Types of roofing coverings and their characteristics. All types of roofs of private houses and their features, choice of roofing material, photos of projects

It is impossible to imagine a house without a roof. To create a roof, the most different materials. For each building you can choose your own suitable option. Some are often used to cover country houses and cottages, others design outbuildings.

To make the right choice, you should know what materials are available and what they are intended for.

Types of roofing materials

Sheet roofing

Metal tiles

It is durable, beautiful, but sometimes noisy. is a steel sheet various thicknesses(up to 0.5 mm), galvanized. Its surface is coated with a special varnish that protects it from damage. Underneath there are more layers: ground and aluminum. The weight of the sheet is quite light, a square meter weighs only 3-5 kilograms.

Metal tiles are used to cover the roofs of private buildings, industrial buildings, and garages. A false roof looks interesting when layers of metal tiles are laid on a flat roof at a slope.

It is durable, service life is up to 50 years. Taking into account the relatively low cost - 400-1000 rubles, investing in such roofing design seems quite reasonable.


  • Fast and easy installation.
  • Durability, withstands high mechanical loads.
  • Lightweight, you can work with it alone.
  • Easy loading and transportation.
  • Affordable price.


  • High percentage of waste during installation.
  • Good sound conductivity.

Roofing corrugated sheets

This is a steel profiled sheet, a close “relative” of metal tiles, with a zinc layer and polymer protection. It can be rectangular or wavy, somewhat thicker than the previous type. Available in the form of a wave, rectangle or trapezoid.

It is most often used to cover outbuildings, as well as the roofs of cottages and country houses.


  • Easy installation.
  • Durability (service life reaches 50 years).
  • Low cost.

The disadvantages include noise; it is necessary to soundproof the roof.


An attractive material that is made from cellulose fibers impregnated with bitumen, with polymer components added. Many people call it “Euro slate”. The top is covered with two layers of paint. One sheet weighs about 6 kilograms and has the appearance of a wave. Standard unit dimensions are 2*0.96 meters.

It is used to create roofs on outbuildings, bathhouses, and is used for the sale of complex roof due to its flexibility. Often used to replace old coating.


  • Environmental friendliness.
  • Excellent water resistance.
  • Durability, lasts up to 40 years.
  • Hygiene.
  • Light weight, easy to install and transport.
  • Withstands heavy loads and is resistant to chemical compounds.
  • Silence.
  • Easy to cut with a simple hacksaw.
  • Low price.


  • Flammability.
  • After 2-3 years, the surface fades and the material loses its visual appeal.
  • At high temperatures softens and the smell of bitumen appears.


The most common and inexpensive material. It consists of Portland cement and asbestos, one sheet weighs 10-15 kilograms. Dimensions vary: width 98-113 centimeters, length 175 centimeters. Depending on the size, there are a number of waves from 6 to 8.

It is used to cover sheds, bathhouses, and summer toilets. Can also be used for private construction, but with Lately rarely. Only under conditions of very limited funds.


  • Long service life, up to 40 years.
  • Ease of installation.
  • Non-flammability.
  • Low price.


  • Asbestos content. Although its quantity in the composition is so small that there is no talk of a great danger to humans.
  • Fragile, requires careful handling during transportation and work.
  • Highly hygroscopic, absorbs moisture well, as a result of which it loses its properties, fades, and becomes overgrown with moss.

Seam roofing


Consists of zinc coated steel sheets. Quite often it also has a polymer layer. The sheets have a special connection - a fold. The type of sheet fastening depends on its type.

It is used to create roofing at production facilities, for complex roofs(cathedrals, estates), administrative buildings. Can be used to cover private buildings.


  • Flexibility.
  • Smooth surface.
  • Non-flammability.
  • Durability (up to 30 years).
  • Light weight material.
  • Resistant to low temperatures.
  • Attractive appearance.


  • Impact damage.
  • Mandatory creation of thermal insulation.
  • Installation is difficult and cannot be done independently.
  • Noisy coating.
  • Ability to accumulate static electricity.

Copper and aluminum

Sheets with a thickness of 0.3 millimeters, weight: copper sheet - 5-10 kilograms, aluminum - 3-5 kilograms.


  • Corrosion resistance.
  • Reliability.
  • Aesthetics and beauty.
  • Durability (lasts up to 80-100 years).
  • Minimal care.
  • Non-flammability.
  • Safety.

The disadvantages include the very high cost.

Soft roof

Flexible tiles

It consists of fiberglass impregnated with bitumen with modifiers, top coated with stone (shale or basalt) chips.

It is used to create a roof of a non-standard shape or a mansard roof.


  • Flexibility.
  • Silence.
  • Does not rot, is not subject to corrosion.
  • Modern design.
  • Affordable price.


  • In severe frost it may burst or crack.
  • At high temperatures, an odor appears and the material melts.
  • Flammability.

Gidroizol (fused roofing)

It is created on the basis of fiberglass, polyester or fiberglass. The base is oxidized bitumen with the addition of a modifier, which gives the material elasticity. The verification contains a layer of polymer and sprinkles.

Used to create flat roof multi-storey buildings and in private residential construction.


  • Durability.
  • Weight is minimal.
  • Does not require additional care.
  • Environmental friendliness.
  • Resistance to fire, water, noise.


Requires special conditions storage: only in a vertical position, away from heating devices.

Flat membrane roofing

The following types are distinguished:

  • PVC membranes: not environmentally friendly, but provide excellent protection from fire and ultraviolet radiation.
  • EDPM membranes: consist of artificial rubber with reinforced mesh, are highly durable and environmentally friendly.
  • TPO membranes: thermoplastic olefins reinforced with reinforced mesh. Also safe for humans.

Used to design flat roofs on industrial buildings and residential buildings.


  • Service life - up to half a century;
  • Can cover any surface area;
  • Water resistance;
  • Installation can be done at almost any time of the year;
  • High strength.


  • A prepared base is required;
  • Do not use organic oils or solvents.

Piece roofing materials

Ceramic tiles

Created in production conditions by prolonged firing at high temperatures. The surface can be glazed. The tiles are heavy; with dimensions of 30*30 centimeters, a unit weighs more than 2 kilograms. There are several varieties: grooved and flat, stamped and row, grooved, single- and double-wave tiles.

It is used to cover the roofs of houses, regardless of the number of floors.


  • Economy in maintenance.
  • Good sound insulation.
  • Non-flammability.
  • Durability (up to 150 years).
  • Resistance to negative environmental influences.
  • Aesthetics.
  • Porous structure, ability to “breathe”.


  • Too much weight requires a good foundation.
  • Fragility.
  • Complex and time-consuming installation.
  • Very high cost.

Sand-cement tiles

It consists of a solution of sand and cement, which is pressed. Dyes are used to add color and glaze. It can be smooth or with a profile pattern. The weight is approximately 40 kilograms per square meter.

Used to create roofs on residential buildings, the number of floors is not limited.


  • Durability, it is inferior to ceramic tiles, but under the manufacturer’s warranty it will last up to 30 years.


  • Thickness more than 1 centimeter.
  • Fragile, requires careful transportation.
  • Quite a big cost.

Slate roofing

It's natural natural material, which is not widely used due to its too high cost. However, it can be purchased in the form of tiles, which are made by hand. With a thickness of 4 millimeters, it weighs up to 25 kilograms per square meter.


  • The service life can reach 200 years.
  • An exclusive coating option, the view is simply amazing.
  • Resistant to fading, frost and sun.
  • Water resistance.
  • Fire safety.

The disadvantages include the very high cost.

Self-leveling (mastic) roofing

It is a liquid that is created on the basis of oligomers. It hardens in air but retains good elasticity. Excellent adhesion to surfaces such as bitumen, concrete, metal.

Used in areas where winter is very harsh or where summer temperatures are high.


  • The coating is done in a short time.
  • Does not contain harmful substances.
  • Seamless material.
  • Resistant to low and high temperatures.
  • Service life – up to 15 years.

But during installation it is quite difficult to make the coating of the same thickness.

Which roof to choose

Everyone focuses on several basic criteria when choosing a roofing material. But we can highlight the main points that are worth paying attention to.

Criterias of choice

  • Durability. This parameter is very important, since the roof should not require frequent repairs and increased attention to yourself. The service life is affected not only by the type of material chosen, but also by the quality of installation.
  • Type of structure, its purpose and roof design. Naturally, for outbuildings there is no point in purchasing expensive elements, while a residential building requires a more careful choice.
  • The most important is also the financial aspect. Naturally, it is necessary to evaluate the material based on the price/quality ratio, but you also need to take into account the cost of installation based on the roof area, etc. The priority in this case remains metal tiles, ondulin, bitumen shingles, etc. Those who prefer piece materials should understand that installation will be more complex and, accordingly, more expensive.
  • Aesthetics. The roof should give the building or structure a finished look, while harmoniously fitting into the overall concept of the object, combined with the surrounding landscape and the walls of the building.

What does the choice depend on?

The choice of roofing material depends, first of all, on the main parameters of the roof of the house: decorative features, reliability and weight of the material. In addition to attractive external parameters, the load on the walls should be taken into account. For example, natural tiles weigh 15 times more than metal ones.

The service life is indicated without taking into account some factors: operating conditions, climate features. For example, it is worth understanding that in hot climates, asphalt shingles will not last long.

Cost of roofing materials

The cost depends on their quality characteristics, service life, and production capabilities. When choosing, you should take into account the thickness of the elements, type and main characteristics. In addition, it is worth adding to the final calculation the cost of installation and possible expenses for spare parts.

Do not forget about the installation of eaves, hydro- and vapor barrier of the roof, as well as the costs of delivery and transportation. Price various brands and manufacturers are also different. The price is affected by availability and composition protective coating, shape and color.

If the cost is not in Russian currency, it is worth taking into account fluctuations in the ruble exchange rate relative to foreign currencies.

Price examples

On average, the following prices for roofing material are calculated per square meter, excluding work:

  • Metal tiles - from 250 rubles.
  • Euroslate - from 850 rubles.
  • Corrugated sheeting - from 600 rubles.
  • Slate - from 150-200 rubles.
  • Ondulin - about 300 rubles per sheet.
  • Bituminous shingles - 400-550 rubles (depending on the manufacturer).
  • Flexible and soft tiles - from 430 rubles.
  • Seam steel covering - from 350-500 rubles, copper - from 1800 rubles.
  • Fused roofing - around 120-150 rubles.
  • PVC membranes - from 300 rubles.
  • Slate tiles - from 3500 to 6000 rubles.
  • The choice of roofing covering should be at the stage of creating a project for a future home.
  • It is not recommended to do this on your own, since you need to know and take into account many parameters. For advice, it is better to contact specialists who are involved in repairs and construction.
  • The choice depends on the purpose of the building. For non-residential buildings, you can use cheaper and more accessible material, but to create the roof of a residential building, you should not save on this. From the right choice The comfort of living and ease of use of the house in the future depends.

The roofs of private houses are one of the fundamental elements of the entire structure. A spectacular, appropriately designed roof is the calling card of the house, a measure of the taste of the owners. An important supporting structure, it is designed to protect housing from the vagaries of the weather and maintain comfortable temperature and humidity. Modern construction offers all kinds of roofs for private homes. All of them can become a reliable, sustainable and durable solution, provided that the loads on the structure are correctly calculated and the appropriate building materials are selected.

The roof is like a business card Source freepvpgame.com

Main types of roofs

The main division of roofs into types is made depending on their appearance, and even the naked eye of a layman can distinguish one type of roof from another.


Modern fashion trends made flat roofing a popular trend in private construction. Roofs of this type are soft and have a slope of up to 3°. They can be a worthy option for many reasons:

  • Thanks to minimum area significant savings are achieved on materials, construction and installation work and construction time. The same can be said for subsequent maintenance and repairs.
  • Such a roof is an additional multifunctional area. Here you can install an antenna, air conditioning system or solar panels. The roof makes it possible to arrange a sports ground, a place for comfortable rest and tan, plant a flower garden.

The main disadvantage is the small slope angle. In areas with snowy winters, such a roof can accumulate a large mass of snow, sufficient to damage the structure. With warming, there is a high probability of leaks, but this is mainly a feature of buildings during the construction of which the construction technology was violated.

You can place a relaxation area on the flat roof Source krovlyaikrysha.ru


Pitched roofing – with sloping surfaces that allow the roof to self-clean naturally. The slope of the slopes is characterized by the angle to the horizon; it can vary from 5° to 70°.

Pitched types of roofing for the roofs of private houses make it possible to use attic space for household needs and as an attic. The design of a pitched roof depends both on the architecture of the building and the material for the finishing coating, as well as on the climate.

There are various pitched roofs of houses, the varieties are grouped according to the shape and number of slopes:

  • Single-pitch. Such structures rest on walls of different heights. A simple, cheap and durable option.
  • Gable. They allow you to equip an attic or attic, and remove precipitation well. A practical and common option.
  • Four slopes. The most durable and reliable. But the large weight of the roof requires strengthening the supporting structure.
  • Tents, designer. The most unusual and expensive options.

Hip roof; ideal for a house in the form of a square or regular polygon Source happymodern.ru


Interest in spherical structures consistently high. In addition to the original appearance, they attract additional advantages:

  • Streamlined shape. Allows you to avoid direct wind pressure, which is a guarantee of strength and integrity.
  • Tightness. Provided with roofing material (usually galvanized steel).
  • Ease of maintenance. Snow and water do not accumulate on the surface.

Online roofing calculator

To find out the approximate cost of different types of roofing, use the following calculator:

Optimal slope angles for roofs

Professional builders know that the slope angles for roofs are selected based on the upcoming operating conditions. When determining the optimal roof slope angle, several factors are taken into account:

Natural (climatic) factors

A properly designed roof should withstand the wind and precipitation that is typical for the area.

  • In areas with snowy winters, a large roof angle is set (45-60°); This way the snow melts smoothly, reducing the likelihood of icing.
  • In order for the structure to withstand in areas with strong winds, the slope angle is kept to a minimum. To reduce windage, choose a range of 9-20°.
  • In the southern regions, where sunny weather prevails, the best option would be a flat roof with a slope of 3-5° (for water drainage). Compared to other types of roofs, it will heat up less.
  • The optimal slope angle is considered to be values ​​from 20 to 45°.

Snow does not accumulate on a properly made roof Source nagradi.me

Type of roofing material

The minimum slope angle of the slopes depends on the choice of roofing covering.

  • Slate covering, tiles. Moisture will not accumulate and leak with a minimum roof slope of 22° (for tiles) and 30° for slate.
  • Roofing felt, euroroofing felt. The number of layers determines the parameter value. For a roof with 2 layers, a slope of 15° is required, for 3 layers, 5° is sufficient.
  • Profiled sheet. Minimum permissible slope roof angle is 12°.
  • Metal tiles. The minimum roof slope is limited to 14°.
  • Ondulin. The minimum indicator is 6°.
  • Soft tiles. Mounted with a slope of 11°.
  • Membrane type roofing coverings. Ask minimum slope within 3-5°.

Video description

What the roof should be like - in the video:

Structural differences of frames - popular configurations

Despite the high interest in flat roofs, the leader in popularity is still pitched roofs, which, with some stretch, can also include hip roofs. Therefore, when determining the optimal design, one primarily chooses from the following options:


This design is an inclined plane that rests on external load-bearing walls of different heights. It is supplied to outbuildings (garage, veranda, barn). Its advantages are ease of installation, cost-effectiveness and ease of repair. Disadvantages: choosing such a roof excludes the construction of an attic; strong winds can tear off even a well-secured roof. But modern materials significantly increase both the beauty and strength of pitched roofs of private houses - the photo below shows one of the solutions that allows you to make a two-story house with an attic.

Modern style pitched roof Source houzz.es


Classic roof options for a private house, reliably protecting from bad weather in various climatic conditions. Such designs are easy to install and reliable in operation; You can select any material for the roof. The base consists of 2 slopes (slopes), resting on two walls of equal height.

Other name gable roof– tongs (tongs is the plane between the slopes).


  • Self-cleaning from snow, low probability of leakage.
  • Big choice available materials during manufacture.
  • Possibility of arranging an attic space.


  • Difficult installation due to the slope of the roof.
  • The weakest structural element is the valley ( internal corner at the junction of the slopes), which experiences the maximum climatic impact.

Source vermonttimberworks.com

Combined (multi-pincer)

Multi-gable (valley) frames are among the most complex. The need for such a configuration arises if the layout of the building does not allow the use of a simpler design. The features of multi-pincer forms are:

  • Complex installation of additional intersections, requiring professional knowledge and good weather.
  • Additional costs of materials and time, a large number of waste material.
  • To eliminate problems with condensation, high-quality vapor and waterproofing is carried out, and high-quality ventilation is installed.

Hip and half-hip

The hip roof consists of four surfaces (slopes). Two large ramps have the shape isosceles trapezoid, two side ones are triangular (hips). In half-hip roofs (they are also called Dutch), the hip takes on a truncated appearance, which is why overhangs with a small overhang and a smaller angle of inclination are formed at the ends of the building.

These types of roofing for the roof of a private house are complex in design and installation (they require reinforcement of the rafter system), but are economical in terms of material consumption; they are justified in northern areas with strong winds.

Source roofsrustulsa.com
On our website you can find contacts construction companies who offer roof repair and design services. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.


The roof consists of slopes in the shape of isosceles triangles, converging at one point. Such a structure, which involves the construction of an attic floor, is difficult to design; A mitigating circumstance is a minimum of consumables. The aerodynamic shape of the roof helps to withstand winds.

A special class of roofs consists of round (dome) roofs, repeating the shape of a figure of rotation. Similar roofs can be seen on religious buildings; they are installed in stadiums, swimming pools, industrial buildings, verandas and winter gardens, and increasingly in private construction.

Vaulted (arched)

A vaulted (arched) roof can be designed over an attic space, a hall, a winter garden or an entrance. A supporting structure made of metal, concrete or wood is placed at the base. The coating is galvanized steel, shingles (shingles), glass, polycarbonate, transparent slate. This solution is practical and original; the coating is wind-resistant, and the use of transparent material saves energy.

Source superfb.site


Regular dome roof created on the basis of a curved frame.

A geodesic dome roof allows you to get a spherical structure without the use of rafters and vertical stops. The frame is assembled from triangular elements assembled from bars. The bars are connected to each other by metal connectors; A connecting beam is installed between the rows.

To design the structure it is necessary computer program three-dimensional modeling. Compared to pitched roof The consumption of materials is on average one third less.

Features of attic roofs

For several centuries now, since its invention in France, mansard roofs enjoy constant popularity. An attic is usually called an attic space adapted (or planned) for living.

The types of roofs of private houses with an attic are pleasingly diverse. All kinds of attics are suitable for arranging attics - gable, hip, hipped, domed. There is enough space in the attic to create a living room, training room, library or winter garden. Because the attic room located at the top of the building, it requires a special approach:

  • Heat loss from lower living spaces causes condensation to form on the inside of the roof. The design must provide for thorough vapor and waterproofing, as well as ventilation.
  • There is no attic room interior walls, it is in complete contact with external environment. Thermal insulation is important for the room mineral wool or polystyrene foam. Natural wood is best suited for interior decoration.

Source julifacer.com

Cladding materials

The use of one or another type of material for roof cladding is determined primarily by the climatic characteristics of the region. Even the traditional “issue price” often gives in to common sense - no one has ever managed to save on the quality of a roof. The most popular materials are traditionally:

Roof tiles (metal, bitumen or ceramic)

  • Metal shingles are a popular option valued for their durability, low price and ability to withstand impacts, which is especially valuable during loading and transportation. Metal tiles are lightweight (does not create pressure on the foundation) and are easy to attach. The disadvantage is considered to be uneconomical installation (a significant percentage goes to waste) and poor sound insulation, which becomes noticeable in any rain.
  • Bituminous (flexible) tiles. This coating has high sound and heat insulation, but requires professional installation.
  • Natural (ceramic) tiles. A time-tested material with the advantages of metal tiles, except one. Significant weight requires a reinforced roof.

The tiles can be laid on any roof shape Source dnolchare.blogspot.com


Slate is the most affordable material containing up to 15% asbestos. This limits its scope of application to commercial buildings. Slate has great strength during bending and impact; it is non-flammable and easy to process (cut with a grinder). The disadvantages are fragility, high hygroscopicity (over time it can become covered with moss) and a health hazard.

Glass roof

A glass roof (especially its spectacular panoramic version) attracts with many advantages. In addition to the original appearance, this design provides excellent weather protection and helps reduce energy bills. The main disadvantage is its cost, including the complexity of design and installation. In addition, in summer the room turns into a greenhouse, and in order not to look sloppy, the glass roof needs regular cleaning.

Green roof

Growing attention to environmental issues has generated interest in the green roof. Modern technical solutions developed in Scandinavian countries make it possible to realize the desire to communicate more often with nature.

Timber log house with eco-roof Source pinterest.com

During installation, layers of hydro- and thermal insulation with a waterproof membrane are laid on the roof, protecting the roof from roots. Then a drainage layer is formed and, finally, a vegetation layer (soil) on which plants can be planted.

An eco-roof serves not only decorative element. It maintains a stable microclimate in the house, protects against noise and reduces the load on the sewer system (by absorbing rainwater). At the same time, significant expenses on organization and time for subsequent care are inevitable.

Another option for a “green” roof Source pfpi-co.com

Beautiful and original roof designs: photos and videos

Video description

See the following video for interesting types of roofs of private houses:

And more original types of house roofs in the photo:

Symbiosis of a flat and pitched roof of a high-tech style house Source viendoraglass.com

Interesting design solution for a pitched roof Source remontbp.com

A window in the attic was once a complex technical task Source superdom.ua

The absence of a ceiling visually enlarges the room Source music4good.ru

Conical and pitched roofs on one house Source cosmictherap.com

The production of such structures should be trusted exclusively to professionals. Source horodom.cx.ua

Source weareart.ru

To ensure that such beauty remains functional, careful calculations are required. Source roofcostestimator.com

Classic solution for a two-story house Source za.pinterest.com

In such a design, it is very important to correctly make the points where the roof of the first floor meets the walls. Source houzz.com

Classical gable roof, but collected on several levels Source houzz.com

Hip roof with an additional canopy over the terrace and a dormer window Source casacom.pro

Source pinterest.com

In such structures, it is necessary to carefully calculate the possibility of shrinkage of the building Source pinterest.com

A large window in the attic provides good lighting in the room Source houzbuzz.com

An original design that requires careful windage calculations Source pinterest.com

“Modified” classic gable roof Source dom-izhevsk.ru

What is interesting here is not so much the design as the cladding material Source superfb.site

An example of arranging a flat roof as an outdoor recreation area Source michalschein.com

Ideal solution for a roof over a swimming pool - the area can be completely covered if necessary Source rus-teplitsa.ru


When starting the construction of a private house, the owner wants to choose a roof that is not only aesthetically perfect, but also reliable and able to last. for a long time. This choice is not always clear; each option has pros and cons. To accept correct solution, it is not enough just to know the types of roofs and their names - you should consider a set of issues, including design features and the general architecture of the building, climatic conditions and, of course, personal preferences.


The roof of the house protects Vacation home from precipitation. In addition, it maintains the necessary thermal conditions.

Almost all types of roofs are also responsible for decorative functions. Architecture gives all roofs a very important meaning. Often, a non-standard roof decorates the most ordinary country house. But still, the main function of the roof is protection. Therefore, all canopies must comply with established norms and standards. Our article will tell you about all the requirements. Now I would like to talk about terminology.

The roof is the part of the building located on top of its base. It protects the interior from moisture penetration, wind and solar radiation. The roof is a complex architectural element. It includes load-bearing structures (rafter system), which are responsible for distributing the roof load and precipitation. It is also an integral part of the roof, protecting the country house from winds, cold and moisture.

The roof is a multi-layer “pie”. It consists of:

  • roofing;
  • waterproofing layer;
  • thermal insulation (one or several layers);
  • vapor barrier material.

The roof is the part of the roof that can be seen from the outside. It is the roof that not only protects the building itself, but also determines its entire architectural and decorative appearance.

But not only the roofing covering affects the roof of the house. Important allocated to the type of roof - the defining element for the entire building. Today you can find a variety of classic and unusual roofs. This allows you to choose the most suitable option and make a house with a unique design.

Types of house roofs:

  • Flat roofs are the simplest type with a slope of only 3%. They are used in the construction of apartment buildings and other massive structures. Private houses rarely contain this type of roof, as the design value is almost non-existent. In addition, flat roofs accumulate snow masses, and this in turn leads to increased requirements for roof strength and load-bearing structures;
  • Pitched roofs have a slope angle of 10 degrees or more. An ideal option for building a private house.

Advantages of pitched roofs:

  1. self-cleaning from various types precipitation;
  2. allow you to equip an attic or attic space;
  3. the ability to apply design and architectural ideas.

Roof roofing types

This is not a complete list of pitched roofs.

Attention: When designing pitched roofs, ensure main system drainage of water and snow from the roof surface.

Today you can find a range of roofing materials. For example, classic slate is popular. It is used to construct roofs of outbuildings. Modern materials are represented by metal tiles or composite tiles. You can often find plastic roof. Thanks to modern materials, it is possible to install both reliable and aesthetically pleasing plastic tiles. At the same time, the choice of colors is very large.

Used as roof waterproofing various materials, starting from roofing felt and ending with liquid rubber. Ruberoid is represented by bitumen for the roof, which is applied to a fabric base. In this regard, roofing felt is a fairly universal material. It is used as a material for flat roofs of warehouses, hangars and residential buildings. Note that initially the roofing material resembled 1x1 meter sheets of cardboard. One side was free, and the other was covered with bitumen.

Of course, such cardboard roofing felt served for a rather limited period. However, it was indispensable if it was necessary to cover the roof in a short time. Today, roofing felts include fiberglass. This allows the material to be used for 20 years without loss of quality. Before laying roofing felt, you need to prepare the surface. It is important to make the roof surface as smooth as possible.

Typical roof components and rafter fastenings

The rafter frame is the basis for roofing pie.

A pitched roof has a relatively large area. It is even compared to a sail. And this is no coincidence - after all, a strong wind can easily tear it off or move it some distance.

In both cases, the roof will be damaged. And this is already redundant headache for the owner of a country house. In these conditions, reliable fastening of the roof to the walls will make it stable and durable.

  1. The rafter legs are installed on a beam (mauerlat). It, in turn, is attached to the walls of the structure. To create a Mauerlat you will need a 15x15 cm timber or a 15x10 cm board.
  2. The Mauerlat is attached to the walls. For this, anchor bolts or pre-screwed bolts into the walls are used. For greater reliability, you can tie the timber with burnt reinforcement. Also, the Mauerlat beam is usually connected to adjacent beams.

The result is a strong foundation for the rafter frame and roof. The task of the strapping is to competently redistribute the load on the walls of the building.

Gable roof- device, detailed video:

Lightning protection

When designing and constructing a roof, remember that the ridge is the highest point of the building. In these conditions, you cannot do without lightning protection. Especially if it's a metal roof.

As practice shows, even a small lightning strike on the roof of a building leads to a fire. Moreover, if in the attic or in attic there are people, they can also be injured. An important process that will help prevent accidents is roof grounding.

Tip: Steel pins act as protection against thunderstorms. Their diameter must exceed 8 mm. The pins are attached along all edges of the roof ridge and on the pipes. The height of the pins must be at least 1 meter above the roof level. In this case, the distance between them should ideally not exceed 12 meters.

  1. The lower ends of the pins usually contain wire that must be welded to them. The diameter of the wire must match the diameter of the down conductor. Special clamps are used to secure the down conductor. The element is attached to the roof and walls of the structure. It is recommended to fix it on the base of the drainpipe.
  2. After fixing and lowering the down conductor to the ground, it is necessary to secure it on a flat surface. To do this, measure a distance of 1 meter from each wall of the building.
  3. Next, a hole half a meter deep is dug, into which three steel pipes. It is recommended to connect them with a pre-welded steel strip.

The pipes act as grounding conductors. But they will not perform their functions without a down conductor. To secure the element you will need bolts. The process of welding the down conductor to the surface of the pipes will also not be superfluous. This grounding scheme will create high-quality protection from thunderstorms. The types of roofing coverings do not play a role here; such protection should be on every roof of a country house.

Thus, building a house implies compliance with all the rules and regulations for roof cladding. It is also important competent installation rafter frame and roofing pie. By creating a reliable roof, you are making an investment in the future of your building (read: " "). After all, if you carry out a competent process, you can save on possible repairs of the roof or its elements. Different types of roofs differ from each other in their design and type of roofing material. However, all of them should be selected based on practical significance. In other words, it is important to choose not only an aesthetic, but also a reliable roof.

We have safely said goodbye to the period of global shortages. The times when those wishing to furnish a country house or dacha had to choose between slate and roofing felt have faded into memory. The number of domestic coating options has significantly increased.

Their ranks are persistently crowded by foreign products, tempting with undeniable technical and aesthetic advantages. In order not to get lost in the “forest” of trade offers, when choosing materials for roofing, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the characteristic features of the types in demand.

The buyer’s natural dream is a beautiful roof that has not been “crying out” for repair for fifty years, with a price below the expected limit. This utopia is tenderly cherished by the romantics of the building materials segment. The average consumer has silently accepted the fact that you have to pay for long-term use and presentability. Moreover, everyone understands perfectly well that by purchasing expensive material, they save significantly on current and major repairs.

Price is not an issue for those who have the necessary amount. But the lack of funds forces us to pay attention to cheap options. Especially if laying a new coating needs to be done in an emergency. However, even when choosing an inexpensive material, you can consider the prospect of its further use as waterproofing or a base for the subsequent installation of a more attractive coating.

If we do not put cost issues on the right flank, then consumers are interested in slightly different criteria:

  • Decorative indicators.
  • Operational and technical pros and cons. These include wear resistance, response to atmospheric influences, guaranteed and real time services.
  • Ease of installation, the specifics of constructing the base for the coating and the subtleties of the installation process, which greatly occupies independent home craftsmen.
  • Maintainability, including the ability to carry out ongoing operations to restore the roof with your own hands.
  • Ease of transportation with minimum quantity damaged material while moving it to the site.

Let’s look at the types of rigid roofing available on the market today, taking into account the listed consumer issues. Analysis is a separate topic. For convenience, we will divide rigid representatives into groups according to structural parameters and installation methods.

Natural and artificial stone

Roofing coverings made from natural or artificial stone belong to the category of piece materials. They are painstakingly attached with individual tiles or sheets to the wooden sheathing of pitched rafter systems. The materials are distinguished by their considerable mass, although within the “stone” class there are variations in specific gravity. For the most part, they significantly increase the weight of the home being furnished. In connection with this circumstance, the presence of a powerful foundation and load-bearing walls capable of supporting a heavy stone roof is predetermined.

Slate tiles or natural slate

Slate roofing is made by painstakingly chipping individual sheets from monolithic blocks of shale. They prick along lamellar and elongated minerals. The labor-intensive process of dividing natural raw materials into tiles is included in the cost of the material, so it is difficult to classify it as a budget coating.

Slate tiles vary in size and shape; thickness can range from 3 to 9mm. Differences in dimensions and natural stone surface gives the finished roof, built according to the principle of fish scales, originality. The color of the plates depends on the location of the extraction of shale blocks. Often dark gray tiles are on sale, less often material with a greenish or brownish tint is found.

Technical and operational advantages are determined by the high density of the rock compacted into natural conditions, among them:

  • Minimal water absorption, characteristic of a material with a small number of pores.
  • Frost resistance, closely related to the ability to not allow water to pass through. Since water does not penetrate into the thickness of the shale, it means that it will not be able to destroy the plates, turning into ice in frost.
  • Excellent insulating qualities.
  • Inert to UV and chemical aggression.
  • The hardness of real stones. The material cannot be punctured and cannot be damaged by impact.
  • Fire resistance.
  • Insignificant values ​​of thermal linear expansion.

The list of disadvantages includes price, difficult installation technology that requires the participation of experienced roofers, and weight, which requires strengthening the foundation and truss structure. The pitch of the sheathing is marked according to the dimensions of the plates. Slate tiles are laid in rows on pitched roofs of any architecture, taking into account prevailing winds. The optimal slope slope is 35-45º.

To install the covering on a roof with a slope of less than 22º, a continuous sheathing with a waterproofing carpet is installed. Fix the tiles with copper nails into the grooves formed by the manufacturer.

The service life of slate coatings is calculated in centuries. The stone tolerates transportation well. The owner can replace tiles torn off by heavy winds with his own hands without any problems.

Good old ceramic tiles

Roofing ceramics are produced by sintering finely dispersed kaolin clay pressed into molds with mineral additives. As a result, ordinary and shaped shards with specified sizes and stone hardness are obtained. Adherents of clay tiles have at their disposal 14 tile profile options, for each of which ridge, walk-through, eaves, valley and other extensions are specially produced. The selection of the profile depends on the angle of inclination of the roof slopes.

The color of the material is determined by the composition of the pigments introduced during manufacturing and the firing temperature. You can buy ceramic coating from a grayish-yellow tint to a brick-brown color with a matte or glossy outer side. The effectiveness of tiled roofs is simply undeniable.

The list of “stone” priorities is complemented by tiles with their own advantages, these are:

  • Ability to pass household fumes.
  • Weight, lighter than slate tiles.
  • Possibility to reuse dismantled ceramics.

An impressive disadvantage of the material is its fragility, which upsets installers and carriers. I'm not happy with the price of the add-ons, which significantly increase the cost of the roof covering kit.

When installing insulated roofs with high slopes, a diffusion membrane is laid under the tiles. The sheathing pitch is calculated so that one tile rests on two laths. For laying on low slopes, a continuous sheathing is constructed, which is covered with built-up waterproofing. The maximum degrees of low and high slopes depend on the type of profile.

The shards are laid loosely, hooked with a spike back side behind the bars. However, roofers advise additionally screwing the tiles with copper wire. Shaped parts are fixed with screws or clamps. Impeccably laid tiles will last for more than a century; you can replace a damaged element in the current mode yourself.

Sand and cement tiles

Concrete tiles are produced by pouring cement-sand mortar into molds. When hardened it turns into fake diamond required configuration. The outer side is equipped with mineral granulate or acrylic shell to protect the tiles from atmospheric attacks. Concrete tiles are produced in a variety of profile shapes and colors. True, the palette is inferior color scheme ceramics.

Specific Features:

  • The material is lighter and cheaper than traditional tiles, but its tiles are thicker.
  • There is inherent thermal linear expansion, which must be taken into account during installation.
  • Quite massive elements require precise alignment of the rafter system. Deviations in plane rafter legs should not exceed 2 mm per meter.

Concrete tiles are suitable for arranging pitched roofs. Valleys and overhangs are reinforced with strips of roofing steel. The pitch of the sheathing is determined according to the type of profile and the steepness of the slopes. If the angle of inclination is less than 16º, a continuous sheathing and a waterproofing carpet made of a diffusion membrane are installed. For fastening you will need galvanized screws or roofing nails.

Care should be taken during transportation and installation, as... bitumen shingles break. Attempts to restore them are pointless. Roof repairs are carried out using the usual method for any tile.

The desire of the developers to make the piece concrete roof more similar to the ceramic prototype gave rise to the idea of ​​​​replacing Portland cement with a polymer component. This is how a polymer-sand piece coating with thinner and impact-resistant elements appeared. The color range is richer, the price is slightly higher. It is installed and repaired in the same way as concrete tiles.

“Slate” family

Sheet corrugated slate is still in demand in low-rise construction. Its popularity is justified at an affordable price and acceptable service life. It is made by molding a mixture of Portland cement and asbestos diluted with water. In the production of foreign brands, metal gaskets are used to ensure the accuracy of the wave geometry. You can get rid of the dull gray color of the coating by painting.

In addition to the standard stone advantages, the slate piggy bank includes:

  • The sheet area is convenient for installers, thereby reducing labor costs for installing the sheathing and fastening the elements.
  • Light weight compared to stone counterparts.
  • Large wavy profile, facilitating efforts to join and align sheets.

The disadvantages include insufficient water resistance. Daily testing of the coating for strength in heavy rain ends with getting wet with the possibility of leaks. The material is fragile; a hole in it can be left by a roofer’s foot stepping on a wave or a heavy stone.

The coating is laid over bitumen waterproofing, directing the waves along the slopes. The base can be a wooden rafter system or steel beams. They are attached to the slats with nails or screws with a rubber sealing washer. The wave of the outermost sheet acts as a guide when laying the next one. To replace a damaged element, the fasteners of adjacent sheets are loosened, the screws of the defective sheet are unscrewed, and the sheet itself is dismantled. After replacement, all loose points are tightened again.

Those wishing to equip a roof with high slopes have a reason to purchase asbestos slate without waves. The roof will resemble noble slate tiles, but will cost much less. For fans of colored roofs, we offer an asbestos-free member of the slate family. It is made from fiber-reinforced Portland cement. And then a bituminous soft brother appeared - Euroslate.

Metal roofing materials

Metal roofing is a generalized technical term for a number of coatings that are in demand in construction. Rolled or sheet roofing steel and profiled steel sheets are used in the construction. The most popular now is roofing steel with a protective and decorative polymer shell. Although there are fans of roofs, canopies, and awnings made of simple galvanized metal. Adherents of long-lasting coatings prefer roofing aluminum, an alloy of titanium with zinc and copper, which acquires an elegant patina over the years.

Metal coverings are laid on pitched roofs with a slope of 5º or more. When installing pitched roofs, snow guards must be installed to prevent avalanches of snow. The base for a metal roof can be a wooden rafter system with a sheathing made of bars or boards, steel beams with a profile pipe welded or screwed to it. In front of the device light metal roof there is no need to strengthen building structures.

Rolled and sheet roofing steel

In the roofing industry, hot-rolled and cold-rolled coil and sheet steel are used. Hot rolled material is cheaper. Steel strips and sheets are joined on the ground using seams. The roofing card modules obtained as a result of folding are lifted to the site, where they are connected to each other with a standing seam. Standing, also known as vertical, seams are made in longitudinal seams, while recumbent, also known as horizontal, are made in transverse joints. Ideally quantity transverse seams should be kept to a minimum because they are not completely airtight.

Advantages of seam roofs:

  • Almost perfect tightness, the highest in comparison with known types of coatings.
  • A light weight.
  • There are no overlaps – areas of potential danger of leaks.
  • The ability to lay roof coverings of complex geometric configurations, including vaulted and arched structures.
  • Resistance to fire spread.

Among the disadvantages, the most significant are the low insulating qualities. Therefore, when arranging the roofs of residential buildings, insulation is unquestioningly used. Poorly installed metal roofs are noisy, so it is advisable to entrust their installation to experienced performers. If the base is level and the parts are secured according to the rules, it will not rattle from gusts of wind.

Seam roofs are constructed using sheathing installed in 20cm increments. It is impossible to fasten the laths less frequently, otherwise the noise will be disturbing. Continuous plank flooring is installed on the eaves and in the valleys. Fastening to the sheathing is carried out using floating devices - clamps, which provide the metal with the ability to move freely when heated. The transportation process is worry-free. Minor holes in the metal coating can be patched with your own hands.

Cards are attached by folding for the construction of aluminum, zinc-titanium and copper roofs, under which a continuous sheathing is constructed from boards, moisture-resistant plywood, OSB panels, etc. The advantages of non-ferrous metals include external aristocracy and long service life.

Profiled metal flooring

Profiling – the formation of corrugations and waves gives sheet metal additional rigidity and provides ventilation to the under-roof space. Profiled roofing coverings differ in the type and size of the profile. They produce corrugated sheets in the form of large sheets and small modules, made of galvanized steel, aluminum, and copper. In order to improve performance and decorative properties, the outer side is coated with polymers or mineral granules.

Advantages of profiled metal:

  • Dimensions to minimize the number of butt seams.
  • Extensive color palette.
  • Easy installation.
  • Attractive price.
  • The ability to be used as a base for laying a more presentable coating in the future.

The corrugated sheet is attached to a wooden or metal lathing. The sheets are laid overlapping, the outer corrugation serves as a guide. The covering is secured with hex head screws with the obligatory use of a rubber sealing washer.

During transportation, it is not advisable to crumple the sheets so as not to damage the outer protective and decorative layer. Although it is equipped with a film, it can peel off. In the process of attaching sheets to the sheathing, it is recommended to move along boards laid across several corrugated boards. If you have to step on the coating, it is better to do it in a lower profile.

Corrugated sheeting does not require repair for an average of 7 years, after which it should be painted at intervals of 2-3 years. Repaired as expected metal roofs. Sheets with more than 30% damage must be replaced.

Metal tiles - a type of corrugated sheeting

Metal tiles are a variation on the theme of corrugated sheets. The difference is that in addition to longitudinal waves, it also has transverse steps. The material is produced with a lower set of accessories. simple, but quite labor-intensive. The downside is that it is preferable to cover roofs with simple geometry with it. When arranging hip and tent structures too much waste.

Roofing made of light-conducting plastics

Light roofs are constructed from transparent or matte plastic over verandas, gazebos, terraces, canopies are installed over the porch and the upper shell of skylights. Flexible material suitable for creating arched ceilings. Supplied in sheets and panels.

The roofing plastic family includes:

  • Cellular or cellular polycarbonate, divided inside the sheet into two, three, four tiers of longitudinal channel-cells. It is attached to a metal or wooden sheathing with self-tapping screws and sealing and insulating washers. The sheets are connected to each other with polymer or aluminum profiles.
  • Profiled PVC that looks like corrugated sheeting. It is laid in a similar way, secured with screws and thermal washers.
  • Polyester with glass fiber reinforcement. Inexpensive roll coating is used in the arrangement of large-area objects. Examples of private use: greenhouses, winter gardens, swimming pools.

Plastics perfectly withstand the entire range of atmospheric phenomena. Quick to install and easy to repair. There is practically no rejection after transportation. When fastening, it is necessary to take into account the ability to expand with increasing temperature.

Roofs made of shingles and shingles

Low fire resistance of piece plates chipped from coniferous species wood does not always stop advocates of eco style. The elements are laid like tiles on a wooden sheathing, designed so that one shingle rests on three laths at once. The result is a three-layer coating capable of releasing household fumes. The most popular is the shingled covering made from Siberian larch.

In the presented review of rigid types of roofing for arranging the roofs of private houses, we described some of the materials most often used by owners of country estates. In reality, there are much more options. Moreover, their ranks are replenished with enviable regularity.

The roof of a roof is its uppermost part. It is this that protects the building from negative environmental influences. Before covering the roof of a house, you need to choose the right material. Roofing materials come in many different types. Each of them has its own purpose and limitations in use.

Material selection criteria

Types of coverage should be considered from several angles. When choosing a roofing material, you should answer the following questions for yourself:

  • how steep the slope is planned;
  • the cheaper it is to cover a roof, is the financial component in the first place;
  • what type of roofing material will best fit into the architectural appearance;
  • the better it is to cover the roof with your own hands, how complicated the installation process is;
  • Is it possible to put up with the high noise level of the roof?
The main criterion for choosing a roof covering is the slope angle

In general, the coating must meet the requirements for reliability, durability, strength and waterproofing. The aesthetic and economic components are also important. To choose a covering for the roof of your house, you will have to carefully consider the most popular options.

Seam roofing

This option will allow you to get the job done inexpensively. The coating in this case is made of thin metal sheets. Their lengthwise connection is made by bending the folds. This coating material is not suitable for DIY work, since it requires certain skills and knowledge.

It is not recommended to do the installation of a seam roof yourself.

When deciding what is the best way to cover the roof of a house, you should pay attention to more simple types. This option is more suitable for a professional team that will do the work quickly and efficiently.

Deciding what to cover the roof with wooden house or anyone else? Then you should take a closer look at metal tiles. It is lightweight, so it does not create a strong load on the walls of the building and foundations. It is often difficult to distinguish the material from natural tiles.

Metal tiles have almost the same decorative properties as regular ones.

It looks attractive, and a wide range of colors allows you to choose the best solution for any facade. To protect the material from corrosion, a special coating is used. Polymers are most often used.


Roof finishing metal tiles suitable for slopes with a slope greater than 15 degrees. Such types practically do not limit the upper limit of the slope. If the value is less than 20 degrees, you should think about waterproofing. In this case, moisture flows worse on the surface and can seep through the sheets.

When installing a roof with your own hands, you need to securely close the joints. The tiles are attached to the sheathing. It is most often made sparse. To make the base, a board with a thickness of 32 mm is sufficient. The minimum acceptable size is 25 mm, but in this case the design will work at the limit of its capabilities.

Metal tiles are attached to the sheathing

Application area

Metal tiles for roofing have become widespread. It is suitable for a private residential building, administrative or industrial building. The material is intended for pitched roofs. Not used on flat surfaces.

Advantages and disadvantages

When deciding what is the best way to cover a roof in a private home, pay attention to the durability of the material. The metal coating can last up to 50 years. Compared to other types, the period is long. The advantages also include:

  • ease of installation;
  • small weight;
  • you can cover the roof alone;
  • does not require particularly careful handling during transportation;
  • affordable price;
  • a wide range of.

When installing metal tiles, a lot of waste is generated

But such modern materials also have disadvantages. During the construction process, a lot of waste is generated, which makes up a considerable percentage of the purchased material.

In addition, any metal coating is quite noisy. Residents literally feel every drop of rain.

Corrugated sheet

It is advantageous to cover pitched roofs with corrugated sheets. This material is similar in properties to metal tiles, but is cheaper. These types of material may have different markings. Corrugated sheeting marked H or NS is intended for coating installation.. Sheets marked C are intended for vertical structures, you can’t make a roof out of them. The profile brand (numerical designation) is selected depending on the load and pitch of the rafters.

To cover the roof, you should choose a profiled sheet of grade N or NS


The coating is intended for roofing with a slope of at least 10 degrees.. The overlap during installation is assigned depending on the profile parameters. Usually the overlap made is 20 cm. If the slope is less than 20 degrees, the joints should be additionally protected from moisture with sealant.

The sheets are fastened using self-tapping screws. You will need approximately 8 pieces per square meter. It is permissible to lay the material on top of an old roof made of rolled materials.

Most often, corrugated sheets are used for outbuildings and industrial buildings. But now there are many colors that will fit perfectly into the facade of a residential building.

Advantages and disadvantages

Are you choosing which material is best for a wooden house? It is not recommended to use heavy types here. Therefore, the decision of how to cover the roof of a house in favor of a profiled sheet will be beneficial. Also perfect for buildings made of brick or concrete.

Construction of a roof pie made of corrugated sheets

The advantages include:

  • ease of installation;
  • good bending strength under mechanical stress and loads;
  • service life like metal tiles;
  • low cost.


Ondulin roofing is a profitable solution. It is possible to cover a building with such material without significant material costs. The second name for onudlin is Euroslate. The sheets are made from cellulose fibers, impregnated with bitumen with polymer additives. At the end, the material is painted in two layers of heat-resistant paint, thanks to which the sheets acquire a neat and attractive appearance.

Installing a roof made of Euro slate is an economical option when constructing or repairing a roof.


Ondulin roof covering country house when the slope slope is from 6° to 15°, a continuous sheathing is required. You can use regular edged board(3 grade wood) or moisture-resistant plywood. If the slope is more than 15°, then you can get by with a sparse base.

The overlap of the sheets must be good - at least 30 cm. Special nails are provided for fastening.

Advantages and disadvantages

When deciding which material is best for a canopy, bathhouse or garage, you can confidently choose ondulin. It is also suitable for a private home. But when choosing, it is worth considering that the service life of Euro slate is up to 40 years, but the paint will fade earlier. The benefits include:

  • waterproofing indicators;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • there will be no problems due to noise;
  • ease of processing and cutting;
  • very light weight;
  • budget.

The main disadvantages of the coating include fading of paint, flammability

The disadvantages of the material are quite significant, so it’s worth considering whether you need to cover your house with such material. Minuses:

  • flammability;
  • fading of paint;
  • softening of the material in sunny weather in summer (not recommended for steep slopes);
  • moss growing in dark places.

Like the previous material, tiles are made using bitumen. Will fit better for roofs with a slope of no more than 45 degrees, since it can soften in hot weather. Exist different types flexible tiles depending on the pattern and color.

Roof slope angle flexible tiles should be no more than 45 degrees


The material can be used to cover roofs with a slope of 11 to 45 degrees. A continuous sheathing must be made under the covering. To do this, use a board or moisture-resistant plywood. If the slope angle is less than 18°, it is recommended to attach an additional waterproofing layer. For fastening, a layer of bitumen with polymer is applied to the back surface. This option is perfect for roofs with complex shapes.

Advantages and disadvantages

The benefits include:

  • long service life up to 70 years;
  • noiselessness;
  • holds snow well, it does not slide on rough material;
  • resistance to corrosion and condensation;
  • high flexibility;
  • reasonable value for money.

Due to their flexibility, soft tiles are widely used for roofs of complex shapes.

Natural tiles

What to make a covering for a completely eco-friendly home? The best option in this case - ceramic tiles or its closest relative, cement-sand tiles. They can last a century, are safe, environmentally friendly and natural. But significant shortcomings that prevent materials from regaining their leading positions include:

  • very large mass;
  • the need for a strong and powerful foundation;
  • high price.

Tiles are a beautiful, environmentally friendly, but heavy roofing material

Roll welding material

This option is mainly used for flat or low-slope bases. There are several varieties from different manufacturers. Gidroizol, Stekloizol and TechnoNIKOL have gained great popularity. The basis of the coating is fiberglass, fiberglass or polyester impregnated with bitumen.


The roofing carpet is rolled out over the roof, heating part of the roll gas burner. When working on a pitched roof, work starts from the bottom. The overlap along the length and at the ends is prescribed to be at least 10 cm. For a flat roof, 2-3 layers of coating will be sufficient. For a pitched one you will have to lay 4-5.

The coating is mainly used for roofs of multi-storey buildings or industrial buildings. It is difficult to find it in private construction. For own home It makes sense to buy such material as a lining waterproofing layer.

Roll fused roofing is most often mounted on flat surfaces

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of this coating include:

  • ease of care;
  • good resistance to moisture;
  • noiselessness;
  • environmental friendliness and safety for humans;
  • affordable price.