in the fall, as well as applying mineral fertilizers before sowing. It is advisable to choose a soil that is neutral in acidity, since dill can often get sick in alkaline soil.

It is worth noting that dill can be planted directly in greenhouse soil in winter only if the soil does not freeze in the greenhouse. Most often, dill seeds are sown in deep drawers filled with soil. Just be sure to make sure that the drawers have holes for water drainage.

In greenhouse conditions, growing dill in winter is possible at an air temperature of at least +15 degrees. The soil must be kept moist at all times, and watered only warm water. When there is a lack of moisture in the ground, dill begins to bloom, which reduces its bushiness.

And of course, dill plantings must be supplemented with light, providing the plants with twelve hours of daylight. This is main secret How to grow dill in winter green, lush and fragrant.

Step-by-step guide on how to grow dill in a greenhouse

The varieties of dill that grow best in a greenhouse are those that are sufficiently resistant to light deficiency: Kutuzovsky, Grenadier, Frost, Karusel, Anker, Sevastopolsky, Umbrella, Almaz. These domestic varieties are capable of producing a large amount of greenery and do not bloom for a long time.

Having selected suitable varieties and prepared fertile soil, you can start sowing dill:

  • place the seeds in water two days before sowing and change it every eight hours - the essential oils from the seeds will be eliminated and germination will be faster;
  • thoroughly moisten and loosen the soil in the boxes;
  • make grooves every fifteen centimeters;
  • Scatter the soaked dill seeds along the grooves;
  • cover the top thin layer soil and lightly moisten with a spray bottle;
  • when sowing seeds directly into greenhouse soil, you can simply distribute them over the surface of the ground, then covering them with a rake, but then thinning will be more of a hassle.

Over the next two weeks, water the soil daily with warm water from a spray bottle until small shoots appear. In the future, you can water only as needed to prevent the soil from drying out. Regularly remove weeds and loosen the soil so that dill grows better.

When the seedlings reach a height of ten centimeters, they need to be thinned out, pulling every second plant out of the ground. There is no need to throw them away - you can transplant the removed specimens into another container to achieve an even larger harvest. Video about growing dill in a film greenhouse

When cultivating dill in a greenhouse, it should be fed once every two months with ammonium nitrate or peat, distributing it at the base of the bushes. You can easily tell that dill is lacking nitrogen by its yellowed leaves.

In the final stage of growth, dill bushes can reach one meter in height - this also needs to be taken into account when planning its cultivation in a greenhouse. Harvest greenery gradually, without pulling the plants entirely out of the ground, but simply tearing off their leaves.


Growing greens in a greenhouse: dill, parsley and celery

Growing greens in a greenhouse: which plants to choose?

Many gardeners are interested in the question, what plants can be planted in a greenhouse? The most profitable option may be to grow greenery in a greenhouse, since these garden crops are not too demanding and tolerate well various conditions weather. In addition, greens planted in a greenhouse in winter produce several harvests per year, regardless of the month of planting. Well, what exactly can be grown in a greenhouse depends personally on your preferences and desires.

  • Greenhouse floriculture
  • Growing dill in open ground

As practice shows, summer residents most often plant dill, parsley and celery in their greenhouses in winter, the cultivation of which we will tell you about in this article. But there are many other useful and tasty plants that survive winter well and produce good harvests. For example, there are several varieties of lettuce, basil, mint, sorrel, nettle and other types of greens.

How to grow greens like dill in a greenhouse?

Greenhouses and greenhouses are an ideal place for growing dill in winter. This plant is known and loved by everyone for its beneficial qualities and piquant taste. Dill is often used as a seasoning in many dishes. Salads are prepared with it, it is added to meat and soups, and no pickling can be done without it. The plant itself is not very demanding in terms of living conditions in the garden, but it needs to maintain a certain temperature and humidity regime.

In order for dill to grow and develop in constant humidity, it must be sprayed frequently. The temperature for its cultivation should not be lower than 15 degrees.

Therefore, it is very important that the greenhouse has special temperature sensors for air and soil. Water is used to water the plant room temperature. It is very important to carefully ventilate the greenhouse where dill is grown, since it does not tolerate cold winds and drafts. First harvest at proper care the plant produces two months after it is planted.

Greenhouse parsley: care features

Growing parsley in a greenhouse in winter is a rather difficult task that may require some time. This variety of greens can be grown from seeds and roots. True, the second method is considered more complicated, since the root crops must be kept in sand for 10 days at a temperature of no more than 2 degrees before planting. Then the parsley roots are taken out and planted in thoroughly watered soil.

Growing parsley from seeds - more simple procedure. The main thing here is to follow the following planting standards: per 1 sq.m of soil, take 2 kg of seeds, which are pre-conditioned in damp gauze for 5 days. It usually takes about 10 days for the seeds to fully germinate. Then you can harvest - 1.5 kg of parsley per 1 square meter of area.

How to harvest celery?

Celery not only tastes great, but it also contains a lot of vitamins and nutrients. But since this plant is difficult to store for a long time, it is recommended to grow it in greenhouses, which does not present any difficulties. To plant celery, the tops of a petiole plant with part of the root are cut off, resulting in many lateral buds.

Next, the plant is planted in soft, well-fertilized soil. Fertilizers in this case can be chicken or cow droppings. The temperature for growing celery in a greenhouse should be 15-20 degrees. But you need to water the greens rarely, but very generously, and you need to make sure that no moisture gets on the leaves. The amount of harvest depends on the length of daylight hours, so the lighting in the greenhouse must be sufficient.


Growing greens in a greenhouse: onions, parsley, dill

  • Greenhouses

Almost every dish that appears on our table includes various kinds greenery. In summer and spring, we practically don’t think about it, since it’s not difficult to get dill or parsley. In winter, a little fresh summer colors on the table pleasantly pleases the eye and increases the appetite.

In this regard, every self-respecting gardener will definitely grow on his own personal plot different greens. In summer this can be done in the garden, but in winter it is problematic. The only way out is to grow greens in a greenhouse. Of course, it is difficult for an amateur gardener to create a real industrial greenhouse, so most of these people have on their plots simple structures made of polycarbonate or glass. The quality of crops grown in this way is no different from plants grown using the traditional method.

In some cases, they even have some superiority, since they are not exposed to pollution from factories, are not exposed to acid rain and are not treated with pesticides. In addition, growing greens in a greenhouse in winter is quite a profitable business, since you can get fresh greens all year round. So, in winter you can grow dill, parsley, celery, lettuce and onions in a greenhouse. I would also like to note the method of growing green onions in a greenhouse in winter.

First of all, onions

Growing onions is a simple and, most importantly, profitable business. The leaves of the plant have a delicate taste, contain a huge number of vitamins, which are especially lacking in winter, and strengthen the immune system. Growing onions for greens in a greenhouse can be done not only in winter, but also in summer.

In order to get excellent green onions, you need to pick the right varieties, which are intended precisely for this purpose. The Spassky or Troitsky variety is ideal. It is best to take small bulbs, about 3-5 cm in diameter. Growing onions for greens in a greenhouse is an excellent opportunity to get a harvest ahead of schedule.

So, first you need to carefully dig up all the beds and fertilize them well. It is best to plant onions before October 15, before severe cold sets in. This is necessary so that the onions have time to produce roots. When it gets colder, the planting should be covered with a layer of manure and straw. In this form, the onions are left for the winter. Late March or early April upper layer The insulating material is removed and the planting is covered with film. With constant watering and quality fertilizer greenery will appear in early May.

The method of growing onions for greens in a heated greenhouse has some features. In this case, you need to take the boxes and fill them garden soil mixed with peat. Before planting the bulb, it must first be heated at a temperature of 40C and the neck cut off. Using this method, you are sure to get high yields. The fit should be very tight. Planted onions must be watered and fed with nitrogen fertilizers. During the day in the greenhouse it should be +20C, and at night - +15C. Under such conditions, within a month it will be possible to harvest the first harvest of greenery, even in winter.

And below in the video we see how this all happens in practice with further calculation of profitability.

Growing lettuce and Chinese cabbage

For salad, you can use either natural soil, if it does not freeze in the greenhouse in winter, or soil poured into boxes. Sow lettuce in rows every 20 cm. The depth should not be large, approximately 1 cm. The temperature in the greenhouse should be 15-18 C. Throughout the entire growth period, the greens need to be watered, loosen the soil and remove emerging weeds. It is also necessary to fertilize once or twice at the rate of 10 grams of complex fertilizers per 5 liters of water. In the same way we grow Chinese cabbage, which will be ready within three weeks after germination.

Planting dill

Dill can be grown in a greenhouse as a sealant or as an independent crop. Before planting, the seeds of the plant must be soaked and germinated for 3-4 days, while washing the seeds and changing the water. Afterwards the seeds are dried a little. As a compactor, dill grows for 50 days, and as an independent crop - 60 days. You can start growing sprouted dill seeds in early spring or in the fall.

So that the greens can be collected long time, growing dill in a greenhouse is carried out in several stages. Starting in March, you can plant a plant every month so that there is always greenery. Growing dill is very easy. It is unpretentious and therefore is sown in continuous rows with in small intervals 30-40 centimeters. The planting depth is about two centimeters. During the germination period, the greenhouse must have moist soil.

Don't forget about parsley

Parsley is the most popular plant, which is a storehouse of vitamin C. You simply cannot do without this fragrant greenery in winter. In order for the harvest to be successful, you need to use light, fertile soil. This plant not susceptible to cold, so planting can begin at the end of August. The plant should be planted in abundantly watered furrows; the depth is selected according to the length of the root crop. In the greenhouse, the temperature should be from 15 to 28 degrees. It is necessary to water the greens using the drip method using a sprayer or watering can. The crop can be harvested as it grows by cutting off the greens with a sharp knife.

Now let's look at the mistakes that are often made when growing greens in a greenhouse.

In winter, growing greens in a greenhouse does not require much effort or a lot of money, but it allows you to enjoy healthy foods rich in vitamins all year round.


How to grow greens on the balcony: onions, dill, parsley

Fresh onion, fragrant parsley and dill, spicy basil. What these herbs smell like when they are just cut from the garden. This is the smell of childhood; my grandmother in the village had greens in almost all her dishes. You can always go to the market or supermarket and buy greens for your feast. But, you must admit, it doesn’t smell at all like freshly cut one. Those who have a plot near their house are lucky, but apartment residents shouldn’t be upset either, there is great alternative– is to grow greens on your balcony. Let's find out how to grow greens on the balcony.

Growing greens on the balcony


Onions are not a demanding plant. To plant it, you need to buy seeds or bulbs. Give preference to varieties such as Danilovsky or Strigunovsky. You can get green tops in two ways:

  1. Planting in a container with clean water, as in the photo;
  2. Planting directly into a container with soil.

If you prefer the first option, there is no need to prepare the water in advance. But the shoots will be juicier and smoother if you prefer the second option.

Let's look at each of the landing options in detail:

  • When planting bulbs in water, prepare a container required size, it is better to also prepare a sieve-type lid in advance. The cells in the sieve should be approximately the size of an onion. Our “sieve” will help prevent the bulb from being completely submerged in water and prevent rotting. So, you already understand that the onion should not be covered with water, you need the water to touch only the bottom part. Water requires periodic partial and complete changes;
  • To plant onions in the ground, we prepare the soil; it is better to buy it in a specialized store; unlike garden soil, it will be enriched with nutrients and disinfected. After we plant the seed, we moisten the soil in advance. It is necessary to water the mini garden as the soil dries out. It’s very easy to check this; just press the soil with your finger; if there is soil left on your finger, you can wait a little while watering.


Growing parsley on the balcony is not at all tricky. You can go two ways:

  1. Buy seeds and sow them in a container with soil;
  2. Buy rhizomes and plant them in the ground.

It is better to buy seeds in a specialty store. And ask amateur summer residents for rhizomes.

And now in more detail about the landing:

  • We buy seeds. For the fastest results, it is better to soak them for a day in advance, and then rinse them. We rinse so that essential oils, which slow down growth, evaporate. After the seeds have been washed, they must be soaked in water for another day. Next we sow planting material to a depth of about ½ cm. Until seedlings appear, it is necessary to keep the container in a dark place, then place it in a sunny place and water it periodically;
  • To plant parsley with rhizomes, you need to carefully examine the planting material. Good rhizomes should be without damage. The soil must be moistened in advance. We immerse the cuttings in the soil, leaving the upper buds above the ground. Moderate watering and good lighting will give excellent results.


The most the best option there will be early ripening varieties, such specimens will give good greens. Choose seeds that are resistant to temperature changes. It is better not to take seeds from the garden. We use soil for flowers. We wash the seeds with water in advance and soak them in gauze for a couple of days. After sowing the seeds in the ground, close the container plastic film and leave in a dark, warm place until the first shoots. The film must be opened, irrigating the soil and enriching it with oxygen. When the sprouts are happy, we take the container out onto the balcony and after 2-3 weeks we collect the first greens. The aroma and taste of dill is worth taking the time to grow greens on the balcony.


We buy salad according to your liking: Odessa, Mustard leaf, May salad, Watercress, Moscow leaf. For a good harvest, salads require regular, abundant watering. To sow in the ground, make depressions one centimeter deep, make beds at a distance of 12 cm. Sow the seeds not too closely. Until greenery appears, we keep the box in the dark, then take it out onto the balcony. After three weeks, the greens will be ready for the first mowing.

Let's sum it up

Greens can be grown on the balcony all year round. The activity is interesting and useful. Good harvest and good health. After all, as you know, greens are a storehouse of vitamins and microelements.


Harvesting and transportation

Onion harvesting begins with watering the beds within 5-6 hours sufficient quantity water. The onion is removed along with the head; it should be pulled out at the base of the leaves near the ground. This is done so as not to disturb the wax layer covering the feathers. This coating protects the green onions from external damage and drying out, and also gives them a more attractive appearance.

Growing green onions is not much different from growing, for example, dill, and as for its transportation, the whole process is identical to that previously described. The waterproof container is tightly packed green onions, logically located root down. The container is filled with water mixed with fertilizer and aspirin, which is added at the rate of 1 tablet per liter of water.

Sales of harvested crops

It is better to sell grown greens in large quantities - having immediately sold the freshly harvested crop, there is no risk of losing the presentation of the greens. For these purposes, it is worth establishing contacts with catering establishments where greens are in great demand, especially at the end of winter, when the body itself requires vitamins in any form and quantity. Firms specializing in the production and sale of salads and ready-made meals are also actively purchasing fresh herbs.

Greenhouse interior

Selling greenery as a business is very easy way earnings regarding documentation. When establishing trade relations with public catering establishments, they may ask to present only a certificate of availability land plot. By the way, cafes and restaurants are not the only way to sell self-grown greens. The market is also a very profitable option for people with enough free time.

With a competent approach to selling greens at retail, it is quite possible to sell tens of tons of crops on a simple agricultural market. It all depends on the service and quality of the product. Service consists not only of a friendly salesperson, but also of his neatness, the attractiveness of the trading place, and the condition and cleanliness of the containers.

The quality of the product is perhaps the main point in attracting regular customers. In order to reach the entire audience of buyers, onions and all other types of greens should be sorted by feather (or leaf) size and set different prices for them. Well, the very quality of the products sold - yellowed, withered and broken plants should be disposed of immediately so as not to scare away potential buyers. And adequate and even slightly reduced prices for greens will attract a fairly large number of buyers.

Business plan for growing greens

Naturally, the above calculations are approximate and are presented for informational purposes and confirming the profitability of this enterprise purposes. The initial costs when organizing a business from scratch will be formed from the costs of constructing thermos greenhouses measuring 6x3 m. If you use wood as a frame, cover the greenhouse with a frost-resistant thick film, and decorate the roof with cellular polycarbonate, then one greenhouse will cost an average of about 20-25 thousand rubles. Fixed expenses– this means buying seeds, but here you can save money and grow them yourself.

This is what production of fresh greens looks like on an industrial scale

Income is calculated from the sale of the harvest from the same 18 m2, again average figures, and assume the cultivation and sale of only dill. On average per square meter You can collect up to 4 kg of greens in the first harvest. The price for 1 kg is 150 rubles. – for 4 kg the revenue will be 600 rubles. The area of ​​all the beds in the greenhouse is 12 m2, which means that the profit from the sale of the entire harvest will be 7,200 rubles. If you consider that the crop can be harvested 5 times per season, it is easy to calculate the net profit from the sale of fresh herbs - this is about 30-35 thousand rubles. The business will pay for itself in just 1 season!

Be sure to read the article about growing garlic for sale; we’ll figure out how profitable this business is.

The success of a business rests entirely on the shoulders of the entrepreneur. At first, you can start with 1 greenhouse, and build more by the next season. The same applies to the range of grown greens. And if you have the opportunity and desire, then from year to year you can expand your specialization and ultimately grow and sell not only greens, but also vegetables, berries and even fruits.



). It is especially important to have a home garden in winter: when there is still snow outside, and, for example, fresh fragrant dill is growing on the window. This is not to say that growing dill at home is very easy. However, if you can create the necessary conditions, you will definitely get a harvest, albeit not as abundant as.

Features of growing dill on a windowsill

To successfully grow dill in an apartment, you need to know the characteristics of the plant and take into account certain rules. For this you will need:

  • good seeds;
  • suitable planting containers and the necessary substrate;
  • choose the optimal place for growing and create all conditions (light and temperature);
  • additional lighting (required in winter);
  • perform simple maintenance - watering;

Even a novice gardener can grow dill, but if in open ground the crop requires almost no special attention and grows well after sowing, then at home you will have to try a little to end up with a bunch of fresh, aromatic dill.

What varieties of dill are suitable for growing on a windowsill?

There is a misconception that the best option Only early varieties are suitable for growing dill at home.

If you need to quickly get greens, you need to choose strictly early varieties (Gribovsky, Grenader, Aurora, Dalniy). However, these varieties are more demanding regarding the conditions of their maintenance in the future. With a lack of light and sudden temperature changes, the greens of early varieties stretch out and acquire a light green tint, which negatively affects the quality of the grown dill.

In the case of growing medium (Richelieu, Lesnogorodsky, Obilnolistvenny, Kustisty) and late varieties (Kibray, Salyut, Dill, Alligator), the cut of the first harvest, although it lags 10-20 days behind the early varieties, but at the same time dill is distinguished by more lush bushes, which withstands home conditions better.

Attention! A special variety of dill for home grown does not exist, so everyone must determine for himself (experimentally) which variety suits him best and turns out on the window.

Sowing dill at home - step-by-step instructions

To grow dill in an apartment, on a windowsill, you need to choose the right growing containers, suitable substrate, prepare (soak) the seeds and sow correctly.

Growing container

In order for dill to fully grow and develop at home, preference should be given to fairly large and deep pots. The depth of the container should be at least 15-20 cm, which will ensure the normal development of the plant’s root system, which in dill is long and taprooted.

Worth knowing! In fact, the height of dill bushes corresponds to the length of the root trunk, i.e. The lower your capacity, the weaker the dill will be. Therefore, the deeper the container, the better it will grow.

There should be drainage holes in the bottom of the pot through which excess moisture will escape, which will help avoid stagnation of water. It is also recommended to pour a layer of drainage (expanded clay) about 2-3 cm on the bottom of the container.

Suitable soil

Growing dill, like any other greenery, requires a nutritious substrate. The simplest solution may be to purchase universal soil for growing seedlings in a specialized store, and it must be neutral in acidity.

But you can prepare a nutritious soil mixture yourself. To do this, the following components are needed: garden soil, peat, humus and sand.

Note! It is recommended to disinfect any soil, even purchased soil, first (the day before sowing), for example, by frying it in the oven or steaming it in a double boiler, so that under the influence high temperatures all pathogenic organisms and fungi died. Or (or you can do both) spill it with a pink solution of potassium permanganate or.

Pre-sowing seed preparation

Dill seeds are high in essential oils, so they take much longer to germinate compared to other plants. To speed up this process, it is worth pre-soaking the seeds for 1-3 days, while not forgetting to change the water several times a day (3-4 times a day).

But you don’t have to do this. Many people successfully sow with dry seeds and get normal shoots, albeit a little later.

Direct sowing

Step-by-step instructions for sowing dill for further cultivation on the windowsill:

  • Fill the prepared planting containers with substrate and level the surface.

Important! Never fill pots with soil to the top; always leave at least 3 cm to the edge of the container.

  • Sprinkle the soil generously with settled water and wait until all the moisture is absorbed.
  • Distribute the seeds over the surface of the soil or make shallow rows (1-1.5 cm deep).

  • Sprinkle the seeds with a thin 1 cm layer of soil.
  • Moisten the top layer of the substrate generously with a spray bottle.
  • Successful seed germination requires high humidity air, so after sowing the planting containers should be covered with glass or film, creating a kind of greenhouse effect.
  • Place the pots in a dark and warm place at an air temperature of at least +20 degrees, and even better around +25 degrees.

Attention! Condensation will collect on the lid of the container, so it is recommended to ventilate and remove accumulated moisture once a day using a paper napkin, otherwise this may cause the development of mold and fungal diseases

  • Already when the first shoots appear, it will be necessary to remove the cover and move the container to the windowsill (or under phytolamps), and also lower the temperature to +18-22 degrees. If possible, the night temperature should be within +15..+18 degrees, which will prevent the seedlings from stretching.

However! After the emergence of friendly shoots, many recommend not immediately removing the shelter (greenhouse), but starting to gradually adapt to environment. To do this, on the first day the containers are opened for 30 minutes, with each subsequent day increasing the interval by 2 times. After just a week and a half, the container with seedlings can be completely opened.

Video: how to grow dill at home - an easy way

How to care for dillwindowsill

In order to ultimately achieve a dill harvest on the windowsill, it is necessary not only to plant correctly, but also to create the most suitable conditions for the growth of greenery, and also to adhere to certain rules care

Selection of location and conditions of detention: lighting and temperature

If you want your greenery to actively grow and develop in late autumn, winter or early spring, then you will definitely need additional lighting with phytolamps or full-spectrum LED lamps in the morning and/or evening, as well as on cloudy days.

Dill loves very much Fresh air , so it should place in drafts(but not frosty ones). In general, some plants need to be “ruffled” for proper strong formation, so in greenhouses dill grows quite frail.

Important! It is recommended to rotate containers with dill regularly different sides in relation to the window, since the greenery tilts towards the light over time.

The length of daylight should be at least 12 hours, and preferably 14-16 hours.

Important! Even if friendly shoots appear at first, then with a lack of light they will stop growing, and some will even begin to die. Lack of lighting during the period of active growth will negatively affect the dill stems, which will stretch.

An important factor is the creation of the correct temperature conditions. Dill loves light, but does not really like heat. The favorable temperature for growing dill on the window is +18-22 degrees. At night time, of course, a slight decrease in temperature to + 15-18 degrees, but without very sharp changes.

Note! At elevated temperatures, the daylight hours must correspondingly increase, otherwise the dill will stretch out greatly or not grow at all.

This is the problem you will definitely encounter in the winter when the batteries start working. central heating. Therefore, you cannot do without additional lighting.


If the seeds show high germination and sprouted too densely, they should be thinned out almost immediately so that the distance between plants is at least 2-3 cm, leaving stronger and healthier sprouts. Otherwise, they will begin to interfere with each other, obscure each other, they will not have enough light, and they will be drawn upward.

Watering, loosening and fertilizing

Watering the greenery is carried out regularly when the top layer of soil dries out, and both overwatering and overdrying of the soil must be avoided.

IN In conditions of low air humidity (in winter, when the house is warm and dry), it is necessary to regularly spray the foliage with a spray bottle.

For watering, you should use settled, filtered or rainwater room temperature.

To provide air access to the roots, you should loosen the soil at least once a week, which will help accelerate the growth and development of greenery.

An important factor in the full growth of dill is fertilizing. Naturally, first of all, it requires nitrogen, which is best added initially, when preparing the substrate, or choose soil with a high content of nitrogen.

Video: how to grow dill at home in winter

Timing of sprouting and harvesting of homemade dill

Dill seeds have a long germination time, so you need to be patient, since the first shoots will appear no earlier than 10-14 days after sowing.

And the first harvest of dill can be done 1-1.5 months after germination (depending on the variety - early or late).

Video: how to grow dill on a windowsill

In contact with

Convenient to always have at hand fresh herbs– cooked dishes with it become more aromatic and tastier, which is why prudent housewives can often find dill on their windowsill. At home it is unpretentious plant feels no worse than in the garden, and when good care produces a lot of lush greenery.

It would seem that even inexperienced gardeners should not have questions about how to grow dill at home: after all, you just need to sow the seeds in a pot of soil and do not forget to water the seedlings, removing the weeds. But in reality, instead of the expected dense thickets of fragrant dill, thin pale blades of grass, practically without aroma, sway sadly in the pot. What's the secret? How to plant dill at home and get greens no worse than those sold on the market all year round?

To grow dill at home, you will need:
harvest seeds unpretentious variety dill;
soil intended for indoor plants;
fertile garden soil;
suitable containers (pots, containers);
fluorescent lamps;
complex mineral fertilizers.

Choosing the right dill variety is the first step to a good harvest.

To grow dill at home, gardeners most often choose the early-ripening variety Gribovsky. This variety of dill does not require care, is resistant to temperature changes, is characterized by high yield and resistance to disease. Its greens have a strong aroma. So that Gribovsky dill at home gives good harvest, it is enough to sow it in fertile soil and prevent the appearance of weeds.

The following varieties are also suitable for growing on a windowsill: early-ripening Grenadier, mid-ripening Richelieu with bluish-green fragrant leaves, late-ripening Kibray with beautiful wide leaves. Gardeners cultivate at home and southern varieties, which have a more spicy taste, but are more finicky.

Since there is no special variety of dill intended for growing on a windowsill, when choosing seed material The main attention should be paid to the timing of ripening. It is important not to make a mistake here: although early varieties produce green mass in a very short time, but quickly stretch into peduncles and are less leafy than late-ripening varieties. And late bush varieties (Gurman, Salyut, Russian size) do not have time to ripen in the beds over the summer, but are perfect for growing at home. Such dill on the window forms dense, well-leafed bushes, from the axils of which new shoots are formed.

Instructions on how to grow dill on a windowsill

In the garden, dill can grow in almost any soil, but successful cultivation of dill at home is only possible in a fertile soil mixture, which must be prepared in advance. To do this, you should prepare loose garden soil in the fall and mix it with purchased neutral soil for indoor plants before sowing. Select a container for sowing of a sufficient size so that the dill is not crowded, and do not forget about the drainage layer at the bottom of the container.

Since dill seeds take a long time to germinate due to their high oil content, before sowing they need to be soaked for 20 hours in warm water through which oxygen continuously passes (for example, using a compressor from an aquarium). Another option is to simply place the seeds in warm water for two days and change it to fresh every six hours.

You can sow seeds directly on the surface of moist soil, without grooves or holes, sprinkling peat mixed with humus on top. A sufficient seeding rate is 0.3 g per 1 square decimeter of soil. For the best result, you can make grooves a centimeter deep in the ground, fill them with water and place the prepared seeds on the bottom. From above, dill seeds are sprinkled with dry soil from the edges of the grooves, so that a dense crust does not form on the soil surface, preventing the emergence of seedlings. Cover the container with the crops with cellophane and put it in a dark place with a temperature of about +20 degrees for a week.

The stems and leaves of dill do not grow back after cutting: to continuously cut fresh herbs, sow the seeds into the freed area of ​​your micro-garden every three weeks.

Growing dill on a windowsill - secrets of success

When growing dill at home, first of all you need to remember that this plant loves light. Place the crops on a bright windowsill, and in winter, provide the dill with additional illumination by installing fluorescent lamps at a height of 50 cm above the plants. On the windowsill, it is enough to turn on the lamps in the morning for five hours, but if the boxes with dill are in the back of the room, additional illumination should last at least fifteen hours.

Rules for caring for dill at home:
dill must be watered regularly, especially paying attention to watering during seed germination and when young shoots appear;
Once every two weeks it is recommended to feed the plantings with complex mineral fertilizer;
It is best to grow dill at a temperature of +18 degrees, but even on a glazed balcony when the temperature drops to +8 degrees, the plants will feel quite comfortable;
if the room temperature is above +20 degrees, you need to increase the illumination, otherwise the dill bushes will turn out elongated, lethargic and light;
in the first week, when the shoots appear, it is advisable to lower the temperature in the room at night by opening the window, or take the crops outside glass balcony so that the dill does not stretch.

Depending on what time of year you plant your dill, growing it at home may require more or less hassle. It is easiest to grow dill on a window from March to August, since plantings even without additional lighting form lush greenery, provided there is fertile soil and a light windowsill. In the autumn-winter period, without additional lighting, the plants will stretch and fall, which means you will have to give them more attention, and growing costs will increase due to the electricity consumed.