Growing chrysanthemums in open ground: recommendations. Seed propagation of chrysanthemums at home

Autumn suns, as chrysanthemums are called, are flowers that delight with their beauty and brightness on dull autumn days. The Queen of Autumn is capable long time stored cut and used in bouquets. This is a perennial belonging to the Asteraceae family, which has many varieties and attracts the eye with the variety and richness of its colors.

Chrysanthemums can be grown from seeds at home. These plants are unpretentious and can quickly adapt to conditions. environment. Growing from seeds does not take much time and does not require special conditions.

It is preferable to collect seeds from early and mid-blooming flowers, as they produce higher quality seeds. Late bloomers simply may not ripen.

  1. Chrysanthemum seeds are sown in the garden in early spring.
  2. The sprouts are regularly fed and watered.
  3. It is planted, leaving 8 stems on a small plant, and 3 on a large plant.
  4. 1 bud is left on one stem, the rest are pinched to increase the quantity and quality of seeds.

If you still need to collect seeds late flowering plants. then the bush is wrapped in film, or transplanted into a pot and moved to a greenhouse or to the house on the windowsill. Seed collection begins when the baskets turn brown, usually in November - December.

Methods of planting seeds

Exists two ways to grow chrysanthemums from seeds:

  • sowing in March-April in open ground;
  • through seedlings, sowing seeds in pots in January.

For the seedless method, holes are made at a distance of 25 cm from each other and watered. Seeds are placed in them in 3 pieces and sprinkled with earth. When it freezes, cover with film. The seedlings need loosening and feeding. If all 3 sprouts sprout in the hole, then leave the strongest one and plant the rest.

Growing through seedlings is carried out by sowing seeds in a container with soil containing one part sand and humus and 2 parts earth. The spread out seeds are sprinkled with 1 cm of sand. moistened and covered with film. After the emergence of seedlings, approximately 14 days later, the film can be removed and the seedlings can be watered. feed. pick, and when four leaves appear, plant in separate pots. With the onset of warm May days, seedlings are planted in a flowerbed.

Choosing a site for planting and care

When planting a plant. you need to choose places that are well lit by the sun, protected from the wind and with fertile, easily permeable soil, with good drainage.

To form full-fledged buds, sprouts need sufficient moisture.

Plants also need fertilizing, which consists of applying fertilizers, alternating mineral with organic, including nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.

When feeding, drugs are added that protect the sprouts from various diseases, viral and fungal infections and pests - caterpillars, mites. They use phytosporin, quadrixom, ratibor, fitoverm, laundry soap and other means.

Chrysanthemums are the last autumn flowers that bloom with the first frosts. They are cold and attractive in an autumn way, just as the frost of the first frost is cold and attractive. Chrysanthemums belong to the Asteraceae family and are either annual or perennial.

Currently, more than 10 thousand varieties of chrysanthemums are known. Today it is very difficult to determine exactly when and which ancient people I started growing these flowers. Archaeologists find their image on fragments of pottery; it is depicted in the ornaments of ancient buildings, in the patterns of oriental porcelain, even on ancient coins.

This one is amazing in its beauty autumn flower was brought to Europe from Japan in the mid-17th century. The first country that was lucky enough to see and admire the flower was England, but the French refute this opinion, claiming that the chrysanthemum first appeared in their country and that the flower was delivered to Marseille by the traveler Pierre Blankshire.

Legends associated with chrysanthemums

Italian legend says that chrysanthemums emerged from white paper. A grief-stricken woman who had lost her beloved son made flowers out of paper and took them to his grave. When she came to the cemetery the next day, she saw that the paper flowers had sprouted and become alive.

Maybe this is why chrysanthemums in some countries, for example, Italy and France, are a symbol of mourning. Although each country has its own attitude towards this flower. For example, in Vietnam, chrysanthemum represents purity of soul, in China - longevity, in Japan - happiness.

People's special attitude towards chrysanthemum is expressed in the poetic names of its various varieties: Golden Moth, Dance of the Beauty, Evening Dawn, Spring Dawn, Sky-high Heights - these are far from full list titles.

Some varieties of chrysanthemums have petals like frost, others resemble willow leaves, others resemble bird feathers, others resemble splashes of champagne, and the inflorescences themselves are real stars.

How to grow chrysanthemums from seeds at home?

Have it on your garden plot These miracle flowers are every gardener's dream. After all, how nice it is to collect a bouquet of late autumn flowers, already covered with light snow. Despite their fragility, chrysanthemums are very resilient. As soon as you bring them into the house, they immediately come to life and delight you with their tender beauty, the unique freshness of greenery. For this reason, it is worth making every effort to grow this wonderful flower yourself. However, it must be remembered that not all varieties can be grown from seeds. Only Korean small-flowered and some annuals can be bred in this way; other species can be obtained by cuttings.

Seeds of annual chrysanthemums can be sown directly in open ground. Sowing is carried out in mid-May; in this case, flowering will occur only in the fall. Growing Chrysanthemums from seeds at home

In order for the chrysanthemum to please with its delicate flowers in the summer, it is best to grow it through seedlings. In this case, the seeds must be sown at the end of January - in February. The soil must be light and consist of one part sand and humus, as well as two parts leaf soil.

Sowing seeds is carried out as follows: take a small container, lay gravel or expanded clay on the bottom, which will serve as drainage, then add soil. Seeds of annual chrysanthemums are added to a depth of no more than 1 cm, Korean seeds are sprinkled on top of the soil. The first shoots appear after about 2 weeks. Optimal temperature air - +18°C. Be sure to ensure that the soil does not dry out; it should always be slightly moist. Watering room temperature. As soon as the seedlings have 3-4 leaves, you need to start picking the plant.

When to plant seedlings?

The first step is to select a site where the chrysanthemum will grow. First of all, it should be smooth, light, protected from drafts, since the flower really does not like dampness and drafts. The most favorable place for growing is along the fence or near the house.

After planting, the seedlings must be well watered. When the sprouts get stronger, they need to be fed. Fertilizing should be alternated using mineral and organic fertilizers. The first feeding is nitrogen, and during the formation of buds - phosphorus-potassium. We must not forget to loosen the soil and remove weeds as often as possible.

Chrysanthemum cuttings

Chrysanthemums can be cut from spring, summer and autumn. The easiest way of cuttings is summer and spring.

  • Strong upper shoots are selected;
  • Cuttings about 15 cm high are cut;
  • Plant in a place protected from direct sun rays place;
  • Water constantly.

After 2-2.5 weeks, the cuttings will take root and develop independently.

Autumn cuttings are carried out according to the following scheme. A mother bush is selected, from which almost the entire above-ground part is cut off. The mother bush is left in the soil for another 15 days. Then it needs to be dug up and transplanted into a pot. The plant must be stored in a cool place at a temperature of +7°C and ensure that the soil in the pot does not dry out.

If a chrysanthemum is placed in a greenhouse after digging, then after a large number of Over time, new shoots will appear. Propagation of chrysanthemums in the fall should be carried out when their height reaches 8 cm. The shoots are picked out from the root, which leads to 100% survival rate of the plants.

How to protect against pests and diseases?

As a rule, chrysanthemums are not susceptible to diseases. There are times when a plant is affected spider mite, however, you can easily get rid of it using soap solution or use the Petherium solution.

If the chrysanthemum suffers from powdery mildew or gray mold, then the flower must be treated with fungicides “Skor” (consumption rate - 2 ml of the drug per 10 liters of water) or “Topaz” (4 ml per 10 liters of water). Consumption is 1 liter of solution per 10 sq.m.

These are herbaceous annual or perennial flowers. Translated from Greek name means " sunny flower" thanks to a huge number flowers exactly yellow color. Widely distributed in Asia, in temperate climate zones.

Did you know? Confucius himself mentioned these flowers in his works. And this was almost 2500 years ago.

How to get chrysanthemum seeds

Chrysanthemums are often planted as seedlings. And the process of extracting ripened seeds from flowers is the most responsible and labor-intensive, but possible.

It will be easiest to get seeds from early varieties With small flowers. And the largest number of seeds can be obtained from non-double inflorescences.

Important! Remember that chrysanthemums intended for seed collection should be planted as early as possible.

It is important to control the weather, since autumn is the rainy season. And frequent rains can lead to rotting of the inflorescences. It is advisable to provide some kind of shelter to prevent undesirable consequences.

Preparing seeds and soil for planting

Growing chrysanthemums from seeds at home is a sequential process of sowing, germination and planting in free soil. You need to select the seeds in advance, disinfect them with a solution of potassium permanganate, dry them and let them germinate in room conditions.

Rhizomes are often planted in the ground. Chrysanthemum seedlings are ready. But you need to carefully dig up the soil, remove weeds and, most importantly, choose favorable weather.

When to sow seeds

Annual flowers should be sown in early May so that they bloom earlier. And perennial chrysanthemums come much earlier – in January. As soon as the soil has warmed up, you can safely plant the rhizomes.

This type of flower is not picky about care, but if you want to grow beautiful and healthy plants, then take care of the quality of the soil. It needs to be rid of unwanted pests.

There are three ways: freezing, heating with boiling water or drying in the oven. Also, don’t forget to feed your pets.

Important! Closely control the growth of the bush from the very beginning: cut off the tops and form a beautiful spherical bush.

How to plant chrysanthemum seeds correctly

Growing chrysanthemums from seeds will seem elementary even for beginners in floriculture. Having chosen a good day and prepared the soil, you can begin marking out the beds.

Did you know? Do not forget that chrysanthemums do not like places where moisture collects.

In the prepared beds, holes are made at a distance of 25-30 cm, they are filled with water and 2-3 seeds are placed in each. Sprinkle soil on top and cover with film.

Thanks to this, a greenhouse effect is created, and the germination process will go faster. When the first shoots appear, the film is removed and the sprouts are allowed to breathe on their own.

When the shoots have risen 5-10 cm above the ground level, they need to be thinned out and the most powerful and healthy flowers left. And after 40-50 days the first chrysanthemum buds will appear.

How to care for seedlings

Propagation of chrysanthemums by seeds is a completely natural process for these flowers. If you managed to grow seedlings from seeds, then you need to take serious care of them.

Important! Just in time for early stages Chrysanthemum growth is susceptible to diseases. That's why Special attention pay attention to feeding flowers.

It is better to water pots with seedlings from below so that the flowers take exactly as much moisture as they need. It is better to place them in a warm and bright place. But without direct sunlight, so as not to burn the formed leaves.

Many gardeners advise buying ready-made cuttings, since growing a chrysanthemum from seeds is a simple matter, but not for beginners.

Planting chrysanthemums in open ground

If you have already taken up growing chrysanthemums from seeds, then planting and care are what you need to first become familiar with.

Did you know? Chrysanthemum is a very heat-loving flower. Therefore, take care of the landing site in advance..

Before planting chrysanthemum seeds, make sure that the seedlings will emerge around the beginning of spring so that you can immediately plant the flowers in open ground. The soil should be loose and permeable. In such places, the chrysanthemum quickly takes over and throws out its flowers.

Remember the timing of removing the cover: it can be finally removed only at the end of May, so as not to expose the plants to unwanted winds and bad weather.

Chrysanthemums are one of the most favorite plants of gardeners. This is due not only to their beautiful decorative look, but also comparatively easy care. They decorate any flower garden until late autumn.

Beautiful chrysanthemums (growing and care)

Growing chrysanthemums is not particularly difficult even for inexperienced gardeners. Well-lit areas with fertile, medium-textured soil are suitable for them. There should not be excess soil organic fertilizers. When choosing a place for chrysanthemums, you should remember that they do not tolerate stagnant water. This plant is distinguished by its cold resistance and drought resistance.

Chrysanthemums are propagated by cuttings and dividing queen cells. IN Lately The method of growing these flowers by sowing seeds in open ground and for seedlings has increasingly become used. Most often, this propagation method is used for breeding rare varieties of chrysanthemums. Some experienced flower growers Flowers are grown by sowing seeds before winter.

Chrysanthemums are considered quite resistant plants to diseases and pests, but despite this, they can be affected by:

  • Powdery mildew, a sign of which is a white powdery coating on all parts of the plant. This disease requires treatment sufficient quantity phosphorus and potassium fertilizers, regular removal of old leaves and root watering without getting moisture on the leaves.
  • Nematodosis, in which light spots appear on the leaves, limited by veins. Then they turn black and dry out. Control methods: soil treatment with steam, disinfection with formaldehyde or carbothione. Sick bushes are kept in hot water(55 °C) 5 minutes. After this treatment, they are planted in disinfected soil.
  • A field or meadow bug that feeds on plant juices. Control methods: spraying with various insecticides (Karbofos, Decis, Fury).
  • Spider mites damaging leaves on the underside. Control methods: spraying with Karbofos.

The following forms of chrysanthemums are grown in flower beds:

  • Small-flowered, which have many shoots crowned with numerous (up to 800 pieces) small inflorescences, 2-9 cm in diameter.
  • Large-flowered, reaching a height of 1-1.2 meters. There are 1-10 large inflorescences on their stems.

Some gardeners use biological features individual varieties of chrysanthemums for growing them in winter time in room conditions. To obtain flowering plants in January-March, they are used late flowering varieties with a budding period of 12-14 weeks. This method of growing chrysanthemums is very expensive because it uses additional lighting.

How to grow chrysanthemums from seeds on your site?

Growing annual and perennial chrysanthemums has recently become increasingly popular. They can be obtained by sowing seeds in open ground at the end of April or in May. Holes are made in the prepared beds at intervals of 20-25 cm. Fill them warm water and put 2-3 seeds. The holes sprinkled with earth are covered with garden film. Thanks to it, the soil in the hole will be well warmed and moistened, which promotes the fastest germination of seeds.

When the first shoots appear, the cover is removed. Caring for young ones involves regularly loosening the soil, removing weeds and applying fertilizer. A week after germination, they can be fed liquid fertilizer, highly diluted with water. Such drugs as “Rainbow” and “Ideal” are suitable for this.

When the seedlings reach 5-10 cm in height, one plant is left in the hole. For this purpose, the strongest specimens are selected. The remaining seedlings can be carefully removed from the soil and planted in another place. Chrysanthemums bloom 40-50 days after the seedlings appear.

Growing chrysanthemums from seeds in seedlings

Chrysanthemums can also be grown from seeds through seedlings. In this case, flowering occurs much faster. Perennial chrysanthemums grown only this way. In February-March, seeds are sown in small boxes filled with nutritious soil mixture. To prepare it, you can take soil from a greenhouse, humus and peat in equal proportions. Before sowing the seeds, the soil mixture is sifted and steamed at a temperature of about 120 °C. Ready soil for flowering plants is also suitable for seedlings.

Drainage must be poured into the bottom of the boxes (expanded clay, small stones, broken red brick). Moist soil is poured on top of it. Seeds are sprinkled on its surface.

At the same time, there is a strict rule for sealing them:

  • seeds of annual chrysanthemums are sprinkled with a layer of soil of 0.5 cm;
  • seeds perennial varieties leave them on the surface of the soil, only pressing them with the palm of your hand.

The soil is moistened with a spray bottle. The boxes are covered plastic film. They are placed in a warm place where the temperature is 23-25 ​​°C. Crops are regularly checked, moistened and ventilated. The soil should not dry out. After 10-14 days, shoots appear. After this, the boxes with seedlings are placed in a bright place.

When 2-4 leaves appear, the plants are planted in cups or pots. This will protect root system chrysanthemums from damage during transplantation. Very elongated and weakened seedlings are not suitable for diving. After completing this procedure, the plants are sprayed with a solution of Zircon or Epin-Extra. These drugs help seedlings to take root faster.

Caring for young chrysanthemums is simple. It consists of maintaining an optimal temperature of 16-18 °C, regular watering and fertilizing. Plants are fertilized once every 2 weeks. If there is insufficient natural light, additional lighting may be needed. At proper care seedlings reach 15-20 cm in height in 1.5 months. When the air outside warms up to 15-18 °C, the plants are transferred to the greenhouse. After the threat ends spring frosts in May chrysanthemums are planted on permanent place. Immediately after planting in the flower beds, the tops of the seedlings are pinched. When the side shoots reach a length of 15-20 cm, the pinching is repeated. Thanks to this procedure, dense, compact bushes are obtained, strewn with numerous inflorescences.

Cuttings and divisions of chrysanthemum bushes

The main method of propagation of chrysanthemums is vegetative - cuttings. The breeding process begins with the selection of the best queen cells. After flowering ends, they are buried in greenhouses or planted in boxes and left in a cool, dry place with normal lighting. Then vernalization is carried out - keeping the queen cells at a temperature of 1-4 ° C for 2-4 weeks. Then they are brought into a warm, well-lit room. After this, it begins to actively grow on the queen cells. root growth. It is cut into cuttings when 2-3 internodes are formed. They are planted in prepared boxes. The optimal temperature for their development is 16-18 °C.

Reproduction by dividing the bush is less productive, but the easiest. Small-flowered chrysanthemums are most often used for division. The bushes are replanted after 2 years, dividing them into several parts with young shoots.

Growing chrysanthemums at home (video)